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MIT Kerberos Documentation

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[ target_user ]
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[ -n target_principal_name ]
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[ -c source_cache_name ]
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[ -k ]
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[ -r time ]
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[ -p | -P]
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[ -f | -F]
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[ -l lifetime ]
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[ -z | Z ]
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[ -q ]
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[ -e command [ args …  ] ] [ -a [ args …  ] ]

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Must have Kerberos version 5 installed to compile ksu. Must have a

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Kerberos version 5 server running to use ksu.

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ksu is a Kerberized version of the su program that has two missions:

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one is to securely change the real and effective user ID to that of
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the target user, and the other is to create a new security context.

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For the sake of clarity, all references to and attributes of

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the user invoking the program will start with “source”
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(e.g., “source user”, “source cache”, etc.).

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Likewise, all references to and attributes of the target

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account will start with “target”.

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To fulfill the first mission, ksu operates in two phases:

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authentication and authorization.  Resolving the target principal name
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is the first step in authentication.  The user can either specify his
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principal name with the -n option (e.g., -n jqpublic@USC.EDU)
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or a default principal name will be assigned using a heuristic
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described in the OPTIONS section (see -n option).  The target user
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name must be the first argument to ksu; if not specified root is the
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default.  If . is specified then the target user will be the
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source user (e.g., ksu .).  If the source user is root or the
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target user is the source user, no authentication or authorization
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takes place.  Otherwise, ksu looks for an appropriate Kerberos ticket
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in the source cache.

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The ticket can either be for the end-server or a ticket granting

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ticket (TGT) for the target principal’s realm.  If the ticket for the
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end-server is already in the cache, it’s decrypted and verified.  If
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it’s not in the cache but the TGT is, the TGT is used to obtain the
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ticket for the end-server.  The end-server ticket is then verified.
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If neither ticket is in the cache, but ksu is compiled with the
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GET_TGT_VIA_PASSWD define, the user will be prompted for a
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Kerberos password which will then be used to get a TGT.  If the user
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is logged in remotely and does not have a secure channel, the password
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may be exposed.  If neither ticket is in the cache and
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GET_TGT_VIA_PASSWD is not defined, authentication fails.

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This section describes authorization of the source user when ksu is

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invoked without the -e option.  For a description of the -e
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option, see the OPTIONS section.

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Upon successful authentication, ksu checks whether the target

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principal is authorized to access the target account.  In the target
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user’s home directory, ksu attempts to access two authorization files:
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.k5login and .k5users.  In the .k5login file each line
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contains the name of a principal that is authorized to access the
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For example:

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