ksc tool ======== A tool to check whitelist symbol usage in kernel module source code. Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c CONFIG, --config=CONFIG path to configuration file -d DIRECTORY, --directory=DIRECTORY path to the directory -i, --internal to create text files to be used internally -k KO, --ko=KO path to the ko file -n RELEASENAME, --name=RELEASENAME Red Hat release against which the bug is to be filed. Default value is 7.0 -p PREVIOUS, --previous=PREVIOUS path to previous resultset to submit as bug -r RELEASE, --release=RELEASE RHEL whitelist release to compare against -y SYMVERS, --symvers=SYMVERS Path to the Module.symvers file. The current kernel path is used if not specified. -s, --submit Submit to Red Hat Bugzilla -v, --version Prints KSC version number Valid architectures for binary modules are x86_64, ppc64, s390x. The total symbol usage number will vary depending on which architecture it is running against as it depends on the symbols provided by Red Hat kernel on that architecture. Example command and output: $ ksc -d ../drivers/ipw2200-1.1.4 Total symbol usage: 71 Total Non white list symbol usage: 3 Score: 95.77%