Blame src/CrCmap.c

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Copyright 1989, 1998  The Open Group
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Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
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documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
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the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
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copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
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The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
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all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be
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in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group.
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 * Author:  Donna Converse, MIT X Consortium
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 * CreateCmap.c - given a standard colormap description, make the map.
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#include <config.h>
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#include <stdio.h>
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#include <stdlib.h>
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#include <X11/Xlib.h>
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#include <X11/Xutil.h>
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#include <X11/Xmu/StdCmap.h>
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 * Prototypes
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/* allocate entire map Read Only */
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static int ROmap(Display*, Colormap, unsigned long[], int, int);
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/* allocate a cell, prefer Read Only */
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static Status ROorRWcell(Display*, Colormap, unsigned long[], int,
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			 XColor*, unsigned long);
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/* allocate a cell Read Write */
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static Status RWcell(Display*, Colormap, XColor*, XColor*, unsigned long*);
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/* for quicksort */
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static int compare(_Xconst void*, _Xconst void*);
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/* find contiguous sequence of cells */
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static Status contiguous(unsigned long[], int, int, unsigned long, int*, int*);
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/* frees resources before quitting */
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static void free_cells(Display*, Colormap, unsigned long[], int, int);
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/* create a map in a RO visual type */
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static Status readonly_map(Display*, XVisualInfo*, XStandardColormap*);
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/* create a map in a RW visual type */
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static Status readwrite_map(Display*, XVisualInfo*, XStandardColormap*);
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#define lowbit(x) ((x) & (~(x) + 1))
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#define TRUEMATCH(mult,max,mask) \
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    (colormap->max * colormap->mult <= vinfo->mask && \
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     lowbit(vinfo->mask) == colormap->mult)
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 * To create any one colormap which is described by an XStandardColormap
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 * structure, use XmuCreateColormap().
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 * Return 0 on failure, non-zero on success.
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 * Resources created by this function are not made permanent.
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 * No argument error checking is provided.  Use at your own risk.
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 * All colormaps are created with read only allocations, with the exception
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 * of read only allocations of colors in the default map or otherwise
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 * which fail to return the expected pixel value, and these are individually
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 * defined as read/write allocations.  This is done so that all the cells
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 * defined in the default map are contiguous, for use in image processing.
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 * This typically happens with White and Black in the default map.
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 * Colormaps of static visuals are considered to be successfully created if
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 * the map of the static visual matches the definition given in the
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 * standard colormap structure.
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XmuCreateColormap(Display *dpy, XStandardColormap *colormap)
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     /* dpy	 - specifies the connection under which the map is created
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      * colormap - specifies the map to be created, and returns, particularly
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      *		   if the map is created as a subset of the default colormap
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      *		   of the screen, the base_pixel of the map.
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    XVisualInfo		vinfo_template;	/* template visual information */
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    XVisualInfo		*vinfo;		/* matching visual information */
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    XVisualInfo		*vpointer;	/* for freeing the entire list */
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    long		vinfo_mask;	/* specifies the visual mask value */
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    int 		n;		/* number of matching visuals */
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    int			status;
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    vinfo_template.visualid = colormap->visualid;
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    vinfo_mask = VisualIDMask;
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    if ((vinfo = XGetVisualInfo(dpy, vinfo_mask, &vinfo_template, &n)) == NULL)
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	return 0;
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    /* A visual id may be valid on multiple screens.  Also, there may
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     * be multiple visuals with identical visual ids at different depths.
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     * If the colormap is the Default Colormap, use the Default Visual.
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     * Otherwise, arbitrarily, use the deepest visual.
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    vpointer = vinfo;
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    if (n > 1)
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	register int	i;
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	register int	screen_number;
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	Bool 		def_cmap;
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	def_cmap = False;
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	for (screen_number = ScreenCount(dpy); --screen_number >= 0; )
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	    if (colormap->colormap == DefaultColormap(dpy, screen_number)) {
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		def_cmap = True;
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	if (def_cmap) {
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	    for (i=0; i < n; i++, vinfo++) {
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		if (vinfo->visual == DefaultVisual(dpy, screen_number))
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	} else {
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	    int			maxdepth = 0;
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	    XVisualInfo		*v = NULL;
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	    for (i=0; i < n; i++, vinfo++)
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		if (vinfo->depth > maxdepth) {
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		    maxdepth = vinfo->depth;
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		    v = vinfo;
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	    vinfo = v;
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    if (vinfo->class == PseudoColor || vinfo->class == DirectColor ||
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	vinfo->class == GrayScale)
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	status = readwrite_map(dpy, vinfo, colormap);
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    else if (vinfo->class == TrueColor)
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	status = TRUEMATCH(red_mult, red_max, red_mask) &&
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	         TRUEMATCH(green_mult, green_max, green_mask) &&
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		 TRUEMATCH(blue_mult, blue_max, blue_mask);
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	status = readonly_map(dpy, vinfo, colormap);
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    XFree((char *) vpointer);
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    return status;
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static Status
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readwrite_map(Display *dpy, XVisualInfo *vinfo, XStandardColormap *colormap)
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    register unsigned long i, n;	/* index counters */
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    unsigned long	ncolors;	/* number of colors to be defined */
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    int			npixels;	/* number of pixels allocated R/W */
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    int			first_index;	/* first index of pixels to use */
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    int			remainder;	/* first index of remainder */
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    XColor		color;		/* the definition of a color */
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    unsigned long	*pixels;	/* array of colormap pixels */
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    unsigned long	delta;
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    /* Determine ncolors, the number of colors to be defined.
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     * Insure that 1 < ncolors <= the colormap size.
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    if (vinfo->class == DirectColor) {
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	ncolors = colormap->red_max;
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	if (colormap->green_max > ncolors)
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	    ncolors = colormap->green_max;
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	if (colormap->blue_max > ncolors)
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	    ncolors = colormap->blue_max;
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	delta = lowbit(vinfo->red_mask) +
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	        lowbit(vinfo->green_mask) +
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    } else {
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	ncolors = colormap->red_max * colormap->red_mult +
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		  colormap->green_max * colormap->green_mult +
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		  colormap->blue_max * colormap->blue_mult + 1;
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	delta = 1;
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    if (ncolors <= 1 || (int) ncolors > vinfo->colormap_size)	return 0;
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    /* Allocate Read/Write as much of the colormap as we can possibly get.
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     * Then insure that the pixels we were allocated are given in
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     * monotonically increasing order, using a quicksort.  Next, insure
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     * that our allocation includes a subset of contiguous pixels at least
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     * as long as the number of colors to be defined.  Now we know that
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     * these conditions are met:
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     *	1) There are no free cells in the colormap.
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     *  2) We have a contiguous sequence of pixels, monotonically
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     *     increasing, of length >= the number of colors requested.
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     * One cell at a time, we will free, compute the next color value,
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     * then allocate read only.  This takes a long time.
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     * This is done to insure that cells are allocated read only in the
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     * contiguous order which we prefer.  If the server has a choice of
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     * cells to grant to an allocation request, the server may give us any
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     * cell, so that is why we do these slow gymnastics.
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    if ((pixels = (unsigned long *) calloc((unsigned) vinfo->colormap_size,
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				      sizeof(unsigned long))) == NULL)
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	return 0;
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    if ((npixels = ROmap(dpy, colormap->colormap, pixels,
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			   vinfo->colormap_size, ncolors)) == 0) {
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	free((char *) pixels);
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	return 0;
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    qsort((char *) pixels, npixels, sizeof(unsigned long), compare);
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    if (!contiguous(pixels, npixels, ncolors, delta, &first_index, &remainder))
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	/* can't find enough contiguous cells, give up */
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	XFreeColors(dpy, colormap->colormap, pixels, npixels,
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		    (unsigned long) 0);
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	free((char *) pixels);
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	return 0;
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    colormap->base_pixel = pixels[first_index];
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    /* construct a gray map */
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    if (colormap->red_mult == 1 && colormap->green_mult == 1 &&
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	colormap->blue_mult == 1)
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	for (n=colormap->base_pixel, i=0; i < ncolors; i++, n += delta)
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	    color.pixel = n;
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		(unsigned short) ((i * 65535) / (colormap->red_max +
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						 colormap->green_max +
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Packit Service 2b1f13
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	    if (! ROorRWcell(dpy, colormap->colormap, pixels, npixels, &color,
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			     first_index + i))
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		return 0;
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    /* construct a red ramp map */
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    else if (colormap->green_max == 0 && colormap->blue_max == 0)
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    	for (n=colormap->base_pixel, i=0; i < ncolors; i++, n += delta)
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	    color.pixel = n;
Packit Service 2b1f13 = (unsigned short) ((i * 65535) / colormap->red_max);
Packit Service 2b1f13 = = 0;
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	    if (! ROorRWcell(dpy, colormap->colormap, pixels, npixels, &color,
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			     first_index + i))
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		return 0;
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    /* construct a green ramp map */
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    else if (colormap->red_max == 0 && colormap->blue_max == 0)
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    	for (n=colormap->base_pixel, i=0; i < ncolors; i++, n += delta)
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	    color.pixel = n;
Packit Service 2b1f13 = (unsigned short) ((i * 65535) / colormap->green_max);
Packit Service 2b1f13 = = 0;
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	    if (! ROorRWcell(dpy, colormap->colormap, pixels, npixels, &color,
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			     first_index + i))
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		return 0;
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    /* construct a blue ramp map */
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    else if (colormap->red_max == 0 && colormap->green_max == 0)
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    	for (n=colormap->base_pixel, i=0; i < ncolors; i++, n += delta)
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	    color.pixel = n;
Packit Service 2b1f13 = (unsigned short) ((i * 65535) / colormap->blue_max);
Packit Service 2b1f13 = = 0;
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	    if (! ROorRWcell(dpy, colormap->colormap, pixels, npixels, &color,
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			     first_index + i))
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		return 0;
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    /* construct a standard red green blue cube map */
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#define calc(max,mult) (((n / colormap->mult) % \
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			 (colormap->max + 1)) * 65535) / colormap->max
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    	for (n=0, i=0; i < ncolors; i++, n += delta)
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	    color.pixel = n + colormap->base_pixel;
Packit Service 2b1f13 = calc(red_max, red_mult);
Packit Service 2b1f13 = calc(green_max, green_mult);
Packit Service 2b1f13 = calc(blue_max, blue_mult);
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	    if (! ROorRWcell(dpy, colormap->colormap, pixels, npixels, &color,
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			     first_index + i))
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		return 0;
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#undef calc
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    /* We have a read-only map defined.  Now free unused cells,
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     * first those occuring before the contiguous sequence begins,
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     * then any following the contiguous sequence.
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    if (first_index)
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	XFreeColors(dpy, colormap->colormap, pixels, first_index,
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		    (unsigned long) 0);
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    if (remainder)
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	XFreeColors(dpy, colormap->colormap,
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		    &(pixels[first_index + ncolors]), remainder,
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		    (unsigned long) 0);
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    free((char *) pixels);
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    return 1;
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static int
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ROmap(Display *dpy, Colormap cmap, unsigned long pixels[], int m, int n)
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      * dpy	- the X server connection
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      * cmap	- specifies colormap ID
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      * pixels	- returns pixel allocations
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      * m	- specifies colormap size
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      * n	- specifies number of colors
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    register int	p;
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    /* first try to allocate the entire colormap */
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    if (XAllocColorCells(dpy, cmap, 1, (unsigned long *) NULL,
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			 (unsigned) 0, pixels, (unsigned) m))
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	return m;
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    /* Allocate all available cells in the colormap, using a binary
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     * algorithm to discover how many cells we can allocate in the colormap.
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    while (n <= m) {
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	p = n + ((m - n + 1) / 2);
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	if (XAllocColorCells(dpy, cmap, 1, (unsigned long *) NULL,
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			     (unsigned) 0, pixels, (unsigned) p)) {
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	    if (p == m)
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		return p;
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	    else {
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		XFreeColors(dpy, cmap, pixels, p, (unsigned long) 0);
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		n = p;
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	    m = p - 1;
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    return 0;
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static Status
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contiguous(unsigned long pixels[], int npixels, int ncolors,
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	   unsigned long delta, int *first, int *rem)
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     /* pixels	- specifies allocated pixels
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      * npixels	- specifies count of alloc'd pixels
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      * ncolors - specifies needed sequence length
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      * delta	- between pixels
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      * first	- returns first index of sequence
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      * rem	- returns first index after sequence, or 0, if none follow
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    register int i = 1;		/* walking index into the pixel array */
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    register int count = 1;	/* length of sequence discovered so far */
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    *first = 0;
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    if (npixels == ncolors) {
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	*rem = 0;
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	return 1;
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    *rem = npixels - 1;
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    while (count < ncolors && ncolors - count <= *rem)
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	if (pixels[i-1] + delta == pixels[i])
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	else {
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	    count = 1;
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	    *first = i;
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    if (count != ncolors)
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	return 0;
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    return 1;
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Packit Service 2b1f13
Packit Service 2b1f13
Packit Service 2b1f13
static Status
Packit Service 2b1f13
ROorRWcell(Display *dpy, Colormap cmap, unsigned long pixels[],
Packit Service 2b1f13
	   int npixels, XColor *color, unsigned long p)
Packit Service 2b1f13
Packit Service 2b1f13
    unsigned long	pixel;
Packit Service 2b1f13
    XColor		request;
Packit Service 2b1f13
Packit Service 2b1f13
    /* Free the read/write allocation of one cell in the colormap.
Packit Service 2b1f13
     * Request a read only allocation of one cell in the colormap.
Packit Service 2b1f13
     * If the read only allocation cannot be granted, give up, because
Packit Service 2b1f13
     * there must be no free cells in the colormap.
Packit Service 2b1f13
     * If the read only allocation is granted, but gives us a cell which
Packit Service 2b1f13
     * is not the one that we just freed, it is probably the case that
Packit Service 2b1f13
     * we are trying allocate White or Black or some other color which
Packit Service 2b1f13
     * already has a read-only allocation in the map.  So we try to
Packit Service 2b1f13
     * allocate the previously freed cell with a read/write allocation,
Packit Service 2b1f13
     * because we want contiguous cells for image processing algorithms.
Packit Service 2b1f13
Packit Service 2b1f13
Packit Service 2b1f13
    pixel = color->pixel;
Packit Service 2b1f13 = color->red;
Packit Service 2b1f13 = color->green;
Packit Service 2b1f13 = color->blue;
Packit Service 2b1f13
Packit Service 2b1f13
    XFreeColors(dpy, cmap, &pixel, 1, (unsigned long) 0);
Packit Service 2b1f13
    if (! XAllocColor(dpy, cmap, color)
Packit Service 2b1f13
	|| (color->pixel != pixel &&
Packit Service 2b1f13
	    (!RWcell(dpy, cmap, color, &request, &pixel))))
Packit Service 2b1f13
Packit Service 2b1f13
	free_cells(dpy, cmap, pixels, npixels, (int)p);
Packit Service 2b1f13
	return 0;
Packit Service 2b1f13
Packit Service 2b1f13
    return 1;
Packit Service 2b1f13
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Packit Service 2b1f13
static void
Packit Service 2b1f13
free_cells(Display *dpy, Colormap cmap, unsigned long pixels[],
Packit Service 2b1f13
	   int npixels, int p)
Packit Service 2b1f13
Packit Service 2b1f13
      * pixels	- to be freed
Packit Service 2b1f13
      *	npixels	- original number allocated
Packit Service 2b1f13
Packit Service 2b1f13
Packit Service 2b1f13
    /* One of the npixels allocated has already been freed.
Packit Service 2b1f13
     * p is the index of the freed pixel.
Packit Service 2b1f13
     * First free the pixels preceeding p, and there are p of them;
Packit Service 2b1f13
     * then free the pixels following p, there are npixels - p - 1 of them.
Packit Service 2b1f13
Packit Service 2b1f13
    XFreeColors(dpy, cmap, pixels, p, (unsigned long) 0);
Packit Service 2b1f13
    XFreeColors(dpy, cmap, &(pixels[p+1]), npixels - p - 1, (unsigned long) 0);
Packit Service 2b1f13
    free((char *) pixels);
Packit Service 2b1f13
Packit Service 2b1f13
Packit Service 2b1f13
Packit Service 2b1f13
Packit Service 2b1f13
static Status
Packit Service 2b1f13
RWcell(Display *dpy, Colormap cmap, XColor *color, XColor *request,
Packit Service 2b1f13
       unsigned long *pixel)
Packit Service 2b1f13
Packit Service 2b1f13
    unsigned long	n = *pixel;
Packit Service 2b1f13
Packit Service 2b1f13
    XFreeColors(dpy, cmap, &(color->pixel), 1, (unsigned long)0);
Packit Service 2b1f13
    if (! XAllocColorCells(dpy, cmap, (Bool) 0, (unsigned long *) NULL,
Packit Service 2b1f13
			   (unsigned) 0, pixel, (unsigned) 1))
Packit Service 2b1f13
	return 0;
Packit Service 2b1f13
    if (*pixel != n)
Packit Service 2b1f13
Packit Service 2b1f13
	XFreeColors(dpy, cmap, pixel, 1, (unsigned long) 0);
Packit Service 2b1f13
	return 0;
Packit Service 2b1f13
Packit Service 2b1f13
    color->pixel = *pixel;
Packit Service 2b1f13
    color->flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
Packit Service 2b1f13
    color->red = request->red;
Packit Service 2b1f13
    color->green = request->green;
Packit Service 2b1f13
    color->blue = request->blue;
Packit Service 2b1f13
    XStoreColors(dpy, cmap, color, 1);
Packit Service 2b1f13
    return 1;
Packit Service 2b1f13
Packit Service 2b1f13
Packit Service 2b1f13
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Packit Service 2b1f13
static int
Packit Service 2b1f13
compare(_Xconst void *e1, _Xconst void *e2)
Packit Service 2b1f13
Packit Service 2b1f13
  return ((int)(*(_Xconst long *)e1 - *(_Xconst long *)e2));
Packit Service 2b1f13
Packit Service 2b1f13
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Packit Service 2b1f13
Packit Service 2b1f13
static Status
Packit Service 2b1f13
readonly_map(Display *dpy, XVisualInfo *vinfo, XStandardColormap *colormap)
Packit Service 2b1f13
Packit Service 2b1f13
    int			i, last_pixel;
Packit Service 2b1f13
    XColor		color;
Packit Service 2b1f13
Packit Service 2b1f13
    last_pixel = (colormap->red_max + 1) * (colormap->green_max + 1) *
Packit Service 2b1f13
	(colormap->blue_max + 1) + colormap->base_pixel - 1;
Packit Service 2b1f13
Packit Service 2b1f13
    for(i=colormap->base_pixel; i <= last_pixel; i++) {
Packit Service 2b1f13
Packit Service 2b1f13
	color.pixel = (unsigned long) i;
Packit Service 2b1f13 = (unsigned short)
Packit Service 2b1f13
	    (((i/colormap->red_mult) * 65535) / colormap->red_max);
Packit Service 2b1f13
Packit Service 2b1f13
	if (vinfo->class == StaticColor) {
Packit Service 2b1f13 = (unsigned short)
Packit Service 2b1f13
		((((i/colormap->green_mult) % (colormap->green_max + 1)) *
Packit Service 2b1f13
		  65535) / colormap->green_max);
Packit Service 2b1f13 = (unsigned short)
Packit Service 2b1f13
		(((i%colormap->green_mult) * 65535) / colormap->blue_max);
Packit Service 2b1f13
Packit Service 2b1f13
	else	/* vinfo->class == GrayScale, old style allocation XXX */
Packit Service 2b1f13 = =;
Packit Service 2b1f13
Packit Service 2b1f13
	XAllocColor(dpy, colormap->colormap, &color;;
Packit Service 2b1f13
	if (color.pixel != (unsigned long) i)
Packit Service 2b1f13
	    return 0;
Packit Service 2b1f13
Packit Service 2b1f13
    return 1;
Packit Service 2b1f13