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MIT Kerberos Documentation

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The .k5identity file, which resides in a user’s home directory,

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contains a list of rules for selecting a client principals based on
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the server being accessed.  These rules are used to choose a
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credential cache within the cache collection when possible.

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Blank lines and lines beginning with # are ignored. Each line has

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the form:

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principal field=value
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If the server principal meets all of the field constraints, then

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principal is chosen as the client principal.  The following fields are
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If the realm of the server principal is known, it is matched
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against value, which may be a pattern using shell wildcards.
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For host-based server principals, the realm will generally only be
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known if there is a [domain_realm] section in
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krb5.conf with a mapping for the hostname.
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If the server principal is a host-based principal, its service
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component is matched against value, which may be a pattern using
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shell wildcards.
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If the server principal is a host-based principal, its hostname

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component is converted to lower case and matched against value,
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which may be a pattern using shell wildcards.

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If the server principal matches the constraints of multiple lines

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in the .k5identity file, the principal from the first matching
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line is used.  If no line matches, credentials will be selected
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some other way, such as the realm heuristic or the current primary
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The following example .k5identity file selects the client principal

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alice@KRBTEST.COM if the server principal is within that realm,
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the principal alice/root@EXAMPLE.COM if the server host is within
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a servers subdomain, and the principal alice/mail@EXAMPLE.COM when
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accessing the IMAP service on

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alice@KRBTEST.COM       realm=KRBTEST.COM
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alice/root@EXAMPLE.COM  host=*
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alice/mail@EXAMPLE.COM service=imap