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MIT Kerberos Documentation

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krb5_cccol_cursor_next - Get the next credential cache in the collection.

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krb5_error_code krb5_cccol_cursor_next(krb5_context context, krb5_cccol_cursor cursor, krb5_ccache * ccache)
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[in] context - Library context

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[in] cursor - Cursor

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[out] ccache - Credential cache handle

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  • 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes
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    Use krb5_cc_close() to close ccache when it is no longer needed.

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    See also

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    krb5_cccol_cursor_new() , krb5_cccol_cursor_free()

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    When all caches are iterated over and the end of the list is reached, ccache is set to NULL.

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    On this page

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    • krb5_cccol_cursor_next - Get the next credential cache in the collection.
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      Table of contents

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      • For users
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      • For administrators
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      • For application developers
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        • Developing with GSSAPI
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        • Year 2038 considerations for uses of krb5_timestamp
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        • Differences between Heimdal and MIT Kerberos API
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        • Initial credentials
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        • Principal manipulation and parsing
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        • Complete reference - API and datatypes
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          • krb5 API
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          • krb5 types and structures
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          • krb5 simple macros
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          • For plugin module developers
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          • Building Kerberos V5
          • Packit fd8b60
          • Kerberos V5 concepts
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          • Protocols and file formats
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          • MIT Kerberos features
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          • How to build this documentation from the source
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          • Contributing to the MIT Kerberos Documentation
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