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MIT Kerberos Documentation

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Building Kerberos V5

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This section details how to build and install MIT Kerberos software

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from the source.

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In order to build Kerberos V5, you will need approximately 60-70

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megabytes of disk space.  The exact amount will vary depending on the
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platform and whether the distribution is compiled with debugging
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symbol tables or not.

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Your C compiler must conform to ANSI C (ISO/IEC 9899:1990, “c89”).

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Some operating systems do not have an ANSI C compiler, or their
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default compiler requires extra command-line options to enable ANSI C
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If you wish to keep a separate build tree, which contains the compiled

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*.o file and executables, separate from your source tree, you will
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need a make program which supports VPATH, or you will need to use
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a tool such as lndir to produce a symbolic link tree for your build
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Obtaining the software

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The source code can be obtained from MIT Kerberos Distribution page,

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The MIT Kerberos distribution comes in an archive file, generally
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named krb5-VERSION-signed.tar, where VERSION is a placeholder for
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the major and minor versions of MIT Kerberos.  (For example, MIT
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Kerberos 1.9 has major version “1” and minor version “9”.)

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The krb5-VERSION-signed.tar contains a compressed tar file consisting

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of the sources for all of Kerberos (generally named
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krb5-VERSION.tar.gz) and a PGP signature file for this source tree
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(generally named krb5-VERSION.tar.gz.asc).  MIT highly recommends that
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you verify the integrity of the source code using this signature,
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e.g., by running:

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tar xf krb5-VERSION-signed.tar
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gpg --verify krb5-VERSION.tar.gz.asc