/** * * Lame ACM wrapper, encode/decode MP3 based RIFF/AVI files in MS Windows * * Copyright (c) 2002 Steve Lhomme * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ /*! \author Steve Lhomme \version \$Id: DecodeStream.cpp,v 1.3 2002/01/25 17:51:42 robux4 Exp $ */ #if !defined(STRICT) #define STRICT #endif // STRICT #include #include #ifdef ENABLE_DECODING #include "adebug.h" #include "DecodeStream.h" // static methods DecodeStream * DecodeStream::Create() { DecodeStream * Result; Result = new DecodeStream; return Result; } const bool DecodeStream::Erase(const DecodeStream * a_ACMStream) { delete a_ACMStream; return true; } // class methods DecodeStream::DecodeStream() : m_WorkingBufferUseSize(0), gfp(NULL) { /// \todo get the debug level from the registry my_debug = new ADbg(DEBUG_LEVEL_CREATION); if (my_debug != NULL) { unsigned char DebugFileName[512]; my_debug->setPrefix("MPG123stream"); /// \todo get it from the registry my_debug->setIncludeTime(true); /// \todo get it from the registry // Check in the registry if we have to Output Debug information DebugFileName[0] = '\0'; HKEY OssKey; if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\MUKOLI", 0, KEY_READ , &OssKey ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD DataType; DWORD DebugFileNameSize = 512; if (RegQueryValueEx( OssKey, "DebugFile", NULL, &DataType, DebugFileName, &DebugFileNameSize ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (DataType == REG_SZ) { my_debug->setUseFile(true); my_debug->setDebugFile((char *)DebugFileName); my_debug->OutPut("Debug file is %s",(char *)DebugFileName); } } } my_debug->OutPut(DEBUG_LEVEL_FUNC_START, "DecodeStream Creation (0X%08X)",this); } else { ADbg debug; debug.OutPut("DecodeStream::ACMACMStream : Impossible to create my_debug"); } } DecodeStream::~DecodeStream() { // lame_close( gfp ); if (my_debug != NULL) { my_debug->OutPut(DEBUG_LEVEL_FUNC_START, "DecodeStream Deletion (0X%08X)",this); delete my_debug; } } bool DecodeStream::init(const int nSamplesPerSec, const int nChannels, const int nAvgBytesPerSec, const int nSourceBitrate) { bool bResult = false; my_SamplesPerSec = nSamplesPerSec; my_Channels = nChannels; my_AvgBytesPerSec = nAvgBytesPerSec; my_SourceBitrate = nSourceBitrate; bResult = true; return bResult; } bool DecodeStream::open() { bool bResult = false; bResult = bool(InitMP3(&my_DecodeData) != 0); return bResult; } bool DecodeStream::close(LPBYTE pOutputBuffer, DWORD *pOutputSize) { bool bResult = false; /* int nOutputSamples = 0; nOutputSamples = lame_encode_flush( gfp, pOutputBuffer, 0 ); if ( nOutputSamples < 0 ) { // BUFFER_TOO_SMALL *pOutputSize = 0; } else { *pOutputSize = nOutputSamples; bResult = true; } /* // lame will be close in VbrWriteTag function if ( !lame_get_bWriteVbrTag( gfp ) ) { // clean up of allocated memory lame_close( gfp ); } */ ExitMP3(&my_DecodeData); bResult = true; return bResult; } DWORD DecodeStream::GetOutputSizeForInput(const DWORD the_SrcLength) const { DWORD Result; double OutputInputRatio = double(my_SamplesPerSec * 2 * my_Channels) / double(my_SourceBitrate); OutputInputRatio *= 1.15; // allow 15% more Result = DWORD(double(the_SrcLength) * OutputInputRatio); my_debug->OutPut(DEBUG_LEVEL_FUNC_CODE, "Result = %d (OutputInputRatio = %f)",Result,OutputInputRatio); return Result; } bool DecodeStream::ConvertBuffer(LPACMDRVSTREAMHEADER a_StreamHeader) { bool result = false; if (my_debug != NULL) { my_debug->OutPut(DEBUG_LEVEL_FUNC_DEBUG, "enter DecodeStream::ConvertBuffer"); } int ProcessedBytes; int ret = decodeMP3(&my_DecodeData, a_StreamHeader->pbSrc, a_StreamHeader->cbSrcLength, (char *)a_StreamHeader->pbDst, a_StreamHeader->cbDstLength, &ProcessedBytes); switch (ret) { case MP3_OK: a_StreamHeader->cbSrcLengthUsed = a_StreamHeader->cbSrcLength; a_StreamHeader->cbDstLengthUsed = ProcessedBytes; result = true; break; case MP3_NEED_MORE: a_StreamHeader->cbSrcLengthUsed = 0; a_StreamHeader->cbDstLengthUsed = 0; break; case MP3_ERR: break; } /* DWORD InSize = a_StreamHeader->cbSrcLength / 2, OutSize = a_StreamHeader->cbDstLength; // 2 for 8<->16 bits // Encode it int dwSamples; int nOutputSamples = 0; dwSamples = InSize / lame_get_num_channels( gfp ); if ( 1 == lame_get_num_channels( gfp ) ) { nOutputSamples = lame_encode_buffer(gfp,(PSHORT)a_StreamHeader->pbSrc,(PSHORT)a_StreamHeader->pbSrc,dwSamples,a_StreamHeader->pbDst,a_StreamHeader->cbDstLength); } else { nOutputSamples = lame_encode_buffer_interleaved(gfp,(PSHORT)a_StreamHeader->pbSrc,dwSamples,a_StreamHeader->pbDst,a_StreamHeader->cbDstLength); } a_StreamHeader->cbSrcLengthUsed = a_StreamHeader->cbSrcLength; a_StreamHeader->cbDstLengthUsed = nOutputSamples; result = a_StreamHeader->cbDstLengthUsed <= a_StreamHeader->cbDstLength; */ my_debug->OutPut(DEBUG_LEVEL_FUNC_CODE, "UsedSize = %d / EncodedSize = %d, result = %d, ret = %s", a_StreamHeader->cbSrcLengthUsed, a_StreamHeader->cbDstLengthUsed, result, (ret == MP3_OK)?"MP3_OK":(ret == MP3_NEED_MORE)?"MP3_NEED_MORE":"error"); if (my_debug != NULL) { my_debug->OutPut(DEBUG_LEVEL_FUNC_DEBUG, "DecodeStream::ConvertBuffer result = %d",result); } return result; } #endif // ENABLE_DECODING