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Common Lasso Knowledge

Starting with basics on using Lasso in a given program.

Lasso Projects Basics

Lasso functions are defined in several header files typically located in /usr/include/lasso/ or /usr/local/include/lasso/. It is possible to include individual files even if the main lasso.h is sufficient most often.

The first thing to do is then to call lasso_init(). Similarly the last thing will be to call lasso_shutdown(). The smallest and useless Lasso project will therefore be:

#include <lasso/lasso.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    printf("Hello world.\n");
    return 0;

Lasso uses a tool called pkg-config to know the necessary flags for compilation and linking.

 $ pkg-config lasso --cflags
-I/usr/include/lasso -I/usr/include/libxml2 -I/usr/include/xmlsec1 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0
 $ pkg-config lasso --libs
-llasso -lxmlsec1-openssl -lxmlsec1 -lssl -lcrypto -ldl -lgobject-2.0 -lxslt -lxml2
-lpthread -lz -lm -lglib-2.0

Creating an executable from the previous sample will then be a simple matter of calling gcc with the right flags

Creating an executable from the previous sample would then a simple matter of calling gcc with the right flags. But there is currently in bug in XMLSec, the library used by Lasso to provide XML Signature and XML Encryption support. It is possible to workaround the bug:

 $ gcc hello.c -o hello $(pkg-config lasso --cflags --libs)
<command line>:4:16: missing terminating " character
 $ gcc hello.c -o hello $(pkg-config xmlsec1 --cflags --libs | tr -d '\\')
 $ ./hello
Hello world.

Lasso Objects

The Lasso Architecture chapter described the different objects provided by Lasso. The profile objects will be detailed in the following chapters; common objects such as server, identity and session are explained here.


A LassoServer object may be created as follows:

LassoServer *server;
server = lasso_server_new("sp-metadata.xml",
              NULL, "sp-private-key.pem", "sp-crt.pem", lassoSignatureMethodRsaSha1);
lasso_server_add_provider(server, "idp-metadata.xml",
              "idp-public-key.pem", "ca-crt.pem");
  • sp-metadata.xml is the Liberty metadata file for the service provider
  • idp-metadata.xml is the Liberty metadata file for the identity provider
  • sp-private-key.pem is the service provider private key; used to sign documents
  • sp-crt.pem is the service provider certificate; sent within signed documents
  • idp-public-key.pem is the identity provider public key; used to verify signature in documents sent by the identity provider
  • ca-crt.pem is the certificate of the certification authority used by the identity provider.

It is of course possible to have several calls to lasso_server_add_provider if there are more than one identity provider.


This is the virtual base class for profiles. It notably provides access to the identity and session parts of a profile. See below for examples.


/* profile is a pointer to a LassoProfile object */

LassoIdentity *identity;

if (lasso_profile_is_identity_dirty(profile)) {
    identity = lasso_profile_get_identity(profile);
    if (identity) {
        dump = lasso_identity_dump(identity);


/* profile is a pointer to a LassoProfile object */

LassoSession *session;

if (lasso_profile_is_session_dirty(profile)) {
    session = lasso_profile_get_session(profile);
    if (session) {
        dump = lasso_session_dump(session);


LassoServer, LassoIdentity and LassoSession``objects can be serialized into XML files.  Example with a ``LassoServer:

gchar *dump;
FILE *fd;

dump = lasso_server_dump(server);
/* write dump into a file, a database, whatever */


lasso_server_dump (and other Lasso dump functions) allocates memory through GLib. g_free is the function to use instead of free to release memory.

It is then really easy to have properly constructed objects returned:

LassoServer *server;
gchar *dump;

/* restore dump from file, database, whatever */
server = lasso_server_new_from_dump(dump);


The server dump only contains the filenames; not the actual file contents. Files should not be moved afterwards.

The functions are:

Object Dump Restore
LassoServer lasso_server_dump lasso_server_new_from_dump
LassoIdentity lasso_identity_dump lasso_identity_new_from_dump
LassoSession lasso_session_dump lasso_session_new_from_dump