Blame doc/basic/keytab_def.rst

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.. _keytab_definition:
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A keytab (short for "key table") stores long-term keys for one or more
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principals.  Keytabs are normally represented by files in a standard
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format, although in rare cases they can be represented in other ways.
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Keytabs are used most often to allow server applications to accept
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authentications from clients, but can also be used to obtain initial
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credentials for client applications.
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Keytabs are named using the format *type*\ ``:``\ *value*.  Usually
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*type* is ``FILE`` and *value* is the absolute pathname of the file.
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The other possible value for *type* is ``MEMORY``, which indicates a
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temporary keytab stored in the memory of the current process.
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A keytab contains one or more entries, where each entry consists of a
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timestamp (indicating when the entry was written to the keytab), a
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principal name, a key version number, an encryption type, and the
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encryption key itself.
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A keytab can be displayed using the :ref:`klist(1)` command with the
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``-k`` option.  Keytabs can be created or appended to by extracting
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keys from the KDC database using the :ref:`kadmin(1)` :ref:`ktadd`
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command.  Keytabs can be manipulated using the :ref:`ktutil(1)` and
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:ref:`k5srvutil(1)` commands.
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Default keytab
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The default keytab is used by server applications if the application
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does not request a specific keytab.  The name of the default keytab is
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determined by the following, in decreasing order of preference:
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#. The **KRB5_KTNAME** environment variable.
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#. The **default_keytab_name** profile variable in :ref:`libdefaults`.
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#. The hardcoded default, |keytab|.
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Default client keytab
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The default client keytab is used, if it is present and readable, to
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automatically obtain initial credentials for GSSAPI client
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applications.  The principal name of the first entry in the client
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keytab is used by default when obtaining initial credentials.  The
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name of the default client keytab is determined by the following, in
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decreasing order of preference:
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#. The **KRB5_CLIENT_KTNAME** environment variable.
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#. The **default_client_keytab_name** profile variable in
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#. The hardcoded default, |ckeytab|.