krb5_init_keyblock - Initialize an empty krb5_keyblock . ========================================================== .. .. c:function:: krb5_error_code krb5_init_keyblock(krb5_context context, krb5_enctype enctype, size_t length, krb5_keyblock ** out) .. :param: **[in]** **context** - Library context **[in]** **enctype** - Encryption type **[in]** **length** - Length of keyblock (or 0) **[out]** **out** - New keyblock structure .. :retval: - 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes .. Initialize a new keyblock and allocate storage for the contents of the key. It is legal to pass in a length of 0, in which case contents are left unallocated. Use :c:func:`krb5_free_keyblock()` to free *out* when it is no longer needed. .. .. note:: If *length* is set to 0, contents are left unallocated.