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MIT Kerberos Documentation

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Ticket management

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On many systems, Kerberos is built into the login program, and you get

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tickets automatically when you log in.  Other programs, such as ssh,
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can forward copies of your tickets to a remote host.  Most of these
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programs also automatically destroy your tickets when they exit.
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However, MIT recommends that you explicitly destroy your Kerberos
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tickets when you are through with them, just to be sure.  One way to
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help ensure that this happens is to add the kdestroy command
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to your .logout file.  Additionally, if you are going to be away from
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your machine and are concerned about an intruder using your
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permissions, it is safest to either destroy all copies of your
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tickets, or use a screensaver that locks the screen.

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Kerberos ticket properties

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There are various properties that Kerberos tickets can have:

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If a ticket is forwardable, then the KDC can issue a new ticket

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(with a different network address, if necessary) based on the
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forwardable ticket.  This allows for authentication forwarding without
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requiring a password to be typed in again.  For example, if a user
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with a forwardable TGT logs into a remote system, the KDC could issue
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a new TGT for that user with the network address of the remote system,
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allowing authentication on that host to work as though the user were
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logged in locally.

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When the KDC creates a new ticket based on a forwardable ticket, it

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sets the forwarded flag on that new ticket.  Any tickets that are
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created based on a ticket with the forwarded flag set will also have
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their forwarded flags set.

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A proxiable ticket is similar to a forwardable ticket in that it

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allows a service to take on the identity of the client.  Unlike a
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forwardable ticket, however, a proxiable ticket is only issued for
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specific services.  In other words, a ticket-granting ticket cannot be
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issued based on a ticket that is proxiable but not forwardable.

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A proxy ticket is one that was issued based on a proxiable ticket.

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A postdated ticket is issued with the invalid flag set. After the

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starting time listed on the ticket, it can be presented to the KDC to
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obtain valid tickets.

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Ticket-granting tickets with the postdateable flag set can be used

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to obtain postdated service tickets.

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Renewable tickets can be used to obtain new session keys without

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the user entering their password again.  A renewable ticket has two
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expiration times.  The first is the time at which this particular
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ticket expires.  The second is the latest possible expiration time for
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any ticket issued based on this renewable ticket.

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A ticket with the initial flag set was issued based on the

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authentication protocol, and not on a ticket-granting ticket.
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Application servers that wish to ensure that the user’s key has been
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recently presented for verification could specify that this flag must
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be set to accept the ticket.

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An invalid ticket must be rejected by application servers.

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Postdated tickets are usually issued with this flag set, and must be
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validated by the KDC before they can be used.

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A preauthenticated ticket is one that was only issued after the

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client requesting the ticket had authenticated itself to the KDC.

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The hardware authentication flag is set on a ticket which required

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the use of hardware for authentication.  The hardware is expected to
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be possessed only by the client which requested the tickets.

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If a ticket has the transit policy checked flag set, then the KDC

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that issued this ticket implements the transited-realm check policy
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and checked the transited-realms list on the ticket.  The
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transited-realms list contains a list of all intermediate realms
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between the realm of the KDC that issued the first ticket and that of
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the one that issued the current ticket.  If this flag is not set, then
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the application server must check the transited realms itself or else
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reject the ticket.

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The okay as delegate flag indicates that the server specified in

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the ticket is suitable as a delegate as determined by the policy of
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that realm.  Some client applications may use this flag to decide
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whether to forward tickets to a remote host, although many
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applications do not honor it.

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An anonymous ticket is one in which the named principal is a

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generic principal for that realm; it does not actually specify the
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individual that will be using the ticket.  This ticket is meant only
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to securely distribute a session key.

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Obtaining tickets with kinit

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If your site has integrated Kerberos V5 with the login system, you

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will get Kerberos tickets automatically when you log in.  Otherwise,
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you may need to explicitly obtain your Kerberos tickets, using the
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kinit program.  Similarly, if your Kerberos tickets expire,
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use the kinit program to obtain new ones.

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To use the kinit program, simply type kinit and then type your

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password at the prompt. For example, Jennifer (whose username is
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jennifer) works for Bleep, Inc. (a fictitious company with the
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domain name and the Kerberos realm ATHENA.MIT.EDU).  She would
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shell% kinit
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Password for jennifer@ATHENA.MIT.EDU: <-- [Type jennifer's password here.]
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