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title: New website layout: default category: news

Lensfun got a new website. Although the layout and design is quite similar to the old one, a lot of things changed under the hood. We moved from a dynamic blog and CMS engine to a static site generator called http://jekyllrb.com/">Jekyll.

This has several advantages:

  • Much more easy to maintain. The whole website is now part of the SVN repository. Everybody can participate and edit.
  • The website will run on any webserver. No more need for PHP, MySQL, ...
  • Much faster!
  • No more security trouble and time consuming updates of the CMS software.

To create the website with Jekyll it only needs two steps:

cd lensfun/docs/website
jekyll --server

This should start a webserver and you can view the website at http://localhost:4000/. To upload everything to a real webserver just go to the new subfolder

and upload all the content.