.. highlightlang:: c .. _krb5-post-recv-fn-struct: krb5_post_recv_fn ================= .. .. c:type:: krb5_post_recv_fn .. Hook function for inspecting or overriding KDC replies. If *code* is non-zero, KDC communication failed and *reply* should be ignored. The hook function may return *code* or a different error code, or may synthesize a reply by setting *new_reply_out* and return successfully. The hook function should use :c:func:`krb5_copy_data()` to construct the value for *new_reply_out* , to ensure that it can be freed correctly by the library. Declaration ------------ typedef krb5_error_code( \* krb5_post_recv_fn) (krb5_context context, void \*data, krb5_error_code code, const krb5_data \*realm, const krb5_data \*message, const krb5_data \*reply, krb5_data \*\*new_reply_out)