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MIT Kerberos Documentation

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[--help | --all | --version | --vendor | --prefix | --exec-prefix | --defccname | --defktname | --defcktname | --cflags | --libs [libraries]]

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krb5-config tells the application programmer what flags to use to compile

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and link programs against the installed Kerberos libraries.

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prints a usage message. This is the default behavior when no options
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are specified.
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prints the version, vendor, prefix, and exec-prefix.
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prints the version number of the Kerberos installation.
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prints the name of the vendor of the Kerberos installation.
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prints the prefix for which the Kerberos installation was built.
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prints the prefix for executables for which the Kerberos installation
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was built.
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prints the built-in default credentials cache location.
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prints the built-in default keytab location.
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prints the built-in default client (initiator) keytab location.
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prints the compilation flags used to build the Kerberos installation.
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--libs [library]
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prints the compiler options needed to link against library.

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Allowed values for library are:

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Kerberos 5 applications (default)
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GSSAPI applications with Kerberos 5 bindings
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Kadmin client
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Kadmin server
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Applications that access the Kerberos database
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krb5-config is particularly useful for compiling against a Kerberos

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installation that was installed in a non-standard location.  For example,
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a Kerberos installation that is installed in /opt/krb5/ but uses
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libraries in /usr/local/lib/ for text localization would produce
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the following output:

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shell% krb5-config --libs krb5
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-L/opt/krb5/lib -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/opt/krb5/lib -L/usr/local/lib -lkrb5 -lk5crypto -lcom_err