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.\" Copyright (C) 2003 The XFree86 Project, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
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.\" Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
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.\" a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
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.\" "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
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.\" without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
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.\" distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
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.\" permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
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.\" the following conditions:
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.\" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
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.\" included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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.\" Except as contained in this notice, the name of the XFree86 Project
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.\" shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use
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.\" or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization
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.\" from the XFree86 Project.
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.TH XScreenSaver __libmansuffix__ __vendorversion__
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XScreenSaver \- X11 Screen Saver extension client library
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.B #include <X11/extensions/scrnsaver.h>
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.ta .5i 2i
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typedef struct {
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    Window window;                /\(** screen saver window */
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    int state;                    /\(** ScreenSaver{Off,On,Disabled} */
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    int kind;                     /\(** ScreenSaver{Blanked,Internal,External} */
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    unsigned long til_or_since;   /\(** milliseconds */
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    unsigned long idle;           /\(** milliseconds */
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    unsigned long eventMask;      /\(** events */
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} XScreenSaverInfo;
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typedef struct {
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    int type;               /\(** of event */
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    unsigned long serial;   /\(** # of last request processed by server */
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    Bool send_event;        /\(** true if this came frome a SendEvent request */
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    Display *display;       /\(** Display the event was read from */
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    Window window;          /\(** screen saver window */
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    Window root;            /\(** root window of event screen */
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    int state;              /\(** ScreenSaver{Off,On,Cycle} */
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    int kind;               /\(** ScreenSaver{Blanked,Internal,External} */
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    Bool forced;            /\(** extents of new region */
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    Time time;              /\(** event timestamp */
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} XScreenSaverNotifyEvent;
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Bool XScreenSaverQueryExtension(Display *\fIdpy\fP,
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int *\fIevent_base_return\fP, int *\fIerror_base_return\fP\^);
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Status XScreenSaverQueryVersion(Display *\fIdpy\fP,
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int *\fImajor_version_return\fP, int *\fIminor_version_return\fP\^);
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XScreenSaverInfo *XScreenSaverAllocInfo(\^void\^);
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Status XScreenSaverQueryInfo(\^Display *\fIdpy\fP, Drawable \fIdrawable\fP,
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XScreenSaverInfo *\fIsaver_info\fP\^);
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void XScreenSaverSelectInput(Display *\fIdpy\fP, Drawable \fIdrawable\fP,
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unsigned long \fImask\fp\^);
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void XScreenSaverSetAttributes(Display *\fIdpy\fP, Drawable \fIdrawable\fP,
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int \fIx\fP,
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int \fIy\fP,
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unsigned int \fIwidth\fP,
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unsigned int \fIheight\fP,
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unsigned int \fIborder_width\fP,
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int \fIdepth\fP,
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unsigned int \fIclass\fP,
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Visual *\fIvisual\fP,
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unsigned long \fIvaluemask\fP,
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XSetWindowAttributes *\fIattributes\fP\^);
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void XScreenSaverUnsetAttributes(Display *\fIdpy\fP,
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Drawable \fIdrawable\fP\^);
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void XScreenSaverRegister(Display *\fIdpy\fP, int \fIscreen\fP,
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XID \fIxid\fP, Atom \fItype\fP\^);
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Status XScreenSaverUnregister(Display *\fIdpy\fP, int \fIscreen\fP\^);
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Status XScreenSaverGetRegistered(Display *\fIdpy\fP, int \fIscreen\fP,
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XID *\fIxid\fP, Atom *\fItype\fP\^);
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void XScreenSaverSuspend(Display *\fIdpy\fP, Bool \fIsuspend\fP\^);
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The X Window System provides support for changing the image on a
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display screen after a user-settable period of inactivity to avoid
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burning the cathode ray tube phosphors.
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However, no interfaces are provided for the user to control the image
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that is drawn.
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This extension allows an external ``screen saver'' client to detect
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when the alternate image is to be displayed and to provide the
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Current X server implementations typically provide at least one form of
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``screen saver'' image.
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Historically, this has been a copy of the X logo drawn against the
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root background pattern.
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However, many users have asked for the mechanism to allow them to
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write screen saver programs that provide capabilities similar to those
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provided by other window systems.
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In particular, such users often wish to be able to display corporate
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logos, instructions on how to reactivate the screen, and automatic
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screen-locking utilities.
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This extension provides a means for writing such clients.
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.SS Assumptions
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This extension exports the notion of a special screen saver window that is
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mapped above all other windows on a display.
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This window has the \fIoverride-redirect\fP attribute set so that it
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is not subject to manipulation by the window manager.
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Furthermore, the X identifier for the window is never returned by
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\fBQueryTree\fP requests on the root window, so it is typically not
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visible to other clients.
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.B XScreenSaverQueryExtension
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.B True
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if the
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.I XScreenSaver
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extension is available on the given display.
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A client must call
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.B XScreenSaverQueryExtension
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before calling any other XScreenSaver function in order
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to negotiate a compatible protocol version; otherwise the client will
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get undefined behavior (XScreenSaver may or may not work).
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If the extension is supported, the event number for
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.I ScreenSaverNotify
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events is returned in the value pointed to by \fIevent_base\fP.
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Since no additional errors are defined by this extension, the results
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of \fIerror_base\fP are not defined.
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.B XScreenSaverQueryVersion
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.B True
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if the request succeeded; the values of the major and minor protocol
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versions supported by the server are returned in
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.I major_version_return
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.I minor_version_return .
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.B XScreenSaverAllocInfo
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allocates and returns an \fBXScreenSaverInfo\fP structure
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for use in calls to \fBXScreenSaverQueryInfo\fP.
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All fields in the structure are initialized to zero.
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If insufficient memory is available, NULL is returned.
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The results of this routine can be released using \fIXFree\fP.
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.B XScreenSaverQueryInfo
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returns information about the current state of the
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screen server in \fIsaver_info\fP and a non-zero value is
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If the extension is not supported, \fIsaver_info\fP is not changed and 0
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is returned.
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The \fIstate\fP field specifies whether or not the screen saver is currently
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active and how the \fItil-or-since\fP value should be interpreted:
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.TP 4
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.I Off
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The screen is not currently being saved; \fItil-or-since\fP
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specifies the number of milliseconds until the screen saver is expected to
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.TP 4
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.I On
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The screen is currently being saved; \fItil-or-since\fP specifies
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the number of milliseconds since the screen saver activated.
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.TP 4
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.I Disabled
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The screen saver is currently disabled; \fItil-or-since\fP is zero.
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The \fIkind\fP field specifies the mechanism that either is currently being
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used or would have been were the screen being saved:
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.TP 4
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.I Blanked
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The video signal to the display monitor was disabled.
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.TP 4
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.I Internal
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A server-dependent, built-in screen saver image was displayed; either no
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client had set the screen saver window attributes or a different client
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had the server grabbed when the screen saver activated.
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.TP 4
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.I External
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The screen saver window was mapped with attributes set by a
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client using the \fBScreenSaverSetAttributes\fP request.
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The \fIidle\fP field specifies the number of milliseconds since the last
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input was received from the user on any of the input devices.
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The \fIevent-mask\fP field specifies which, if any, screen saver
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events this client has requested using \fBScreenSaverSelectInput\fP.
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.B XScreenSaverSelectInput
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asks that events related to
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the screen saver be generated for this client.
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no bits are set in \fIevent-mask\fP, then no events will be generated.
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Otherwise, any combination of the following bits may be set:
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.TP 8
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.B ScreenSaverNotify
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If this bit is set, \fBScreenSaverNotify\fP events are generated whenever
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the screen saver is activated or deactivated.
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.TP 8
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.B ScreenSaverCycle
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If this bit is set, \fBScreenSaverNotify\fP events are generated whenever
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the screen saver cycle interval passes.
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.B XScreenSaverSetAttributes
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sets the attributes to be used
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the next time the external screen saver is activated.
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If another client currently has the attributes set,
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a BadAccess error is generated and the request is ignored.
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Otherwise, the specified window attributes are checked as if
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they were used in a core \fBCreateWindow\fP request whose
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parent is the root.
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The \fIoverride-redirect\fP field is ignored as it is implicitly set
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to True.
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If the window attributes result in an error according to the rules for
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\fBCreateWindow\fP, the request is ignored.
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Otherwise, the attributes are stored and will take effect on the next
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activation that occurs when the server is not grabbed by another client.
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Any resources specified for the
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\fIbackground-pixmap\fP or \fIcursor\fP attributes may be
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freed immediately.
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The server is free to copy the \fIbackground-pixmap\fP or \fIcursor\fP
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resources or to use them in place; therefore, the effect of changing
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the contents of those resources is undefined.
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If the specified \fIcolormap\fP no longer exists when the screen saver
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activates, the parent's colormap is used instead.
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If no errors are generated by this request, any previous screen saver
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window attributes set by this client are released.
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When the screen saver next activates and the server is not grabbed by
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another client, the screen saver window is
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created, if necessary, and set to the specified attributes and events
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are generated as usual.
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The colormap associated with the screen saver window is installed.
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Finally, the screen saver window is mapped.
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The window remains mapped and at the top of the stacking order
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until the screen saver is deactivated in response to activity on
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any of the user input devices, a \fBForceScreenSaver\fP request with
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a value of Reset, or any request that would cause the window to be
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If the screen saver activates while the server is grabbed by another
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client, the internal saver mechanism is used.
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The \fBForceScreenSaver\fP request may be used with a value of Active
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to deactivate the internal saver and activate the external saver.
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If the screen saver client's connection to the server is broken
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while the screen saver is activated and the client's close down mode has not
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been RetainPermanent or RetainTemporary, the current screen saver
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is deactivated and the internal screen saver is immediately activated.
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When the screen saver deactivates, the screen saver window's colormap
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is uninstalled and the window is unmapped (except as described below).
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The screen saver XID is disassociated
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with the window and the server may, but is not required to,
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destroy the window along with any children.
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When the screen saver is being deactivated and then immediately
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reactivated (such as when switching screen savers), the server
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may leave the screen saver window mapped (typically to avoid
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generating exposures).
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.B XScreenSaverUnsetAttributes
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instructs the server to discard
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any previous screen saver window attributes set by this client.
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.B XScreenSaverRegister
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stores the given \fIXID\fP in the \fB_SCREEN_SAVER_ID\fP
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property (of the given \fItype\fP) on the
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root window of the specified \fIscreen\fP.
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It returns zero if an error is encountered and the property is not
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changed, otherwise it returns non-zero.
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.B XScreenSaverUnregister
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removes any \fB_SCREEN_SAVER_ID\fP from the
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root window of the specified \fIscreen\fP.
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It returns zero if an error is encountered and the property is
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changed, otherwise it returns non-zero.
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.B XScreenSaverGetRegistered
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returns the \fIXID\fP and \fItype\fP stored in
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the \fB_SCREEN_SAVER_ID\fP property on the
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root window of the specified \fIscreen\fP.
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It returns zero if an error is encountered or if the property does not
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exist or is not of the correct format; otherwise it returns non-zero.
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.B XScreenSaverSuspend
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temporarily suspends the screensaver and DPMS timer if \fIsuspend\fP
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is 'True', and restarts the timer if \fIsuspend\fP is 'False'.
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This function should be used by applications that don't want the
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screensaver or DPMS to become activated while they're for example in
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the process of playing a media sequence, or are otherwise continuously
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presenting visual information to the user while in a non-interactive
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state. This function is not intended to be called by an external
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screensaver application.
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If \fBXScreenSaverSuspend\fP is called multiple times with \fIsuspend\fP
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set to 'True', it must be called an equal number of times with
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\fIsuspend\fP set to 'False' in order for the screensaver timer to be
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restarted. This request has no affect if a client tries to resume the
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screensaver without first having suspended it.
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\fBXScreenSaverSuspend\fP can thus not be used by one client to resume
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the screensaver if it's been suspended by another client.
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If a client that has suspended the screensaver becomes disconnected from
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the X server, the screensaver timer will automatically be restarted, unless
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it's still suspended by another client. Suspending the screensaver timer
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doesn't prevent the screensaver from being forceably activated with the
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\fBForceScreenSaver\fP request, or a DPMS mode from being set with the
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\fBDPMSForceLevel\fP request.
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\fBXScreenSaverSuspend\fP also doesn't deactivate the screensaver or DPMS
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if either is active at the time the request to suspend them is received by
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the X server. But once they've been deactivated, they won't automatically
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be activated again, until the client has canceled the suspension.
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.B XScreenSaverSelectInput,
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.B XScreenSaverQueryInfo,
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.B XScreenSaverSetAttributes
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.B XScreenSaverUnsetAttributes
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will generate a
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.I BadDrawable
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error if \fIdrawable\fP is not a valid drawable identifier.
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If any undefined bits are set in \fIevent-mask\fP,
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a BadValue error is generated by
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.B XScreenSaverSelectInput .
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\fBXScreenSaverSuspend\fP is available in version 1.1 and later versions
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of the X Screen Saver Extension. Version 1.1 was first released with
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Jim Fulton and Keith Packard.
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This API is considered as experimental.
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The Xss library major revision may be incremented whenever
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incompatible changes are done to the API without notice.
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Use with care.