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.TH "K5LOGIN" "5" " " "1.18.2" "MIT Kerberos"
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k5login \- Kerberos V5 acl file for host access
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The .k5login file, which resides in a user\(aqs home directory, contains
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a list of the Kerberos principals.  Anyone with valid tickets for a
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principal in the file is allowed host access with the UID of the user
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in whose home directory the file resides.  One common use is to place
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a .k5login file in root\(aqs home directory, thereby granting system
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administrators remote root access to the host via Kerberos.
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Suppose the user \fBalice\fP had a .k5login file in her home directory
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containing just the following line:
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This would allow \fBbob\fP to use Kerberos network applications, such as
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ssh(1), to access \fBalice\fP\(aqs account, using \fBbob\fP\(aqs Kerberos
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tickets.  In a default configuration (with \fBk5login_authoritative\fP set
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to true in krb5.conf(5)), this .k5login file would not let
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\fBalice\fP use those network applications to access her account, since
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she is not listed!  With no .k5login file, or with \fBk5login_authoritative\fP
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set to false, a default rule would permit the principal \fBalice\fP in the
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machine\(aqs default realm to access the \fBalice\fP account.
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Let us further suppose that \fBalice\fP is a system administrator.
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Alice and the other system administrators would have their principals
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in root\(aqs .k5login file on each host:
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This would allow either system administrator to log in to these hosts
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using their Kerberos tickets instead of having to type the root
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password.  Note that because \fBbob\fP retains the Kerberos tickets for
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his own principal, \fBbob@FOOBAR.ORG\fP, he would not have any of the
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privileges that require \fBalice\fP\(aqs tickets, such as root access to
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any of the site\(aqs hosts, or the ability to change \fBalice\fP\(aqs
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1985-2020, MIT
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.\" Generated by docutils manpage writer.
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