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MIT Kerberos Documentation

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Password management

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Your password is the only way Kerberos has of verifying your identity.

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If someone finds out your password, that person can masquerade as
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you—send email that comes from you, read, edit, or delete your files,
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or log into other hosts as you—and no one will be able to tell the
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difference.  For this reason, it is important that you choose a good
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password, and keep it secret.  If you need to give access to your
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account to someone else, you can do so through Kerberos (see
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Granting access to your account).  You should never tell your password to anyone,
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including your system administrator, for any reason.  You should
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change your password frequently, particularly any time you think
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someone may have found out what it is.

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Changing your password

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To change your Kerberos password, use the kpasswd command.

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It will ask you for your old password (to prevent someone else from
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walking up to your computer when you’re not there and changing your
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password), and then prompt you for the new one twice.  (The reason you
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have to type it twice is to make sure you have typed it correctly.)
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For example, user david would do the following:

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shell% kpasswd
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Password for david:    <- Type your old password.
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Enter new password:    <- Type your new password.
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Enter it again:  <- Type the new password again.
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Password changed.
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