/** * * Lame ACM wrapper, encode/decode MP3 based RIFF/AVI files in MS Windows * * Copyright (c) 2002 Steve Lhomme * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ /*! \author Steve Lhomme \version \$Id: AEncodeProperties.cpp,v 1.9 2006/12/25 21:37:34 robert Exp $ */ #if !defined(STRICT) #define STRICT #endif // !defined(STRICT) #include #include #include #include #ifdef _MSC_VER // no problem with unknown pragmas #pragma warning(disable: 4068) #endif #include "resource.h" #include #include "adebug.h" #include "AEncodeProperties.h" #include "ACM.h" //#include "AParameters/AParameters.h" #ifndef TTS_BALLOON #define TTS_BALLOON 0x40 #endif // TTS_BALLOON const unsigned int AEncodeProperties::the_Bitrates[18] = {320, 256, 224, 192, 160, 144, 128, 112, 96, 80, 64, 56, 48, 40, 32, 24, 16, 8 }; const unsigned int AEncodeProperties::the_MPEG1_Bitrates[14] = {320, 256, 224, 192, 160, 128, 112, 96, 80, 64, 56, 48, 40, 32 }; const unsigned int AEncodeProperties::the_MPEG2_Bitrates[14] = {160, 144, 128, 112, 96, 80, 64, 56, 48, 40, 32, 24, 16, 8}; const unsigned int AEncodeProperties::the_ChannelModes[3] = { STEREO, JOINT_STEREO, DUAL_CHANNEL }; //const char AEncodeProperties::the_Presets[][13] = {"None", "CD", "Studio", "Hi-Fi", "Phone", "Voice", "Radio", "Tape", "FM", "AM", "SW"}; //const LAME_QUALTIY_PRESET AEncodeProperties::the_Presets[] = {LQP_NOPRESET, LQP_R3MIX_QUALITY, LQP_NORMAL_QUALITY, LQP_LOW_QUALITY, LQP_HIGH_QUALITY, LQP_VERYHIGH_QUALITY, LQP_VOICE_QUALITY, LQP_PHONE, LQP_SW, LQP_AM, LQP_FM, LQP_VOICE, LQP_RADIO, LQP_TAPE, LQP_HIFI, LQP_CD, LQP_STUDIO}; //const unsigned int AEncodeProperties::the_SamplingFreqs[9] = { 48000, 44100, 32000, 24000, 22050, 16000, 12000, 11025, 8000 }; ToolTipItem AEncodeProperties::Tooltips[13]={ { IDC_CHECK_ENC_ABR, "Allow encoding with an average bitrate\r\ninstead of a constant one.\r\n\r\nIt can improve the quality for the same bitrate." }, { IDC_CHECK_COPYRIGHT, "Mark the encoded data as copyrighted." }, { IDC_CHECK_CHECKSUM, "Put a checksum in the encoded data.\r\n\r\nThis can make the file less sensitive to data loss." }, { IDC_CHECK_ORIGINAL, "Mark the encoded data as an original file." }, { IDC_CHECK_PRIVATE, "Mark the encoded data as private." }, { IDC_COMBO_ENC_STEREO, "Select the type of stereo mode used for encoding:\r\n\r\n- Stereo : the usual one\r\n- Joint-Stereo : mix both channel to achieve better compression\r\n- Dual Channel : treat both channel as separate" }, { IDC_STATIC_DECODING, "Decoding not supported for the moment by the codec." }, { IDC_CHECK_ENC_SMART, "Disable bitrate when there is too much compression.\r\n(default 1:15 ratio)" }, { IDC_STATIC_CONFIG_VERSION, "Version of this codec.\r\n\r\nvX.X.X is the version of the codec interface.\r\nX.XX is the version of the encoding engine." }, { IDC_SLIDER_AVERAGE_MIN, "Select the minimum Average Bitrate allowed." }, { IDC_SLIDER_AVERAGE_MAX, "Select the maximum Average Bitrate allowed." }, { IDC_SLIDER_AVERAGE_STEP, "Select the step of Average Bitrate between the min and max.\r\n\r\nA step of 5 between 152 and 165 means you have :\r\n165, 160 and 155" }, { IDC_SLIDER_AVERAGE_SAMPLE, "Check the resulting values of the (min,max,step) combination.\r\n\r\nUse the keyboard to navigate (right -> left)." }, }; //int AEncodeProperties::tst = 0; /* #pragma argsused static UINT CALLBACK DLLFindCallback( HWND hdlg, // handle to child dialog box UINT uiMsg, // message identifier WPARAM wParam, // message parameter LPARAM lParam // message parameter ) { UINT result = 0; switch (uiMsg) { case WM_NOTIFY: OFNOTIFY * info = (OFNOTIFY *)lParam; if (info->hdr.code == CDN_FILEOK) { result = 1; // by default we don't accept the file // Check if the selected file is a valid DLL with all the required functions ALameDLL * tstFile = new ALameDLL; if (tstFile != NULL) { if (tstFile->Load(info->lpOFN->lpstrFile)) { result = 0; } delete tstFile; } if (result == 1) { TCHAR output[250]; ::LoadString(AOut::GetInstance(),IDS_STRING_DLL_UNRECOGNIZED,output,250); AOut::MyMessageBox( output, MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, hdlg); SetWindowLong(hdlg, DWL_MSGRESULT , -100); } } } return result; } #pragma argsused static int CALLBACK BrowseFolderCallbackroc( HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, LPARAM lParam, LPARAM lpData ) { AEncodeProperties * the_prop; the_prop = (AEncodeProperties *) lpData; if (uMsg == BFFM_INITIALIZED) { // char FolderName[MAX_PATH]; // SHGetPathFromIDList((LPITEMIDLIST) lParam,FolderName); //ADbg tst; //tst.OutPut("init folder to %s ",the_prop->GetOutputDirectory()); // CreateFile(); ::SendMessage(hwnd, BFFM_SETSELECTION, (WPARAM)TRUE, (LPARAM)the_prop->GetOutputDirectory()); }/* else if (uMsg == BFFM_SELCHANGED) { // verify that the folder is writable // ::SendMessage(hwnd, BFFM_ENABLEOK, 0, (LPARAM)0); // disable char FolderName[MAX_PATH]; SHGetPathFromIDList((LPITEMIDLIST) lParam, FolderName); // if (CreateFile(FolderName,STANDARD_RIGHTS_WRITE,0,NULL,OPEN_EXISTING,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,NULL) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) if ((GetFileAttributes(FolderName) & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0) ::SendMessage(hwnd, BFFM_ENABLEOK, 0, (LPARAM)1); // enable else ::SendMessage(hwnd, BFFM_ENABLEOK, 0, (LPARAM)0); // disable //ADbg tst; //tst.OutPut("change folder to %s ",FolderName); }* / return 0; } */ #pragma argsused static BOOL CALLBACK ConfigProc( HWND hwndDlg, // handle to dialog box UINT uMsg, // message WPARAM wParam, // first message parameter LPARAM lParam // second message parameter ) { BOOL bResult; AEncodeProperties * the_prop; the_prop = (AEncodeProperties *) GetProp(hwndDlg, "AEncodeProperties-Config"); switch (uMsg) { case WM_COMMAND: if (the_prop != NULL) { bResult = the_prop->HandleDialogCommand( hwndDlg, wParam, lParam); } break; case WM_INITDIALOG: assert(the_prop == NULL); the_prop = (AEncodeProperties *) lParam; the_prop->my_debug.OutPut("there hwnd = 0x%08X",hwndDlg); assert(the_prop != NULL); SetProp(hwndDlg, "AEncodeProperties-Config", the_prop); the_prop->InitConfigDlg(hwndDlg); bResult = TRUE; break; case WM_HSCROLL: // check if it's the ABR sliders if ((HWND)lParam == GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_SLIDER_AVERAGE_MIN)) { the_prop->UpdateDlgFromSlides(hwndDlg); } else if ((HWND)lParam == GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_SLIDER_AVERAGE_MAX)) { the_prop->UpdateDlgFromSlides(hwndDlg); } else if ((HWND)lParam == GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_SLIDER_AVERAGE_STEP)) { the_prop->UpdateDlgFromSlides(hwndDlg); } else if ((HWND)lParam == GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_SLIDER_AVERAGE_SAMPLE)) { the_prop->UpdateDlgFromSlides(hwndDlg); } break; case WM_NOTIFY: if (TTN_GETDISPINFO == ((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code) { NMTTDISPINFO *lphdr = (NMTTDISPINFO *)lParam; UINT id = (lphdr->uFlags & TTF_IDISHWND) ? GetWindowLong((HWND)lphdr->hdr.idFrom, GWL_ID) : lphdr->hdr.idFrom; *lphdr->lpszText = 0; SendMessage(lphdr->hdr.hwndFrom, TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH, 0, 5000); for(int i=0; ilpszText = const_cast(AEncodeProperties::Tooltips[i].tip); } return TRUE; } break; default: bResult = FALSE; // will be treated by DefWindowProc } return bResult; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** \class AEncodeProperties */ const char * AEncodeProperties::GetChannelModeString(int a_channelID) const { assert(a_channelID < sizeof(the_ChannelModes)); switch (a_channelID) { case 0: return "Stereo"; case 1: return "Joint-stereo"; case 2: return "Dual Channel"; default: assert(a_channelID); return NULL; } } const int AEncodeProperties::GetBitrateString(char * string, int string_size, int a_bitrateID) const { assert(a_bitrateID < sizeof(the_Bitrates)); assert(string != NULL); if (string_size >= 4) return wsprintf(string,"%d",the_Bitrates[a_bitrateID]); else return -1; } const unsigned int AEncodeProperties::GetChannelModeValue() const { assert(nChannelIndex < sizeof(the_ChannelModes)); return the_ChannelModes[nChannelIndex]; } const unsigned int AEncodeProperties::GetBitrateValue() const { assert(nMinBitrateIndex < sizeof(the_Bitrates)); return the_Bitrates[nMinBitrateIndex]; } inline const int AEncodeProperties::GetBitrateValueMPEG2(DWORD & bitrate) const { int i; for (i=0;i=0;i--) { if (the_MPEG1_Bitrates[i] == the_Bitrates[nMinBitrateIndex]) { bitrate = the_MPEG1_Bitrates[i]; return 0; } else if (the_MPEG1_Bitrates[i] > the_Bitrates[nMinBitrateIndex]) { bitrate = the_MPEG1_Bitrates[i]; return 1; } } bitrate = 32; return 1; } /* const int AEncodeProperties::GetBitrateValue(DWORD & bitrate, const DWORD MPEG_Version) const { assert((MPEG_Version == MPEG1) || (MPEG_Version == MPEG2)); assert(nMinBitrateIndex < sizeof(the_Bitrates)); if (MPEG_Version == MPEG2) return GetBitrateValueMPEG2(bitrate); else return GetBitrateValueMPEG1(bitrate); } /* const char * AEncodeProperties::GetPresetModeString(const int a_presetID) const { assert(a_presetID < sizeof(the_Presets)); switch (a_presetID) { case 1: return "r3mix"; case 2: return "Normal"; case 3: return "Low"; case 4: return "High"; case 5: return "Very High"; case 6: return "Voice"; case 7: return "Phone"; case 8: return "SW"; case 9: return "AM"; case 10: return "FM"; case 11: return "Voice"; case 12: return "Radio"; case 13: return "Tape"; case 14: return "Hi-Fi"; case 15: return "CD"; case 16: return "Studio"; default: return "None"; } } const LAME_QUALTIY_PRESET AEncodeProperties::GetPresetModeValue() const { assert(nPresetIndex < sizeof(the_Presets)); return the_Presets[nPresetIndex]; } */ bool AEncodeProperties::Config(const HINSTANCE Hinstance, const HWND HwndParent) { //WM_INITDIALOG ? // remember the instance to retreive strings // hDllInstance = Hinstance; my_debug.OutPut("here"); int ret = ::DialogBoxParam(Hinstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_CONFIG), HwndParent, ::ConfigProc, (LPARAM) this); /* if (ret == -1) { LPVOID lpMsgBuf; FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, GetLastError(), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), // Default language (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL ); // Process any inserts in lpMsgBuf. // ... // Display the string. AOut::MyMessageBox( (LPCTSTR)lpMsgBuf, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION ); // Free the buffer. LocalFree( lpMsgBuf ); return false; } */ return true; } bool AEncodeProperties::InitConfigDlg(HWND HwndDlg) { // get all the required strings // TCHAR Version[5]; // LoadString(hDllInstance, IDS_STRING_VERSION, Version, 5); int i; // Add required channel modes SendMessage(GetDlgItem( HwndDlg, IDC_COMBO_ENC_STEREO), CB_RESETCONTENT , NULL, NULL); for (i=0;i 320) AverageBitrate = 320; */ return true; } /* VBRMETHOD AEncodeProperties::GetVBRValue(DWORD & MaxBitrate, int & Quality, DWORD & AbrBitrate, BOOL & VBRHeader, const DWORD MPEG_Version) const { assert((MPEG_Version == MPEG1) || (MPEG_Version == MPEG2)); assert(nMaxBitrateIndex < sizeof(the_Bitrates)); if (mBRmode == BR_VBR) { MaxBitrate = the_Bitrates[nMaxBitrateIndex]; if (MPEG_Version == MPEG1) MaxBitrate = MaxBitrate>the_MPEG1_Bitrates[sizeof(the_MPEG1_Bitrates)/sizeof(unsigned int)-1]?MaxBitrate:the_MPEG1_Bitrates[sizeof(the_MPEG1_Bitrates)/sizeof(unsigned int)-1]; else MaxBitrate = MaxBitratethe_MPEG1_Bitrates[sizeof(the_MPEG1_Bitrates)/sizeof(unsigned int)-1]?MaxBitrate:the_MPEG1_Bitrates[sizeof(the_MPEG1_Bitrates)/sizeof(unsigned int)-1]; else MaxBitrate = MaxBitrateFirstChildElement("encodings"); std::string CurrentConfig = ""; if (CurrentNode->Attribute("default") != NULL) { CurrentConfig = *CurrentNode->Attribute("default"); } /* // output parameters TiXmlElement* iterateElmt = node->FirstChildElement("DLL"); if (iterateElmt != NULL) { const std::string * tmpname = iterateElmt->Attribute("location"); if (tmpname != NULL) { DllLocation = *tmpname; } } */ GetValuesFromKey(CurrentConfig, *CurrentNode); } else { /** \todo save the data in the file ! */ } } void AEncodeProperties::ParamsSave() { /* save the current parameters in the corresponding subkey HKEY OssKey; if (RegCreateKeyEx ( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\MUKOLI\\out_lame", 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE , NULL, &OssKey, NULL ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (RegSetValueEx(OssKey, "DLL Location", 0, REG_EXPAND_SZ, (CONST BYTE *)DllLocation, strlen(DllLocation)+1 ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return; RegCloseKey(OssKey); } */ } /* void AEncodeProperties::DisplayVbrOptions(const HWND hDialog, const BRMode the_mode) { bool bVBR = false; bool bABR = false; switch ( the_mode ) { case BR_CBR: ::CheckRadioButton(hDialog, IDC_RADIO_BITRATE_CBR, IDC_RADIO_BITRATE_ABR, IDC_RADIO_BITRATE_CBR); break; case BR_VBR: ::CheckRadioButton(hDialog, IDC_RADIO_BITRATE_CBR, IDC_RADIO_BITRATE_ABR, IDC_RADIO_BITRATE_VBR); bVBR = true; break; case BR_ABR: ::CheckRadioButton(hDialog, IDC_RADIO_BITRATE_CBR, IDC_RADIO_BITRATE_ABR, IDC_RADIO_BITRATE_ABR); bABR = true; break; } if(bVBR|bABR) { ::SetWindowText(::GetDlgItem(hDialog,IDC_STATIC_MINBITRATE), "Min Bitrate"); } else { ::SetWindowText(::GetDlgItem(hDialog,IDC_STATIC_MINBITRATE), "Bitrate"); } ::EnableWindow(::GetDlgItem( hDialog, IDC_CHECK_XINGVBR), bVBR|bABR); ::EnableWindow(::GetDlgItem( hDialog, IDC_COMBO_MAXBITRATE), bVBR|bABR); ::EnableWindow(::GetDlgItem( hDialog, IDC_STATIC_MAXBITRATE), bVBR|bABR); ::EnableWindow(::GetDlgItem( hDialog, IDC_SLIDER_QUALITY), bVBR); ::EnableWindow(::GetDlgItem( hDialog, IDC_CONFIG_QUALITY), bVBR); ::EnableWindow(::GetDlgItem( hDialog, IDC_STATIC_VBRQUALITY), bVBR); ::EnableWindow(::GetDlgItem( hDialog, IDC_STATIC_VBRQUALITY_LOW), bVBR); ::EnableWindow(::GetDlgItem( hDialog, IDC_STATIC_VBRQUALITY_HIGH), bVBR); ::EnableWindow(::GetDlgItem( hDialog, IDC_STATIC_ABR), bABR); ::EnableWindow(::GetDlgItem( hDialog, IDC_EDIT_AVERAGE), bABR); } */ AEncodeProperties::AEncodeProperties(HMODULE hModule) :my_debug(ADbg(DEBUG_LEVEL_CREATION)), my_hModule(hModule) { std::string path = ""; // HMODULE htmp = LoadLibrary("out_lame.dll"); if (hModule != NULL) { char output[MAX_PATH]; ::GetModuleFileName(hModule, output, MAX_PATH); // ::FreeLibrary(htmp); path = output; } my_store_location = path.substr(0,path.find_last_of('\\')+1); my_store_location += "lame_acm.xml"; my_debug.OutPut("store path = %s",my_store_location.c_str()); //#ifdef OLD // ::OutputDebugString(my_store_location.c_str()); // make sure the XML file is present HANDLE hFile = ::CreateFile(my_store_location.c_str(), 0, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE, NULL ); ::CloseHandle(hFile); //#endif // OLD my_debug.OutPut("AEncodeProperties creation completed (0x%08X)",this); } // Save the values to the right XML saved config void AEncodeProperties::SaveValuesToStringKey(const std::string & config_name) { // get the current data in the file to keep them if (my_stored_data.LoadFile(my_store_location)) { // check if the Node corresponding to the config_name already exist. TiXmlNode* node = my_stored_data.FirstChild("lame_acm"); if (node != NULL) { TiXmlElement* ConfigNode = node->FirstChildElement("encodings"); if (ConfigNode != NULL) { // look all the tags TiXmlElement* tmpNode = ConfigNode->FirstChildElement("config"); while (tmpNode != NULL) { const std::string * tmpname = tmpNode->Attribute("name"); if (tmpname->compare(config_name) == 0) { break; } tmpNode = tmpNode->NextSiblingElement("config"); } if (tmpNode == NULL) { // Create the node tmpNode = new TiXmlElement("config"); tmpNode->SetAttribute("name",config_name); // save data in the node SaveValuesToElement(tmpNode); ConfigNode->InsertEndChild(*tmpNode); } else { // save data in the node SaveValuesToElement(tmpNode); } // and save the file my_stored_data.SaveFile(my_store_location); } } } } void AEncodeProperties::GetValuesFromKey(const std::string & config_name, const TiXmlNode & parentNode) { TiXmlElement* tmpElt; TiXmlElement* iterateElmt; // find the config that correspond to CurrentConfig iterateElmt = parentNode.FirstChildElement("config"); while (iterateElmt != NULL) { const std::string * tmpname = iterateElmt->Attribute("name"); if ((tmpname != NULL) && (tmpname->compare(config_name) == 0)) { break; } iterateElmt = iterateElmt->NextSiblingElement("config"); } if (iterateElmt != NULL) { // get all the parameters saved in this Element const std::string * tmpname; // Smart output parameter tmpElt = iterateElmt->FirstChildElement("Smart"); if (tmpElt != NULL) { tmpname = tmpElt->Attribute("use"); if (tmpname != NULL) bSmartOutput = (tmpname->compare("true") == 0); tmpname = tmpElt->Attribute("ratio"); if (tmpname != NULL) SmartRatioMax = atof(tmpname->c_str()); } // Smart output parameter tmpElt = iterateElmt->FirstChildElement("ABR"); if (tmpElt != NULL) { tmpname = tmpElt->Attribute("use"); if (tmpname != NULL) bAbrOutput = (tmpname->compare("true") == 0); tmpname = tmpElt->Attribute("min"); if (tmpname != NULL) AverageBitrate_Min = atoi(tmpname->c_str()); tmpname = tmpElt->Attribute("max"); if (tmpname != NULL) AverageBitrate_Max = atoi(tmpname->c_str()); tmpname = tmpElt->Attribute("step"); if (tmpname != NULL) AverageBitrate_Step = atoi(tmpname->c_str()); } // Copyright parameter tmpElt = iterateElmt->FirstChildElement("Copyright"); if (tmpElt != NULL) { tmpname = tmpElt->Attribute("use"); if (tmpname != NULL) bCopyright = (tmpname->compare("true") == 0); } // Copyright parameter tmpElt = iterateElmt->FirstChildElement("CRC"); if (tmpElt != NULL) { tmpname = tmpElt->Attribute("use"); if (tmpname != NULL) bCRC = (tmpname->compare("true") == 0); } // Copyright parameter tmpElt = iterateElmt->FirstChildElement("Original"); if (tmpElt != NULL) { tmpname = tmpElt->Attribute("use"); if (tmpname != NULL) bOriginal = (tmpname->compare("true") == 0); } // Copyright parameter tmpElt = iterateElmt->FirstChildElement("Private"); if (tmpElt != NULL) { tmpname = tmpElt->Attribute("use"); if (tmpname != NULL) bPrivate = (tmpname->compare("true") == 0); } /* // Copyright parameter tmpElt = iterateElmt->FirstChildElement("Bit_reservoir"); if (tmpElt != NULL) { tmpname = tmpElt->Attribute("use"); if (tmpname != NULL) bNoBitRes = !(tmpname->compare("true") == 0); } // bitrates tmpElt = iterateElmt->FirstChildElement("bitrate"); tmpname = tmpElt->Attribute("min"); if (tmpname != NULL) { unsigned int uitmp = atoi(tmpname->c_str()); for (int i=0;iAttribute("max"); if (tmpname != NULL) { unsigned int uitmp = atoi(tmpname->c_str()); for (int i=0;iFirstChildElement("resampling"); if (tmpElt != NULL) { tmpname = tmpElt->Attribute("use"); if (tmpname != NULL) bResample = (tmpname->compare("true") == 0); unsigned int uitmp = atoi(tmpElt->Attribute("freq")->c_str()); for (int i=0;iFirstChildElement("VBR"); if (tmpElt != NULL) { tmpname = tmpElt->Attribute("use"); if (tmpname != NULL) { if (tmpname->compare("ABR") == 0) mBRmode = BR_ABR; else if (tmpname->compare("true") == 0) mBRmode = BR_VBR; else mBRmode = BR_CBR; } tmpname = tmpElt->Attribute("header"); if (tmpname != NULL) bXingFrame = (tmpname->compare("true") == 0); tmpname = tmpElt->Attribute("quality"); if (tmpname != NULL) { VbrQuality = atoi(tmpname->c_str()); } tmpname = tmpElt->Attribute("average"); if (tmpname != NULL) { AverageBitrate = atoi(tmpname->c_str()); } else { } } // output parameters tmpElt = iterateElmt->FirstChildElement("output"); if (tmpElt != NULL) { OutputDir = *tmpElt->Attribute("path"); } */ //#ifdef OLD // Channel mode parameter tmpElt = iterateElmt->FirstChildElement("Channel"); if (tmpElt != NULL) { const std::string * tmpStr = tmpElt->Attribute("mode"); if (tmpStr != NULL) { for (int i=0;icompare(GetChannelModeString(i)) == 0) { nChannelIndex = i; break; } } } /* tmpname = tmpElt->Attribute("force"); if (tmpname != NULL) bForceChannel = (tmpname->compare("true") == 0); */ } //#endif // OLD // Preset parameter /* tmpElt = iterateElmt->FirstChildElement("Preset"); if (tmpElt != NULL) { const std::string * tmpStr = tmpElt->Attribute("type"); for (int i=0;icompare(GetPresetModeString(i)) == 0) { nPresetIndex = i; break; } } } */ } } /** \todo save the parameters * / void AEncodeProperties::SaveParams(const HWND hParentWnd) { char string[MAX_PATH]; /* int nIdx = SendMessage(::GetDlgItem( hParentWnd ,IDC_COMBO_SETTINGS ), CB_GETCURSEL, NULL, NULL); ::SendMessage(::GetDlgItem( hParentWnd ,IDC_COMBO_SETTINGS ), CB_GETLBTEXT , nIdx, (LPARAM) string); * / }*/ bool AEncodeProperties::operator !=(const AEncodeProperties & the_instance) const { /* ::OutputDebugString(bCopyright != the_instance.bCopyright?"1":"-"); ::OutputDebugString(bCRC != the_instance.bCRC ?"2":"-"); ::OutputDebugString(bOriginal != the_instance.bOriginal ?"3":"-"); ::OutputDebugString(bPrivate != the_instance.bPrivate ?"4":"-"); ::OutputDebugString(bNoBitRes != the_instance.bNoBitRes ?"5":"-"); ::OutputDebugString(mBRmode != the_instance.mBRmode ?"6":"-"); ::OutputDebugString(bXingFrame != the_instance.bXingFrame?"7":"-"); ::OutputDebugString(bForceChannel != the_instance.bForceChannel?"8":"-"); ::OutputDebugString(bResample != the_instance.bResample ?"9":"-"); ::OutputDebugString(nChannelIndex != the_instance.nChannelIndex?"10":"-"); ::OutputDebugString(nMinBitrateIndex != the_instance.nMinBitrateIndex?"11":"-"); ::OutputDebugString(nMaxBitrateIndex != the_instance.nMaxBitrateIndex?"12":"-"); ::OutputDebugString(nPresetIndex != the_instance.nPresetIndex?"13":"-"); ::OutputDebugString(VbrQuality != the_instance.VbrQuality?"14":"-"); ::OutputDebugString(AverageBitrate != the_instance.AverageBitrate?"15":"-"); ::OutputDebugString(nSamplingFreqIndex != the_instance.nSamplingFreqIndex?"16":"-"); ::OutputDebugString(OutputDir.compare(the_instance.OutputDir) != 0?"17":"-"); std::string tmp = ""; char tmpI[10]; _itoa(AverageBitrate,tmpI,10); tmp += tmpI; tmp += " != "; _itoa(the_instance.AverageBitrate,tmpI,10); tmp += tmpI; ::OutputDebugString(tmp.c_str()); */ return ((bCopyright != the_instance.bCopyright) || (bCRC != the_instance.bCRC) || (bOriginal != the_instance.bOriginal) || (bPrivate != the_instance.bPrivate) || (bSmartOutput != the_instance.bSmartOutput) || (SmartRatioMax != the_instance.SmartRatioMax) || (bAbrOutput != the_instance.bAbrOutput) || (AverageBitrate_Min != the_instance.AverageBitrate_Min) || (AverageBitrate_Max != the_instance.AverageBitrate_Max) || (AverageBitrate_Step != the_instance.AverageBitrate_Step) || (bNoBitRes != the_instance.bNoBitRes) || (mBRmode != the_instance.mBRmode) || (bXingFrame != the_instance.bXingFrame) || (bForceChannel != the_instance.bForceChannel) || (bResample != the_instance.bResample) || (nChannelIndex != the_instance.nChannelIndex) || (nMinBitrateIndex != the_instance.nMinBitrateIndex) || (nMaxBitrateIndex != the_instance.nMaxBitrateIndex) || (nPresetIndex != the_instance.nPresetIndex) || (VbrQuality != the_instance.VbrQuality) // || (AverageBitrate != the_instance.AverageBitrate) || (nSamplingFreqIndex != the_instance.nSamplingFreqIndex) // || (OutputDir.compare(the_instance.OutputDir) != 0) ); } void AEncodeProperties::SelectSavedParams(const std::string the_string) { // get the values from the saved file if possible if (my_stored_data.LoadFile(my_store_location)) { TiXmlNode* node; node = my_stored_data.FirstChild("lame_acm"); TiXmlElement* CurrentNode = node->FirstChildElement("encodings"); if (CurrentNode != NULL) { CurrentNode->SetAttribute("default",the_string); GetValuesFromKey(the_string, *CurrentNode); my_stored_data.SaveFile(my_store_location); } } } inline void AEncodeProperties::SetAttributeBool(TiXmlElement * the_elt,const std::string & the_string, const bool the_value) const { if (the_value == false) the_elt->SetAttribute(the_string, "false"); else the_elt->SetAttribute(the_string, "true"); } void AEncodeProperties::SaveValuesToElement(TiXmlElement * the_element) const { // get all the parameters saved in this Element TiXmlElement * tmpElt; // Bit Reservoir parameter /* tmpElt = the_element->FirstChildElement("Bit_reservoir"); if (tmpElt == NULL) { tmpElt = new TiXmlElement("Bit_reservoir"); SetAttributeBool(tmpElt, "use", !bNoBitRes); the_element->InsertEndChild(*tmpElt); } else { SetAttributeBool(tmpElt, "use", !bNoBitRes); } */ // Copyright parameter tmpElt = the_element->FirstChildElement("Copyright"); if (tmpElt == NULL) { tmpElt = new TiXmlElement("Copyright"); SetAttributeBool( tmpElt, "use", bCopyright); the_element->InsertEndChild(*tmpElt); } else { SetAttributeBool( tmpElt, "use", bCopyright); } // Smart Output parameter tmpElt = the_element->FirstChildElement("Smart"); if (tmpElt == NULL) { tmpElt = new TiXmlElement("Smart"); SetAttributeBool( tmpElt, "use", bSmartOutput); tmpElt->SetAttribute("ratio", SmartRatioMax); the_element->InsertEndChild(*tmpElt); } else { SetAttributeBool( tmpElt, "use", bSmartOutput); tmpElt->SetAttribute("ratio", SmartRatioMax); } // Smart Output parameter tmpElt = the_element->FirstChildElement("ABR"); if (tmpElt == NULL) { tmpElt = new TiXmlElement("ABR"); SetAttributeBool( tmpElt, "use", bAbrOutput); tmpElt->SetAttribute("min", AverageBitrate_Min); tmpElt->SetAttribute("max", AverageBitrate_Max); tmpElt->SetAttribute("step", AverageBitrate_Step); the_element->InsertEndChild(*tmpElt); } else { SetAttributeBool( tmpElt, "use", bAbrOutput); tmpElt->SetAttribute("min", AverageBitrate_Min); tmpElt->SetAttribute("max", AverageBitrate_Max); tmpElt->SetAttribute("step", AverageBitrate_Step); } // CRC parameter tmpElt = the_element->FirstChildElement("CRC"); if (tmpElt == NULL) { tmpElt = new TiXmlElement("CRC"); SetAttributeBool( tmpElt, "use", bCRC); the_element->InsertEndChild(*tmpElt); } else { SetAttributeBool( tmpElt, "use", bCRC); } // Original parameter tmpElt = the_element->FirstChildElement("Original"); if (tmpElt == NULL) { tmpElt = new TiXmlElement("Original"); SetAttributeBool( tmpElt, "use", bOriginal); the_element->InsertEndChild(*tmpElt); } else { SetAttributeBool( tmpElt, "use", bOriginal); } // Private parameter tmpElt = the_element->FirstChildElement("Private"); if (tmpElt == NULL) { tmpElt = new TiXmlElement("Private"); SetAttributeBool( tmpElt, "use", bPrivate); the_element->InsertEndChild(*tmpElt); } else { SetAttributeBool( tmpElt, "use", bPrivate); } // Channel Mode parameter tmpElt = the_element->FirstChildElement("Channel"); if (tmpElt == NULL) { tmpElt = new TiXmlElement("Channel"); tmpElt->SetAttribute("mode", GetChannelModeString(nChannelIndex)); // SetAttributeBool( tmpElt, "force", bForceChannel); the_element->InsertEndChild(*tmpElt); } else { tmpElt->SetAttribute("mode", GetChannelModeString(nChannelIndex)); // SetAttributeBool( tmpElt, "force", bForceChannel); } /* // Preset parameter tmpElt = the_element->FirstChildElement("Preset"); if (tmpElt == NULL) { tmpElt = new TiXmlElement("Preset"); tmpElt->SetAttribute("type", GetPresetModeString(nPresetIndex)); the_element->InsertEndChild(*tmpElt); } else { tmpElt->SetAttribute("type", GetPresetModeString(nPresetIndex)); } // Bitrate parameter tmpElt = the_element->FirstChildElement("bitrate"); if (tmpElt == NULL) { tmpElt = new TiXmlElement("bitrate"); tmpElt->SetAttribute("min", the_Bitrates[nMinBitrateIndex]); tmpElt->SetAttribute("max", the_Bitrates[nMaxBitrateIndex]); the_element->InsertEndChild(*tmpElt); } else { tmpElt->SetAttribute("min", the_Bitrates[nMinBitrateIndex]); tmpElt->SetAttribute("max", the_Bitrates[nMaxBitrateIndex]); } // Output Directory parameter tmpElt = the_element->FirstChildElement("output"); if (tmpElt == NULL) { tmpElt = new TiXmlElement("output"); tmpElt->SetAttribute("path", OutputDir); the_element->InsertEndChild(*tmpElt); } else { tmpElt->SetAttribute("path", OutputDir); } */ /* // Resampling parameter tmpElt = the_element->FirstChildElement("resampling"); if (tmpElt == NULL) { tmpElt = new TiXmlElement("resampling"); SetAttributeBool( tmpElt, "use", bResample); tmpElt->SetAttribute("freq", the_SamplingFreqs[nSamplingFreqIndex]); the_element->InsertEndChild(*tmpElt); } else { SetAttributeBool( tmpElt, "use", bResample); tmpElt->SetAttribute("freq", the_SamplingFreqs[nSamplingFreqIndex]); } // VBR parameter tmpElt = the_element->FirstChildElement("VBR"); if (tmpElt == NULL) { tmpElt = new TiXmlElement("VBR"); if (mBRmode == BR_ABR) tmpElt->SetAttribute("use", "ABR"); else SetAttributeBool( tmpElt, "use", (mBRmode != BR_CBR)); SetAttributeBool( tmpElt, "header", bXingFrame); tmpElt->SetAttribute("quality", VbrQuality); tmpElt->SetAttribute("average", AverageBitrate); the_element->InsertEndChild(*tmpElt); } else { if (mBRmode == BR_ABR) tmpElt->SetAttribute("use", "ABR"); else SetAttributeBool( tmpElt, "use", (mBRmode != BR_CBR)); SetAttributeBool( tmpElt, "header", bXingFrame); tmpElt->SetAttribute("quality", VbrQuality); tmpElt->SetAttribute("average", AverageBitrate); } */ } bool AEncodeProperties::HandleDialogCommand(const HWND parentWnd, const WPARAM wParam, const LPARAM lParam) { UINT command; command = GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam); switch (command) { case IDOK : { bool bShouldEnd = true; // save parameters char string[MAX_PATH]; // ::GetWindowText(::GetDlgItem( parentWnd, IDC_COMBO_SETTINGS), string, MAX_PATH); wsprintf(string,"Current"); // only the Current config is supported at the moment my_debug.OutPut("my_hModule = 0x%08X",my_hModule); /* AEncodeProperties tmpDlgProps(my_hModule); AEncodeProperties tmpSavedProps(my_hModule); //#ifdef OLD tmpDlgProps.UpdateValueFromDlg(parentWnd); tmpSavedProps.SelectSavedParams(string); tmpSavedProps.ParamsRestore(); // check if the values from the DLG are the same as the one saved in the config file // if yes, just do nothing /* if (tmpDlgProps != tmpSavedProps) { int save; if (strcmp(string,"Current") == 0) { // otherwise, prompt the user if he wants to overwrite the settings TCHAR tmpStr[250]; ::LoadString(AOut::GetInstance(),IDS_STRING_PROMPT_REPLACE_CURRENT,tmpStr,250); save = AOut::MyMessageBox( tmpStr, MB_OKCANCEL|MB_ICONQUESTION, parentWnd); } else { // otherwise, prompt the user if he wants to overwrite the settings TCHAR tmpStr[250]; ::LoadString(AOut::GetInstance(),IDS_STRING_PROMPT_REPLACE_SETING,tmpStr,250); TCHAR tmpDsp[500]; wsprintf(tmpDsp,tmpStr,string); save = AOut::MyMessageBox( tmpDsp, MB_YESNOCANCEL|MB_ICONQUESTION, parentWnd); } if (save == IDCANCEL) bShouldEnd = false; else if (save == IDNO) { // save the values in 'current' UpdateValueFromDlg(parentWnd); SaveValuesToStringKey("Current"); SelectSavedParams("Current"); } else { // do so and save in XML UpdateValueFromDlg(parentWnd); SaveValuesToStringKey(string); } } */ //#endif // OLD my_debug.OutPut("before : nChannelIndex %d, bCRC %d, bCopyright %d, bOriginal %d, bPrivate %d",nChannelIndex, bCRC, bCopyright, bOriginal, bPrivate); my_debug.OutPut("call UpdateValueFromDlg"); UpdateValueFromDlg(parentWnd); my_debug.OutPut("call SaveValuesToStringKey"); SaveValuesToStringKey("Current"); // only Current config is supported now // SaveParams(parentWnd); //my_debug.OutPut("call SelectSavedParams"); // SelectSavedParams(string); // UpdateDlgFromValue(parentWnd); my_debug.OutPut("finished saving"); if (bShouldEnd) { RemoveProp(parentWnd, "AEncodeProperties-Config"); EndDialog(parentWnd, true); } } break; case IDCANCEL: RemoveProp(parentWnd, "AEncodeProperties-Config"); EndDialog(parentWnd, false); break; /* case IDC_FIND_DLL: { OPENFILENAME file; char DllLocation[512]; wsprintf(DllLocation,"%s",GetDllLocation()); memset(&file, 0, sizeof(file)); file.lStructSize = sizeof(file); file.hwndOwner = parentWnd; file.Flags = OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_NODEREFERENCELINKS | OFN_ENABLEHOOK | OFN_EXPLORER ; /// file.lpstrFile = AOut::the_AOut->DllLocation; file.lpstrFile = DllLocation; file.lpstrFilter = "Lame DLL (lame_enc.dll)\0LAME_ENC.DLL\0DLL (*.dll)\0*.DLL\0All (*.*)\0*.*\0"; file.nFilterIndex = 1; file.nMaxFile = sizeof(DllLocation); file.lpfnHook = DLLFindCallback; // use to validate the DLL chosen GetOpenFileName(&file); SetDllLocation(DllLocation); // use this filename if necessary } break; */ /* case IDC_BUTTON_OUTPUT: { #ifndef SIMPLE_FOLDER BROWSEINFO info; memset(&info,0,sizeof(info)); char FolderName[MAX_PATH]; info.hwndOwner = parentWnd; info.pszDisplayName = FolderName; info.lpfn = BrowseFolderCallbackroc; info.lParam = (LPARAM) this; // get the localised window title TCHAR output[250]; ::LoadString(AOut::GetInstance(),IDS_STRING_DIR_SELECT,output,250); info.lpszTitle = output; #ifdef BIF_EDITBOX info.ulFlags |= BIF_EDITBOX; #else // BIF_EDITBOX info.ulFlags |= 0x0010; #endif // BIF_EDITBOX #ifdef BIF_VALIDATE info.ulFlags |= BIF_VALIDATE; #else // BIF_VALIDATE info.ulFlags |= 0x0020; #endif // BIF_VALIDATE #ifdef BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE info.ulFlags |= BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE; #else // BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE info.ulFlags |= 0x0040; #endif // BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE ITEMIDLIST *item = SHBrowseForFolder(&info); if (item != NULL) { char tmpOutputDir[MAX_PATH]; wsprintf(tmpOutputDir,"%s",GetOutputDirectory()); SHGetPathFromIDList( item,tmpOutputDir ); SetOutputDirectory( tmpOutputDir ); ::SetWindowText(GetDlgItem( parentWnd, IDC_EDIT_OUTPUTDIR), tmpOutputDir); // wsprintf(OutputDir,FolderName); } #else // SIMPLE_FOLDER OPENFILENAME file; memset(&file, 0, sizeof(file)); file.lStructSize = sizeof(file); file.hwndOwner = parentWnd; file.Flags = OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_NODEREFERENCELINKS | OFN_ENABLEHOOK | OFN_EXPLORER ; // file.lpstrFile = GetDllLocation(); // file.lpstrFile = GetOutputDirectory(); file.lpstrInitialDir = GetOutputDirectory(); file.lpstrFilter = "A Directory\0.*\0"; // file.nFilterIndex = 1; file.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; // file.lpfnHook = DLLFindCallback; // use to validate the DLL chosen // file.Flags = OFN_ENABLESIZING | OFN_NOREADONLYRETURN | OFN_HIDEREADONLY; file.Flags = OFN_NOREADONLYRETURN | OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_EXPLORER; TCHAR output[250]; ::LoadString(AOut::GetInstance(),IDS_STRING_DIR_SELECT,output,250); file.lpstrTitle = output; GetSaveFileName(&file); #endif // SIMPLE_FOLDER } break; */ case IDC_CHECK_ENC_ABR: EnableAbrOptions(parentWnd, ::IsDlgButtonChecked( parentWnd, IDC_CHECK_ENC_ABR) == BST_CHECKED); break; /* case IDC_RADIO_BITRATE_CBR: AEncodeProperties::DisplayVbrOptions(parentWnd, AEncodeProperties::BR_CBR); break; case IDC_RADIO_BITRATE_VBR: AEncodeProperties::DisplayVbrOptions(parentWnd, AEncodeProperties::BR_VBR); break; case IDC_RADIO_BITRATE_ABR: AEncodeProperties::DisplayVbrOptions(parentWnd, AEncodeProperties::BR_ABR); break; case IDC_CHECK_RESAMPLE: { bool tmp_bResampleUsed = (::IsDlgButtonChecked( parentWnd, IDC_CHECK_RESAMPLE) == BST_CHECKED); if (tmp_bResampleUsed) { ::EnableWindow(::GetDlgItem(parentWnd,IDC_COMBO_SAMPLEFREQ), TRUE); } else { ::EnableWindow(::GetDlgItem(parentWnd,IDC_COMBO_SAMPLEFREQ), FALSE); } } break; */ /* case IDC_COMBO_SETTINGS: // if (CBN_SELCHANGE == GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam)) if (CBN_SELENDOK == GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam)) { char string[MAX_PATH]; int nIdx = SendMessage(HWND(lParam), CB_GETCURSEL, NULL, NULL); SendMessage(HWND(lParam), CB_GETLBTEXT , nIdx, (LPARAM) string); // get the info corresponding to the new selected item SelectSavedParams(string); UpdateDlgFromValue(parentWnd); } break; */ /* case IDC_BUTTON_CONFIG_SAVE: { // save the data in the current config char string[MAX_PATH]; ::GetWindowText(::GetDlgItem( parentWnd, IDC_COMBO_SETTINGS), string, MAX_PATH); UpdateValueFromDlg(parentWnd); SaveValuesToStringKey(string); SelectSavedParams(string); UpdateConfigs(parentWnd); UpdateDlgFromValue(parentWnd); } break; case IDC_BUTTON_CONFIG_RENAME: { char string[MAX_PATH]; ::GetWindowText(::GetDlgItem( parentWnd, IDC_COMBO_SETTINGS), string, MAX_PATH); if (RenameCurrentTo(string)) { // Update the names displayed UpdateConfigs(parentWnd); } } break; case IDC_BUTTON_CONFIG_DELETE: { char string[MAX_PATH]; ::GetWindowText(::GetDlgItem( parentWnd, IDC_COMBO_SETTINGS), string, MAX_PATH); if (DeleteConfig(string)) { // Update the names displayed UpdateConfigs(parentWnd); UpdateDlgFromValue(parentWnd); } } break; */ } return FALSE; } bool AEncodeProperties::RenameCurrentTo(const std::string & new_config_name) { bool bResult = false; // display all the names of the saved configs // get the values from the saved file if possible if (my_stored_data.LoadFile(my_store_location)) { TiXmlNode* node; node = my_stored_data.FirstChild("lame_acm"); TiXmlElement* CurrentNode = node->FirstChildElement("encodings"); if (CurrentNode->Attribute("default") != NULL) { std::string CurrentConfigName = *CurrentNode->Attribute("default"); // no rename possible for Current if (CurrentConfigName == "") { bResult = true; } else if (CurrentConfigName != "Current") { // find the config that correspond to CurrentConfig TiXmlElement* iterateElmt = CurrentNode->FirstChildElement("config"); // int Idx = 0; while (iterateElmt != NULL) { const std::string * tmpname = iterateElmt->Attribute("name"); /** \todo support language names */ if (tmpname != NULL) { if (tmpname->compare(CurrentConfigName) == 0) { iterateElmt->SetAttribute("name",new_config_name); bResult = true; break; } } // Idx++; iterateElmt = iterateElmt->NextSiblingElement("config"); } } if (bResult) { CurrentNode->SetAttribute("default",new_config_name); my_stored_data.SaveFile(my_store_location); } } } return bResult; } bool AEncodeProperties::DeleteConfig(const std::string & config_name) { bool bResult = false; if (config_name != "Current") { // display all the names of the saved configs // get the values from the saved file if possible if (my_stored_data.LoadFile(my_store_location)) { TiXmlNode* node; node = my_stored_data.FirstChild("lame_acm"); TiXmlElement* CurrentNode = node->FirstChildElement("encodings"); TiXmlElement* iterateElmt = CurrentNode->FirstChildElement("config"); // int Idx = 0; while (iterateElmt != NULL) { const std::string * tmpname = iterateElmt->Attribute("name"); /** \todo support language names */ if (tmpname != NULL) { if (tmpname->compare(config_name) == 0) { CurrentNode->RemoveChild(iterateElmt); bResult = true; break; } } // Idx++; iterateElmt = iterateElmt->NextSiblingElement("config"); } } if (bResult) { my_stored_data.SaveFile(my_store_location); // select a new default config : "Current" SelectSavedParams("Current"); } } return bResult; } void AEncodeProperties::UpdateConfigs(const HWND HwndDlg) { // Add User configs // SendMessage(GetDlgItem( HwndDlg, IDC_COMBO_SETTINGS), CB_RESETCONTENT , NULL, NULL); // display all the names of the saved configs // get the values from the saved file if possible if (my_stored_data.LoadFile(my_store_location)) { TiXmlNode* node; node = my_stored_data.FirstChild("lame_acm"); TiXmlElement* CurrentNode = node->FirstChildElement("encodings"); std::string CurrentConfig = ""; if (CurrentNode->Attribute("default") != NULL) { CurrentConfig = *CurrentNode->Attribute("default"); } TiXmlElement* iterateElmt; my_debug.OutPut("are we here ?"); // find the config that correspond to CurrentConfig iterateElmt = CurrentNode->FirstChildElement("config"); int Idx = 0; while (iterateElmt != NULL) { const std::string * tmpname = iterateElmt->Attribute("name"); /** \todo support language names */ if (tmpname != NULL) { // SendMessage(GetDlgItem( HwndDlg, IDC_COMBO_SETTINGS), CB_ADDSTRING, NULL, (LPARAM) tmpname->c_str()); if (tmpname->compare(CurrentConfig) == 0) { // SendMessage(GetDlgItem( HwndDlg, IDC_COMBO_SETTINGS), CB_SETCURSEL, Idx, NULL); SelectSavedParams(*tmpname); UpdateDlgFromValue(HwndDlg); } } my_debug.OutPut("Idx = %d",Idx); Idx++; // only Current config supported now // iterateElmt = iterateElmt->NextSiblingElement("config"); iterateElmt = NULL; my_debug.OutPut("iterateElmt = 0x%08X",iterateElmt); } } } /* void AEncodeProperties::UpdateAbrSteps(unsigned int min, unsigned int max, unsigned int step) const { } */ void AEncodeProperties::UpdateDlgFromSlides(HWND hwndDlg) const { UINT value_min, value_max, value_step, value; char tmp[4]; value_min = SendMessage(GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDC_SLIDER_AVERAGE_MIN), TBM_GETPOS, NULL, NULL); value_max = SendMessage(GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDC_SLIDER_AVERAGE_MAX), TBM_GETPOS, NULL, NULL); if (value_min>value_max) { SendMessage(GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDC_SLIDER_AVERAGE_MIN), TBM_SETPOS, TRUE, value_max); UpdateDlgFromSlides(hwndDlg); return; } if (value_max=value_min;i-=value_step) { SendMessage(GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDC_SLIDER_AVERAGE_SAMPLE), TBM_SETTIC, 0, i); } SendMessage(GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDC_SLIDER_AVERAGE_SAMPLE), TBM_SETLINESIZE, 0, value_step); SendMessage(GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDC_SLIDER_AVERAGE_SAMPLE), TBM_SETPAGESIZE, 0, value_step); value = SendMessage(GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDC_SLIDER_AVERAGE_SAMPLE), TBM_GETPOS, NULL, NULL); wsprintf(tmp,"%3d",value); ::SetWindowText(GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDC_STATIC_AVERAGE_SAMPLE_VALUE), tmp); } void AEncodeProperties::EnableAbrOptions(HWND hDialog, bool enable) { ::EnableWindow(::GetDlgItem( hDialog, IDC_SLIDER_AVERAGE_MIN), enable); ::EnableWindow(::GetDlgItem( hDialog, IDC_SLIDER_AVERAGE_MAX), enable); ::EnableWindow(::GetDlgItem( hDialog, IDC_SLIDER_AVERAGE_STEP), enable); ::EnableWindow(::GetDlgItem( hDialog, IDC_SLIDER_AVERAGE_SAMPLE), enable); ::EnableWindow(::GetDlgItem( hDialog, IDC_STATIC_AVERAGE_MIN), enable); ::EnableWindow(::GetDlgItem( hDialog, IDC_STATIC_AVERAGE_MAX), enable); ::EnableWindow(::GetDlgItem( hDialog, IDC_STATIC_AVERAGE_STEP), enable); ::EnableWindow(::GetDlgItem( hDialog, IDC_STATIC_AVERAGE_SAMPLE), enable); ::EnableWindow(::GetDlgItem( hDialog, IDC_STATIC_AVERAGE_MIN_VALUE), enable); ::EnableWindow(::GetDlgItem( hDialog, IDC_STATIC_AVERAGE_MAX_VALUE), enable); ::EnableWindow(::GetDlgItem( hDialog, IDC_STATIC_AVERAGE_STEP_VALUE), enable); ::EnableWindow(::GetDlgItem( hDialog, IDC_STATIC_AVERAGE_SAMPLE_VALUE), enable); }