Blame src/util/

Packit fd8b60
# Copyright (C) 2011 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Packit fd8b60
# All rights reserved.
Packit fd8b60
Packit fd8b60
# Export of this software from the United States of America may
Packit fd8b60
#   require a specific license from the United States Government.
Packit fd8b60
#   It is the responsibility of any person or organization contemplating
Packit fd8b60
#   export to obtain such a license before exporting.
Packit fd8b60
Packit fd8b60
# WITHIN THAT CONSTRAINT, permission to use, copy, modify, and
Packit fd8b60
# distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and
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# without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
Packit fd8b60
# notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and
Packit fd8b60
# this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that
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# the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining
Packit fd8b60
# to distribution of the software without specific, written prior
Packit fd8b60
# permission.  Furthermore if you modify this software you must label
Packit fd8b60
# your software as modified software and not distribute it in such a
Packit fd8b60
# fashion that it might be confused with the original M.I.T. software.
Packit fd8b60
# M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of
Packit fd8b60
# this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without express
Packit fd8b60
# or implied warranty.
Packit fd8b60
Packit fd8b60
# This program is intended to be used by "make check-copyright".  It
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# checks for violations of the coding standards related to copyright
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# and license statements in source code comments.
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Packit fd8b60
import os
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import sys
Packit fd8b60
import re
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Packit fd8b60
def warn(fname, ln, msg):
Packit fd8b60
    print('%s: %d: %s' % (fname, ln + 1, msg))
Packit fd8b60
Packit fd8b60
def indicates_license(line):
Packit fd8b60
    return 'Copyright' in line or 'COPYRIGHT' in line or 'License' in line
Packit fd8b60
Packit fd8b60
# Check a comment for boilerplate violations.  Return true if the comment
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# is a license statement.
Packit fd8b60
def check_comment(comment, fname, ln, code_seen, nonlicense_seen):
Packit fd8b60
    text_seen = False
Packit fd8b60
    is_license = False
Packit fd8b60
    for line in comment:
Packit fd8b60
        if not is_license and indicates_license(line):
Packit fd8b60
            is_license = True
Packit fd8b60
            if text_seen:
Packit fd8b60
                warn(fname, ln, 'License begins after first line of comment')
Packit fd8b60
            elif code_seen:
Packit fd8b60
                warn(fname, ln, 'License after code')
Packit fd8b60
            elif nonlicense_seen:
Packit fd8b60
                warn(fname, ln, 'License after non-license comments')
Packit fd8b60
Packit fd8b60
        # DB2 licenses start with '/*-' and we don't want to change them.
Packit fd8b60
        if line != '' and line != '-':
Packit fd8b60
            text_seen = True
Packit fd8b60
    return is_license
Packit fd8b60
Packit fd8b60
def check_file(lines, fname):
Packit fd8b60
    # Skip emacs mode line if present.
Packit fd8b60
    ln = 0
Packit fd8b60
    if '-*- mode: c;' in lines[ln]:
Packit fd8b60
        ln += 1
Packit fd8b60
Packit fd8b60
    # Check filename comment if present.
Packit fd8b60
    m = re.match(r'/\* ([^ ]*)( - .*)? \*/', lines[ln])
Packit fd8b60
    if m:
Packit fd8b60
        if != fname:
Packit fd8b60
            warn(fname, ln, 'Wrong filename in comment')
Packit fd8b60
        ln += 1
Packit fd8b60
Packit fd8b60
    # Scan for license statements.
Packit fd8b60
    in_comment = False
Packit fd8b60
    code_seen = False
Packit fd8b60
    nonlicense_seen = False
Packit fd8b60
    for line in lines[ln:]:
Packit fd8b60
        # Strip out whitespace and comments contained within a line.
Packit fd8b60
        if not in_comment:
Packit fd8b60
            line = re.sub(r'/\*.*?\*/', '', line)
Packit fd8b60
        line = line.strip()
Packit fd8b60
Packit fd8b60
        if not in_comment and '/*' in line:
Packit fd8b60
            (line, sep, comment_part) = line.partition('/*')
Packit fd8b60
            comment = [comment_part.strip()]
Packit fd8b60
            comment_starts_at = ln
Packit fd8b60
            in_comment = True
Packit fd8b60
        elif in_comment and '*/' not in line:
Packit fd8b60
Packit fd8b60
        elif in_comment:
Packit fd8b60
            (comment_part, sep, line) = line.partition('*/')
Packit fd8b60
Packit fd8b60
            is_license = check_comment(comment, fname, comment_starts_at,
Packit fd8b60
                                       code_seen, nonlicense_seen)
Packit fd8b60
            nonlicense_seen = nonlicense_seen or not is_license
Packit fd8b60
            in_comment = False
Packit fd8b60
        elif line.strip() != '':
Packit fd8b60
            code_seen = True
Packit fd8b60
Packit fd8b60
        ln += 1
Packit fd8b60
Packit fd8b60
for fname in sys.argv[1:]:
Packit fd8b60
    if fname.startswith('./'):
Packit fd8b60
        fname = fname[2:]
Packit fd8b60
    f = open(fname)
Packit fd8b60
    lines = f.readlines()
Packit fd8b60
Packit fd8b60
    check_file(lines, fname)