From ac8aade1c46e06f675c72908ffc7803a777b0eb0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Packit Service Date: Dec 09 2020 17:57:04 +0000 Subject: kpatch-0.6.1 base --- diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a518cbf --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +*.o +*.o.cmd +*.o.d +*.ko +*.ko.cmd +*.mod.c +*.swp +*.d +*.so +.tmp_versions +Module.symvers +kmod/core/ +kpatch-build/lookup +kpatch-build/create-diff-object +kpatch-build/create-klp-module +kpatch-build/create-kpatch-module +man/kpatch.1.gz +man/kpatch-build.1.gz diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules new file mode 100644 index 0000000..49b1024 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitmodules @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +[submodule "test/unit/objs"] + path = test/unit/objs + url = diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1c1fda6 --- /dev/null +++ b/.travis.yml @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +language: c +before_install: + - sudo apt-get -qq update + - sudo apt-get install -y libelf-dev linux-headers-$(uname -r) shellcheck elfutils + +script: + - make + - make unit + - make check + - sudo make install diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d159169 --- /dev/null +++ b/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,339 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along + with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this +when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author + Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may +be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be +mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program + `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. + + , 1 April 1989 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into +proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may +consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the +library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General +Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6fb06c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +include + +SUBDIRS = kpatch-build kpatch kmod man contrib +BUILD_DIRS = $(SUBDIRS:%=build-%) +INSTALL_DIRS = $(SUBDIRS:%=install-%) +UNINSTALL_DIRS = $(SUBDIRS:%=uninstall-%) +CLEAN_DIRS = $(SUBDIRS:%=clean-%) + +UNITTEST_DIR = test/unit +CLEAN_DIRS += clean-$(UNITTEST_DIR) + +.PHONY: all install uninstall clean check unit +.PHONY: $(SUBDIRS) $(BUILD_DIRS) $(INSTALL_DIRS) $(CLEAN_DIRS) + + +all: $(BUILD_DIRS) +$(BUILD_DIRS): + $(MAKE) -C $(@:build-%=%) + +install: $(INSTALL_DIRS) +$(INSTALL_DIRS): + $(MAKE) -C $(@:install-%=%) install + +uninstall: $(UNINSTALL_DIRS) +$(UNINSTALL_DIRS): + $(MAKE) -C $(@:uninstall-%=%) uninstall + +clean: $(CLEAN_DIRS) +$(CLEAN_DIRS): + $(MAKE) -C $(@:clean-%=%) clean + +unit: $(UNITTEST_DIR)/Makefile build-kpatch-build + $(MAKE) -C $(UNITTEST_DIR) + +check: + shellcheck kpatch/kpatch kpatch-build/kpatch-build kpatch-build/kpatch-gcc diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7351047 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +SHELL = /bin/sh +CC = gcc + +INSTALL = /usr/bin/install + +ARCH = $(shell uname -m) + +PREFIX ?= /usr/local +LIBDIR ?= lib +LIBEXEC ?= libexec +BINDIR = $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin +SBINDIR = $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/sbin +MODULESDIR = $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/$(LIBDIR)/kpatch +LIBEXECDIR = $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/$(LIBEXEC)/kpatch +DATADIR = $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/kpatch +MANDIR = $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/man/man1 +SYSTEMDDIR = $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/lib/systemd/system +UPSTARTDIR = $(DESTDIR)/etc/init + +# The core module is only supported on x86_64 +ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64) +BUILDMOD ?= yes +endif + +.PHONY: all install clean +.DEFAULT: all diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b38f9a --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,671 @@ +kpatch: dynamic kernel patching +=============================== + +kpatch is a Linux dynamic kernel patching infrastructure which allows you to +patch a running kernel without rebooting or restarting any processes. It +enables sysadmins to apply critical security patches to the kernel immediately, +without having to wait for long-running tasks to complete, for users to log +off, or for scheduled reboot windows. It gives more control over uptime +without sacrificing security or stability. + +**WARNING: Use with caution! Kernel crashes, spontaneous reboots, and data loss +may occur!** + +Here's a video of kpatch in action: + +[![kpatch video](]( + +And a few more: + +- +- + +Installation +------------ + +### Prerequisites + +#### Fedora + +*NOTE: You'll need about 15GB of free disk space for the kpatch-build cache in +`~/.kpatch` and for ccache.* + +Install the dependencies for compiling kpatch: + +```bash +UNAME=$(uname -r) +sudo dnf install gcc kernel-devel-${UNAME%.*} elfutils elfutils-devel +``` + +Install the dependencies for the "kpatch-build" command: + +```bash +sudo dnf install pesign yum-utils openssl wget numactl-devel +sudo dnf builddep kernel-${UNAME%.*} +sudo dnf debuginfo-install kernel-${UNAME%.*} + +# optional, but highly recommended +sudo dnf install ccache +ccache --max-size=5G + +# optional, for kpatch-test +sudo dnf install patchutils +``` + +#### RHEL 7 + +*NOTE: You'll need about 15GB of free disk space for the kpatch-build cache in +`~/.kpatch` and for ccache.* + +Install the dependencies for compiling kpatch: + +```bash +UNAME=$(uname -r) +sudo yum install gcc kernel-devel-${UNAME%.*} elfutils elfutils-devel +``` + +Install the dependencies for the "kpatch-build" command: + +```bash +sudo yum-config-manager --enable rhel-7-server-optional-rpms +sudo yum install pesign yum-utils zlib-devel \ + binutils-devel newt-devel python-devel perl-ExtUtils-Embed \ + audit-libs-devel numactl-devel pciutils-devel bison ncurses-devel + +sudo yum-builddep kernel-${UNAME%.*} +sudo debuginfo-install kernel-${UNAME%.*} + +# optional, but highly recommended +sudo yum install +ccache --max-size=5G + +# optional, for kpatch-test +sudo yum install patchutils +``` + +#### CentOS 7 + +*NOTE: You'll need about 15GB of free disk space for the kpatch-build cache in +`~/.kpatch` and for ccache.* + +Install the dependencies for compiling kpatch: + +```bash +UNAME=$(uname -r) +sudo yum install gcc kernel-devel-${UNAME%.*} elfutils elfutils-devel +``` + +Install the dependencies for the "kpatch-build" command: + +```bash +sudo yum install pesign yum-utils zlib-devel \ + binutils-devel newt-devel python-devel perl-ExtUtils-Embed \ + audit-libs audit-libs-devel numactl-devel pciutils-devel bison + +# enable CentOS 7 debug repo +sudo yum-config-manager --enable debug + +sudo yum-builddep kernel-${UNAME%.*} +sudo debuginfo-install kernel-${UNAME%.*} + +# optional, but highly recommended - enable EPEL 7 +sudo yum install ccache +ccache --max-size=5G + +# optional, for kpatch-test +sudo yum install patchutils +``` + +#### Oracle Linux 7 + +*NOTE: You'll need about 15GB of free disk space for the kpatch-build cache in +`~/.kpatch` and for ccache.* + +Install the dependencies for compiling kpatch: + +```bash +UNAME=$(uname -r) +sudo yum install gcc kernel-devel-${UNAME%.*} elfutils elfutils-devel +``` + +Install the dependencies for the "kpatch-build" command: + +```bash +sudo yum install pesign yum-utils zlib-devel \ + binutils-devel newt-devel python-devel perl-ExtUtils-Embed \ + audit-libs numactl-devel pciutils-devel bison + +# enable ol7_optional_latest repo +sudo yum-config-manager --enable ol7_optional_latest + +sudo yum-builddep kernel-${UNAME%.*} + +# manually install kernel debuginfo packages +rpm -ivh$(uname -r).rpm +rpm -ivh$(uname -r).rpm + +# optional, but highly recommended - enable EPEL 7 +sudo yum install ccache +ccache --max-size=5G + +# optional, for kpatch-test +sudo yum install patchutils +``` + +#### Ubuntu 14.04 + +*NOTE: You'll need about 15GB of free disk space for the kpatch-build cache in +`~/.kpatch` and for ccache.* + +Install the dependencies for compiling kpatch: + +```bash +apt-get install make gcc libelf-dev +``` + +Install the dependencies for the "kpatch-build" command: + +```bash +apt-get install dpkg-dev devscripts +apt-get build-dep linux + +# optional, but highly recommended +apt-get install ccache +ccache --max-size=5G +``` + +Install kernel debug symbols: + +```bash +# Add ddebs repository +codename=$(lsb_release -sc) +sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ddebs.list << EOF +deb ${codename} main restricted universe multiverse +deb ${codename}-security main restricted universe multiverse +deb ${codename}-updates main restricted universe multiverse +deb ${codename}-proposed main restricted universe multiverse +EOF + +# add APT key +wget -Nq -O- | sudo apt-key add - +apt-get update && apt-get install linux-image-$(uname -r)-dbgsym +``` +If there are no packages published yet to the codename-security pocket, the +apt update may report a "404 Not Found" error, as well as a complaint about +disabling the repository by default. This message may be ignored (see issue +#710). + +#### Debian 9 (Stretch) + +Since Stretch the stock kernel can be used without changes, however the +version of kpatch in Stretch is too old so you still need to build it +manually. Follow the instructions for Debian Jessie (next section) but skip +building a custom kernel/rebooting. + +#### Debian 8 (Jessie) + +*NOTE: You'll need about 15GB of free disk space for the kpatch-build cache in +`~/.kpatch` and for ccache.* + +Install the dependencies for compiling kpatch: + + apt-get install make gcc libelf-dev build-essential + +Install and prepare the kernel sources: + +```bash +apt-get install linux-source-$(uname -r) +cd /usr/src && tar xvf linux-source-$(uname -r).tar.xz && ln -s linux-source-$(uname -r) linux && cd linux +cp /boot/config-$(uname -r) .config +for OPTION in CONFIG_KALLSYMS_ALL CONFIG_FUNCTION_TRACER ; do sed -i "s/# $OPTION is not set/$OPTION=y/g" .config ; done +sed -i "s/^SUBLEVEL.*/SUBLEVEL =/" Makefile +make -j`getconf _NPROCESSORS_CONF` deb-pkg KDEB_PKGVERSION=$(uname -r).9-1 +``` + +Install the kernel packages and reboot + + dpkg -i /usr/src/*.deb + reboot + +Install the dependencies for the "kpatch-build" command: + + apt-get install dpkg-dev + apt-get build-dep linux + + # optional, but highly recommended + apt-get install ccache + ccache --max-size=5G + +#### Debian 7 (Lenny) + +*NOTE: You'll need about 15GB of free disk space for the kpatch-build cache in +`~/.kpatch` and for ccache.* + +Add backports repositories: + +```bash +echo "deb wheezy-backports main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/wheezy-backports.list +echo "deb backports-incloudus main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/incloudus.list +wget -O- | apt-key add - +aptitude update +``` + +Install the linux kernel, symbols and gcc 4.9: + + aptitude install -t wheezy-backports -y initramfs-tools + aptitude install -y gcc gcc-4.9 g++-4.9 linux-image-3.14 linux-image-3.14-dbg + +Configure gcc 4.9 as the default gcc compiler: + + update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.7 20 + update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.9 50 + update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.7 20 + update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.9 50 + +Install kpatch and these dependencies: + + aptitude install kpatch + +Configure ccache (installed by kpatch package): + + ccache --max-size=5G + +#### Gentoo + +*NOTE: You'll need about 15GB of free disk space for the kpatch-build cache in +`~/.kpatch` and for ccache.* + +Install Kpatch and Kpatch dependencies: + +```bash +emerge --ask sys-kernel/kpatch +``` + +Install ccache (optional): + +```bash +emerge --ask dev-util/ccache +``` + +Configure ccache: + +```bash +ccache --max-size=5G +``` + +### Build + +Compile kpatch: + + make + + +### Install + +OPTIONAL: Install kpatch to `/usr/local`: + + sudo make install + +Alternatively, the kpatch and kpatch-build scripts can be run directly from the +git tree. + + +Quick start +----------- + +> NOTE: While kpatch is designed to work with any recent Linux +kernel on any distribution, the `kpatch-build` command has **ONLY** been tested +and confirmed to work on Fedora 20 and later, RHEL 7, Oracle Linux 7, CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 14.04. + +First, make a source code patch against the kernel tree using diff, git, or +quilt. + +As a contrived example, let's patch /proc/meminfo to show VmallocChunk in ALL +CAPS so we can see it better: + + $ cat meminfo-string.patch + Index: src/fs/proc/meminfo.c + =================================================================== + --- src.orig/fs/proc/meminfo.c + +++ src/fs/proc/meminfo.c + @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ static int meminfo_proc_show(struct seq_ + "Committed_AS: %8lu kB\n" + "VmallocTotal: %8lu kB\n" + "VmallocUsed: %8lu kB\n" + - "VmallocChunk: %8lu kB\n" + + "VMALLOCCHUNK: %8lu kB\n" + #ifdef CONFIG_MEMORY_FAILURE + "HardwareCorrupted: %5lu kB\n" + #endif + +Build the patch module: + + $ kpatch-build -t vmlinux meminfo-string.patch + Using cache at /home/jpoimboe/.kpatch/3.13.10-200.fc20.x86_64/src + Testing patch file + checking file fs/proc/meminfo.c + Building original kernel + Building patched kernel + Detecting changed objects + Rebuilding changed objects + Extracting new and modified ELF sections + meminfo.o: changed function: meminfo_proc_show + Building patch module: kpatch-meminfo-string.ko + SUCCESS + +> NOTE: The `-t vmlinux` option is used to tell `kpatch-build` to only look for +> changes in the `vmlinux` base kernel image, which is much faster than also +> compiling all the kernel modules. If your patch affects a kernel module, you +> can either omit this option to build everything, and have `kpatch-build` +> detect which modules changed, or you can specify the affected kernel build +> targets with multiple `-t` options. + +That outputs a patch module named `kpatch-meminfo-string.ko` in the current +directory. Now apply it to the running kernel: + + $ sudo kpatch load kpatch-meminfo-string.ko + loading core module: /usr/local/lib/modules/3.13.10-200.fc20.x86_64/kpatch/kpatch.ko + loading patch module: kpatch-meminfo-string.ko + +Done! The kernel is now patched. + + $ grep -i chunk /proc/meminfo + VMALLOCCHUNK: 34359337092 kB + + +Patch Author Guide +------------------ + +Unfortunately, live patching isn't always as easy as the previous example, and +can have some major pitfalls if you're not careful. To learn more about how to +properly create live patches, see the [Patch Author +Guide](doc/ + + +How it works +------------ + +kpatch works at a function granularity: old functions are replaced with new +ones. It has four main components: + +- **kpatch-build**: a collection of tools which convert a source diff patch to + a patch module. They work by compiling the kernel both with and without + the source patch, comparing the binaries, and generating a patch module + which includes new binary versions of the functions to be replaced. + +- **patch module**: a kernel module (.ko file) which includes the + replacement functions and metadata about the original functions. + +- **kpatch core module**: a kernel module (.ko file) which provides an + interface for the patch modules to register new functions for + replacement. It uses the kernel ftrace subsystem to hook into the original + function's mcount call instruction, so that a call to the original function + is redirected to the replacement function. + +- **kpatch utility:** a command-line tool which allows a user to manage a + collection of patch modules. One or more patch modules may be + configured to load at boot time, so that a system can remain patched + even after a reboot into the same version of the kernel. + + +### kpatch-build + +The "kpatch-build" command converts a source-level diff patch file to a kernel +patch module. Most of its work is performed by the kpatch-build script +which uses a utility named `create-diff-object` to compare changed objects. + +The primary steps in kpatch-build are: +- Build the unstripped vmlinux for the kernel +- Patch the source tree +- Rebuild vmlinux and monitor which objects are being rebuilt. + These are the "changed objects". +- Recompile each changed object with `-ffunction-sections -fdata-sections`, + resulting in the changed patched objects +- Unpatch the source tree +- Recompile each changed object with `-ffunction-sections -fdata-sections`, + resulting in the changed original objects +- For every changed object, use `create-diff-object` to do the following: + * Analyze each original/patched object pair for patchability + * Add `.kpatch.funcs` and `.rela.kpatch.funcs` sections to the output object. + The kpatch core module uses this to determine the list of functions + that need to be redirected using ftrace. + * Add `.kpatch.dynrelas` and `.rela.kpatch.dynrelas` sections to the output object. + This will be used to resolve references to non-included local + and non-exported global symbols. These relocations will be resolved by the kpatch core module. + * Generate the resulting output object containing the new and modified sections +- Link all the output objects into a cumulative object +- Generate the patch module + + +### Patching + +The patch modules register with the core module (`kpatch.ko`). +They provide information about original functions that need to be replaced, and +corresponding function pointers to the replacement functions. + +The core module registers a handler function with ftrace. The +handler function is called by ftrace immediately before the original +function begins executing. This occurs with the help of the reserved mcount +call at the beginning of every function, created by the gcc `-mfentry` flag. +The ftrace handler then modifies the return instruction pointer (IP) +address on the stack and returns to ftrace, which then restores the original +function's arguments and stack, and "returns" to the new function. + + +Limitations +----------- + +- Patches which modify init functions (annotated with `__init`) are not + supported. kpatch-build will return an error if the patch attempts + to do so. + +- Patches which modify statically allocated data are not supported. + kpatch-build will detect that and return an error. (In the future + we will add a facility to support it. It will probably require the + user to write code which runs at patch module loading time which manually + updates the data.) + +- Patches which change the way a function interacts with dynamically + allocated data might be safe, or might not. It isn't possible for + kpatch-build to verify the safety of this kind of patch. It's up to + the user to understand what the patch does, whether the new functions + interact with dynamically allocated data in a different way than the + old functions did, and whether it would be safe to atomically apply + such a patch to a running kernel. + +- Patches which modify functions in vdso are not supported. These run in + user-space and ftrace can't hook them. + +- Patches which modify functions that are missing a `fentry` call are not + supported. This includes any `lib-y` targets that are archived into a + `lib.a` library for later linking (for example, `lib/string.o`). + +- Some incompatibilities currently exist between kpatch and usage of ftrace and + kprobes. See the Frequently Asked Questions section for more details. + + +Frequently Asked Questions +-------------------------- + +**Q. What's the relationship between kpatch and the upstream Linux live kernel +patching component (livepatch)?** + +Starting with Linux 4.0, the Linux kernel has livepatch, which is a new +converged live kernel patching framework. Livepatch is similar in +functionality to the kpatch core module, though it doesn't yet have all the +features that kpatch does. + +kpatch-build already works with both livepatch and kpatch. If your kernel has +CONFIG\_LIVEPATCH enabled, it detects that and builds a patch module in the +livepatch format. Otherwise it builds a kpatch patch module. + +The kpatch script also supports both patch module formats. + +**Q. Isn't this just a virus/rootkit injection framework?** + +kpatch uses kernel modules to replace code. It requires the `CAP_SYS_MODULE` +capability. If you already have that capability, then you already have the +ability to arbitrarily modify the kernel, with or without kpatch. + +**Q. How can I detect if somebody has patched the kernel?** + +When a patch module is loaded, the `TAINT_USER` or `TAINT_LIVEPATCH` flag is +set. (The latter flag was introduced in Linux version 4.0.) To test for +these flags, `cat /proc/sys/kernel/tainted` and check to see if the value of +`TAINT_USER` (64) or `TAINT_LIVEPATCH` (32768) has been OR'ed in. + +Note that the `TAINT_OOT_MODULE` flag (4096) will also be set, since the patch +module is built outside the Linux kernel source tree. + +If your patch module is unsigned, the `TAINT_FORCED_MODULE` flag (2) will also +be set. Starting with Linux 3.15, this will be changed to the more specific +`TAINT_UNSIGNED_MODULE` (8192). + +Linux versions starting with 4.9 also support a per-module `TAINT_LIVEPATCH` +taint flag. This can be checked by verifying the output of +`cat /sys/module//taint` -- a 'K' character indicates the +presence of `TAINT_LIVEPATCH`. + +**Q. Will it destabilize my system?** + +No, as long as the patch is chosen carefully. See the Limitations section +above. + +**Q. Why does kpatch use ftrace to jump to the replacement function instead of +adding the jump directly?** + +ftrace owns the first "call mcount" instruction of every kernel function. In +order to keep compatibility with ftrace, we go through ftrace rather than +updating the instruction directly. This approach also ensures that the code +modification path is reliable, since ftrace has been doing it successfully for +years. + +**Q. Is kpatch compatible with \?** + +We aim to be good kernel citizens and maintain compatibility. A kpatch +replacement function is no different than a function loaded by any other kernel +module. Each replacement function has its own symbol name and kallsyms entry, +so it looks like a normal function to the kernel. + +- **oops stack traces**: Yes. If the replacement function is involved in an + oops, the stack trace will show the function and kernel module name of the + replacement function, just like any other kernel module function. The oops + message will also show the taint flag (see the FAQ "How can I detect if + somebody has patched the kernel" for specifics). +- **kdump/crash**: Yes. Replacement functions are normal functions, so crash + will have no issues. +- **ftrace**: Yes, but certain uses of ftrace which involve opening the + `/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace` file or using `trace-cmd record` can result + in a tiny window of time where a patch gets temporarily disabled. Therefore + it's a good idea to avoid using ftrace on a patched system until this issue + is resolved. +- **systemtap/kprobes**: Some incompatibilities exist. + - If you setup a kprobe module at the beginning of a function before loading + a kpatch module, and they both affect the same function, kprobes "wins" + until the kprobe has been unregistered. This is tracked in issue + [#47]( + - Setting a kretprobe before loading a kpatch module could be unsafe. See + issue [#67]( +- **perf**: Yes. +- **tracepoints**: Patches to a function which uses tracepoints will result in + the tracepoints being effectively disabled as long as the patch is applied. + +**Q. Why not use something like kexec instead?** + +If you want to avoid a hardware reboot, but are ok with restarting processes, +kexec is a good alternative. + +**Q. If an application can't handle a reboot, it's designed wrong.** + +That's a good poi... [system reboots] + +**Q. What changes are needed in other upstream projects?** + +We hope to make the following changes to other projects: + +- kernel: + - ftrace improvements to close any windows that would allow a patch to + be inadvertently disabled + +**Q. Is it possible to register a function that gets called atomically with +`stop_machine` when the patch module loads and unloads?** + +We do have plans to implement something like that. + +**Q. What kernels are supported?** + +kpatch needs gcc >= 4.8 and Linux >= 3.9. + +**Q. Is it possible to remove a patch?** + +Yes. Just run `kpatch unload` which will disable and unload the patch module +and restore the function to its original state. + +**Q. Can you apply multiple patches?** + +Yes, but to prevent any unexpected interactions between multiple patch modules, +it's recommended that patch upgrades are cumulative, so that each patch is a +superset of the previous patch. This can be achieved by combining the new +patch with the previous patch using `combinediff` before running +`kpatch-build`. + +**Q. Why did kpatch-build detect a changed function that wasn't touched by the +source patch?** + +There could be a variety of reasons for this, such as: + +- The patch changed an inline function. +- The compiler decided to inline a changed function, resulting in the outer + function getting recompiled. This is common in the case where the inner + function is static and is only called once. + +**Q. How do I patch a function which is always on the stack of at least one +task, such as schedule(), sys_poll(), sys_select(), sys_read(), +sys_nanosleep(), etc?** + +- If you're sure it would be safe for the old function and the new function to + run simultaneously, use the `KPATCH_FORCE_UNSAFE` macro to skip the + activeness safety check for the function. See `kmod/patch/kpatch-macros.h` + for more details. + +**Q. Are patching of kernel modules supported?** + +- Yes. + +**Q. Can you patch out-of-tree modules?** + +- Yes, though it's currently a bit of a manual process. See this + [message]( on + the kpatch mailing list for more information. + + +Get involved +------------ + +If you have questions or feedback, join the #kpatch IRC channel on freenode and +say hi. We also have a [mailing list]( + +Contributions are very welcome. Feel free to open issues or PRs on github. +For big PRs, it's a good idea to discuss them first in github issues or on the +[mailing list]( before you write +a lot of code. + + +License +------- + +kpatch is under the GPLv2 license. + +This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or +modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License +as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 +of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + +This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +GNU General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. diff --git a/contrib/Makefile b/contrib/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0b0eeeb --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +include ../ + +all: + +install: all + $(INSTALL) -d $(SYSTEMDDIR) + $(INSTALL) -m 0644 kpatch.service $(SYSTEMDDIR) + sed -i 's~PREFIX~$(PREFIX)~' $(SYSTEMDDIR)/kpatch.service + $(INSTALL) -d $(UPSTARTDIR) + $(INSTALL) -m 0644 kpatch.conf $(UPSTARTDIR) + sed -i 's~PREFIX~$(PREFIX)~' $(UPSTARTDIR)/kpatch.conf + +uninstall: + $(RM) $(SYSTEMDDIR)/kpatch.service + $(RM) $(UPSTARTDIR)/kpatch.conf + +clean: diff --git a/contrib/kpatch.conf b/contrib/kpatch.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..560ce3d --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/kpatch.conf @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +# Copyright 2018, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + +# This upstart version lacks the ability of unloading modules with +# the "stop" directive, as upstart does not support a feature like +# systemd's RemainAfterExit option. + + +description "Apply kpatch kernel patches" + +start on runlevel [2345] # Roughly equivalent to + +# We are not a daemon +task + +# Emulating systemd's ConditionKernelCommandLine option. +pre-start script + if [[ -e /proc/cmdline ]] + then + grep -q "kpatch.enable=0" /proc/cmdline && exit 1 + else + dmesg | grep -q "Command line.*kpatch.enable=0" && exit 1 + fi + + exit 0 +end script + +# Main process (start) +exec PREFIX/sbin/kpatch load --all + diff --git a/contrib/kpatch.service b/contrib/kpatch.service new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5286f6c --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/kpatch.service @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +[Unit] +Description="Apply kpatch kernel patches" +ConditionKernelCommandLine=!kpatch.enable=0 + +[Service] +Type=oneshot +RemainAfterExit=yes +ExecStart=PREFIX/sbin/kpatch load --all +ExecStop=PREFIX/sbin/kpatch unload --all + +[Install] diff --git a/contrib/kpatch.spec b/contrib/kpatch.spec new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d8caf4c --- /dev/null +++ b/contrib/kpatch.spec @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +Name: kpatch +Summary: Dynamic kernel patching +Version: 0.6.1 +License: GPLv2 +Group: System Environment/Kernel +URL: +Release: 1%{?dist} +Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz + +Requires: kmod bash +BuildRequires: gcc kernel-devel elfutils elfutils-devel +BuildRoot: %(mktemp -ud %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-XXXXXX) + +# needed for the kernel specific module +%define KVER %(uname -r) + +%description +kpatch is a Linux dynamic kernel patching tool which allows you to patch a +running kernel without rebooting or restarting any processes. It enables +sysadmins to apply critical security patches to the kernel immediately, without +having to wait for long-running tasks to complete, users to log off, or +for scheduled reboot windows. It gives more control over up-time without +sacrificing security or stability. + + +%package runtime +Summary: Dynamic kernel patching +Buildarch: noarch +Provides: %{name} = %{version} +%description runtime +kpatch is a Linux dynamic kernel patching tool which allows you to patch a +running kernel without rebooting or restarting any processes. It enables +sysadmins to apply critical security patches to the kernel immediately, without +having to wait for long-running tasks to complete, users to log off, or +for scheduled reboot windows. It gives more control over up-time without +sacrificing security or stability. + + +%package build +Requires: %{name} +Summary: Dynamic kernel patching +%description build +kpatch is a Linux dynamic kernel patching tool which allows you to patch a +running kernel without rebooting or restarting any processes. It enables +sysadmins to apply critical security patches to the kernel immediately, without +having to wait for long-running tasks to complete, users to log off, or +for scheduled reboot windows. It gives more control over up-time without +sacrificing security or stability. + +%package %{KVER} +Requires: %{name} +Summary: Dynamic kernel patching +%description %{KVER} +kpatch is a Linux dynamic kernel patching tool which allows you to patch a +running kernel without rebooting or restarting any processes. It enables +sysadmins to apply critical security patches to the kernel immediately, without +having to wait for long-running tasks to complete, users to log off, or +for scheduled reboot windows. It gives more control over up-time without +sacrificing security or stability. + + +%prep +%setup -q + +%build +make %{_smp_mflags} + +%install +rm -rf %{buildroot} + +make install PREFIX=/%{_usr} DESTDIR=%{buildroot} + +%clean +rm -rf %{buildroot} + +%files runtime +%defattr(-,root,root,-) +%doc COPYING +%{_sbindir}/kpatch +%{_mandir}/man1/kpatch.1* +%{_usr}/lib/systemd/system/* +%{_sysconfdir}/init/kpatch.conf + +%files %{KVER} +%defattr(-,root,root,-) +%{_usr}/lib/kpatch/%{KVER} + +%files build +%defattr(-,root,root,-) +%{_bindir}/* +%{_libexecdir}/* +%{_datadir}/%{name} +%{_mandir}/man1/kpatch-build.1* + +%changelog +* Tue May 29 2018 Joe Lawrence - 0.6.1 +- Increase the transition timeout, helpful for large CPU count systems +- Miscellaneous unit testing, ppc64, etc. fixes + +* Mon Apr 22 2018 Josh Poimboeuf - 0.6.0 +- Support and converted to livepatch-style hooks. +- Lots of misc bugfixes and cleanups +- Manpage, fixups +- More PPC64 work +- "Undefined reference" build failure rework +- Livepatch disable retries +- New unit testing framework + +* Thu Dec 21 2017 Josh Poimboeuf - 0.5.0 +- Basic ppc64le support +- kpatch: load automatically signals stalled processes after a timeout +- kpatch: list shows stalled processes +- kpatch: signal signals stalled processes +- kpatch-build: multiple source patches can be combined into a single binary patch module +- kpatch-build: -n|--name option for giving a custom name to the patch module +- kpatch-build: additional -d options for more verbose debug modes +- The module prefix is now either livepatch- or kpatch- depending on the underlying patching technology + +* Mon Mar 13 2017 Josh Poimboeuf - 0.4.0 +- The tools underlying kpatch-build have been made more modular, in preparation for making create-diff-object more generally useful to other use cases (kernel livepatch, Xen live patching, user space patching). +- Support for all new upstream kernels up to 4.10. +- KASLR support. +- Many other bug fixes and improvements. + +* Thu Oct 11 2016 Jessica Yu - 0.3.4 +- bump version to 0.3.4 + +* Fri Aug 19 2016 Josh Poimboeuf - 0.3.3 +- bump version to 0.3.3 + +* Thu Feb 18 2016 Josh Poimboeuf - 0.3.2 +- bump version to 0.3.2 + +* Thu Nov 19 2015 Josh Poimboeuf - 0.3.1 +- Get kernel version from vmlinux if the kernel source tree is used + +* Wed Nov 18 2015 Josh Poimboeuf - 0.3.0 +- kpatch-build: fix gcc_version_check: both "GNU" and "GCC" are possible + +* Wed Dec 3 2014 Josh Poimboeuf - 0.2.2-1 +- rebased to current version + +* Tue Sep 2 2014 Josh Poimboeuf - 0.2.1-1 +- rebased to current version + +* Mon Jul 28 2014 Josh Poimboeuf - 0.1.9-1 +- moved core module to /usr/lib/kpatch +- rebased to current version + +* Mon Jul 07 2014 Udo Seidel - 0.1.7-1 +- rebased to current version + +* Sat May 24 2014 Udo Seidel - 0.1.1-1 +- rebased to current version + +* Thu Apr 10 2014 Udo Seidel - 0.0.1-3 +- added dracut module + +* Tue Mar 25 2014 Udo Seidel - 0.0.1-2 +- added man pages + +* Sat Mar 22 2014 Udo Seidel - 0.0.1-1 +- initial release diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fb0121a --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/ @@ -0,0 +1,599 @@ +kpatch Patch Author Guide +========================= + +Because kpatch-build is relatively easy to use, it can be easy to assume that a +successful patch module build means that the patch is safe to apply. But in +fact that's a very dangerous assumption. + +There are many pitfalls that can be encountered when creating a live patch. +This document attempts to guide the patch creation process. It's a work in +progress. If you find it useful, please contribute! + +Patch Analysis +-------------- + +kpatch provides _some_ guarantees, but it does not guarantee that all patches +are safe to apply. Every patch must also be analyzed in-depth by a human. + +The most important point here cannot be stressed enough. Here comes the bold: + +**Do not blindly apply patches. There is no substitute for human analysis and +reasoning on a per-patch basis. All patches must be thoroughly analyzed by a +human kernel expert who completely understands the patch and the affected code +and how they relate to the live patching environment.** + +kpatch vs livepatch vs kGraft +----------------------------- + +This document assumes that the kpatch core module is being used. Other live +patching systems (e.g., livepatch and kGraft) have different consistency +models. Each comes with its own guarantees, and there are some subtle +differences. The guidance in this document applies **only** to kpatch. + +Patch upgrades +-------------- + +Due to potential unexpected interactions between patches, it's highly +recommended that when patching a system which has already been patched, the +second patch should be a cumulative upgrade which is a superset of the first +patch. + +Data structure changes +---------------------- + +kpatch patches functions, not data. If the original patch involves a change to +a data structure, the patch will require some rework, as changes to data +structures are not allowed by default. + +Usually you have to get creative. There are several possible ways to handle +this: + +### Change the code which uses the data structure + +Sometimes, instead of changing the data structure itself, you can change the +code which uses it. + +For example, consider this +[patch]( +which has the following hunk: + +``` +@@ -3270,6 +3277,7 @@ static int (*const svm_exit_handlers[])(struct vcpu_svm *svm) = { + [SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + PF_VECTOR] = pf_interception, + [SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + NM_VECTOR] = nm_interception, + [SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + MC_VECTOR] = mc_interception, ++ [SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + AC_VECTOR] = ac_interception, + [SVM_EXIT_INTR] = intr_interception, + [SVM_EXIT_NMI] = nmi_interception, + [SVM_EXIT_SMI] = nop_on_interception, +``` + +`svm_exit_handlers[]` is an array of function pointers. The patch adds a +`ac_interception` function pointer to the array at index `[SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + +AC_VECTOR]`. That change is incompatible with kpatch. + +Looking at the source file, we can see that this function pointer is only +accessed by a single function, `handle_exit()`: + +``` + if (exit_code >= ARRAY_SIZE(svm_exit_handlers) + || !svm_exit_handlers[exit_code]) { + WARN_ONCE(1, "svm: unexpected exit reason 0x%x\n", exit_code); + kvm_queue_exception(vcpu, UD_VECTOR); + return 1; + } + + return svm_exit_handlers[exit_code](svm); +``` + +So an easy solution here is to just change the code to manually check for the +new case before looking in the data structure: + +``` +@@ -3580,6 +3580,9 @@ static int handle_exit(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu) + return 1; + } + ++ if (exit_code == SVM_EXIT_EXCP_BASE + AC_VECTOR) ++ return ac_interception(svm); ++ + return svm_exit_handlers[exit_code](svm); + } +``` + +Not only is this an easy solution, it's also safer than touching data since +kpatch creates a barrier between the calling of old functions and new +functions. + +### Use a kpatch callback macro + +Kpatch supports livepatch style callbacks, as described by the kernel's +[Documentation/livepatch/callbacks.txt]( + +`kpatch-macros.h` defines the following macros that can be used to +register such callbacks: + +* `KPATCH_PRE_PATCH_CALLBACK` - executed before patching +* `KPATCH_POST_PATCH_CALLBACK` - executed after patching +* `KPATCH_PRE_UNPATCH_CALLBACK` - executed before unpatching, complements the + post-patch callback. +* `KPATCH_POST_UNPATCH_CALLBACK` - executed after unpatching, complements the + pre-patch callback. + +A pre-patch callback routine has the following signature: + +``` +static int callback(patch_object *obj) { } +``` + +and any non-zero return status indicates failure to the kpatch core. For more +information on pre-patch callback failure, see the **Pre-patch return status** +section below. + +Post-patch, pre-unpatch, and post-unpatch callback routines all share the +following signature: + +``` +static void callback(patch_object *obj) { } +``` + +Generally pre-patch callbacks are paired with post-unpatch callbacks, meaning +that anything the former allocates or sets up should be torn down by the former +callback. Likewise for post-patch and pre-unpatch callbacks. + +#### Pre-patch return status + +If kpatch is currently patching already-loaded objects (vmlinux always by +definition as well as any currently loaded kernel modules), a non-zero pre-patch +callback status results in the kpatch core reverting the current +patch-in-progress. The kpatch-module is rejected, completely reverted, and +unloaded. + +If kpatch is patching a newly loaded kernel module, then a failing pre-patch +callback will only result in a WARN message. This is non-intuitive and a +deviation from livepatch callback behavior, but the result of a limitation of +kpatch and linux module notifiers. + +In both cases, if a pre-patch callback fails, none of its other callbacks will +be executed. + +#### Callback context + +* For patches to vmlinux or already loaded kernel modules, callback functions +will be run by `stop_machine` as part of applying or removing a patch. +(Therefore the callbacks must not block or sleep.) + +* For patches to kernel modules which haven't been loaded yet, a +module-notifier will execute callbacks when the associated module is loaded +into the `MODULE_STATE_COMING` state. The pre and post-patch callbacks +are called before any module_init code. + +Example: a kpatch fix for CVE-2016-5389 could utilize the +`KPATCH_PRE_PATCH_CALLBACK` and `KPATCH_POST_UNPATCH_CALLBACK` macros to modify +variable `sysctl_tcp_challenge_ack_limit` in-place: + +``` ++#include "kpatch-macros.h" ++ ++static bool kpatch_write = false; ++static int kpatch_pre_patch_tcp_send_challenge_ack(patch_object *obj) ++{ ++ if (sysctl_tcp_challenge_ack_limit == 100) { ++ sysctl_tcp_challenge_ack_limit = 1000; ++ kpatch_write = true; ++ } ++ return 0; ++} +static void kpatch_post_unpatch_tcp_send_challenge_ack(patch_object *obj) ++{ ++ if (kpatch_write && sysctl_tcp_challenge_ack_limit == 1000) ++ sysctl_tcp_challenge_ack_limit = 100; ++} ++KPATCH_PRE_PATCH_CALLBACK(kpatch_pre_patch_tcp_send_challenge_ack); ++KPATCH_POST_UNPATCH_CALLBACK(kpatch_post_unpatch_tcp_send_challenge_ack); +``` + +Don't forget to protect access to the data as needed. Please note that +spinlocks and mutexes / sleeping locks can't be used from stop_machine +context. Also note the pre-patch callback return code will be ignored by the +kernel's module notifier, so it does not affect the target module or livepatch +module status. This means: + +* Pre-patch callbacks to loaded objects (vmlinux, loaded kernel modules) are + run from stop_machine(), so they may only inspect lock state (i.e. + spin_is_locked(), mutex_is_locked()) and optionally return -EBUSY to prevent + patching. + +* Post-patch, pre-unpatch, and post-unpatch callbacks to loaded objects are + also run from stop_machine(), so the same locking context applies. No + return status is supported. + +* Deferred pre-patch callbacks to newly loading objects do not run from + stop_machine(), so they may spin or schedule, i.e. spin_lock(), + mutex_lock()). Return status is ignored. + +* Post-patch, pre-unpatch, and post-unpatch callbacks to unloading objects are + also *not* run from stop_machine(), so they may spin or sleep. No return + status is supported. + +Unfortunately there is no simple, all-case-inclusive kpatch callback +implementation that handles data structures and mutual exclusion. + +A few workarounds: + +1. If a given lock/mutex is held and released by the same set of functions +(that is, functions that take a lock/mutex always release it before +returning), a trivial change to those functions can re-purpose kpatch's +activeness safety check to avoid patching when the lock/mutex may be held. +This assumes that all lock/mutex holders can be patched. + +2. If it can be assured that all patch targets will be loaded before the +kpatch patch module, pre-patch callbacks may return -EBUSY if the lock/mutex +is held to block the patching. + +3. Finally, if a kpatch is disabled or removed and while all patch targets are +still loaded, then all unpatch callbacks will run from stop_machine() -- the +unpatching cannot be stopped at this point and the callbacks cannot spin or +sleep. + + With that in mind, it is probably easiest to omit unpatching callbacks +at this point. + +Also be careful when upgrading. If patch A has a pre/post-patch callback which +writes to X, and then you load patch B which is a superset of A, in some cases +you may want to prevent patch B from writing to X, if A is already loaded. + + +### Use a shadow variable + +If you need to add a field to an existing data structure, or even many existing +data structures, you can use the `kpatch_shadow_*()` functions: + +* `kpatch_shadow_alloc` - allocates a new shadow variable associated with a + given object +* `kpatch_shadow_get` - find and return a pointer to a shadow variable +* `kpatch_shadow_free` - find and free a shadow variable + +Example: The `shadow-newpid.patch` integration test demonstrates the usage of +these functions. + +A shadow PID variable is allocated in `do_fork()`: it is associated with the +current `struct task_struct *p` value, given a string lookup key of "newpid", +sized accordingly, and allocated as per `GFP_KERNEL` flag rules. + +`kpatch_shadow_alloc` returns a pointer to the shadow variable, so we can +dereference and make assignments as usual. In this patch chunk, the shadow +`newpid` is allocated then assigned to a rolling `ctr` counter value: +``` ++ int *newpid; ++ static int ctr = 0; ++ ++ newpid = kpatch_shadow_alloc(p, "newpid", sizeof(*newpid), ++ GFP_KERNEL); ++ if (newpid) ++ *newpid = ctr++; +``` + +A shadow variable may also be accessed via `kpatch_shadow_get`. Here the +patch modifies `task_context_switch_counts()` to fetch the shadow variable +associated with the current `struct task_struct *p` object and a "newpid" tag. +As in the previous patch chunk, the shadow variable pointer may be accessed +as an ordinary pointer type: +``` ++ int *newpid; ++ + seq_put_decimal_ull(m, "voluntary_ctxt_switches:\t", p->nvcsw); + seq_put_decimal_ull(m, "\nnonvoluntary_ctxt_switches:\t", p->nivcsw); + seq_putc(m, '\n'); ++ ++ newpid = kpatch_shadow_get(p, "newpid"); ++ if (newpid) ++ seq_printf(m, "newpid:\t%d\n", *newpid); +``` + +A shadow variable is freed by calling `kpatch_shadow_free` and providing +the object / string key combination. Once freed, the shadow variable is not +safe to access: +``` + exit_task_work(tsk); + exit_thread(tsk); + ++ kpatch_shadow_free(tsk, "newpid"); ++ + /* + * Flush inherited counters to the parent - before the parent + * gets woken up by child-exit notifications. +``` +Notes: +* `kpatch_shadow_alloc` initializes only shadow variable metadata. It + allocates variable storage via `kmalloc` with the `gfp_t` flags it is + given, but otherwise leaves the area untouched. Initialization of a shadow + variable is the responsibility of the caller. +* As soon as `kpatch_shadow_alloc` creates a shadow variable, its presence + will be reported by `kpatch_shadow_get`. Care should be taken to avoid any + potential race conditions between a kernel thread that allocates a shadow + variable and concurrent threads that may attempt to use it. + +Data semantic changes +--------------------- + +Part of the stable-tree [backport]( +to fix CVE-2014-0206 changed the reference count semantic of `struct +kioctx.reqs_active`. Associating a shadow variable to new instances of this +structure can be used by patched code to handle both new (post-patch) and +existing (pre-patch) instances. + +(This example is trimmed to highlight this use-case. Boilerplate code is also +required to allocate/free a shadow variable called "reqs_active_v2" whenever a +new `struct kioctx` is created/released. No values are ever assigned to the +shadow variable.) + +Shadow variable existence can be verified before applying the new data +semantic of the associated object: +``` +@@ -678,6 +688,9 @@ void aio_complete(struct kiocb *iocb, lo + put_rq: + /* everything turned out well, dispose of the aiocb. */ + aio_put_req(iocb); ++ reqs_active_v2 = kpatch_shadow_get(ctx, "reqs_active_v2"); ++ if (reqs_active_v2) ++ atomic_dec(&ctx->reqs_active); + + /* + * We have to order our ring_info tail store above and test +``` + +Likewise, shadow variable non-existence can be tested to continue applying the +old data semantic: +``` +@@ -705,6 +718,7 @@ static long aio_read_events_ring(struct + unsigned head, pos; + long ret = 0; + int copy_ret; ++ int *reqs_active_v2; + + mutex_lock(&ctx->ring_lock); + +@@ -756,7 +770,9 @@ static long aio_read_events_ring(struct + + pr_debug("%li h%u t%u\n", ret, head, ctx->tail); + +- atomic_sub(ret, &ctx->reqs_active); ++ reqs_active_v2 = kpatch_shadow_get(ctx, "reqs_active_v2"); ++ if (!reqs_active_v2) ++ atomic_sub(ret, &ctx->reqs_active); + out: + mutex_unlock(&ctx->ring_lock); +``` + +The previous example can be extended to use shadow variable storage to handle +locking semantic changes. Consider the [upstream fix]( +for CVE-2014-2706, which added a `ps_lock` to `struct sta_info` to protect +critical sections throughout `net/mac80211/sta_info.c`. + +When allocating a new `struct sta_info`, allocate a corresponding "ps_lock" +shadow variable large enough to hold a `spinlock_t` instance, then initialize +the spinlock: +``` +@@ -333,12 +336,16 @@ struct sta_info *sta_info_alloc(struct ieee80211_sub_if_data *sdata, + struct sta_info *sta; + struct timespec uptime; + int i; ++ spinlock_t *ps_lock; + + sta = kzalloc(sizeof(*sta) + local->hw.sta_data_size, gfp); + if (!sta) + return NULL; + + spin_lock_init(&sta->lock); ++ ps_lock = kpatch_shadow_alloc(sta, "ps_lock", sizeof(*ps_lock), gfp); ++ if (ps_lock) ++ spin_lock_init(ps_lock); + INIT_WORK(&sta->drv_unblock_wk, sta_unblock); + INIT_WORK(&sta->, ieee80211_ba_session_work); + mutex_init(&sta->ampdu_mlme.mtx); +``` + +Patched code can reference the "ps_lock" shadow variable associated with a +given `struct sta_info` to determine and apply the correct locking semantic +for that instance: +``` +@@ -471,6 +475,23 @@ ieee80211_tx_h_unicast_ps_buf(struct ieee80211_tx_data *tx) + sta->sta.addr, sta->sta.aid, ac); + if (tx->local->total_ps_buffered >= TOTAL_MAX_TX_BUFFER) + purge_old_ps_buffers(tx->local); ++ ++ /* sync with ieee80211_sta_ps_deliver_wakeup */ ++ ps_lock = kpatch_shadow_get(sta, "ps_lock"); ++ if (ps_lock) { ++ spin_lock(ps_lock); ++ /* ++ * STA woke up the meantime and all the frames on ps_tx_buf have ++ * been queued to pending queue. No reordering can happen, go ++ * ahead and Tx the packet. ++ */ ++ if (!test_sta_flag(sta, WLAN_STA_PS_STA) && ++ !test_sta_flag(sta, WLAN_STA_PS_DRIVER)) { ++ spin_unlock(ps_lock); ++ return TX_CONTINUE; ++ } ++ } ++ + if (skb_queue_len(&sta->ps_tx_buf[ac]) >= STA_MAX_TX_BUFFER) { + struct sk_buff *old = skb_dequeue(&sta->ps_tx_buf[ac]); + ps_dbg(tx->sdata, +``` + +Init code changes +----------------- + +Any code which runs in an `__init` function or during module or device +initialization is problematic, as it may have already run before the patch was +applied. The patch may require a pre-patch callback which detects whether such +init code has run, and which rewrites or changes the original initialization to +force it into the desired state. Some changes involving hardware init are +inherently incompatible with live patching. + +Header file changes +------------------- + +When changing header files, be extra careful. If data is being changed, you +probably need to modify the patch. See "Data struct changes" above. + +If a function prototype is being changed, make sure it's not an exported +function. Otherwise it could break out-of-tree modules. One way to +workaround this is to define an entirely new copy of the function (with +updated code) and patch in-tree callers to invoke it rather than the +deprecated version. + +Many header file changes result in a complete rebuild of the kernel tree, which +makes kpatch-build have to compare every .o file in the kernel. It slows the +build down a lot, and can even fail to build if kpatch-build has any bugs +lurking. If it's a trivial header file change, like adding a macro, it's +advisable to just move that macro into the .c file where it's needed to avoid +changing the header file at all. + +Dealing with unexpected changed functions +----------------------------------------- + +In general, it's best to patch as minimally as possible. If kpatch-build is +reporting some unexpected function changes, it's always a good idea to try to +figure out why it thinks they changed. In many cases you can change the source +patch so that they no longer change. + +Some examples: + +* If a changed function was inlined, then the callers which inlined the + function will also change. In this case there's nothing you can do to + prevent the extra changes. + +* If a changed function was originally inlined, but turned into a callable + function after patching, consider adding `__always_inline` to the function + definition. Likewise, if a function is only inlined after patching, + consider using `noinline` to prevent the compiler from doing so. + +* If your patch adds a call to a function where the original version of the + function's ELF symbol has a .constprop or .isra suffix, and the corresponding + patched function doesn't, that means the patch caused gcc to no longer + perform an interprocedural optimization, which affects the function and all + its callers. If you want to prevent this from happening, copy/paste the + function with a new name and call the new function from your patch. + +* Moving around source code lines can introduce unique instructions if any + `__LINE__` preprocessor macros are in use. This can be mitigated by adding + any new functions to the bottom of source files, using newline whitespace to + maintain original line counts, etc. A more exact fix can be employed by + modifying the source code that invokes `__LINE__` and hard-coding the + original line number in place. + +Removing references to static local variables +--------------------------------------------- + +Removing references to static locals will fail to patch unless extra steps are taken. +Static locals are basically global variables because they outlive the function's +scope. They need to be correlated so that the new function will use the old static +local. That way patching the function doesn't inadvertently reset the variable +to zero; instead the variable keeps its old value. + +To work around this limitation one needs to retain the reference to the static local. +This might be as simple as adding the variable back in the patched function in a +non-functional way and ensuring the compiler doesn't optimize it away. + +Code removal +------------ + +Some fixes may replace or completely remove functions and references +to them. Remember that kpatch modules can only add new functions and +redirect existing functions, so "removed" functions will continue to exist in +kernel address space as effectively dead code. + +That means this patch (source code removal of `cmdline_proc_show`): +``` +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/proc/cmdline.c src/fs/proc/cmdline.c +--- src.orig/fs/proc/cmdline.c 2016-11-30 19:39:49.317737234 +0000 ++++ src/fs/proc/cmdline.c 2016-11-30 19:39:52.696737234 +0000 +@@ -3,15 +3,15 @@ + #include + #include + +-static int cmdline_proc_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v) +-{ +- seq_printf(m, "%s\n", saved_command_line); +- return 0; +-} ++static int cmdline_proc_show_v2(struct seq_file *m, void *v) ++{ ++ seq_printf(m, "%s kpatch\n", saved_command_line); ++ return 0; ++} + + static int cmdline_proc_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) + { +- return single_open(file, cmdline_proc_show, NULL); ++ return single_open(file, cmdline_proc_show_v2, NULL); + } + + static const struct file_operations cmdline_proc_fops = { +``` +will generate an equivalent kpatch module to this patch (dead +`cmdline_proc_show` left in source): +``` +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/proc/cmdline.c src/fs/proc/cmdline.c +--- src.orig/fs/proc/cmdline.c 2016-11-30 19:39:49.317737234 +0000 ++++ src/fs/proc/cmdline.c 2016-11-30 19:39:52.696737234 +0000 +@@ -9,9 +9,15 @@ static int cmdline_proc_show(struct seq_ + return 0; + } + ++static int cmdline_proc_show_v2(struct seq_file *m, void *v) ++{ ++ seq_printf(m, "%s kpatch\n", saved_command_line); ++ return 0; ++} ++ + static int cmdline_proc_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) + { +- return single_open(file, cmdline_proc_show, NULL); ++ return single_open(file, cmdline_proc_show_v2, NULL); + } + + static const struct file_operations cmdline_proc_fops = { +``` +In both versions, `kpatch-build` will determine that only +`cmdline_proc_open` has changed and that `cmdline_proc_show_v2` is a +new function. + +In some patching cases it might be necessary to completely remove the original +function to avoid the compiler complaining about a defined, but unused +function. This will depend on symbol scope and kernel build options. + +Other issues +------------ + +When adding a call to `printk_once()`, `pr_warn_once()`, or any other "once" +variation of `printk()`, you'll get the following eror: + +``` +ERROR: vmx.o: 1 unsupported section change(s) +vmx.o: WARNING: unable to correlate static local variable __print_once.60588 used by vmx_update_pi_irte, assuming variable is new +vmx.o: changed function: vmx_update_pi_irte +vmx.o: data section .data..read_mostly selected for inclusion +/usr/lib/kpatch/create-diff-object: unreconcilable difference +``` +This error occurs because the `printk_once()` adds a static local variable to +the `.data..read_mostly` section. kpatch-build strict disallows any changes to +that section, because in some cases a change to this section indicates a bug. + +To work around this issue, you'll need to manually implement your own "once" +logic which doesn't store the static variable in the `.data..read_mostly` +section. + +For example, a `pr_warn_once()` can be replaced with: +``` + static bool print_once; + ... + if (!print_once) { + print_once = true; + pr_warn("..."); + } +``` diff --git a/examples/tcp_cubic-better-follow-cubic-curve-converted.patch b/examples/tcp_cubic-better-follow-cubic-curve-converted.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f16e5ff --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/tcp_cubic-better-follow-cubic-curve-converted.patch @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +The original patch changes the initialization of 'cubictcp' instance of +struct tcp_congestion_ops ('cubictcp.cwnd_event' field). Kpatch +intentionally rejects to process such changes. + +This modification of the patch uses Kpatch load/unload hooks to set +'cubictcp.cwnd_event' when the binary patch is loaded and reset it to NULL +when the patch is unloaded. + +It is still needed to check if changing that field could be problematic +due to concurrency issues, etc. + +'cwnd_event' callback is used only via tcp_ca_event() function. + +include/net/tcp.h: + +static inline void tcp_ca_event(struct sock *sk, const enum tcp_ca_event event) +{ + const struct inet_connection_sock *icsk = inet_csk(sk); + + if (icsk->icsk_ca_ops->cwnd_event) + icsk->icsk_ca_ops->cwnd_event(sk, event); +} + +In turn, tcp_ca_event() is called in a number of places in +net/ipv4/tcp_output.c and net/ipv4/tcp_input.c. + +One problem with this modification of the patch is that it may not be safe +to unload it. If it is possible for tcp_ca_event() to run concurrently with +the unloading of the patch, it may happen that 'icsk->icsk_ca_ops->cwnd_event' +is the address of bictcp_cwnd_event() when tcp_ca_event() checks it but is +set to NULL right after. So 'icsk->icsk_ca_ops->cwnd_event(sk, event)' would +result in a kernel oops. + +Whether such scenario is possible or not, it should be analyzed. If it is, +then at least, the body of tcp_ca_event() should be made atomic w.r.t. +changing 'cwnd_event' in the patch somehow. Perhaps, RCU could be suitable +for that: a read-side critical section for the body of tcp_ca_event() with +a single read of icsk->icsk_ca_ops->cwnd_event pointer with rcu_dereference(). +The pointer could be set by the patch with rcu_assign_pointer(). + +An alternative suggested by Josh Poimboeuf would be to patch the functions +that call 'cwnd_event' callback (tcp_ca_event() in this case) so that they +call bictcp_cwnd_event() directly when they detect the cubictcp struct [1]. + +Note that tcp_ca_event() is inlined in a number of places, so the binary +patch will provide replacements for all of the corresponding functions +rather than for just one. It is still needed to check if replacing these +functions in runtime is safe. + +References: +[1] + +diff --git a/net/ipv4/tcp_cubic.c b/net/ipv4/tcp_cubic.c +index 894b7ce..9bff8a0 100644 +--- a/net/ipv4/tcp_cubic.c ++++ b/net/ipv4/tcp_cubic.c +@@ -153,6 +153,27 @@ static void bictcp_init(struct sock *sk) + tcp_sk(sk)->snd_ssthresh = initial_ssthresh; + } + ++static void bictcp_cwnd_event(struct sock *sk, enum tcp_ca_event event) ++{ ++ if (event == CA_EVENT_TX_START) { ++ struct bictcp *ca = inet_csk_ca(sk); ++ u32 now = tcp_time_stamp; ++ s32 delta; ++ ++ delta = now - tcp_sk(sk)->lsndtime; ++ ++ /* We were application limited (idle) for a while. ++ * Shift epoch_start to keep cwnd growth to cubic curve. ++ */ ++ if (ca->epoch_start && delta > 0) { ++ ca->epoch_start += delta; ++ if (after(ca->epoch_start, now)) ++ ca->epoch_start = now; ++ } ++ return; ++ } ++} ++ + /* calculate the cubic root of x using a table lookup followed by one + * Newton-Raphson iteration. + * Avg err ~= 0.195% +@@ -444,6 +465,20 @@ static struct tcp_congestion_ops cubictcp __read_mostly = { + .name = "cubic", + }; + ++void kpatch_load_cubictcp_cwnd_event(void) ++{ ++ cubictcp.cwnd_event = bictcp_cwnd_event; ++} ++ ++void kpatch_unload_cubictcp_cwnd_event(void) ++{ ++ cubictcp.cwnd_event = NULL; ++} ++ ++#include "kpatch-macros.h" ++KPATCH_LOAD_HOOK(kpatch_load_cubictcp_cwnd_event); ++KPATCH_UNLOAD_HOOK(kpatch_unload_cubictcp_cwnd_event); ++ + static int __init cubictcp_register(void) + { + BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(struct bictcp) > ICSK_CA_PRIV_SIZE); diff --git a/examples/tcp_cubic-better-follow-cubic-curve-original.patch b/examples/tcp_cubic-better-follow-cubic-curve-original.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dacc89f --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/tcp_cubic-better-follow-cubic-curve-original.patch @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +This patch is for 3.10.x. +It combines the following commits from the mainline: + +commit 30927520dbae297182990bb21d08762bcc35ce1d +Author: Eric Dumazet +Date: Wed Sep 9 21:55:07 2015 -0700 + + tcp_cubic: better follow cubic curve after idle period + +commit c2e7204d180f8efc80f27959ca9cf16fa17f67db +Author: Eric Dumazet +Date: Thu Sep 17 08:38:00 2015 -0700 + + tcp_cubic: do not set epoch_start in the future + +References: + + +diff --git a/net/ipv4/tcp_cubic.c b/net/ipv4/tcp_cubic.c +index 894b7ce..872b3a0 100644 +--- a/net/ipv4/tcp_cubic.c ++++ b/net/ipv4/tcp_cubic.c +@@ -153,6 +153,27 @@ static void bictcp_init(struct sock *sk) + tcp_sk(sk)->snd_ssthresh = initial_ssthresh; + } + ++static void bictcp_cwnd_event(struct sock *sk, enum tcp_ca_event event) ++{ ++ if (event == CA_EVENT_TX_START) { ++ struct bictcp *ca = inet_csk_ca(sk); ++ u32 now = tcp_time_stamp; ++ s32 delta; ++ ++ delta = now - tcp_sk(sk)->lsndtime; ++ ++ /* We were application limited (idle) for a while. ++ * Shift epoch_start to keep cwnd growth to cubic curve. ++ */ ++ if (ca->epoch_start && delta > 0) { ++ ca->epoch_start += delta; ++ if (after(ca->epoch_start, now)) ++ ca->epoch_start = now; ++ } ++ return; ++ } ++} ++ + /* calculate the cubic root of x using a table lookup followed by one + * Newton-Raphson iteration. + * Avg err ~= 0.195% +@@ -439,6 +460,7 @@ static struct tcp_congestion_ops cubictcp __read_mostly = { + .cong_avoid = bictcp_cong_avoid, + .set_state = bictcp_state, + .undo_cwnd = bictcp_undo_cwnd, ++ .cwnd_event = bictcp_cwnd_event, + .pkts_acked = bictcp_acked, + .owner = THIS_MODULE, + .name = "cubic", diff --git a/kmod/Makefile b/kmod/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7b0aeed --- /dev/null +++ b/kmod/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +include ../ +KPATCH_BUILD ?= /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build +KERNELRELEASE := $(lastword $(subst /, , $(dir $(KPATCH_BUILD)))) + +all: clean +ifeq ($(BUILDMOD),yes) + $(MAKE) -C core +endif + +install: +ifeq ($(BUILDMOD),yes) + $(INSTALL) -d $(MODULESDIR)/$(KERNELRELEASE) + $(INSTALL) -m 644 core/kpatch.ko $(MODULESDIR)/$(KERNELRELEASE) + $(INSTALL) -m 644 core/Module.symvers $(MODULESDIR)/$(KERNELRELEASE) +endif + $(INSTALL) -d $(DATADIR)/patch + $(INSTALL) -m 644 patch/* $(DATADIR)/patch + +uninstall: +ifeq ($(BUILDMOD),yes) + $(RM) -R $(MODULESDIR) +endif + $(RM) -R $(DATADIR) + +clean: +ifeq ($(BUILDMOD),yes) + $(MAKE) -C core clean +endif diff --git a/kmod/core/Makefile b/kmod/core/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..93e8490 --- /dev/null +++ b/kmod/core/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +# make rules +KPATCH_BUILD ?= /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build +KERNELRELEASE := $(lastword $(subst /, , $(dir $(patsubst %/,%,$(KPATCH_BUILD))))) +THISDIR := $(abspath $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) + +ifeq ($(wildcard $(KPATCH_BUILD)),) +$(error $(KPATCH_BUILD) doesn\'t exist. Try installing the kernel-devel-$(KERNELRELEASE) RPM or linux-headers-$(KERNELRELEASE) DEB.) +endif + +KPATCH_MAKE = $(MAKE) -C $(KPATCH_BUILD) M=$(THISDIR) + +kpatch.ko: core.c + $(KPATCH_MAKE) kpatch.ko + +all: kpatch.ko + +clean: + $(RM) -Rf .*.o.cmd .*.ko.cmd .tmp_versions *.o *.ko *.mod.c \ + Module.symvers + + +# kbuild rules +obj-m := kpatch.o +kpatch-y := core.o shadow.o diff --git a/kmod/core/core.c b/kmod/core/core.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4a73a47 --- /dev/null +++ b/kmod/core/core.c @@ -0,0 +1,1274 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2014 Seth Jennings + * Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Josh Poimboeuf + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, see . + */ + +/* + * kpatch core module + * + * Patch modules register with this module to redirect old functions to new + * functions. + * + * For each function patched by the module we must: + * - Call stop_machine + * - Ensure that no task has the old function in its call stack + * - Add the new function address to kpatch_func_hash + * + * After that, each call to the old function calls into kpatch_ftrace_handler() + * which finds the new function in kpatch_func_hash table and updates the + * return instruction pointer so that ftrace will return to the new function. + */ + +#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "kpatch.h" + +#ifndef UTS_UBUNTU_RELEASE_ABI +#define UTS_UBUNTU_RELEASE_ABI 0 +#endif + +#if !defined(CONFIG_FUNCTION_TRACER) || \ + !defined(CONFIG_HAVE_FENTRY) || \ + !defined(CONFIG_MODULES) || \ + !defined(CONFIG_SYSFS) || \ + !defined(CONFIG_STACKTRACE) || \ + !defined(CONFIG_KALLSYMS_ALL) +#error "CONFIG_FUNCTION_TRACER, CONFIG_HAVE_FENTRY, CONFIG_MODULES, CONFIG_SYSFS, CONFIG_KALLSYMS_ALL kernel config options are required" +#endif + +#define KPATCH_HASH_BITS 8 +static DEFINE_HASHTABLE(kpatch_func_hash, KPATCH_HASH_BITS); + +static DEFINE_SEMAPHORE(kpatch_mutex); + +static LIST_HEAD(kpmod_list); + +static int kpatch_num_patched; + +struct kobject *kpatch_root_kobj; +EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(kpatch_root_kobj); + +struct kpatch_kallsyms_args { + const char *objname; + const char *name; + unsigned long addr; + unsigned long count; + unsigned long pos; +}; + +/* this is a double loop, use goto instead of break */ +#define do_for_each_linked_func(kpmod, func) { \ + struct kpatch_object *_object; \ + list_for_each_entry(_object, &kpmod->objects, list) { \ + if (!kpatch_object_linked(_object)) \ + continue; \ + list_for_each_entry(func, &_object->funcs, list) { + +#define while_for_each_linked_func() \ + } \ + } \ +} + + +/* + * The kpatch core module has a state machine which allows for proper + * synchronization with kpatch_ftrace_handler() when it runs in NMI context. + * + * +-----------------------------------------------------+ + * | | + * | + + * v +---> KPATCH_STATE_SUCCESS + * KPATCH_STATE_IDLE +---> KPATCH_STATE_UPDATING | + * ^ +---> KPATCH_STATE_FAILURE + * | + + * | | + * +-----------------------------------------------------+ + * + * KPATCH_STATE_IDLE: No updates are pending. The func hash is valid, and the + * reader doesn't need to check func->op. + * + * KPATCH_STATE_UPDATING: An update is in progress. The reader must call + * kpatch_state_finish(KPATCH_STATE_FAILURE) before accessing the func hash. + * + * KPATCH_STATE_FAILURE: An update failed, and the func hash might be + * inconsistent (pending patched funcs might not have been removed yet). If + * func->op is KPATCH_OP_PATCH, then rollback to the previous version of the + * func. + * + * KPATCH_STATE_SUCCESS: An update succeeded, but the func hash might be + * inconsistent (pending unpatched funcs might not have been removed yet). If + * func->op is KPATCH_OP_UNPATCH, then rollback to the previous version of the + * func. + */ +enum { + KPATCH_STATE_IDLE, + KPATCH_STATE_UPDATING, + KPATCH_STATE_SUCCESS, + KPATCH_STATE_FAILURE, +}; +static atomic_t kpatch_state; + +static int (*kpatch_set_memory_rw)(unsigned long addr, int numpages); +static int (*kpatch_set_memory_ro)(unsigned long addr, int numpages); + +#define MAX_STACK_TRACE_DEPTH 64 +static unsigned long stack_entries[MAX_STACK_TRACE_DEPTH]; +static struct stack_trace trace = { + .max_entries = ARRAY_SIZE(stack_entries), + .entries = &stack_entries[0], +}; + +static inline void kpatch_state_idle(void) +{ + int state = atomic_read(&kpatch_state); + + WARN_ON(state != KPATCH_STATE_SUCCESS && state != KPATCH_STATE_FAILURE); + atomic_set(&kpatch_state, KPATCH_STATE_IDLE); +} + +static inline void kpatch_state_updating(void) +{ + WARN_ON(atomic_read(&kpatch_state) != KPATCH_STATE_IDLE); + atomic_set(&kpatch_state, KPATCH_STATE_UPDATING); +} + +/* If state is updating, change it to success or failure and return new state */ +static inline int kpatch_state_finish(int state) +{ + int result; + + WARN_ON(state != KPATCH_STATE_SUCCESS && state != KPATCH_STATE_FAILURE); + result = atomic_cmpxchg(&kpatch_state, KPATCH_STATE_UPDATING, state); + return result == KPATCH_STATE_UPDATING ? state : result; +} + +static struct kpatch_func *kpatch_get_func(unsigned long ip) +{ + struct kpatch_func *f; + + /* Here, we have to use rcu safe hlist because of NMI concurrency */ + hash_for_each_possible_rcu(kpatch_func_hash, f, node, ip) + if (f->old_addr == ip) + return f; + return NULL; +} + +static struct kpatch_func *kpatch_get_prev_func(struct kpatch_func *f, + unsigned long ip) +{ + hlist_for_each_entry_continue_rcu(f, node) + if (f->old_addr == ip) + return f; + return NULL; +} + +static inline bool kpatch_object_linked(struct kpatch_object *object) +{ + return object->mod || !strcmp(object->name, "vmlinux"); +} + +static inline int kpatch_compare_addresses(unsigned long stack_addr, + unsigned long func_addr, + unsigned long func_size, + const char *func_name) +{ + if (stack_addr >= func_addr && stack_addr < func_addr + func_size) { + pr_err("activeness safety check failed for %s\n", func_name); + return -EBUSY; + } + return 0; +} + +static int kpatch_backtrace_address_verify(struct kpatch_module *kpmod, + unsigned long address) +{ + struct kpatch_func *func; + int i; + int ret; + + /* check kpmod funcs */ + do_for_each_linked_func(kpmod, func) { + unsigned long func_addr, func_size; + const char *func_name; + struct kpatch_func *active_func; + + if (func->force) + continue; + + active_func = kpatch_get_func(func->old_addr); + if (!active_func) { + /* patching an unpatched func */ + func_addr = func->old_addr; + func_size = func->old_size; + func_name = func->name; + } else { + /* repatching or unpatching */ + func_addr = active_func->new_addr; + func_size = active_func->new_size; + func_name = active_func->name; + } + + ret = kpatch_compare_addresses(address, func_addr, + func_size, func_name); + if (ret) + return ret; + } while_for_each_linked_func(); + + /* in the replace case, need to check the func hash as well */ + hash_for_each_rcu(kpatch_func_hash, i, func, node) { + if (func->op == KPATCH_OP_UNPATCH && !func->force) { + ret = kpatch_compare_addresses(address, + func->new_addr, + func->new_size, + func->name); + if (ret) + return ret; + } + } + + return ret; +} + +/* + * Verify activeness safety, i.e. that none of the to-be-patched functions are + * on the stack of any task. + * + * This function is called from stop_machine() context. + */ +static int kpatch_verify_activeness_safety(struct kpatch_module *kpmod) +{ + struct task_struct *g, *t; + int i; + int ret = 0; + + /* Check the stacks of all tasks. */ + do_each_thread(g, t) { + + trace.nr_entries = 0; + save_stack_trace_tsk(t, &trace); + if (trace.nr_entries >= trace.max_entries) { + ret = -EBUSY; + pr_err("more than %u trace entries!\n", + trace.max_entries); + goto out; + } + + for (i = 0; i < trace.nr_entries; i++) { + if (trace.entries[i] == ULONG_MAX) + break; + ret = kpatch_backtrace_address_verify(kpmod, + trace.entries[i]); + if (ret) + goto out; + } + + } while_each_thread(g, t); + +out: + if (ret) { + pr_err("PID: %d Comm: %.20s\n", t->pid, t->comm); + for (i = 0; i < trace.nr_entries; i++) { + if (trace.entries[i] == ULONG_MAX) + break; + pr_err(" [<%pK>] %pB\n", + (void *)trace.entries[i], + (void *)trace.entries[i]); + } + } + + return ret; +} + +static inline int pre_patch_callback(struct kpatch_object *object) +{ + int ret; + + if (kpatch_object_linked(object) && + object->pre_patch_callback) { + ret = (*object->pre_patch_callback)(object); + if (ret) { + object->callbacks_enabled = false; + return ret; + } + } + object->callbacks_enabled = true; + + return 0; +} + +static inline void post_patch_callback(struct kpatch_object *object) +{ + if (kpatch_object_linked(object) && + object->post_patch_callback && + object->callbacks_enabled) + (*object->post_patch_callback)(object); +} + +static inline void pre_unpatch_callback(struct kpatch_object *object) +{ + if (kpatch_object_linked(object) && + object->pre_unpatch_callback && + object->callbacks_enabled) + (*object->pre_unpatch_callback)(object); +} + +static inline void post_unpatch_callback(struct kpatch_object *object) +{ + if (kpatch_object_linked(object) && + object->post_unpatch_callback && + object->callbacks_enabled) + (*object->post_unpatch_callback)(object); +} + +/* Called from stop_machine */ +static int kpatch_apply_patch(void *data) +{ + struct kpatch_module *kpmod = data; + struct kpatch_func *func; + struct kpatch_object *object; + int ret; + + ret = kpatch_verify_activeness_safety(kpmod); + if (ret) { + kpatch_state_finish(KPATCH_STATE_FAILURE); + return ret; + } + + /* run any user-defined pre-patch callbacks */ + list_for_each_entry(object, &kpmod->objects, list) { + ret = pre_patch_callback(object); + if (ret) { + pr_err("pre-patch callback failed!\n"); + kpatch_state_finish(KPATCH_STATE_FAILURE); + goto err; + } + } + + /* tentatively add the new funcs to the global func hash */ + do_for_each_linked_func(kpmod, func) { + hash_add_rcu(kpatch_func_hash, &func->node, func->old_addr); + } while_for_each_linked_func(); + + /* memory barrier between func hash add and state change */ + smp_wmb(); + + /* + * Check if any inconsistent NMI has happened while updating. If not, + * move to success state. + */ + ret = kpatch_state_finish(KPATCH_STATE_SUCCESS); + if (ret == KPATCH_STATE_FAILURE) { + pr_err("NMI activeness safety check failed\n"); + + /* Failed, we have to rollback patching process */ + do_for_each_linked_func(kpmod, func) { + hash_del_rcu(&func->node); + } while_for_each_linked_func(); + + ret = -EBUSY; + goto err; + } + + /* run any user-defined post-patch callbacks */ + list_for_each_entry(object, &kpmod->objects, list) + post_patch_callback(object); + + return 0; +err: + /* undo pre-patch callbacks by calling post-unpatch counterparts */ + list_for_each_entry(object, &kpmod->objects, list) + post_unpatch_callback(object); + + return ret; +} + +/* Called from stop_machine */ +static int kpatch_remove_patch(void *data) +{ + struct kpatch_module *kpmod = data; + struct kpatch_func *func; + struct kpatch_object *object; + int ret; + + ret = kpatch_verify_activeness_safety(kpmod); + if (ret) { + kpatch_state_finish(KPATCH_STATE_FAILURE); + return ret; + } + + /* run any user-defined pre-unpatch callbacks */ + list_for_each_entry(object, &kpmod->objects, list) + pre_unpatch_callback(object); + + /* Check if any inconsistent NMI has happened while updating */ + ret = kpatch_state_finish(KPATCH_STATE_SUCCESS); + if (ret == KPATCH_STATE_FAILURE) { + ret = -EBUSY; + goto err; + } + + /* Succeeded, remove all updating funcs from hash table */ + do_for_each_linked_func(kpmod, func) { + hash_del_rcu(&func->node); + } while_for_each_linked_func(); + + /* run any user-defined post-unpatch callbacks */ + list_for_each_entry(object, &kpmod->objects, list) + post_unpatch_callback(object); + + return 0; + +err: + /* undo pre-unpatch callbacks by calling post-patch counterparts */ + list_for_each_entry(object, &kpmod->objects, list) + post_patch_callback(object); + + return ret; +} + +/* + * This is where the magic happens. Update regs->ip to tell ftrace to return + * to the new function. + * + * If there are multiple patch modules that have registered to patch the same + * function, the last one to register wins, as it'll be first in the hash + * bucket. + */ +static void notrace +kpatch_ftrace_handler(unsigned long ip, unsigned long parent_ip, + struct ftrace_ops *fops, struct pt_regs *regs) +{ + struct kpatch_func *func; + int state; + + preempt_disable_notrace(); + + if (likely(!in_nmi())) + func = kpatch_get_func(ip); + else { + /* Checking for NMI inconsistency */ + state = kpatch_state_finish(KPATCH_STATE_FAILURE); + + /* no memory reordering between state and func hash read */ + smp_rmb(); + + func = kpatch_get_func(ip); + + if (likely(state == KPATCH_STATE_IDLE)) + goto done; + + if (state == KPATCH_STATE_SUCCESS) { + /* + * Patching succeeded. If the function was being + * unpatched, roll back to the previous version. + */ + if (func && func->op == KPATCH_OP_UNPATCH) + func = kpatch_get_prev_func(func, ip); + } else { + /* + * Patching failed. If the function was being patched, + * roll back to the previous version. + */ + if (func && func->op == KPATCH_OP_PATCH) + func = kpatch_get_prev_func(func, ip); + } + } +done: + if (func) + regs->ip = func->new_addr + MCOUNT_INSN_SIZE; + + preempt_enable_notrace(); +} + +#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(3, 19, 0) +#define FTRACE_OPS_FL_IPMODIFY 0 +#endif + +static struct ftrace_ops kpatch_ftrace_ops __read_mostly = { + .func = kpatch_ftrace_handler, + .flags = FTRACE_OPS_FL_SAVE_REGS | FTRACE_OPS_FL_IPMODIFY, +}; + +static int kpatch_ftrace_add_func(unsigned long ip) +{ + int ret; + + /* check if any other patch modules have also patched this func */ + if (kpatch_get_func(ip)) + return 0; + + ret = ftrace_set_filter_ip(&kpatch_ftrace_ops, ip, 0, 0); + if (ret) { + pr_err("can't set ftrace filter at address 0x%lx\n", ip); + return ret; + } + + if (!kpatch_num_patched) { + ret = register_ftrace_function(&kpatch_ftrace_ops); + if (ret) { + pr_err("can't register ftrace handler\n"); + ftrace_set_filter_ip(&kpatch_ftrace_ops, ip, 1, 0); + return ret; + } + } + kpatch_num_patched++; + + return 0; +} + +static int kpatch_ftrace_remove_func(unsigned long ip) +{ + int ret; + + /* check if any other patch modules have also patched this func */ + if (kpatch_get_func(ip)) + return 0; + + if (kpatch_num_patched == 1) { + ret = unregister_ftrace_function(&kpatch_ftrace_ops); + if (ret) { + pr_err("can't unregister ftrace handler\n"); + return ret; + } + } + kpatch_num_patched--; + + ret = ftrace_set_filter_ip(&kpatch_ftrace_ops, ip, 1, 0); + if (ret) { + pr_err("can't remove ftrace filter at address 0x%lx\n", ip); + return ret; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int kpatch_kallsyms_callback(void *data, const char *name, + struct module *mod, + unsigned long addr) +{ + struct kpatch_kallsyms_args *args = data; + bool vmlinux = !strcmp(args->objname, "vmlinux"); + + if ((mod && vmlinux) || (!mod && !vmlinux)) + return 0; + + if (strcmp(args->name, name)) + return 0; + + if (!vmlinux && strcmp(args->objname, mod->name)) + return 0; + + args->addr = addr; + args->count++; + + /* + * Finish the search when the symbol is found for the desired position + * or the position is not defined for a non-unique symbol. + */ + if ((args->pos && (args->count == args->pos)) || + (!args->pos && (args->count > 1))) { + return 1; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int kpatch_find_object_symbol(const char *objname, const char *name, + unsigned long sympos, unsigned long *addr) +{ + struct kpatch_kallsyms_args args = { + .objname = objname, + .name = name, + .addr = 0, + .count = 0, + .pos = sympos, + }; + + mutex_lock(&module_mutex); + kallsyms_on_each_symbol(kpatch_kallsyms_callback, &args); + mutex_unlock(&module_mutex); + + /* + * Ensure an address was found. If sympos is 0, ensure symbol is unique; + * otherwise ensure the symbol position count matches sympos. + */ + if (args.addr == 0) + pr_err("symbol '%s' not found in symbol table\n", name); + else if (args.count > 1 && sympos == 0) { + pr_err("unresolvable ambiguity for symbol '%s' in object '%s'\n", + name, objname); + } else if (sympos != args.count && sympos > 0) { + pr_err("symbol position %lu for symbol '%s' in object '%s' not found\n", + sympos, name, objname); + } else { + *addr = args.addr; + return 0; + } + + *addr = 0; + return -EINVAL; +} + +/* + * External symbols are located outside the parent object (where the parent + * object is either vmlinux or the kmod being patched). + */ +static int kpatch_find_external_symbol(const char *objname, const char *name, + unsigned long sympos, unsigned long *addr) + +{ + const struct kernel_symbol *sym; + + /* first, check if it's an exported symbol */ + preempt_disable(); + sym = find_symbol(name, NULL, NULL, true, true); + preempt_enable(); + if (sym) { + *addr = sym->value; + return 0; + } + + /* otherwise check if it's in another .o within the patch module */ + return kpatch_find_object_symbol(objname, name, sympos, addr); +} + +static int kpatch_write_relocations(struct kpatch_module *kpmod, + struct kpatch_object *object) +{ + int ret, size, readonly = 0, numpages; + struct kpatch_dynrela *dynrela; + u64 loc, val; +#if (( LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(4, 5, 0) ) || \ + ( LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(4, 4, 0) && \ + UTS_UBUNTU_RELEASE_ABI >= 7 ) \ + ) + unsigned long core = (unsigned long)kpmod->mod->core_layout.base; + unsigned long core_size = kpmod->mod->core_layout.size; +#else + unsigned long core = (unsigned long)kpmod->mod->module_core; + unsigned long core_size = kpmod->mod->core_size; +#endif + + list_for_each_entry(dynrela, &object->dynrelas, list) { + if (dynrela->external) + ret = kpatch_find_external_symbol(kpmod->mod->name, + dynrela->name, + dynrela->sympos, + &dynrela->src); + else + ret = kpatch_find_object_symbol(object->name, + dynrela->name, + dynrela->sympos, + &dynrela->src); + if (ret) { + pr_err("unable to find symbol '%s'\n", dynrela->name); + return ret; + } + + switch (dynrela->type) { + case R_X86_64_NONE: + continue; + case R_X86_64_PC32: + loc = dynrela->dest; + val = (u32)(dynrela->src + dynrela->addend - + dynrela->dest); + size = 4; + break; + case R_X86_64_32S: + loc = dynrela->dest; + val = (s32)dynrela->src + dynrela->addend; + size = 4; + break; + case R_X86_64_64: + loc = dynrela->dest; + val = dynrela->src; + size = 8; + break; + default: + pr_err("unsupported rela type %ld for source %s (0x%lx <- 0x%lx)\n", + dynrela->type, dynrela->name, dynrela->dest, + dynrela->src); + return -EINVAL; + } + + if (loc < core || loc >= core + core_size) { + pr_err("bad dynrela location 0x%llx for symbol %s\n", + loc, dynrela->name); + return -EINVAL; + } + + /* + * Skip it if the instruction to be relocated has been + * changed already (paravirt or alternatives may do this). + */ + if (memchr_inv((void *)loc, 0, size)) { + pr_notice("Skipped dynrela for %s (0x%lx <- 0x%lx): the instruction has been changed already.\n", + dynrela->name, dynrela->dest, dynrela->src); + pr_notice_once( +"This is not necessarily a bug but it may indicate in some cases " +"that the binary patch does not handle paravirt operations, alternatives or the like properly.\n"); + continue; + } + +#if defined(CONFIG_DEBUG_SET_MODULE_RONX) || defined(CONFIG_ARCH_HAS_SET_MEMORY) +#if (( LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(4, 5, 0) ) || \ + ( LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(4, 4, 0) && \ + UTS_UBUNTU_RELEASE_ABI >= 7 ) \ + ) + readonly = (loc < core + kpmod->mod->core_layout.ro_size); +#else + readonly = (loc < core + kpmod->mod->core_ro_size); +#endif +#endif + + numpages = (PAGE_SIZE - (loc & ~PAGE_MASK) >= size) ? 1 : 2; + + if (readonly) + kpatch_set_memory_rw(loc & PAGE_MASK, numpages); + + ret = probe_kernel_write((void *)loc, &val, size); + + if (readonly) + kpatch_set_memory_ro(loc & PAGE_MASK, numpages); + + if (ret) { + pr_err("write to 0x%llx failed for symbol %s\n", + loc, dynrela->name); + return ret; + } + } + + return 0; +} + +static int kpatch_unlink_object(struct kpatch_object *object) +{ + struct kpatch_func *func; + int ret; + + list_for_each_entry(func, &object->funcs, list) { + if (!func->old_addr) + continue; + ret = kpatch_ftrace_remove_func(func->old_addr); + if (ret) { + WARN(1, "can't unregister ftrace for address 0x%lx\n", + func->old_addr); + return ret; + } + } + + if (object->mod) { + module_put(object->mod); + object->mod = NULL; + } + + return 0; +} + +/* + * Link to a to-be-patched object in preparation for patching it. + * + * - Find the object module + * - Write patch module relocations which reference the object + * - Calculate the patched functions' addresses + * - Register them with ftrace + */ +static int kpatch_link_object(struct kpatch_module *kpmod, + struct kpatch_object *object) +{ + struct module *mod = NULL; + struct kpatch_func *func, *func_err = NULL; + int ret; + bool vmlinux = !strcmp(object->name, "vmlinux"); + + if (!vmlinux) { + mutex_lock(&module_mutex); + mod = find_module(object->name); + if (!mod) { + /* + * The module hasn't been loaded yet. We can patch it + * later in kpatch_module_notify(). + */ + mutex_unlock(&module_mutex); + return 0; + } + + /* should never fail because we have the mutex */ + WARN_ON(!try_module_get(mod)); + mutex_unlock(&module_mutex); + object->mod = mod; + } + + ret = kpatch_write_relocations(kpmod, object); + if (ret) + goto err_put; + + list_for_each_entry(func, &object->funcs, list) { + + /* lookup the old location */ + ret = kpatch_find_object_symbol(object->name, + func->name, + func->sympos, + &func->old_addr); + if (ret) { + func_err = func; + goto err_ftrace; + } + + /* add to ftrace filter and register handler if needed */ + ret = kpatch_ftrace_add_func(func->old_addr); + if (ret) { + func_err = func; + goto err_ftrace; + } + } + + return 0; + +err_ftrace: + list_for_each_entry(func, &object->funcs, list) { + if (func == func_err) + break; + WARN_ON(kpatch_ftrace_remove_func(func->old_addr)); + } +err_put: + if (!vmlinux) + module_put(mod); + return ret; +} + +static int kpatch_module_notify_coming(struct notifier_block *nb, + unsigned long action, void *data) +{ + struct module *mod = data; + struct kpatch_module *kpmod; + struct kpatch_object *object; + struct kpatch_func *func; + int ret = 0; + bool found = false; + + if (action != MODULE_STATE_COMING) + return 0; + + down(&kpatch_mutex); + + list_for_each_entry(kpmod, &kpmod_list, list) { + list_for_each_entry(object, &kpmod->objects, list) { + if (kpatch_object_linked(object)) + continue; + if (!strcmp(object->name, mod->name)) { + found = true; + goto done; + } + } + } +done: + if (!found) + goto out; + + ret = kpatch_link_object(kpmod, object); + if (ret) + goto out; + + BUG_ON(!object->mod); + + pr_notice("patching newly loaded module '%s'\n", object->name); + + /* run user-defined pre-patch callback */ + ret = pre_patch_callback(object); + if (ret) { + pr_err("pre-patch callback failed!\n"); + goto out; /* and WARN */ + } + + /* add to the global func hash */ + list_for_each_entry(func, &object->funcs, list) + hash_add_rcu(kpatch_func_hash, &func->node, func->old_addr); + + /* run user-defined post-patch callback */ + post_patch_callback(object); +out: + up(&kpatch_mutex); + + /* no way to stop the module load on error */ + WARN(ret, "error (%d) patching newly loaded module '%s'\n", ret, + object->name); + + return 0; +} + +static int kpatch_module_notify_going(struct notifier_block *nb, + unsigned long action, void *data) +{ + struct module *mod = data; + struct kpatch_module *kpmod; + struct kpatch_object *object; + struct kpatch_func *func; + bool found = false; + + if (action != MODULE_STATE_GOING) + return 0; + + down(&kpatch_mutex); + + list_for_each_entry(kpmod, &kpmod_list, list) { + list_for_each_entry(object, &kpmod->objects, list) { + if (!kpatch_object_linked(object)) + continue; + if (!strcmp(object->name, mod->name)) { + found = true; + goto done; + } + } + } +done: + if (!found) + goto out; + + /* run user-defined pre-unpatch callback */ + pre_unpatch_callback(object); + + /* remove from the global func hash */ + list_for_each_entry(func, &object->funcs, list) + hash_del_rcu(&func->node); + + /* run user-defined pre-unpatch callback */ + post_unpatch_callback(object); + + kpatch_unlink_object(object); + +out: + up(&kpatch_mutex); + + return 0; +} + +int kpatch_register(struct kpatch_module *kpmod, bool replace) +{ + int ret, i, force = 0; + struct kpatch_object *object, *object_err = NULL; + struct kpatch_func *func; + + if (!kpmod->mod || list_empty(&kpmod->objects)) + return -EINVAL; + + down(&kpatch_mutex); + + if (kpmod->enabled) { + ret = -EINVAL; + goto err_up; + } + + list_add_tail(&kpmod->list, &kpmod_list); + + if (!try_module_get(kpmod->mod)) { + ret = -ENODEV; + goto err_list; + } + + list_for_each_entry(object, &kpmod->objects, list) { + + ret = kpatch_link_object(kpmod, object); + if (ret) { + object_err = object; + goto err_unlink; + } + + if (!kpatch_object_linked(object)) { + pr_notice("delaying patch of unloaded module '%s'\n", + object->name); + continue; + } + + if (strcmp(object->name, "vmlinux")) + pr_notice("patching module '%s'\n", object->name); + + list_for_each_entry(func, &object->funcs, list) + func->op = KPATCH_OP_PATCH; + } + + if (replace) + hash_for_each_rcu(kpatch_func_hash, i, func, node) + func->op = KPATCH_OP_UNPATCH; + + /* memory barrier between func hash and state write */ + smp_wmb(); + + kpatch_state_updating(); + + /* + * Idle the CPUs, verify activeness safety, and atomically make the new + * functions visible to the ftrace handler. + */ + ret = stop_machine(kpatch_apply_patch, kpmod, NULL); + + /* + * For the replace case, remove any obsolete funcs from the hash and + * the ftrace filter, and disable the owning patch module so that it + * can be removed. + */ + if (!ret && replace) { + struct kpatch_module *kpmod2, *safe; + + hash_for_each_rcu(kpatch_func_hash, i, func, node) { + if (func->op != KPATCH_OP_UNPATCH) + continue; + if (func->force) + force = 1; + hash_del_rcu(&func->node); + WARN_ON(kpatch_ftrace_remove_func(func->old_addr)); + } + + list_for_each_entry_safe(kpmod2, safe, &kpmod_list, list) { + if (kpmod == kpmod2) + continue; + + kpmod2->enabled = false; + pr_notice("unloaded patch module '%s'\n", + kpmod2->mod->name); + + /* + * Don't allow modules with forced functions to be + * removed because they might still be in use. + */ + if (!force) + module_put(kpmod2->mod); + + list_del(&kpmod2->list); + } + } + + + /* memory barrier between func hash and state write */ + smp_wmb(); + + /* NMI handlers can return to normal now */ + kpatch_state_idle(); + + /* + * Wait for all existing NMI handlers to complete so that they don't + * see any changes to funcs or funcs->op that might occur after this + * point. + * + * Any NMI handlers starting after this point will see the IDLE state. + */ + synchronize_rcu(); + + if (ret) + goto err_ops; + + do_for_each_linked_func(kpmod, func) { + func->op = KPATCH_OP_NONE; + } while_for_each_linked_func(); + +/* HAS_MODULE_TAINT - upstream 2992ef29ae01 "livepatch/module: make TAINT_LIVEPATCH module-specific" */ +/* HAS_MODULE_TAINT_LONG - upstream 7fd8329ba502 "taint/module: Clean up global and module taint flags handling" */ +#ifdef RHEL_RELEASE_CODE +# if RHEL_RELEASE_CODE >= RHEL_RELEASE_VERSION(7, 4) +# define HAS_MODULE_TAINT +# endif +#elif LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(4, 10, 0) +# define HAS_MODULE_TAINT_LONG +#elif LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(4, 9, 0) +# define HAS_MODULE_TAINT +#endif + +#ifdef TAINT_LIVEPATCH + pr_notice_once("tainting kernel with TAINT_LIVEPATCH\n"); + add_taint(TAINT_LIVEPATCH, LOCKDEP_STILL_OK); +# ifdef HAS_MODULE_TAINT_LONG + set_bit(TAINT_LIVEPATCH, &kpmod->mod->taints); +# elif defined(HAS_MODULE_TAINT) + kpmod->mod->taints |= (1 << TAINT_LIVEPATCH); +# endif +#else + pr_notice_once("tainting kernel with TAINT_USER\n"); + add_taint(TAINT_USER, LOCKDEP_STILL_OK); +#endif + + pr_notice("loaded patch module '%s'\n", kpmod->mod->name); + + kpmod->enabled = true; + + up(&kpatch_mutex); + return 0; + +err_ops: + if (replace) + hash_for_each_rcu(kpatch_func_hash, i, func, node) + func->op = KPATCH_OP_NONE; +err_unlink: + list_for_each_entry(object, &kpmod->objects, list) { + if (object == object_err) + break; + if (!kpatch_object_linked(object)) + continue; + WARN_ON(kpatch_unlink_object(object)); + } + module_put(kpmod->mod); +err_list: + list_del(&kpmod->list); +err_up: + up(&kpatch_mutex); + return ret; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(kpatch_register); + +int kpatch_unregister(struct kpatch_module *kpmod) +{ + struct kpatch_object *object; + struct kpatch_func *func; + int ret, force = 0; + + down(&kpatch_mutex); + + if (!kpmod->enabled) { + ret = -EINVAL; + goto out; + } + + do_for_each_linked_func(kpmod, func) { + func->op = KPATCH_OP_UNPATCH; + if (func->force) + force = 1; + } while_for_each_linked_func(); + + /* memory barrier between func hash and state write */ + smp_wmb(); + + kpatch_state_updating(); + + ret = stop_machine(kpatch_remove_patch, kpmod, NULL); + + /* NMI handlers can return to normal now */ + kpatch_state_idle(); + + /* + * Wait for all existing NMI handlers to complete so that they don't + * see any changes to funcs or funcs->op that might occur after this + * point. + * + * Any NMI handlers starting after this point will see the IDLE state. + */ + synchronize_rcu(); + + if (ret) { + do_for_each_linked_func(kpmod, func) { + func->op = KPATCH_OP_NONE; + } while_for_each_linked_func(); + goto out; + } + + list_for_each_entry(object, &kpmod->objects, list) { + if (!kpatch_object_linked(object)) + continue; + ret = kpatch_unlink_object(object); + if (ret) + goto out; + } + + pr_notice("unloaded patch module '%s'\n", kpmod->mod->name); + + kpmod->enabled = false; + + /* + * Don't allow modules with forced functions to be removed because they + * might still be in use. + */ + if (!force) + module_put(kpmod->mod); + + list_del(&kpmod->list); + +out: + up(&kpatch_mutex); + return ret; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(kpatch_unregister); + + +static struct notifier_block kpatch_module_nb_coming = { + .notifier_call = kpatch_module_notify_coming, + .priority = INT_MIN, /* called last */ +}; +static struct notifier_block kpatch_module_nb_going = { + .notifier_call = kpatch_module_notify_going, + .priority = INT_MAX, /* called first */ +}; + +static int kpatch_init(void) +{ + int ret; + + kpatch_set_memory_rw = (void *)kallsyms_lookup_name("set_memory_rw"); + if (!kpatch_set_memory_rw) { + pr_err("can't find set_memory_rw symbol\n"); + return -ENXIO; + } + + kpatch_set_memory_ro = (void *)kallsyms_lookup_name("set_memory_ro"); + if (!kpatch_set_memory_ro) { + pr_err("can't find set_memory_ro symbol\n"); + return -ENXIO; + } + + kpatch_root_kobj = kobject_create_and_add("kpatch", kernel_kobj); + if (!kpatch_root_kobj) + return -ENOMEM; + + ret = register_module_notifier(&kpatch_module_nb_coming); + if (ret) + goto err_root_kobj; + ret = register_module_notifier(&kpatch_module_nb_going); + if (ret) + goto err_unregister_coming; + + return 0; + +err_unregister_coming: + WARN_ON(unregister_module_notifier(&kpatch_module_nb_coming)); +err_root_kobj: + kobject_put(kpatch_root_kobj); + return ret; +} + +static void kpatch_exit(void) +{ + rcu_barrier(); + + WARN_ON(kpatch_num_patched != 0); + WARN_ON(unregister_module_notifier(&kpatch_module_nb_coming)); + WARN_ON(unregister_module_notifier(&kpatch_module_nb_going)); + kobject_put(kpatch_root_kobj); +} + +module_init(kpatch_init); +module_exit(kpatch_exit); +MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); diff --git a/kmod/core/kpatch.h b/kmod/core/kpatch.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..36f021f --- /dev/null +++ b/kmod/core/kpatch.h @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +/* + * kpatch.h + * + * Copyright (C) 2014 Seth Jennings + * Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Josh Poimboeuf + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, see . + * + * Contains the API for the core kpatch module used by the patch modules + */ + +#ifndef _KPATCH_H_ +#define _KPATCH_H_ + +#include +#include + +enum kpatch_op { + KPATCH_OP_NONE, + KPATCH_OP_PATCH, + KPATCH_OP_UNPATCH, +}; + +struct kpatch_func { + /* public */ + unsigned long new_addr; + unsigned long new_size; + unsigned long old_addr; + unsigned long old_size; + unsigned long sympos; + const char *name; + struct list_head list; + int force; + + /* private */ + struct hlist_node node; + enum kpatch_op op; + struct kobject kobj; +}; + +struct kpatch_dynrela { + unsigned long dest; + unsigned long src; + unsigned long type; + unsigned long sympos; + const char *name; + int addend; + int external; + struct list_head list; +}; + +struct kpatch_object { + struct list_head list; + const char *name; + struct list_head funcs; + struct list_head dynrelas; + + int (*pre_patch_callback)(struct kpatch_object *); + void (*post_patch_callback)(struct kpatch_object *); + void (*pre_unpatch_callback)(struct kpatch_object *); + void (*post_unpatch_callback)(struct kpatch_object *); + bool callbacks_enabled; + + /* private */ + struct module *mod; + struct kobject kobj; +}; + +struct kpatch_module { + /* public */ + struct module *mod; + struct list_head objects; + + /* public read-only */ + bool enabled; + + /* private */ + struct list_head list; + struct kobject kobj; +}; + +extern struct kobject *kpatch_root_kobj; + +extern int kpatch_register(struct kpatch_module *kpmod, bool replace); +extern int kpatch_unregister(struct kpatch_module *kpmod); + +extern void *kpatch_shadow_alloc(void *obj, char *var, size_t size, gfp_t gfp); +extern void kpatch_shadow_free(void *obj, char *var); +extern void *kpatch_shadow_get(void *obj, char *var); + +#endif /* _KPATCH_H_ */ diff --git a/kmod/core/shadow.c b/kmod/core/shadow.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..627928a --- /dev/null +++ b/kmod/core/shadow.c @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2014 Josh Poimboeuf + * Copyright (C) 2014 Seth Jennings + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, see . + */ + +/* + * kpatch shadow variables + * + * These functions can be used to add new "shadow" fields to existing data + * structures. For example, to allocate a "newpid" variable associated with an + * instance of task_struct, and assign it a value of 1000: + * + * struct task_struct *tsk = current; + * int *newpid; + * newpid = kpatch_shadow_alloc(tsk, "newpid", sizeof(int), GFP_KERNEL); + * if (newpid) + * *newpid = 1000; + * + * To retrieve a pointer to the variable: + * + * struct task_struct *tsk = current; + * int *newpid; + * newpid = kpatch_shadow_get(tsk, "newpid"); + * if (newpid) + * printk("task newpid = %d\n", *newpid); // prints "task newpid = 1000" + * + * To free it: + * + * kpatch_shadow_free(tsk, "newpid"); + */ + +#include +#include +#include "kpatch.h" + +static DEFINE_HASHTABLE(kpatch_shadow_hash, 12); +static DEFINE_SPINLOCK(kpatch_shadow_lock); + +struct kpatch_shadow { + struct hlist_node node; + struct rcu_head rcu_head; + void *obj; + union { + char *var; /* assumed to be 4-byte aligned */ + unsigned long flags; + }; + void *data; +}; + +#define SHADOW_FLAG_INPLACE 0x1 +#define SHADOW_FLAG_RESERVED0 0x2 /* reserved for future use */ + +#define SHADOW_FLAG_MASK 0x3 +#define SHADOW_PTR_MASK (~(SHADOW_FLAG_MASK)) + +static inline void shadow_set_inplace(struct kpatch_shadow *shadow) +{ + shadow->flags |= SHADOW_FLAG_INPLACE; +} + +static inline int shadow_is_inplace(struct kpatch_shadow *shadow) +{ + return shadow->flags & SHADOW_FLAG_INPLACE; +} + +static inline char *shadow_var(struct kpatch_shadow *shadow) +{ + return (char *)((unsigned long)shadow->var & SHADOW_PTR_MASK); +} + +void *kpatch_shadow_alloc(void *obj, char *var, size_t size, gfp_t gfp) +{ + unsigned long flags; + struct kpatch_shadow *shadow; + + shadow = kmalloc(sizeof(*shadow), gfp); + if (!shadow) + return NULL; + + shadow->obj = obj; + + shadow->var = kstrdup(var, gfp); + if (!shadow->var) { + kfree(shadow); + return NULL; + } + + if (size <= sizeof(shadow->data)) { + shadow->data = &shadow->data; + shadow_set_inplace(shadow); + } else { + shadow->data = kmalloc(size, gfp); + if (!shadow->data) { + kfree(shadow->var); + kfree(shadow); + return NULL; + } + } + + spin_lock_irqsave(&kpatch_shadow_lock, flags); + hash_add_rcu(kpatch_shadow_hash, &shadow->node, (unsigned long)obj); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&kpatch_shadow_lock, flags); + + return shadow->data; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(kpatch_shadow_alloc); + +static void kpatch_shadow_rcu_free(struct rcu_head *head) +{ + struct kpatch_shadow *shadow; + + shadow = container_of(head, struct kpatch_shadow, rcu_head); + + if (!shadow_is_inplace(shadow)) + kfree(shadow->data); + kfree(shadow_var(shadow)); + kfree(shadow); +} + +void kpatch_shadow_free(void *obj, char *var) +{ + unsigned long flags; + struct kpatch_shadow *shadow; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&kpatch_shadow_lock, flags); + + hash_for_each_possible(kpatch_shadow_hash, shadow, node, + (unsigned long)obj) { + if (shadow->obj == obj && !strcmp(shadow_var(shadow), var)) { + hash_del_rcu(&shadow->node); + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&kpatch_shadow_lock, flags); + call_rcu(&shadow->rcu_head, kpatch_shadow_rcu_free); + return; + } + } + + spin_unlock_irqrestore(&kpatch_shadow_lock, flags); +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(kpatch_shadow_free); + +void *kpatch_shadow_get(void *obj, char *var) +{ + struct kpatch_shadow *shadow; + + rcu_read_lock(); + + hash_for_each_possible_rcu(kpatch_shadow_hash, shadow, node, + (unsigned long)obj) { + if (shadow->obj == obj && !strcmp(shadow_var(shadow), var)) { + rcu_read_unlock(); + if (shadow_is_inplace(shadow)) + return &(shadow->data); + + return shadow->data; + } + } + + rcu_read_unlock(); + + return NULL; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(kpatch_shadow_get); diff --git a/kmod/patch/Makefile b/kmod/patch/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..96d1fca --- /dev/null +++ b/kmod/patch/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +KPATCH_BUILD ?= /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build +KPATCH_MAKE = $(MAKE) -C $(KPATCH_BUILD) M=$(PWD) +LDFLAGS += $(KPATCH_LDFLAGS) + +# ppc64le kernel modules are expected to compile with the +# -mcmodel=large flag. This enables 64-bit relocations +# instead of a 32-bit offset from the TOC pointer. +PROCESSOR = $(shell uname -m) +ifeq ($(PROCESSOR), ppc64le) +KBUILD_CFLAGS_MODULE += -mcmodel=large +endif + +obj-m += $(KPATCH_NAME).o + +$(KPATCH_NAME)-objs += patch-hook.o output.o + +all: $(KPATCH_NAME).ko + +$(KPATCH_NAME).ko: + $(KPATCH_MAKE) $(KPATCH_NAME).ko + +patch-hook.o: patch-hook.c kpatch-patch-hook.c livepatch-patch-hook.c + $(KPATCH_MAKE) patch-hook.o + +clean: + $(RM) -Rf .*.o.cmd .*.ko.cmd .tmp_versions *.o *.ko *.mod.c \ + Module.symvers diff --git a/kmod/patch/kpatch-macros.h b/kmod/patch/kpatch-macros.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a60a267 --- /dev/null +++ b/kmod/patch/kpatch-macros.h @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +#ifndef __KPATCH_MACROS_H_ +#define __KPATCH_MACROS_H_ + +#include +#include +#include + +/* + * KPATCH_IGNORE_SECTION macro + * + * This macro is for ignoring sections that may change as a side effect of + * another change or might be a non-bundlable section; that is one that does + * not honor -ffunction-section and create a one-to-one relation from function + * symbol to section. + */ +#define KPATCH_IGNORE_SECTION(_sec) \ + char *__UNIQUE_ID(kpatch_ignore_section_) __section(.kpatch.ignore.sections) = _sec; + +/* + * KPATCH_IGNORE_FUNCTION macro + * + * This macro is for ignoring functions that may change as a side effect of a + * change in another function. The WARN class of macros, for example, embed + * the line number in an instruction, which will cause the function to be + * detected as changed when, in fact, there has been no functional change. + */ +#define KPATCH_IGNORE_FUNCTION(_fn) \ + void *__kpatch_ignore_func_##_fn __section(.kpatch.ignore.functions) = _fn; + + +/* Support for livepatch callbacks */ +#if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_LIVEPATCH) +# ifdef RHEL_RELEASE_CODE +# if RHEL_RELEASE_CODE >= RHEL_RELEASE_VERSION(7, 5) +# define HAS_LIVEPATCH_CALLBACKS +# endif +# elif LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(4, 15, 0) +# define HAS_LIVEPATCH_CALLBACKS +# endif +#endif + +#ifdef HAS_LIVEPATCH_CALLBACKS +# include +typedef struct klp_object patch_object; +#else +# include "kpatch.h" +typedef struct kpatch_object patch_object; +#endif /* HAS_LIVEPATCH_CALLBACKS */ + +typedef int (*kpatch_pre_patch_call_t)(patch_object *obj); +typedef void (*kpatch_post_patch_call_t)(patch_object *obj); +typedef void (*kpatch_pre_unpatch_call_t)(patch_object *obj); +typedef void (*kpatch_post_unpatch_call_t)(patch_object *obj); + +struct kpatch_pre_patch_callback { + kpatch_pre_patch_call_t fn; + char *objname; /* filled in by create-diff-object */ +}; + +struct kpatch_post_patch_callback { + kpatch_post_patch_call_t fn; + char *objname; /* filled in by create-diff-object */ +}; + +struct kpatch_pre_unpatch_callback { + kpatch_pre_unpatch_call_t fn; + char *objname; /* filled in by create-diff-object */ +}; + +struct kpatch_post_unpatch_callback { + kpatch_post_unpatch_call_t fn; + char *objname; /* filled in by create-diff-object */ +}; + + +#define KPATCH_PRE_PATCH_CALLBACK(_fn) \ + static inline kpatch_pre_patch_call_t __pre_patchtest(void) { return _fn; } \ + static struct kpatch_pre_patch_callback kpatch_pre_patch_data __section(.kpatch.callbacks.pre_patch) __used = { \ + .fn = _fn, \ + .objname = NULL \ + }; +#define KPATCH_POST_PATCH_CALLBACK(_fn) \ + static inline kpatch_post_patch_call_t __post_patchtest(void) { return _fn; } \ + static struct kpatch_post_patch_callback kpatch_post_patch_data __section(.kpatch.callbacks.post_patch) __used = { \ + .fn = _fn, \ + .objname = NULL \ + }; +#define KPATCH_PRE_UNPATCH_CALLBACK(_fn) \ + static inline kpatch_pre_unpatch_call_t __pre_unpatchtest(void) { return _fn; } \ + static struct kpatch_pre_unpatch_callback kpatch_pre_unpatch_data __section(.kpatch.callbacks.pre_unpatch) __used = { \ + .fn = _fn, \ + .objname = NULL \ + }; +#define KPATCH_POST_UNPATCH_CALLBACK(_fn) \ + static inline kpatch_post_unpatch_call_t __post_unpatchtest(void) { return _fn; } \ + static struct kpatch_post_unpatch_callback kpatch_post_unpatch_data __section(.kpatch.callbacks.post_unpatch) __used = { \ + .fn = _fn, \ + .objname = NULL \ + }; + +/* + * KPATCH_FORCE_UNSAFE macro + * + * USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION! + * + * Allows patch authors to bypass the activeness safety check at patch load + * time. Do this ONLY IF 1) the patch application will always/likely fail due + * to the function being on the stack of at least one thread at all times and + * 2) it is safe for both the original and patched versions of the function to + * run concurrently. + */ +#define KPATCH_FORCE_UNSAFE(_fn) \ + void *__kpatch_force_func_##_fn __section(.kpatch.force) = _fn; + +/* + * KPATCH_PRINTK macro + * + * Use this instead of calling printk to avoid unwanted compiler optimizations + * which cause kpatch-build errors. + * + * The printk function is annotated with the __cold attribute, which tells gcc + * that the function is unlikely to be called. A side effect of this is that + * code paths containing calls to printk might also be marked cold, leading to + * other functions called in those code paths getting moved into .text.unlikely + * or being uninlined. + * + * This macro places printk in its own code path so as not to make the + * surrounding code path cold. + */ +#define KPATCH_PRINTK(_fmt, ...) \ +({ \ + if (jiffies) \ + printk(_fmt, ## __VA_ARGS__); \ +}) + +#endif /* __KPATCH_MACROS_H_ */ diff --git a/kmod/patch/kpatch-patch-hook.c b/kmod/patch/kpatch-patch-hook.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..92f101d --- /dev/null +++ b/kmod/patch/kpatch-patch-hook.c @@ -0,0 +1,424 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Josh Poimboeuf + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA, + * 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "kpatch.h" +#include "kpatch-patch.h" + +static bool replace; +module_param(replace, bool, S_IRUGO); +MODULE_PARM_DESC(replace, "replace all previously loaded patch modules"); + +extern struct kpatch_patch_func __kpatch_funcs[], __kpatch_funcs_end[]; +extern struct kpatch_patch_dynrela __kpatch_dynrelas[], __kpatch_dynrelas_end[]; +extern struct kpatch_pre_patch_callback __kpatch_callbacks_pre_patch[], __kpatch_callbacks_pre_patch_end[]; +extern struct kpatch_post_patch_callback __kpatch_callbacks_post_patch[], __kpatch_callbacks_post_patch_end[]; +extern struct kpatch_pre_unpatch_callback __kpatch_callbacks_pre_unpatch[], __kpatch_callbacks_pre_unpatch_end[]; +extern struct kpatch_post_unpatch_callback __kpatch_callbacks_post_unpatch[], __kpatch_callbacks_post_unpatch_end[]; +extern unsigned long __kpatch_force_funcs[], __kpatch_force_funcs_end[]; +extern char __kpatch_checksum[]; + +static struct kpatch_module kpmod; + +static ssize_t patch_enabled_show(struct kobject *kobj, + struct kobj_attribute *attr, char *buf) +{ + return sprintf(buf, "%d\n", kpmod.enabled); +} + +static ssize_t patch_enabled_store(struct kobject *kobj, + struct kobj_attribute *attr, const char *buf, + size_t count) +{ + int ret; + unsigned long val; + + ret = kstrtoul(buf, 10, &val); + if (ret) + return ret; + + val = !!val; + + if (val) + ret = kpatch_register(&kpmod, replace); + else + ret = kpatch_unregister(&kpmod); + + if (ret) + return ret; + + return count; +} + +static ssize_t patch_checksum_show(struct kobject *kobj, + struct kobj_attribute *attr, char *buf) +{ + return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%s\n", __kpatch_checksum); +} + +static struct kobj_attribute patch_enabled_attr = + __ATTR(enabled, 0644, patch_enabled_show, patch_enabled_store); +static struct kobj_attribute patch_checksum_attr = + __ATTR(checksum, 0444, patch_checksum_show, NULL); + +static struct attribute *patch_attrs[] = { + &patch_enabled_attr.attr, + &patch_checksum_attr.attr, + NULL, +}; + +static void patch_kobj_free(struct kobject *kobj) +{ +} + +static struct kobj_type patch_ktype = { + .release = patch_kobj_free, + .sysfs_ops = &kobj_sysfs_ops, + .default_attrs = patch_attrs, +}; + +static ssize_t patch_func_old_addr_show(struct kobject *kobj, + struct kobj_attribute *attr, char *buf) +{ + struct kpatch_func *func = + container_of(kobj, struct kpatch_func, kobj); + + return sprintf(buf, "0x%lx\n", func->old_addr); +} + +static ssize_t patch_func_new_addr_show(struct kobject *kobj, + struct kobj_attribute *attr, char *buf) +{ + struct kpatch_func *func = + container_of(kobj, struct kpatch_func, kobj); + + return sprintf(buf, "0x%lx\n", func->new_addr); +} + +static struct kobj_attribute patch_old_addr_attr = + __ATTR(old_addr, S_IRUSR, patch_func_old_addr_show, NULL); + +static struct kobj_attribute patch_new_addr_attr = + __ATTR(new_addr, S_IRUSR, patch_func_new_addr_show, NULL); + +static struct attribute *patch_func_kobj_attrs[] = { + &patch_old_addr_attr.attr, + &patch_new_addr_attr.attr, + NULL, +}; + +static ssize_t patch_func_kobj_show(struct kobject *kobj, + struct attribute *attr, char *buf) +{ + struct kobj_attribute *func_attr = + container_of(attr, struct kobj_attribute, attr); + + return func_attr->show(kobj, func_attr, buf); +} + +static const struct sysfs_ops patch_func_sysfs_ops = { + .show = patch_func_kobj_show, +}; + +static void patch_func_kobj_free(struct kobject *kobj) +{ + struct kpatch_func *func = + container_of(kobj, struct kpatch_func, kobj); + kfree(func); +} + +static struct kobj_type patch_func_ktype = { + .release = patch_func_kobj_free, + .sysfs_ops = &patch_func_sysfs_ops, + .default_attrs = patch_func_kobj_attrs, +}; + +static void patch_object_kobj_free(struct kobject *kobj) +{ + struct kpatch_object *obj = + container_of(kobj, struct kpatch_object, kobj); + kfree(obj); +} + +static struct kobj_type patch_object_ktype = { + .release = patch_object_kobj_free, + .sysfs_ops = &kobj_sysfs_ops, +}; + +static struct kpatch_object *patch_find_or_add_object(struct list_head *head, + const char *name) +{ + struct kpatch_object *object; + int ret; + + list_for_each_entry(object, head, list) { + if (!strcmp(object->name, name)) + return object; + } + + object = kzalloc(sizeof(*object), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!object) + return NULL; + + object->name = name; + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&object->funcs); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&object->dynrelas); + + list_add_tail(&object->list, head); + + ret = kobject_init_and_add(&object->kobj, &patch_object_ktype, + &kpmod.kobj, "%s", object->name); + if (ret) { + list_del(&object->list); + kfree(object); + return NULL; + } + + return object; +} + +static void patch_free_objects(void) +{ + struct kpatch_object *object, *object_safe; + struct kpatch_func *func, *func_safe; + struct kpatch_dynrela *dynrela, *dynrela_safe; + + list_for_each_entry_safe(object, object_safe, &kpmod.objects, list) { + list_for_each_entry_safe(func, func_safe, &object->funcs, + list) { + list_del(&func->list); + kobject_put(&func->kobj); + } + list_for_each_entry_safe(dynrela, dynrela_safe, + &object->dynrelas, list) { + list_del(&dynrela->list); + kfree(dynrela); + } + list_del(&object->list); + kobject_put(&object->kobj); + } +} + +static int patch_is_func_forced(unsigned long addr) +{ + unsigned long *a; + for (a = __kpatch_force_funcs; a < __kpatch_force_funcs_end; a++) + if (*a == addr) + return 1; + return 0; +} + +static int patch_make_funcs_list(struct list_head *objects) +{ + struct kpatch_object *object; + struct kpatch_patch_func *p_func; + struct kpatch_func *func; + int ret; + + for (p_func = __kpatch_funcs; p_func < __kpatch_funcs_end; p_func++) { + object = patch_find_or_add_object(&kpmod.objects, + p_func->objname); + if (!object) + return -ENOMEM; + + func = kzalloc(sizeof(*func), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!func) + return -ENOMEM; + + func->new_addr = p_func->new_addr; + func->new_size = p_func->new_size; + func->old_size = p_func->old_size; + func->sympos = p_func->sympos; + func->name = p_func->name; + func->force = patch_is_func_forced(func->new_addr); + list_add_tail(&func->list, &object->funcs); + + ret = kobject_init_and_add(&func->kobj, &patch_func_ktype, + &object->kobj, "%s,%lu", + func->name, func->sympos ? func->sympos : 1); + if (ret) + return ret; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int patch_make_dynrelas_list(struct list_head *objects) +{ + struct kpatch_object *object; + struct kpatch_patch_dynrela *p_dynrela; + struct kpatch_dynrela *dynrela; + + for (p_dynrela = __kpatch_dynrelas; p_dynrela < __kpatch_dynrelas_end; + p_dynrela++) { + object = patch_find_or_add_object(objects, p_dynrela->objname); + if (!object) + return -ENOMEM; + + dynrela = kzalloc(sizeof(*dynrela), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!dynrela) + return -ENOMEM; + + dynrela->dest = p_dynrela->dest; + dynrela->type = p_dynrela->type; + dynrela->sympos = p_dynrela->sympos; + dynrela->name = p_dynrela->name; + dynrela->external = p_dynrela->external; + dynrela->addend = p_dynrela->addend; + list_add_tail(&dynrela->list, &object->dynrelas); + } + + return 0; +} + +static int patch_set_callbacks(struct list_head *objects) +{ + struct kpatch_pre_patch_callback *p_pre_patch_callback; + struct kpatch_post_patch_callback *p_post_patch_callback; + struct kpatch_pre_unpatch_callback *p_pre_unpatch_callback; + struct kpatch_post_unpatch_callback *p_post_unpatch_callback; + struct kpatch_object *object; + + for (p_pre_patch_callback = __kpatch_callbacks_pre_patch; + p_pre_patch_callback < __kpatch_callbacks_pre_patch_end; + p_pre_patch_callback++) { + + object = patch_find_or_add_object(objects, p_pre_patch_callback->objname); + if (!object) + return -ENOMEM; + + if (object->pre_patch_callback) { + pr_err("extra pre-patch callback for object: %s\n", + object->name); + return -EINVAL; + } + + object->pre_patch_callback = + (int (*)(struct kpatch_object *)) p_pre_patch_callback->callback; + } + + for (p_post_patch_callback = __kpatch_callbacks_post_patch; + p_post_patch_callback < __kpatch_callbacks_post_patch_end; + p_post_patch_callback++) { + + object = patch_find_or_add_object(objects, p_post_patch_callback->objname); + if (!object) + return -ENOMEM; + + if (object->post_patch_callback) { + pr_err("extra post-patch callback for object: %s\n", + object->name); + return -EINVAL; + } + + object->post_patch_callback = + (void (*)(struct kpatch_object *)) p_post_patch_callback->callback; + } + + for (p_pre_unpatch_callback = __kpatch_callbacks_pre_unpatch; + p_pre_unpatch_callback < __kpatch_callbacks_pre_unpatch_end; + p_pre_unpatch_callback++) { + + object = patch_find_or_add_object(objects, p_pre_unpatch_callback->objname); + if (!object) + return -ENOMEM; + + if (object->pre_unpatch_callback) { + pr_err("extra pre-unpatch callback for object: %s\n", + object->name); + return -EINVAL; + } + + object->pre_unpatch_callback = + (void (*)(struct kpatch_object *)) p_pre_unpatch_callback->callback; + } + + for (p_post_unpatch_callback = __kpatch_callbacks_post_unpatch; + p_post_unpatch_callback < __kpatch_callbacks_post_unpatch_end; + p_post_unpatch_callback++) { + + object = patch_find_or_add_object(objects, p_post_unpatch_callback->objname); + if (!object) + return -ENOMEM; + + if (object->post_unpatch_callback) { + pr_err("extra post-unpatch callback for object: %s\n", + object->name); + return -EINVAL; + } + + object->post_unpatch_callback = + (void (*)(struct kpatch_object *)) p_post_unpatch_callback->callback; + } + return 0; +} + +static int __init patch_init(void) +{ + int ret; + + ret = kobject_init_and_add(&kpmod.kobj, &patch_ktype, + kpatch_root_kobj, "%s", + THIS_MODULE->name); + if (ret) + return -ENOMEM; + + kpmod.mod = THIS_MODULE; + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&kpmod.objects); + + ret = patch_make_funcs_list(&kpmod.objects); + if (ret) + goto err_objects; + + ret = patch_make_dynrelas_list(&kpmod.objects); + if (ret) + goto err_objects; + + ret = patch_set_callbacks(&kpmod.objects); + if (ret) + goto err_objects; + + ret = kpatch_register(&kpmod, replace); + if (ret) + goto err_objects; + + return 0; + +err_objects: + patch_free_objects(); + kobject_put(&kpmod.kobj); + return ret; +} + +static void __exit patch_exit(void) +{ + WARN_ON(kpmod.enabled); + + patch_free_objects(); + kobject_put(&kpmod.kobj); +} + +module_init(patch_init); +module_exit(patch_exit); +MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); diff --git a/kmod/patch/kpatch-patch.h b/kmod/patch/kpatch-patch.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..917ea32 --- /dev/null +++ b/kmod/patch/kpatch-patch.h @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +/* + * kpatch-patch.h + * + * Copyright (C) 2014 Josh Poimboeuf + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, see . + * + * Contains the structs used for the patch module special sections + */ + +#ifndef _KPATCH_PATCH_H_ +#define _KPATCH_PATCH_H_ + +struct kpatch_patch_func { + unsigned long new_addr; + unsigned long new_size; + unsigned long old_addr; + unsigned long old_size; + unsigned long sympos; + char *name; + char *objname; +}; + +struct kpatch_patch_dynrela { + unsigned long dest; + unsigned long src; + unsigned long type; + unsigned long sympos; + char *name; + char *objname; + int external; + int addend; +}; + +struct kpatch_pre_patch_callback { + int (*callback)(void *obj); + char *objname; +}; +struct kpatch_post_patch_callback { + void (*callback)(void *obj); + char *objname; +}; +struct kpatch_pre_unpatch_callback { + void (*callback)(void *obj); + char *objname; +}; +struct kpatch_post_unpatch_callback { + void (*callback)(void *obj); + char *objname; +}; + +#endif /* _KPATCH_PATCH_H_ */ diff --git a/kmod/patch/kpatch.h b/kmod/patch/kpatch.h new file mode 120000 index 0000000..e8de666 --- /dev/null +++ b/kmod/patch/kpatch.h @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +../core/kpatch.h \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/kmod/patch/ b/kmod/patch/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bc5de82 --- /dev/null +++ b/kmod/patch/ @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +__kpatch_funcs = ADDR(.kpatch.funcs); +__kpatch_funcs_end = ADDR(.kpatch.funcs) + SIZEOF(.kpatch.funcs); + +#ifdef __KPATCH_MODULE__ +__kpatch_dynrelas = ADDR(.kpatch.dynrelas); +__kpatch_dynrelas_end = ADDR(.kpatch.dynrelas) + SIZEOF(.kpatch.dynrelas); +__kpatch_checksum = ADDR(.kpatch.checksum); +#endif + +SECTIONS +{ + .kpatch.callbacks.pre_patch : { + __kpatch_callbacks_pre_patch = . ; + *(.kpatch.callbacks.pre_patch) + __kpatch_callbacks_pre_patch_end = . ; + /* + * Pad the end of the section with zeros in case the section is empty. + * This prevents the kernel from discarding the section at module + * load time. __kpatch_callbacks_pre_patch_end will still point to the + * end of the section before the padding. If the + * .kpatch.callbacks.pre_patch section is empty, + * __kpatch_callbacks_pre_patch equals __kpatch_callbacks_pre_patch_end. + */ + QUAD(0); + } + .kpatch.callbacks.post_patch : { + __kpatch_callbacks_post_patch = . ; + *(.kpatch.callbacks.post_patch) + __kpatch_callbacks_post_patch_end = . ; + QUAD(0); + } + .kpatch.callbacks.pre_unpatch : { + __kpatch_callbacks_pre_unpatch = . ; + *(.kpatch.callbacks.pre_unpatch) + __kpatch_callbacks_pre_unpatch_end = . ; + QUAD(0); + } + .kpatch.callbacks.post_unpatch : { + __kpatch_callbacks_post_unpatch = . ; + *(.kpatch.callbacks.post_unpatch) + __kpatch_callbacks_post_unpatch_end = . ; + QUAD(0); + } + .kpatch.force : { + __kpatch_force_funcs = . ; + *(.kpatch.force) + __kpatch_force_funcs_end = . ; + QUAD(0); + } +} diff --git a/kmod/patch/livepatch-patch-hook.c b/kmod/patch/livepatch-patch-hook.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a587a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/kmod/patch/livepatch-patch-hook.c @@ -0,0 +1,468 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Josh Poimboeuf + * Copyright (C) 2014 Seth Jennings + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA, + * 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +#define pr_fmt(fmt) KBUILD_MODNAME ": " fmt + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include + +#include "kpatch-patch.h" + +#ifndef UTS_UBUNTU_RELEASE_ABI +#define UTS_UBUNTU_RELEASE_ABI 0 +#endif + +#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(4, 7, 0) || \ + defined(RHEL_RELEASE_CODE) +#define HAVE_ELF_RELOCS +#endif + +#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(4, 5, 0) || \ + (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(4, 4, 0) && \ + UTS_UBUNTU_RELEASE_ABI >= 7) || \ + defined(RHEL_RELEASE_CODE) +#define HAVE_SYMPOS +#endif + +#ifdef RHEL_RELEASE_CODE +# if RHEL_RELEASE_CODE <= RHEL_RELEASE_VERSION(7, 5) +# define HAVE_IMMEDIATE +# endif +#elif (LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(4, 12, 0) && \ + LINUX_VERSION_CODE <= KERNEL_VERSION(4, 15, 0)) +# define HAVE_IMMEDIATE +#endif + +#ifdef RHEL_RELEASE_CODE +# if RHEL_RELEASE_CODE >= RHEL_RELEASE_VERSION(7, 5) +# define HAVE_CALLBACKS +# endif +#elif LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(4, 15, 0) +# define HAVE_CALLBACKS +#endif + +/* + * There are quite a few similar structures at play in this file: + * - livepatch.h structs prefixed with klp_* + * - kpatch-patch.h structs prefixed with kpatch_patch_* + * - local scaffolding structs prefixed with patch_* + * + * The naming of the struct variables follows this convention: + * - livepatch struct being with "l" (e.g. lfunc) + * - kpatch_patch structs being with "k" (e.g. kfunc) + * - local scaffolding structs have no prefix (e.g. func) + * + * The program reads in kpatch_patch structures, arranges them into the + * scaffold structures, then creates a livepatch structure suitable for + * registration with the livepatch kernel API. The scaffold structs only + * exist to allow the construction of the klp_patch struct. Once that is + * done, the scaffold structs are no longer needed. + */ + +static struct klp_patch *lpatch; + +static LIST_HEAD(patch_objects); +static int patch_objects_nr; +struct patch_object { + struct list_head list; + struct list_head funcs; + struct list_head relocs; +#ifdef HAVE_CALLBACKS + struct klp_callbacks callbacks; +#endif + const char *name; + int funcs_nr, relocs_nr; +}; + +struct patch_func { + struct list_head list; + struct kpatch_patch_func *kfunc; +}; + +struct patch_reloc { + struct list_head list; + struct kpatch_patch_dynrela *kdynrela; +}; + +static struct patch_object *patch_alloc_new_object(const char *name) +{ + struct patch_object *object; + + object = kzalloc(sizeof(*object), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!object) + return NULL; + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&object->funcs); +#ifndef HAVE_ELF_RELOCS + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&object->relocs); +#endif + if (strcmp(name, "vmlinux")) + object->name = name; + list_add(&object->list, &patch_objects); + patch_objects_nr++; + return object; +} + +static struct patch_object *patch_find_object_by_name(const char *name) +{ + struct patch_object *object; + + list_for_each_entry(object, &patch_objects, list) + if ((!strcmp(name, "vmlinux") && !object->name) || + (object->name && !strcmp(object->name, name))) + return object; + return patch_alloc_new_object(name); +} + +static int patch_add_func_to_object(struct kpatch_patch_func *kfunc) +{ + struct patch_func *func; + struct patch_object *object; + + func = kzalloc(sizeof(*func), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!func) + return -ENOMEM; + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&func->list); + func->kfunc = kfunc; + + object = patch_find_object_by_name(kfunc->objname); + if (!object) { + kfree(func); + return -ENOMEM; + } + list_add(&func->list, &object->funcs); + object->funcs_nr++; + return 0; +} + +#ifndef HAVE_ELF_RELOCS +static int patch_add_reloc_to_object(struct kpatch_patch_dynrela *kdynrela) +{ + struct patch_reloc *reloc; + struct patch_object *object; + + reloc = kzalloc(sizeof(*reloc), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!reloc) + return -ENOMEM; + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&reloc->list); + reloc->kdynrela = kdynrela; + + object = patch_find_object_by_name(kdynrela->objname); + if (!object) { + kfree(reloc); + return -ENOMEM; + } + list_add(&reloc->list, &object->relocs); + object->relocs_nr++; + return 0; +} +#endif + +static void patch_free_scaffold(void) { + struct patch_func *func, *safefunc; + struct patch_object *object, *safeobject; +#ifndef HAVE_ELF_RELOCS + struct patch_reloc *reloc, *safereloc; +#endif + + list_for_each_entry_safe(object, safeobject, &patch_objects, list) { + list_for_each_entry_safe(func, safefunc, + &object->funcs, list) { + list_del(&func->list); + kfree(func); + } +#ifndef HAVE_ELF_RELOCS + list_for_each_entry_safe(reloc, safereloc, + &object->relocs, list) { + list_del(&reloc->list); + kfree(reloc); + } +#endif + list_del(&object->list); + kfree(object); + } +} + +static void patch_free_livepatch(struct klp_patch *patch) +{ + struct klp_object *object; + + if (patch) { + for (object = patch->objs; object && object->funcs; object++) { + if (object->funcs) + kfree(object->funcs); +#ifndef HAVE_ELF_RELOCS + if (object->relocs) + kfree(object->relocs); +#endif + } + if (patch->objs) + kfree(patch->objs); + kfree(patch); + } +} + +extern struct kpatch_pre_patch_callback __kpatch_callbacks_pre_patch[], __kpatch_callbacks_pre_patch_end[]; +extern struct kpatch_post_patch_callback __kpatch_callbacks_post_patch[], __kpatch_callbacks_post_patch_end[]; +extern struct kpatch_pre_unpatch_callback __kpatch_callbacks_pre_unpatch[], __kpatch_callbacks_pre_unpatch_end[]; +extern struct kpatch_post_unpatch_callback __kpatch_callbacks_post_unpatch[], __kpatch_callbacks_post_unpatch_end[]; + +#ifdef HAVE_CALLBACKS +static int add_callbacks_to_patch_objects(void) +{ + struct kpatch_pre_patch_callback *p_pre_patch_callback; + struct kpatch_post_patch_callback *p_post_patch_callback; + struct kpatch_pre_unpatch_callback *p_pre_unpatch_callback; + struct kpatch_post_unpatch_callback *p_post_unpatch_callback; + struct patch_object *object; + + for (p_pre_patch_callback = __kpatch_callbacks_pre_patch; + p_pre_patch_callback < __kpatch_callbacks_pre_patch_end; + p_pre_patch_callback++) { + object = patch_find_object_by_name(p_pre_patch_callback->objname); + if (!object) + return -ENOMEM; + if (object->callbacks.pre_patch) { + pr_err("extra pre-patch callback for object: %s\n", + object->name ? object->name : "vmlinux"); + return -EINVAL; + } + object->callbacks.pre_patch = (int (*)(struct klp_object *)) + p_pre_patch_callback->callback; + } + + for (p_post_patch_callback = __kpatch_callbacks_post_patch; + p_post_patch_callback < __kpatch_callbacks_post_patch_end; + p_post_patch_callback++) { + object = patch_find_object_by_name(p_post_patch_callback->objname); + if (!object) + return -ENOMEM; + if (object->callbacks.post_patch) { + pr_err("extra post-patch callback for object: %s\n", + object->name ? object->name : "vmlinux"); + return -EINVAL; + } + object->callbacks.post_patch = (void (*)(struct klp_object *)) + p_post_patch_callback->callback; + } + + for (p_pre_unpatch_callback = __kpatch_callbacks_pre_unpatch; + p_pre_unpatch_callback < __kpatch_callbacks_pre_unpatch_end; + p_pre_unpatch_callback++) { + object = patch_find_object_by_name(p_pre_unpatch_callback->objname); + if (!object) + return -ENOMEM; + if (object->callbacks.pre_unpatch) { + pr_err("extra pre-unpatch callback for object: %s\n", + object->name ? object->name : "vmlinux"); + return -EINVAL; + } + object->callbacks.pre_unpatch = (void (*)(struct klp_object *)) + p_pre_unpatch_callback->callback; + } + + for (p_post_unpatch_callback = __kpatch_callbacks_post_unpatch; + p_post_unpatch_callback < __kpatch_callbacks_post_unpatch_end; + p_post_unpatch_callback++) { + object = patch_find_object_by_name(p_post_unpatch_callback->objname); + if (!object) + return -ENOMEM; + if (object->callbacks.post_unpatch) { + pr_err("extra post-unpatch callback for object: %s\n", + object->name ? object->name : "vmlinux"); + return -EINVAL; + } + object->callbacks.post_unpatch = (void (*)(struct klp_object *)) + p_post_unpatch_callback->callback; + } + + return 0; +} +#else /* HAVE_CALLBACKS */ +static inline int add_callbacks_to_patch_objects(void) +{ + if (__kpatch_callbacks_pre_patch != + __kpatch_callbacks_pre_patch_end || + __kpatch_callbacks_post_patch != + __kpatch_callbacks_post_patch_end || + __kpatch_callbacks_pre_unpatch != + __kpatch_callbacks_pre_unpatch_end || + __kpatch_callbacks_post_unpatch != + __kpatch_callbacks_post_unpatch_end) { + pr_err("patch callbacks are not supported\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + return 0; +} +#endif /* HAVE_CALLBACKS */ + +extern struct kpatch_patch_func __kpatch_funcs[], __kpatch_funcs_end[]; +#ifndef HAVE_ELF_RELOCS +extern struct kpatch_patch_dynrela __kpatch_dynrelas[], __kpatch_dynrelas_end[]; +#endif + +static int __init patch_init(void) +{ + struct kpatch_patch_func *kfunc; + struct klp_object *lobjects, *lobject; + struct klp_func *lfuncs, *lfunc; + struct patch_object *object; + struct patch_func *func; + int ret = 0, i, j; +#ifndef HAVE_ELF_RELOCS + struct kpatch_patch_dynrela *kdynrela; + struct patch_reloc *reloc; + struct klp_reloc *lrelocs, *lreloc; +#endif + + /* organize functions and relocs by object in scaffold */ + for (kfunc = __kpatch_funcs; + kfunc != __kpatch_funcs_end; + kfunc++) { + ret = patch_add_func_to_object(kfunc); + if (ret) + goto out; + } + +#ifndef HAVE_ELF_RELOCS + for (kdynrela = __kpatch_dynrelas; + kdynrela != __kpatch_dynrelas_end; + kdynrela++) { + ret = patch_add_reloc_to_object(kdynrela); + if (ret) + goto out; + } +#endif + + ret = add_callbacks_to_patch_objects(); + if (ret) + goto out; + + /* past this point, only possible return code is -ENOMEM */ + ret = -ENOMEM; + + /* allocate and fill livepatch structures */ + lpatch = kzalloc(sizeof(*lpatch), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!lpatch) + goto out; + + lobjects = kzalloc(sizeof(*lobjects) * (patch_objects_nr+1), + GFP_KERNEL); + if (!lobjects) + goto out; + lpatch->mod = THIS_MODULE; + lpatch->objs = lobjects; +#if defined(__powerpc64__) && defined(HAVE_IMMEDIATE) + lpatch->immediate = true; +#endif + + i = 0; + list_for_each_entry(object, &patch_objects, list) { + lobject = &lobjects[i]; + lobject->name = object->name; + lfuncs = kzalloc(sizeof(struct klp_func) * + (object->funcs_nr+1), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!lfuncs) + goto out; + lobject->funcs = lfuncs; + j = 0; + list_for_each_entry(func, &object->funcs, list) { + lfunc = &lfuncs[j]; + lfunc->old_name = func->kfunc->name; + lfunc->new_func = (void *)func->kfunc->new_addr; +#ifdef HAVE_SYMPOS + lfunc->old_sympos = func->kfunc->sympos; +#else + lfunc->old_addr = func->kfunc->old_addr; +#endif + j++; + } + +#ifndef HAVE_ELF_RELOCS + lrelocs = kzalloc(sizeof(struct klp_reloc) * + (object->relocs_nr+1), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!lrelocs) + goto out; + lobject->relocs = lrelocs; + j = 0; + list_for_each_entry(reloc, &object->relocs, list) { + lreloc = &lrelocs[j]; + lreloc->loc = reloc->kdynrela->dest; +#ifdef HAVE_SYMPOS + lreloc->sympos = reloc->kdynrela->sympos; +#else + lreloc->val = reloc->kdynrela->src; +#endif /* HAVE_SYMPOS */ + lreloc->type = reloc->kdynrela->type; + lreloc->name = reloc->kdynrela->name; + lreloc->addend = reloc->kdynrela->addend; + lreloc->external = reloc->kdynrela->external; + j++; + } +#endif /* HAVE_ELF_RELOCS */ + +#ifdef HAVE_CALLBACKS + lobject->callbacks = object->callbacks; +#endif + + i++; + } + + /* + * Once the patch structure that the live patching API expects + * has been built, we can release the scaffold structure. + */ + patch_free_scaffold(); + + ret = klp_register_patch(lpatch); + if (ret) { + patch_free_livepatch(lpatch); + return ret; + } + + ret = klp_enable_patch(lpatch); + if (ret) { + WARN_ON(klp_unregister_patch(lpatch)); + patch_free_livepatch(lpatch); + return ret; + } + + return 0; +out: + patch_free_livepatch(lpatch); + patch_free_scaffold(); + return ret; +} + +static void __exit patch_exit(void) +{ + WARN_ON(klp_unregister_patch(lpatch)); +} + +module_init(patch_init); +module_exit(patch_exit); +MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); +MODULE_INFO(livepatch, "Y"); diff --git a/kmod/patch/patch-hook.c b/kmod/patch/patch-hook.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ff314d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/kmod/patch/patch-hook.c @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2015 Seth Jennings + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA, + * 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +#if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_LIVEPATCH) +#include "livepatch-patch-hook.c" +#else +#include "kpatch-patch-hook.c" +#endif + diff --git a/kpatch-build/Makefile b/kpatch-build/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..232b336 --- /dev/null +++ b/kpatch-build/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +include ../ + +CFLAGS += -MMD -MP -I../kmod/patch -Iinsn -Wall -Wsign-compare -g -Werror +LDLIBS = -lelf + +TARGETS = create-diff-object create-klp-module create-kpatch-module +SOURCES = create-diff-object.c kpatch-elf.c \ + create-klp-module.c \ + create-kpatch-module.c \ + create-kpatch-module.c lookup.c + +ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64) +SOURCES += insn/insn.c insn/inat.c +INSN = insn/insn.o insn/inat.o +else ifeq ($(ARCH),ppc64le) +SOURCES += gcc-plugins/ppc64le-plugin.c +PLUGIN = gcc-plugins/ +TARGETS += $(PLUGIN) +GCC_PLUGINS_DIR := $(shell gcc -print-file-name=plugin) +PLUGIN_CFLAGS = -shared $(CFLAGS) -I$(GCC_PLUGINS_DIR)/include \ + -Igcc-plugins -fPIC -fno-rtti -O2 -Wall +endif + + +all: $(TARGETS) + +-include $(SOURCES:.c=.d) + +create-diff-object: create-diff-object.o kpatch-elf.o lookup.o $(INSN) +create-klp-module: create-klp-module.o kpatch-elf.o +create-kpatch-module: create-kpatch-module.o kpatch-elf.o + +$(PLUGIN): gcc-plugins/ppc64le-plugin.c + g++ $(PLUGIN_CFLAGS) $< -o $@ + +install: all + $(INSTALL) -d $(LIBEXECDIR) + $(INSTALL) $(TARGETS) kpatch-gcc $(LIBEXECDIR) + $(INSTALL) -d $(BINDIR) + $(INSTALL) kpatch-build $(BINDIR) + +uninstall: + $(RM) -R $(LIBEXECDIR) + $(RM) $(BINDIR)/kpatch-build + +clean: + $(RM) $(TARGETS) *.{o,d} insn/*.{o,d} gcc-plugins/*.{so,d} diff --git a/kpatch-build/create-diff-object.c b/kpatch-build/create-diff-object.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d242d01 --- /dev/null +++ b/kpatch-build/create-diff-object.c @@ -0,0 +1,3287 @@ +/* + * create-diff-object.c + * + * Copyright (C) 2014 Seth Jennings + * Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Josh Poimboeuf + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA, + * 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * This file contains the heart of the ELF object differencing engine. + * + * The tool takes two ELF objects from two versions of the same source + * file; a "base" object and a "patched" object. These object need to have + * been compiled with the -ffunction-sections and -fdata-sections GCC options. + * + * The tool compares the objects at a section level to determine what + * sections have changed. Once a list of changed sections has been generated, + * various rules are applied to determine any object local sections that + * are dependencies of the changed section and also need to be included in + * the output object. + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "list.h" +#include "lookup.h" +#include "asm/insn.h" +#include "kpatch-patch.h" +#include "kpatch-elf.h" +#include "kpatch-intermediate.h" +#include "kpatch.h" + +#define DIFF_FATAL(format, ...) \ +({ \ + fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s: " format "\n", childobj, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ + error(EXIT_STATUS_DIFF_FATAL, 0, "unreconcilable difference"); \ +}) + +#ifdef __powerpc64__ +#define ABSOLUTE_RELA_TYPE R_PPC64_ADDR64 +#else +#define ABSOLUTE_RELA_TYPE R_X86_64_64 +#endif + +char *childobj; + +enum loglevel loglevel = NORMAL; + +/******************* + * Data structures + * ****************/ +struct special_section { + char *name; + int (*group_size)(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, int offset); +}; + +/************* + * Functions + * **********/ + +static int is_bundleable(struct symbol *sym) +{ + if (sym->type == STT_FUNC && + !strncmp(sym->sec->name, ".text.",6) && + !strcmp(sym->sec->name + 6, sym->name)) + return 1; + + if (sym->type == STT_FUNC && + !strncmp(sym->sec->name, ".text.unlikely.",15) && + (!strcmp(sym->sec->name + 15, sym->name) || + (strstr(sym->name, ".cold.") && + !strncmp(sym->sec->name + 15, sym->name, strlen(sym->sec->name) - 15)))) + return 1; + + if (sym->type == STT_OBJECT && + !strncmp(sym->sec->name, ".data.",6) && + !strcmp(sym->sec->name + 6, sym->name)) + return 1; + + if (sym->type == STT_OBJECT && + !strncmp(sym->sec->name, ".rodata.",8) && + !strcmp(sym->sec->name + 8, sym->name)) + return 1; + + if (sym->type == STT_OBJECT && + !strncmp(sym->sec->name, ".bss.",5) && + !strcmp(sym->sec->name + 5, sym->name)) + return 1; + + return 0; +} + +#ifdef __powerpc64__ +/* Symbol st_others value for powerpc */ +#define STO_PPC64_LOCAL_BIT 5 +#define STO_PPC64_LOCAL_MASK (7 << STO_PPC64_LOCAL_BIT) +#define PPC64_LOCAL_ENTRY_OFFSET(other) \ + (((1 << (((other) & STO_PPC64_LOCAL_MASK) >> STO_PPC64_LOCAL_BIT)) >> 2) << 2) + +/* + * On ppc64le, the function prologue generated by GCC 6+ has the sequence: + * + * .globl my_func + * .type my_func, @function + * .quad .TOC.-my_func + * my_func: + * .reloc ., R_PPC64_ENTRY ; optional + * ld r2,-8(r12) + * add r2,r2,r12 + * .localentry my_func, .-my_func + * + * my_func is the global entry point, which, when called, sets up the TOC. + * .localentry is the local entry point, for calls to the function from within + * the object file. The local entry point is 8 bytes after the global entry + * point. + */ +static int is_gcc6_localentry_bundled_sym(struct symbol *sym) +{ + return ((PPC64_LOCAL_ENTRY_OFFSET(sym->sym.st_other) != 0) && + sym->sym.st_value == 8); +} +#else +static int is_gcc6_localentry_bundled_sym(struct symbol *sym) +{ + return 0; +} +#endif + +static struct rela *toc_rela(const struct rela *rela) +{ + if (rela->type != R_PPC64_TOC16_HA && + rela->type != R_PPC64_TOC16_LO_DS) + return (struct rela *)rela; + + /* Will return NULL for .toc constant entries */ + return find_rela_by_offset(rela->sym->sec->rela, rela->addend); +} + +/* + * When compiling with -ffunction-sections and -fdata-sections, almost every + * symbol gets its own dedicated section. We call such symbols "bundled" + * symbols. They're indicated by "sym->sec->sym == sym". + */ +static void kpatch_bundle_symbols(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + struct symbol *sym; + + list_for_each_entry(sym, &kelf->symbols, list) { + if (is_bundleable(sym)) { + if (sym->sym.st_value != 0 && + !is_gcc6_localentry_bundled_sym(sym)) { + ERROR("symbol %s at offset %lu within section %s, expected 0", + sym->name, sym->sym.st_value, + sym->sec->name); + } + + sym->sec->sym = sym; + } + } +} + +/* + * This function detects whether the given symbol is a "special" static local + * variable (for lack of a better term). + * + * Special static local variables should never be correlated and should always + * be included if they are referenced by an included function. + */ +static int is_special_static(struct symbol *sym) +{ + static char *prefixes[] = { + "__key.", + "__warned.", + "descriptor.", + "__func__.", + "_rs.", + "CSWTCH.", + NULL, + }; + char **prefix; + + if (!sym) + return 0; + + if (sym->type == STT_SECTION) { + /* __verbose section contains the descriptor variables */ + if (!strcmp(sym->name, "__verbose")) + return 1; + + /* otherwise make sure section is bundled */ + if (!sym->sec->sym) + return 0; + + /* use bundled object/function symbol for matching */ + sym = sym->sec->sym; + } + + if (sym->type != STT_OBJECT || sym->bind != STB_LOCAL) + return 0; + + for (prefix = prefixes; *prefix; prefix++) + if (!strncmp(sym->name, *prefix, strlen(*prefix))) + return 1; + + return 0; +} + +/* + * This is like strcmp, but for gcc-mangled symbols. It skips the comparison + * of any substring which consists of '.' followed by any number of digits. + */ +static int kpatch_mangled_strcmp(char *s1, char *s2) +{ + while (*s1 == *s2) { + if (!*s1) + return 0; + if (*s1 == '.' && isdigit(s1[1])) { + if (!isdigit(s2[1])) + return 1; + while (isdigit(*++s1)) + ; + while (isdigit(*++s2)) + ; + } else { + s1++; + s2++; + } + } + return 1; +} + +static int rela_equal(struct rela *rela1, struct rela *rela2) +{ + struct rela *rela_toc1, *rela_toc2; + unsigned long toc_data1 = 0, toc_data2 = 0; /* = 0 to prevent gcc warning */ + + if (rela1->type != rela2->type || + rela1->offset != rela2->offset) + return 0; + + /* + * With -mcmodel=large on ppc64le, GCC might generate entries in the .toc + * section for relocation symbol references. The .toc offsets may change + * between the original and patched .o, so comparing ".toc + offset" isn't + * right. Compare the .toc-based symbols by reading the corresponding relas + * from the .toc section. + */ + rela_toc1 = toc_rela(rela1); + if (!rela_toc1) { + /* + * .toc section entries are mostly place holder for relocation entries, specified + * in .rela.toc section. Sometimes, .toc section may have constants as entries. + * These constants are not reference to any symbols, but plain instructions mostly + * due to some arithmetics in the functions referring them. + * + * They are referred by the functions like normal .toc entries, these entries can + * not be resolved to any symbols. + * + * Disassembly of section .toc: + * + * 0000000000000000 <.toc>: + * ... + * 148: R_PPC64_ADDR64 .data.capacity_margin + * 150: 0b d7 a3 70 andi. r3,r5,55051 + * 154: 3d 0a d7 a3 lhz r30,2621(r23) + * 158: R_PPC64_ADDR64 sched_max_numa_distance + * + * Relocation section '.rela.toc' at offset 0xadac0 contains 160 entries: + * Offset Info Type Symbol's Value Symbol's Name + Addend + * ... + * 0000000000000148 0000009100000026 R_PPC64_ADDR64 0000000000000000 .data.capacity_margin + 0 + * 0000000000000158 000001a500000026 R_PPC64_ADDR64 0000000000000000 sched_max_numa_distance + 0 + * + * Relocation section '.rela.text.select_task_rq_fair' at offset 0x90e98 contains 37 entries: + * Offset Info Type Symbol's Value Symbol's Name + Addend + * ... + * 00000000000004a0 0000008800000032 R_PPC64_TOC16_HA 0000000000000000 .toc + 148 + * 00000000000004ac 0000008800000040 R_PPC64_TOC16_LO_DS 0000000000000000 .toc + 148 + * 0000000000000514 0000008800000032 R_PPC64_TOC16_HA 0000000000000000 .toc + 150 + * 000000000000051c 0000008800000040 R_PPC64_TOC16_LO_DS 0000000000000000 .toc + 150 + */ + memcpy(&toc_data1, rela1->sym->sec->data->d_buf + rela1->addend, sizeof(toc_data1)); + if (!toc_data1) + ERROR(".toc entry not found %s + %x", rela1->sym->name, rela1->addend); + } + + rela_toc2 = toc_rela(rela2); + if (!rela_toc2) { + memcpy(&toc_data2, rela2->sym->sec->data->d_buf + rela2->addend, sizeof(toc_data2)); + if (!toc_data2) + ERROR(".toc entry not found %s + %x", rela2->sym->name, rela2->addend); + } + + if (!rela_toc1 && !rela_toc2) + return toc_data1 == toc_data2; + + if (rela_toc1->string) + return rela_toc2->string && !strcmp(rela_toc1->string, rela_toc2->string); + + if (rela_toc1->addend != rela_toc2->addend) + return 0; + + if (is_special_static(rela_toc1->sym)) + return !kpatch_mangled_strcmp(rela_toc1->sym->name, + rela_toc2->sym->name); + + return !strcmp(rela_toc1->sym->name, rela_toc2->sym->name); +} + +static void kpatch_compare_correlated_rela_section(struct section *sec) +{ + struct rela *rela1, *rela2 = NULL; + + /* + * On ppc64le, don't compare the .rela.toc section. The .toc and + * .rela.toc sections are included as standard elements. + */ + if (!strcmp(sec->name, ".rela.toc")) { + sec->status = SAME; + return; + } + + rela2 = list_entry(sec->twin->, struct rela, list); + list_for_each_entry(rela1, &sec->relas, list) { + if (rela_equal(rela1, rela2)) { + rela2 = list_entry(rela2->, struct rela, list); + continue; + } + sec->status = CHANGED; + return; + } + + sec->status = SAME; +} + +static void kpatch_compare_correlated_nonrela_section(struct section *sec) +{ + struct section *sec1 = sec, *sec2 = sec->twin; + + if (sec1->sh.sh_type != SHT_NOBITS && + memcmp(sec1->data->d_buf, sec2->data->d_buf, sec1->data->d_size)) + sec->status = CHANGED; + else + sec->status = SAME; +} + +static void kpatch_compare_correlated_section(struct section *sec) +{ + struct section *sec1 = sec, *sec2 = sec->twin; + + /* Compare section headers (must match or fatal) */ + if (sec1->sh.sh_type != sec2->sh.sh_type || + sec1->sh.sh_flags != sec2->sh.sh_flags || + sec1->sh.sh_addralign != sec2->sh.sh_addralign || + sec1->sh.sh_entsize != sec2->sh.sh_entsize) + DIFF_FATAL("%s section header details differ", sec1->name); + + /* Short circuit for mcount sections, we rebuild regardless */ + if (!strcmp(sec->name, ".rela__mcount_loc") || + !strcmp(sec->name, "__mcount_loc")) { + sec->status = SAME; + goto out; + } + + if (sec1->sh.sh_size != sec2->sh.sh_size || + sec1->data->d_size != sec2->data->d_size) { + sec->status = CHANGED; + goto out; + } + + if (is_rela_section(sec)) + kpatch_compare_correlated_rela_section(sec); + else + kpatch_compare_correlated_nonrela_section(sec); +out: + if (sec->status == CHANGED) + log_debug("section %s has changed\n", sec->name); +} + +#ifdef __x86_64__ +/* + * Determine if a section has changed only due to a WARN* or might_sleep + * macro call's embedding of the line number into an instruction operand. + * + * Warning: Hackery lies herein. It's hopefully justified by the fact that + * this issue is very common. + * + * Example WARN*: + * + * 938: be 70 00 00 00 mov $0x70,%esi + * 93d: 48 c7 c7 00 00 00 00 mov $0x0,%rdi + * 940: R_X86_64_32S .rodata.tcp_conn_request.str1.8+0x88 + * 944: c6 05 00 00 00 00 01 movb $0x1,0x0(%rip) # 94b + * 946: R_X86_64_PC32 .data.unlikely-0x1 + * 94b: e8 00 00 00 00 callq 950 + * 94c: R_X86_64_PC32 warn_slowpath_null-0x4 + * + * Example might_sleep: + * + * 50f: be f7 01 00 00 mov $0x1f7,%esi + * 514: 48 c7 c7 00 00 00 00 mov $0x0,%rdi + * 517: R_X86_64_32S .rodata.do_select.str1.8+0x98 + * 51b: e8 00 00 00 00 callq 520 + * 51c: R_X86_64_PC32 ___might_sleep-0x4 + * + * The pattern which applies to all cases: + * 1) immediate move of the line number to %esi + * 2) (optional) string section rela + * 3) (optional) __warned.xxxxx static local rela + * 4) warn_slowpath_* or __might_sleep or some other similar rela + */ +static int kpatch_line_macro_change_only(struct section *sec) +{ + struct insn insn1, insn2; + unsigned long start1, start2, size, offset, length; + struct rela *rela; + int lineonly = 0, found; + + if (sec->status != CHANGED || + is_rela_section(sec) || + !is_text_section(sec) || + sec->sh.sh_size != sec->twin->sh.sh_size || + !sec->rela || + sec->rela->status != SAME) + return 0; + + start1 = (unsigned long)sec->twin->data->d_buf; + start2 = (unsigned long)sec->data->d_buf; + size = sec->sh.sh_size; + for (offset = 0; offset < size; offset += length) { + insn_init(&insn1, (void *)(start1 + offset), 1); + insn_init(&insn2, (void *)(start2 + offset), 1); + insn_get_length(&insn1); + insn_get_length(&insn2); + length = insn1.length; + + if (!insn1.length || !insn2.length) + ERROR("can't decode instruction in section %s at offset 0x%lx", + sec->name, offset); + + if (insn1.length != insn2.length) + return 0; + + if (!memcmp((void *)start1 + offset, (void *)start2 + offset, + length)) + continue; + + /* verify it's a mov immediate to %edx or %esi */ + insn_get_opcode(&insn1); + insn_get_opcode(&insn2); + if (!(insn1.opcode.value == 0xba && insn2.opcode.value == 0xba) && + !(insn1.opcode.value == 0xbe && insn2.opcode.value == 0xbe)) + return 0; + + /* + * Verify zero or more string relas followed by a + * warn_slowpath_* or another similar rela. + */ + found = 0; + list_for_each_entry(rela, &sec->rela->relas, list) { + if (rela->offset < offset + length) + continue; + if (rela->string) + continue; + if (!strncmp(rela->sym->name, "__warned.", 9)) + continue; + if (!strncmp(rela->sym->name, "warn_slowpath_", 14) || + (!strcmp(rela->sym->name, "__warn_printk")) || + (!strcmp(rela->sym->name, "__might_sleep")) || + (!strcmp(rela->sym->name, "___might_sleep")) || + (!strcmp(rela->sym->name, "__might_fault")) || + (!strcmp(rela->sym->name, "printk")) || + (!strcmp(rela->sym->name, "lockdep_rcu_suspicious"))) { + found = 1; + break; + } + return 0; + } + if (!found) + return 0; + + lineonly = 1; + } + + if (!lineonly) + ERROR("no instruction changes detected for changed section %s", + sec->name); + + return 1; +} +#elif __powerpc64__ +#define PPC_INSTR_LEN 4 +#define PPC_RA_OFFSET 16 + +static int kpatch_line_macro_change_only(struct section *sec) +{ + unsigned long start1, start2, size, offset; + unsigned int instr1, instr2; + struct rela *rela; + int lineonly = 0, found; + + if (sec->status != CHANGED || + is_rela_section(sec) || + !is_text_section(sec) || + sec->sh.sh_size != sec->twin->sh.sh_size || + !sec->rela || + sec->rela->status != SAME) + return 0; + + start1 = (unsigned long)sec->twin->data->d_buf; + start2 = (unsigned long)sec->data->d_buf; + size = sec->sh.sh_size; + for (offset = 0; offset < size; offset += PPC_INSTR_LEN) { + if (!memcmp((void *)start1 + offset, (void *)start2 + offset, + PPC_INSTR_LEN)) + continue; + + instr1 = *(unsigned int *)(start1 + offset) >> PPC_RA_OFFSET; + instr2 = *(unsigned int *)(start2 + offset) >> PPC_RA_OFFSET; + + /* verify it's a load immediate to r5 */ + if (!(instr1 == 0x38a0 && instr2 == 0x38a0)) + return 0; + + found = 0; + list_for_each_entry(rela, &sec->rela->relas, list) { + if (rela->offset < offset + PPC_INSTR_LEN) + continue; + if (toc_rela(rela) && toc_rela(rela)->string) + continue; + if (!strncmp(rela->sym->name, "__warned.", 9)) + continue; + if (!strncmp(rela->sym->name, "warn_slowpath_", 14) || + (!strcmp(rela->sym->name, "__warn_printk")) || + (!strcmp(rela->sym->name, "__might_sleep")) || + (!strcmp(rela->sym->name, "___might_sleep")) || + (!strcmp(rela->sym->name, "__might_fault")) || + (!strcmp(rela->sym->name, "printk")) || + (!strcmp(rela->sym->name, "lockdep_rcu_suspicious"))) { + found = 1; + break; + } + return 0; + } + if (!found) + return 0; + + lineonly = 1; + } + + if (!lineonly) + ERROR("no instruction changes detected for changed section %s", + sec->name); + + return 1; +} +#else +static int kpatch_line_macro_change_only(struct section *sec) +{ + return 0; +} +#endif + +static void kpatch_compare_sections(struct list_head *seclist) +{ + struct section *sec; + + /* compare all sections */ + list_for_each_entry(sec, seclist, list) { + if (sec->twin) + kpatch_compare_correlated_section(sec); + else + sec->status = NEW; + } + + /* exclude WARN-only, might_sleep changes */ + list_for_each_entry(sec, seclist, list) { + if (kpatch_line_macro_change_only(sec)) { + log_debug("reverting macro / line number section %s status to SAME\n", + sec->name); + sec->status = SAME; + } + } + + /* sync symbol status */ + list_for_each_entry(sec, seclist, list) { + if (is_rela_section(sec)) { + if (sec->base->sym && sec->base->sym->status != CHANGED) + sec->base->sym->status = sec->status; + } else { + if (sec->sym && sec->sym->status != CHANGED) + sec->sym->status = sec->status; + } + } +} + +static void kpatch_compare_correlated_symbol(struct symbol *sym) +{ + struct symbol *sym1 = sym, *sym2 = sym->twin; + + if (sym1->sym.st_info != sym2->sym.st_info || + (sym1->sec && !sym2->sec) || + (sym2->sec && !sym1->sec)) + DIFF_FATAL("symbol info mismatch: %s", sym1->name); + + /* + * If two symbols are correlated but their sections are not, then the + * symbol has changed sections. This is only allowed if the symbol is + * moving out of an ignored section. + */ + if (sym1->sec && sym2->sec && sym1->sec->twin != sym2->sec) { + if (sym2->sec->twin && sym2->sec->twin->ignore) + sym->status = CHANGED; + else + DIFF_FATAL("symbol changed sections: %s", sym1->name); + } + + if (sym1->type == STT_OBJECT && + sym1->sym.st_size != sym2->sym.st_size) + DIFF_FATAL("object size mismatch: %s", sym1->name); + + if (sym1->sym.st_shndx == SHN_UNDEF || + sym1->sym.st_shndx == SHN_ABS) + sym1->status = SAME; + + /* + * The status of LOCAL symbols is dependent on the status of their + * matching section and is set during section comparison. + */ +} + +static void kpatch_compare_symbols(struct list_head *symlist) +{ + struct symbol *sym; + + list_for_each_entry(sym, symlist, list) { + if (sym->twin) + kpatch_compare_correlated_symbol(sym); + else + sym->status = NEW; + + log_debug("symbol %s is %s\n", sym->name, status_str(sym->status)); + } +} + +static void kpatch_correlate_sections(struct list_head *seclist1, struct list_head *seclist2) +{ + struct section *sec1, *sec2; + + list_for_each_entry(sec1, seclist1, list) { + list_for_each_entry(sec2, seclist2, list) { + if (strcmp(sec1->name, sec2->name)) + continue; + + if (is_special_static(is_rela_section(sec1) ? + sec1->base->secsym : + sec1->secsym)) + continue; + + /* + * Group sections must match exactly to be correlated. + * Changed group sections are currently not supported. + */ + if (sec1->sh.sh_type == SHT_GROUP) { + if (sec1->data->d_size != sec2->data->d_size) + continue; + if (memcmp(sec1->data->d_buf, sec2->data->d_buf, + sec1->data->d_size)) + continue; + } + sec1->twin = sec2; + sec2->twin = sec1; + /* set initial status, might change */ + sec1->status = sec2->status = SAME; + break; + } + } +} + +static void kpatch_correlate_symbols(struct list_head *symlist1, struct list_head *symlist2) +{ + struct symbol *sym1, *sym2; + + list_for_each_entry(sym1, symlist1, list) { + list_for_each_entry(sym2, symlist2, list) { + if (strcmp(sym1->name, sym2->name) || + sym1->type != sym2->type) + continue; + + if (is_special_static(sym1)) + continue; + + /* + * The .LCx symbols point to strings, usually used for + * the bug table. Don't correlate and compare the + * symbols themselves, because the suffix number might + * change. + * + * If the symbol is used by the bug table (usual case), + * it may get pulled in by + * kpatch_regenerate_special_section(). + * + * If the symbol is used outside of the bug table (not + * sure if this actually happens anywhere), any string + * changes will be detected elsewhere in rela_equal(). + */ + if (sym1->type == STT_NOTYPE && + !strncmp(sym1->name, ".LC", 3)) + continue; + + /* group section symbols must have correlated sections */ + if (sym1->sec && + sym1->sec->sh.sh_type == SHT_GROUP && + sym1->sec->twin != sym2->sec) + continue; + + sym1->twin = sym2; + sym2->twin = sym1; + /* set initial status, might change */ + sym1->status = sym2->status = SAME; + break; + } + } +} + +static void kpatch_compare_elf_headers(Elf *elf1, Elf *elf2) +{ + GElf_Ehdr eh1, eh2; + + if (!gelf_getehdr(elf1, &eh1)) + ERROR("gelf_getehdr"); + + if (!gelf_getehdr(elf2, &eh2)) + ERROR("gelf_getehdr"); + + if (memcmp(eh1.e_ident, eh2.e_ident, EI_NIDENT) || + eh1.e_type != eh2.e_type || + eh1.e_machine != eh2.e_machine || + eh1.e_version != eh2.e_version || + eh1.e_entry != eh2.e_entry || + eh1.e_phoff != eh2.e_phoff || + eh1.e_flags != eh2.e_flags || + eh1.e_ehsize != eh2.e_ehsize || + eh1.e_phentsize != eh2.e_phentsize || + eh1.e_shentsize != eh2.e_shentsize) + DIFF_FATAL("ELF headers differ"); +} + +static void kpatch_check_program_headers(Elf *elf) +{ + size_t ph_nr; + + if (elf_getphdrnum(elf, &ph_nr)) + ERROR("elf_getphdrnum"); + + if (ph_nr != 0) + DIFF_FATAL("ELF contains program header"); +} + +static void kpatch_mark_grouped_sections(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + struct section *groupsec, *sec; + unsigned int *data, *end; + + list_for_each_entry(groupsec, &kelf->sections, list) { + if (groupsec->sh.sh_type != SHT_GROUP) + continue; + data = groupsec->data->d_buf; + end = groupsec->data->d_buf + groupsec->data->d_size; + data++; /* skip first flag word (e.g. GRP_COMDAT) */ + while (data < end) { + sec = find_section_by_index(&kelf->sections, *data); + if (!sec) + ERROR("group section not found"); + sec->grouped = 1; + log_debug("marking section %s (%d) as grouped\n", + sec->name, sec->index); + data++; + } + } +} + +/* + * When gcc makes compiler optimizations which affect a function's calling + * interface, it mangles the function's name. For example, sysctl_print_dir is + * renamed to sysctl_print_dir.isra.2. The problem is that the trailing number + * is chosen arbitrarily, and the patched version of the function may end up + * with a different trailing number. Rename any mangled patched functions to + * match their base counterparts. + */ +static void kpatch_rename_mangled_functions(struct kpatch_elf *base, + struct kpatch_elf *patched) +{ + struct symbol *sym, *basesym; + char name[256], *origname; + struct section *sec, *basesec; + int found; + + list_for_each_entry(sym, &patched->symbols, list) { + if (sym->type != STT_FUNC) + continue; + + if (!strstr(sym->name, ".isra.") && + !strstr(sym->name, ".constprop.") && + !strstr(sym->name, ".cold.") && + !strstr(sym->name, ".part.")) + continue; + + found = 0; + list_for_each_entry(basesym, &base->symbols, list) { + if (!kpatch_mangled_strcmp(basesym->name, sym->name)) { + found = 1; + break; + } + } + + if (!found) + continue; + + if (!strcmp(sym->name, basesym->name)) + continue; + + log_debug("renaming %s to %s\n", sym->name, basesym->name); + origname = sym->name; + sym->name = strdup(basesym->name); + + if (sym != sym->sec->sym) + continue; + + sym->sec->name = strdup(basesym->sec->name); + if (sym->sec->rela) + sym->sec->rela->name = strdup(basesym->sec->rela->name); + + /* + * When function foo.isra.1 has a switch statement, it might + * have a corresponding bundled section (in + * addition to which we renamed above). + */ + sprintf(name, ".rodata.%s", origname); + sec = find_section_by_name(&patched->sections, name); + if (!sec) + continue; + sprintf(name, ".rodata.%s", basesym->name); + basesec = find_section_by_name(&base->sections, name); + if (!basesec) + continue; + sec->name = strdup(basesec->name); + sec->secsym->name = sec->name; + if (sec->rela) + sec->rela->name = strdup(basesec->rela->name); + } +} + +static char *kpatch_section_function_name(struct section *sec) +{ + if (is_rela_section(sec)) + sec = sec->base; + return sec->sym ? sec->sym->name : sec->name; +} + +/* + * Given a static local variable symbol and a rela section which references it + * in the base object, find a corresponding usage of a similarly named symbol + * in the patched object. + */ +static struct symbol *kpatch_find_static_twin(struct section *sec, + struct symbol *sym) +{ + struct rela *rela, *rela_toc; + + if (!sec->twin) + return NULL; + + /* find the patched object's corresponding variable */ + list_for_each_entry(rela, &sec->twin->relas, list) { + + rela_toc = toc_rela(rela); + if (!rela_toc) + continue; /* skip toc constants */ + + if (rela_toc->sym->twin) + continue; + + if (kpatch_mangled_strcmp(rela_toc->sym->name, sym->name)) + continue; + + return rela_toc->sym; + } + + return NULL; +} + +static int kpatch_is_normal_static_local(struct symbol *sym) +{ + if (sym->type != STT_OBJECT || sym->bind != STB_LOCAL) + return 0; + + if (!strchr(sym->name, '.')) + return 0; + + if (is_special_static(sym)) + return 0; + + return 1; +} + +/* + * gcc renames static local variables by appending a period and a number. For + * example, __foo could be renamed to __foo.31452. Unfortunately this number + * can arbitrarily change. Correlate them by comparing which functions + * reference them, and rename the patched symbols to match the base symbol + * names. + * + * Some surprising facts about static local variable symbols: + * + * - It's possible for multiple functions to use the same + * static local variable if the variable is defined in an + * inlined function. + * + * - It's also possible for multiple static local variables + * with the same name to be used in the same function if they + * have different scopes. (We have to assume that in such + * cases, the order in which they're referenced remains the + * same between the base and patched objects, as there's no + * other way to distinguish them.) + * + * - Static locals are usually referenced by functions, but + * they can occasionally be referenced by data sections as + * well. + */ +static void kpatch_correlate_static_local_variables(struct kpatch_elf *base, + struct kpatch_elf *patched) +{ + struct symbol *sym, *patched_sym; + struct section *sec; + struct rela *rela, *rela2; + int bundled, patched_bundled, found; + + /* + * First undo the correlations for all static locals. Two static + * locals can have the same numbered suffix in the base and patched + * objects by coincidence. + */ + list_for_each_entry(sym, &base->symbols, list) { + + if (!kpatch_is_normal_static_local(sym)) + continue; + + if (sym->twin) { + sym->twin->twin = NULL; + sym->twin = NULL; + } + + bundled = sym == sym->sec->sym; + if (bundled && sym->sec->twin) { + sym->sec->twin->twin = NULL; + sym->sec->twin = NULL; + + sym->sec->secsym->twin->twin = NULL; + sym->sec->secsym->twin = NULL; + + if (sym->sec->rela) { + sym->sec->rela->twin->twin = NULL; + sym->sec->rela->twin = NULL; + } + } + } + + /* + * Do the correlations: for each section reference to a static local, + * look for a corresponding reference in the section's twin. + */ + list_for_each_entry(sec, &base->sections, list) { + + if (!is_rela_section(sec) || + is_debug_section(sec) || + !strcmp(sec->name, ".rela.toc")) + continue; + + list_for_each_entry(rela, &sec->relas, list) { + + if (!toc_rela(rela)) + continue; /* skip toc constants */ + sym = toc_rela(rela)->sym; + + if (!kpatch_is_normal_static_local(sym)) + continue; + + if (sym->twin) + continue; + + bundled = sym == sym->sec->sym; + if (bundled && sym->sec == sec->base) { + /* + * A rare case where a static local data + * structure references itself. There's no + * reliable way to correlate this. Hopefully + * there's another reference to the symbol + * somewhere that can be used. + */ + log_debug("can't correlate static local %s's reference to itself\n", + sym->name); + continue; + } + + patched_sym = kpatch_find_static_twin(sec, sym); + if (!patched_sym) + DIFF_FATAL("reference to static local variable %s in %s was removed", + sym->name, + kpatch_section_function_name(sec)); + + patched_bundled = patched_sym == patched_sym->sec->sym; + if (bundled != patched_bundled) + ERROR("bundle mismatch for symbol %s", sym->name); + if (!bundled && sym->sec->twin != patched_sym->sec) + ERROR("sections %s and %s aren't correlated", + sym->sec->name, patched_sym->sec->name); + + log_debug("renaming and correlating static local %s to %s\n", + patched_sym->name, sym->name); + + patched_sym->name = strdup(sym->name); + sym->twin = patched_sym; + patched_sym->twin = sym; + + /* set initial status, might change */ + sym->status = patched_sym->status = SAME; + + if (bundled) { + sym->sec->twin = patched_sym->sec; + patched_sym->sec->twin = sym->sec; + + sym->sec->secsym->twin = patched_sym->sec->secsym; + patched_sym->sec->secsym->twin = sym->sec->secsym; + + if (sym->sec->rela && patched_sym->sec->rela) { + sym->sec->rela->twin = patched_sym->sec->rela; + patched_sym->sec->rela->twin = sym->sec->rela; + } + } + } + } + + /* + * Make sure that: + * + * 1. all the base object's referenced static locals have been + * correlated; and + * + * 2. each reference to a static local in the base object has a + * corresponding reference in the patched object (because a static + * local can be referenced by more than one section). + */ + list_for_each_entry(sec, &base->sections, list) { + + if (!is_rela_section(sec) || + is_debug_section(sec)) + continue; + + list_for_each_entry(rela, &sec->relas, list) { + + sym = rela->sym; + if (!kpatch_is_normal_static_local(sym)) + continue; + + if (!sym->twin || !sec->twin) + DIFF_FATAL("reference to static local variable %s in %s was removed", + sym->name, + kpatch_section_function_name(sec)); + + found = 0; + list_for_each_entry(rela2, &sec->twin->relas, list) { + if (rela2->sym == sym->twin) { + found = 1; + break; + } + } + + if (!found) + DIFF_FATAL("static local %s has been correlated with %s, but patched %s is missing a reference to it", + sym->name, sym->twin->name, + kpatch_section_function_name(sec->twin)); + } + } + + /* + * Now go through the patched object and look for any uncorrelated + * static locals to see if we need to print any warnings about new + * variables. + */ + list_for_each_entry(sec, &patched->sections, list) { + + if (!is_rela_section(sec) || + is_debug_section(sec)) + continue; + + list_for_each_entry(rela, &sec->relas, list) { + + sym = rela->sym; + if (!kpatch_is_normal_static_local(sym)) + continue; + + if (sym->twin) + continue; + + log_normal("WARNING: unable to correlate static local variable %s used by %s, assuming variable is new\n", + sym->name, + kpatch_section_function_name(sec)); + return; + } + } +} + +static void kpatch_correlate_elfs(struct kpatch_elf *kelf1, struct kpatch_elf *kelf2) +{ + kpatch_correlate_sections(&kelf1->sections, &kelf2->sections); + kpatch_correlate_symbols(&kelf1->symbols, &kelf2->symbols); +} + +static void kpatch_compare_correlated_elements(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + /* lists are already correlated at this point */ + kpatch_compare_sections(&kelf->sections); + kpatch_compare_symbols(&kelf->symbols); +} + +#ifdef __x86_64__ +static void rela_insn(struct section *sec, struct rela *rela, struct insn *insn) +{ + unsigned long insn_addr, start, end, rela_addr; + + start = (unsigned long)sec->base->data->d_buf; + end = start + sec->base->sh.sh_size; + rela_addr = start + rela->offset; + for (insn_addr = start; insn_addr < end; insn_addr += insn->length) { + insn_init(insn, (void *)insn_addr, 1); + insn_get_length(insn); + if (!insn->length) + ERROR("can't decode instruction in section %s at offset 0x%lx", + sec->base->name, insn_addr); + if (rela_addr >= insn_addr && + rela_addr < insn_addr + insn->length) + return; + } +} +#endif + +/* + * Mangle the relas a little. The compiler will sometimes use section symbols + * to reference local objects and functions rather than the object or function + * symbols themselves. We substitute the object/function symbols for the + * section symbol in this case so that the relas can be properly correlated and + * so that the existing object/function in vmlinux can be linked to. + */ +static void kpatch_replace_sections_syms(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + struct section *sec; + struct rela *rela; + struct symbol *sym; + int add_off; + + log_debug("\n"); + + list_for_each_entry(sec, &kelf->sections, list) { + if (!is_rela_section(sec) || + is_debug_section(sec)) + continue; + + list_for_each_entry(rela, &sec->relas, list) { + + if (rela->sym->type != STT_SECTION) + continue; + + /* + * Replace references to bundled sections with their + * symbols. + */ + if (rela->sym->sec && rela->sym->sec->sym) { + rela->sym = rela->sym->sec->sym; + + continue; + } + +#ifdef __powerpc64__ + add_off = 0; +#else + if (rela->type == R_X86_64_PC32) { + struct insn insn; + rela_insn(sec, rela, &insn); + add_off = (long)insn.next_byte - + (long)sec->base->data->d_buf - + rela->offset; + } else if (rela->type == R_X86_64_64 || + rela->type == R_X86_64_32S) + add_off = 0; + else + continue; +#endif + + /* + * Attempt to replace references to unbundled sections + * with their symbols. + */ + list_for_each_entry(sym, &kelf->symbols, list) { + int start, end; + + if (sym->type == STT_SECTION || + sym->sec != rela->sym->sec) + continue; + + start = sym->sym.st_value; + end = sym->sym.st_value + sym->sym.st_size; + + if (!is_text_section(sym->sec) && + rela->type == R_X86_64_32S && + rela->addend == (int)sym->sec->sh.sh_size && + end == (int)sym->sec->sh.sh_size) { + + /* + * A special case where gcc needs a + * pointer to the address at the end of + * a data section. + * + * This is usually used with a compare + * instruction to determine when to end + * a loop. The code doesn't actually + * dereference the pointer so this is + * "normal" and we just replace the + * section reference with a reference + * to the last symbol in the section. + * + * Note that this only catches the + * issue when it happens at the end of + * a section. It can also happen in + * the middle of a section. In that + * case, the wrong symbol will be + * associated with the reference. But + * that's ok because: + * + * 1) This situation only occurs when + * gcc is trying to get the address + * of the symbol, not the contents + * of its data; and + * + * 2) Because kpatch doesn't allow data + * sections to change, + * &(var1+sizeof(var1)) will always + * be the same as &var2. + */ + + } else if (rela->addend + add_off < start || + rela->addend + add_off >= end) + continue; + + log_debug("%s: replacing %s+%d reference with %s+%d\n", + sec->name, + rela->sym->name, rela->addend, + sym->name, rela->addend - start); + + rela->sym = sym; + rela->addend -= start; + break; + } + } + } + log_debug("\n"); +} + +static void kpatch_check_func_profiling_calls(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + struct symbol *sym; + int errs = 0; + + list_for_each_entry(sym, &kelf->symbols, list) { + if (sym->type != STT_FUNC || sym->status != CHANGED) + continue; + if (!sym->twin->has_func_profiling) { + log_normal("function %s has no fentry/mcount call, unable to patch\n", + sym->name); + errs++; + } + } + + if (errs) + DIFF_FATAL("%d function(s) can not be patched", errs); +} + +static void kpatch_verify_patchability(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + struct section *sec; + int errs = 0; + + list_for_each_entry(sec, &kelf->sections, list) { + if (sec->status == CHANGED && !sec->include) { + log_normal("changed section %s not selected for inclusion\n", + sec->name); + errs++; + } + + if (sec->status != SAME && sec->grouped) { + log_normal("changed section %s is part of a section group\n", + sec->name); + errs++; + } + + if (sec->sh.sh_type == SHT_GROUP && sec->status == NEW) { + log_normal("new/changed group sections are not supported\n"); + errs++; + } + + /* + * ensure we aren't including .data.* or .bss.* + * (.data.unlikely and .data.once is ok b/c it only has __warned vars) + */ + if (sec->include && sec->status != NEW && + (!strncmp(sec->name, ".data", 5) || !strncmp(sec->name, ".bss", 4)) && + (strcmp(sec->name, ".data.unlikely") && strcmp(sec->name, ".data.once"))) { + log_normal("data section %s selected for inclusion\n", + sec->name); + errs++; + } + } + + if (errs) + DIFF_FATAL("%d unsupported section change(s)", errs); +} + +static void kpatch_include_symbol(struct symbol *sym); + +static void kpatch_include_section(struct section *sec) +{ + struct rela *rela; + + /* Include the section and its section symbol */ + if (sec->include) + return; + sec->include = 1; + if (sec->secsym) + sec->secsym->include = 1; + + /* + * Include the section's rela section and then recursively include the + * symbols needed by its relas. + */ + if (!sec->rela) + return; + sec->rela->include = 1; + list_for_each_entry(rela, &sec->rela->relas, list) + kpatch_include_symbol(rela->sym); +} + +static void kpatch_include_symbol(struct symbol *sym) +{ + /* + * This function is called recursively from kpatch_include_section(). + * Make sure we don't get into an endless loop. + */ + if (sym->include) + return; + + /* + * The symbol gets included even if its section isn't needed, as it + * might be needed: either permanently for a rela, or temporarily for + * the later creation of a dynrela. + */ + sym->include = 1; + + /* + * For a function/object symbol, if it has a section, we only need to + * include the section if it has changed. Otherwise the symbol will be + * used by relas/dynrelas to link to the real symbol externally. + * + * For section symbols, we always include the section because + * references to them can't otherwise be resolved externally. + */ + if (sym->sec && (sym->type == STT_SECTION || sym->status != SAME)) + kpatch_include_section(sym->sec); +} + +static void kpatch_include_standard_elements(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + struct section *sec; + + list_for_each_entry(sec, &kelf->sections, list) { + /* + * Include the following sections even if they haven't changed. + * + * Notes about some of the more interesting sections: + * + * - With -fdata-sections, .rodata is only used for: + * + * switch jump tables; + * KASAN data (with KASAN enabled, which is rare); and + * an ugly hack in vmx_vcpu_run(). + * + * Those data are all local to the functions which use them. + * So it's safe to include .rodata. + * + * - On ppc64le, the .toc section is used for all data + * accesses. + * + * Note that if any of these sections have rela sections, they + * will also be included in their entirety. That may result in + * some extra (unused) dynrelas getting created, which should + * be harmless. + */ + if (!strcmp(sec->name, ".shstrtab") || + !strcmp(sec->name, ".strtab") || + !strcmp(sec->name, ".symtab") || + !strcmp(sec->name, ".toc") || + !strcmp(sec->name, ".rodata") || + (!strncmp(sec->name, ".rodata.", 8) && + strstr(sec->name, ".str1."))) { + kpatch_include_section(sec); + } + } + + /* include the NULL symbol */ + list_entry(kelf->, struct symbol, list)->include = 1; +} + +static int kpatch_include_callback_elements(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + struct section *sec; + struct symbol *sym; + struct rela *rela; + int found = 0; + + static char *callback_sections[] = { + ".kpatch.callbacks.pre_patch", + ".kpatch.callbacks.post_patch", + ".kpatch.callbacks.pre_unpatch", + ".kpatch.callbacks.post_unpatch", + ".rela.kpatch.callbacks.pre_patch", + ".rela.kpatch.callbacks.post_patch", + ".rela.kpatch.callbacks.pre_unpatch", + ".rela.kpatch.callbacks.post_unpatch", + NULL, + }; + char **callback_section; + + /* include load/unload sections */ + list_for_each_entry(sec, &kelf->sections, list) { + + for (callback_section = callback_sections; *callback_section; callback_section++) { + + if (strcmp(*callback_section, sec->name)) + continue; + + sec->include = 1; + found = 1; + if (is_rela_section(sec)) { + /* include callback dependencies */ + rela = list_entry(sec->, + struct rela, list); + sym = rela->sym; + log_normal("found callback: %s\n",sym->name); + kpatch_include_symbol(sym); + /* strip the callback symbol */ + sym->include = 0; + sym->sec->sym = NULL; + /* use section symbol instead */ + rela->sym = sym->sec->secsym; + } else { + sec->secsym->include = 1; + } + } + } + + /* Strip temporary global structures used by the callback macros. */ + list_for_each_entry(sym, &kelf->symbols, list) { + if (!sym->sec) + continue; + for (callback_section = callback_sections; *callback_section; callback_section++) { + if (!strcmp(*callback_section, sym->sec->name)) { + sym->include = 0; + break; + } + } + } + + return found; +} + +static void kpatch_include_force_elements(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + struct section *sec; + struct symbol *sym; + struct rela *rela; + + /* include force sections */ + list_for_each_entry(sec, &kelf->sections, list) { + if (!strcmp(sec->name, ".kpatch.force") || + !strcmp(sec->name, ".rela.kpatch.force")) { + sec->include = 1; + if (!is_rela_section(sec)) { + /* .kpatch.force */ + sec->secsym->include = 1; + continue; + } + /* .rela.kpatch.force */ + list_for_each_entry(rela, &sec->relas, list) + log_normal("function '%s' marked with KPATCH_FORCE_UNSAFE!\n", + rela->sym->name); + } + } + + /* strip temporary global kpatch_force_func_* symbols */ + list_for_each_entry(sym, &kelf->symbols, list) + if (!strncmp(sym->name, "__kpatch_force_func_", + strlen("__kpatch_force_func_"))) + sym->include = 0; +} + +static int kpatch_include_new_globals(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + struct symbol *sym; + int nr = 0; + + list_for_each_entry(sym, &kelf->symbols, list) { + if (sym->bind == STB_GLOBAL && sym->sec && + sym->status == NEW) { + kpatch_include_symbol(sym); + nr++; + } + } + + return nr; +} + +static int kpatch_include_changed_functions(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + struct symbol *sym; + int changed_nr = 0; + + list_for_each_entry(sym, &kelf->symbols, list) { + if (sym->status == CHANGED && + sym->type == STT_FUNC) { + changed_nr++; + kpatch_include_symbol(sym); + } + + if (sym->type == STT_FILE) + sym->include = 1; + } + + return changed_nr; +} + +static void kpatch_print_changes(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + struct symbol *sym; + + list_for_each_entry(sym, &kelf->symbols, list) { + if (!sym->include || !sym->sec || sym->type != STT_FUNC) + continue; + if (sym->status == NEW) + log_normal("new function: %s\n", sym->name); + else if (sym->status == CHANGED) + log_normal("changed function: %s\n", sym->name); + } +} + +static void kpatch_migrate_symbols(struct list_head *src, + struct list_head *dst, + int (*select)(struct symbol *)) +{ + struct symbol *sym, *safe; + + list_for_each_entry_safe(sym, safe, src, list) { + if (select && !select(sym)) + continue; + + list_del(&sym->list); + list_add_tail(&sym->list, dst); + } +} + +static void kpatch_migrate_included_elements(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, struct kpatch_elf **kelfout) +{ + struct section *sec, *safesec; + struct symbol *sym, *safesym; + struct kpatch_elf *out; + + /* allocate output kelf */ + out = malloc(sizeof(*out)); + if (!out) + ERROR("malloc"); + memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out)); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&out->sections); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&out->symbols); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&out->strings); + + /* migrate included sections from kelf to out */ + list_for_each_entry_safe(sec, safesec, &kelf->sections, list) { + if (!sec->include) + continue; + list_del(&sec->list); + list_add_tail(&sec->list, &out->sections); + sec->index = 0; + if (!is_rela_section(sec) && sec->secsym && !sec->secsym->include) + /* break link to non-included section symbol */ + sec->secsym = NULL; + } + + /* migrate included symbols from kelf to out */ + list_for_each_entry_safe(sym, safesym, &kelf->symbols, list) { + if (!sym->include) + continue; + list_del(&sym->list); + list_add_tail(&sym->list, &out->symbols); + sym->index = 0; + sym->strip = 0; + if (sym->sec && !sym->sec->include) + /* break link to non-included section */ + sym->sec = NULL; + + } + + *kelfout = out; +} + +static void kpatch_reorder_symbols(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + LIST_HEAD(symbols); + + /* migrate NULL sym */ + kpatch_migrate_symbols(&kelf->symbols, &symbols, is_null_sym); + /* migrate LOCAL FILE sym */ + kpatch_migrate_symbols(&kelf->symbols, &symbols, is_file_sym); + /* migrate LOCAL FUNC syms */ + kpatch_migrate_symbols(&kelf->symbols, &symbols, is_local_func_sym); + /* migrate all other LOCAL syms */ + kpatch_migrate_symbols(&kelf->symbols, &symbols, is_local_sym); + /* migrate all other (GLOBAL) syms */ + kpatch_migrate_symbols(&kelf->symbols, &symbols, NULL); + + list_replace(&symbols, &kelf->symbols); +} + +static int bug_table_group_size(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, int offset) +{ + static int size = 0; + char *str; + + if (!size) { + str = getenv("BUG_STRUCT_SIZE"); + if (!str) + ERROR("BUG_STRUCT_SIZE not set"); + size = atoi(str); + } + + return size; +} + +static int ex_table_group_size(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, int offset) +{ + static int size = 0; + char *str; + + if (!size) { + str = getenv("EX_STRUCT_SIZE"); + if (!str) + ERROR("EX_STRUCT_SIZE not set"); + size = atoi(str); + } + + return size; +} + +#ifdef __x86_64__ +static int parainstructions_group_size(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, int offset) +{ + static int size = 0; + char *str; + + if (!size) { + str = getenv("PARA_STRUCT_SIZE"); + if (!str) + ERROR("PARA_STRUCT_SIZE not set"); + size = atoi(str); + } + + return size; +} + +static int altinstructions_group_size(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, int offset) +{ + static int size = 0; + char *str; + + if (!size) { + str = getenv("ALT_STRUCT_SIZE"); + if (!str) + ERROR("ALT_STRUCT_SIZE not set"); + size = atoi(str); + } + + return size; +} + +static int smp_locks_group_size(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, int offset) +{ + return 4; +} +#endif +#ifdef __powerpc64__ +static int fixup_entry_group_size(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, int offset) +{ + static int size = 0; + char *str; + + if (!size) { + str = getenv("FIXUP_STRUCT_SIZE"); + if (!str) + ERROR("FIXUP_STRUCT_SIZE not set"); + size = atoi(str); + } + + return size; +} + +static int fixup_lwsync_group_size(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, int offset) +{ + return 4; +} +#endif + +/* + * The rela groups in the .fixup section vary in size. The beginning of each + * .fixup rela group is referenced by the __ex_table section. To find the size + * of a .fixup rela group, we have to traverse the __ex_table relas. + */ +static int fixup_group_size(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, int offset) +{ + struct section *sec; + struct rela *rela; + int found; + + sec = find_section_by_name(&kelf->sections, ".rela__ex_table"); + if (!sec) + ERROR("missing .rela__ex_table section"); + + /* find beginning of this group */ + found = 0; + list_for_each_entry(rela, &sec->relas, list) { + if (!strcmp(rela->sym->name, ".fixup") && + rela->addend == offset) { + found = 1; + break; + } + } + + if (!found) + ERROR("can't find .fixup rela group at offset %d\n", offset); + + /* find beginning of next group */ + found = 0; + list_for_each_entry_continue(rela, &sec->relas, list) { + if (!strcmp(rela->sym->name, ".fixup") && + rela->addend > offset) { + found = 1; + break; + } + } + + if (!found) { + /* last group */ + struct section *fixupsec; + fixupsec = find_section_by_name(&kelf->sections, ".fixup"); + return fixupsec->sh.sh_size - offset; + } + + return rela->addend - offset; +} + +static struct special_section special_sections[] = { + { + .name = "__bug_table", + .group_size = bug_table_group_size, + }, +#ifdef __x86_64__ + { + .name = ".smp_locks", + .group_size = smp_locks_group_size, + }, + { + .name = ".parainstructions", + .group_size = parainstructions_group_size, + }, +#endif + { + .name = ".fixup", + .group_size = fixup_group_size, + }, + { + .name = "__ex_table", /* must come after .fixup */ + .group_size = ex_table_group_size, + }, +#ifdef __x86_64__ + { + .name = ".altinstructions", + .group_size = altinstructions_group_size, + }, +#endif +#ifdef __powerpc64__ + { + .name = "__ftr_fixup", + .group_size = fixup_entry_group_size, + }, + { + .name = "__mmu_ftr_fixup", + .group_size = fixup_entry_group_size, + }, + { + .name = "__fw_ftr_fixup", + .group_size = fixup_entry_group_size, + }, + { + .name = "__lwsync_fixup", + .group_size = fixup_lwsync_group_size, + }, +#endif + {}, +}; + +static int should_keep_rela_group(struct section *sec, unsigned int start, + unsigned int size) +{ + struct rela *rela; + int found = 0; + + /* check if any relas in the group reference any changed functions */ + list_for_each_entry(rela, &sec->relas, list) { + if (rela->offset >= start && + rela->offset < start + size && + rela->sym->type == STT_FUNC && + rela->sym->sec->include) { + found = 1; + log_debug("new/changed symbol %s found in special section %s\n", + rela->sym->name, sec->name); + } + } + + return found; +} + +/* + * When updating .fixup, the corresponding addends in .ex_table need to be + * updated too. Stash the result in rela.r_addend so that the calculation in + * fixup_group_size() is not affected. + */ +static void kpatch_update_ex_table_addend(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, + struct special_section *special, + int src_offset, int dest_offset, + int group_size) +{ + struct rela *rela; + struct section *sec; + + sec = find_section_by_name(&kelf->sections, ".rela__ex_table"); + if (!sec) + ERROR("missing .rela__ex_table section"); + + list_for_each_entry(rela, &sec->relas, list) { + if (!strcmp(rela->sym->name, ".fixup") && + rela->addend >= src_offset && + rela->addend < src_offset + group_size) + rela->rela.r_addend = rela->addend - (src_offset - dest_offset); + } +} + +static void kpatch_regenerate_special_section(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, + struct special_section *special, + struct section *sec) +{ + struct rela *rela, *safe; + char *src, *dest; + unsigned int group_size, src_offset, dest_offset, include; + + LIST_HEAD(newrelas); + + src = sec->base->data->d_buf; + /* alloc buffer for new base section */ + dest = malloc(sec->base->sh.sh_size); + if (!dest) + ERROR("malloc"); + + /* Restore the stashed r_addend from kpatch_update_ex_table_addend. */ + if (!strcmp(special->name, "__ex_table")) { + list_for_each_entry(rela, &sec->relas, list) { + if (!strcmp(rela->sym->name, ".fixup")) + rela->addend = rela->rela.r_addend; + } + } + + group_size = 0; + src_offset = 0; + dest_offset = 0; + for ( ; src_offset < sec->base->sh.sh_size; src_offset += group_size) { + + group_size = special->group_size(kelf, src_offset); + + /* + * In some cases the struct has padding at the end to ensure + * that all structs after it are properly aligned. But the + * last struct in the section may not be padded. In that case, + * shrink the group_size such that it still (hopefully) + * contains the data but doesn't go past the end of the + * section. + */ + if (src_offset + group_size > sec->base->sh.sh_size) + group_size = sec->base->sh.sh_size - src_offset; + + include = should_keep_rela_group(sec, src_offset, group_size); + + if (!include) + continue; + + /* + * Copy all relas in the group. It's possible that the relas + * aren't sorted (e.g. .rela.fixup), so go through the entire + * rela list each time. + */ + list_for_each_entry_safe(rela, safe, &sec->relas, list) { + if (rela->offset >= src_offset && + rela->offset < src_offset + group_size) { + /* copy rela entry */ + list_del(&rela->list); + list_add_tail(&rela->list, &newrelas); + + rela->offset -= src_offset - dest_offset; + rela->rela.r_offset = rela->offset; + + rela->sym->include = 1; + + + if (!strcmp(special->name, ".fixup")) + kpatch_update_ex_table_addend(kelf, special, + src_offset, + dest_offset, + group_size); + } + } + + /* copy base section group */ + memcpy(dest + dest_offset, src + src_offset, group_size); + dest_offset += group_size; + } + + if (!dest_offset) { + /* no changed or global functions referenced */ + sec->status = sec->base->status = SAME; + sec->include = sec->base->include = 0; + free(dest); + return; + } + + /* overwrite with new relas list */ + list_replace(&newrelas, &sec->relas); + + /* include both rela and base sections */ + sec->include = 1; + sec->base->include = 1; + /* include secsym so .kpatch.arch relas can point to section symbols */ + sec->base->secsym->include = 1; + + /* + * Update text section data buf and size. + * + * The rela section's data buf and size will be regenerated in + * kpatch_rebuild_rela_section_data(). + */ + sec->base->data->d_buf = dest; + sec->base->data->d_size = dest_offset; +} + +#define ORC_IP_PTR_SIZE 4 + +/* + * This function is similar to kpatch_regenerate_special_section(), but + * customized for the ORC-related sections. ORC is more special than the other + * special sections because each ORC entry is split into .orc_unwind (struct + * orc_entry) and .orc_unwind_ip. + */ +static void kpatch_regenerate_orc_sections(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + struct rela *rela, *safe; + char *src, *dest, *str; + unsigned int src_idx = 0, dest_idx = 0, orc_entry_size; + struct section *orc_sec, *ip_sec; + + + str = getenv("ORC_STRUCT_SIZE"); + if (!str) + return; + orc_entry_size = atoi(str); + + LIST_HEAD(newrelas); + + orc_sec = find_section_by_name(&kelf->sections, ".orc_unwind"); + ip_sec = find_section_by_name(&kelf->sections, ".orc_unwind_ip"); + + if (!orc_sec || !ip_sec) + return; + + if (orc_sec->sh.sh_size % orc_entry_size != 0) + ERROR("bad .orc_unwind size"); + + if (ip_sec->sh.sh_size != + (orc_sec->sh.sh_size / orc_entry_size) * ORC_IP_PTR_SIZE) + ERROR(".orc_unwind/.orc_unwind_ip size mismatch"); + + src = orc_sec->data->d_buf; + dest = malloc(orc_sec->sh.sh_size); + if (!dest) + ERROR("malloc"); + + list_for_each_entry_safe(rela, safe, &ip_sec->rela->relas, list) { + + if (rela->sym->type != STT_FUNC || !rela->sym->sec->include) + goto next; + + /* copy orc entry */ + memcpy(dest + (dest_idx * orc_entry_size), + src + (src_idx * orc_entry_size), + orc_entry_size); + + /* move ip rela */ + list_del(&rela->list); + list_add_tail(&rela->list, &newrelas); + rela->offset = dest_idx * ORC_IP_PTR_SIZE; + rela->sym->include = 1; + + dest_idx++; +next: + src_idx++; + } + + if (!dest_idx) { + /* no changed or global functions referenced */ + orc_sec->status = ip_sec->status = ip_sec->rela->status = SAME; + orc_sec->include = ip_sec->include = ip_sec->rela->include = 0; + free(dest); + return; + } + + /* overwrite with new relas list */ + list_replace(&newrelas, &ip_sec->rela->relas); + + /* include the sections */ + orc_sec->include = ip_sec->include = ip_sec->rela->include = 1; + + /* + * Update data buf/size. + * + * The ip section can keep its old (zeroed data), though its size has + * possibly decreased. The ip rela section's data buf and size will be + * regenerated in kpatch_rebuild_rela_section_data(). + */ + orc_sec->data->d_buf = dest; + orc_sec->data->d_size = dest_idx * orc_entry_size; + ip_sec->data->d_size = dest_idx * ORC_IP_PTR_SIZE; +} + +static void kpatch_check_relocations(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + struct rela *rela; + struct section *sec; + Elf_Data *sdata; + + list_for_each_entry(sec, &kelf->sections, list) { + if (!is_rela_section(sec)) + continue; + list_for_each_entry(rela, &sec->relas, list) { + if (rela->sym->sec) { + sdata = rela->sym->sec->data; + if (rela->addend > (int)sdata->d_size) { + ERROR("out-of-range relocation %s+%x in %s", rela->sym->sec->name, + rela->addend, sec->name); + } + } + } + } +} + +static void kpatch_include_debug_sections(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + struct section *sec; + struct rela *rela, *saferela; + + /* include all .debug_* sections */ + list_for_each_entry(sec, &kelf->sections, list) { + if (is_debug_section(sec)) { + sec->include = 1; + if (!is_rela_section(sec)) + sec->secsym->include = 1; + } + } + + /* + * Go through the .rela.debug_ sections and strip entries + * referencing unchanged symbols + */ + list_for_each_entry(sec, &kelf->sections, list) { + if (!is_rela_section(sec) || !is_debug_section(sec)) + continue; + list_for_each_entry_safe(rela, saferela, &sec->relas, list) + if (!rela->sym->sec->include) + list_del(&rela->list); + } +} + +static void kpatch_mark_ignored_sections(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + struct section *sec, *strsec, *ignoresec; + struct rela *rela; + char *name; + + /* Ignore any discarded sections */ + list_for_each_entry(sec, &kelf->sections, list) { + if (!strncmp(sec->name, ".discard", 8) || + !strncmp(sec->name, ".rela.discard", 13)) + sec->ignore = 1; + } + + sec = find_section_by_name(&kelf->sections, ".kpatch.ignore.sections"); + if (!sec) + return; + + list_for_each_entry(rela, &sec->rela->relas, list) { + strsec = rela->sym->sec; + strsec->status = CHANGED; + /* + * Include the string section here. This is because the + * KPATCH_IGNORE_SECTION() macro is passed a literal string + * by the patch author, resulting in a change to the string + * section. If we don't include it, then we will potentially + * get a "changed section not included" error in + * kpatch_verify_patchability() if no other function based change + * also changes the string section. We could try to exclude each + * literal string added to the section by KPATCH_IGNORE_SECTION() + * from the section data comparison, but this is a simpler way. + */ + strsec->include = 1; + name = strsec->data->d_buf + rela->addend; + ignoresec = find_section_by_name(&kelf->sections, name); + if (!ignoresec) + ERROR("KPATCH_IGNORE_SECTION: can't find %s", name); + log_normal("ignoring section: %s\n", name); + if (is_rela_section(ignoresec)) + ignoresec = ignoresec->base; + ignoresec->ignore = 1; + if (ignoresec->twin) + ignoresec->twin->ignore = 1; + } +} + +static void kpatch_mark_ignored_sections_same(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + struct section *sec; + struct symbol *sym; + + list_for_each_entry(sec, &kelf->sections, list) { + if (!sec->ignore) + continue; + sec->status = SAME; + if (!is_rela_section(sec)) { + if (sec->secsym) + sec->secsym->status = SAME; + if (sec->rela) + sec->rela->status = SAME; + } + list_for_each_entry(sym, &kelf->symbols, list) { + if (sym->sec != sec) + continue; + sym->status = SAME; + } + } + + /* strip temporary global __UNIQUE_ID_kpatch_ignore_section_* symbols */ + list_for_each_entry(sym, &kelf->symbols, list) + if (!strncmp(sym->name, "__UNIQUE_ID_kpatch_ignore_section_", + strlen("__UNIQUE_ID_kpatch_ignore_section_"))) + sym->status = SAME; +} + +static void kpatch_mark_ignored_functions_same(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + struct section *sec; + struct symbol *sym; + struct rela *rela; + + sec = find_section_by_name(&kelf->sections, ".kpatch.ignore.functions"); + if (!sec) + return; + + list_for_each_entry(rela, &sec->rela->relas, list) { + if (!rela->sym->sec) + ERROR("expected bundled symbol"); + if (rela->sym->type != STT_FUNC) + ERROR("expected function symbol"); + log_normal("ignoring function: %s\n", rela->sym->name); + if (rela->sym->status != CHANGED) + log_normal("NOTICE: no change detected in function %s, unnecessary KPATCH_IGNORE_FUNCTION()?\n", rela->sym->name); + rela->sym->status = SAME; + rela->sym->sec->status = SAME; + if (rela->sym->sec->secsym) + rela->sym->sec->secsym->status = SAME; + if (rela->sym->sec->rela) + rela->sym->sec->rela->status = SAME; + } + + /* strip temporary global kpatch_ignore_func_* symbols */ + list_for_each_entry(sym, &kelf->symbols, list) + if (!strncmp(sym->name, "__kpatch_ignore_func_", + strlen("__kpatch_ignore_func_"))) + sym->status = SAME; +} + +static void kpatch_create_kpatch_arch_section(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, char *objname) +{ + struct special_section *special; + struct kpatch_arch *entries; + struct symbol *strsym; + struct section *sec, *karch_sec; + struct rela *rela; + int nr, index = 0; + + nr = sizeof(special_sections) / sizeof(special_sections[0]); + karch_sec = create_section_pair(kelf, ".kpatch.arch", sizeof(*entries), nr); + entries = karch_sec->data->d_buf; + + /* lookup strings symbol */ + strsym = find_symbol_by_name(&kelf->symbols, ".kpatch.strings"); + if (!strsym) + ERROR("can't find .kpatch.strings symbol"); + + for (special = special_sections; special->name; special++) { + if (strcmp(special->name, ".parainstructions") && + strcmp(special->name, ".altinstructions")) + continue; + + sec = find_section_by_name(&kelf->sections, special->name); + if (!sec) + continue; + + /* entries[index].sec */ + ALLOC_LINK(rela, &karch_sec->rela->relas); + rela->sym = sec->secsym; + rela->type = ABSOLUTE_RELA_TYPE; + rela->addend = 0; + rela->offset = index * sizeof(*entries) + \ + offsetof(struct kpatch_arch, sec); + + /* entries[index].objname */ + ALLOC_LINK(rela, &karch_sec->rela->relas); + rela->sym = strsym; + rela->type = ABSOLUTE_RELA_TYPE; + rela->addend = offset_of_string(&kelf->strings, objname); + rela->offset = index * sizeof(*entries) + \ + offsetof(struct kpatch_arch, objname); + + index++; + } + + karch_sec->data->d_size = index * sizeof(struct kpatch_arch); + karch_sec->sh.sh_size = karch_sec->data->d_size; +} + +static void kpatch_process_special_sections(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + struct special_section *special; + struct section *sec; + struct symbol *sym; + struct rela *rela; + int altinstr = 0; + + for (special = special_sections; special->name; special++) { + sec = find_section_by_name(&kelf->sections, special->name); + if (!sec) + continue; + + sec = sec->rela; + if (!sec) + continue; + + kpatch_regenerate_special_section(kelf, special, sec); + + if (!strcmp(special->name, ".altinstructions") && sec->base->include) + altinstr = 1; + } + + /* + * The following special sections don't have relas which reference + * non-included symbols, so their entire rela section can be included. + */ + list_for_each_entry(sec, &kelf->sections, list) { + if (strcmp(sec->name, ".altinstr_replacement")) + continue; + /* + * Only include .altinstr_replacement if .altinstructions + * is also included. + */ + if (!altinstr) + break; + + /* include base section */ + sec->include = 1; + + /* include all symbols in the section */ + list_for_each_entry(sym, &kelf->symbols, list) + if (sym->sec == sec) + sym->include = 1; + + /* include rela section */ + if (sec->rela) { + sec->rela->include = 1; + /* include all symbols referenced by relas */ + list_for_each_entry(rela, &sec->rela->relas, list) + rela->sym->include = 1; + } + } + + /* + * The following special sections aren't supported, so make sure we + * don't ever try to include them. Otherwise the kernel will see the + * jump table during module loading and get confused. Generally it + * should be safe to exclude them, it just means that you can't modify + * jump labels and enable tracepoints in a patched function. + */ + list_for_each_entry(sec, &kelf->sections, list) { + if (strcmp(sec->name, "__jump_table") && + strcmp(sec->name, "__tracepoints") && + strcmp(sec->name, "__tracepoints_ptrs") && + strcmp(sec->name, "__tracepoints_strings")) + continue; + + sec->status = SAME; + sec->include = 0; + if (sec->rela) { + sec->rela->status = SAME; + sec->rela->include = 0; + } + } + + kpatch_regenerate_orc_sections(kelf); +} + +static struct sym_compare_type *kpatch_elf_locals(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + struct symbol *sym; + int i = 0, sym_num = 0; + struct sym_compare_type *sym_array; + + list_for_each_entry(sym, &kelf->symbols, list) { + if (sym->bind != STB_LOCAL) + continue; + if (sym->type != STT_FUNC && sym->type != STT_OBJECT) + continue; + + sym_num++; + } + + if (!sym_num) + return NULL; + + sym_array = malloc((sym_num + 1) * sizeof(struct sym_compare_type)); + if (!sym_array) + ERROR("malloc"); + + list_for_each_entry(sym, &kelf->symbols, list) { + if (sym->bind != STB_LOCAL) + continue; + if (sym->type != STT_FUNC && sym->type != STT_OBJECT) + continue; + + sym_array[i].type = sym->type; + sym_array[i++].name = sym->name; + } + sym_array[i].type = 0; + sym_array[i].name = NULL; + + return sym_array; +} + +static void kpatch_create_patches_sections(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, + struct lookup_table *table, + char *objname) +{ + int nr, index, objname_offset; + struct section *sec, *relasec; + struct symbol *sym, *strsym; + struct rela *rela; + struct lookup_result result; + struct kpatch_patch_func *funcs; + + /* count patched functions */ + nr = 0; + list_for_each_entry(sym, &kelf->symbols, list) + if (sym->type == STT_FUNC && sym->status == CHANGED) + nr++; + + /* create text/rela section pair */ + sec = create_section_pair(kelf, ".kpatch.funcs", sizeof(*funcs), nr); + relasec = sec->rela; + funcs = sec->data->d_buf; + + /* lookup strings symbol */ + strsym = find_symbol_by_name(&kelf->symbols, ".kpatch.strings"); + if (!strsym) + ERROR("can't find .kpatch.strings symbol"); + + /* add objname to strings */ + objname_offset = offset_of_string(&kelf->strings, objname); + + /* populate sections */ + index = 0; + list_for_each_entry(sym, &kelf->symbols, list) { + if (sym->type == STT_FUNC && sym->status == CHANGED) { + if (sym->bind == STB_LOCAL) { + if (lookup_local_symbol(table, sym->name, + &result)) + ERROR("lookup_local_symbol %s", + sym->name); + } else { + if(lookup_global_symbol(table, sym->name, + &result)) + ERROR("lookup_global_symbol %s", + sym->name); + } + log_debug("lookup for %s @ 0x%016lx len %lu\n", + sym->name, result.value, result.size); + + /* + * Convert global symbols to local so other objects in + * the patch module (like the patch callback object's init + * code) won't link to this function and call it before + * its relocations have been applied. + */ + sym->bind = STB_LOCAL; + sym->sym.st_info = GELF_ST_INFO(sym->bind, sym->type); + + /* add entry in text section */ + funcs[index].old_addr = result.value; + funcs[index].old_size = result.size; + funcs[index].new_size = sym->sym.st_size; + funcs[index].sympos = result.pos; + + /* + * Add a relocation that will populate + * the funcs[index].new_addr field at + * module load time. + */ + ALLOC_LINK(rela, &relasec->relas); + rela->sym = sym; + rela->type = ABSOLUTE_RELA_TYPE; + rela->addend = 0; + rela->offset = index * sizeof(*funcs); + + /* + * Add a relocation that will populate + * the funcs[index].name field. + */ + ALLOC_LINK(rela, &relasec->relas); + rela->sym = strsym; + rela->type = ABSOLUTE_RELA_TYPE; + rela->addend = offset_of_string(&kelf->strings, sym->name); + rela->offset = index * sizeof(*funcs) + + offsetof(struct kpatch_patch_func, name); + + /* + * Add a relocation that will populate + * the funcs[index].objname field. + */ + ALLOC_LINK(rela, &relasec->relas); + rela->sym = strsym; + rela->type = ABSOLUTE_RELA_TYPE; + rela->addend = objname_offset; + rela->offset = index * sizeof(*funcs) + + offsetof(struct kpatch_patch_func,objname); + + index++; + } + } + + /* sanity check, index should equal nr */ + if (index != nr) + ERROR("size mismatch in funcs sections"); + +} + +static int kpatch_is_core_module_symbol(char *name) +{ + return (!strcmp(name, "kpatch_shadow_alloc") || + !strcmp(name, "kpatch_shadow_free") || + !strcmp(name, "kpatch_shadow_get")); +} + +/* + * If the patched code refers to a symbol, for example, calls a function + * or stores a pointer to a function somewhere, the address of that symbol + * must be resolved somehow before the patch is applied. The symbol may be + * present in the original code too, so the patch may refer either to that + * version of the symbol (dynrela is used for that) or to its patched + * version directly (with a normal relocation). + * + * Dynrelas may be needed for the symbols not present in this object file + * (rela->sym->sec is NULL), because it is unknown if the patched versions + * of these symbols exist and where they are. + * + * The patched code can usually refer to a symbol from this object file + * directly. If it is a function, this may also improve performance because + * it will not be needed to call the original function first, find the + * patched one and then use Ftrace to pass control to it. + * + * There is an exception though, at least on x86. It is safer to use + * a dynrela if the patched code stores a pointer to a function somewhere + * (relocation of type R_X86_64_32S). The function could be used as + * a callback and some kinds of callbacks are called asynchronously. If + * the patch module sets such callback and is unloaded shortly after, + * the kernel could try to call the function via an invalid pointer and + * would crash. With dynrela, the kernel would call the original function + * in that case. + */ +static int function_ptr_rela(const struct rela *rela) +{ + const struct rela *rela_toc = toc_rela(rela); + + return (rela_toc && rela_toc->sym->type == STT_FUNC && + /* skip switch table on PowerPC */ + rela_toc->addend == (int)rela_toc->sym->sym.st_value && + (rela->type == R_X86_64_32S || + rela->type == R_PPC64_TOC16_HA || + rela->type == R_PPC64_TOC16_LO_DS)); +} + +static int may_need_dynrela(const struct rela *rela) +{ + /* + * References to .TOC. are treated specially by the module loader and + * should never be converted to dynrelas. + */ + if (rela->type == R_PPC64_REL16_HA || rela->type == R_PPC64_REL16_LO || + rela->type == R_PPC64_REL64) + return 0; + + if (!rela->sym->sec) + return 1; + + /* + * Nested functions used as callbacks are a special case. + * They are not supposed to be visible outside of the + * function that defines them. Their names may differ in + * the original and the patched kernels which makes it + * difficult to use dynrelas. Fortunately, nested functions + * are rare and are unlikely to be used as asynchronous + * callbacks, so the patched code can refer to them directly. + * It seems, one can only distinguish such functions by their + * names containing a dot. Other kinds of functions with + * such names (e.g. optimized copies of functions) are + * unlikely to be used as callbacks. + */ + return (function_ptr_rela(rela) && + toc_rela(rela)->sym->status != NEW && + !strchr(toc_rela(rela)->sym->name, '.')); +} + +static void kpatch_create_intermediate_sections(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, + struct lookup_table *table, + char *objname, + char *pmod_name) +{ + int nr, index; + struct section *sec, *ksym_sec, *krela_sec; + struct rela *rela, *rela2, *safe; + struct symbol *strsym, *ksym_sec_sym; + struct kpatch_symbol *ksyms; + struct kpatch_relocation *krelas; + struct lookup_result result; + char *sym_objname; + int ret, vmlinux, external; + + vmlinux = !strcmp(objname, "vmlinux"); + + /* count rela entries that need to be dynamic */ + nr = 0; + list_for_each_entry(sec, &kelf->sections, list) { + if (!is_rela_section(sec)) + continue; + if (!strcmp(sec->name, ".rela.kpatch.funcs")) + continue; + list_for_each_entry(rela, &sec->relas, list) { + nr++; /* upper bound on number of kpatch relas and symbols */ + /* + * Relocation section '.rela.toc' at offset 0xcc6b0 contains 46 entries: + * ... + * 0000000000000138 0000002a00000026 R_PPC64_ADDR64 0000000000000000 .text.deferred_put_nlk_sk + 8 + * + * Relocation section '.rela.text.netlink_release' at offset 0xcadf0 contains 44 entries: + * ... + * 0000000000000398 0000007300000032 R_PPC64_TOC16_HA 0000000000000000 .toc + 138 + * 00000000000003a0 0000007300000040 R_PPC64_TOC16_LO_DS 0000000000000000 .toc + 138 + * + * On PowerPC, may_need_dynrela() should be using rela's reference in .rela.toc for + * the rela like in the example, where the sym name is .toc + offset. In such case, + * the checks are performed on both rela and its reference in .rela.toc. Where the + * rela is checked for rela->type and its corresponding rela in .rela.toc for function + * pointer/switch label. If rela->need_dynrela needs to be set, it's referenced rela + * in (.rela.toc)->need_dynrela is set, as they represent the function sym. + */ + if (may_need_dynrela(rela)) + toc_rela(rela)->need_dynrela = 1; + } + } + + /* create .kpatch.relocations text/rela section pair */ + krela_sec = create_section_pair(kelf, ".kpatch.relocations", sizeof(*krelas), nr); + krelas = krela_sec->data->d_buf; + + /* create .kpatch.symbols text/rela section pair */ + ksym_sec = create_section_pair(kelf, ".kpatch.symbols", sizeof(*ksyms), nr); + ksyms = ksym_sec->data->d_buf; + + /* create .kpatch.symbols section symbol (to set rela->sym later) */ + ALLOC_LINK(ksym_sec_sym, &kelf->symbols); + ksym_sec_sym->sec = ksym_sec; + ksym_sec_sym->sym.st_info = GELF_ST_INFO(STB_LOCAL, STT_SECTION); + ksym_sec_sym->type = STT_SECTION; + ksym_sec_sym->bind = STB_LOCAL; + ksym_sec_sym->name = ".kpatch.symbols"; + + /* lookup strings symbol */ + strsym = find_symbol_by_name(&kelf->symbols, ".kpatch.strings"); + if (!strsym) + ERROR("can't find .kpatch.strings symbol"); + + /* populate sections */ + index = 0; + list_for_each_entry(sec, &kelf->sections, list) { + if (!is_rela_section(sec)) + continue; + if (!strcmp(sec->name, ".rela.kpatch.funcs") || + !strcmp(sec->name, ".rela.kpatch.dynrelas")) + continue; + list_for_each_entry_safe(rela, safe, &sec->relas, list) { + if (!rela->need_dynrela) + continue; + + /* + * Allow references to core module symbols to remain as + * normal relas, since the core module may not be + * compiled into the kernel, and they should be + * exported anyway. + */ + if (kpatch_is_core_module_symbol(rela->sym->name)) + continue; + + external = 0; + /* + * sym_objname is the name of the object to which + * rela->sym belongs. We'll need this to build + * ".klp.sym." symbol names later on. + * + * By default sym_objname is the name of the + * component being patched (vmlinux or module). + * If it's an external symbol, sym_objname + * will get reassigned appropriately. + */ + sym_objname = objname; + + /* + * On ppc64le, the function prologue generated by GCC 6 + * has the sequence: + * + * .globl my_func + * .type my_func, @function + * .quad .TOC.-my_func + * my_func: + * .reloc ., R_PPC64_ENTRY ; optional + * ld r2,-8(r12) + * add r2,r2,r12 + * .localentry my_func, .-my_func + * + * The R_PPC64_ENTRY is optional and its symbol might + * have an empty name. Leave it as a normal rela. + */ + if (rela->type == R_PPC64_ENTRY) + continue; + + if (rela->sym->bind == STB_LOCAL) { + /* An unchanged local symbol */ + ret = lookup_local_symbol(table, + rela->sym->name, &result); + if (ret) + ERROR("lookup_local_symbol %s needed for %s", + rela->sym->name, sec->base->name); + + } + else if (vmlinux) { + /* + * We have a patch to vmlinux which references + * a global symbol. Use a normal rela for + * exported symbols and a dynrela otherwise. + */ +#ifdef __powerpc64__ + /* + * An exported symbol might be local to an + * object file and any access to the function + * might be through localentry (toc+offset) + * instead of global offset. + * + * fs/proc/proc_sysctl::sysctl_head_grab: + * 166: 0000000000000000 256 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT [: 8] 42 unregister_sysctl_table + * 167: 0000000000000000 0 NOTYPE GLOBAL DEFAULT UND .TOC. + * + * These type of symbols have a type of + * STT_FUNC. Treat them like local symbols. + * They will be handled by the livepatch + * relocation code. + */ + if (lookup_is_exported_symbol(table, rela->sym->name)) { + if (rela->sym->type != STT_FUNC) + continue; + } +#else + if (lookup_is_exported_symbol(table, rela->sym->name)) + continue; +#endif + /* + * If lookup_global_symbol() fails, assume the + * symbol is defined in another object in the + * patch module. + */ + if (lookup_global_symbol(table, rela->sym->name, + &result)) + continue; + } else { + /* + * We have a patch to a module which references + * a global symbol. Try to find the symbol in + * the module being patched. + */ + if (lookup_global_symbol(table, rela->sym->name, + &result)) { + /* + * Not there, see if the symbol is + * exported, and set sym_objname to the + * object the exported symbol belongs + * to. If it's not exported, assume sym + * is provided by another .o in the + * patch module. + */ + sym_objname = lookup_exported_symbol_objname(table, rela->sym->name); + if (!sym_objname) + sym_objname = pmod_name; + + /* + * For a symbol exported by vmlinux, use + * the original rela. + * + * For a symbol exported by a module, + * convert to a dynrela because the + * module might not be loaded yet. + */ + if (!strcmp(sym_objname, "vmlinux")) + continue; + + external = 1; + } + } + log_debug("lookup for %s @ 0x%016lx len %lu\n", + rela->sym->name, result.value, result.size); + + /* Fill in ksyms[index] */ + if (vmlinux) + ksyms[index].src = result.value; + else + /* for modules, src is discovered at runtime */ + ksyms[index].src = 0; + ksyms[index].pos = result.pos; + ksyms[index].type = rela->sym->type; + ksyms[index].bind = rela->sym->bind; + + /* add rela to fill in ksyms[index].name field */ + ALLOC_LINK(rela2, &ksym_sec->rela->relas); + rela2->sym = strsym; + rela2->type = ABSOLUTE_RELA_TYPE; + rela2->addend = offset_of_string(&kelf->strings, rela->sym->name); + rela2->offset = index * sizeof(*ksyms) + \ + offsetof(struct kpatch_symbol, name); + + /* add rela to fill in ksyms[index].objname field */ + ALLOC_LINK(rela2, &ksym_sec->rela->relas); + rela2->sym = strsym; + rela2->type = ABSOLUTE_RELA_TYPE; + rela2->addend = offset_of_string(&kelf->strings, sym_objname); + rela2->offset = index * sizeof(*ksyms) + \ + offsetof(struct kpatch_symbol, objname); + + /* Fill in krelas[index] */ + if (is_gcc6_localentry_bundled_sym(rela->sym) && + rela->addend == (int)rela->sym->sym.st_value) + rela->addend -= rela->sym->sym.st_value; + krelas[index].addend = rela->addend; + krelas[index].type = rela->type; + krelas[index].external = external; + + /* add rela to fill in krelas[index].dest field */ + ALLOC_LINK(rela2, &krela_sec->rela->relas); + if (sec->base->secsym) + rela2->sym = sec->base->secsym; + else + ERROR("can't create dynrela for section %s (symbol %s): no bundled or section symbol", + sec->name, rela->sym->name); + + rela2->type = ABSOLUTE_RELA_TYPE; + rela2->addend = rela->offset; + rela2->offset = index * sizeof(*krelas) + \ + offsetof(struct kpatch_relocation, dest); + + /* add rela to fill in krelas[index].objname field */ + ALLOC_LINK(rela2, &krela_sec->rela->relas); + rela2->sym = strsym; + rela2->type = ABSOLUTE_RELA_TYPE; + rela2->addend = offset_of_string(&kelf->strings, objname); + rela2->offset = index * sizeof(*krelas) + \ + offsetof(struct kpatch_relocation, objname); + + /* add rela to fill in krelas[index].ksym field */ + ALLOC_LINK(rela2, &krela_sec->rela->relas); + rela2->sym = ksym_sec_sym; + rela2->type = ABSOLUTE_RELA_TYPE; + rela2->addend = index * sizeof(*ksyms); + rela2->offset = index * sizeof(*krelas) + \ + offsetof(struct kpatch_relocation, ksym); + + /* + * Mark the referred to symbol for removal but + * only if it is not from this object file. + * The symbols from this object file may be needed + * later (for example, they may have relocations + * of their own which should be processed). + */ + if (!rela->sym->sec) + rela->sym->strip = 1; + list_del(&rela->list); + free(rela); + + index++; + } + } + + /* set size to actual number of ksyms/krelas */ + ksym_sec->data->d_size = index * sizeof(struct kpatch_symbol); + ksym_sec->sh.sh_size = ksym_sec->data->d_size; + + krela_sec->data->d_size = index * sizeof(struct kpatch_relocation); + krela_sec->sh.sh_size = krela_sec->data->d_size; +} + +static void kpatch_create_callbacks_objname_rela(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, char *objname) +{ + struct section *sec; + struct rela *rela; + struct symbol *strsym; + int objname_offset; + + struct callback { char *name; int offset; }; + static struct callback callbacks[] = { + { .name = ".rela.kpatch.callbacks.pre_patch", + .offset = offsetof(struct kpatch_pre_patch_callback, objname) }, + { .name = ".rela.kpatch.callbacks.post_patch", + .offset = offsetof(struct kpatch_post_patch_callback, objname) }, + { .name = ".rela.kpatch.callbacks.pre_unpatch", + .offset = offsetof(struct kpatch_pre_unpatch_callback, objname) }, + { .name = ".rela.kpatch.callbacks.post_unpatch", + .offset = offsetof(struct kpatch_post_patch_callback, objname) }, + { .name = NULL, .offset = 0 }, + }; + struct callback *callbackp; + + /* lookup strings symbol */ + strsym = find_symbol_by_name(&kelf->symbols, ".kpatch.strings"); + if (!strsym) + ERROR("can't find .kpatch.strings symbol"); + + /* add objname to strings */ + objname_offset = offset_of_string(&kelf->strings, objname); + + list_for_each_entry(sec, &kelf->sections, list) { + for (callbackp = callbacks; callbackp->name; callbackp++) { + if (!strcmp(callbackp->name, sec->name)) { + ALLOC_LINK(rela, &sec->relas); + rela->sym = strsym; + rela->type = ABSOLUTE_RELA_TYPE; + rela->addend = objname_offset; + rela->offset = callbackp->offset; + break; + } + } + } +} + +#ifdef __powerpc64__ +void kpatch_create_mcount_sections(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) { } +#else +/* + * This function basically reimplements the functionality of the Linux + * recordmcount script, so that patched functions can be recognized by ftrace. + * + * TODO: Eventually we can modify recordmount so that it recognizes our bundled + * sections as valid and does this work for us. + */ +static void kpatch_create_mcount_sections(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + int nr, index; + struct section *sec, *relasec; + struct symbol *sym; + struct rela *rela; + void **funcs, *newdata; + unsigned char *insn; + + nr = 0; + list_for_each_entry(sym, &kelf->symbols, list) + if (sym->type == STT_FUNC && sym->status != SAME && + sym->has_func_profiling) + nr++; + + /* create text/rela section pair */ + sec = create_section_pair(kelf, "__mcount_loc", sizeof(*funcs), nr); + relasec = sec->rela; + funcs = sec->data->d_buf; + + /* populate sections */ + index = 0; + list_for_each_entry(sym, &kelf->symbols, list) { + if (sym->type != STT_FUNC || sym->status == SAME) + continue; + + if (!sym->has_func_profiling) { + log_debug("function %s has no fentry/mcount call, no mcount record is needed\n", + sym->name); + continue; + } + + /* add rela in .rela__mcount_loc to fill in function pointer */ + ALLOC_LINK(rela, &relasec->relas); + rela->sym = sym; + rela->type = R_X86_64_64; + rela->addend = 0; + rela->offset = index * sizeof(*funcs); + + /* + * Modify the first instruction of the function to "callq + * __fentry__" so that ftrace will be happy. + */ + newdata = malloc(sym->sec->data->d_size); + memcpy(newdata, sym->sec->data->d_buf, sym->sec->data->d_size); + sym->sec->data->d_buf = newdata; + insn = newdata; + if (insn[0] != 0xf) + ERROR("%s: unexpected instruction at the start of the function", + sym->name); + insn[0] = 0xe8; + insn[1] = 0; + insn[2] = 0; + insn[3] = 0; + insn[4] = 0; + + rela = list_first_entry(&sym->sec->rela->relas, struct rela, + list); + rela->type = R_X86_64_PC32; + + index++; + } + + /* sanity check, index should equal nr */ + if (index != nr) + ERROR("size mismatch in funcs sections"); +} +#endif + +/* + * This function strips out symbols that were referenced by changed rela + * sections, but the rela entries that referenced them were converted to + * dynrelas and are no longer needed. + */ +static void kpatch_strip_unneeded_syms(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, + struct lookup_table *table) +{ + struct symbol *sym, *safe; + + list_for_each_entry_safe(sym, safe, &kelf->symbols, list) { + if (sym->strip) { + list_del(&sym->list); + free(sym); + } + } +} + +static void kpatch_create_strings_elements(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + struct section *sec; + struct symbol *sym; + + /* create .kpatch.strings */ + + /* allocate section resources */ + ALLOC_LINK(sec, &kelf->sections); + sec->name = ".kpatch.strings"; + + /* set data */ + sec->data = malloc(sizeof(*sec->data)); + if (!sec->data) + ERROR("malloc"); + sec->data->d_type = ELF_T_BYTE; + + /* set section header */ + sec->sh.sh_type = SHT_PROGBITS; + sec->sh.sh_entsize = 1; + sec->sh.sh_addralign = 1; + sec->sh.sh_flags = SHF_ALLOC; + + /* create .kpatch.strings section symbol (reuse sym variable) */ + + ALLOC_LINK(sym, &kelf->symbols); + sym->sec = sec; + sym->sym.st_info = GELF_ST_INFO(STB_LOCAL, STT_SECTION); + sym->type = STT_SECTION; + sym->bind = STB_LOCAL; + sym->name = ".kpatch.strings"; +} + +static void kpatch_build_strings_section_data(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + struct string *string; + struct section *sec; + int size; + char *strtab; + + sec = find_section_by_name(&kelf->sections, ".kpatch.strings"); + if (!sec) + ERROR("can't find .kpatch.strings"); + + /* determine size */ + size = 0; + list_for_each_entry(string, &kelf->strings, list) + size += strlen(string->name) + 1; + + /* allocate section resources */ + strtab = malloc(size); + if (!strtab) + ERROR("malloc"); + sec->data->d_buf = strtab; + sec->data->d_size = size; + + /* populate strings section data */ + list_for_each_entry(string, &kelf->strings, list) { + strcpy(strtab, string->name); + strtab += strlen(string->name) + 1; + } +} + +struct arguments { + char *args[7]; + int debug; +}; + +static char args_doc[] = "original.o patched.o parent-name parent-symtab Module.symvers patch-module-name output.o"; + +static struct argp_option options[] = { + {"debug", 'd', NULL, 0, "Show debug output" }, + { NULL } +}; + +static error_t parse_opt (int key, char *arg, struct argp_state *state) +{ + /* Get the input argument from argp_parse, which we + know is a pointer to our arguments structure. */ + struct arguments *arguments = state->input; + + switch (key) + { + case 'd': + arguments->debug = 1; + break; + case ARGP_KEY_ARG: + if (state->arg_num >= 7) + /* Too many arguments. */ + argp_usage (state); + arguments->args[state->arg_num] = arg; + break; + case ARGP_KEY_END: + if (state->arg_num < 7) + /* Not enough arguments. */ + argp_usage (state); + break; + default: + return ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN; + } + return 0; +} + +static struct argp argp = { options, parse_opt, args_doc, NULL }; + +int main(int argc, char *argv[]) +{ + struct kpatch_elf *kelf_base, *kelf_patched, *kelf_out; + struct arguments arguments; + int num_changed, callbacks_exist, new_globals_exist; + struct lookup_table *lookup; + struct section *sec, *symtab; + struct symbol *sym; + char *hint = NULL, *orig_obj, *patched_obj, *parent_name; + char *parent_symtab, *mod_symvers, *patch_name, *output_obj; + struct sym_compare_type *base_locals; + + arguments.debug = 0; + argp_parse (&argp, argc, argv, 0, NULL, &arguments); + if (arguments.debug) + loglevel = DEBUG; + + elf_version(EV_CURRENT); + + orig_obj = arguments.args[0]; + patched_obj = arguments.args[1]; + parent_name = arguments.args[2]; + parent_symtab = arguments.args[3]; + mod_symvers = arguments.args[4]; + patch_name = arguments.args[5]; + output_obj = arguments.args[6]; + + childobj = basename(orig_obj); + + kelf_base = kpatch_elf_open(orig_obj); + kelf_patched = kpatch_elf_open(patched_obj); + + kpatch_bundle_symbols(kelf_base); + kpatch_bundle_symbols(kelf_patched); + + kpatch_compare_elf_headers(kelf_base->elf, kelf_patched->elf); + kpatch_check_program_headers(kelf_base->elf); + kpatch_check_program_headers(kelf_patched->elf); + + list_for_each_entry(sym, &kelf_base->symbols, list) { + if (sym->type == STT_FILE) { + hint = sym->name; + break; + } + } + if (!hint) { + log_normal("WARNING: FILE symbol not found in base. Stripped object file or assembly source?\n"); + return EXIT_STATUS_NO_CHANGE; + } + + /* create symbol lookup table */ + base_locals = kpatch_elf_locals(kelf_base); + lookup = lookup_open(parent_symtab, mod_symvers, hint, base_locals); + free(base_locals); + + kpatch_mark_grouped_sections(kelf_patched); + kpatch_replace_sections_syms(kelf_base); + kpatch_replace_sections_syms(kelf_patched); + kpatch_rename_mangled_functions(kelf_base, kelf_patched); + + kpatch_correlate_elfs(kelf_base, kelf_patched); + kpatch_correlate_static_local_variables(kelf_base, kelf_patched); + + /* + * After this point, we don't care about kelf_base anymore. + * We access its sections via the twin pointers in the + * section, symbol, and rela lists of kelf_patched. + */ + kpatch_mark_ignored_sections(kelf_patched); + kpatch_compare_correlated_elements(kelf_patched); + kpatch_check_func_profiling_calls(kelf_patched); + kpatch_elf_teardown(kelf_base); + kpatch_elf_free(kelf_base); + + kpatch_mark_ignored_functions_same(kelf_patched); + kpatch_mark_ignored_sections_same(kelf_patched); + + kpatch_include_standard_elements(kelf_patched); + num_changed = kpatch_include_changed_functions(kelf_patched); + kpatch_include_debug_sections(kelf_patched); + callbacks_exist = kpatch_include_callback_elements(kelf_patched); + kpatch_include_force_elements(kelf_patched); + new_globals_exist = kpatch_include_new_globals(kelf_patched); + + kpatch_print_changes(kelf_patched); + kpatch_dump_kelf(kelf_patched); + + kpatch_process_special_sections(kelf_patched); + kpatch_verify_patchability(kelf_patched); + + if (!num_changed && !new_globals_exist) { + if (callbacks_exist) + log_debug("no changed functions were found, but callbacks exist\n"); + else { + log_debug("no changed functions were found\n"); + return EXIT_STATUS_NO_CHANGE; + } + } + + /* this is destructive to kelf_patched */ + kpatch_migrate_included_elements(kelf_patched, &kelf_out); + + /* + * Teardown kelf_patched since we shouldn't access sections or symbols + * through it anymore. Don't free however, since our section and symbol + * name fields still point to strings in the Elf object owned by + * kpatch_patched. + */ + kpatch_elf_teardown(kelf_patched); + + /* create strings, patches, and dynrelas sections */ + kpatch_create_strings_elements(kelf_out); + kpatch_create_patches_sections(kelf_out, lookup, parent_name); + kpatch_create_intermediate_sections(kelf_out, lookup, parent_name, patch_name); + kpatch_create_kpatch_arch_section(kelf_out, parent_name); + kpatch_create_callbacks_objname_rela(kelf_out, parent_name); + kpatch_build_strings_section_data(kelf_out); + + kpatch_create_mcount_sections(kelf_out); + + /* + * At this point, the set of output sections and symbols is + * finalized. Reorder the symbols into linker-compliant + * order and index all the symbols and sections. After the + * indexes have been established, update index data + * throughout the structure. + */ + kpatch_reorder_symbols(kelf_out); + kpatch_strip_unneeded_syms(kelf_out, lookup); + kpatch_reindex_elements(kelf_out); + + /* + * Update rela section headers and rebuild the rela section data + * buffers from the relas lists. + */ + symtab = find_section_by_name(&kelf_out->sections, ".symtab"); + list_for_each_entry(sec, &kelf_out->sections, list) { + if (!is_rela_section(sec)) + continue; + sec->sh.sh_link = symtab->index; + sec->sh.sh_info = sec->base->index; + kpatch_rebuild_rela_section_data(sec); + } + kpatch_check_relocations(kelf_out); + + kpatch_create_shstrtab(kelf_out); + kpatch_create_strtab(kelf_out); + kpatch_create_symtab(kelf_out); + kpatch_dump_kelf(kelf_out); + kpatch_write_output_elf(kelf_out, kelf_patched->elf, output_obj); + + kpatch_elf_free(kelf_patched); + kpatch_elf_teardown(kelf_out); + kpatch_elf_free(kelf_out); + + return EXIT_STATUS_SUCCESS; +} diff --git a/kpatch-build/create-klp-module.c b/kpatch-build/create-klp-module.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..253704b --- /dev/null +++ b/kpatch-build/create-klp-module.c @@ -0,0 +1,516 @@ +/* + * create-klp-module.c + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA, + * 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "log.h" +#include "kpatch-elf.h" +#include "kpatch-intermediate.h" + +/* For log.h */ +char *childobj; +enum loglevel loglevel = NORMAL; + +/* + * Add a symbol from .kpatch.symbols to the symbol table + * + * If a symbol matching the .kpatch.symbols entry already + * exists, return it. + */ +static struct symbol *find_or_add_ksym_to_symbols(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, + struct section *ksymsec, + char *strings, int offset) +{ + struct kpatch_symbol *ksyms, *ksym; + struct symbol *sym; + struct rela *rela; + char *objname, *name; + char pos[32], buf[256]; + int index; + + ksyms = ksymsec->data->d_buf; + index = offset / sizeof(*ksyms); + ksym = &ksyms[index]; + + /* Get name of ksym */ + rela = find_rela_by_offset(ksymsec->rela, + offset + offsetof(struct kpatch_symbol, name)); + if (!rela) + ERROR("name of ksym not found?"); + + name = strdup(strings + rela->addend); + if (!name) + ERROR("strdup"); + + /* Get objname of ksym */ + rela = find_rela_by_offset(ksymsec->rela, + offset + offsetof(struct kpatch_symbol, objname)); + if (!rela) + ERROR("objname of ksym not found?"); + + objname = strdup(strings + rela->addend); + if (!objname) + ERROR("strdup"); + + snprintf(pos, 32, "%lu", ksym->pos); + /*,pos */ + snprintf(buf, 256, KLP_SYM_PREFIX "%s.%s,%s", objname, name, pos); + + /* Look for an already allocated symbol */ + list_for_each_entry(sym, &kelf->symbols, list) { + if (!strcmp(buf, sym->name)) + return sym; + } + + ALLOC_LINK(sym, NULL); + sym->name = strdup(buf); + if (!sym->name) + ERROR("strdup"); + sym->type = ksym->type; + sym->bind = ksym->bind; + /* + * Note that st_name will be set in kpatch_create_strtab(), + * and sym->index is set in kpatch_reindex_elements() + */ + sym->sym.st_shndx = SHN_LIVEPATCH; + sym->sym.st_info = GELF_ST_INFO(sym->bind, sym->type); + /* + * Figure out where to put the new symbol: + * a) locals need to be grouped together, before globals + * b) globals can be tacked into the end of the list + */ + if (is_local_sym(sym)) { + struct list_head *head; + struct symbol *s; + + head = &kelf->symbols; + list_for_each_entry(s, &kelf->symbols, list) { + if (!is_local_sym(s)) + break; + head = &s->list; + } + list_add_tail(&sym->list, head); + } else { + list_add_tail(&sym->list, &kelf->symbols); + } + + return sym; +} + +/* + * Create a klp rela section given the base section and objname + * + * If a klp rela section matching the base section and objname + * already exists, return it. + */ +static struct section *find_or_add_klp_relasec(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, + struct section *base, + char *objname) +{ + struct section *sec; + char buf[256]; + + /* .klp.rela.objname.secname */ + snprintf(buf, 256, KLP_RELASEC_PREFIX "%s.%s", objname, base->name); + + list_for_each_entry(sec, &kelf->sections, list) { + if (!strcmp(sec->name, buf)) + return sec; + } + + ALLOC_LINK(sec, &kelf->sections); + sec->name = strdup(buf); + if (!sec->name) + ERROR("strdup"); + sec->base = base; + + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&sec->relas); + + sec->data = malloc(sizeof(*sec->data)); + if (!sec->data) + ERROR("malloc"); + sec->data->d_type = ELF_T_RELA; + + /* sh_info and sh_link are set when rebuilding rela sections */ + sec->sh.sh_type = SHT_RELA; + sec->sh.sh_entsize = sizeof(GElf_Rela); + sec->sh.sh_addralign = 8; + sec->sh.sh_flags = SHF_RELA_LIVEPATCH | SHF_INFO_LINK | SHF_ALLOC; + + return sec; +} + +/* + * Create klp relocation sections and klp symbols from .kpatch.relocations + * and .kpatch.symbols sections + * + * For every entry in .kpatch.relocations: + * 1) Allocate a symbol for the corresponding .kpatch.symbols entry if + * it doesn't already exist (find_or_add_ksym_to_symbols()) + * This is the symbol that the relocation points to (rela->sym) + * 2) Allocate a rela, and add it to the corresponding .klp.rela. section. If + * the matching .klp.rela. section (given the base section and objname) + * doesn't exist yet, create it (find_or_add_klp_relasec()) + */ +static void create_klp_relasecs_and_syms(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, struct section *krelasec, + struct section *ksymsec, char *strings) +{ + struct section *klp_relasec; + struct kpatch_relocation *krelas; + struct symbol *sym, *dest; + struct rela *rela; + char *objname; + int nr, index, offset, dest_off; + + krelas = krelasec->data->d_buf; + nr = krelasec->data->d_size / sizeof(*krelas); + + for (index = 0; index < nr; index++) { + offset = index * sizeof(*krelas); + + /* Get the rela dest sym + offset */ + rela = find_rela_by_offset(krelasec->rela, + offset + offsetof(struct kpatch_relocation, dest)); + if (!rela) + ERROR("find_rela_by_offset"); + + dest = rela->sym; + dest_off = rela->addend; + + /* Get the name of the object the dest belongs to */ + rela = find_rela_by_offset(krelasec->rela, + offset + offsetof(struct kpatch_relocation, objname)); + if (!rela) + ERROR("find_rela_by_offset"); + + objname = strdup(strings + rela->addend); + if (!objname) + ERROR("strdup"); + + /* Get the .kpatch.symbol entry for the rela src */ + rela = find_rela_by_offset(krelasec->rela, + offset + offsetof(struct kpatch_relocation, ksym)); + if (!rela) + ERROR("find_rela_by_offset"); + + /* Create (or find) a klp symbol from the rela src entry */ + sym = find_or_add_ksym_to_symbols(kelf, ksymsec, strings, rela->addend); + if (!sym) + ERROR("error finding or adding ksym to symtab"); + + /* Create (or find) the .klp.rela. section for the dest sec and object */ + klp_relasec = find_or_add_klp_relasec(kelf, dest->sec, objname); + if (!klp_relasec) + ERROR("error finding or adding klp relasec"); + + /* Add the klp rela to the .klp.rela. section */ + ALLOC_LINK(rela, &klp_relasec->relas); + rela->offset = dest->sym.st_value + dest_off; + rela->type = krelas[index].type; + rela->sym = sym; + rela->addend = krelas[index].addend; + } +} + +/* + * Create .klp.arch. sections by iterating through the .kpatch.arch section + * + * A .kpatch.arch section is just an array of kpatch_arch structs: + * + * struct kpatch_arch { + * unsigned long sec; + * char *objname; + * }; + * + * There are two relas associated with each kpatch arch entry, one that points + * to the section of interest (.parainstructions or .altinstructions), and one + * rela points to the name of the object the section belongs to in + * .kpatch.strings. This gives us the necessary information to create .klp.arch + * sections, which use the '.klp.arch.objname.secname' name format. + */ +static void create_klp_arch_sections(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, char *strings) +{ + struct section *karch, *sec, *base = NULL; + struct kpatch_arch *entries; + struct rela *rela, *rela2; + char *secname, *objname = NULL; + char buf[256]; + int nr, index, offset, old_size, new_size; + + karch = find_section_by_name(&kelf->sections, ".kpatch.arch"); + if (!karch) + return; + + entries = karch->data->d_buf; + nr = karch->data->d_size / sizeof(*entries); + + for (index = 0; index < nr; index++) { + offset = index * sizeof(*entries); + + /* Get the base section (.parainstructions or .altinstructions) */ + rela = find_rela_by_offset(karch->rela, + offset + offsetof(struct kpatch_arch, sec)); + if (!rela) + ERROR("find_rela_by_offset"); + + base = rela->sym->sec; + if (!base) + ERROR("base sec of kpatch_arch entry not found"); + + /* Get the name of the object the base section belongs to */ + rela = find_rela_by_offset(karch->rela, + offset + offsetof(struct kpatch_arch, objname)); + if (!rela) + ERROR("find_rela_by_offset"); + + objname = strdup(strings + rela->addend); + if (!objname) + ERROR("strdup"); + + /* Example: .klp.arch.vmlinux..parainstructions */ + snprintf(buf, 256, "%s%s.%s", KLP_ARCH_PREFIX, objname, base->name); + + /* Check if the .klp.arch. section already exists */ + sec = find_section_by_name(&kelf->sections, buf); + if (!sec) { + secname = strdup(buf); + if (!secname) + ERROR("strdup"); + + /* Start with a new section with size 0 first */ + sec = create_section_pair(kelf, secname, 1, 0); + } + + /* + * Merge .klp.arch. sections if necessary + * + * Example: + * If there are multiple .parainstructions sections for vmlinux + * (this can happen when, using the --unique option for ld, + * we've linked together multiple .o's with .parainstructions + * sections for the same object), they will be merged under a + * single .klp.arch.vmlinux..parainstructions section + */ + old_size = sec->data->d_size; + + /* + * Due to a quirk in how .parainstructions gets linked, the + * section size doesn't encompass the last 4 bytes of the last + * entry. Align the old size properly before merging. + */ + if (!strcmp(base->name, ".parainstructions")) { + char *str; + static int align_mask = 0; + + if (!align_mask) { + str = getenv("PARA_STRUCT_SIZE"); + if (!str) + ERROR("PARA_STRUCT_SIZE not set"); + + align_mask = atoi(str) - 1; + } + + old_size = (old_size + align_mask) & ~align_mask; + } + + new_size = old_size + base->data->d_size; + sec->data->d_buf = realloc(sec->data->d_buf, new_size); + sec->data->d_size = new_size; + sec->sh.sh_size = sec->data->d_size; + memcpy(sec->data->d_buf + old_size, + base->data->d_buf, base->data->d_size); + + list_for_each_entry(rela, &base->rela->relas, list) { + ALLOC_LINK(rela2, &sec->rela->relas); + rela2->sym = rela->sym; + rela2->type = rela->type; + rela2->addend = rela->addend; + rela2->offset = old_size + rela->offset; + } + } +} + +/* + * We can't keep these sections since the module loader will apply them before + * the patch module gets a chance to load (that's why we copied these sections + * into .klp.arch. sections. Hence we remove them here. + */ +static void remove_arch_sections(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + size_t i; + char *arch_sections[] = { + ".parainstructions", + ".rela.parainstructions", + ".altinstructions", + ".rela.altinstructions" + }; + + for (i = 0; i < sizeof(arch_sections)/sizeof(arch_sections[0]); i++) + kpatch_remove_and_free_section(kelf, arch_sections[i]); + +} + +static void remove_intermediate_sections(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + size_t i; + char *intermediate_sections[] = { + ".kpatch.symbols", + ".rela.kpatch.symbols", + ".kpatch.relocations", + ".rela.kpatch.relocations", + ".kpatch.arch", + ".rela.kpatch.arch" + }; + + for (i = 0; i < sizeof(intermediate_sections)/sizeof(intermediate_sections[0]); i++) + kpatch_remove_and_free_section(kelf, intermediate_sections[i]); +} + +struct arguments { + char *args[2]; + int debug; + int no_klp_arch; +}; + +static char args_doc[] = "input.ko output.ko"; + +static struct argp_option options[] = { + {"debug", 'd', 0, 0, "Show debug output" }, + {"no-klp-arch-sections", 'n', 0, 0, "Do not output .klp.arch.* sections" }, + { 0 } +}; + +static error_t parse_opt (int key, char *arg, struct argp_state *state) +{ + /* Get the input argument from argp_parse, which we + know is a pointer to our arguments structure. */ + struct arguments *arguments = state->input; + + switch (key) + { + case 'd': + arguments->debug = 1; + break; + case 'n': + arguments->no_klp_arch = 1; + break; + case ARGP_KEY_ARG: + if (state->arg_num >= 2) + /* Too many arguments. */ + argp_usage (state); + arguments->args[state->arg_num] = arg; + break; + case ARGP_KEY_END: + if (state->arg_num < 2) + /* Not enough arguments. */ + argp_usage (state); + break; + default: + return ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN; + } + return 0; +} + +static struct argp argp = { options, parse_opt, args_doc, 0 }; + +int main(int argc, char *argv[]) +{ + struct kpatch_elf *kelf; + struct section *symtab, *sec; + struct section *ksymsec, *krelasec, *strsec; + struct arguments arguments; + char *strings; + int ksyms_nr, krelas_nr; + + memset(&arguments, 0, sizeof(arguments)); + argp_parse (&argp, argc, argv, 0, 0, &arguments); + if (arguments.debug) + loglevel = DEBUG; + + elf_version(EV_CURRENT); + + childobj = basename(arguments.args[0]); + + kelf = kpatch_elf_open(arguments.args[0]); + + /* + * Sanity checks: + * - Make sure all the required sections exist + * - Make sure that the number of entries in + * .kpatch.{symbols,relocations} match + */ + strsec = find_section_by_name(&kelf->sections, ".kpatch.strings"); + if (!strsec) + ERROR("missing .kpatch.strings"); + strings = strsec->data->d_buf; + + ksymsec = find_section_by_name(&kelf->sections, ".kpatch.symbols"); + if (!ksymsec) + ERROR("missing .kpatch.symbols section"); + ksyms_nr = ksymsec->data->d_size / sizeof(struct kpatch_symbol); + + krelasec = find_section_by_name(&kelf->sections, ".kpatch.relocations"); + if (!krelasec) + ERROR("missing .kpatch.relocations section"); + krelas_nr = krelasec->data->d_size / sizeof(struct kpatch_relocation); + + if (krelas_nr != ksyms_nr) + ERROR("number of krelas and ksyms do not match"); + + /* + * Create klp rela sections and klp symbols from + * .kpatch.{relocations,symbols} sections + */ + create_klp_relasecs_and_syms(kelf, krelasec, ksymsec, strings); + + /* + * If --no-klp-arch-sections wasn't set, additionally + * create .klp.arch. sections + */ + if (!arguments.no_klp_arch) { + create_klp_arch_sections(kelf, strings); + remove_arch_sections(kelf); + } + + remove_intermediate_sections(kelf); + kpatch_reindex_elements(kelf); + + /* Rebuild rela sections, new klp rela sections will be rebuilt too. */ + symtab = find_section_by_name(&kelf->sections, ".symtab"); + list_for_each_entry(sec, &kelf->sections, list) { + if (!is_rela_section(sec)) + continue; + sec->sh.sh_link = symtab->index; + sec->sh.sh_info = sec->base->index; + kpatch_rebuild_rela_section_data(sec); + } + + kpatch_create_shstrtab(kelf); + kpatch_create_strtab(kelf); + kpatch_create_symtab(kelf); + + kpatch_write_output_elf(kelf, kelf->elf, arguments.args[1]); + kpatch_elf_teardown(kelf); + kpatch_elf_free(kelf); + + return 0; +} diff --git a/kpatch-build/create-kpatch-module.c b/kpatch-build/create-kpatch-module.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..67b16b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/kpatch-build/create-kpatch-module.c @@ -0,0 +1,251 @@ +/* + * create-kpatch-module.c + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA, + * 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "log.h" +#include "kpatch-elf.h" +#include "kpatch-intermediate.h" +#include "kpatch-patch.h" + +/* For log.h */ +char *childobj; +enum loglevel loglevel = NORMAL; + +/* + * Create .kpatch.dynrelas from .kpatch.relocations and .kpatch.symbols sections + * + * Iterate through .kpatch.relocations and fill in the corresponding dynrela + * entry using information from .kpatch.relocations and .kpatch.symbols + */ +static void create_dynamic_rela_sections(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, struct section *krelasec, + struct section *ksymsec, struct section *strsec) +{ + struct kpatch_patch_dynrela *dynrelas; + struct kpatch_relocation *krelas; + struct kpatch_symbol *ksym, *ksyms; + struct section *dynsec; + struct symbol *sym; + struct rela *rela; + int index, nr, offset, dest_offset, objname_offset, name_offset; + + ksyms = ksymsec->data->d_buf; + krelas = krelasec->data->d_buf; + nr = krelasec->data->d_size / sizeof(*krelas); + + dynsec = create_section_pair(kelf, ".kpatch.dynrelas", sizeof(*dynrelas), nr); + dynrelas = dynsec->data->d_buf; + + for (index = 0; index < nr; index++) { + offset = index * sizeof(*krelas); + + /* + * To fill in each dynrela entry, find dest location, + * objname offset, ksym, and symbol name offset + */ + + /* Get dest location */ + rela = find_rela_by_offset(krelasec->rela, + offset + offsetof(struct kpatch_relocation, dest)); + if (!rela) + ERROR("find_rela_by_offset"); + sym = rela->sym; + dest_offset = rela->addend; + + /* Get objname offset */ + rela = find_rela_by_offset(krelasec->rela, + offset + offsetof(struct kpatch_relocation, objname)); + if (!rela) + ERROR("find_rela_by_offset"); + objname_offset = rela->addend; + + /* Get ksym (.kpatch.symbols entry) and symbol name offset */ + rela = find_rela_by_offset(krelasec->rela, + offset + offsetof(struct kpatch_relocation, ksym)); + if (!rela) + ERROR("find_rela_by_offset"); + ksym = ksyms + (rela->addend / sizeof(*ksyms)); + + offset = index * sizeof(*ksyms); + rela = find_rela_by_offset(ksymsec->rela, + offset + offsetof(struct kpatch_symbol, name)); + if (!rela) + ERROR("find_rela_by_offset"); + name_offset = rela->addend; + + /* Fill in dynrela entry */ + dynrelas[index].src = ksym->src; + dynrelas[index].addend = krelas[index].addend; + dynrelas[index].type = krelas[index].type; + dynrelas[index].external = krelas[index].external; + dynrelas[index].sympos = ksym->pos; + + /* dest */ + ALLOC_LINK(rela, &dynsec->rela->relas); + rela->sym = sym; + rela->type = R_X86_64_64; + rela->addend = dest_offset; + rela->offset = index * sizeof(*dynrelas); + + /* name */ + ALLOC_LINK(rela, &dynsec->rela->relas); + rela->sym = strsec->secsym; + rela->type = R_X86_64_64; + rela->addend = name_offset; + rela->offset = index * sizeof(*dynrelas) + \ + offsetof(struct kpatch_patch_dynrela, name); + + /* objname */ + ALLOC_LINK(rela, &dynsec->rela->relas); + rela->sym = strsec->secsym; + rela->type = R_X86_64_64; + rela->addend = objname_offset; + rela->offset = index * sizeof(*dynrelas) + \ + offsetof(struct kpatch_patch_dynrela, objname); + } +} + +static void remove_intermediate_sections(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + size_t i; + char *intermediate_sections[] = { + ".kpatch.symbols", + ".rela.kpatch.symbols", + ".kpatch.relocations", + ".rela.kpatch.relocations", + ".kpatch.arch", + ".rela.kpatch.arch" + }; + + for (i = 0; i < sizeof(intermediate_sections)/sizeof(intermediate_sections[0]); i++) + kpatch_remove_and_free_section(kelf, intermediate_sections[i]); +} + +struct arguments { + char *args[2]; + int debug; +}; + +static char args_doc[] = "input.o output.o"; + +static struct argp_option options[] = { + {"debug", 'd', 0, 0, "Show debug output" }, + { 0 } +}; + +static error_t parse_opt (int key, char *arg, struct argp_state *state) +{ + /* Get the input argument from argp_parse, which we + know is a pointer to our arguments structure. */ + struct arguments *arguments = state->input; + + switch (key) + { + case 'd': + arguments->debug = 1; + break; + case ARGP_KEY_ARG: + if (state->arg_num >= 2) + /* Too many arguments. */ + argp_usage (state); + arguments->args[state->arg_num] = arg; + break; + case ARGP_KEY_END: + if (state->arg_num < 2) + /* Not enough arguments. */ + argp_usage (state); + break; + default: + return ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN; + } + return 0; +} + +static struct argp argp = { options, parse_opt, args_doc, 0 }; + +int main(int argc, char *argv[]) +{ + struct kpatch_elf *kelf; + struct section *symtab, *sec; + struct section *ksymsec, *krelasec, *strsec; + struct arguments arguments; + int ksyms_nr, krelas_nr; + + arguments.debug = 0; + argp_parse (&argp, argc, argv, 0, 0, &arguments); + if (arguments.debug) + loglevel = DEBUG; + + elf_version(EV_CURRENT); + + childobj = basename(arguments.args[0]); + + kelf = kpatch_elf_open(arguments.args[0]); + + /* + * Sanity checks: + * - Make sure all the required sections exist + * - Make sure that the number of entries in + * .kpatch.{symbols,relocations} match + */ + strsec = find_section_by_name(&kelf->sections, ".kpatch.strings"); + if (!strsec) + ERROR("missing .kpatch.strings"); + + ksymsec = find_section_by_name(&kelf->sections, ".kpatch.symbols"); + if (!ksymsec) + ERROR("missing .kpatch.symbols section"); + ksyms_nr = ksymsec->data->d_size / sizeof(struct kpatch_symbol); + + krelasec = find_section_by_name(&kelf->sections, ".kpatch.relocations"); + if (!krelasec) + ERROR("missing .kpatch.relocations section"); + krelas_nr = krelasec->data->d_size / sizeof(struct kpatch_relocation); + + if (krelas_nr != ksyms_nr) + ERROR("number of krelas and ksyms do not match"); + + /* Create dynrelas from .kpatch.{relocations,symbols} sections */ + create_dynamic_rela_sections(kelf, krelasec, ksymsec, strsec); + remove_intermediate_sections(kelf); + + kpatch_reindex_elements(kelf); + + symtab = find_section_by_name(&kelf->sections, ".symtab"); + list_for_each_entry(sec, &kelf->sections, list) { + if (!is_rela_section(sec)) + continue; + sec->sh.sh_link = symtab->index; + sec->sh.sh_info = sec->base->index; + kpatch_rebuild_rela_section_data(sec); + } + + kpatch_create_shstrtab(kelf); + kpatch_create_strtab(kelf); + kpatch_create_symtab(kelf); + + kpatch_write_output_elf(kelf, kelf->elf, arguments.args[1]); + kpatch_elf_teardown(kelf); + kpatch_elf_free(kelf); + + return 0; +} diff --git a/kpatch-build/gcc-plugins/gcc-common.h b/kpatch-build/gcc-plugins/gcc-common.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..501df31 --- /dev/null +++ b/kpatch-build/gcc-plugins/gcc-common.h @@ -0,0 +1,965 @@ +#ifndef GCC_COMMON_H_INCLUDED +#define GCC_COMMON_H_INCLUDED + +#include "bversion.h" +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION >= 6000 +#include "gcc-plugin.h" +#else +#include "plugin.h" +#endif +#include "plugin-version.h" +#include "config.h" +#include "system.h" +#include "coretypes.h" +#include "tm.h" +#include "line-map.h" +#include "input.h" +#include "tree.h" + +#include "tree-inline.h" +#include "version.h" +#include "rtl.h" +#include "tm_p.h" +#include "flags.h" +#include "hard-reg-set.h" +#include "output.h" +#include "except.h" +#include "function.h" +#include "toplev.h" +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION >= 5000 +#include "expr.h" +#endif +#include "basic-block.h" +#include "intl.h" +#include "ggc.h" +#include "timevar.h" + +#include "params.h" + +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION <= 4009 +#include "pointer-set.h" +#else +#include "hash-map.h" +#endif + +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION >= 7000 +#include "memmodel.h" +#endif +#include "emit-rtl.h" +#include "debug.h" +#include "target.h" +#include "langhooks.h" +#include "cfgloop.h" +#include "cgraph.h" +#include "opts.h" + +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION == 4005 +#include +#endif + +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION >= 4007 +#include "tree-pretty-print.h" +#include "gimple-pretty-print.h" +#endif + +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION >= 4006 +/* + * The c-family headers were moved into a subdirectory in GCC version + * 4.7, but most plugin-building users of GCC 4.6 are using the Debian + * or Ubuntu package, which has an out-of-tree patch to move this to the + * same location as found in 4.7 and later: + * + */ +#include "c-family/c-common.h" +#else +#include "c-common.h" +#endif + +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION <= 4008 +#include "tree-flow.h" +#else +#include "tree-cfgcleanup.h" +#include "tree-ssa-operands.h" +#include "tree-into-ssa.h" +#endif + +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION >= 4008 +#include "is-a.h" +#endif + +#include "diagnostic.h" +#include "tree-dump.h" +#include "tree-pass.h" +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION >= 4009 +#include "pass_manager.h" +#endif +#include "predict.h" +#include "ipa-utils.h" + +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION >= 8000 +#include "stringpool.h" +#endif + +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION >= 4009 +#include "attribs.h" +#include "varasm.h" +#include "stor-layout.h" +#include "internal-fn.h" +#include "gimple-expr.h" +#include "gimple-fold.h" +#include "context.h" +#include "tree-ssa-alias.h" +#include "tree-ssa.h" +#include "stringpool.h" +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION >= 7000 +#include "tree-vrp.h" +#endif +#include "tree-ssanames.h" +#include "print-tree.h" +#include "tree-eh.h" +#include "stmt.h" +#include "gimplify.h" +#endif + +#include "gimple.h" + +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION >= 4009 +#include "tree-ssa-operands.h" +#include "tree-phinodes.h" +#include "tree-cfg.h" +#include "gimple-iterator.h" +#include "gimple-ssa.h" +#include "ssa-iterators.h" +#endif + +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION >= 5000 +#include "builtins.h" +#endif + +/* missing from basic_block.h... */ +void debug_dominance_info(enum cdi_direction dir); +void debug_dominance_tree(enum cdi_direction dir, basic_block root); + +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION == 4006 +void debug_gimple_stmt(gimple); +void debug_gimple_seq(gimple_seq); +void print_gimple_seq(FILE *, gimple_seq, int, int); +void print_gimple_stmt(FILE *, gimple, int, int); +void print_gimple_expr(FILE *, gimple, int, int); +void dump_gimple_stmt(pretty_printer *, gimple, int, int); +#endif + +#define __unused __attribute__((__unused__)) +#define __visible __attribute__((visibility("default"))) + +#define DECL_NAME_POINTER(node) IDENTIFIER_POINTER(DECL_NAME(node)) +#define DECL_NAME_LENGTH(node) IDENTIFIER_LENGTH(DECL_NAME(node)) +#define TYPE_NAME_POINTER(node) IDENTIFIER_POINTER(TYPE_NAME(node)) +#define TYPE_NAME_LENGTH(node) IDENTIFIER_LENGTH(TYPE_NAME(node)) + +/* should come from c-tree.h if only it were installed for gcc 4.5... */ +#define C_TYPE_FIELDS_READONLY(TYPE) TREE_LANG_FLAG_1(TYPE) + +static inline tree build_const_char_string(int len, const char *str) +{ + tree cstr, elem, index, type; + + cstr = build_string(len, str); + elem = build_type_variant(char_type_node, 1, 0); + index = build_index_type(size_int(len - 1)); + type = build_array_type(elem, index); + TREE_TYPE(cstr) = type; + TREE_CONSTANT(cstr) = 1; + TREE_READONLY(cstr) = 1; + TREE_STATIC(cstr) = 1; + return cstr; +} + +#define PASS_INFO(NAME, REF, ID, POS) \ +struct register_pass_info NAME##_pass_info = { \ + .pass = make_##NAME##_pass(), \ + .reference_pass_name = REF, \ + .ref_pass_instance_number = ID, \ + .pos_op = POS, \ +} + +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION == 4005 +#define FOR_EACH_LOCAL_DECL(FUN, I, D) \ + for (tree vars = (FUN)->local_decls, (I) = 0; \ + vars && ((D) = TREE_VALUE(vars)); \ + vars = TREE_CHAIN(vars), (I)++) +#define DECL_CHAIN(NODE) (TREE_CHAIN(DECL_MINIMAL_CHECK(NODE))) +#define FOR_EACH_VEC_ELT(T, V, I, P) \ + for (I = 0; VEC_iterate(T, (V), (I), (P)); ++(I)) +#define TODO_rebuild_cgraph_edges 0 +#define SCOPE_FILE_SCOPE_P(EXP) (!(EXP)) + +#ifndef O_BINARY +#define O_BINARY 0 +#endif + +typedef struct varpool_node *varpool_node_ptr; + +static inline bool gimple_call_builtin_p(gimple stmt, enum built_in_function code) +{ + tree fndecl; + + if (!is_gimple_call(stmt)) + return false; + fndecl = gimple_call_fndecl(stmt); + if (!fndecl || DECL_BUILT_IN_CLASS(fndecl) != BUILT_IN_NORMAL) + return false; + return DECL_FUNCTION_CODE(fndecl) == code; +} + +static inline bool is_simple_builtin(tree decl) +{ + if (decl && DECL_BUILT_IN_CLASS(decl) != BUILT_IN_NORMAL) + return false; + + switch (DECL_FUNCTION_CODE(decl)) { + /* Builtins that expand to constants. */ + case BUILT_IN_CONSTANT_P: + case BUILT_IN_EXPECT: + case BUILT_IN_OBJECT_SIZE: + case BUILT_IN_UNREACHABLE: + /* Simple register moves or loads from stack. */ + case BUILT_IN_RETURN_ADDRESS: + case BUILT_IN_EXTRACT_RETURN_ADDR: + case BUILT_IN_FROB_RETURN_ADDR: + case BUILT_IN_RETURN: + case BUILT_IN_AGGREGATE_INCOMING_ADDRESS: + case BUILT_IN_FRAME_ADDRESS: + case BUILT_IN_VA_END: + case BUILT_IN_STACK_SAVE: + case BUILT_IN_STACK_RESTORE: + /* Exception state returns or moves registers around. */ + case BUILT_IN_EH_FILTER: + case BUILT_IN_EH_POINTER: + case BUILT_IN_EH_COPY_VALUES: + return true; + + default: + return false; + } +} + +static inline void add_local_decl(struct function *fun, tree d) +{ + gcc_assert(TREE_CODE(d) == VAR_DECL); + fun->local_decls = tree_cons(NULL_TREE, d, fun->local_decls); +} +#endif + +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION <= 4006 +#define ANY_RETURN_P(rtx) (GET_CODE(rtx) == RETURN) +#define C_DECL_REGISTER(EXP) DECL_LANG_FLAG_4(EXP) +#define EDGE_PRESERVE 0ULL +#define HOST_WIDE_INT_PRINT_HEX_PURE "%" HOST_WIDE_INT_PRINT "x" +#define flag_fat_lto_objects true + +#define get_random_seed(noinit) ({ \ + unsigned HOST_WIDE_INT seed; \ + sscanf(get_random_seed(noinit), "%" HOST_WIDE_INT_PRINT "x", &seed); \ + seed * seed; }) + +#define int_const_binop(code, arg1, arg2) \ + int_const_binop((code), (arg1), (arg2), 0) + +static inline bool gimple_clobber_p(gimple s __unused) +{ + return false; +} + +static inline bool gimple_asm_clobbers_memory_p(const_gimple stmt) +{ + unsigned i; + + for (i = 0; i < gimple_asm_nclobbers(stmt); i++) { + tree op = gimple_asm_clobber_op(stmt, i); + + if (!strcmp(TREE_STRING_POINTER(TREE_VALUE(op)), "memory")) + return true; + } + + return false; +} + +static inline tree builtin_decl_implicit(enum built_in_function fncode) +{ + return implicit_built_in_decls[fncode]; +} + +static inline int ipa_reverse_postorder(struct cgraph_node **order) +{ + return cgraph_postorder(order); +} + +static inline struct cgraph_node *cgraph_create_node(tree decl) +{ + return cgraph_node(decl); +} + +static inline struct cgraph_node *cgraph_get_create_node(tree decl) +{ + struct cgraph_node *node = cgraph_get_node(decl); + + return node ? node : cgraph_node(decl); +} + +static inline bool cgraph_function_with_gimple_body_p(struct cgraph_node *node) +{ + return node->analyzed && !node->thunk.thunk_p && !node->alias; +} + +static inline struct cgraph_node *cgraph_first_function_with_gimple_body(void) +{ + struct cgraph_node *node; + + for (node = cgraph_nodes; node; node = node->next) + if (cgraph_function_with_gimple_body_p(node)) + return node; + return NULL; +} + +static inline struct cgraph_node *cgraph_next_function_with_gimple_body(struct cgraph_node *node) +{ + for (node = node->next; node; node = node->next) + if (cgraph_function_with_gimple_body_p(node)) + return node; + return NULL; +} + +static inline bool cgraph_for_node_and_aliases(cgraph_node_ptr node, bool (*callback)(cgraph_node_ptr, void *), void *data, bool include_overwritable) +{ + cgraph_node_ptr alias; + + if (callback(node, data)) + return true; + + for (alias = node->same_body; alias; alias = alias->next) { + if (include_overwritable || cgraph_function_body_availability(alias) > AVAIL_OVERWRITABLE) + if (cgraph_for_node_and_aliases(alias, callback, data, include_overwritable)) + return true; + } + + return false; +} + +#define FOR_EACH_FUNCTION_WITH_GIMPLE_BODY(node) \ + for ((node) = cgraph_first_function_with_gimple_body(); (node); \ + (node) = cgraph_next_function_with_gimple_body(node)) + +static inline void varpool_add_new_variable(tree decl) +{ + varpool_finalize_decl(decl); +} +#endif + +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION <= 4007 +#define FOR_EACH_FUNCTION(node) \ + for (node = cgraph_nodes; node; node = node->next) +#define FOR_EACH_VARIABLE(node) \ + for (node = varpool_nodes; node; node = node->next) +#define PROP_loops 0 +#define NODE_SYMBOL(node) (node) +#define NODE_DECL(node) (node)->decl +#define INSN_LOCATION(INSN) RTL_LOCATION(INSN) +#define vNULL NULL + +static inline int bb_loop_depth(const_basic_block bb) +{ + return bb->loop_father ? loop_depth(bb->loop_father) : 0; +} + +static inline bool gimple_store_p(gimple gs) +{ + tree lhs = gimple_get_lhs(gs); + + return lhs && !is_gimple_reg(lhs); +} + +static inline void gimple_init_singleton(gimple g __unused) +{ +} +#endif + +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION == 4007 || BUILDING_GCC_VERSION == 4008 +static inline struct cgraph_node *cgraph_alias_target(struct cgraph_node *n) +{ + return cgraph_alias_aliased_node(n); +} +#endif + +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION >= 4007 && BUILDING_GCC_VERSION <= 4009 +#define cgraph_create_edge(caller, callee, call_stmt, count, freq, nest) \ + cgraph_create_edge((caller), (callee), (call_stmt), (count), (freq)) +#define cgraph_create_edge_including_clones(caller, callee, old_call_stmt, call_stmt, count, freq, nest, reason) \ + cgraph_create_edge_including_clones((caller), (callee), (old_call_stmt), (call_stmt), (count), (freq), (reason)) +#endif + +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION <= 4008 +#define ENTRY_BLOCK_PTR_FOR_FN(FN) ENTRY_BLOCK_PTR_FOR_FUNCTION(FN) +#define EXIT_BLOCK_PTR_FOR_FN(FN) EXIT_BLOCK_PTR_FOR_FUNCTION(FN) +#define basic_block_info_for_fn(FN) ((FN)->cfg->x_basic_block_info) +#define n_basic_blocks_for_fn(FN) ((FN)->cfg->x_n_basic_blocks) +#define n_edges_for_fn(FN) ((FN)->cfg->x_n_edges) +#define last_basic_block_for_fn(FN) ((FN)->cfg->x_last_basic_block) +#define label_to_block_map_for_fn(FN) ((FN)->cfg->x_label_to_block_map) +#define profile_status_for_fn(FN) ((FN)->cfg->x_profile_status) +#define BASIC_BLOCK_FOR_FN(FN, N) BASIC_BLOCK_FOR_FUNCTION((FN), (N)) +#define NODE_IMPLICIT_ALIAS(node) (node)->same_body_alias +#define VAR_P(NODE) (TREE_CODE(NODE) == VAR_DECL) + +static inline bool tree_fits_shwi_p(const_tree t) +{ + if (t == NULL_TREE || TREE_CODE(t) != INTEGER_CST) + return false; + + if (TREE_INT_CST_HIGH(t) == 0 && (HOST_WIDE_INT)TREE_INT_CST_LOW(t) >= 0) + return true; + + if (TREE_INT_CST_HIGH(t) == -1 && (HOST_WIDE_INT)TREE_INT_CST_LOW(t) < 0 && !TYPE_UNSIGNED(TREE_TYPE(t))) + return true; + + return false; +} + +static inline bool tree_fits_uhwi_p(const_tree t) +{ + if (t == NULL_TREE || TREE_CODE(t) != INTEGER_CST) + return false; + + return TREE_INT_CST_HIGH(t) == 0; +} + +static inline HOST_WIDE_INT tree_to_shwi(const_tree t) +{ + gcc_assert(tree_fits_shwi_p(t)); + return TREE_INT_CST_LOW(t); +} + +static inline unsigned HOST_WIDE_INT tree_to_uhwi(const_tree t) +{ + gcc_assert(tree_fits_uhwi_p(t)); + return TREE_INT_CST_LOW(t); +} + +static inline const char *get_tree_code_name(enum tree_code code) +{ + gcc_assert(code < MAX_TREE_CODES); + return tree_code_name[code]; +} + +#define ipa_remove_stmt_references(cnode, stmt) + +typedef union gimple_statement_d gasm; +typedef union gimple_statement_d gassign; +typedef union gimple_statement_d gcall; +typedef union gimple_statement_d gcond; +typedef union gimple_statement_d gdebug; +typedef union gimple_statement_d ggoto; +typedef union gimple_statement_d gphi; +typedef union gimple_statement_d greturn; + +static inline gasm *as_a_gasm(gimple stmt) +{ + return stmt; +} + +static inline const gasm *as_a_const_gasm(const_gimple stmt) +{ + return stmt; +} + +static inline gassign *as_a_gassign(gimple stmt) +{ + return stmt; +} + +static inline const gassign *as_a_const_gassign(const_gimple stmt) +{ + return stmt; +} + +static inline gcall *as_a_gcall(gimple stmt) +{ + return stmt; +} + +static inline const gcall *as_a_const_gcall(const_gimple stmt) +{ + return stmt; +} + +static inline gcond *as_a_gcond(gimple stmt) +{ + return stmt; +} + +static inline const gcond *as_a_const_gcond(const_gimple stmt) +{ + return stmt; +} + +static inline gdebug *as_a_gdebug(gimple stmt) +{ + return stmt; +} + +static inline const gdebug *as_a_const_gdebug(const_gimple stmt) +{ + return stmt; +} + +static inline ggoto *as_a_ggoto(gimple stmt) +{ + return stmt; +} + +static inline const ggoto *as_a_const_ggoto(const_gimple stmt) +{ + return stmt; +} + +static inline gphi *as_a_gphi(gimple stmt) +{ + return stmt; +} + +static inline const gphi *as_a_const_gphi(const_gimple stmt) +{ + return stmt; +} + +static inline greturn *as_a_greturn(gimple stmt) +{ + return stmt; +} + +static inline const greturn *as_a_const_greturn(const_gimple stmt) +{ + return stmt; +} +#endif + +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION == 4008 +#define NODE_SYMBOL(node) (&(node)->symbol) +#define NODE_DECL(node) (node)->symbol.decl +#endif + +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION >= 4008 +#define add_referenced_var(var) +#define mark_sym_for_renaming(var) +#define varpool_mark_needed_node(node) +#define create_var_ann(var) +#define TODO_dump_func 0 +#define TODO_dump_cgraph 0 +#endif + +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION <= 4009 +#define TODO_verify_il 0 +#define AVAIL_INTERPOSABLE AVAIL_OVERWRITABLE + +#define section_name_prefix LTO_SECTION_NAME_PREFIX +#define fatal_error(loc, gmsgid, ...) fatal_error((gmsgid), __VA_ARGS__) + +rtx emit_move_insn(rtx x, rtx y); + +typedef struct rtx_def rtx_insn; + +static inline const char *get_decl_section_name(const_tree decl) +{ + if (DECL_SECTION_NAME(decl) == NULL_TREE) + return NULL; + + return TREE_STRING_POINTER(DECL_SECTION_NAME(decl)); +} + +static inline void set_decl_section_name(tree node, const char *value) +{ + if (value) + DECL_SECTION_NAME(node) = build_string(strlen(value) + 1, value); + else + DECL_SECTION_NAME(node) = NULL; +} +#endif + +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION == 4009 +typedef struct gimple_statement_asm gasm; +typedef struct gimple_statement_base gassign; +typedef struct gimple_statement_call gcall; +typedef struct gimple_statement_base gcond; +typedef struct gimple_statement_base gdebug; +typedef struct gimple_statement_base ggoto; +typedef struct gimple_statement_phi gphi; +typedef struct gimple_statement_base greturn; + +static inline gasm *as_a_gasm(gimple stmt) +{ + return as_a(stmt); +} + +static inline const gasm *as_a_const_gasm(const_gimple stmt) +{ + return as_a(stmt); +} + +static inline gassign *as_a_gassign(gimple stmt) +{ + return stmt; +} + +static inline const gassign *as_a_const_gassign(const_gimple stmt) +{ + return stmt; +} + +static inline gcall *as_a_gcall(gimple stmt) +{ + return as_a(stmt); +} + +static inline const gcall *as_a_const_gcall(const_gimple stmt) +{ + return as_a(stmt); +} + +static inline gcond *as_a_gcond(gimple stmt) +{ + return stmt; +} + +static inline const gcond *as_a_const_gcond(const_gimple stmt) +{ + return stmt; +} + +static inline gdebug *as_a_gdebug(gimple stmt) +{ + return stmt; +} + +static inline const gdebug *as_a_const_gdebug(const_gimple stmt) +{ + return stmt; +} + +static inline ggoto *as_a_ggoto(gimple stmt) +{ + return stmt; +} + +static inline const ggoto *as_a_const_ggoto(const_gimple stmt) +{ + return stmt; +} + +static inline gphi *as_a_gphi(gimple stmt) +{ + return as_a(stmt); +} + +static inline const gphi *as_a_const_gphi(const_gimple stmt) +{ + return as_a(stmt); +} + +static inline greturn *as_a_greturn(gimple stmt) +{ + return stmt; +} + +static inline const greturn *as_a_const_greturn(const_gimple stmt) +{ + return stmt; +} +#endif + +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION >= 4009 +#define TODO_ggc_collect 0 +#define NODE_SYMBOL(node) (node) +#define NODE_DECL(node) (node)->decl +#define cgraph_node_name(node) (node)->name() +#define NODE_IMPLICIT_ALIAS(node) (node)->cpp_implicit_alias + +static inline opt_pass *get_pass_for_id(int id) +{ + return g->get_passes()->get_pass_for_id(id); +} +#endif + +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION >= 5000 && BUILDING_GCC_VERSION < 6000 +/* gimple related */ +template <> +template <> +inline bool is_a_helper::test(const_gimple gs) +{ + return gs->code == GIMPLE_ASSIGN; +} +#endif + +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION >= 5000 +#define TODO_verify_ssa TODO_verify_il +#define TODO_verify_flow TODO_verify_il +#define TODO_verify_stmts TODO_verify_il +#define TODO_verify_rtl_sharing TODO_verify_il + +#define INSN_DELETED_P(insn) (insn)->deleted() + +static inline const char *get_decl_section_name(const_tree decl) +{ + return DECL_SECTION_NAME(decl); +} + +/* symtab/cgraph related */ +#define debug_cgraph_node(node) (node)->debug() +#define cgraph_get_node(decl) cgraph_node::get(decl) +#define cgraph_get_create_node(decl) cgraph_node::get_create(decl) +#define cgraph_create_node(decl) cgraph_node::create(decl) +#define cgraph_n_nodes symtab->cgraph_count +#define cgraph_max_uid symtab->cgraph_max_uid +#define varpool_get_node(decl) varpool_node::get(decl) +#define dump_varpool_node(file, node) (node)->dump(file) + +#define cgraph_create_edge(caller, callee, call_stmt, count, freq, nest) \ + (caller)->create_edge((callee), (call_stmt), (count), (freq)) +#define cgraph_create_edge_including_clones(caller, callee, old_call_stmt, call_stmt, count, freq, nest, reason) \ + (caller)->create_edge_including_clones((callee), (old_call_stmt), (call_stmt), (count), (freq), (reason)) + +typedef struct cgraph_node *cgraph_node_ptr; +typedef struct cgraph_edge *cgraph_edge_p; +typedef struct varpool_node *varpool_node_ptr; + +static inline void change_decl_assembler_name(tree decl, tree name) +{ + symtab->change_decl_assembler_name(decl, name); +} + +static inline void varpool_finalize_decl(tree decl) +{ + varpool_node::finalize_decl(decl); +} + +static inline void varpool_add_new_variable(tree decl) +{ + varpool_node::add(decl); +} + +static inline unsigned int rebuild_cgraph_edges(void) +{ + return cgraph_edge::rebuild_edges(); +} + +static inline cgraph_node_ptr cgraph_function_node(cgraph_node_ptr node, enum availability *availability) +{ + return node->function_symbol(availability); +} + +static inline cgraph_node_ptr cgraph_function_or_thunk_node(cgraph_node_ptr node, enum availability *availability = NULL) +{ + return node->ultimate_alias_target(availability); +} + +static inline bool cgraph_only_called_directly_p(cgraph_node_ptr node) +{ + return node->only_called_directly_p(); +} + +static inline enum availability cgraph_function_body_availability(cgraph_node_ptr node) +{ + return node->get_availability(); +} + +static inline cgraph_node_ptr cgraph_alias_target(cgraph_node_ptr node) +{ + return node->get_alias_target(); +} + +static inline bool cgraph_for_node_and_aliases(cgraph_node_ptr node, bool (*callback)(cgraph_node_ptr, void *), void *data, bool include_overwritable) +{ + return node->call_for_symbol_thunks_and_aliases(callback, data, include_overwritable); +} + +static inline struct cgraph_node_hook_list *cgraph_add_function_insertion_hook(cgraph_node_hook hook, void *data) +{ + return symtab->add_cgraph_insertion_hook(hook, data); +} + +static inline void cgraph_remove_function_insertion_hook(struct cgraph_node_hook_list *entry) +{ + symtab->remove_cgraph_insertion_hook(entry); +} + +static inline struct cgraph_node_hook_list *cgraph_add_node_removal_hook(cgraph_node_hook hook, void *data) +{ + return symtab->add_cgraph_removal_hook(hook, data); +} + +static inline void cgraph_remove_node_removal_hook(struct cgraph_node_hook_list *entry) +{ + symtab->remove_cgraph_removal_hook(entry); +} + +static inline struct cgraph_2node_hook_list *cgraph_add_node_duplication_hook(cgraph_2node_hook hook, void *data) +{ + return symtab->add_cgraph_duplication_hook(hook, data); +} + +static inline void cgraph_remove_node_duplication_hook(struct cgraph_2node_hook_list *entry) +{ + symtab->remove_cgraph_duplication_hook(entry); +} + +static inline void cgraph_call_node_duplication_hooks(cgraph_node_ptr node, cgraph_node_ptr node2) +{ + symtab->call_cgraph_duplication_hooks(node, node2); +} + +static inline void cgraph_call_edge_duplication_hooks(cgraph_edge *cs1, cgraph_edge *cs2) +{ + symtab->call_edge_duplication_hooks(cs1, cs2); +} + +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION >= 6000 +typedef gimple *gimple_ptr; +typedef const gimple *const_gimple_ptr; +#define gimple gimple_ptr +#define const_gimple const_gimple_ptr +#undef CONST_CAST_GIMPLE +#define CONST_CAST_GIMPLE(X) CONST_CAST(gimple, (X)) +#endif + +/* gimple related */ +static inline gimple gimple_build_assign_with_ops(enum tree_code subcode, tree lhs, tree op1, tree op2 MEM_STAT_DECL) +{ + return gimple_build_assign(lhs, subcode, op1, op2 PASS_MEM_STAT); +} + +template <> +template <> +inline bool is_a_helper::test(const_gimple gs) +{ + return gs->code == GIMPLE_GOTO; +} + +template <> +template <> +inline bool is_a_helper::test(const_gimple gs) +{ + return gs->code == GIMPLE_RETURN; +} + +static inline gasm *as_a_gasm(gimple stmt) +{ + return as_a(stmt); +} + +static inline const gasm *as_a_const_gasm(const_gimple stmt) +{ + return as_a(stmt); +} + +static inline gassign *as_a_gassign(gimple stmt) +{ + return as_a(stmt); +} + +static inline const gassign *as_a_const_gassign(const_gimple stmt) +{ + return as_a(stmt); +} + +static inline gcall *as_a_gcall(gimple stmt) +{ + return as_a(stmt); +} + +static inline const gcall *as_a_const_gcall(const_gimple stmt) +{ + return as_a(stmt); +} + +static inline ggoto *as_a_ggoto(gimple stmt) +{ + return as_a(stmt); +} + +static inline const ggoto *as_a_const_ggoto(const_gimple stmt) +{ + return as_a(stmt); +} + +static inline gphi *as_a_gphi(gimple stmt) +{ + return as_a(stmt); +} + +static inline const gphi *as_a_const_gphi(const_gimple stmt) +{ + return as_a(stmt); +} + +static inline greturn *as_a_greturn(gimple stmt) +{ + return as_a(stmt); +} + +static inline const greturn *as_a_const_greturn(const_gimple stmt) +{ + return as_a(stmt); +} + +/* IPA/LTO related */ +#define ipa_ref_list_referring_iterate(L, I, P) \ + (L)->referring.iterate((I), &(P)) +#define ipa_ref_list_reference_iterate(L, I, P) \ + (L)->reference.iterate((I), &(P)) + +static inline cgraph_node_ptr ipa_ref_referring_node(struct ipa_ref *ref) +{ + return dyn_cast(ref->referring); +} + +static inline void ipa_remove_stmt_references(symtab_node *referring_node, gimple stmt) +{ + referring_node->remove_stmt_references(stmt); +} +#endif + +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION < 6000 +#define get_inner_reference(exp, pbitsize, pbitpos, poffset, pmode, punsignedp, preversep, pvolatilep, keep_aligning) \ + get_inner_reference(exp, pbitsize, pbitpos, poffset, pmode, punsignedp, pvolatilep, keep_aligning) +#define gen_rtx_set(ARG0, ARG1) gen_rtx_SET(VOIDmode, (ARG0), (ARG1)) +#endif + +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION >= 6000 +#define gen_rtx_set(ARG0, ARG1) gen_rtx_SET((ARG0), (ARG1)) +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +static inline void debug_tree(const_tree t) +{ + debug_tree(CONST_CAST_TREE(t)); +} + +static inline void debug_gimple_stmt(const_gimple s) +{ + debug_gimple_stmt(CONST_CAST_GIMPLE(s)); +} +#else +#define debug_tree(t) debug_tree(CONST_CAST_TREE(t)) +#define debug_gimple_stmt(s) debug_gimple_stmt(CONST_CAST_GIMPLE(s)) +#endif + +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION >= 7000 +#define get_inner_reference(exp, pbitsize, pbitpos, poffset, pmode, punsignedp, preversep, pvolatilep, keep_aligning) \ + get_inner_reference(exp, pbitsize, pbitpos, poffset, pmode, punsignedp, preversep, pvolatilep) +#endif + +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION < 7000 +#define SET_DECL_ALIGN(decl, align) DECL_ALIGN(decl) = (align) +#define SET_DECL_MODE(decl, mode) DECL_MODE(decl) = (mode) +#endif + +#endif diff --git a/kpatch-build/gcc-plugins/gcc-generate-rtl-pass.h b/kpatch-build/gcc-plugins/gcc-generate-rtl-pass.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d69cd80 --- /dev/null +++ b/kpatch-build/gcc-plugins/gcc-generate-rtl-pass.h @@ -0,0 +1,176 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ +/* + * Generator for RTL pass related boilerplate code/data + * + * Supports gcc 4.5-6 + * + * Usage: + * + * 1. before inclusion define PASS_NAME + * 2. before inclusion define NO_* for unimplemented callbacks + * NO_GATE + * NO_EXECUTE + * 3. before inclusion define PROPERTIES_* and TODO_FLAGS_* to override + * the default 0 values + * 4. for convenience, all the above will be undefined after inclusion! + * 5. the only exported name is make_PASS_NAME_pass() to register with gcc + */ + +#ifndef PASS_NAME +#error at least PASS_NAME must be defined +#else +#define __GCC_PLUGIN_STRINGIFY(n) #n +#define _GCC_PLUGIN_STRINGIFY(n) __GCC_PLUGIN_STRINGIFY(n) +#define _GCC_PLUGIN_CONCAT2(x, y) x ## y +#define _GCC_PLUGIN_CONCAT3(x, y, z) x ## y ## z + +#define __PASS_NAME_PASS_DATA(n) _GCC_PLUGIN_CONCAT2(n, _pass_data) +#define _PASS_NAME_PASS_DATA __PASS_NAME_PASS_DATA(PASS_NAME) + +#define __PASS_NAME_PASS(n) _GCC_PLUGIN_CONCAT2(n, _pass) +#define _PASS_NAME_PASS __PASS_NAME_PASS(PASS_NAME) + +#define _PASS_NAME_NAME _GCC_PLUGIN_STRINGIFY(PASS_NAME) + +#define __MAKE_PASS_NAME_PASS(n) _GCC_PLUGIN_CONCAT3(make_, n, _pass) +#define _MAKE_PASS_NAME_PASS __MAKE_PASS_NAME_PASS(PASS_NAME) + +#ifdef NO_GATE +#define _GATE NULL +#define _HAS_GATE false +#else +#define __GATE(n) _GCC_PLUGIN_CONCAT2(n, _gate) +#define _GATE __GATE(PASS_NAME) +#define _HAS_GATE true +#endif + +#ifdef NO_EXECUTE +#define _EXECUTE NULL +#define _HAS_EXECUTE false +#else +#define __EXECUTE(n) _GCC_PLUGIN_CONCAT2(n, _execute) +#define _EXECUTE __EXECUTE(PASS_NAME) +#define _HAS_EXECUTE true +#endif + +#ifndef PROPERTIES_REQUIRED +#define PROPERTIES_REQUIRED 0 +#endif + +#ifndef PROPERTIES_PROVIDED +#define PROPERTIES_PROVIDED 0 +#endif + +#ifndef PROPERTIES_DESTROYED +#define PROPERTIES_DESTROYED 0 +#endif + +#ifndef TODO_FLAGS_START +#define TODO_FLAGS_START 0 +#endif + +#ifndef TODO_FLAGS_FINISH +#define TODO_FLAGS_FINISH 0 +#endif + +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION >= 4009 +namespace { +static const pass_data _PASS_NAME_PASS_DATA = { +#else +static struct rtl_opt_pass _PASS_NAME_PASS = { + .pass = { +#endif + .type = RTL_PASS, + .name = _PASS_NAME_NAME, +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION >= 4008 + .optinfo_flags = OPTGROUP_NONE, +#endif +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION >= 5000 +#elif BUILDING_GCC_VERSION == 4009 + .has_gate = _HAS_GATE, + .has_execute = _HAS_EXECUTE, +#else + .gate = _GATE, + .execute = _EXECUTE, + .sub = NULL, + .next = NULL, + .static_pass_number = 0, +#endif + .tv_id = TV_NONE, + .properties_required = PROPERTIES_REQUIRED, + .properties_provided = PROPERTIES_PROVIDED, + .properties_destroyed = PROPERTIES_DESTROYED, + .todo_flags_start = TODO_FLAGS_START, + .todo_flags_finish = TODO_FLAGS_FINISH, +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION < 4009 + } +#endif +}; + +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION >= 4009 +class _PASS_NAME_PASS : public rtl_opt_pass { +public: + _PASS_NAME_PASS() : rtl_opt_pass(_PASS_NAME_PASS_DATA, g) {} + +#ifndef NO_GATE +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION >= 5000 + virtual bool gate(function *) { return _GATE(); } +#else + virtual bool gate(void) { return _GATE(); } +#endif +#endif + + virtual opt_pass *clone() { return new _PASS_NAME_PASS(); } + +#ifndef NO_EXECUTE +#if BUILDING_GCC_VERSION >= 5000 + virtual unsigned int execute(function *) { return _EXECUTE(); } +#else + virtual unsigned int execute(void) { return _EXECUTE(); } +#endif +#endif +}; +} + +opt_pass *_MAKE_PASS_NAME_PASS(void) +{ + return new _PASS_NAME_PASS(); +} +#else +struct opt_pass *_MAKE_PASS_NAME_PASS(void) +{ + return &_PASS_NAME_PASS.pass; +} +#endif + +/* clean up user provided defines */ +#undef PASS_NAME +#undef NO_GATE +#undef NO_EXECUTE + +#undef PROPERTIES_DESTROYED +#undef PROPERTIES_PROVIDED +#undef PROPERTIES_REQUIRED +#undef TODO_FLAGS_FINISH +#undef TODO_FLAGS_START + +/* clean up generated defines */ +#undef _EXECUTE +#undef __EXECUTE +#undef _GATE +#undef __GATE +#undef _GCC_PLUGIN_CONCAT2 +#undef _GCC_PLUGIN_CONCAT3 +#undef _GCC_PLUGIN_STRINGIFY +#undef __GCC_PLUGIN_STRINGIFY +#undef _HAS_EXECUTE +#undef _HAS_GATE +#undef _MAKE_PASS_NAME_PASS +#undef __MAKE_PASS_NAME_PASS +#undef _PASS_NAME_NAME +#undef _PASS_NAME_PASS +#undef __PASS_NAME_PASS +#undef _PASS_NAME_PASS_DATA +#undef __PASS_NAME_PASS_DATA + +#endif /* PASS_NAME */ diff --git a/kpatch-build/gcc-plugins/ppc64le-plugin.c b/kpatch-build/gcc-plugins/ppc64le-plugin.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..181438c --- /dev/null +++ b/kpatch-build/gcc-plugins/ppc64le-plugin.c @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +#include "gcc-common.h" +#include + +#define PLUGIN_NAME "ppc64le-plugin" + +int plugin_is_GPL_compatible; + +struct plugin_info plugin_info = { + .version = "1", + .help = PLUGIN_NAME ": insert nops after local calls\n", +}; + +static unsigned int ppc64le_plugin_execute(void) +{ + rtx_insn *insn; + int code; + const char *name; + static int nonlocal_code = -1, local_code = -1, + value_nonlocal_code = -1, value_local_code = -1; + static bool initialized = false; + + if (initialized) + goto found; + + /* Find the code numbers for local and non-local calls */ + initialized = true; + for (code = 0; code < 1000; code++) { + name = get_insn_name(code); + if (!name) + continue; + + if (!strcmp(name , "*call_local_aixdi")) + local_code = code; + else if (!strcmp(name , "*call_nonlocal_aixdi")) + nonlocal_code = code; + else if (!strcmp(name, "*call_value_local_aixdi")) + value_local_code = code; + else if (!strcmp(name, "*call_value_nonlocal_aixdi")) + value_nonlocal_code = code; + + if (nonlocal_code != -1 && local_code != -1 && + value_nonlocal_code != -1 && value_local_code != -1) + goto found; + } + +found: + if (nonlocal_code == -1 || local_code == -1 || + value_nonlocal_code == -1 || value_local_code == -1) { + fprintf(stderr, PLUGIN_NAME ": can't find call instruction codes"); + return 1; + } + + /* Convert local calls to non-local */ + for (insn = get_insns(); insn; insn = NEXT_INSN(insn)) { + if (GET_CODE(insn) == CALL_INSN) { + if (INSN_CODE(insn) == local_code) + INSN_CODE(insn) = nonlocal_code; + else if (INSN_CODE(insn) == value_local_code) + INSN_CODE(insn) = value_nonlocal_code; + } + } + + return 0; +} + +#define PASS_NAME ppc64le_plugin +#define NO_GATE +#include "gcc-generate-rtl-pass.h" + +int plugin_init(struct plugin_name_args *plugin_info, + struct plugin_gcc_version *version) +{ + const char * const plugin_name = plugin_info->base_name; + + PASS_INFO(ppc64le_plugin, "vregs", 1, PASS_POS_INSERT_AFTER); + + if (!plugin_default_version_check(version, &gcc_version)) + error(1, 0, PLUGIN_NAME ": incompatible gcc/plugin versions"); + + register_callback(plugin_name, PLUGIN_INFO, NULL, &plugin_info); + register_callback(plugin_name, PLUGIN_PASS_MANAGER_SETUP, NULL, + &ppc64le_plugin_pass_info); + + return 0; +} + diff --git a/kpatch-build/insn/asm/inat.h b/kpatch-build/insn/asm/inat.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..74a2e31 --- /dev/null +++ b/kpatch-build/insn/asm/inat.h @@ -0,0 +1,221 @@ +#ifndef _ASM_X86_INAT_H +#define _ASM_X86_INAT_H +/* + * x86 instruction attributes + * + * Written by Masami Hiramatsu + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. + * + */ +#include + +/* + * Internal bits. Don't use bitmasks directly, because these bits are + * unstable. You should use checking functions. + */ + +#define INAT_OPCODE_TABLE_SIZE 256 +#define INAT_GROUP_TABLE_SIZE 8 + +/* Legacy last prefixes */ +#define INAT_PFX_OPNDSZ 1 /* 0x66 */ /* LPFX1 */ +#define INAT_PFX_REPE 2 /* 0xF3 */ /* LPFX2 */ +#define INAT_PFX_REPNE 3 /* 0xF2 */ /* LPFX3 */ +/* Other Legacy prefixes */ +#define INAT_PFX_LOCK 4 /* 0xF0 */ +#define INAT_PFX_CS 5 /* 0x2E */ +#define INAT_PFX_DS 6 /* 0x3E */ +#define INAT_PFX_ES 7 /* 0x26 */ +#define INAT_PFX_FS 8 /* 0x64 */ +#define INAT_PFX_GS 9 /* 0x65 */ +#define INAT_PFX_SS 10 /* 0x36 */ +#define INAT_PFX_ADDRSZ 11 /* 0x67 */ +/* x86-64 REX prefix */ +#define INAT_PFX_REX 12 /* 0x4X */ +/* AVX VEX prefixes */ +#define INAT_PFX_VEX2 13 /* 2-bytes VEX prefix */ +#define INAT_PFX_VEX3 14 /* 3-bytes VEX prefix */ + +#define INAT_LSTPFX_MAX 3 +#define INAT_LGCPFX_MAX 11 + +/* Immediate size */ +#define INAT_IMM_BYTE 1 +#define INAT_IMM_WORD 2 +#define INAT_IMM_DWORD 3 +#define INAT_IMM_QWORD 4 +#define INAT_IMM_PTR 5 +#define INAT_IMM_VWORD32 6 +#define INAT_IMM_VWORD 7 + +/* Legacy prefix */ +#define INAT_PFX_OFFS 0 +#define INAT_PFX_BITS 4 +#define INAT_PFX_MAX ((1 << INAT_PFX_BITS) - 1) +#define INAT_PFX_MASK (INAT_PFX_MAX << INAT_PFX_OFFS) +/* Escape opcodes */ +#define INAT_ESC_OFFS (INAT_PFX_OFFS + INAT_PFX_BITS) +#define INAT_ESC_BITS 2 +#define INAT_ESC_MAX ((1 << INAT_ESC_BITS) - 1) +#define INAT_ESC_MASK (INAT_ESC_MAX << INAT_ESC_OFFS) +/* Group opcodes (1-16) */ +#define INAT_GRP_OFFS (INAT_ESC_OFFS + INAT_ESC_BITS) +#define INAT_GRP_BITS 5 +#define INAT_GRP_MAX ((1 << INAT_GRP_BITS) - 1) +#define INAT_GRP_MASK (INAT_GRP_MAX << INAT_GRP_OFFS) +/* Immediates */ +#define INAT_IMM_OFFS (INAT_GRP_OFFS + INAT_GRP_BITS) +#define INAT_IMM_BITS 3 +#define INAT_IMM_MASK (((1 << INAT_IMM_BITS) - 1) << INAT_IMM_OFFS) +/* Flags */ +#define INAT_FLAG_OFFS (INAT_IMM_OFFS + INAT_IMM_BITS) +#define INAT_MODRM (1 << (INAT_FLAG_OFFS)) +#define INAT_FORCE64 (1 << (INAT_FLAG_OFFS + 1)) +#define INAT_SCNDIMM (1 << (INAT_FLAG_OFFS + 2)) +#define INAT_MOFFSET (1 << (INAT_FLAG_OFFS + 3)) +#define INAT_VARIANT (1 << (INAT_FLAG_OFFS + 4)) +#define INAT_VEXOK (1 << (INAT_FLAG_OFFS + 5)) +#define INAT_VEXONLY (1 << (INAT_FLAG_OFFS + 6)) +/* Attribute making macros for attribute tables */ +#define INAT_MAKE_PREFIX(pfx) (pfx << INAT_PFX_OFFS) +#define INAT_MAKE_ESCAPE(esc) (esc << INAT_ESC_OFFS) +#define INAT_MAKE_GROUP(grp) ((grp << INAT_GRP_OFFS) | INAT_MODRM) +#define INAT_MAKE_IMM(imm) (imm << INAT_IMM_OFFS) + +/* Attribute search APIs */ +extern insn_attr_t inat_get_opcode_attribute(insn_byte_t opcode); +extern int inat_get_last_prefix_id(insn_byte_t last_pfx); +extern insn_attr_t inat_get_escape_attribute(insn_byte_t opcode, + int lpfx_id, + insn_attr_t esc_attr); +extern insn_attr_t inat_get_group_attribute(insn_byte_t modrm, + int lpfx_id, + insn_attr_t esc_attr); +extern insn_attr_t inat_get_avx_attribute(insn_byte_t opcode, + insn_byte_t vex_m, + insn_byte_t vex_pp); + +/* Attribute checking functions */ +static inline int inat_is_legacy_prefix(insn_attr_t attr) +{ + attr &= INAT_PFX_MASK; + return attr && attr <= INAT_LGCPFX_MAX; +} + +static inline int inat_is_address_size_prefix(insn_attr_t attr) +{ + return (attr & INAT_PFX_MASK) == INAT_PFX_ADDRSZ; +} + +static inline int inat_is_operand_size_prefix(insn_attr_t attr) +{ + return (attr & INAT_PFX_MASK) == INAT_PFX_OPNDSZ; +} + +static inline int inat_is_rex_prefix(insn_attr_t attr) +{ + return (attr & INAT_PFX_MASK) == INAT_PFX_REX; +} + +static inline int inat_last_prefix_id(insn_attr_t attr) +{ + if ((attr & INAT_PFX_MASK) > INAT_LSTPFX_MAX) + return 0; + else + return attr & INAT_PFX_MASK; +} + +static inline int inat_is_vex_prefix(insn_attr_t attr) +{ + attr &= INAT_PFX_MASK; + return attr == INAT_PFX_VEX2 || attr == INAT_PFX_VEX3; +} + +static inline int inat_is_vex3_prefix(insn_attr_t attr) +{ + return (attr & INAT_PFX_MASK) == INAT_PFX_VEX3; +} + +static inline int inat_is_escape(insn_attr_t attr) +{ + return attr & INAT_ESC_MASK; +} + +static inline int inat_escape_id(insn_attr_t attr) +{ + return (attr & INAT_ESC_MASK) >> INAT_ESC_OFFS; +} + +static inline int inat_is_group(insn_attr_t attr) +{ + return attr & INAT_GRP_MASK; +} + +static inline int inat_group_id(insn_attr_t attr) +{ + return (attr & INAT_GRP_MASK) >> INAT_GRP_OFFS; +} + +static inline int inat_group_common_attribute(insn_attr_t attr) +{ + return attr & ~INAT_GRP_MASK; +} + +static inline int inat_has_immediate(insn_attr_t attr) +{ + return attr & INAT_IMM_MASK; +} + +static inline int inat_immediate_size(insn_attr_t attr) +{ + return (attr & INAT_IMM_MASK) >> INAT_IMM_OFFS; +} + +static inline int inat_has_modrm(insn_attr_t attr) +{ + return attr & INAT_MODRM; +} + +static inline int inat_is_force64(insn_attr_t attr) +{ + return attr & INAT_FORCE64; +} + +static inline int inat_has_second_immediate(insn_attr_t attr) +{ + return attr & INAT_SCNDIMM; +} + +static inline int inat_has_moffset(insn_attr_t attr) +{ + return attr & INAT_MOFFSET; +} + +static inline int inat_has_variant(insn_attr_t attr) +{ + return attr & INAT_VARIANT; +} + +static inline int inat_accept_vex(insn_attr_t attr) +{ + return attr & INAT_VEXOK; +} + +static inline int inat_must_vex(insn_attr_t attr) +{ + return attr & INAT_VEXONLY; +} +#endif diff --git a/kpatch-build/insn/asm/inat_types.h b/kpatch-build/insn/asm/inat_types.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb3c20c --- /dev/null +++ b/kpatch-build/insn/asm/inat_types.h @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +#ifndef _ASM_X86_INAT_TYPES_H +#define _ASM_X86_INAT_TYPES_H +/* + * x86 instruction attributes + * + * Written by Masami Hiramatsu + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. + * + */ + +/* Instruction attributes */ +typedef unsigned int insn_attr_t; +typedef unsigned char insn_byte_t; +typedef signed int insn_value_t; + +#endif diff --git a/kpatch-build/insn/asm/insn.h b/kpatch-build/insn/asm/insn.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..48eb30a --- /dev/null +++ b/kpatch-build/insn/asm/insn.h @@ -0,0 +1,199 @@ +#ifndef _ASM_X86_INSN_H +#define _ASM_X86_INSN_H +/* + * x86 instruction analysis + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. + * + * Copyright (C) IBM Corporation, 2009 + */ + +/* insn_attr_t is defined in inat.h */ +#include + +struct insn_field { + union { + insn_value_t value; + insn_byte_t bytes[4]; + }; + /* !0 if we've run insn_get_xxx() for this field */ + unsigned char got; + unsigned char nbytes; +}; + +struct insn { + struct insn_field prefixes; /* + * Prefixes + * prefixes.bytes[3]: last prefix + */ + struct insn_field rex_prefix; /* REX prefix */ + struct insn_field vex_prefix; /* VEX prefix */ + struct insn_field opcode; /* + * opcode.bytes[0]: opcode1 + * opcode.bytes[1]: opcode2 + * opcode.bytes[2]: opcode3 + */ + struct insn_field modrm; + struct insn_field sib; + struct insn_field displacement; + union { + struct insn_field immediate; + struct insn_field moffset1; /* for 64bit MOV */ + struct insn_field immediate1; /* for 64bit imm or off16/32 */ + }; + union { + struct insn_field moffset2; /* for 64bit MOV */ + struct insn_field immediate2; /* for 64bit imm or seg16 */ + }; + + insn_attr_t attr; + unsigned char opnd_bytes; + unsigned char addr_bytes; + unsigned char length; + unsigned char x86_64; + + const insn_byte_t *kaddr; /* kernel address of insn to analyze */ + const insn_byte_t *next_byte; +}; + +#define MAX_INSN_SIZE 16 + +#define X86_MODRM_MOD(modrm) (((modrm) & 0xc0) >> 6) +#define X86_MODRM_REG(modrm) (((modrm) & 0x38) >> 3) +#define X86_MODRM_RM(modrm) ((modrm) & 0x07) + +#define X86_SIB_SCALE(sib) (((sib) & 0xc0) >> 6) +#define X86_SIB_INDEX(sib) (((sib) & 0x38) >> 3) +#define X86_SIB_BASE(sib) ((sib) & 0x07) + +#define X86_REX_W(rex) ((rex) & 8) +#define X86_REX_R(rex) ((rex) & 4) +#define X86_REX_X(rex) ((rex) & 2) +#define X86_REX_B(rex) ((rex) & 1) + +/* VEX bit flags */ +#define X86_VEX_W(vex) ((vex) & 0x80) /* VEX3 Byte2 */ +#define X86_VEX_R(vex) ((vex) & 0x80) /* VEX2/3 Byte1 */ +#define X86_VEX_X(vex) ((vex) & 0x40) /* VEX3 Byte1 */ +#define X86_VEX_B(vex) ((vex) & 0x20) /* VEX3 Byte1 */ +#define X86_VEX_L(vex) ((vex) & 0x04) /* VEX3 Byte2, VEX2 Byte1 */ +/* VEX bit fields */ +#define X86_VEX3_M(vex) ((vex) & 0x1f) /* VEX3 Byte1 */ +#define X86_VEX2_M 1 /* VEX2.M always 1 */ +#define X86_VEX_V(vex) (((vex) & 0x78) >> 3) /* VEX3 Byte2, VEX2 Byte1 */ +#define X86_VEX_P(vex) ((vex) & 0x03) /* VEX3 Byte2, VEX2 Byte1 */ +#define X86_VEX_M_MAX 0x1f /* VEX3.M Maximum value */ + +extern void insn_init(struct insn *insn, const void *kaddr, int x86_64); +extern void insn_get_prefixes(struct insn *insn); +extern void insn_get_opcode(struct insn *insn); +extern void insn_get_modrm(struct insn *insn); +extern void insn_get_sib(struct insn *insn); +extern void insn_get_displacement(struct insn *insn); +extern void insn_get_immediate(struct insn *insn); +extern void insn_get_length(struct insn *insn); + +/* Attribute will be determined after getting ModRM (for opcode groups) */ +static inline void insn_get_attribute(struct insn *insn) +{ + insn_get_modrm(insn); +} + +/* Instruction uses RIP-relative addressing */ +extern int insn_rip_relative(struct insn *insn); + +/* Init insn for kernel text */ +static inline void kernel_insn_init(struct insn *insn, const void *kaddr) +{ +#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64 + insn_init(insn, kaddr, 1); +#else /* CONFIG_X86_32 */ + insn_init(insn, kaddr, 0); +#endif +} + +static inline int insn_is_avx(struct insn *insn) +{ + if (!insn-> + insn_get_prefixes(insn); + return (insn->vex_prefix.value != 0); +} + +/* Ensure this instruction is decoded completely */ +static inline int insn_complete(struct insn *insn) +{ + return insn-> && insn-> && insn-> && + insn-> && insn->; +} + +static inline insn_byte_t insn_vex_m_bits(struct insn *insn) +{ + if (insn->vex_prefix.nbytes == 2) /* 2 bytes VEX */ + return X86_VEX2_M; + else + return X86_VEX3_M(insn->vex_prefix.bytes[1]); +} + +static inline insn_byte_t insn_vex_p_bits(struct insn *insn) +{ + if (insn->vex_prefix.nbytes == 2) /* 2 bytes VEX */ + return X86_VEX_P(insn->vex_prefix.bytes[1]); + else + return X86_VEX_P(insn->vex_prefix.bytes[2]); +} + +/* Get the last prefix id from last prefix or VEX prefix */ +static inline int insn_last_prefix_id(struct insn *insn) +{ + if (insn_is_avx(insn)) + return insn_vex_p_bits(insn); /* VEX_p is a SIMD prefix id */ + + if (insn->prefixes.bytes[3]) + return inat_get_last_prefix_id(insn->prefixes.bytes[3]); + + return 0; +} + +/* Offset of each field from kaddr */ +static inline int insn_offset_rex_prefix(struct insn *insn) +{ + return insn->prefixes.nbytes; +} +static inline int insn_offset_vex_prefix(struct insn *insn) +{ + return insn_offset_rex_prefix(insn) + insn->rex_prefix.nbytes; +} +static inline int insn_offset_opcode(struct insn *insn) +{ + return insn_offset_vex_prefix(insn) + insn->vex_prefix.nbytes; +} +static inline int insn_offset_modrm(struct insn *insn) +{ + return insn_offset_opcode(insn) + insn->opcode.nbytes; +} +static inline int insn_offset_sib(struct insn *insn) +{ + return insn_offset_modrm(insn) + insn->modrm.nbytes; +} +static inline int insn_offset_displacement(struct insn *insn) +{ + return insn_offset_sib(insn) + insn->sib.nbytes; +} +static inline int insn_offset_immediate(struct insn *insn) +{ + return insn_offset_displacement(insn) + insn->displacement.nbytes; +} + +#endif /* _ASM_X86_INSN_H */ diff --git a/kpatch-build/insn/inat-tables.c b/kpatch-build/insn/inat-tables.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..10de26c --- /dev/null +++ b/kpatch-build/insn/inat-tables.c @@ -0,0 +1,1146 @@ +/* x86 opcode map generated from x86-opcode-map.txt */ +/* Do not change this code. */ + +/* Table: one byte opcode */ +const insn_attr_t inat_primary_table[INAT_OPCODE_TABLE_SIZE] = { + [0x00] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x01] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x02] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x03] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x04] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0x05] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD32), + [0x08] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x09] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x0a] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x0b] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x0c] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0x0d] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD32), + [0x0f] = INAT_MAKE_ESCAPE(1), + [0x10] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x11] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x12] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x13] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x14] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0x15] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD32), + [0x18] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x19] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x1a] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x1b] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x1c] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0x1d] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD32), + [0x20] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x21] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x22] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x23] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x24] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0x25] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD32), + [0x26] = INAT_MAKE_PREFIX(INAT_PFX_ES), + [0x28] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x29] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x2a] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x2b] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x2c] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0x2d] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD32), + [0x2e] = INAT_MAKE_PREFIX(INAT_PFX_CS), + [0x30] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x31] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x32] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x33] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x34] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0x35] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD32), + [0x36] = INAT_MAKE_PREFIX(INAT_PFX_SS), + [0x38] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x39] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x3a] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x3b] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x3c] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0x3d] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD32), + [0x3e] = INAT_MAKE_PREFIX(INAT_PFX_DS), + [0x40] = INAT_MAKE_PREFIX(INAT_PFX_REX), + [0x41] = INAT_MAKE_PREFIX(INAT_PFX_REX), + [0x42] = INAT_MAKE_PREFIX(INAT_PFX_REX), + [0x43] = INAT_MAKE_PREFIX(INAT_PFX_REX), + [0x44] = INAT_MAKE_PREFIX(INAT_PFX_REX), + [0x45] = INAT_MAKE_PREFIX(INAT_PFX_REX), + [0x46] = INAT_MAKE_PREFIX(INAT_PFX_REX), + [0x47] = INAT_MAKE_PREFIX(INAT_PFX_REX), + [0x48] = INAT_MAKE_PREFIX(INAT_PFX_REX), + [0x49] = INAT_MAKE_PREFIX(INAT_PFX_REX), + [0x4a] = INAT_MAKE_PREFIX(INAT_PFX_REX), + [0x4b] = INAT_MAKE_PREFIX(INAT_PFX_REX), + [0x4c] = INAT_MAKE_PREFIX(INAT_PFX_REX), + [0x4d] = INAT_MAKE_PREFIX(INAT_PFX_REX), + [0x4e] = INAT_MAKE_PREFIX(INAT_PFX_REX), + [0x4f] = INAT_MAKE_PREFIX(INAT_PFX_REX), + [0x50] = INAT_FORCE64, + [0x51] = INAT_FORCE64, + [0x52] = INAT_FORCE64, + [0x53] = INAT_FORCE64, + [0x54] = INAT_FORCE64, + [0x55] = INAT_FORCE64, + [0x56] = INAT_FORCE64, + [0x57] = INAT_FORCE64, + [0x58] = INAT_FORCE64, + [0x59] = INAT_FORCE64, + [0x5a] = INAT_FORCE64, + [0x5b] = INAT_FORCE64, + [0x5c] = INAT_FORCE64, + [0x5d] = INAT_FORCE64, + [0x5e] = INAT_FORCE64, + [0x5f] = INAT_FORCE64, + [0x62] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x63] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_MODRM, + [0x64] = INAT_MAKE_PREFIX(INAT_PFX_FS), + [0x65] = INAT_MAKE_PREFIX(INAT_PFX_GS), + [0x66] = INAT_MAKE_PREFIX(INAT_PFX_OPNDSZ), + [0x67] = INAT_MAKE_PREFIX(INAT_PFX_ADDRSZ), + [0x68] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD32) | INAT_FORCE64, + [0x69] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD32) | INAT_MODRM, + [0x6a] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_FORCE64, + [0x6b] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM, + [0x70] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0x71] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0x72] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0x73] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0x74] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0x75] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0x76] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0x77] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0x78] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0x79] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0x7a] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0x7b] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0x7c] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0x7d] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0x7e] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0x7f] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0x80] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_MAKE_GROUP(1), + [0x81] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD32) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_MAKE_GROUP(1), + [0x82] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_MAKE_GROUP(1), + [0x83] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_MAKE_GROUP(1), + [0x84] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x85] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x86] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x87] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x88] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x89] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x8a] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x8b] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x8c] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x8d] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x8e] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x8f] = INAT_MAKE_GROUP(2) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_FORCE64, + [0x9a] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_PTR), + [0x9c] = INAT_FORCE64, + [0x9d] = INAT_FORCE64, + [0xa0] = INAT_MOFFSET, + [0xa1] = INAT_MOFFSET, + [0xa2] = INAT_MOFFSET, + [0xa3] = INAT_MOFFSET, + [0xa8] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0xa9] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD32), + [0xb0] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0xb1] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0xb2] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0xb3] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0xb4] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0xb5] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0xb6] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0xb7] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0xb8] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD), + [0xb9] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD), + [0xba] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD), + [0xbb] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD), + [0xbc] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD), + [0xbd] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD), + [0xbe] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD), + [0xbf] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD), + [0xc0] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_MAKE_GROUP(3), + [0xc1] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_MAKE_GROUP(3), + [0xc2] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_WORD) | INAT_FORCE64, + [0xc4] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_MAKE_PREFIX(INAT_PFX_VEX3), + [0xc5] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_MAKE_PREFIX(INAT_PFX_VEX2), + [0xc6] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_MAKE_GROUP(4), + [0xc7] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD32) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_MAKE_GROUP(5), + [0xc8] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_WORD) | INAT_SCNDIMM, + [0xc9] = INAT_FORCE64, + [0xca] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_WORD), + [0xcd] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0xd0] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_MAKE_GROUP(3), + [0xd1] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_MAKE_GROUP(3), + [0xd2] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_MAKE_GROUP(3), + [0xd3] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_MAKE_GROUP(3), + [0xd4] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0xd5] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0xd8] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xd9] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xda] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xdb] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xdc] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xdd] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xde] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xdf] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xe0] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_FORCE64, + [0xe1] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_FORCE64, + [0xe2] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_FORCE64, + [0xe3] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_FORCE64, + [0xe4] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0xe5] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0xe6] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0xe7] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), + [0xe8] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD32) | INAT_FORCE64, + [0xe9] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD32) | INAT_FORCE64, + [0xea] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_PTR), + [0xeb] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_FORCE64, + [0xf0] = INAT_MAKE_PREFIX(INAT_PFX_LOCK), + [0xf2] = INAT_MAKE_PREFIX(INAT_PFX_REPNE) | INAT_MAKE_PREFIX(INAT_PFX_REPNE), + [0xf3] = INAT_MAKE_PREFIX(INAT_PFX_REPE) | INAT_MAKE_PREFIX(INAT_PFX_REPE), + [0xf6] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_MAKE_GROUP(6), + [0xf7] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_MAKE_GROUP(7), + [0xfe] = INAT_MAKE_GROUP(8), + [0xff] = INAT_MAKE_GROUP(9), +}; + +/* Table: 2-byte opcode (0x0f) */ +const insn_attr_t inat_escape_table_1[INAT_OPCODE_TABLE_SIZE] = { + [0x00] = INAT_MAKE_GROUP(10), + [0x01] = INAT_MAKE_GROUP(11), + [0x02] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x03] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x0d] = INAT_MAKE_GROUP(12), + [0x0f] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM, + [0x10] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x11] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x12] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x13] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x14] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x15] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x16] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x17] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x18] = INAT_MAKE_GROUP(13), + [0x1a] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_MODRM | INAT_MODRM | INAT_MODRM, + [0x1b] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_MODRM | INAT_MODRM | INAT_MODRM, + [0x1f] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x20] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x21] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x22] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x23] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x28] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x29] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x2a] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x2b] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x2c] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x2d] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x2e] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x2f] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x38] = INAT_MAKE_ESCAPE(2), + [0x3a] = INAT_MAKE_ESCAPE(3), + [0x40] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x41] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x42] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x43] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x44] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x45] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x46] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x47] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x48] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x49] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x4a] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x4b] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x4c] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x4d] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x4e] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x4f] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x50] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x51] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x52] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x53] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x54] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x55] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x56] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x57] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x58] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x59] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x5a] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x5b] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x5c] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x5d] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x5e] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x5f] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x60] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x61] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x62] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x63] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x64] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x65] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x66] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x67] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x68] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x69] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x6a] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x6b] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x6c] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x6d] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x6e] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x6f] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x70] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x71] = INAT_MAKE_GROUP(14), + [0x72] = INAT_MAKE_GROUP(15), + [0x73] = INAT_MAKE_GROUP(16), + [0x74] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x75] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x76] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x77] = INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x78] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x79] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x7c] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x7d] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x7e] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x7f] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x80] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD32) | INAT_FORCE64, + [0x81] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD32) | INAT_FORCE64, + [0x82] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD32) | INAT_FORCE64, + [0x83] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD32) | INAT_FORCE64, + [0x84] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD32) | INAT_FORCE64, + [0x85] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD32) | INAT_FORCE64, + [0x86] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD32) | INAT_FORCE64, + [0x87] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD32) | INAT_FORCE64, + [0x88] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD32) | INAT_FORCE64, + [0x89] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD32) | INAT_FORCE64, + [0x8a] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD32) | INAT_FORCE64, + [0x8b] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD32) | INAT_FORCE64, + [0x8c] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD32) | INAT_FORCE64, + [0x8d] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD32) | INAT_FORCE64, + [0x8e] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD32) | INAT_FORCE64, + [0x8f] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD32) | INAT_FORCE64, + [0x90] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x91] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x92] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x93] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x94] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x95] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x96] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x97] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x98] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x99] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x9a] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x9b] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x9c] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x9d] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x9e] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x9f] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xa0] = INAT_FORCE64, + [0xa1] = INAT_FORCE64, + [0xa3] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xa4] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM, + [0xa5] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xa6] = INAT_MAKE_GROUP(17), + [0xa7] = INAT_MAKE_GROUP(18), + [0xa8] = INAT_FORCE64, + [0xa9] = INAT_FORCE64, + [0xab] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xac] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM, + [0xad] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xae] = INAT_MAKE_GROUP(19), + [0xaf] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xb0] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xb1] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xb2] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xb3] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xb4] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xb5] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xb6] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xb7] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xb8] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0xb9] = INAT_MAKE_GROUP(20), + [0xba] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_MAKE_GROUP(21), + [0xbb] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xbc] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xbd] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xbe] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xbf] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xc0] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xc1] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xc2] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xc3] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xc4] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xc5] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xc6] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xc7] = INAT_MAKE_GROUP(22), + [0xd0] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0xd1] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xd2] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xd3] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xd4] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xd5] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xd6] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0xd7] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xd8] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xd9] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xda] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xdb] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xdc] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xdd] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xde] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xdf] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xe0] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xe1] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xe2] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xe3] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xe4] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xe5] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xe6] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0xe7] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xe8] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xe9] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xea] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xeb] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xec] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xed] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xee] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xef] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xf0] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0xf1] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xf2] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xf3] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xf4] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xf5] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xf6] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xf7] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xf8] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xf9] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xfa] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xfb] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xfc] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xfd] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xfe] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, +}; +const insn_attr_t inat_escape_table_1_1[INAT_OPCODE_TABLE_SIZE] = { + [0x10] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x11] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x12] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x13] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x14] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x15] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x16] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x17] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x28] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x29] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x2a] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x2b] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x2c] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x2d] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x2e] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x2f] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x50] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x51] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x54] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x55] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x56] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x57] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x58] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x59] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x5a] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x5b] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x5c] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x5d] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x5e] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x5f] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x60] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x61] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x62] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x63] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x64] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x65] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x66] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x67] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x68] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x69] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x6a] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x6b] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x6c] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x6d] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x6e] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x6f] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x70] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x74] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x75] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x76] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x7c] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x7d] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x7e] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x7f] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xbc] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xbd] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xc2] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xc4] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xc5] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xc6] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xd0] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xd1] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xd2] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xd3] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xd4] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xd5] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xd6] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xd7] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xd8] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xd9] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xda] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xdb] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xdc] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xdd] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xde] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xdf] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xe0] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xe1] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xe2] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xe3] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xe4] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xe5] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xe6] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xe7] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xe8] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xe9] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xea] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xeb] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xec] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xed] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xee] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xef] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xf1] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xf2] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xf3] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xf4] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xf5] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xf6] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xf7] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xf8] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xf9] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xfa] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xfb] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xfc] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xfd] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xfe] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, +}; +const insn_attr_t inat_escape_table_1_2[INAT_OPCODE_TABLE_SIZE] = { + [0x10] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x11] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x12] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x16] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x2a] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x2c] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x2d] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x51] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x52] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x53] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x58] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x59] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x5a] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x5b] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x5c] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x5d] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x5e] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x5f] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x6f] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x70] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x7e] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x7f] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xb8] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xbc] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xbd] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xc2] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xd6] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xe6] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, +}; +const insn_attr_t inat_escape_table_1_3[INAT_OPCODE_TABLE_SIZE] = { + [0x10] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x11] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x12] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x2a] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x2c] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x2d] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x51] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x58] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x59] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x5a] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x5c] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x5d] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x5e] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x5f] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x70] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x7c] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x7d] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xbc] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xbd] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xc2] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xd0] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xd6] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xe6] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xf0] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, +}; + +/* Table: 3-byte opcode 1 (0x0f 0x38) */ +const insn_attr_t inat_escape_table_2[INAT_OPCODE_TABLE_SIZE] = { + [0x00] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x01] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x02] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x03] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x04] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x05] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x06] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x07] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x08] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x09] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x0a] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x0b] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x0c] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x0d] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x0e] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x0f] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x10] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x13] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x14] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x15] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x16] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x17] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x18] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x19] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x1a] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x1c] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x1d] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x1e] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x20] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x21] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x22] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x23] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x24] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x25] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x28] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x29] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x2a] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x2b] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x2c] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x2d] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x2e] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x2f] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x30] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x31] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x32] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x33] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x34] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x35] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x36] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x37] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x38] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x39] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x3a] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x3b] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x3c] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x3d] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x3e] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x3f] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x40] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x41] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x45] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x46] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x47] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x58] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x59] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x5a] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x78] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x79] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x80] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x81] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x82] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x8c] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x8e] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x90] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x91] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x92] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x93] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x96] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x97] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x98] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x99] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x9a] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x9b] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x9c] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x9d] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x9e] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x9f] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0xa6] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0xa7] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0xa8] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0xa9] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0xaa] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0xab] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0xac] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0xad] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0xae] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0xaf] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0xb6] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0xb7] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0xb8] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0xb9] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0xba] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0xbb] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0xbc] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0xbd] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0xbe] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0xbf] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0xdb] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0xdc] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0xdd] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0xde] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0xdf] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0xf0] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xf1] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xf2] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0xf3] = INAT_MAKE_GROUP(23), + [0xf5] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY | INAT_VARIANT, + [0xf6] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0xf7] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY | INAT_VARIANT, +}; +const insn_attr_t inat_escape_table_2_1[INAT_OPCODE_TABLE_SIZE] = { + [0x00] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x01] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x02] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x03] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x04] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x05] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x06] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x07] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x08] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x09] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x0a] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x0b] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x0c] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x0d] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x0e] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x0f] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x10] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x13] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x14] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x15] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x16] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x17] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x18] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x19] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x1a] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x1c] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x1d] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x1e] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x20] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x21] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x22] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x23] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x24] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x25] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x28] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x29] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x2a] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x2b] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x2c] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x2d] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x2e] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x2f] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x30] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x31] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x32] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x33] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x34] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x35] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x36] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x37] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x38] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x39] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x3a] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x3b] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x3c] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x3d] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x3e] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x3f] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x40] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x41] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x45] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x46] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x47] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x58] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x59] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x5a] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x78] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x79] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x80] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x81] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x82] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x8c] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x8e] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x90] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x91] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x92] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x93] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x96] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x97] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x98] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x99] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x9a] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x9b] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x9c] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x9d] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x9e] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x9f] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0xa6] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0xa7] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0xa8] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0xa9] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0xaa] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0xab] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0xac] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0xad] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0xae] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0xaf] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0xb6] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0xb7] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0xb8] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0xb9] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0xba] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0xbb] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0xbc] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0xbd] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0xbe] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0xbf] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0xdb] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xdc] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xdd] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xde] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xdf] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xf0] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xf1] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xf6] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xf7] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, +}; +const insn_attr_t inat_escape_table_2_2[INAT_OPCODE_TABLE_SIZE] = { + [0xf5] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0xf6] = INAT_MODRM, + [0xf7] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, +}; +const insn_attr_t inat_escape_table_2_3[INAT_OPCODE_TABLE_SIZE] = { + [0xf0] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_MODRM, + [0xf1] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_MODRM, + [0xf5] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0xf6] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0xf7] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, +}; + +/* Table: 3-byte opcode 2 (0x0f 0x3a) */ +const insn_attr_t inat_escape_table_3[INAT_OPCODE_TABLE_SIZE] = { + [0x00] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x01] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x02] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x04] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x05] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x06] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x08] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x09] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x0a] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x0b] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x0c] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x0d] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x0e] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x0f] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x14] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x15] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x16] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x17] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x18] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x19] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x1d] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x20] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x21] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x22] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x38] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x39] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x40] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x41] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x42] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x44] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x46] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x4a] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x4b] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x4c] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x60] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x61] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x62] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x63] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0xdf] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0xf0] = INAT_VARIANT, +}; +const insn_attr_t inat_escape_table_3_1[INAT_OPCODE_TABLE_SIZE] = { + [0x00] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x01] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x02] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x04] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x05] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x06] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x08] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x09] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x0a] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x0b] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x0c] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x0d] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x0e] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x0f] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x14] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x15] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x16] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x17] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x18] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x19] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x1d] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x20] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x21] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x22] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x38] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x39] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x40] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x41] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x42] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x44] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x46] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x4a] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x4b] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x4c] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x60] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x61] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x62] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x63] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0xdf] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, +}; +const insn_attr_t inat_escape_table_3_3[INAT_OPCODE_TABLE_SIZE] = { + [0xf0] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, +}; + +/* GrpTable: Grp1 */ + +/* GrpTable: Grp1A */ + +/* GrpTable: Grp2 */ + +/* GrpTable: Grp3_1 */ +const insn_attr_t inat_group_table_6[INAT_GROUP_TABLE_SIZE] = { + [0x0] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM, + [0x2] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x3] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x4] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x5] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x6] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x7] = INAT_MODRM, +}; + +/* GrpTable: Grp3_2 */ +const insn_attr_t inat_group_table_7[INAT_GROUP_TABLE_SIZE] = { + [0x0] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD32) | INAT_MODRM, + [0x2] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x3] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x4] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x5] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x6] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x7] = INAT_MODRM, +}; + +/* GrpTable: Grp4 */ +const insn_attr_t inat_group_table_8[INAT_GROUP_TABLE_SIZE] = { + [0x0] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x1] = INAT_MODRM, +}; + +/* GrpTable: Grp5 */ +const insn_attr_t inat_group_table_9[INAT_GROUP_TABLE_SIZE] = { + [0x0] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x1] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x2] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_FORCE64, + [0x3] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x4] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_FORCE64, + [0x5] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x6] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_FORCE64, +}; + +/* GrpTable: Grp6 */ +const insn_attr_t inat_group_table_10[INAT_GROUP_TABLE_SIZE] = { + [0x0] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x1] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x2] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x3] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x4] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x5] = INAT_MODRM, +}; + +/* GrpTable: Grp7 */ +const insn_attr_t inat_group_table_11[INAT_GROUP_TABLE_SIZE] = { + [0x0] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x1] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x2] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x3] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x4] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x6] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x7] = INAT_MODRM, +}; + +/* GrpTable: Grp8 */ + +/* GrpTable: Grp9 */ +const insn_attr_t inat_group_table_22[INAT_GROUP_TABLE_SIZE] = { + [0x1] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x6] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x7] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, +}; +const insn_attr_t inat_group_table_22_1[INAT_GROUP_TABLE_SIZE] = { + [0x6] = INAT_MODRM, +}; +const insn_attr_t inat_group_table_22_2[INAT_GROUP_TABLE_SIZE] = { + [0x6] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x7] = INAT_MODRM, +}; + +/* GrpTable: Grp10 */ + +/* GrpTable: Grp11A */ +const insn_attr_t inat_group_table_4[INAT_GROUP_TABLE_SIZE] = { + [0x0] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM, + [0x7] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE), +}; + +/* GrpTable: Grp11B */ +const insn_attr_t inat_group_table_5[INAT_GROUP_TABLE_SIZE] = { + [0x0] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD32) | INAT_MODRM, + [0x7] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_VWORD32), +}; + +/* GrpTable: Grp12 */ +const insn_attr_t inat_group_table_14[INAT_GROUP_TABLE_SIZE] = { + [0x2] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x4] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x6] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, +}; +const insn_attr_t inat_group_table_14_1[INAT_GROUP_TABLE_SIZE] = { + [0x2] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x4] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x6] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, +}; + +/* GrpTable: Grp13 */ +const insn_attr_t inat_group_table_15[INAT_GROUP_TABLE_SIZE] = { + [0x2] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x4] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x6] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, +}; +const insn_attr_t inat_group_table_15_1[INAT_GROUP_TABLE_SIZE] = { + [0x2] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x4] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x6] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, +}; + +/* GrpTable: Grp14 */ +const insn_attr_t inat_group_table_16[INAT_GROUP_TABLE_SIZE] = { + [0x2] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x3] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x6] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x7] = INAT_VARIANT, +}; +const insn_attr_t inat_group_table_16_1[INAT_GROUP_TABLE_SIZE] = { + [0x2] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x3] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x6] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, + [0x7] = INAT_MAKE_IMM(INAT_IMM_BYTE) | INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK, +}; + +/* GrpTable: Grp15 */ +const insn_attr_t inat_group_table_19[INAT_GROUP_TABLE_SIZE] = { + [0x0] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x1] = INAT_VARIANT, + [0x2] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VARIANT, + [0x3] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VARIANT, +}; +const insn_attr_t inat_group_table_19_2[INAT_GROUP_TABLE_SIZE] = { + [0x0] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x1] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x2] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x3] = INAT_MODRM, +}; + +/* GrpTable: Grp16 */ +const insn_attr_t inat_group_table_13[INAT_GROUP_TABLE_SIZE] = { + [0x0] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x1] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x2] = INAT_MODRM, + [0x3] = INAT_MODRM, +}; + +/* GrpTable: Grp17 */ +const insn_attr_t inat_group_table_23[INAT_GROUP_TABLE_SIZE] = { + [0x1] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x2] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, + [0x3] = INAT_MODRM | INAT_VEXOK | INAT_VEXONLY, +}; + +/* GrpTable: GrpP */ + +/* GrpTable: GrpPDLK */ + +/* GrpTable: GrpRNG */ + +/* Escape opcode map array */ +const insn_attr_t * const inat_escape_tables[INAT_ESC_MAX + 1][INAT_LSTPFX_MAX + 1] = { + [1][0] = inat_escape_table_1, + [1][1] = inat_escape_table_1_1, + [1][2] = inat_escape_table_1_2, + [1][3] = inat_escape_table_1_3, + [2][0] = inat_escape_table_2, + [2][1] = inat_escape_table_2_1, + [2][2] = inat_escape_table_2_2, + [2][3] = inat_escape_table_2_3, + [3][0] = inat_escape_table_3, + [3][1] = inat_escape_table_3_1, + [3][3] = inat_escape_table_3_3, +}; + +/* Group opcode map array */ +const insn_attr_t * const inat_group_tables[INAT_GRP_MAX + 1][INAT_LSTPFX_MAX + 1] = { + [4][0] = inat_group_table_4, + [5][0] = inat_group_table_5, + [6][0] = inat_group_table_6, + [7][0] = inat_group_table_7, + [8][0] = inat_group_table_8, + [9][0] = inat_group_table_9, + [10][0] = inat_group_table_10, + [11][0] = inat_group_table_11, + [13][0] = inat_group_table_13, + [14][0] = inat_group_table_14, + [14][1] = inat_group_table_14_1, + [15][0] = inat_group_table_15, + [15][1] = inat_group_table_15_1, + [16][0] = inat_group_table_16, + [16][1] = inat_group_table_16_1, + [19][0] = inat_group_table_19, + [19][2] = inat_group_table_19_2, + [22][0] = inat_group_table_22, + [22][1] = inat_group_table_22_1, + [22][2] = inat_group_table_22_2, + [23][0] = inat_group_table_23, +}; + +/* AVX opcode map array */ +const insn_attr_t * const inat_avx_tables[X86_VEX_M_MAX + 1][INAT_LSTPFX_MAX + 1] = { + [1][0] = inat_escape_table_1, + [1][1] = inat_escape_table_1_1, + [1][2] = inat_escape_table_1_2, + [1][3] = inat_escape_table_1_3, + [2][0] = inat_escape_table_2, + [2][1] = inat_escape_table_2_1, + [2][2] = inat_escape_table_2_2, + [2][3] = inat_escape_table_2_3, + [3][0] = inat_escape_table_3, + [3][1] = inat_escape_table_3_1, + [3][3] = inat_escape_table_3_3, +}; diff --git a/kpatch-build/insn/inat.c b/kpatch-build/insn/inat.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c1f01a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/kpatch-build/insn/inat.c @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +/* + * x86 instruction attribute tables + * + * Written by Masami Hiramatsu + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. + * + */ +#include + +/* Attribute tables are generated from opcode map */ +#include "inat-tables.c" + +/* Attribute search APIs */ +insn_attr_t inat_get_opcode_attribute(insn_byte_t opcode) +{ + return inat_primary_table[opcode]; +} + +int inat_get_last_prefix_id(insn_byte_t last_pfx) +{ + insn_attr_t lpfx_attr; + + lpfx_attr = inat_get_opcode_attribute(last_pfx); + return inat_last_prefix_id(lpfx_attr); +} + +insn_attr_t inat_get_escape_attribute(insn_byte_t opcode, int lpfx_id, + insn_attr_t esc_attr) +{ + const insn_attr_t *table; + int n; + + n = inat_escape_id(esc_attr); + + table = inat_escape_tables[n][0]; + if (!table) + return 0; + if (inat_has_variant(table[opcode]) && lpfx_id) { + table = inat_escape_tables[n][lpfx_id]; + if (!table) + return 0; + } + return table[opcode]; +} + +insn_attr_t inat_get_group_attribute(insn_byte_t modrm, int lpfx_id, + insn_attr_t grp_attr) +{ + const insn_attr_t *table; + int n; + + n = inat_group_id(grp_attr); + + table = inat_group_tables[n][0]; + if (!table) + return inat_group_common_attribute(grp_attr); + if (inat_has_variant(table[X86_MODRM_REG(modrm)]) && lpfx_id) { + table = inat_group_tables[n][lpfx_id]; + if (!table) + return inat_group_common_attribute(grp_attr); + } + return table[X86_MODRM_REG(modrm)] | + inat_group_common_attribute(grp_attr); +} + +insn_attr_t inat_get_avx_attribute(insn_byte_t opcode, insn_byte_t vex_m, + insn_byte_t vex_p) +{ + const insn_attr_t *table; + if (vex_m > X86_VEX_M_MAX || vex_p > INAT_LSTPFX_MAX) + return 0; + /* At first, this checks the master table */ + table = inat_avx_tables[vex_m][0]; + if (!table) + return 0; + if (!inat_is_group(table[opcode]) && vex_p) { + /* If this is not a group, get attribute directly */ + table = inat_avx_tables[vex_m][vex_p]; + if (!table) + return 0; + } + return table[opcode]; +} + diff --git a/kpatch-build/insn/insn.c b/kpatch-build/insn/insn.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7acdc96 --- /dev/null +++ b/kpatch-build/insn/insn.c @@ -0,0 +1,582 @@ +/* + * x86 instruction analysis + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. + * + * Copyright (C) IBM Corporation, 2002, 2004, 2009 + */ + +#ifdef __KERNEL__ +#include +#else +#include +#endif +#include +#include + +#define unlikely(a) a + +/* Verify next sizeof(t) bytes can be on the same instruction */ +#define validate_next(t, insn, n) \ + ((insn)->next_byte + sizeof(t) + n - (insn)->kaddr <= MAX_INSN_SIZE) + +#define __get_next(t, insn) \ + ({ t r = *(t*)insn->next_byte; insn->next_byte += sizeof(t); r; }) + +#define __peek_nbyte_next(t, insn, n) \ + ({ t r = *(t*)((insn)->next_byte + n); r; }) + +#define get_next(t, insn) \ + ({ if (unlikely(!validate_next(t, insn, 0))) goto err_out; __get_next(t, insn); }) + +#define peek_nbyte_next(t, insn, n) \ + ({ if (unlikely(!validate_next(t, insn, n))) goto err_out; __peek_nbyte_next(t, insn, n); }) + +#define peek_next(t, insn) peek_nbyte_next(t, insn, 0) + +/** + * insn_init() - initialize struct insn + * @insn: &struct insn to be initialized + * @kaddr: address (in kernel memory) of instruction (or copy thereof) + * @x86_64: !0 for 64-bit kernel or 64-bit app + */ +void insn_init(struct insn *insn, const void *kaddr, int x86_64) +{ + memset(insn, 0, sizeof(*insn)); + insn->kaddr = kaddr; + insn->next_byte = kaddr; + insn->x86_64 = x86_64 ? 1 : 0; + insn->opnd_bytes = 4; + if (x86_64) + insn->addr_bytes = 8; + else + insn->addr_bytes = 4; +} + +/** + * insn_get_prefixes - scan x86 instruction prefix bytes + * @insn: &struct insn containing instruction + * + * Populates the @insn->prefixes bitmap, and updates @insn->next_byte + * to point to the (first) opcode. No effect if @insn-> + * is already set. + */ +void insn_get_prefixes(struct insn *insn) +{ + struct insn_field *prefixes = &insn->prefixes; + insn_attr_t attr; + insn_byte_t b, lb; + int i, nb; + + if (prefixes->got) + return; + + nb = 0; + lb = 0; + b = peek_next(insn_byte_t, insn); + attr = inat_get_opcode_attribute(b); + while (inat_is_legacy_prefix(attr)) { + /* Skip if same prefix */ + for (i = 0; i < nb; i++) + if (prefixes->bytes[i] == b) + goto found; + if (nb == 4) + /* Invalid instruction */ + break; + prefixes->bytes[nb++] = b; + if (inat_is_address_size_prefix(attr)) { + /* address size switches 2/4 or 4/8 */ + if (insn->x86_64) + insn->addr_bytes ^= 12; + else + insn->addr_bytes ^= 6; + } else if (inat_is_operand_size_prefix(attr)) { + /* oprand size switches 2/4 */ + insn->opnd_bytes ^= 6; + } +found: + prefixes->nbytes++; + insn->next_byte++; + lb = b; + b = peek_next(insn_byte_t, insn); + attr = inat_get_opcode_attribute(b); + } + /* Set the last prefix */ + if (lb && lb != insn->prefixes.bytes[3]) { + if (unlikely(insn->prefixes.bytes[3])) { + /* Swap the last prefix */ + b = insn->prefixes.bytes[3]; + for (i = 0; i < nb; i++) + if (prefixes->bytes[i] == lb) + prefixes->bytes[i] = b; + } + insn->prefixes.bytes[3] = lb; + } + + /* Decode REX prefix */ + if (insn->x86_64) { + b = peek_next(insn_byte_t, insn); + attr = inat_get_opcode_attribute(b); + if (inat_is_rex_prefix(attr)) { + insn->rex_prefix.value = b; + insn->rex_prefix.nbytes = 1; + insn->next_byte++; + if (X86_REX_W(b)) + /* REX.W overrides opnd_size */ + insn->opnd_bytes = 8; + } + } + insn-> = 1; + + /* Decode VEX prefix */ + b = peek_next(insn_byte_t, insn); + attr = inat_get_opcode_attribute(b); + if (inat_is_vex_prefix(attr)) { + insn_byte_t b2 = peek_nbyte_next(insn_byte_t, insn, 1); + if (!insn->x86_64) { + /* + * In 32-bits mode, if the [7:6] bits (mod bits of + * ModRM) on the second byte are not 11b, it is + * LDS or LES. + */ + if (X86_MODRM_MOD(b2) != 3) + goto vex_end; + } + insn->vex_prefix.bytes[0] = b; + insn->vex_prefix.bytes[1] = b2; + if (inat_is_vex3_prefix(attr)) { + b2 = peek_nbyte_next(insn_byte_t, insn, 2); + insn->vex_prefix.bytes[2] = b2; + insn->vex_prefix.nbytes = 3; + insn->next_byte += 3; + if (insn->x86_64 && X86_VEX_W(b2)) + /* VEX.W overrides opnd_size */ + insn->opnd_bytes = 8; + } else { + insn->vex_prefix.nbytes = 2; + insn->next_byte += 2; + } + } +vex_end: + insn-> = 1; + + prefixes->got = 1; + +err_out: + return; +} + +/** + * insn_get_opcode - collect opcode(s) + * @insn: &struct insn containing instruction + * + * Populates @insn->opcode, updates @insn->next_byte to point past the + * opcode byte(s), and set @insn->attr (except for groups). + * If necessary, first collects any preceding (prefix) bytes. + * Sets @insn->opcode.value = opcode1. No effect if @insn-> + * is already 1. + */ +void insn_get_opcode(struct insn *insn) +{ + struct insn_field *opcode = &insn->opcode; + insn_byte_t op; + int pfx_id; + if (opcode->got) + return; + if (!insn-> + insn_get_prefixes(insn); + + /* Get first opcode */ + op = get_next(insn_byte_t, insn); + opcode->bytes[0] = op; + opcode->nbytes = 1; + + /* Check if there is VEX prefix or not */ + if (insn_is_avx(insn)) { + insn_byte_t m, p; + m = insn_vex_m_bits(insn); + p = insn_vex_p_bits(insn); + insn->attr = inat_get_avx_attribute(op, m, p); + if (!inat_accept_vex(insn->attr) && !inat_is_group(insn->attr)) + insn->attr = 0; /* This instruction is bad */ + goto end; /* VEX has only 1 byte for opcode */ + } + + insn->attr = inat_get_opcode_attribute(op); + while (inat_is_escape(insn->attr)) { + /* Get escaped opcode */ + op = get_next(insn_byte_t, insn); + opcode->bytes[opcode->nbytes++] = op; + pfx_id = insn_last_prefix_id(insn); + insn->attr = inat_get_escape_attribute(op, pfx_id, insn->attr); + } + if (inat_must_vex(insn->attr)) + insn->attr = 0; /* This instruction is bad */ +end: + opcode->got = 1; + +err_out: + return; +} + +/** + * insn_get_modrm - collect ModRM byte, if any + * @insn: &struct insn containing instruction + * + * Populates @insn->modrm and updates @insn->next_byte to point past the + * ModRM byte, if any. If necessary, first collects the preceding bytes + * (prefixes and opcode(s)). No effect if @insn-> is already 1. + */ +void insn_get_modrm(struct insn *insn) +{ + struct insn_field *modrm = &insn->modrm; + insn_byte_t pfx_id, mod; + if (modrm->got) + return; + if (!insn-> + insn_get_opcode(insn); + + if (inat_has_modrm(insn->attr)) { + mod = get_next(insn_byte_t, insn); + modrm->value = mod; + modrm->nbytes = 1; + if (inat_is_group(insn->attr)) { + pfx_id = insn_last_prefix_id(insn); + insn->attr = inat_get_group_attribute(mod, pfx_id, + insn->attr); + if (insn_is_avx(insn) && !inat_accept_vex(insn->attr)) + insn->attr = 0; /* This is bad */ + } + } + + if (insn->x86_64 && inat_is_force64(insn->attr)) + insn->opnd_bytes = 8; + modrm->got = 1; + +err_out: + return; +} + + +/** + * insn_rip_relative() - Does instruction use RIP-relative addressing mode? + * @insn: &struct insn containing instruction + * + * If necessary, first collects the instruction up to and including the + * ModRM byte. No effect if @insn->x86_64 is 0. + */ +int insn_rip_relative(struct insn *insn) +{ + struct insn_field *modrm = &insn->modrm; + + if (!insn->x86_64) + return 0; + if (!modrm->got) + insn_get_modrm(insn); + /* + * For rip-relative instructions, the mod field (top 2 bits) + * is zero and the r/m field (bottom 3 bits) is 0x5. + */ + return (modrm->nbytes && (modrm->value & 0xc7) == 0x5); +} + +/** + * insn_get_sib() - Get the SIB byte of instruction + * @insn: &struct insn containing instruction + * + * If necessary, first collects the instruction up to and including the + * ModRM byte. + */ +void insn_get_sib(struct insn *insn) +{ + insn_byte_t modrm; + + if (insn-> + return; + if (!insn-> + insn_get_modrm(insn); + if (insn->modrm.nbytes) { + modrm = (insn_byte_t)insn->modrm.value; + if (insn->addr_bytes != 2 && + X86_MODRM_MOD(modrm) != 3 && X86_MODRM_RM(modrm) == 4) { + insn->sib.value = get_next(insn_byte_t, insn); + insn->sib.nbytes = 1; + } + } + insn-> = 1; + +err_out: + return; +} + + +/** + * insn_get_displacement() - Get the displacement of instruction + * @insn: &struct insn containing instruction + * + * If necessary, first collects the instruction up to and including the + * SIB byte. + * Displacement value is sign-expanded. + */ +void insn_get_displacement(struct insn *insn) +{ + insn_byte_t mod, rm, base; + + if (insn-> + return; + if (!insn-> + insn_get_sib(insn); + if (insn->modrm.nbytes) { + /* + * Interpreting the modrm byte: + * mod = 00 - no displacement fields (exceptions below) + * mod = 01 - 1-byte displacement field + * mod = 10 - displacement field is 4 bytes, or 2 bytes if + * address size = 2 (0x67 prefix in 32-bit mode) + * mod = 11 - no memory operand + * + * If address size = 2... + * mod = 00, r/m = 110 - displacement field is 2 bytes + * + * If address size != 2... + * mod != 11, r/m = 100 - SIB byte exists + * mod = 00, SIB base = 101 - displacement field is 4 bytes + * mod = 00, r/m = 101 - rip-relative addressing, displacement + * field is 4 bytes + */ + mod = X86_MODRM_MOD(insn->modrm.value); + rm = X86_MODRM_RM(insn->modrm.value); + base = X86_SIB_BASE(insn->sib.value); + if (mod == 3) + goto out; + if (mod == 1) { + insn->displacement.value = get_next(char, insn); + insn->displacement.nbytes = 1; + } else if (insn->addr_bytes == 2) { + if ((mod == 0 && rm == 6) || mod == 2) { + insn->displacement.value = + get_next(short, insn); + insn->displacement.nbytes = 2; + } + } else { + if ((mod == 0 && rm == 5) || mod == 2 || + (mod == 0 && base == 5)) { + insn->displacement.value = get_next(int, insn); + insn->displacement.nbytes = 4; + } + } + } +out: + insn-> = 1; + +err_out: + return; +} + +/* Decode moffset16/32/64. Return 0 if failed */ +static int __get_moffset(struct insn *insn) +{ + switch (insn->addr_bytes) { + case 2: + insn->moffset1.value = get_next(short, insn); + insn->moffset1.nbytes = 2; + break; + case 4: + insn->moffset1.value = get_next(int, insn); + insn->moffset1.nbytes = 4; + break; + case 8: + insn->moffset1.value = get_next(int, insn); + insn->moffset1.nbytes = 4; + insn->moffset2.value = get_next(int, insn); + insn->moffset2.nbytes = 4; + break; + default: /* opnd_bytes must be modified manually */ + goto err_out; + } + insn-> = insn-> = 1; + + return 1; + +err_out: + return 0; +} + +/* Decode imm v32(Iz). Return 0 if failed */ +static int __get_immv32(struct insn *insn) +{ + switch (insn->opnd_bytes) { + case 2: + insn->immediate.value = get_next(short, insn); + insn->immediate.nbytes = 2; + break; + case 4: + case 8: + insn->immediate.value = get_next(int, insn); + insn->immediate.nbytes = 4; + break; + default: /* opnd_bytes must be modified manually */ + goto err_out; + } + + return 1; + +err_out: + return 0; +} + +/* Decode imm v64(Iv/Ov), Return 0 if failed */ +static int __get_immv(struct insn *insn) +{ + switch (insn->opnd_bytes) { + case 2: + insn->immediate1.value = get_next(short, insn); + insn->immediate1.nbytes = 2; + break; + case 4: + insn->immediate1.value = get_next(int, insn); + insn->immediate1.nbytes = 4; + break; + case 8: + insn->immediate1.value = get_next(int, insn); + insn->immediate1.nbytes = 4; + insn->immediate2.value = get_next(int, insn); + insn->immediate2.nbytes = 4; + break; + default: /* opnd_bytes must be modified manually */ + goto err_out; + } + insn-> = insn-> = 1; + + return 1; +err_out: + return 0; +} + +/* Decode ptr16:16/32(Ap) */ +static int __get_immptr(struct insn *insn) +{ + switch (insn->opnd_bytes) { + case 2: + insn->immediate1.value = get_next(short, insn); + insn->immediate1.nbytes = 2; + break; + case 4: + insn->immediate1.value = get_next(int, insn); + insn->immediate1.nbytes = 4; + break; + case 8: + /* ptr16:64 is not exist (no segment) */ + return 0; + default: /* opnd_bytes must be modified manually */ + goto err_out; + } + insn->immediate2.value = get_next(unsigned short, insn); + insn->immediate2.nbytes = 2; + insn-> = insn-> = 1; + + return 1; +err_out: + return 0; +} + +/** + * insn_get_immediate() - Get the immediates of instruction + * @insn: &struct insn containing instruction + * + * If necessary, first collects the instruction up to and including the + * displacement bytes. + * Basically, most of immediates are sign-expanded. Unsigned-value can be + * get by bit masking with ((1 << (nbytes * 8)) - 1) + */ +void insn_get_immediate(struct insn *insn) +{ + if (insn-> + return; + if (!insn-> + insn_get_displacement(insn); + + if (inat_has_moffset(insn->attr)) { + if (!__get_moffset(insn)) + goto err_out; + goto done; + } + + if (!inat_has_immediate(insn->attr)) + /* no immediates */ + goto done; + + switch (inat_immediate_size(insn->attr)) { + case INAT_IMM_BYTE: + insn->immediate.value = get_next(char, insn); + insn->immediate.nbytes = 1; + break; + case INAT_IMM_WORD: + insn->immediate.value = get_next(short, insn); + insn->immediate.nbytes = 2; + break; + case INAT_IMM_DWORD: + insn->immediate.value = get_next(int, insn); + insn->immediate.nbytes = 4; + break; + case INAT_IMM_QWORD: + insn->immediate1.value = get_next(int, insn); + insn->immediate1.nbytes = 4; + insn->immediate2.value = get_next(int, insn); + insn->immediate2.nbytes = 4; + break; + case INAT_IMM_PTR: + if (!__get_immptr(insn)) + goto err_out; + break; + case INAT_IMM_VWORD32: + if (!__get_immv32(insn)) + goto err_out; + break; + case INAT_IMM_VWORD: + if (!__get_immv(insn)) + goto err_out; + break; + default: + /* Here, insn must have an immediate, but failed */ + goto err_out; + } + if (inat_has_second_immediate(insn->attr)) { + insn->immediate2.value = get_next(char, insn); + insn->immediate2.nbytes = 1; + } +done: + insn-> = 1; + +err_out: + return; +} + +/** + * insn_get_length() - Get the length of instruction + * @insn: &struct insn containing instruction + * + * If necessary, first collects the instruction up to and including the + * immediates bytes. + */ +void insn_get_length(struct insn *insn) +{ + if (insn->length) + return; + if (!insn-> + insn_get_immediate(insn); + insn->length = (unsigned char)((unsigned long)insn->next_byte + - (unsigned long)insn->kaddr); +} diff --git a/kpatch-build/kpatch-build b/kpatch-build/kpatch-build new file mode 100755 index 0000000..a76913f --- /dev/null +++ b/kpatch-build/kpatch-build @@ -0,0 +1,913 @@ +#!/bin/bash +# +# kpatch build script +# +# Copyright (C) 2014 Seth Jennings +# Copyright (C) 2013,2014 Josh Poimboeuf +# +# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or +# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License +# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 +# of the License, or (at your option) any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA, +# 02110-1301, USA. + +# This script takes a patch based on the version of the kernel +# currently running and creates a kernel module that will +# replace modified functions in the kernel such that the +# patched code takes effect. + +# This script: +# - Either uses a specified kernel source directory or downloads the kernel +# source package for the currently running kernel +# - Unpacks and prepares the source package for building if necessary +# - Builds the base kernel (vmlinux) +# - Builds the patched kernel and monitors changed objects +# - Builds the patched objects with gcc flags -f[function|data]-sections +# - Runs kpatch tools to create and link the patch kernel module + +set -o pipefail + +BASE="$PWD" +SCRIPTDIR="$(readlink -f "$(dirname "$(type -p "$0")")")" +ARCH="$(uname -m)" +CPUS="$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)" +CACHEDIR="${CACHEDIR:-$HOME/.kpatch}" +SRCDIR="$CACHEDIR/src" +RPMTOPDIR="$CACHEDIR/buildroot" +VERSIONFILE="$CACHEDIR/version" +TEMPDIR="$CACHEDIR/tmp" +LOGFILE="$CACHEDIR/build.log" +DEBUG=0 +SKIPCLEANUP=0 +SKIPGCCCHECK=0 +ARCH_KCFLAGS="" +declare -a PATCH_LIST +APPLIED_PATCHES=0 + +warn() { + echo "ERROR: $1" >&2 +} + +die() { + if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then + msg="kpatch build failed" + else + msg="$1" + fi + + if [[ -e "$LOGFILE" ]]; then + warn "$msg. Check $LOGFILE for more details." + else + warn "$msg." + fi + + exit 1 +} + +logger() { + local to_stdout=${1:-0} + + if [[ $DEBUG -ge 2 ]] || [[ "$to_stdout" -eq 1 ]]; then + # Log to both stdout and the logfile + tee -a "$LOGFILE" + else + # Log only to the logfile + cat >> "$LOGFILE" + fi +} + +apply_patches() { + local patch + + for patch in "${PATCH_LIST[@]}"; do + patch -N -p1 --dry-run < "$patch" 2>&1 | logger || die "$patch file failed to apply" + patch -N -p1 < "$patch" 2>&1 | logger || die "$patch file failed to apply" + (( APPLIED_PATCHES++ )) + done +} + +remove_patches() { + local patch + local idx + + for (( ; APPLIED_PATCHES>0; APPLIED_PATCHES-- )); do + idx=$(( APPLIED_PATCHES - 1)) + patch="${PATCH_LIST[$idx]}" + patch -p1 -R -d "$SRCDIR" < "$patch" &> /dev/null + done + + # If $SRCDIR was a git repo, make sure git actually sees that + # we've reverted our patch(es). + [[ -d "$SRCDIR/.git" ]] && (cd "$SRCDIR" && git update-index -q --refresh) +} + +cleanup() { + rm -f "$SRCDIR/.scmversion" + + remove_patches + + # restore original vmlinux if it was overwritten by sourcedir build + [[ -e "$TEMPDIR/vmlinux" ]] && mv -f "$TEMPDIR/vmlinux" "$SRCDIR/" + + [[ "$DEBUG" -eq 0 ]] && rm -rf "$TEMPDIR" + rm -rf "$RPMTOPDIR" + unset KCFLAGS + unset KCPPFLAGS +} + +clean_cache() { + rm -rf "${CACHEDIR:?}/*" + mkdir -p "$TEMPDIR" || die "Couldn't create $TEMPDIR" +} + +check_pipe_status() { + rc="${PIPESTATUS[0]}" + if [[ "$rc" = 139 ]]; then + # There doesn't seem to be a consistent/portable way of + # accessing the last executed command in bash, so just + # pass in the script name for now.. + warn "$1 SIGSEGV" + if ls core* &> /dev/null; then + cp core* /tmp + die "core file at /tmp/$(ls core*)" + fi + die "no core file found, run 'ulimit -c unlimited' and try to recreate" + fi +} + +# $1 >= $2 +version_gte() { + [ "$1" = "$(echo -e "$1\\n$2" | sort -rV | head -n1)" ] +} + +is_rhel() { + [[ $1 =~ \.el[78]\. ]] +} + +find_dirs() { + if [[ -e "$SCRIPTDIR/create-diff-object" ]]; then + # git repo + TOOLSDIR="$SCRIPTDIR" + DATADIR="$(readlink -f "$SCRIPTDIR/../kmod")" + PLUGINDIR="$(readlink -f "$SCRIPTDIR/gcc-plugins")" + elif [[ -e "$SCRIPTDIR/../libexec/kpatch/create-diff-object" ]]; then + # installation path + TOOLSDIR="$(readlink -f "$SCRIPTDIR/../libexec/kpatch")" + DATADIR="$(readlink -f "$SCRIPTDIR/../share/kpatch")" + PLUGINDIR="$TOOLSDIR" + else + return 1 + fi +} + +find_core_symvers() { + SYMVERSFILE="" + if [[ -e "$SCRIPTDIR/create-diff-object" ]]; then + # git repo + SYMVERSFILE="$DATADIR/core/Module.symvers" + elif [[ -e "$SCRIPTDIR/../libexec/kpatch/create-diff-object" ]]; then + # installation path + if [[ -e "$SCRIPTDIR/../lib/kpatch/$ARCHVERSION/Module.symvers" ]]; then + SYMVERSFILE="$(readlink -f "$SCRIPTDIR/../lib/kpatch/$ARCHVERSION/Module.symvers")" + elif [[ -e /lib/modules/$ARCHVERSION/extra/kpatch/Module.symvers ]]; then + SYMVERSFILE="$(readlink -f "/lib/modules/$ARCHVERSION/extra/kpatch/Module.symvers")" + fi + fi + + [[ -e "$SYMVERSFILE" ]] +} + +gcc_version_from_file() { + readelf -p .comment "$1" | grep -o 'GCC:.*' +} + +gcc_version_check() { + local c="$TEMPDIR/test.c" o="$TEMPDIR/test.o" + local out gccver kgccver + + # gcc --version varies between distributions therefore extract version + # by compiling a test file and compare it to vmlinux's version. + echo 'void main(void) {}' > "$c" + out="$(gcc -c -pg -ffunction-sections -o "$o" "$c" 2>&1)" + gccver="$(gcc_version_from_file "$o")" + kgccver="$(gcc_version_from_file "$VMLINUX")" + rm -f "$c" "$o" + + if [[ -n "$out" ]]; then + warn "gcc >= 4.8 required for -pg -ffunction-settings" + echo "gcc output: $out" + return 1 + fi + + # ensure gcc version matches that used to build the kernel + if [[ "$gccver" != "$kgccver" ]]; then + warn "gcc/kernel version mismatch" + echo "gcc version: $gccver" + echo "kernel version: $kgccver" + echo "Install the matching gcc version (recommended) or use --skip-gcc-check" + echo "to skip the version matching enforcement (not recommended)" + return 1 + fi + + return +} + +find_special_section_data_ppc64le() { + SPECIAL_VARS="$(readelf -wi "$VMLINUX" | + gawk --non-decimal-data ' + BEGIN { f = b = e = 0 } + + # Set state if name matches + f == 0 && /DW_AT_name.* fixup_entry[[:space:]]*$/ {f = 1; next} + b == 0 && /DW_AT_name.* bug_entry[[:space:]]*$/ {b = 1; next} + e == 0 && /DW_AT_name.* exception_table_entry[[:space:]]*$/ {e = 1; next} + + # Reset state unless this abbrev describes the struct size + f == 1 && !/DW_AT_byte_size/ { f = 0; next } + b == 1 && !/DW_AT_byte_size/ { b = 0; next } + e == 1 && !/DW_AT_byte_size/ { e = 0; next } + + # Now that we know the size, stop parsing for it + f == 1 {printf("export FIXUP_STRUCT_SIZE=%d\n", $4); a = 2} + b == 1 {printf("export BUG_STRUCT_SIZE=%d\n", $4); b = 2} + e == 1 {printf("export EX_STRUCT_SIZE=%d\n", $4); e = 2} + + # Bail out once we have everything + f == 2 && b == 2 && e == 2 {exit}')" + + [[ -n "$SPECIAL_VARS" ]] && eval "$SPECIAL_VARS" + + [[ -z "$FIXUP_STRUCT_SIZE" ]] && die "can't find special struct fixup_entry size" + [[ -z "$BUG_STRUCT_SIZE" ]] && die "can't find special struct bug_entry size" + [[ -z "$EX_STRUCT_SIZE" ]] && die "can't find special struct exception_table_entry size" + + return +} + +find_special_section_data() { + if [[ "$ARCH" = "ppc64le" ]]; then + find_special_section_data_ppc64le + return + fi + + [[ "$CONFIG_PARAVIRT" -eq 0 ]] && AWK_OPTIONS="-vskip_p=1" + [[ "$CONFIG_UNWINDER_ORC" -eq 0 ]] && AWK_OPTIONS="$AWK_OPTIONS -vskip_o=1" + + # If $AWK_OPTIONS are blank gawk would treat "" as a blank script + # shellcheck disable=SC2086 + SPECIAL_VARS="$(readelf -wi "$VMLINUX" | + gawk --non-decimal-data $AWK_OPTIONS ' + BEGIN { a = b = p = e = o = 0 } + + # Set state if name matches + a == 0 && /DW_AT_name.* alt_instr[[:space:]]*$/ {a = 1; next} + b == 0 && /DW_AT_name.* bug_entry[[:space:]]*$/ {b = 1; next} + p == 0 && /DW_AT_name.* paravirt_patch_site[[:space:]]*$/ {p = 1; next} + e == 0 && /DW_AT_name.* exception_table_entry[[:space:]]*$/ {e = 1; next} + o == 0 && /DW_AT_name.* orc_entry[[:space:]]*$/ {o = 1; next} + + # Reset state unless this abbrev describes the struct size + a == 1 && !/DW_AT_byte_size/ { a = 0; next } + b == 1 && !/DW_AT_byte_size/ { b = 0; next } + p == 1 && !/DW_AT_byte_size/ { p = 0; next } + e == 1 && !/DW_AT_byte_size/ { e = 0; next } + o == 1 && !/DW_AT_byte_size/ { o = 0; next } + + # Now that we know the size, stop parsing for it + a == 1 {printf("export ALT_STRUCT_SIZE=%d\n", $4); a = 2} + b == 1 {printf("export BUG_STRUCT_SIZE=%d\n", $4); b = 2} + p == 1 {printf("export PARA_STRUCT_SIZE=%d\n", $4); p = 2} + e == 1 {printf("export EX_STRUCT_SIZE=%d\n", $4); e = 2} + o == 1 {printf("export ORC_STRUCT_SIZE=%d\n", $4); o = 2} + + # Bail out once we have everything + a == 2 && b == 2 && (p == 2 || skip_p) && e == 2 && (o == 2 || skip_o) {exit}')" + + [[ -n "$SPECIAL_VARS" ]] && eval "$SPECIAL_VARS" + + [[ -z "$ALT_STRUCT_SIZE" ]] && die "can't find special struct alt_instr size" + [[ -z "$BUG_STRUCT_SIZE" ]] && die "can't find special struct bug_entry size" + [[ -z "$EX_STRUCT_SIZE" ]] && die "can't find special struct paravirt_patch_site size" + [[ -z "$PARA_STRUCT_SIZE" && "$CONFIG_PARAVIRT" -ne 0 ]] && die "can't find special struct paravirt_patch_site size" + [[ -z "$ORC_STRUCT_SIZE" && "$CONFIG_UNWINDER_ORC" -ne 0 ]] && die "can't find special struct orc_entry size" + + return +} + +find_parent_obj() { + dir="$(dirname "$1")" + absdir="$(readlink -f "$dir")" + pwddir="$(readlink -f .)" + pdir="${absdir#$pwddir/}" + file="$(basename "$1")" + grepname="${1%.o}" + grepname="$grepname\\.o" + if [[ "$DEEP_FIND" -eq 1 ]]; then + num=0 + if [[ -n "$last_deep_find" ]]; then + parent="$(grep -l "$grepname" "$last_deep_find"/.*.cmd | grep -Fv "$pdir/.${file}.cmd" | head -n1)" + num="$(grep -l "$grepname" "$last_deep_find"/.*.cmd | grep -Fvc "$pdir/.${file}.cmd")" + fi + if [[ "$num" -eq 0 ]]; then + parent="$(find ./* -name ".*.cmd" -print0 | xargs -0 grep -l "$grepname" | grep -Fv "$pdir/.${file}.cmd" | cut -c3- | head -n1)" + num="$(find ./* -name ".*.cmd" -print0 | xargs -0 grep -l "$grepname" | grep -Fvc "$pdir/.${file}.cmd")" + [[ "$num" -eq 1 ]] && last_deep_find="$(dirname "$parent")" + fi + else + parent="$(grep -l "$grepname" "$dir"/.*.cmd | grep -Fv "$dir/.${file}.cmd" | head -n1)" + num="$(grep -l "$grepname" "$dir"/.*.cmd | grep -Fvc "$dir/.${file}.cmd")" + fi + + [[ "$num" -eq 0 ]] && PARENT="" && return + [[ "$num" -gt 1 ]] && ERROR_IF_DIFF="two parent matches for $1" + + dir="$(dirname "$parent")" + PARENT="$(basename "$parent")" + PARENT="${PARENT#.}" + PARENT="${PARENT%.cmd}" + PARENT="$dir/$PARENT" + [[ ! -e "$PARENT" ]] && die "ERROR: can't find parent $PARENT for $1" +} + +find_kobj() { + arg="$1" + KOBJFILE="$arg" + DEEP_FIND=0 + ERROR_IF_DIFF= + while true; do + find_parent_obj "$KOBJFILE" + [[ -n "$PARENT" ]] && DEEP_FIND=0 + if [[ -z "$PARENT" ]]; then + [[ "$KOBJFILE" = *.ko ]] && return + case "$KOBJFILE" in + */built-in.o|\ + */built-in.a|\ + arch/x86/lib/lib.a|\ + arch/x86/kernel/head*.o|\ + arch/x86/kernel/ebda.o|\ + arch/x86/kernel/platform-quirks.o|\ + lib/lib.a) + KOBJFILE=vmlinux + return + esac + if [[ "$DEEP_FIND" -eq 0 ]]; then + DEEP_FIND=1 + continue; + fi + die "invalid ancestor $KOBJFILE for $arg" + fi + KOBJFILE="$PARENT" + done +} + +# Only allow alphanumerics and '_' and '-' in the module name. Everything else +# is replaced with '-'. Also truncate to 48 chars so the full name fits in the +# kernel's 56-byte module name array. +module_name_string() { + echo "${1//[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/-}" | cut -c 1-48 +} + +usage() { + echo "usage: $(basename "$0") [options] " >&2 + echo " patchN Input patchfile(s)" >&2 + echo " -h, --help Show this help message" >&2 + echo " -a, --archversion Specify the kernel arch version" >&2 + echo " -r, --sourcerpm Specify kernel source RPM" >&2 + echo " -s, --sourcedir Specify kernel source directory" >&2 + echo " -c, --config Specify kernel config file" >&2 + echo " -v, --vmlinux Specify original vmlinux" >&2 + echo " -j, --jobs Specify the number of make jobs" >&2 + echo " -t, --target Specify custom kernel build targets" >&2 + echo " -n, --name Specify the name of the kpatch module" >&2 + echo " -o, --output Specify output folder" >&2 + echo " -d, --debug Enable 'xtrace' and keep scratch files" >&2 + echo " in /tmp" >&2 + echo " (can be specified multiple times)" >&2 + echo " --skip-cleanup Skip post-build cleanup" >&2 + echo " --skip-gcc-check Skip gcc version matching check" >&2 + echo " (not recommended)" >&2 +} + +options="$(getopt -o ha:r:s:c:v:j:t:n:o:d -l "help,archversion:,sourcerpm:,sourcedir:,config:,vmlinux:,jobs:,target:,name:,output:,debug,skip-gcc-check,skip-cleanup" -- "$@")" || die "getopt failed" + +eval set -- "$options" + +while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do + case "$1" in + -h|--help) + usage + exit 0 + ;; + -a|--archversion) + ARCHVERSION="$2" + shift + ;; + -r|--sourcerpm) + [[ ! -f "$2" ]] && die "source rpm '$2' not found" + SRCRPM="$(readlink -f "$2")" + shift + ;; + -s|--sourcedir) + [[ ! -d "$2" ]] && die "source dir '$2' not found" + USERSRCDIR="$(readlink -f "$2")" + shift + ;; + -c|--config) + [[ ! -f "$2" ]] && die "config file '$2' not found" + CONFIGFILE="$(readlink -f "$2")" + shift + ;; + -v|--vmlinux) + [[ ! -f "$2" ]] && die "vmlinux file '$2' not found" + VMLINUX="$(readlink -f "$2")" + shift + ;; + -j|--jobs) + [[ ! "$2" -gt 0 ]] && die "Invalid number of make jobs '$2'" + CPUS="$2" + shift + ;; + -t|--target) + TARGETS="$TARGETS $2" + shift + ;; + -n|--name) + MODNAME="$(module_name_string "$2")" + shift + ;; + -o|--output) + [[ ! -d "$2" ]] && die "output dir '$2' not found" + BASE="$(readlink -f "$2")" + shift + ;; + -d|--debug) + DEBUG=$((DEBUG + 1)) + if [[ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]]; then + echo "DEBUG mode enabled" + fi + ;; + --skip-cleanup) + echo "Skipping cleanup" + SKIPCLEANUP=1 + ;; + --skip-gcc-check) + echo "WARNING: Skipping gcc version matching check (not recommended)" + SKIPGCCCHECK=1 + ;; + *) + [[ "$1" = "--" ]] && shift && continue + [[ ! -f "$1" ]] && die "patch file '$1' not found" + PATCH_LIST+=("$(readlink -f "$1")") + ;; + esac + shift +done + +if [[ ${#PATCH_LIST[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then + warn "no patch file(s) specified" + usage + exit 1 +fi + +if [[ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]] || [[ $DEBUG -ge 3 ]]; then + set -o xtrace +fi + +if [[ -n "$ARCHVERSION" ]] && [[ -n "$VMLINUX" ]]; then + warn "--archversion is incompatible with --vmlinux" + exit 1 +fi + +if [[ -n "$SRCRPM" ]]; then + if [[ -n "$ARCHVERSION" ]]; then + warn "--archversion is incompatible with --sourcerpm" + exit 1 + fi + rpmname="$(basename "$SRCRPM")" + ARCHVERSION="${rpmname%.src.rpm}.$(uname -m)" + ARCHVERSION="${ARCHVERSION#kernel-}" + ARCHVERSION="${ARCHVERSION#alt-}" +fi + +# ensure cachedir and tempdir are setup properly and cleaned +mkdir -p "$TEMPDIR" || die "Couldn't create $TEMPDIR" +rm -rf "${TEMPDIR:?}"/* +rm -f "$LOGFILE" + +if [[ -n "$USERSRCDIR" ]]; then + if [[ -n "$ARCHVERSION" ]]; then + warn "--archversion is incompatible with --sourcedir" + exit 1 + fi + SRCDIR="$USERSRCDIR" + + [[ -z "$VMLINUX" ]] && VMLINUX="$SRCDIR"/vmlinux + [[ ! -e "$VMLINUX" ]] && die "can't find vmlinux" + + # Extract the target kernel version from vmlinux in this case. + ARCHVERSION="$(strings "$VMLINUX" | grep -m 1 -e "^Linux version" | awk '{ print($3); }')" +fi + +[[ -z "$ARCHVERSION" ]] && ARCHVERSION="$(uname -r)" + +[[ "$SKIPCLEANUP" -eq 0 ]] && trap cleanup EXIT INT TERM HUP + +KVER="${ARCHVERSION%%-*}" +if [[ "$ARCHVERSION" =~ - ]]; then + KREL="${ARCHVERSION##*-}" + KREL="${KREL%.*}" +fi +[[ "$ARCHVERSION" =~ .el7a. ]] && ALT="-alt" + +[[ -z "$TARGETS" ]] && TARGETS="vmlinux modules" + +# Don't check external file. +# shellcheck disable=SC1091 +source /etc/os-release +DISTRO="$ID" +if [[ "$DISTRO" = fedora ]] || [[ "$DISTRO" = rhel ]] || [[ "$DISTRO" = ol ]] || [[ "$DISTRO" = centos ]]; then + [[ -z "$VMLINUX" ]] && VMLINUX="/usr/lib/debug/lib/modules/$ARCHVERSION/vmlinux" + [[ -e "$VMLINUX" ]] || die "kernel-debuginfo-$ARCHVERSION not installed" + + export PATH="/usr/lib64/ccache:$PATH" + +elif [[ "$DISTRO" = ubuntu ]] || [[ "$DISTRO" = debian ]]; then + [[ -z "$VMLINUX" ]] && VMLINUX="/usr/lib/debug/boot/vmlinux-$ARCHVERSION" + + if [[ "$DISTRO" = ubuntu ]]; then + [[ -e "$VMLINUX" ]] || die "linux-image-$ARCHVERSION-dbgsym not installed" + + elif [[ "$DISTRO" = debian ]]; then + [[ -e "$VMLINUX" ]] || die "linux-image-$ARCHVERSION-dbg not installed" + fi + + export PATH="/usr/lib/ccache:$PATH" +fi + +find_dirs || die "can't find supporting tools" + +if [[ "$SKIPGCCCHECK" -eq 0 ]]; then + gcc_version_check || die +fi + +if [[ -n "$USERSRCDIR" ]]; then + echo "Using source directory at $USERSRCDIR" + + # save original vmlinux before it gets overwritten by sourcedir build + [[ "$VMLINUX" -ef "$SRCDIR"/vmlinux ]] && cp -f "$VMLINUX" "$TEMPDIR/vmlinux" && VMLINUX="$TEMPDIR/vmlinux" + +elif [[ -e "$SRCDIR"/.config ]] && [[ -e "$VERSIONFILE" ]] && [[ "$(cat "$VERSIONFILE")" = "$ARCHVERSION" ]]; then + echo "Using cache at $SRCDIR" + +else + if [[ "$DISTRO" = fedora ]] || [[ "$DISTRO" = rhel ]] || [[ "$DISTRO" = ol ]] || [[ "$DISTRO" = centos ]]; then + + echo "Fedora/Red Hat distribution detected" + + clean_cache + + echo "Downloading kernel source for $ARCHVERSION" + if [[ -z "$SRCRPM" ]]; then + if [[ "$DISTRO" = fedora ]]; then + wget -P "$TEMPDIR" "$KVER/$KREL/src/kernel-$KVER-$KREL.src.rpm" 2>&1 | logger || die + else + rpm -q --quiet yum-utils || die "yum-utils not installed" + yumdownloader --source --destdir "$TEMPDIR" "kernel$ALT-$KVER-$KREL" 2>&1 | logger || die + fi + SRCRPM="$TEMPDIR/kernel$ALT-$KVER-$KREL.src.rpm" + fi + + echo "Unpacking kernel source" + + rpm -D "_topdir $RPMTOPDIR" -ivh "$SRCRPM" 2>&1 | logger || die + rpmbuild -D "_topdir $RPMTOPDIR" -bp "--target=$(uname -m)" "$RPMTOPDIR"/SPECS/kernel$ALT.spec 2>&1 | logger || + die "rpmbuild -bp failed. you may need to run 'yum-builddep kernel' first." + + mv "$RPMTOPDIR"/BUILD/kernel-*/linux-"${ARCHVERSION%.*}"*"${ARCHVERSION##*.}" "$SRCDIR" 2>&1 | logger || die + rm -rf "$RPMTOPDIR" + rm -rf "$SRCDIR/.git" + + if [[ "$ARCHVERSION" == *-* ]]; then + echo "-${ARCHVERSION##*-}" > "$SRCDIR/localversion" || die + fi + + echo "$ARCHVERSION" > "$VERSIONFILE" || die + + [[ -z "$CONFIGFILE" ]] && CONFIGFILE="$SRCDIR/configs/kernel$ALT-$KVER-$ARCH.config" + + (cd "$SRCDIR" && make mrproper 2>&1 | logger) || die + + elif [[ "$DISTRO" = ubuntu ]] || [[ "$DISTRO" = debian ]]; then + + echo "Debian/Ubuntu distribution detected" + + if [[ "$DISTRO" = ubuntu ]]; then + + # url may be changed for a different mirror + url="" + sublevel="SUBLEVEL = 0" + + elif [[ "$DISTRO" = debian ]]; then + + # url may be changed for a different mirror + url="" + sublevel="SUBLEVEL =" + fi + + pkgname="$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Source}' "linux-image-$ARCHVERSION")" + pkgver="$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Version}' "linux-image-$ARCHVERSION")" + dscname="${pkgname}_${pkgver}.dsc" + + clean_cache + + cd "$TEMPDIR" || die + echo "Downloading and unpacking the kernel source for $ARCHVERSION" + # Download source deb pkg + (dget -u "$url/${pkgname}/${dscname}" 2>&1) | logger || die "dget: Could not fetch/unpack $url/${pkgname}/${dscname}" + mv "${pkgname}-$KVER" "$SRCDIR" || die + [[ -z "$CONFIGFILE" ]] && CONFIGFILE="/boot/config-${ARCHVERSION}" + if [[ "$ARCHVERSION" == *-* ]]; then + echo "-${ARCHVERSION#*-}" > "$SRCDIR/localversion" || die + fi + # for some reason the Ubuntu kernel versions don't follow the + # upstream SUBLEVEL; they are always at SUBLEVEL 0 + sed -i "s/^SUBLEVEL.*/${sublevel}/" "$SRCDIR/Makefile" || die + echo "$ARCHVERSION" > "$VERSIONFILE" || die + + else + die "Unsupported distribution" + fi +fi + +[[ -z "$CONFIGFILE" ]] && CONFIGFILE="$SRCDIR"/.config +[[ ! -e "$CONFIGFILE" ]] && die "can't find config file" +[[ ! "$CONFIGFILE" -ef "$SRCDIR"/.config ]] && cp -f "$CONFIGFILE" "$SRCDIR/.config" + +# Build variables - Set some defaults, then adjust features +# according to .config and kernel version +KBUILD_EXTRA_SYMBOLS="" +KPATCH_LDFLAGS="" +KPATCH_MODULE=true + +# kernel option checking +grep -q "CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO=y" "$CONFIGFILE" || die "kernel doesn't have 'CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO' enabled" +if grep -q "CONFIG_LIVEPATCH=y" "$CONFIGFILE"; then + # The kernel supports livepatch. + if version_gte "${ARCHVERSION//-*/}" 4.7.0 || is_rhel "$ARCHVERSION"; then + # Use new .klp.rela. sections + KPATCH_MODULE=false + if version_gte "${ARCHVERSION//-*/}" 4.9.0 || is_rhel "$ARCHVERSION"; then + KPATCH_LDFLAGS="--unique=.parainstructions --unique=.altinstructions" + fi + fi +else + # No support for livepatch in the kernel. Kpatch core module is needed. + find_core_symvers || die "unable to find Module.symvers for kpatch core module" + KBUILD_EXTRA_SYMBOLS="$SYMVERSFILE" +fi + +# optional kernel configs: +if grep -q "CONFIG_PARAVIRT=y" "$CONFIGFILE"; then + CONFIG_PARAVIRT=1 +else + CONFIG_PARAVIRT=0 +fi +if grep -q "CONFIG_UNWINDER_ORC=y" "$CONFIGFILE"; then + CONFIG_UNWINDER_ORC=1 +else + CONFIG_UNWINDER_ORC=0 +fi + +# unsupported kernel option checking: CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO_SPLIT +grep -q "CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO_SPLIT=y" "$CONFIGFILE" && die "kernel option 'CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO_SPLIT' not supported" + +echo "Testing patch file(s)" +cd "$SRCDIR" || die +apply_patches +remove_patches + +cp -LR "$DATADIR/patch" "$TEMPDIR" || die + +if [[ "$ARCH" = "ppc64le" ]]; then + ARCH_KCFLAGS="-mcmodel=large -fplugin=$PLUGINDIR/" +fi + +export KCFLAGS="-I$DATADIR/patch -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections $ARCH_KCFLAGS" + +echo "Reading special section data" +find_special_section_data + +if [[ $DEBUG -ge 4 ]]; then + export KPATCH_GCC_DEBUG=1 +fi + +echo "Building original kernel" +./scripts/setlocalversion --save-scmversion || die +unset KPATCH_GCC_TEMPDIR +# $TARGETS used as list, no quotes. +# shellcheck disable=SC2086 +CROSS_COMPILE="$TOOLSDIR/kpatch-gcc " make "-j$CPUS" $TARGETS 2>&1 | logger || die + +echo "Building patched kernel" +apply_patches +mkdir -p "$TEMPDIR/orig" "$TEMPDIR/patched" +KPATCH_GCC_TEMPDIR="$TEMPDIR" +export KPATCH_GCC_TEMPDIR +# $TARGETS used as list, no quotes. +# shellcheck disable=SC2086 +CROSS_COMPILE="$TOOLSDIR/kpatch-gcc " \ + KBUILD_MODPOST_WARN=1 \ + make "-j$CPUS" $TARGETS 2>&1 | logger || die + +# source.c:(.section+0xFF): undefined reference to `symbol' +grep "undefined reference" "$LOGFILE" | sed -r "s/^.*\`(.*)'$/\\1/" \ + >"${TEMPDIR}"/undefined_references + +# WARNING: "symbol" [path/to/module.ko] undefined! +grep "undefined!" "$LOGFILE" | cut -d\" -f2 >>"${TEMPDIR}"/undefined_references + +if [[ ! -e "$TEMPDIR/changed_objs" ]]; then + die "no changed objects found" +fi + +grep -q vmlinux "$SRCDIR/Module.symvers" || die "truncated $SRCDIR/Module.symvers file" + +# Read as words, no quotes. +# shellcheck disable=SC2013 +for i in $(cat "$TEMPDIR/changed_objs") +do + mkdir -p "$TEMPDIR/patched/$(dirname "$i")" || die + cp -f "$SRCDIR/$i" "$TEMPDIR/patched/$i" || die +done + +echo "Extracting new and modified ELF sections" +# If no kpatch module name was provided on the command line: +# - For single input .patch, use the patch filename +# - For multiple input .patches, use "patch" +# - Prefix with "kpatch" or "livepatch" accordingly +if [[ -z "$MODNAME" ]] ; then + if [[ "${#PATCH_LIST[@]}" -eq 1 ]]; then + MODNAME="$(basename "${PATCH_LIST[0]}")" + if [[ "$MODNAME" =~ \.patch$ ]] || [[ "$MODNAME" =~ \.diff$ ]]; then + MODNAME="${MODNAME%.*}" + fi + else + MODNAME="patch" + fi + + if "$KPATCH_MODULE"; then + MODNAME="kpatch-$MODNAME" + else + MODNAME="livepatch-$MODNAME" + fi + + MODNAME="$(module_name_string "$MODNAME")" +fi +FILES="$(cat "$TEMPDIR/changed_objs")" +cd "$TEMPDIR" || die +mkdir output +declare -a objnames +CHANGED=0 +ERROR=0 +for i in $FILES; do + # In RHEL 7 based kernels, copy_user_64.o misuses the .fixup section, + # which confuses create-diff-object. It's fine to skip it, it's an + # assembly file anyway. + [[ "$DISTRO" = rhel ]] || [[ "$DISTRO" = centos ]] || [[ "$DISTRO" = ol ]] && \ + [[ "$i" = arch/x86/lib/copy_user_64.o ]] && continue + + [[ "$i" = usr/initramfs_data.o ]] && continue + + mkdir -p "output/$(dirname "$i")" + cd "$SRCDIR" || die + find_kobj "$i" + cd "$TEMPDIR" || die + if [[ -e "orig/$i" ]]; then + if [[ "$KOBJFILE" = vmlinux ]]; then + KOBJFILE_NAME=vmlinux + KOBJFILE_PATH="$VMLINUX" + SYMTAB="${TEMPDIR}/${KOBJFILE_NAME}.symtab" + else + KOBJFILE_NAME=$(basename "${KOBJFILE%.ko}") + KOBJFILE_NAME="${KOBJFILE_NAME/-/_}" + KOBJFILE_PATH="${TEMPDIR}/module/$KOBJFILE" + SYMTAB="${KOBJFILE_PATH}.symtab" + fi + + eu-readelf -s "$KOBJFILE_PATH" > "$SYMTAB" + + # create-diff-object orig.o patched.o parent-name parent-symtab + # Module.symvers patch-mod-name output.o + "$TOOLSDIR"/create-diff-object "orig/$i" "patched/$i" "$KOBJFILE_NAME" \ + "$SYMTAB" "$SRCDIR/Module.symvers" "${MODNAME//-/_}" \ + "output/$i" 2>&1 | logger 1 + check_pipe_status create-diff-object + # create-diff-object returns 3 if no functional change is found + [[ "$rc" -eq 0 ]] || [[ "$rc" -eq 3 ]] || ERROR="$((ERROR + 1))" + if [[ "$rc" -eq 0 ]]; then + [[ -n "$ERROR_IF_DIFF" ]] && die "$ERROR_IF_DIFF" + CHANGED=1 + objnames[${#objnames[@]}]="$KOBJFILE" + fi + else + cp -f "patched/$i" "output/$i" + objnames[${#objnames[@]}]="$KOBJFILE" + fi +done + +if [[ "$ERROR" -ne 0 ]]; then + die "$ERROR error(s) encountered" +fi + +if [[ "$CHANGED" -eq 0 ]]; then + die "no functional changes found" +fi + +echo -n "Patched objects:" +for i in $(echo "${objnames[@]}" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -u | tr '\n' ' ') +do + echo -n " $i" +done +echo + +export KCFLAGS="-I$DATADIR/patch $ARCH_KCFLAGS" +if "$KPATCH_MODULE"; then + export KCPPFLAGS="-D__KPATCH_MODULE__" +fi + +echo "Building patch module: $MODNAME.ko" + +if [[ -z "$USERSRCDIR" ]] && [[ "$DISTRO" = ubuntu ]]; then + # UBUNTU: add UTS_UBUNTU_RELEASE_ABI to utsrelease.h after regenerating it + UBUNTU_ABI="${ARCHVERSION#*-}" + UBUNTU_ABI="${UBUNTU_ABI%-*}" + echo "#define UTS_UBUNTU_RELEASE_ABI $UBUNTU_ABI" >> "$SRCDIR"/include/generated/utsrelease.h +fi + +cd "$TEMPDIR/output" || die +# $KPATCH_LDFLAGS and result of find used as list, no quotes. +# shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2046 +ld -r $KPATCH_LDFLAGS -o ../patch/tmp_output.o $(find . -name "*.o") 2>&1 | logger || die + +if "$KPATCH_MODULE"; then + # Add .kpatch.checksum for kpatch script + md5sum ../patch/tmp_output.o | awk '{printf "%s\0", $1}' > checksum.tmp || die + objcopy --add-section .kpatch.checksum=checksum.tmp --set-section-flags .kpatch.checksum=alloc,load,contents,readonly ../patch/tmp_output.o || die + rm -f checksum.tmp + "$TOOLSDIR"/create-kpatch-module "$TEMPDIR"/patch/tmp_output.o "$TEMPDIR"/patch/output.o 2>&1 | logger 1 + check_pipe_status create-kpatch-module +else + cp "$TEMPDIR"/patch/tmp_output.o "$TEMPDIR"/patch/output.o || die +fi + +cd "$TEMPDIR/patch" || die + +KPATCH_BUILD="$SRCDIR" KPATCH_NAME="$MODNAME" \ +KBUILD_EXTRA_SYMBOLS="$KBUILD_EXTRA_SYMBOLS" \ +KPATCH_LDFLAGS="$KPATCH_LDFLAGS" \ + make 2>&1 | logger || die + +if ! "$KPATCH_MODULE"; then + if [[ -z "$KPATCH_LDFLAGS" ]]; then + extra_flags="--no-klp-arch-sections" + fi + cp "$TEMPDIR/patch/$MODNAME.ko" "$TEMPDIR/patch/tmp.ko" || die + "$TOOLSDIR"/create-klp-module $extra_flags "$TEMPDIR/patch/tmp.ko" "$TEMPDIR/patch/$MODNAME.ko" 2>&1 | logger 1 + check_pipe_status create-klp-module +fi + +readelf --wide --symbols "$TEMPDIR/patch/$MODNAME.ko" 2>/dev/null | \ + awk '($4=="FUNC" || $4=="OBJECT") && ($5=="GLOBAL" || $5=="WEAK") && $7!="UND" {print $NF}' \ + >"${TEMPDIR}"/new_symbols + +if "$KPATCH_MODULE"; then + cat >>"${TEMPDIR}"/new_symbols <<-EOF + kpatch_shadow_free + kpatch_shadow_alloc + kpatch_register + kpatch_shadow_get + kpatch_unregister + kpatch_root_kobj + EOF +fi + +# Compare undefined_references and new_symbols files and print only the first +# column containing lines unique to first file. +UNDEFINED=$(comm -23 <(sort -u "${TEMPDIR}"/undefined_references) \ + <(sort -u "${TEMPDIR}"/new_symbols) | tr '\n' ' ') +[[ ! -z "$UNDEFINED" ]] && die "Undefined symbols: $UNDEFINED" + +cp -f "$TEMPDIR/patch/$MODNAME.ko" "$BASE" || die + +[[ "$DEBUG" -eq 0 ]] && rm -f "$LOGFILE" + +echo "SUCCESS" diff --git a/kpatch-build/kpatch-elf.c b/kpatch-build/kpatch-elf.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fcb7161 --- /dev/null +++ b/kpatch-build/kpatch-elf.c @@ -0,0 +1,858 @@ +/* + * kpatch-elf.c + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA, + * 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +/* + * This file provides a common api to create, inspect, and manipulate + * kpatch_elf objects. + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "kpatch-elf.h" + +/******************* + * Helper functions + ******************/ + +char *status_str(enum status status) +{ + switch(status) { + case NEW: + return "NEW"; + case CHANGED: + return "CHANGED"; + case SAME: + return "SAME"; + default: + ERROR("status_str"); + } + /* never reached */ + return NULL; +} + +int is_rela_section(struct section *sec) +{ + return (sec->sh.sh_type == SHT_RELA); +} + +int is_text_section(struct section *sec) +{ + return (sec->sh.sh_type == SHT_PROGBITS && + (sec->sh.sh_flags & SHF_EXECINSTR)); +} + +int is_debug_section(struct section *sec) +{ + char *name; + if (is_rela_section(sec)) + name = sec->base->name; + else + name = sec->name; + + return !strncmp(name, ".debug_", 7) || + !strncmp(name, ".eh_frame", 9); +} + +struct section *find_section_by_index(struct list_head *list, unsigned int index) +{ + struct section *sec; + + list_for_each_entry(sec, list, list) + if (sec->index == index) + return sec; + + return NULL; +} + +struct section *find_section_by_name(struct list_head *list, const char *name) +{ + struct section *sec; + + list_for_each_entry(sec, list, list) + if (!strcmp(sec->name, name)) + return sec; + + return NULL; +} + +struct symbol *find_symbol_by_index(struct list_head *list, size_t index) +{ + struct symbol *sym; + + list_for_each_entry(sym, list, list) + if (sym->index == index) + return sym; + + return NULL; +} + +struct symbol *find_symbol_by_name(struct list_head *list, const char *name) +{ + struct symbol *sym; + + list_for_each_entry(sym, list, list) + if (sym->name && !strcmp(sym->name, name)) + return sym; + + return NULL; +} + +struct rela *find_rela_by_offset(struct section *relasec, unsigned int offset) +{ + struct rela *rela; + + list_for_each_entry(rela, &relasec->relas, list) { + if (rela->offset == offset) + return rela; + } + + return NULL; +} + +/* returns the offset of the string in the string table */ +int offset_of_string(struct list_head *list, char *name) +{ + struct string *string; + int index = 0; + + /* try to find string in the string list */ + list_for_each_entry(string, list, list) { + if (!strcmp(string->name, name)) + return index; + index += strlen(string->name) + 1; + } + + /* allocate a new string */ + ALLOC_LINK(string, list); + string->name = name; + return index; +} + +void kpatch_create_rela_list(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, struct section *sec) +{ + int rela_nr, index = 0, skip = 0; + struct rela *rela; + unsigned int symndx; + + /* find matching base (text/data) section */ + sec->base = find_section_by_index(&kelf->sections, sec->sh.sh_info); + if (!sec->base) + ERROR("can't find base section for rela section %s", sec->name); + + /* create reverse link from base section to this rela section */ + sec->base->rela = sec; + + rela_nr = sec->sh.sh_size / sec->sh.sh_entsize; + + log_debug("\n=== rela list for %s (%d entries) ===\n", + sec->base->name, rela_nr); + + if (is_debug_section(sec)) { + log_debug("skipping rela listing for .debug_* section\n"); + skip = 1; + } + + /* read and store the rela entries */ + while (rela_nr--) { + ALLOC_LINK(rela, &sec->relas); + + if (!gelf_getrela(sec->data, index, &rela->rela)) + ERROR("gelf_getrela"); + index++; + + rela->type = GELF_R_TYPE(rela->rela.r_info); + rela->addend = rela->rela.r_addend; + rela->offset = rela->rela.r_offset; + symndx = GELF_R_SYM(rela->rela.r_info); + rela->sym = find_symbol_by_index(&kelf->symbols, symndx); + if (!rela->sym) + ERROR("could not find rela entry symbol\n"); + if (rela->sym->sec && + (rela->sym->sec->sh.sh_flags & SHF_STRINGS)) { + rela->string = rela->sym->sec->data->d_buf + rela->addend; + if (!rela->string) + ERROR("could not lookup rela string for %s+%d", + rela->sym->name, rela->addend); + } + + if (skip) + continue; + log_debug("offset %d, type %d, %s %s %d", rela->offset, + rela->type, rela->sym->name, + (rela->addend < 0)?"-":"+", abs(rela->addend)); + if (rela->string) + log_debug(" (string = %s)", rela->string); + log_debug("\n"); + } +} + +void kpatch_create_section_list(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + Elf_Scn *scn = NULL; + struct section *sec; + size_t shstrndx, sections_nr; + + if (elf_getshdrnum(kelf->elf, §ions_nr)) + ERROR("elf_getshdrnum"); + + /* + * elf_getshdrnum() includes section index 0 but elf_nextscn + * doesn't return that section so subtract one. + */ + sections_nr--; + + if (elf_getshdrstrndx(kelf->elf, &shstrndx)) + ERROR("elf_getshdrstrndx"); + + log_debug("=== section list (%zu) ===\n", sections_nr); + + while (sections_nr--) { + ALLOC_LINK(sec, &kelf->sections); + + scn = elf_nextscn(kelf->elf, scn); + if (!scn) + ERROR("scn NULL"); + + if (!gelf_getshdr(scn, &sec->sh)) + ERROR("gelf_getshdr"); + + sec->name = elf_strptr(kelf->elf, shstrndx, sec->sh.sh_name); + if (!sec->name) + ERROR("elf_strptr"); + + sec->data = elf_getdata(scn, NULL); + if (!sec->data) + ERROR("elf_getdata"); + + sec->index = elf_ndxscn(scn); + + log_debug("ndx %02d, data %p, size %zu, name %s\n", + sec->index, sec->data->d_buf, sec->data->d_size, + sec->name); + } + + /* Sanity check, one more call to elf_nextscn() should return NULL */ + if (elf_nextscn(kelf->elf, scn)) + ERROR("expected NULL"); +} + +void kpatch_create_symbol_list(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + struct section *symtab; + struct symbol *sym; + unsigned int symbols_nr, index = 0; + + symtab = find_section_by_name(&kelf->sections, ".symtab"); + if (!symtab) + ERROR("missing symbol table"); + + symbols_nr = symtab->sh.sh_size / symtab->sh.sh_entsize; + + log_debug("\n=== symbol list (%d entries) ===\n", symbols_nr); + + while (symbols_nr--) { + ALLOC_LINK(sym, &kelf->symbols); + + sym->index = index; + if (!gelf_getsym(symtab->data, index, &sym->sym)) + ERROR("gelf_getsym"); + index++; + + sym->name = elf_strptr(kelf->elf, symtab->sh.sh_link, + sym->sym.st_name); + if (!sym->name) + ERROR("elf_strptr"); + + sym->type = GELF_ST_TYPE(sym->sym.st_info); + sym->bind = GELF_ST_BIND(sym->sym.st_info); + + if (sym->sym.st_shndx > SHN_UNDEF && + sym->sym.st_shndx < SHN_LORESERVE) { + sym->sec = find_section_by_index(&kelf->sections, + sym->sym.st_shndx); + if (!sym->sec) + ERROR("couldn't find section for symbol %s\n", + sym->name); + + if (sym->type == STT_SECTION) { + sym->sec->secsym = sym; + /* use the section name as the symbol name */ + sym->name = sym->sec->name; + } + } + + log_debug("sym %02d, type %d, bind %d, ndx %02d, name %s", + sym->index, sym->type, sym->bind, sym->sym.st_shndx, + sym->name); + if (sym->sec) + log_debug(" -> %s", sym->sec->name); + log_debug("\n"); + } + +} + +/* Check which functions have fentry/mcount calls; save this info for later use. */ +static void kpatch_find_func_profiling_calls(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + struct symbol *sym; + struct rela *rela; + list_for_each_entry(sym, &kelf->symbols, list) { + if (sym->type != STT_FUNC || !sym->sec || !sym->sec->rela) + continue; +#ifdef __powerpc64__ + list_for_each_entry(rela, &sym->sec->rela->relas, list) { + if (!strcmp(rela->sym->name, "_mcount")) { + sym->has_func_profiling = 1; + break; + } + } +#else + rela = list_first_entry(&sym->sec->rela->relas, struct rela, + list); + if (rela->type != R_X86_64_NONE || + strcmp(rela->sym->name, "__fentry__")) + continue; + + sym->has_func_profiling = 1; +#endif + } +} + +struct kpatch_elf *kpatch_elf_open(const char *name) +{ + Elf *elf; + int fd; + struct kpatch_elf *kelf; + struct section *sec; + + fd = open(name, O_RDONLY); + if (fd == -1) + ERROR("open"); + + elf = elf_begin(fd, ELF_C_READ_MMAP, NULL); + if (!elf) + ERROR("elf_begin"); + + kelf = malloc(sizeof(*kelf)); + if (!kelf) + ERROR("malloc"); + memset(kelf, 0, sizeof(*kelf)); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&kelf->sections); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&kelf->symbols); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&kelf->strings); + + /* read and store section, symbol entries from file */ + kelf->elf = elf; + kelf->fd = fd; + kpatch_create_section_list(kelf); + kpatch_create_symbol_list(kelf); + + /* for each rela section, read and store the rela entries */ + list_for_each_entry(sec, &kelf->sections, list) { + if (!is_rela_section(sec)) + continue; + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&sec->relas); + kpatch_create_rela_list(kelf, sec); + } + + kpatch_find_func_profiling_calls(kelf); + return kelf; +} + +void kpatch_dump_kelf(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + struct section *sec; + struct symbol *sym; + struct rela *rela; + + if (loglevel > DEBUG) + return; + + printf("\n=== Sections ===\n"); + list_for_each_entry(sec, &kelf->sections, list) { + printf("%02d %s (%s)", sec->index, sec->name, status_str(sec->status)); + if (is_rela_section(sec)) { + printf(", base-> %s\n", sec->base->name); + /* skip .debug_* sections */ + if (is_debug_section(sec)) + goto next; + printf("rela section expansion\n"); + list_for_each_entry(rela, &sec->relas, list) { + printf("sym %d, offset %d, type %d, %s %s %d\n", + rela->sym->index, rela->offset, + rela->type, rela->sym->name, + (rela->addend < 0)?"-":"+", + abs(rela->addend)); + } + } else { + if (sec->sym) + printf(", sym-> %s", sec->sym->name); + if (sec->secsym) + printf(", secsym-> %s", sec->secsym->name); + if (sec->rela) + printf(", rela-> %s", sec->rela->name); + } +next: + printf("\n"); + } + + printf("\n=== Symbols ===\n"); + list_for_each_entry(sym, &kelf->symbols, list) { + printf("sym %02d, type %d, bind %d, ndx %02d, name %s (%s)", + sym->index, sym->type, sym->bind, sym->sym.st_shndx, + sym->name, status_str(sym->status)); + if (sym->sec && (sym->type == STT_FUNC || sym->type == STT_OBJECT)) + printf(" -> %s", sym->sec->name); + printf("\n"); + } +} + +int is_null_sym(struct symbol *sym) +{ + return !strlen(sym->name); +} + +int is_file_sym(struct symbol *sym) +{ + return sym->type == STT_FILE; +} + +int is_local_func_sym(struct symbol *sym) +{ + return sym->bind == STB_LOCAL && sym->type == STT_FUNC; +} + +int is_local_sym(struct symbol *sym) +{ + return sym->bind == STB_LOCAL; +} + +void print_strtab(char *buf, size_t size) +{ + size_t i; + + for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { + if (buf[i] == 0) + printf("\\0"); + else + printf("%c",buf[i]); + } +} + +void kpatch_create_shstrtab(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + struct section *shstrtab, *sec; + size_t size, offset, len; + char *buf; + + shstrtab = find_section_by_name(&kelf->sections, ".shstrtab"); + if (!shstrtab) + ERROR("find_section_by_name"); + + /* determine size of string table */ + size = 1; /* for initial NULL terminator */ + list_for_each_entry(sec, &kelf->sections, list) + size += strlen(sec->name) + 1; /* include NULL terminator */ + + /* allocate data buffer */ + buf = malloc(size); + if (!buf) + ERROR("malloc"); + memset(buf, 0, size); + + /* populate string table and link with section header */ + offset = 1; + list_for_each_entry(sec, &kelf->sections, list) { + len = strlen(sec->name) + 1; + sec->sh.sh_name = offset; + memcpy(buf + offset, sec->name, len); + offset += len; + } + + if (offset != size) + ERROR("shstrtab size mismatch"); + + shstrtab->data->d_buf = buf; + shstrtab->data->d_size = size; + + if (loglevel <= DEBUG) { + printf("shstrtab: "); + print_strtab(buf, size); + printf("\n"); + + list_for_each_entry(sec, &kelf->sections, list) + printf("%s @ shstrtab offset %d\n", + sec->name, sec->sh.sh_name); + } +} + +void kpatch_create_strtab(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + struct section *strtab; + struct symbol *sym; + size_t size = 0, offset = 0, len; + char *buf; + + strtab = find_section_by_name(&kelf->sections, ".strtab"); + if (!strtab) + ERROR("find_section_by_name"); + + /* determine size of string table */ + list_for_each_entry(sym, &kelf->symbols, list) { + if (sym->type == STT_SECTION) + continue; + size += strlen(sym->name) + 1; /* include NULL terminator */ + } + + /* allocate data buffer */ + buf = malloc(size); + if (!buf) + ERROR("malloc"); + memset(buf, 0, size); + + /* populate string table and link with section header */ + list_for_each_entry(sym, &kelf->symbols, list) { + if (sym->type == STT_SECTION) { + sym->sym.st_name = 0; + continue; + } + len = strlen(sym->name) + 1; + sym->sym.st_name = offset; + memcpy(buf + offset, sym->name, len); + offset += len; + } + + if (offset != size) + ERROR("shstrtab size mismatch"); + + strtab->data->d_buf = buf; + strtab->data->d_size = size; + + if (loglevel <= DEBUG) { + printf("strtab: "); + print_strtab(buf, size); + printf("\n"); + + list_for_each_entry(sym, &kelf->symbols, list) + printf("%s @ strtab offset %d\n", + sym->name, sym->sym.st_name); + } +} + +void kpatch_create_symtab(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + struct section *symtab; + struct symbol *sym; + char *buf; + size_t size; + int nr = 0, offset = 0, nr_local = 0; + + symtab = find_section_by_name(&kelf->sections, ".symtab"); + if (!symtab) + ERROR("find_section_by_name"); + + /* count symbols */ + list_for_each_entry(sym, &kelf->symbols, list) + nr++; + + /* create new symtab buffer */ + size = nr * symtab->sh.sh_entsize; + buf = malloc(size); + if (!buf) + ERROR("malloc"); + memset(buf, 0, size); + + offset = 0; + list_for_each_entry(sym, &kelf->symbols, list) { + memcpy(buf + offset, &sym->sym, symtab->sh.sh_entsize); + offset += symtab->sh.sh_entsize; + + if (is_local_sym(sym)) + nr_local++; + } + + symtab->data->d_buf = buf; + symtab->data->d_size = size; + + /* update symtab section header */ + symtab->sh.sh_link = find_section_by_name(&kelf->sections, ".strtab")->index; + symtab->sh.sh_info = nr_local; +} + +struct section *create_section_pair(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, char *name, + int entsize, int nr) +{ + char *relaname; + struct section *sec, *relasec; + int size = entsize * nr; + + relaname = malloc(strlen(name) + strlen(".rela") + 1); + if (!relaname) + ERROR("malloc"); + strcpy(relaname, ".rela"); + strcat(relaname, name); + + /* allocate text section resources */ + ALLOC_LINK(sec, &kelf->sections); + sec->name = name; + + /* set data */ + sec->data = malloc(sizeof(*sec->data)); + if (!sec->data) + ERROR("malloc"); + sec->data->d_buf = malloc(size); + if (!sec->data->d_buf) + ERROR("malloc"); + memset(sec->data->d_buf, 0, size); + sec->data->d_size = size; + sec->data->d_type = ELF_T_BYTE; + + /* set section header */ + sec->sh.sh_type = SHT_PROGBITS; + sec->sh.sh_entsize = entsize; + sec->sh.sh_addralign = 8; + sec->sh.sh_flags = SHF_ALLOC; + sec->sh.sh_size = size; + + /* allocate rela section resources */ + ALLOC_LINK(relasec, &kelf->sections); + relasec->name = relaname; + relasec->base = sec; + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&relasec->relas); + + /* set data, buffers generated by kpatch_rebuild_rela_section_data() */ + relasec->data = malloc(sizeof(*relasec->data)); + if (!relasec->data) + ERROR("malloc"); + + /* set section header */ + relasec->sh.sh_type = SHT_RELA; + relasec->sh.sh_entsize = sizeof(GElf_Rela); + relasec->sh.sh_addralign = 8; + + /* set text rela section pointer */ + sec->rela = relasec; + + return sec; +} + +void kpatch_remove_and_free_section(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, char *secname) +{ + struct section *sec, *safesec; + struct rela *rela, *saferela; + + list_for_each_entry_safe(sec, safesec, &kelf->sections, list) { + if (strcmp(secname, sec->name)) + continue; + + if (is_rela_section(sec)) { + list_for_each_entry_safe(rela, saferela, &sec->relas, list) { + list_del(&rela->list); + memset(rela, 0, sizeof(*rela)); + free(rela); + } + } + + /* + * Remove the STT_SECTION symbol from the symtab, + * otherwise when we remove the section we'll end up + * with UNDEF section symbols in the symtab. + */ + if (!is_rela_section(sec) && sec->secsym) { + list_del(&sec->secsym->list); + memset(sec->secsym, 0, sizeof(*sec->secsym)); + free(sec->secsym); + } + + list_del(&sec->list); + memset(sec, 0, sizeof(*sec)); + free(sec); + } +} + +void kpatch_reindex_elements(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + struct section *sec; + struct symbol *sym; + unsigned int index; + + index = 1; /* elf write function handles NULL section 0 */ + list_for_each_entry(sec, &kelf->sections, list) + sec->index = index++; + + index = 0; + list_for_each_entry(sym, &kelf->symbols, list) { + sym->index = index++; + if (sym->sec) + sym->sym.st_shndx = sym->sec->index; + else if (sym->sym.st_shndx != SHN_ABS && + sym->sym.st_shndx != SHN_LIVEPATCH) + sym->sym.st_shndx = SHN_UNDEF; + } +} + +void kpatch_rebuild_rela_section_data(struct section *sec) +{ + struct rela *rela; + int nr = 0, index = 0, size; + GElf_Rela *relas; + + list_for_each_entry(rela, &sec->relas, list) + nr++; + + size = nr * sizeof(*relas); + relas = malloc(size); + if (!relas) + ERROR("malloc"); + + sec->data->d_buf = relas; + sec->data->d_size = size; + /* d_type remains ELF_T_RELA */ + + sec->sh.sh_size = size; + + list_for_each_entry(rela, &sec->relas, list) { + relas[index].r_offset = rela->offset; + relas[index].r_addend = rela->addend; + relas[index].r_info = GELF_R_INFO(rela->sym->index, rela->type); + index++; + } + + /* sanity check, index should equal nr */ + if (index != nr) + ERROR("size mismatch in rebuilt rela section"); +} + +void kpatch_write_output_elf(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, Elf *elf, char *outfile) +{ + int fd; + struct section *sec; + Elf *elfout; + GElf_Ehdr eh, ehout; + Elf_Scn *scn; + Elf_Data *data; + GElf_Shdr sh; + + /* TODO make this argv */ + fd = creat(outfile, 0777); + if (fd == -1) + ERROR("creat"); + + elfout = elf_begin(fd, ELF_C_WRITE, NULL); + if (!elfout) + ERROR("elf_begin"); + + if (!gelf_newehdr(elfout, gelf_getclass(kelf->elf))) + ERROR("gelf_newehdr"); + + if (!gelf_getehdr(elfout, &ehout)) + ERROR("gelf_getehdr"); + + if (!gelf_getehdr(elf, &eh)) + ERROR("gelf_getehdr"); + + memset(&ehout, 0, sizeof(ehout)); + ehout.e_ident[EI_DATA] = eh.e_ident[EI_DATA]; + ehout.e_machine = eh.e_machine; + ehout.e_type = eh.e_type; + ehout.e_version = EV_CURRENT; + ehout.e_shstrndx = find_section_by_name(&kelf->sections, ".shstrtab")->index; + + /* add changed sections */ + list_for_each_entry(sec, &kelf->sections, list) { + scn = elf_newscn(elfout); + if (!scn) + ERROR("elf_newscn"); + + data = elf_newdata(scn); + if (!data) + ERROR("elf_newdata"); + + if (!elf_flagdata(data, ELF_C_SET, ELF_F_DIRTY)) + ERROR("elf_flagdata"); + + data->d_type = sec->data->d_type; + data->d_buf = sec->data->d_buf; + data->d_size = sec->data->d_size; + + if(!gelf_getshdr(scn, &sh)) + ERROR("gelf_getshdr"); + + sh = sec->sh; + + if (!gelf_update_shdr(scn, &sh)) + ERROR("gelf_update_shdr"); + } + + if (!gelf_update_ehdr(elfout, &ehout)) + ERROR("gelf_update_ehdr"); + + if (elf_update(elfout, ELF_C_WRITE) < 0) { + printf("%s\n",elf_errmsg(-1)); + ERROR("elf_update"); + } +} + +/* + * While this is a one-shot program without a lot of proper cleanup in case + * of an error, this function serves a debugging purpose: to break down and + * zero data structures we shouldn't be accessing anymore. This should + * help cause an immediate and obvious issue when a logic error leads to + * accessing data that is not intended to be accessed past a particular point. + */ +void kpatch_elf_teardown(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + struct section *sec, *safesec; + struct symbol *sym, *safesym; + struct rela *rela, *saferela; + + list_for_each_entry_safe(sec, safesec, &kelf->sections, list) { + if (is_rela_section(sec)) { + list_for_each_entry_safe(rela, saferela, &sec->relas, list) { + memset(rela, 0, sizeof(*rela)); + free(rela); + } + memset(sec, 0, sizeof(*sec)); + free(sec); + } + } + + list_for_each_entry_safe(sym, safesym, &kelf->symbols, list) { + memset(sym, 0, sizeof(*sym)); + free(sym); + } + + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&kelf->sections); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&kelf->symbols); +} + +void kpatch_elf_free(struct kpatch_elf *kelf) +{ + elf_end(kelf->elf); + close(kelf->fd); + memset(kelf, 0, sizeof(*kelf)); + free(kelf); +} diff --git a/kpatch-build/kpatch-elf.h b/kpatch-build/kpatch-elf.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bec6398 --- /dev/null +++ b/kpatch-build/kpatch-elf.h @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ +/* + * kpatch-elf.h + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA, + * 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +#ifndef _KPATCH_ELF_H_ +#define _KPATCH_ELF_H_ + +#include +#include +#include "list.h" +#include "log.h" + +#define KLP_SYM_PREFIX ".klp.sym." +#define KLP_RELASEC_PREFIX ".klp.rela." +#define KLP_ARCH_PREFIX ".klp.arch." +#define SHF_RELA_LIVEPATCH 0x00100000 +#define SHN_LIVEPATCH 0xff20 + +/******************* + * Data structures + * ****************/ +struct section; +struct symbol; +struct rela; + +enum status { + NEW, + CHANGED, + SAME +}; + +struct section { + struct list_head list; + struct section *twin; + GElf_Shdr sh; + Elf_Data *data; + char *name; + unsigned int index; + enum status status; + int include; + int ignore; + int grouped; + union { + struct { /* if (is_rela_section()) */ + struct section *base; + struct list_head relas; + }; + struct { /* else */ + struct section *rela; + struct symbol *secsym, *sym; + }; + }; +}; + +struct symbol { + struct list_head list; + struct symbol *twin; + struct section *sec; + GElf_Sym sym; + char *name; + unsigned int index; + unsigned char bind, type; + enum status status; + union { + int include; /* used in the patched elf */ + int strip; /* used in the output elf */ + }; + int has_func_profiling; +}; + +struct rela { + struct list_head list; + GElf_Rela rela; + struct symbol *sym; + unsigned int type; + int addend; + unsigned int offset; + char *string; + bool need_dynrela; +}; + +struct string { + struct list_head list; + char *name; +}; + +struct kpatch_elf { + Elf *elf; + struct list_head sections; + struct list_head symbols; + struct list_head strings; + int fd; +}; + +/******************* + * Helper functions + ******************/ +char *status_str(enum status status); +int is_rela_section(struct section *sec); +int is_text_section(struct section *sec); +int is_debug_section(struct section *sec); + +struct section *find_section_by_index(struct list_head *list, unsigned int index); +struct section *find_section_by_name(struct list_head *list, const char *name); +struct symbol *find_symbol_by_index(struct list_head *list, size_t index); +struct symbol *find_symbol_by_name(struct list_head *list, const char *name); +struct rela *find_rela_by_offset(struct section *relasec, unsigned int offset); + +#define ALLOC_LINK(_new, _list) \ +{ \ + (_new) = malloc(sizeof(*(_new))); \ + if (!(_new)) \ + ERROR("malloc"); \ + memset((_new), 0, sizeof(*(_new))); \ + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&(_new)->list); \ + if (_list) \ + list_add_tail(&(_new)->list, (_list)); \ +} + +int offset_of_string(struct list_head *list, char *name); + +#ifndef R_PPC64_ENTRY +#define R_PPC64_ENTRY 118 +#endif + +/************* + * Functions + * **********/ +void kpatch_create_rela_list(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, struct section *sec); +void kpatch_create_section_list(struct kpatch_elf *kelf); +void kpatch_create_symbol_list(struct kpatch_elf *kelf); +struct kpatch_elf *kpatch_elf_open(const char *name); +void kpatch_dump_kelf(struct kpatch_elf *kelf); + +int is_null_sym(struct symbol *sym); +int is_file_sym(struct symbol *sym); +int is_local_func_sym(struct symbol *sym); +int is_local_sym(struct symbol *sym); + +void print_strtab(char *buf, size_t size); +void kpatch_create_shstrtab(struct kpatch_elf *kelf); +void kpatch_create_strtab(struct kpatch_elf *kelf); +void kpatch_create_symtab(struct kpatch_elf *kelf); +struct section *create_section_pair(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, char *name, + int entsize, int nr); +void kpatch_remove_and_free_section(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, char *secname); +void kpatch_reindex_elements(struct kpatch_elf *kelf); +void kpatch_rebuild_rela_section_data(struct section *sec); +void kpatch_write_output_elf(struct kpatch_elf *kelf, Elf *elf, char *outfile); +void kpatch_elf_teardown(struct kpatch_elf *kelf); +void kpatch_elf_free(struct kpatch_elf *kelf); +#endif /* _KPATCH_ELF_H_ */ diff --git a/kpatch-build/kpatch-gcc b/kpatch-build/kpatch-gcc new file mode 100755 index 0000000..2d56da1 --- /dev/null +++ b/kpatch-build/kpatch-gcc @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +if [[ ${KPATCH_GCC_DEBUG:-0} -ne 0 ]]; then + set -o xtrace +fi + +TOOLCHAINCMD="$1" +shift + +if [[ -z "$KPATCH_GCC_TEMPDIR" ]]; then + exec "$TOOLCHAINCMD" "$@" +fi + +declare -a args=("$@") + +if [[ "$TOOLCHAINCMD" = "gcc" ]] ; then + while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do + if [ "$1" = "-o" ]; then + obj="$2" + + # skip copying the temporary .o files created by + # + [[ "$obj" = */.tmp_mc_*.o ]] && break; + + [[ "$obj" = */.tmp_*.o ]] && obj="${obj/.tmp_/}" + case "$obj" in + *.mod.o|\ + *built-in.o|\ + *built-in.a|\ + vmlinux.o|\ + .tmp_kallsyms1.o|\ + .tmp_kallsyms2.o|\ + init/version.o|\ + arch/x86/boot/version.o|\ + arch/x86/boot/compressed/eboot.o|\ + arch/x86/boot/header.o|\ + arch/x86/boot/compressed/efi_stub_64.o|\ + arch/x86/boot/compressed/piggy.o|\ + kernel/system_certificates.o|\ + arch/x86/vdso/*|\ + arch/x86/entry/vdso/*|\ + drivers/firmware/efi/libstub/*|\ + arch/powerpc/kernel/prom_init.o|\ + lib/*|\ + .*.o|\ + */.lib_exports.o) + break + ;; + *.o) + mkdir -p "$KPATCH_GCC_TEMPDIR/orig/$(dirname "$obj")" + [[ -e "$obj" ]] && cp -f "$obj" "$KPATCH_GCC_TEMPDIR/orig/$obj" + echo "$obj" >> "$KPATCH_GCC_TEMPDIR/changed_objs" + break + ;; + *) + break + ;; + esac + fi + shift + done +elif [[ "$TOOLCHAINCMD" = "ld" ]] ; then + while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do + if [ "$1" = "-o" ]; then + obj="$2" + case "$obj" in + *.ko) + mkdir -p "$KPATCH_GCC_TEMPDIR/module/$(dirname "$obj")" + cp -f "$obj" "$KPATCH_GCC_TEMPDIR/module/$obj" + break + ;; + .tmp_vmlinux*|vmlinux) + args+=(--warn-unresolved-symbols) + break + ;; + *) + break + ;; + esac + fi + shift + done +fi + +exec "$TOOLCHAINCMD" "${args[@]}" diff --git a/kpatch-build/kpatch-intermediate.h b/kpatch-build/kpatch-intermediate.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3dea775 --- /dev/null +++ b/kpatch-build/kpatch-intermediate.h @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +/* + * kpatch-intermediate.h + * + * Structures for intermediate .kpatch.* sections + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA, + * 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +#ifndef _KPATCH_INTERMEDIATE_H_ +#define _KPATCH_INTERMEDIATE_H_ + +/* For .kpatch.{symbols,relocations,arch} sections */ + +struct kpatch_symbol { + unsigned long src; + unsigned long pos; + unsigned char bind, type; + char *name; + char *objname; /* object to which this sym belongs */ +}; + +struct kpatch_relocation { + unsigned long dest; + unsigned int type; + int addend; + int external; + char *objname; /* object to which this rela applies to */ + struct kpatch_symbol *ksym; +}; + +struct kpatch_arch { + unsigned long sec; + char *objname; +}; +#endif /* _KPATCH_INTERMEDIATE_H_ */ diff --git a/kpatch-build/kpatch.h b/kpatch-build/kpatch.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ffdb854 --- /dev/null +++ b/kpatch-build/kpatch.h @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +#ifndef _KPATCH_H_ +#define _KPATCH_H_ + +enum exit_status { + EXIT_STATUS_SUCCESS = 0, + EXIT_STATUS_ERROR = 1, + EXIT_STATUS_DIFF_FATAL = 2, + EXIT_STATUS_NO_CHANGE = 3, +}; + +#endif /* _KPATCH_H_ */ diff --git a/kpatch-build/list.h b/kpatch-build/list.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e95593c --- /dev/null +++ b/kpatch-build/list.h @@ -0,0 +1,221 @@ +/* + * list.h + * + * Adapted from which is a + * userspace port of the Linux kernel implementation in include/linux/list.h + * + * Thus licensed as GPLv2. + * + * Copyright (C) 2014 Seth Jennings + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA, + * 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +#ifndef _LIST_H +#define _LIST_H + +/** + * Get offset of a member + */ +#define offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) ((size_t) &((TYPE *)0)->MEMBER) + +/** + * Casts a member of a structure out to the containing structure + * @param ptr the pointer to the member. + * @param type the type of the container struct this is embedded in. + * @param member the name of the member within the struct. + * + */ +#define container_of(ptr, type, member) ({ \ + const typeof( ((type *)0)->member ) *__mptr = (ptr); \ + (type *)( (char *)__mptr - offsetof(type,member) );}) + +/* + * These are non-NULL pointers that will result in page faults + * under normal circumstances, used to verify that nobody uses + * non-initialized list entries. + */ +#define LIST_POISON1 ((void *) 0x00100100) +#define LIST_POISON2 ((void *) 0x00200200) + +/** + * Simple doubly linked list implementation. + * + * Some of the internal functions ("__xxx") are useful when + * manipulating whole lists rather than single entries, as + * sometimes we already know the next/prev entries and we can + * generate better code by using them directly rather than + * using the generic single-entry routines. + */ +struct list_head { + struct list_head *next, *prev; +}; + +#define LIST_HEAD_INIT(name) { &(name), &(name) } + +#define LIST_HEAD(name) \ + struct list_head name = LIST_HEAD_INIT(name) + +#define INIT_LIST_HEAD(ptr) do { \ + (ptr)->next = (ptr); (ptr)->prev = (ptr); \ +} while (0) + +/* + * Insert a new entry between two known consecutive entries. + * + * This is only for internal list manipulation where we know + * the prev/next entries already! + */ +static inline void __list_add(struct list_head *new, + struct list_head *prev, + struct list_head *next) +{ + next->prev = new; + new->next = next; + new->prev = prev; + prev->next = new; +} + +/** + * list_add - add a new entry + * @new: new entry to be added + * @head: list head to add it after + * + * Insert a new entry after the specified head. + * This is good for implementing stacks. + */ +static inline void list_add(struct list_head *new, struct list_head *head) +{ + __list_add(new, head, head->next); +} + +/** + * list_add_tail - add a new entry + * @new: new entry to be added + * @head: list head to add it before + * + * Insert a new entry before the specified head. + * This is useful for implementing queues. + */ +static inline void list_add_tail(struct list_head *new, struct list_head *head) +{ + __list_add(new, head->prev, head); +} + + +/* + * Delete a list entry by making the prev/next entries + * point to each other. + * + * This is only for internal list manipulation where we know + * the prev/next entries already! + */ +static inline void __list_del(struct list_head * prev, struct list_head * next) +{ + next->prev = prev; + prev->next = next; +} + +/** + * list_del - deletes entry from list. + * @entry: the element to delete from the list. + * Note: list_empty on entry does not return true after this, the entry is + * in an undefined state. + */ +static inline void list_del(struct list_head *entry) +{ + __list_del(entry->prev, entry->next); + entry->next = LIST_POISON1; + entry->prev = LIST_POISON2; +} + +/** + * list_replace - replace old entry by new one + * @old : the element to be replaced + * @new : the new element to insert + * + * If @old was empty, it will be overwritten. + */ +static inline void list_replace(struct list_head *old, + struct list_head *new) +{ + new->next = old->next; + new->next->prev = new; + new->prev = old->prev; + new->prev->next = new; +} + +#define list_entry(ptr, type, member) \ + container_of(ptr, type, member) + +/** + * list_first_entry - get the first element from a list + * @ptr: the list head to take the element from. + * @type: the type of the struct this is embedded in. + * @member: the name of the list_struct within the struct. + * + * Note, that list is expected to be not empty. + */ +#define list_first_entry(ptr, type, member) \ + list_entry((ptr)->next, type, member) + +/** + * list_next_entry - get the next element in list + * @pos: the type * to cursor + * @member: the name of the list_struct within the struct. + */ +#define list_next_entry(pos, member) \ + list_entry((pos)->, typeof(*(pos)), member) + +/** + * list_for_each_entry - iterate over list of given type + * @pos: the type * to use as a loop counter. + * @head: the head for your list. + * @member: the name of the list_struct within the struct. + */ +#define list_for_each_entry(pos, head, member) \ + for (pos = list_entry((head)->next, typeof(*pos), member); \ + &pos->member != (head); \ + pos = list_entry(pos->, typeof(*pos), member)) + +/** + * list_for_each_entry_continue - continue iteration over list of given type + * @pos: the type * to use as a loop cursor. + * @head: the head for your list. + * @member: the name of the list_struct within the struct. + * + * Continue to iterate over list of given type, continuing after + * the current position. + */ +#define list_for_each_entry_continue(pos, head, member) \ + for (pos = list_next_entry(pos, member); \ + &pos->member != (head); \ + pos = list_next_entry(pos, member)) + +/** + * list_for_each_entry_safe - iterate over list of given type safe against removal of list entry + * @pos: the type * to use as a loop counter. + * @n: another type * to use as temporary storage + * @head: the head for your list. + * @member: the name of the list_struct within the struct. + */ +#define list_for_each_entry_safe(pos, n, head, member) \ + for (pos = list_entry((head)->next, typeof(*pos), member), \ + n = list_entry(pos->, typeof(*pos), member); \ + &pos->member != (head); \ + pos = n, n = list_entry(n->, typeof(*n), member)) + +#endif /* _LIST_H_ */ diff --git a/kpatch-build/log.h b/kpatch-build/log.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ae54175 --- /dev/null +++ b/kpatch-build/log.h @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +#ifndef _LOG_H_ +#define _LOG_H_ + +#include +#include "kpatch.h" + +/* Files that include log.h must define loglevel and childobj */ +extern enum loglevel loglevel; +extern char *childobj; + +#define ERROR(format, ...) \ + error(EXIT_STATUS_ERROR, 0, "ERROR: %s: %s: %d: " format, childobj, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__) + +#define log_debug(format, ...) log(DEBUG, format, ##__VA_ARGS__) +#define log_normal(format, ...) log(NORMAL, "%s: " format, childobj, ##__VA_ARGS__) + +#define log(level, format, ...) \ +({ \ + if (loglevel <= (level)) \ + printf(format, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ +}) + +enum loglevel { + DEBUG, + NORMAL +}; +#endif /* _LOG_H_ */ diff --git a/kpatch-build/lookup.c b/kpatch-build/lookup.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d08c10b --- /dev/null +++ b/kpatch-build/lookup.c @@ -0,0 +1,468 @@ +/* + * lookup.c + * + * This file contains functions that assist in the reading and searching + * the symbol table of an ELF object. + * + * Copyright (C) 2014 Seth Jennings + * Copyright (C) 2014 Josh Poimboeuf + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA, + * 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "lookup.h" +#include "log.h" + +struct object_symbol { + unsigned long value; + unsigned long size; + char *name; + int type, bind; +}; + +struct export_symbol { + char *name; + char *objname; +}; + +struct lookup_table { + int obj_nr, exp_nr; + struct object_symbol *obj_syms; + struct export_symbol *exp_syms; + struct object_symbol *local_syms; +}; + +#define for_each_obj_symbol(ndx, iter, table) \ + for (ndx = 0, iter = table->obj_syms; ndx < table->obj_nr; ndx++, iter++) + +#define for_each_obj_symbol_continue(ndx, iter, table) \ + for (iter = table->obj_syms + ndx; ndx < table->obj_nr; ndx++, iter++) + +#define for_each_exp_symbol(ndx, iter, table) \ + for (ndx = 0, iter = table->exp_syms; ndx < table->exp_nr; ndx++, iter++) + +static int maybe_discarded_sym(const char *name) +{ + if (!name) + return 0; + + /* + * Sometimes these symbols are discarded during linking, and sometimes + * they're not, depending on whether the parent object is vmlinux or a + * module, and also depending on the kernel version. For simplicity, + * we just always skip them when comparing object symbol tables. + */ + if (!strncmp(name, "__exitcall_", 11) || + !strncmp(name, "__brk_reservation_fn_", 21) || + !strncmp(name, "__func_stack_frame_non_standard_", 32)) + return 1; + + return 0; +} + +static int locals_match(struct lookup_table *table, int idx, + struct sym_compare_type *child_locals) +{ + struct sym_compare_type *child; + struct object_symbol *sym; + int i, found; + + i = idx + 1; + for_each_obj_symbol_continue(i, sym, table) { + if (sym->type == STT_FILE) + break; + if (sym->bind != STB_LOCAL) + continue; + if (sym->type != STT_FUNC && sym->type != STT_OBJECT) + continue; + + found = 0; + for (child = child_locals; child->name; child++) { + if (child->type == sym->type && + !strcmp(child->name, sym->name)) { + found = 1; + break; + } + } + + if (!found) + return 0; + } + + for (child = child_locals; child->name; child++) { + /* + * Symbols which get discarded at link time are missing from + * the lookup table, so skip them. + */ + if (maybe_discarded_sym(child->name)) + continue; + + found = 0; + i = idx + 1; + for_each_obj_symbol_continue(i, sym, table) { + if (sym->type == STT_FILE) + break; + if (sym->bind != STB_LOCAL) + continue; + if (sym->type != STT_FUNC && sym->type != STT_OBJECT) + continue; + if (maybe_discarded_sym(sym->name)) + continue; + + if (!strcmp(child->name, sym->name)) { + found = 1; + break; + } + } + + if (!found) + return 0; + } + + return 1; +} + +static void find_local_syms(struct lookup_table *table, char *hint, + struct sym_compare_type *child_locals) +{ + struct object_symbol *sym; + int i; + + if (!child_locals) + return; + + for_each_obj_symbol(i, sym, table) { + if (sym->type != STT_FILE) + continue; + if (strcmp(hint, sym->name)) + continue; + if (!locals_match(table, i, child_locals)) + continue; + if (table->local_syms) + ERROR("find_local_syms for %s: found_dup", hint); + + table->local_syms = sym; + } + + if (!table->local_syms) + ERROR("find_local_syms for %s: couldn't find in vmlinux symbol table", hint); +} + +/* Strip the path and replace '-' with '_' */ +static char *make_modname(char *modname) +{ + char *cur; + + if (!modname) + return NULL; + + cur = modname; + while (*cur != '\0') { + if (*cur == '-') + *cur = '_'; + cur++; + } + + return basename(modname); +} + +static void symtab_read(struct lookup_table *table, char *path) +{ + FILE *file; + long unsigned int value, size; + unsigned int i = 0; + char line[256], name[256], type[16], bind[16], ndx[16]; + + if ((file = fopen(path, "r")) == NULL) + ERROR("fopen"); + + while (fgets(line, 256, file)) { + if (sscanf(line, "%*s %lx %lu %s %s %*s %s %s\n", + &value, &size, type, bind, ndx, name) != 6 || + !strcmp(ndx, "UNDEF") || + !strcmp(bind, "SECTION")) + continue; + + table->obj_nr++; + } + + table->obj_syms = malloc(table->obj_nr * sizeof(*table->obj_syms)); + if (!table->obj_syms) + ERROR("malloc table.obj_syms"); + memset(table->obj_syms, 0, table->obj_nr * sizeof(*table->obj_syms)); + + rewind(file); + + while (fgets(line, 256, file)) { + if (sscanf(line, "%*s %lx %lu %s %s %*s %s %s\n", + &value, &size, type, bind, ndx, name) != 6 || + !strcmp(ndx, "UNDEF") || + !strcmp(bind, "SECTION")) + continue; + + table->obj_syms[i].value = value; + table->obj_syms[i].size = size; + table->obj_syms[i].name = strdup(name); + + if (!strcmp(bind, "LOCAL")) { + table->obj_syms[i].bind = STB_LOCAL; + } else if (!strcmp(bind, "GLOBAL")) { + table->obj_syms[i].bind = STB_GLOBAL; + } else if (!strcmp(bind, "WEAK")) { + table->obj_syms[i].bind = STB_WEAK; + } else { + ERROR("unknown symbol bind %s", bind); + } + + if (!strcmp(type, "NOTYPE")) { + table->obj_syms[i].type = STT_NOTYPE; + } else if (!strcmp(type, "OBJECT")) { + table->obj_syms[i].type = STT_OBJECT; + } else if (!strcmp(type, "FUNC")) { + table->obj_syms[i].type = STT_FUNC; + } else if (!strcmp(type, "FILE")) { + table->obj_syms[i].type = STT_FILE; + } else { + ERROR("unknown symbol type %s", type); + } + + table->obj_syms[i].name = strdup(name); + if (!table->obj_syms[i].name) + ERROR("strdup"); + i++; + } + + fclose(file); +} + +static void symvers_read(struct lookup_table *table, char *path) +{ + FILE *file; + unsigned int crc, i = 0; + char name[256], mod[256], export[256]; + char *objname, *symname; + + if ((file = fopen(path, "r")) == NULL) + ERROR("fopen"); + + while (fscanf(file, "%x %s %s %s\n", + &crc, name, mod, export) != EOF) + table->exp_nr++; + + table->exp_syms = malloc(table->exp_nr * sizeof(*table->exp_syms)); + if (!table->exp_syms) + ERROR("malloc table.exp_syms"); + memset(table->exp_syms, 0, + table->exp_nr * sizeof(*table->exp_syms)); + + rewind(file); + + while (fscanf(file, "%x %s %s %s\n", + &crc, name, mod, export) != EOF) { + symname = strdup(name); + if (!symname) + perror("strdup"); + + objname = strdup(mod); + if (!objname) + perror("strdup"); + /* Modifies objname in-place */ + objname = make_modname(objname); + + table->exp_syms[i].name = symname; + table->exp_syms[i].objname = objname; + i++; + } + + fclose(file); +} + +struct lookup_table *lookup_open(char *symtab_path, char *symvers_path, + char *hint, struct sym_compare_type *locals) +{ + struct lookup_table *table; + + table = malloc(sizeof(*table)); + if (!table) + ERROR("malloc table"); + memset(table, 0, sizeof(*table)); + + symtab_read(table, symtab_path); + symvers_read(table, symvers_path); + find_local_syms(table, hint, locals); + + return table; +} + +void lookup_close(struct lookup_table *table) +{ + free(table->obj_syms); + free(table->exp_syms); + free(table); +} + +int lookup_local_symbol(struct lookup_table *table, char *name, + struct lookup_result *result) +{ + struct object_symbol *sym; + unsigned long pos = 0; + int i, match = 0, in_file = 0; + + if (!table->local_syms) + return 1; + + memset(result, 0, sizeof(*result)); + for_each_obj_symbol(i, sym, table) { + if (sym->bind == STB_LOCAL && !strcmp(sym->name, name)) + pos++; + + if (table->local_syms == sym) { + in_file = 1; + continue; + } + + if (!in_file) + continue; + + if (sym->type == STT_FILE) + break; + + if (sym->bind == STB_LOCAL && !strcmp(sym->name, name)) { + match = 1; + break; + } + } + + if (!match) + return 1; + + result->pos = pos; + result->value = sym->value; + result->size = sym->size; + return 0; +} + +int lookup_global_symbol(struct lookup_table *table, char *name, + struct lookup_result *result) +{ + struct object_symbol *sym; + int i; + + memset(result, 0, sizeof(*result)); + for_each_obj_symbol(i, sym, table) { + if ((sym->bind == STB_GLOBAL || sym->bind == STB_WEAK) && + !strcmp(sym->name, name)) { + result->value = sym->value; + result->size = sym->size; + result->pos = 0; /* always 0 for global symbols */ + return 0; + } + } + + return 1; +} + +int lookup_is_exported_symbol(struct lookup_table *table, char *name) +{ + struct export_symbol *sym, *match = NULL; + int i; + + for_each_exp_symbol(i, sym, table) { + if (!strcmp(sym->name, name)) { + if (match) + ERROR("duplicate exported symbol found for %s", name); + match = sym; + } + } + + return !!match; +} + +/* + * lookup_exported_symbol_objname - find the object/module an exported + * symbol belongs to. + */ +char *lookup_exported_symbol_objname(struct lookup_table *table, char *name) +{ + struct export_symbol *sym, *match = NULL; + int i; + + for_each_exp_symbol(i, sym, table) { + if (!strcmp(sym->name, name)) { + if (match) + ERROR("duplicate exported symbol found for %s", name); + match = sym; + } + } + + if (match) + return match->objname; + + return NULL; + } + +#if 0 /* for local testing */ +static void find_this(struct lookup_table *table, char *sym, char *hint) +{ + struct lookup_result result; + + if (hint) + lookup_local_symbol(table, sym, hint, &result); + else + lookup_global_symbol(table, sym, &result); + + printf("%s %s w/ %s hint at 0x%016lx len %lu pos %lu\n", + hint ? "local" : "global", sym, hint ? hint : "no", + result.value, result.size, result.pos); +} + +int main(int argc, char **argv) +{ + struct lookup_table *vmlinux; + + if (argc != 2) + return 1; + + vmlinux = lookup_open(argv[1]); + + printf("printk is%s exported\n", + lookup_is_exported_symbol(vmlinux, "__fentry__") ? "" : " not"); + printf("meminfo_proc_show is%s exported\n", + lookup_is_exported_symbol(vmlinux, "meminfo_proc_show") ? "" : " not"); + + find_this(vmlinux, "printk", NULL); + find_this(vmlinux, "pages_to_scan_show", "ksm.c"); + find_this(vmlinux, "pages_to_scan_show", "huge_memory.c"); + find_this(vmlinux, "pages_to_scan_show", NULL); /* should fail */ + + lookup_close(vmlinux); + + return 0; +} +#endif diff --git a/kpatch-build/lookup.h b/kpatch-build/lookup.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..420d0f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/kpatch-build/lookup.h @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +#ifndef _LOOKUP_H_ +#define _LOOKUP_H_ + +struct lookup_table; + +struct lookup_result { + unsigned long value; + unsigned long size; + unsigned long pos; +}; + +struct sym_compare_type { + char *name; + int type; +}; + +struct lookup_table *lookup_open(char *symtab_path, char *symvers_path, + char *hint, struct sym_compare_type *locals); +void lookup_close(struct lookup_table *table); +int lookup_local_symbol(struct lookup_table *table, char *name, + struct lookup_result *result); +int lookup_global_symbol(struct lookup_table *table, char *name, + struct lookup_result *result); +int lookup_is_exported_symbol(struct lookup_table *table, char *name); +char *lookup_exported_symbol_objname(struct lookup_table *table, char *name); + +#endif /* _LOOKUP_H_ */ diff --git a/kpatch/Makefile b/kpatch/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..448968f --- /dev/null +++ b/kpatch/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +include ../ + +all: + +install: all + $(INSTALL) -d $(SBINDIR) + $(INSTALL) kpatch $(SBINDIR) + +uninstall: + $(RM) $(SBINDIR)/kpatch + +clean: diff --git a/kpatch/kpatch b/kpatch/kpatch new file mode 100755 index 0000000..2e02245 --- /dev/null +++ b/kpatch/kpatch @@ -0,0 +1,569 @@ +#!/bin/bash +# +# kpatch hot patch module management script +# +# Copyright (C) 2014 Seth Jennings +# Copyright (C) 2014 Josh Poimboeuf +# +# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or +# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License +# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 +# of the License, or (at your option) any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA, +# 02110-1301, USA. + +# This is the kpatch user script that manages installing, loading, and +# displaying information about kernel patch modules installed on the system. + +INSTALLDIR=/var/lib/kpatch +SCRIPTDIR="$(readlink -f "$(dirname "$(type -p "$0")")")" +VERSION="0.6.1" +POST_ENABLE_WAIT=15 # seconds +POST_SIGNAL_WAIT=60 # seconds + +# How many times to try loading the patch if activeness safety check fails. +MAX_LOAD_ATTEMPTS=5 +# How long to wait before retry, in seconds. +RETRY_INTERVAL=2 + +usage_cmd() { + printf ' %-20s\n %s\n' "$1" "$2" >&2 +} + +usage () { + # ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION + # When changing this, please also update the man page. Thanks! + echo "usage: kpatch []" >&2 + echo >&2 + echo "Valid commands:" >&2 + usage_cmd "install [-k|--kernel-version=] " "install patch module to be loaded at boot" + usage_cmd "uninstall [-k|--kernel-version=] " "uninstall patch module" + echo >&2 + usage_cmd "load --all" "load all installed patch modules into the running kernel" + usage_cmd "load " "load patch module into the running kernel" + usage_cmd "unload --all" "unload all patch modules from the running kernel" + usage_cmd "unload " "unload patch module from the running kernel" + echo >&2 + usage_cmd "info " "show information about a patch module" + echo >&2 + usage_cmd "list" "list installed patch modules" + echo >&2 + usage_cmd "signal" "signal/poke any process stalling the current patch transition" + echo >&2 + usage_cmd "version" "display the kpatch version" + exit 1 +} + +warn() { + echo "kpatch: $*" >&2 +} + +die() { + warn "$@" + exit 1 +} + +__find_module () { + MODULE="$1" + [[ -f "$MODULE" ]] && return + + MODULE="$INSTALLDIR/$(uname -r)/$1" + [[ -f "$MODULE" ]] && return + + return 1 +} + +mod_name () { + MODNAME="$(basename "$1")" + MODNAME="${MODNAME%.ko}" + MODNAME="${MODNAME//-/_}" +} + +find_module () { + arg="$1" + if [[ "$arg" =~ \.ko ]]; then + __find_module "$arg" || return 1 + mod_name "$MODULE" + return + else + for i in "$INSTALLDIR/$(uname -r)"/*; do + mod_name "$i" + if [[ "$MODNAME" == "$arg" ]]; then + MODULE="$i" + return + fi + done + fi + + return 1 +} + +find_core_module() { + COREMOD="$SCRIPTDIR"/../kmod/core/kpatch.ko + [[ -f "$COREMOD" ]] && return + + COREMOD="/usr/local/lib/kpatch/$(uname -r)/kpatch.ko" + [[ -f "$COREMOD" ]] && return + + COREMOD="/usr/lib/kpatch/$(uname -r)/kpatch.ko" + [[ -f "$COREMOD" ]] && return + + COREMOD="/usr/local/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/extra/kpatch/kpatch.ko" + [[ -f "$COREMOD" ]] && return + + COREMOD="/usr/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/extra/kpatch/kpatch.ko" + [[ -f "$COREMOD" ]] && return + + return 1 +} + +core_loaded () { + grep -q -e "T klp_register_patch" -e "T kpatch_register" /proc/kallsyms +} + +get_module_name () { + readelf -p .gnu.linkonce.this_module "$1" | grep '\[.*\]' | awk '{print $3}' +} + +init_sysfs_var() { + # If the kernel is configured with CONFIG_LIVEPATCH, use that. + # Otherwise, use the kpatch core module (kpatch.ko). + if [[ -e /sys/kernel/livepatch ]] ; then + # livepatch ABI + SYSFS="/sys/kernel/livepatch" + + elif [[ -e /sys/kernel/kpatch/patches ]] ; then + # kpatch pre-0.4 ABI + SYSFS="/sys/kernel/kpatch/patches" + + else + # kpatch 0.4 ABI + SYSFS="/sys/kernel/kpatch" + fi +} + +verify_module_checksum () { + modname="$(get_module_name "$1")" + [[ -z "$modname" ]] && return 1 + + checksum="$(readelf -p .kpatch.checksum "$1" 2>&1 | grep '\[.*\]' | awk '{print $3}')" + + # Fail checksum match only if both exist and diverge + if [[ ! -z "$checksum" ]] && [[ -e "$SYSFS/${modname}/checksum" ]] ; then + sysfs_checksum="$(cat "$SYSFS/${modname}/checksum")" + [[ "$checksum" == "$sysfs_checksum" ]] || return 1 + fi + + return 0 +} + +in_transition() { + local moddir="$SYSFS/$1" + [[ $(cat "$moddir/transition" 2>/dev/null) == "1" ]] && return 0 + return 1 +} + +is_stalled() { + local module="$1" + local pid="$2" + local patch_enabled + local patch_state + + patch_enabled="$(cat "$SYSFS/$module/enabled" 2>/dev/null)" + patch_state="$(cat "/proc/$pid/patch_state" 2>/dev/null)" + + # No patch transition in progress + [[ "$patch_state" == "-1" ]] && return 1 + + [[ -z "$patch_enabled" ]] || [[ -z "$patch_state" ]] && return 1 + + # Stalls can be determined if the process state does not match + # the transition target (ie, "enabled" and "patched", "disabled" + # and "unpatched"). The state value enumerations match, so we + # can just compare them directly: + [[ "$patch_enabled" != "$patch_state" ]] && return 0 + return 1 +} + +get_transition_patch() { + local module + local modname + for module in "$SYSFS"/*; do + modname=$(basename "$module") + if in_transition "$modname" ; then + echo "$modname" + return + fi + done +} + +show_stalled_processes() { + local module + local proc_task + local tid + + module=$(get_transition_patch) + [[ -z "$module" ]] && return + + echo "" + echo "Stalled processes:" + for proc_task in /proc/[0-9]*/task/[0-9]*; do + tid=${proc_task#*/task/} + is_stalled "$module" "$tid" && echo "$tid $(cat "$proc_task"/comm 2>/dev/null)" + done +} + +signal_stalled_processes() { + local module + local proc_task + local tid + + module=$(get_transition_patch) + [[ -z "$module" ]] && return + + if [[ -e "/sys/kernel/livepatch/$module/signal" ]] ; then + echo 1 > "/sys/kernel/livepatch/$module/signal" + else + for proc_task in /proc/[0-9]*/task/[0-9]*; do + tid=${proc_task#*/task/} + if is_stalled "$module" "$tid" ; then + if [[ "$tid" -eq "$$" ]] ; then + echo "skipping pid $tid $(cat "$proc_task"/comm 2>/dev/null)" + else + echo "signaling pid $tid $(cat "$proc_task"/comm 2>/dev/null)" + kill -SIGSTOP "$tid" + sleep .1 + kill -SIGCONT "$tid" + fi + fi + done + fi +} + +wait_for_patch_transition() { + local module="$1" + local i + + in_transition "$module" || return 0 + + echo "waiting (up to $POST_ENABLE_WAIT seconds) for patch transition to complete..." + for (( i=0; i "${moddir}/enabled" || die "failed to re-enable module $modname" + if ! wait_for_patch_transition "$modname" ; then + echo "module $modname did not complete its transition, disabling..." + echo 0 > "${moddir}/enabled" || die "failed to disable module $modname" + wait_for_patch_transition "$modname" + die "error: failed to re-enable module $modname (transition stalled), patch disabled" + fi + return + else + die "error: cannot re-enable patch module $modname, cannot verify checksum match" + fi + else + die "error: module named $modname already loaded and enabled" + fi + fi + + echo "loading patch module: $module" + local i=0 + while true; do + out="$(LC_ALL=C insmod "$module" 2>&1)" + [[ -z "$out" ]] && break + echo "$out" 1>&2 + [[ ! "$out" =~ "Device or resource busy" ]] && + die "failed to load module $module" + + # "Device or resource busy" means the activeness safety check + # failed. Retry in a few seconds. + i=$((i+1)) + if [[ $i -eq $MAX_LOAD_ATTEMPTS ]]; then + die "failed to load module $module" + break + else + warn "retrying..." + sleep $RETRY_INTERVAL + fi + done + + if ! wait_for_patch_transition "$modname" ; then + echo "module $modname did not complete its transition, unloading..." + unload_module "$modname" + die "error: failed to load module $modname (transition stalled)" + fi + + return 0 +} + +disable_patch () { + local modname="$1" + + local enabled="$SYSFS/$modname/enabled" + [[ -e "$enabled" ]] || die "patch module $1 is not loaded" + + if [[ "$(cat "$enabled")" -eq 1 ]]; then + echo "disabling patch module: $modname" + local i=0 + while true; do + out="$(export LC_ALL=C; sh -c "echo 0 > $enabled" 2>&1)" + [[ -z "$out" ]] && break + echo "$out" 1>&2 + if [[ ! "$out" =~ "Device or resource busy" ]]; then + die "failed to disable module $modname" + fi + + # "Device or resource busy" means the activeness safety check + # failed. Retry in a few seconds. + i=$((i+1)) + if [[ $i -eq $MAX_LOAD_ATTEMPTS ]]; then + die "failed to disable module $modname" + else + warn "retrying..." + sleep $RETRY_INTERVAL + fi + done + fi + + if ! wait_for_patch_transition "$modname" ; then + die "transition stalled for $modname" + fi +} + +unload_module () { + PATCH="${1//-/_}" + PATCH="${PATCH%.ko}" + disable_patch "$PATCH" + + echo "unloading patch module: $PATCH" + # ignore any error here because rmmod can fail if the module used + # KPATCH_FORCE_UNSAFE. + rmmod "$PATCH" 2> /dev/null || return 0 +} + +get_module_version() { + MODVER="$(modinfo -F vermagic "$1")" || return 1 + MODVER="${MODVER/ */}" +} + +unset MODULE + +# Initialize the $SYSFS var. This only works if the core module has been +# loaded. Otherwise, the value of $SYSFS doesn't matter at this point anyway, +# and we'll have to call this function again after loading it. +init_sysfs_var + +[[ "$#" -lt 1 ]] && usage +case "$1" in +"load") + [[ "$#" -ne 2 ]] && usage + case "$2" in + "--all") + for i in "$INSTALLDIR/$(uname -r)"/*.ko; do + [[ -e "$i" ]] || continue + load_module "$i" || die "failed to load module $i" + done + ;; + *) + PATCH="$2" + find_module "$PATCH" || die "can't find $PATCH" + load_module "$MODULE" || die "failed to load module $PATCH" + ;; + esac + ;; + +"unload") + [[ "$#" -ne 2 ]] && usage + case "$2" in + "--all") + for module in "$SYSFS"/*; do + [[ -e "$module" ]] || continue + unload_module "$(basename "$module")" || die "failed to unload module $module" + done + ;; + *) + unload_module "$(basename "$2")" || die "failed to unload module $2" + ;; + esac + ;; + +"install") + KVER="$(uname -r)" + shift + options="$(getopt -o k: -l "kernel-version:" -- "$@")" || die "getopt failed" + eval set -- "$options" + while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do + case "$1" in + -k|--kernel-version) + KVER="$2" + shift + ;; + --) + [[ -z "$2" ]] && die "no module file specified" + PATCH="$2" + ;; + esac + shift + done + + [[ ! -e "$PATCH" ]] && die "$PATCH doesn't exist" + [[ "${PATCH: -3}" == ".ko" ]] || die "$PATCH isn't a .ko file" + + get_module_version "$PATCH" || die "modinfo failed" + [[ "$KVER" != "$MODVER" ]] && die "invalid module version $MODVER for kernel $KVER" + + [[ -e "$INSTALLDIR/$KVER/$(basename "$PATCH")" ]] && die "$PATCH is already installed" + + echo "installing $PATCH ($KVER)" + mkdir -p "$INSTALLDIR/$KVER" || die "failed to create install directory" + cp -f "$PATCH" "$INSTALLDIR/$KVER" || die "failed to install module $PATCH" + systemctl enable kpatch.service + ;; + +"uninstall") + KVER="$(uname -r)" + shift + options="$(getopt -o k: -l "kernel-version:" -- "$@")" || die "getopt failed" + eval set -- "$options" + while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do + case "$1" in + -k|--kernel-version) + KVER="$2" + shift + ;; + --) + [[ -z "$2" ]] && die "no module file specified" + PATCH="$2" + [[ "$PATCH" != "$(basename "$PATCH")" ]] && die "please supply patch module name without path" + ;; + esac + shift + done + + MODULE="$INSTALLDIR/$KVER/$PATCH" + if [[ ! -f "$MODULE" ]]; then + mod_name "$PATCH" + PATCHNAME="$MODNAME" + for i in "$INSTALLDIR/$KVER"/*; do + mod_name "$i" + if [[ "$MODNAME" == "$PATCHNAME" ]]; then + MODULE="$i" + break + fi + done + fi + + [[ ! -e "$MODULE" ]] && die "$PATCH is not installed for kernel $KVER" + + + echo "uninstalling $PATCH ($KVER)" + rm -f "$MODULE" || die "failed to uninstall module $PATCH" + ;; + +"list") + [[ "$#" -ne 1 ]] && usage + echo "Loaded patch modules:" + for module in "$SYSFS"/*; do + if [[ -e "$module" ]]; then + modname=$(basename "$module") + if [[ "$(cat "$module/enabled" 2>/dev/null)" -eq 1 ]]; then + in_transition "$modname" && state="enabling..." \ + || state="enabled" + else + in_transition "$modname" && state="disabling..." \ + || state="disabled" + fi + echo "$modname [$state]" + fi + done + show_stalled_processes + echo "" + echo "Installed patch modules:" + for kdir in "$INSTALLDIR"/*; do + [[ -e "$kdir" ]] || continue + for module in "$kdir"/*.ko; do + [[ -e "$module" ]] || continue + mod_name "$module" + echo "$MODNAME ($(basename "$kdir"))" + done + done + ;; + +"info") + [[ "$#" -ne 2 ]] && usage + PATCH="$2" + find_module "$PATCH" || die "can't find $PATCH" + echo "Patch information for $PATCH:" + modinfo "$MODULE" || die "failed to get info for module $PATCH" + ;; + +"signal") + [[ "$#" -ne 1 ]] && usage + signal_stalled_processes + ;; + +"help"|"-h"|"--help") + usage + ;; + +"version"|"-v"|"--version") + echo "$VERSION" + ;; + +*) + echo "subcommand $1 not recognized" + usage + ;; +esac diff --git a/man/Makefile b/man/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..762042d --- /dev/null +++ b/man/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +include ../ + +all: kpatch.1.gz kpatch-build.1.gz + +kpatch.1.gz: kpatch.1 + gzip -c -9 $< > $@ + +kpatch-build.1.gz: kpatch-build.1 + gzip -c -9 $< > $@ + +install: all + $(INSTALL) -d $(MANDIR) + $(INSTALL) -m 644 kpatch.1.gz $(MANDIR) + $(INSTALL) -m 644 kpatch-build.1.gz $(MANDIR) + +uninstall: + $(RM) $(MANDIR)/kpatch.1* + $(RM) $(MANDIR)/kpatch-build.1* + +clean: + $(RM) kpatch.1.gz + $(RM) kpatch-build.1.gz diff --git a/man/kpatch-build.1 b/man/kpatch-build.1 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..81d90a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/man/kpatch-build.1 @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +.\" Manpage for kpatch-build. +.\" Contact to correct errors or typos. +.TH man 1 "23 Mar 2014" "1.0" "kpatch-build man page" +.SH NAME +kpatch-build \- build script +.SH SYNOPSIS +kpatch-build [options] +.SH DESCRIPTION +This script takes a patch based on the version of the kernel +currently running and creates a kernel module that will replace +modified functions in the kernel such that the patched code takes +effect. + +This script currently only works on Fedora and will need to be adapted +to work on other distros. + +.SH OPTIONS + +-h|--help + Show this help message + +-a|--archversion + Specify the kernel arch version + +-r|--sourcerpm + Specify kernel source RPM + +-s|--sourcedir + Specify kernel source directory + +-c|--config + Specify kernel config file + +-v|--vmlinux + Specify original vmlinux + +-j|--jobs + Specify the number of make jobs + +-t|--target + Specify custom kernel build targets + +-n|--name + Specify the name of the kpatch module + +-o|--output + Specify output folder + +-d|--debug + Keep scratch files in /tmp + (can be specified multiple times) + +--skip-cleanup + Skip post-build cleanup + +--skip-gcc-check + Skips check that ensures that the system gcc version and + the gcc version that built the kernel match. Skipping this + check is not recommended, but is useful if the exact gcc + version is not available or is not easily installed. Use + only when confident that the two versions of gcc output + identical objects for a given target. Otherwise, use of + this option might result in unexpected changed objects + being detected. + +.SH SEE ALSO +kpatch(1) +.SH BUGS +No known bugs. +.SH AUTHOR +Udo Seidel ( +.SH COPYRIGHT +Copyright (C) 2014: Seth Jennings , Copyright (C) +2013,2014: Josh Poimboeuf + diff --git a/man/kpatch.1 b/man/kpatch.1 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..511f646 --- /dev/null +++ b/man/kpatch.1 @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +.\" Manpage for kpatch. +.\" Contact to correct errors or typos. +.TH man 1 "23 Mar 2014" "1.0" "kpatch man page" +.SH NAME +kpatch \- hot patch module management +.SH SYNOPSIS +kpatch [] +.SH DESCRIPTION +kpatch is a user script that manages installing, loading, and +displaying information about kernel patch modules installed on +the system. +.SH COMMANDS + +install [-k|--kernel-version=] + install patch module to be loaded at boot + +uninstall [-k|--kernel-version=] + uninstall patch module + +load --all + load all installed patch modules into the running kernel + +load + load patch module into the running kernel + +unload --all + unload all patch modules from the running kernel + +unload + unload patch module from the running kernel + +info + show information about a patch module + +list + list installed patch modules + +version + display the kpatch version + +.SH SEE ALSO +kpatch-build(1) +.SH BUGS +No known bugs. +.SH AUTHOR +Udo Seidel ( +.SH COPYRIGHT +Copyright (C) 2014: Seth Jennings and +Josh Poimboeuf + diff --git a/test/ b/test/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..251147e --- /dev/null +++ b/test/ @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +# The purpose of this test script is to determine if create-diff-object can +# properly recognize object file equivalence when passed the same file for both +# the original and patched objects. This verifies that create-diff-object is +# correctly parsing, correlating, and comparing the different elements of the +# object file. In practice, a situation similar to the test case occurs when a +# commonly included header file changes, causing Make to rebuild many objects +# that have no functional change. + +# This script requires a built kernel object tree to be in the kpatch cache +# directory at $HOME/.kpatch/obj + +#set -x + +OBJDIR="$HOME/.kpatch/obj" +SCRIPTDIR="$(readlink -f $(dirname $(type -p $0)))" +TEMPDIR=$(mktemp -d) +RESULTSDIR="$TEMPDIR/results" +VMVLINUX="/usr/lib/debug/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/vmlinux" # path for F20 + +if [[ ! -d $OBJDIR ]]; then + echo "please run kpatch-build to populate the object tree in $OBJDIR" +fi + +cd "$OBJDIR" || exit 1 +for i in $(find * -name '*.o') +do + # copied from kpatch-build/kpatch-gcc; keep in sync + case $i in + *.mod.o|\ + *built-in.o|\ + *built-in.a|\ + vmlinux.o|\ + .tmp_kallsyms1.o|\ + .tmp_kallsyms2.o|\ + init/version.o|\ + arch/x86/boot/version.o|\ + arch/x86/boot/compressed/eboot.o|\ + arch/x86/boot/header.o|\ + arch/x86/boot/compressed/efi_stub_64.o|\ + arch/x86/boot/compressed/piggy.o|\ + kernel/system_certificates.o|\ + .*.o) + continue + ;; + esac + # skip objects that are the linked product of more than one object file + [[ $(eu-readelf -s $i | grep FILE | wc -l) -ne 1 ]] && continue + $SCRIPTDIR/../kpatch-build/create-diff-object $i $i /usr/lib/debug/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/vmlinux "$TEMPDIR/output.o" > "$TEMPDIR/log.txt" 2>&1 + RETCODE=$? + # expect RETCODE to be 3 indicating no change + [[ $RETCODE -eq 3 ]] && continue + # otherwise record error + mkdir -p $RESULTSDIR/$(dirname $i) || exit 1 + cp "$i" "$RESULTSDIR/$i" || exit 1 + case $RETCODE in + 139) + echo "$i: segfault" | tee + if [[ ! -e core ]]; then + echo "no corefile, run "ulimit -c unlimited" to capture corefile" + else + mv core "$RESULTSDIR/$i.core" || exit 1 + fi + ;; + 0) + echo "$i: incorrectly detected change" + mv "$TEMPDIR/log.txt" "$RESULTSDIR/$i.log" || exit 1 + ;; + 1|2) + echo "$i: error code $RETCODE" + mv "$TEMPDIR/log.txt" "$RESULTSDIR/$i.log" || exit 1 + ;; + *) + exit 1 # script error + ;; + esac +done +rm -f "$TEMPDIR/log.txt" > /dev/null 2>&1 + +# try to group the errors together in some meaningful way +cd "$RESULTSDIR" || exit 1 +echo "" +echo "Results:" +for i in $(find * -iname '*.log') +do + echo $(cat $i | head -1 | cut -f2-3 -d':') +done | sort | uniq -c | sort -n -r | tee "$TEMPDIR/results.log" + +echo "results are in $TEMPDIR" diff --git a/test/integration/.gitignore b/test/integration/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..42aff9e --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +test.log +COMBINED.patch diff --git a/test/integration/Makefile b/test/integration/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a1abff6 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +include /etc/os-release + +PATCH_DIR?=${ID}-${VERSION_ID} + +all: + $(error please specify local or remote) + +local: slow + +remote: remote_slow + +slow: clean + ./kpatch-test -d $(PATCH_DIR) $(PATCHES) + +quick: clean + ./kpatch-test -d $(PATCH_DIR) --quick $(PATCHES) + +cached: + ./kpatch-test -d $(PATCH_DIR) --cached $(PATCHES) + +clean: + rm -f *.ko *.log COMBINED.patch + +check_host: +ifndef SSH_HOST + $(error SSH_HOST is undefined) +endif + +SSH_USER ?= root + +remote_setup: check_host + ssh $(SSH_USER)@$(SSH_HOST) exit + ssh $(SSH_USER)@$(SSH_HOST) "ls kpatch-setup &> /dev/null" || \ + (scp remote-setup $(SSH_USER)@$(SSH_HOST):kpatch-setup && \ + ssh $(SSH_USER)@$(SSH_HOST) "./kpatch-setup") + +remote_sync: remote_setup + ssh $(SSH_USER)@$(SSH_HOST) "rm -rf kpatch-test" + rsync -Cavz --include=core $(shell readlink -f ../../..) $(SSH_USER)@$(SSH_HOST):kpatch-test + ssh $(SSH_USER)@$(SSH_HOST) "cd kpatch-test/kpatch && make" + +remote_slow: remote_sync + ssh $(SSH_USER)@$(SSH_HOST) "cd kpatch-test/kpatch/test/integration && make slow" diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/README b/test/integration/centos-7/README new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dac0f25 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/README @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +3.10.0-327.36.3.el7.x86_64 diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/bug-table-section.patch b/test/integration/centos-7/bug-table-section.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..71f8c1b --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/bug-table-section.patch @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/proc/proc_sysctl.c src/fs/proc/proc_sysctl.c +--- src.orig/fs/proc/proc_sysctl.c 2017-09-22 15:27:21.698056175 -0400 ++++ src/fs/proc/proc_sysctl.c 2017-09-22 15:27:21.769056469 -0400 +@@ -266,6 +266,8 @@ void sysctl_head_put(struct ctl_table_he + + static struct ctl_table_header *sysctl_head_grab(struct ctl_table_header *head) + { ++ if (jiffies == 0) ++ printk("kpatch-test: testing __bug_table section changes\n"); + BUG_ON(!head); + spin_lock(&sysctl_lock); + if (!use_table(head)) diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/cmdline-string-LOADED.test b/test/integration/centos-7/cmdline-string-LOADED.test new file mode 100755 index 0000000..a8e0a08 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/cmdline-string-LOADED.test @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +grep kpatch=1 /proc/cmdline diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/cmdline-string.patch b/test/integration/centos-7/cmdline-string.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..749861f --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/cmdline-string.patch @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/proc/cmdline.c src/fs/proc/cmdline.c +--- src.orig/fs/proc/cmdline.c 2017-09-22 15:27:21.698056175 -0400 ++++ src/fs/proc/cmdline.c 2017-09-22 15:27:22.955061380 -0400 +@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ + + static int cmdline_proc_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v) + { +- seq_printf(m, "%s\n", saved_command_line); ++ seq_printf(m, "%s kpatch=1\n", saved_command_line); + return 0; + } + diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/data-new-LOADED.test b/test/integration/centos-7/data-new-LOADED.test new file mode 100755 index 0000000..598b6bb --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/data-new-LOADED.test @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +grep "kpatch: 5" /proc/meminfo diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/data-new.patch b/test/integration/centos-7/data-new.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..879828c --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/data-new.patch @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/proc/meminfo.c src/fs/proc/meminfo.c +--- src.orig/fs/proc/meminfo.c 2017-09-22 15:27:21.699056179 -0400 ++++ src/fs/proc/meminfo.c 2017-09-22 15:27:24.102066130 -0400 +@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ void __attribute__((weak)) arch_report_m + { + } + ++static int foo = 5; ++ + static int meminfo_proc_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v) + { + struct sysinfo i; +@@ -106,6 +108,7 @@ static int meminfo_proc_show(struct seq_ + #ifdef CONFIG_TRANSPARENT_HUGEPAGE + "AnonHugePages: %8lu kB\n" + #endif ++ "kpatch: %d" + , + K(i.totalram), + K(i.freeram), +@@ -167,6 +170,7 @@ static int meminfo_proc_show(struct seq_ + ,K(global_page_state(NR_ANON_TRANSPARENT_HUGEPAGES) * + HPAGE_PMD_NR) + #endif ++ ,foo + ); + + hugetlb_report_meminfo(m); diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/data-read-mostly.patch b/test/integration/centos-7/data-read-mostly.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..611662f --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/data-read-mostly.patch @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/net/core/dev.c src/net/core/dev.c +--- src.orig/net/core/dev.c 2017-09-22 15:27:21.759056428 -0400 ++++ src/net/core/dev.c 2017-09-22 15:27:25.244070859 -0400 +@@ -4012,6 +4012,7 @@ ncls: + case RX_HANDLER_PASS: + break; + default: ++ printk("BUG!\n"); + BUG(); + } + } diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/fixup-section.patch b/test/integration/centos-7/fixup-section.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0b40f74 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/fixup-section.patch @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/readdir.c src/fs/readdir.c +--- src.orig/fs/readdir.c 2017-09-22 15:27:21.658056010 -0400 ++++ src/fs/readdir.c 2017-09-22 15:27:26.378075555 -0400 +@@ -166,6 +166,8 @@ static int filldir(void * __buf, const c + goto efault; + } + dirent = buf->current_dir; ++ if (dirent->d_ino == 12345678) ++ printk("kpatch-test: testing .fixup section changes\n"); + if (__put_user(d_ino, &dirent->d_ino)) + goto efault; + if (__put_user(reclen, &dirent->d_reclen)) diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/gcc-constprop.patch b/test/integration/centos-7/gcc-constprop.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..63ba45d --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/gcc-constprop.patch @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/kernel/time/timekeeping.c src/kernel/time/timekeeping.c +--- src.orig/kernel/time/timekeeping.c 2017-09-22 15:27:21.602055778 -0400 ++++ src/kernel/time/timekeeping.c 2017-09-22 15:27:27.522080292 -0400 +@@ -877,6 +877,9 @@ void do_gettimeofday(struct timeval *tv) + { + struct timespec64 now; + ++ if (!tv) ++ return; ++ + getnstimeofday64(&now); + tv->tv_sec = now.tv_sec; + tv->tv_usec = now.tv_nsec/1000; diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/gcc-isra.patch b/test/integration/centos-7/gcc-isra.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a869797 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/gcc-isra.patch @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/proc/proc_sysctl.c src/fs/proc/proc_sysctl.c +--- src.orig/fs/proc/proc_sysctl.c 2017-09-22 15:27:21.698056175 -0400 ++++ src/fs/proc/proc_sysctl.c 2017-09-22 15:27:28.670085046 -0400 +@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ void proc_sys_poll_notify(struct ctl_tab + if (!poll) + return; + ++ printk("kpatch-test: testing gcc .isra function name mangling\n"); + atomic_inc(&poll->event); + wake_up_interruptible(&poll->wait); + } diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/gcc-mangled-3.patch b/test/integration/centos-7/gcc-mangled-3.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5828680 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/gcc-mangled-3.patch @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/mm/slub.c src/mm/slub.c +--- src.orig/mm/slub.c 2017-09-22 15:27:21.618055844 -0400 ++++ src/mm/slub.c 2017-09-22 15:27:29.830089850 -0400 +@@ -5528,6 +5528,9 @@ void get_slabinfo(struct kmem_cache *s, + unsigned long nr_free = 0; + int node; + ++ if (!jiffies) ++ printk("slabinfo\n"); ++ + for_each_online_node(node) { + struct kmem_cache_node *n = get_node(s, node); + diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/gcc-static-local-var-2.patch b/test/integration/centos-7/gcc-static-local-var-2.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4f653d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/gcc-static-local-var-2.patch @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/mm/mmap.c src/mm/mmap.c +--- src.orig/mm/mmap.c 2017-09-22 15:27:21.618055844 -0400 ++++ src/mm/mmap.c 2017-09-22 15:27:31.024094794 -0400 +@@ -1687,6 +1688,9 @@ unsigned long mmap_region(struct file *f + struct rb_node **rb_link, *rb_parent; + unsigned long charged = 0; + ++ if (!jiffies) ++ printk("kpatch mmap foo\n"); ++ + /* Check against address space limit. */ + if (!may_expand_vm(mm, len >> PAGE_SHIFT)) { + unsigned long nr_pages; diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/gcc-static-local-var-3.patch b/test/integration/centos-7/gcc-static-local-var-3.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d87677b --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/gcc-static-local-var-3.patch @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/kernel/sys.c src/kernel/sys.c +--- src.orig/kernel/sys.c 2017-09-22 15:27:21.601055773 -0400 ++++ src/kernel/sys.c 2017-09-22 15:27:32.170099540 -0400 +@@ -554,8 +554,15 @@ SYSCALL_DEFINE4(reboot, int, magic1, int + return ret; + } + ++void kpatch_bar(void) ++{ ++ if (!jiffies) ++ printk("kpatch_foo\n"); ++} ++ + static void deferred_cad(struct work_struct *dummy) + { ++ kpatch_bar(); + kernel_restart(NULL); + } + diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/gcc-static-local-var-4.patch b/test/integration/centos-7/gcc-static-local-var-4.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e22ead7 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/gcc-static-local-var-4.patch @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/aio.c src/fs/aio.c +--- src.orig/fs/aio.c 2017-09-22 15:27:21.702056192 -0400 ++++ src/fs/aio.c 2017-09-22 15:27:33.299104215 -0400 +@@ -219,9 +219,16 @@ static int __init aio_setup(void) + } + __initcall(aio_setup); + ++void kpatch_aio_foo(void) ++{ ++ if (!jiffies) ++ printk("kpatch aio foo\n"); ++} ++ + static void put_aio_ring_file(struct kioctx *ctx) + { + struct file *aio_ring_file = ctx->aio_ring_file; ++ kpatch_aio_foo(); + if (aio_ring_file) { + truncate_setsize(aio_ring_file->f_inode, 0); + diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/gcc-static-local-var-4.test b/test/integration/centos-7/gcc-static-local-var-4.test new file mode 100755 index 0000000..a1022ff --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/gcc-static-local-var-4.test @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +if $(nm kpatch-gcc-static-local-var-4.ko | grep -q free_ioctx); then + exit 1 +else + exit 0 +fi diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/gcc-static-local-var-5.patch b/test/integration/centos-7/gcc-static-local-var-5.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..540affa --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/gcc-static-local-var-5.patch @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/kernel/audit.c src/kernel/audit.c +--- src.orig/kernel/audit.c 2017-09-22 15:27:21.602055778 -0400 ++++ src/kernel/audit.c 2017-09-22 15:27:34.429108894 -0400 +@@ -205,6 +205,12 @@ void audit_panic(const char *message) + } + } + ++void kpatch_audit_foo(void) ++{ ++ if (!jiffies) ++ printk("kpatch audit foo\n"); ++} ++ + static inline int audit_rate_check(void) + { + static unsigned long last_check = 0; +@@ -215,6 +221,7 @@ static inline int audit_rate_check(void) + unsigned long elapsed; + int retval = 0; + ++ kpatch_audit_foo(); + if (!audit_rate_limit) return 1; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&lock, flags); +@@ -234,6 +241,11 @@ static inline int audit_rate_check(void) + return retval; + } + ++noinline void kpatch_audit_check(void) ++{ ++ audit_rate_check(); ++} ++ + /** + * audit_log_lost - conditionally log lost audit message event + * @message: the message stating reason for lost audit message +@@ -282,6 +294,8 @@ static int audit_log_config_change(char + struct audit_buffer *ab; + int rc = 0; + ++ kpatch_audit_check(); ++ + ab = audit_log_start(NULL, GFP_KERNEL, AUDIT_CONFIG_CHANGE); + if (unlikely(!ab)) + return rc; diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/gcc-static-local-var-6.patch b/test/integration/centos-7/gcc-static-local-var-6.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd5493c --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/gcc-static-local-var-6.patch @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +diff --git a/net/ipv6/netfilter.c b/net/ipv6/netfilter.c +index a9d587a..23336ed 100644 +--- a/net/ipv6/netfilter.c ++++ b/net/ipv6/netfilter.c +@@ -106,6 +106,8 @@ static int nf_ip6_reroute(struct sk_buff *skb, + return 0; + } + ++#include "kpatch-macros.h" ++ + static int nf_ip6_route(struct net *net, struct dst_entry **dst, + struct flowi *fl, bool strict) + { +@@ -119,6 +121,9 @@ static int nf_ip6_route(struct net *net, struct dst_entry **dst, + struct dst_entry *result; + int err; + ++ if (!jiffies) ++ printk("kpatch nf_ip6_route foo\n"); ++ + result = ip6_route_output(net, sk, &fl->u.ip6); + err = result->error; + if (err) diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/gcc-static-local-var.patch b/test/integration/centos-7/gcc-static-local-var.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2dab9db --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/gcc-static-local-var.patch @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/arch/x86/kernel/ldt.c src/arch/x86/kernel/ldt.c +--- src.orig/arch/x86/kernel/ldt.c 2017-09-22 15:27:20.847052651 -0400 ++++ src/arch/x86/kernel/ldt.c 2017-09-22 15:27:35.573113632 -0400 +@@ -98,6 +98,12 @@ static inline int copy_ldt(mm_context_t + return 0; + } + ++void hi_there(void) ++{ ++ if (!jiffies) ++ printk("hi there\n"); ++} ++ + /* + * we do not have to muck with descriptors here, that is + * done in switch_mm() as needed. +@@ -107,6 +113,8 @@ int init_new_context(struct task_struct + struct mm_struct *old_mm; + int retval = 0; + ++ hi_there(); ++ + mutex_init(&mm->context.lock); + mm->context.size = 0; + old_mm = current->mm; diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/macro-callbacks.patch b/test/integration/centos-7/macro-callbacks.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d6831b --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/macro-callbacks.patch @@ -0,0 +1,160 @@ +kpatch/livepatch callback test patch: + + vmlinux + pcspkr (mod) + joydev (mod) + +Note: update joydev's pre-patch callback to return -ENODEV to test failure path + +--- src.old/fs/aio.c 2018-02-26 11:07:51.522610407 -0500 ++++ src/fs/aio.c 2018-03-05 11:17:21.560015449 -0500 +@@ -42,6 +42,50 @@ + #include + #include + ++#include ++#include "kpatch-macros.h" ++ ++static const char *const module_state[] = { ++ [MODULE_STATE_LIVE] = "[MODULE_STATE_LIVE] Normal state", ++ [MODULE_STATE_COMING] = "[MODULE_STATE_COMING] Full formed, running module_init", ++ [MODULE_STATE_GOING] = "[MODULE_STATE_GOING] Going away", ++ [MODULE_STATE_UNFORMED] = "[MODULE_STATE_UNFORMED] Still setting it up", ++}; ++ ++static void callback_info(const char *callback, patch_object *obj) ++{ ++ if (obj->mod) ++ pr_info("%s: %s -> %s\n", callback, obj->mod->name, ++ module_state[obj->mod->state]); ++ else ++ pr_info("%s: vmlinux\n", callback); ++} ++ ++static int pre_patch_callback(patch_object *obj) ++{ ++ callback_info(__func__, obj); ++ return 0; ++} ++KPATCH_PRE_PATCH_CALLBACK(pre_patch_callback); ++ ++static void post_patch_callback(patch_object *obj) ++{ ++ callback_info(__func__, obj); ++} ++KPATCH_POST_PATCH_CALLBACK(post_patch_callback); ++ ++static void pre_unpatch_callback(patch_object *obj) ++{ ++ callback_info(__func__, obj); ++} ++KPATCH_PRE_UNPATCH_CALLBACK(pre_unpatch_callback); ++ ++static void post_unpatch_callback(patch_object *obj) ++{ ++ callback_info(__func__, obj); ++} ++KPATCH_POST_UNPATCH_CALLBACK(post_unpatch_callback); ++ + #define AIO_RING_MAGIC 0xa10a10a1 + #define AIO_RING_COMPAT_FEATURES 1 + #define AIO_RING_INCOMPAT_FEATURES 0 +--- src.old/drivers/input/joydev.c 2018-02-26 11:07:49.470610407 -0500 ++++ src/drivers/input/joydev.c 2018-03-05 11:18:13.998015449 -0500 +@@ -954,3 +954,47 @@ static void __exit joydev_exit(void) + + module_init(joydev_init); + module_exit(joydev_exit); ++ ++#include ++#include "kpatch-macros.h" ++ ++static const char *const module_state[] = { ++ [MODULE_STATE_LIVE] = "[MODULE_STATE_LIVE] Normal state", ++ [MODULE_STATE_COMING] = "[MODULE_STATE_COMING] Full formed, running module_init", ++ [MODULE_STATE_GOING] = "[MODULE_STATE_GOING] Going away", ++ [MODULE_STATE_UNFORMED] = "[MODULE_STATE_UNFORMED] Still setting it up", ++}; ++ ++static void callback_info(const char *callback, patch_object *obj) ++{ ++ if (obj->mod) ++ pr_info("%s: %s -> %s\n", callback, obj->mod->name, ++ module_state[obj->mod->state]); ++ else ++ pr_info("%s: vmlinux\n", callback); ++} ++ ++static int pre_patch_callback(patch_object *obj) ++{ ++ callback_info(__func__, obj); ++ return 0; /* return -ENODEV; */ ++} ++KPATCH_PRE_PATCH_CALLBACK(pre_patch_callback); ++ ++static void post_patch_callback(patch_object *obj) ++{ ++ callback_info(__func__, obj); ++} ++KPATCH_POST_PATCH_CALLBACK(post_patch_callback); ++ ++static void pre_unpatch_callback(patch_object *obj) ++{ ++ callback_info(__func__, obj); ++} ++KPATCH_PRE_UNPATCH_CALLBACK(pre_unpatch_callback); ++ ++static void post_unpatch_callback(patch_object *obj) ++{ ++ callback_info(__func__, obj); ++} ++KPATCH_POST_UNPATCH_CALLBACK(post_unpatch_callback); +--- src.old/drivers/input/misc/pcspkr.c 2018-02-26 11:07:49.477610407 -0500 ++++ src/drivers/input/misc/pcspkr.c 2018-03-05 11:18:23.411015449 -0500 +@@ -136,3 +136,46 @@ static struct platform_driver pcspkr_pla + }; + module_platform_driver(pcspkr_platform_driver); + ++#include ++#include "kpatch-macros.h" ++ ++static const char *const module_state[] = { ++ [MODULE_STATE_LIVE] = "[MODULE_STATE_LIVE] Normal state", ++ [MODULE_STATE_COMING] = "[MODULE_STATE_COMING] Full formed, running module_init", ++ [MODULE_STATE_GOING] = "[MODULE_STATE_GOING] Going away", ++ [MODULE_STATE_UNFORMED] = "[MODULE_STATE_UNFORMED] Still setting it up", ++}; ++ ++static void callback_info(const char *callback, patch_object *obj) ++{ ++ if (obj->mod) ++ pr_info("%s: %s -> %s\n", callback, obj->mod->name, ++ module_state[obj->mod->state]); ++ else ++ pr_info("%s: vmlinux\n", callback); ++} ++ ++static int pre_patch_callback(patch_object *obj) ++{ ++ callback_info(__func__, obj); ++ return 0; ++} ++KPATCH_PRE_PATCH_CALLBACK(pre_patch_callback); ++ ++static void post_patch_callback(patch_object *obj) ++{ ++ callback_info(__func__, obj); ++} ++KPATCH_POST_PATCH_CALLBACK(post_patch_callback); ++ ++static void pre_unpatch_callback(patch_object *obj) ++{ ++ callback_info(__func__, obj); ++} ++KPATCH_PRE_UNPATCH_CALLBACK(pre_unpatch_callback); ++ ++static void post_unpatch_callback(patch_object *obj) ++{ ++ callback_info(__func__, obj); ++} ++KPATCH_POST_UNPATCH_CALLBACK(post_unpatch_callback); diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/macro-printk.patch b/test/integration/centos-7/macro-printk.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f591f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/macro-printk.patch @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/net/ipv4/fib_frontend.c src/net/ipv4/fib_frontend.c +--- src.orig/net/ipv4/fib_frontend.c 2017-09-22 16:52:10.646110299 -0400 ++++ src/net/ipv4/fib_frontend.c 2017-09-22 16:55:14.395870305 -0400 +@@ -633,6 +633,7 @@ errout: + return err; + } + ++#include "kpatch-macros.h" + static int inet_rtm_newroute(struct sk_buff *skb, struct nlmsghdr *nlh) + { + struct net *net = sock_net(skb->sk); +@@ -651,6 +652,7 @@ static int inet_rtm_newroute(struct sk_b + } + + err = fib_table_insert(net, tb, &cfg); ++ KPATCH_PRINTK("[inet_rtm_newroute]: err is %d\n", err); + errout: + return err; + } +diff -Nupr src.orig/net/ipv4/fib_semantics.c src/net/ipv4/fib_semantics.c +--- src.orig/net/ipv4/fib_semantics.c 2017-09-22 16:52:10.645110295 -0400 ++++ src/net/ipv4/fib_semantics.c 2017-09-22 16:54:05.175584004 -0400 +@@ -925,6 +925,7 @@ fib_convert_metrics(struct fib_info *fi, + return 0; + } + ++#include "kpatch-macros.h" + struct fib_info *fib_create_info(struct fib_config *cfg) + { + int err; +@@ -949,6 +950,7 @@ struct fib_info *fib_create_info(struct + #endif + + err = -ENOBUFS; ++ KPATCH_PRINTK("[fib_create_info]: create error err is %d\n",err); + if (fib_info_cnt >= fib_info_hash_size) { + unsigned int new_size = fib_info_hash_size << 1; + struct hlist_head *new_info_hash; +@@ -969,6 +971,7 @@ struct fib_info *fib_create_info(struct + if (!fib_info_hash_size) + goto failure; + } ++ KPATCH_PRINTK("[fib_create_info]: 2 create error err is %d\n",err); + + fi = kzalloc(sizeof(*fi)+nhs*sizeof(struct fib_nh), GFP_KERNEL); + if (fi == NULL) +@@ -980,6 +983,7 @@ struct fib_info *fib_create_info(struct + } else + fi->fib_metrics = (u32 *) dst_default_metrics; + fib_info_cnt++; ++ KPATCH_PRINTK("[fib_create_info]: 3 create error err is %d\n",err); + + fi->fib_net = net; + fi->fib_protocol = cfg->fc_protocol; +@@ -996,8 +1000,10 @@ struct fib_info *fib_create_info(struct + if (!nexthop_nh->nh_pcpu_rth_output) + goto failure; + } endfor_nexthops(fi) ++ KPATCH_PRINTK("[fib_create_info]: 4 create error err is %d\n",err); + + err = fib_convert_metrics(fi, cfg); ++ KPATCH_PRINTK("[fib_create_info]: 5 create error err is %d\n",err); + if (err) + goto failure; + +@@ -1048,6 +1054,7 @@ struct fib_info *fib_create_info(struct + nh->nh_weight = 1; + #endif + } ++ KPATCH_PRINTK("[fib_create_info]: 6 create error err is %d\n",err); + + if (fib_props[cfg->fc_type].error) { + if (cfg->fc_gw || cfg->fc_oif || cfg->fc_mp) +@@ -1065,6 +1072,7 @@ struct fib_info *fib_create_info(struct + goto err_inval; + } + } ++ KPATCH_PRINTK("[fib_create_info]: 7 create error err is %d\n",err); + + if (cfg->fc_scope > RT_SCOPE_HOST) + goto err_inval; +@@ -1087,6 +1095,7 @@ struct fib_info *fib_create_info(struct + goto failure; + } endfor_nexthops(fi) + } ++ KPATCH_PRINTK("[fib_create_info]: 8 create error err is %d\n",err); + + if (fi->fib_prefsrc) { + if (cfg->fc_type != RTN_LOCAL || !cfg->fc_dst || +@@ -1099,6 +1108,7 @@ struct fib_info *fib_create_info(struct + fib_info_update_nh_saddr(net, nexthop_nh); + fib_add_weight(fi, nexthop_nh); + } endfor_nexthops(fi) ++ KPATCH_PRINTK("[fib_create_info]: 9 create error err is %d\n",err); + + fib_rebalance(fi); + +@@ -1110,6 +1120,7 @@ link_it: + ofi->fib_treeref++; + return ofi; + } ++ KPATCH_PRINTK("[fib_create_info]: 10 create error err is %d\n",err); + + fi->fib_treeref++; + atomic_inc(&fi->fib_clntref); +@@ -1133,6 +1144,7 @@ link_it: + hlist_add_head(&nexthop_nh->nh_hash, head); + } endfor_nexthops(fi) + spin_unlock_bh(&fib_info_lock); ++ KPATCH_PRINTK("[fib_create_info]: 11 create error err is %d\n",err); + return fi; + + err_inval: +@@ -1143,6 +1155,7 @@ failure: + fi->fib_dead = 1; + free_fib_info(fi); + } ++ KPATCH_PRINTK("[fib_create_info]: 12 create error err is %d\n",err); + + return ERR_PTR(err); + } +diff -Nupr src.orig/net/ipv4/fib_trie.c src/net/ipv4/fib_trie.c +--- src.orig/net/ipv4/fib_trie.c 2017-09-22 16:52:10.645110295 -0400 ++++ src/net/ipv4/fib_trie.c 2017-09-22 16:55:39.940975963 -0400 +@@ -1191,6 +1191,7 @@ static int fib_insert_alias(struct trie + } + + /* Caller must hold RTNL. */ ++#include "kpatch-macros.h" + int fib_table_insert(struct net *net, struct fib_table *tb, + struct fib_config *cfg) + { +@@ -1216,11 +1217,14 @@ int fib_table_insert(struct net *net, st + if ((plen < KEYLENGTH) && (key << plen)) + return -EINVAL; + ++ KPATCH_PRINTK("[fib_table_insert]: start\n"); + fi = fib_create_info(cfg); + if (IS_ERR(fi)) { + err = PTR_ERR(fi); ++ KPATCH_PRINTK("[fib_table_insert]: create error err is %d\n",err); + goto err; + } ++ KPATCH_PRINTK("[fib_table_insert]: cross\n"); + + l = fib_find_node(t, &tp, key); + fa = l ? fib_find_alias(&l->leaf, slen, tos, fi->fib_priority) : NULL; diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/meminfo-cmdline-rebuild-SLOW-LOADED.test b/test/integration/centos-7/meminfo-cmdline-rebuild-SLOW-LOADED.test new file mode 100755 index 0000000..e2b647d --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/meminfo-cmdline-rebuild-SLOW-LOADED.test @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +grep VMALLOCCHUNK /proc/meminfo && grep kpatch=1 /proc/cmdline diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/meminfo-cmdline-rebuild-SLOW.patch b/test/integration/centos-7/meminfo-cmdline-rebuild-SLOW.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3f93513 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/meminfo-cmdline-rebuild-SLOW.patch @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/proc/cmdline.c src/fs/proc/cmdline.c +--- src.orig/fs/proc/cmdline.c 2017-09-22 15:27:21.698056175 -0400 ++++ src/fs/proc/cmdline.c 2017-09-22 15:27:37.842123028 -0400 +@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ + + static int cmdline_proc_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v) + { +- seq_printf(m, "%s\n", saved_command_line); ++ seq_printf(m, "%s kpatch=1\n", saved_command_line); + return 0; + } + +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/proc/meminfo.c src/fs/proc/meminfo.c +--- src.orig/fs/proc/meminfo.c 2017-09-22 15:27:21.699056179 -0400 ++++ src/fs/proc/meminfo.c 2017-09-22 15:27:37.843123032 -0400 +@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ static int meminfo_proc_show(struct seq_ + "Committed_AS: %8lu kB\n" + "VmallocTotal: %8lu kB\n" + "VmallocUsed: %8lu kB\n" +- "VmallocChunk: %8lu kB\n" ++ "VMALLOCCHUNK: %8lu kB\n" + #ifdef CONFIG_MEMORY_FAILURE + "HardwareCorrupted: %5lu kB\n" + #endif +diff -Nupr src.orig/include/linux/kernel.h src/include/linux/kernel.h +--- src.orig/include/linux/kernel.h 2017-09-22 15:27:20.379050713 -0400 ++++ src/include/linux/kernel.h 2017-09-22 15:27:37.843123032 -0400 +@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ + #define _LINUX_KERNEL_H + + ++ + #include + #include + #include diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/meminfo-init-FAIL.patch b/test/integration/centos-7/meminfo-init-FAIL.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5df5225 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/meminfo-init-FAIL.patch @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/proc/meminfo.c src/fs/proc/meminfo.c +--- src.orig/fs/proc/meminfo.c 2017-09-22 15:27:21.699056179 -0400 ++++ src/fs/proc/meminfo.c 2017-09-22 15:27:40.130132502 -0400 +@@ -191,6 +191,7 @@ static const struct file_operations memi + + static int __init proc_meminfo_init(void) + { ++ printk("a\n"); + proc_create("meminfo", 0, NULL, &meminfo_proc_fops); + return 0; + } diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/meminfo-init2-FAIL.patch b/test/integration/centos-7/meminfo-init2-FAIL.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c030f61 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/meminfo-init2-FAIL.patch @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/proc/meminfo.c src/fs/proc/meminfo.c +--- src.orig/fs/proc/meminfo.c 2017-09-22 15:27:21.699056179 -0400 ++++ src/fs/proc/meminfo.c 2017-09-22 15:27:38.972127707 -0400 +@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ static int meminfo_proc_show(struct seq_ + unsigned long pages[NR_LRU_LISTS]; + int lru; + ++ printk("a\n"); + /* + * display in kilobytes. + */ +@@ -191,6 +192,7 @@ static const struct file_operations memi + + static int __init proc_meminfo_init(void) + { ++ printk("a\n"); + proc_create("meminfo", 0, NULL, &meminfo_proc_fops); + return 0; + } diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/meminfo-string-LOADED.test b/test/integration/centos-7/meminfo-string-LOADED.test new file mode 100755 index 0000000..10dc20b --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/meminfo-string-LOADED.test @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +grep VMALLOCCHUNK /proc/meminfo diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/meminfo-string.patch b/test/integration/centos-7/meminfo-string.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..afdc5d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/meminfo-string.patch @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/proc/meminfo.c src/fs/proc/meminfo.c +--- src.orig/fs/proc/meminfo.c 2017-09-22 15:27:21.699056179 -0400 ++++ src/fs/proc/meminfo.c 2017-09-22 15:27:41.274137239 -0400 +@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ static int meminfo_proc_show(struct seq_ + "Committed_AS: %8lu kB\n" + "VmallocTotal: %8lu kB\n" + "VmallocUsed: %8lu kB\n" +- "VmallocChunk: %8lu kB\n" ++ "VMALLOCCHUNK: %8lu kB\n" + #ifdef CONFIG_MEMORY_FAILURE + "HardwareCorrupted: %5lu kB\n" + #endif diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/module-call-external.patch b/test/integration/centos-7/module-call-external.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..754d725 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/module-call-external.patch @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/nfsd/export.c src/fs/nfsd/export.c +--- src.orig/fs/nfsd/export.c 2017-09-22 15:27:21.705056204 -0400 ++++ src/fs/nfsd/export.c 2017-09-22 15:27:42.411141948 -0400 +@@ -1184,6 +1184,8 @@ static void exp_flags(struct seq_file *m + } + } + ++extern char *kpatch_string(void); ++ + static int e_show(struct seq_file *m, void *p) + { + struct cache_head *cp = p; +@@ -1193,6 +1195,7 @@ static int e_show(struct seq_file *m, vo + if (p == SEQ_START_TOKEN) { + seq_puts(m, "# Version 1.1\n"); + seq_puts(m, "# Path Client(Flags) # IPs\n"); ++ seq_puts(m, kpatch_string()); + return 0; + } + +diff -Nupr src.orig/net/netlink/af_netlink.c src/net/netlink/af_netlink.c +--- src.orig/net/netlink/af_netlink.c 2017-09-22 15:27:21.754056407 -0400 ++++ src/net/netlink/af_netlink.c 2017-09-22 15:27:42.412141952 -0400 +@@ -3260,4 +3260,9 @@ panic: + panic("netlink_init: Cannot allocate nl_table\n"); + } + ++char *kpatch_string(void) ++{ ++ return "# kpatch\n"; ++} ++ + core_initcall(netlink_proto_init); diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/module-kvm-fixup.patch b/test/integration/centos-7/module-kvm-fixup.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..174ad65 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/module-kvm-fixup.patch @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/arch/x86/kvm/vmx.c src/arch/x86/kvm/vmx.c +--- src.orig/arch/x86/kvm/vmx.c 2017-09-22 15:27:20.853052676 -0400 ++++ src/arch/x86/kvm/vmx.c 2017-09-22 15:27:43.583146801 -0400 +@@ -10597,6 +10597,8 @@ static int vmx_check_intercept(struct kv + struct x86_instruction_info *info, + enum x86_intercept_stage stage) + { ++ if (!jiffies) ++ printk("kpatch vmx_check_intercept\n"); + return X86EMUL_CONTINUE; + } + diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/module-shadow.patch b/test/integration/centos-7/module-shadow.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c7da353 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/module-shadow.patch @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/arch/x86/kvm/vmx.c src/arch/x86/kvm/vmx.c +--- src.orig/arch/x86/kvm/vmx.c 2017-09-22 15:27:20.853052676 -0400 ++++ src/arch/x86/kvm/vmx.c 2017-09-22 15:27:44.742151601 -0400 +@@ -10581,10 +10581,20 @@ static void vmx_leave_nested(struct kvm_ + * It should only be called before L2 actually succeeded to run, and when + * vmcs01 is current (it doesn't leave_guest_mode() or switch vmcss). + */ ++#include "kpatch.h" + static void nested_vmx_entry_failure(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, + struct vmcs12 *vmcs12, + u32 reason, unsigned long qualification) + { ++ int *kpatch; ++ ++ kpatch = kpatch_shadow_alloc(vcpu, "kpatch", sizeof(*kpatch), ++ GFP_KERNEL); ++ if (kpatch) { ++ kpatch_shadow_get(vcpu, "kpatch"); ++ kpatch_shadow_free(vcpu, "kpatch"); ++ } ++ + load_vmcs12_host_state(vcpu, vmcs12); + vmcs12->vm_exit_reason = reason | VMX_EXIT_REASONS_FAILED_VMENTRY; + vmcs12->exit_qualification = qualification; diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/multiple.test b/test/integration/centos-7/multiple.test new file mode 100755 index 0000000..2d5ed9f --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/multiple.test @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +SCRIPTDIR="$(readlink -f $(dirname $(type -p $0)))" +ROOTDIR="$(readlink -f $SCRIPTDIR/../../..)" +KPATCH="sudo $ROOTDIR/kpatch/kpatch" + +set -o errexit + +die() { + echo "ERROR: $@" >&2 + exit 1 +} + +ko_to_test() { + tmp=${1%.ko}-LOADED.test + echo ${tmp#kpatch-} +} + +# make sure any modules added here are disjoint +declare -a modules=(kpatch-cmdline-string.ko kpatch-meminfo-string.ko) + +for mod in "${modules[@]}"; do + testprog=$(ko_to_test $mod) + $SCRIPTDIR/$testprog && die "$SCRIPTDIR/$testprog succeeded before loading any modules" +done + +for mod in "${modules[@]}"; do + $KPATCH load $mod +done + +for mod in "${modules[@]}"; do + testprog=$(ko_to_test $mod) + $SCRIPTDIR/$testprog || die "$SCRIPTDIR/$testprog failed after loading modules" +done + +for mod in "${modules[@]}"; do + $KPATCH unload $mod +done + +for mod in "${modules[@]}"; do + testprog=$(ko_to_test $mod) + $SCRIPTDIR/$testprog && die "$SCRIPTDIR/$testprog succeeded after unloading modules" +done + +exit 0 diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/new-function.patch b/test/integration/centos-7/new-function.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cf47c83 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/new-function.patch @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/drivers/tty/n_tty.c src/drivers/tty/n_tty.c +--- src.orig/drivers/tty/n_tty.c 2017-09-22 15:27:21.084053633 -0400 ++++ src/drivers/tty/n_tty.c 2017-09-22 15:27:45.888156346 -0400 +@@ -2016,7 +2016,7 @@ do_it_again: + * lock themselves) + */ + +-static ssize_t n_tty_write(struct tty_struct *tty, struct file *file, ++static ssize_t noinline kpatch_n_tty_write(struct tty_struct *tty, struct file *file, + const unsigned char *buf, size_t nr) + { + const unsigned char *b = buf; +@@ -2098,6 +2098,12 @@ break_out: + return (b - buf) ? b - buf : retval; + } + ++static ssize_t n_tty_write(struct tty_struct *tty, struct file *file, ++ const unsigned char *buf, size_t nr) ++{ ++ return kpatch_n_tty_write(tty, file, buf, nr); ++} ++ + /** + * n_tty_poll - poll method for N_TTY + * @tty: terminal device diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/new-globals.patch b/test/integration/centos-7/new-globals.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d9d349 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/new-globals.patch @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/proc/cmdline.c src/fs/proc/cmdline.c +--- src.orig/fs/proc/cmdline.c 2017-09-22 15:27:21.698056175 -0400 ++++ src/fs/proc/cmdline.c 2017-09-22 15:27:47.028161067 -0400 +@@ -27,3 +27,10 @@ static int __init proc_cmdline_init(void + return 0; + } + module_init(proc_cmdline_init); ++ ++#include ++void kpatch_print_message(void) ++{ ++ if (!jiffies) ++ printk("hello there!\n"); ++} +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/proc/meminfo.c src/fs/proc/meminfo.c +--- src.orig/fs/proc/meminfo.c 2017-09-22 15:27:21.699056179 -0400 ++++ src/fs/proc/meminfo.c 2017-09-22 15:27:47.029161071 -0400 +@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ + #include + #include "internal.h" + ++void kpatch_print_message(void); ++ + void __attribute__((weak)) arch_report_meminfo(struct seq_file *m) + { + } +@@ -53,6 +55,7 @@ static int meminfo_proc_show(struct seq_ + /* + * Tagged format, for easy grepping and expansion. + */ ++ kpatch_print_message(); + seq_printf(m, + "MemTotal: %8lu kB\n" + "MemFree: %8lu kB\n" diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/parainstructions-section.patch b/test/integration/centos-7/parainstructions-section.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..809dce4 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/parainstructions-section.patch @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/proc/generic.c src/fs/proc/generic.c +--- src.orig/fs/proc/generic.c 2017-09-22 15:27:21.698056175 -0400 ++++ src/fs/proc/generic.c 2017-09-22 15:27:48.190165879 -0400 +@@ -194,6 +194,7 @@ int proc_alloc_inum(unsigned int *inum) + unsigned int i; + int error; + ++ printk("kpatch-test: testing change to .parainstructions section\n"); + retry: + if (!ida_pre_get(&proc_inum_ida, GFP_KERNEL)) + return -ENOMEM; diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/remote-setup b/test/integration/centos-7/remote-setup new file mode 100755 index 0000000..dfcb7ae --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/remote-setup @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +#!/bin/bash -x + +# install rpms on a Fedora 22 system to prepare it for kpatch integration tests + +set -o errexit + +[[ $UID != 0 ]] && sudo=sudo + +warn() { + echo "ERROR: $1" >&2 +} + +die() { + warn "$@" + exit 1 +} + +install_rpms() { + # crude workaround for a weird dnf bug where it fails to download + $sudo dnf install -y $* || $sudo dnf install -y $* +} + +install_rpms gcc elfutils elfutils-devel pesign openssl numactl-devel wget patchutils + +$sudo dnf builddep -y kernel || $sudo dnf builddep -y kernel + +# install kernel debuginfo and devel RPMs for target kernel +kverrel=$(uname -r) +kverrel=${kverrel%.x86_64} +kver=${kverrel%%-*} +krel=${kverrel#*-} +install_rpms$kver/$krel/x86_64/kernel-debuginfo-$kver-$krel.x86_64.rpm$kver/$krel/x86_64/kernel-debuginfo-common-x86_64-$kver-$krel.x86_64.rpm$kver/$krel/x86_64/kernel-devel-$kver-$krel.x86_64.rpm + +# install version of gcc which was used to build the target kernel +gccver=$(gcc --version |head -n1 |cut -d' ' -f3-) +kgccver=$(readelf -p .comment /usr/lib/debug/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/vmlinux |grep GCC: | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f6-) +if [[ $gccver != $kgccver ]]; then + gver=$(echo $kgccver | awk '{print $1}') + grel=$(echo $kgccver | sed 's/.*-\(.*\))/\1/') + grel=$grel.$(rpm -q gcc |sed 's/.*\.\(.*\)\.x86_64/\1/') + install_rpms$gver/$grel/x86_64/cpp-$gver-$grel.x86_64.rpm$gver/$grel/x86_64/gcc-$gver-$grel.x86_64.rpm$gver/$grel/x86_64/libgomp-$gver-$grel.x86_64.rpm +fi + +install_rpms ccache +ccache -M 5G diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/replace-section-references.patch b/test/integration/centos-7/replace-section-references.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e41bba9 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/replace-section-references.patch @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/arch/x86/kvm/x86.c src/arch/x86/kvm/x86.c +--- src.orig/arch/x86/kvm/x86.c 2017-09-22 15:27:20.852052672 -0400 ++++ src/arch/x86/kvm/x86.c 2017-09-22 15:27:49.362170732 -0400 +@@ -248,6 +248,8 @@ static void shared_msr_update(unsigned s + + void kvm_define_shared_msr(unsigned slot, u32 msr) + { ++ if (!jiffies) ++ printk("kpatch kvm define shared msr\n"); + BUG_ON(slot >= KVM_NR_SHARED_MSRS); + shared_msrs_global.msrs[slot] = msr; + if (slot >= diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/shadow-newpid-LOADED.test b/test/integration/centos-7/shadow-newpid-LOADED.test new file mode 100755 index 0000000..c07d112 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/shadow-newpid-LOADED.test @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +grep -q newpid: /proc/$$/status diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/shadow-newpid.patch b/test/integration/centos-7/shadow-newpid.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cde1810 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/shadow-newpid.patch @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/proc/array.c src/fs/proc/array.c +--- src.orig/fs/proc/array.c 2017-09-22 16:52:10.597110096 -0400 ++++ src/fs/proc/array.c 2017-09-22 16:59:40.799972178 -0400 +@@ -359,13 +359,20 @@ static inline void task_seccomp(struct s + #endif + } + ++#include "kpatch.h" + static inline void task_context_switch_counts(struct seq_file *m, + struct task_struct *p) + { ++ int *newpid; ++ + seq_printf(m, "voluntary_ctxt_switches:\t%lu\n" + "nonvoluntary_ctxt_switches:\t%lu\n", + p->nvcsw, + p->nivcsw); ++ ++ newpid = kpatch_shadow_get(p, "newpid"); ++ if (newpid) ++ seq_printf(m, "newpid:\t%d\n", *newpid); + } + + static void task_cpus_allowed(struct seq_file *m, struct task_struct *task) +diff -Nupr src.orig/kernel/exit.c src/kernel/exit.c +--- src.orig/kernel/exit.c 2017-09-22 16:52:10.506109720 -0400 ++++ src/kernel/exit.c 2017-09-22 16:59:40.799972178 -0400 +@@ -715,6 +715,7 @@ static void check_stack_usage(void) + static inline void check_stack_usage(void) {} + #endif + ++#include "kpatch.h" + void do_exit(long code) + { + struct task_struct *tsk = current; +@@ -812,6 +813,8 @@ void do_exit(long code) + check_stack_usage(); + exit_thread(); + ++ kpatch_shadow_free(tsk, "newpid"); ++ + /* + * Flush inherited counters to the parent - before the parent + * gets woken up by child-exit notifications. +diff -Nupr src.orig/kernel/fork.c src/kernel/fork.c +--- src.orig/kernel/fork.c 2017-09-22 16:52:10.504109711 -0400 ++++ src/kernel/fork.c 2017-09-22 17:00:44.938237460 -0400 +@@ -1700,6 +1700,7 @@ struct task_struct *fork_idle(int cpu) + * It copies the process, and if successful kick-starts + * it and waits for it to finish using the VM if required. + */ ++#include "kpatch.h" + long do_fork(unsigned long clone_flags, + unsigned long stack_start, + unsigned long stack_size, +@@ -1737,6 +1738,13 @@ long do_fork(unsigned long clone_flags, + if (!IS_ERR(p)) { + struct completion vfork; + struct pid *pid; ++ int *newpid; ++ static int ctr = 0; ++ ++ newpid = kpatch_shadow_alloc(p, "newpid", sizeof(*newpid), ++ GFP_KERNEL); ++ if (newpid) ++ *newpid = ctr++; + + trace_sched_process_fork(current, p); + diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/smp-locks-section.patch b/test/integration/centos-7/smp-locks-section.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6f39d53 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/smp-locks-section.patch @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/drivers/tty/tty_buffer.c src/drivers/tty/tty_buffer.c +--- src.orig/drivers/tty/tty_buffer.c 2017-09-22 15:27:21.077053604 -0400 ++++ src/drivers/tty/tty_buffer.c 2017-09-22 15:27:50.542175618 -0400 +@@ -217,6 +217,10 @@ int tty_buffer_request_room(struct tty_p + /* OPTIMISATION: We could keep a per tty "zero" sized buffer to + remove this conditional if its worth it. This would be invisible + to the callers */ ++ ++ if (!size) ++ printk("kpatch-test: testing .smp_locks section changes\n"); ++ + b = buf->tail; + if (b != NULL) + left = b->size - b->used; diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/special-static-2.patch b/test/integration/centos-7/special-static-2.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..146d5b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/special-static-2.patch @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/arch/x86/kvm/x86.c src/arch/x86/kvm/x86.c +--- src.orig/arch/x86/kvm/x86.c 2017-09-22 15:27:20.852052672 -0400 ++++ src/arch/x86/kvm/x86.c 2017-09-22 15:27:51.744180596 -0400 +@@ -2093,12 +2093,20 @@ static void record_steal_time(struct kvm + &vcpu->, sizeof(struct kvm_steal_time)); + } + ++void kpatch_kvm_x86_foo(void) ++{ ++ if (!jiffies) ++ printk("kpatch kvm x86 foo\n"); ++} ++ + int kvm_set_msr_common(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct msr_data *msr_info) + { + bool pr = false; + u32 msr = msr_info->index; + u64 data = msr_info->data; + ++ kpatch_kvm_x86_foo(); ++ + switch (msr) { + case MSR_AMD64_NB_CFG: + case MSR_IA32_UCODE_REV: diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/special-static.patch b/test/integration/centos-7/special-static.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..84647ec --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/special-static.patch @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/kernel/fork.c src/kernel/fork.c +--- src.orig/kernel/fork.c 2017-09-22 15:27:21.600055769 -0400 ++++ src/kernel/fork.c 2017-09-22 15:27:53.052186012 -0400 +@@ -1129,10 +1129,18 @@ static void posix_cpu_timers_init_group( + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&sig->cpu_timers[2]); + } + ++void kpatch_foo(void) ++{ ++ if (!jiffies) ++ printk("kpatch copy signal\n"); ++} ++ + static int copy_signal(unsigned long clone_flags, struct task_struct *tsk) + { + struct signal_struct *sig; + ++ kpatch_foo(); ++ + if (clone_flags & CLONE_THREAD) + return 0; + diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/tracepoints-section.patch b/test/integration/centos-7/tracepoints-section.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b770f9e --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/tracepoints-section.patch @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/kernel/timer.c src/kernel/timer.c +--- src.orig/kernel/timer.c 2017-09-22 15:27:21.600055769 -0400 ++++ src/kernel/timer.c 2017-09-22 15:27:54.288191131 -0400 +@@ -1390,6 +1390,9 @@ static void run_timer_softirq(struct sof + { + struct tvec_base *base = __this_cpu_read(tvec_bases); + ++ if (!base) ++ printk("kpatch-test: testing __tracepoints section changes\n"); ++ + if (time_after_eq(jiffies, base->timer_jiffies)) + __run_timers(base); + } diff --git a/test/integration/centos-7/warn-detect-FAIL.patch b/test/integration/centos-7/warn-detect-FAIL.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8efa782 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/centos-7/warn-detect-FAIL.patch @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/arch/x86/kvm/x86.c src/arch/x86/kvm/x86.c +--- src.orig/arch/x86/kvm/x86.c 2017-09-22 15:27:20.852052672 -0400 ++++ src/arch/x86/kvm/x86.c 2017-09-22 15:27:55.489196104 -0400 +@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ ++ + /* + * Kernel-based Virtual Machine driver for Linux + * diff --git a/test/integration/fedora-27/README b/test/integration/fedora-27/README new file mode 100644 index 0000000..82dad91 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/fedora-27/README @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +4.13.9-300.fc27.x86_64 diff --git a/test/integration/fedora-27/convert-global-local.patch b/test/integration/fedora-27/convert-global-local.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..88ecb24 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/fedora-27/convert-global-local.patch @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +This is a test for #658: a kernel panic seen when patching an exported +function (e.g., kmalloc) which is used by patch_init(). +--- +diff -Nupr src.orig/mm/slub.c src/mm/slub.c +--- src.orig/mm/slub.c 2017-11-17 15:58:51.157211972 -0500 ++++ src/mm/slub.c 2017-11-17 15:58:56.808211972 -0500 +@@ -3731,6 +3731,9 @@ void *__kmalloc(size_t size, gfp_t flags + struct kmem_cache *s; + void *ret; + ++ if (!jiffies) ++ printk("kpatch kmalloc\n"); ++ + if (unlikely(size > KMALLOC_MAX_CACHE_SIZE)) + return kmalloc_large(size, flags); + diff --git a/test/integration/fedora-27/data-new-LOADED.test b/test/integration/fedora-27/data-new-LOADED.test new file mode 100755 index 0000000..598b6bb --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/fedora-27/data-new-LOADED.test @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +grep "kpatch: 5" /proc/meminfo diff --git a/test/integration/fedora-27/data-new.patch b/test/integration/fedora-27/data-new.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a205824 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/fedora-27/data-new.patch @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/proc/meminfo.c src/fs/proc/meminfo.c +--- src.orig/fs/proc/meminfo.c 2017-11-17 15:58:41.113211972 -0500 ++++ src/fs/proc/meminfo.c 2017-11-17 15:58:58.554211972 -0500 +@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ static void show_val_kb(struct seq_file + seq_write(m, " kB\n", 4); + } + ++static int foo = 5; ++ + static int meminfo_proc_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v) + { + struct sysinfo i; +@@ -153,6 +155,7 @@ static int meminfo_proc_show(struct seq_ + show_val_kb(m, "CmaFree: ", + global_page_state(NR_FREE_CMA_PAGES)); + #endif ++ seq_printf(m, "kpatch: %d\n", foo); + + hugetlb_report_meminfo(m); + diff --git a/test/integration/fedora-27/gcc-static-local-var-6.patch b/test/integration/fedora-27/gcc-static-local-var-6.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0272159 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/fedora-27/gcc-static-local-var-6.patch @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +diff --git a/net/ipv6/netfilter.c b/net/ipv6/netfilter.c +index 9bf2604..026ac6c 100644 +--- a/net/ipv6/netfilter.c ++++ b/net/ipv6/netfilter.c +@@ -109,6 +109,8 @@ static int nf_ip6_reroute(struct net *net, struct sk_buff *skb, + return 0; + } + ++#include "kpatch-macros.h" ++ + static int nf_ip6_route(struct net *net, struct dst_entry **dst, + struct flowi *fl, bool strict) + { +@@ -122,6 +124,9 @@ static int nf_ip6_route(struct net *net, struct dst_entry **dst, + struct dst_entry *result; + int err; + ++ if (!jiffies) ++ printk("kpatch nf_ip6_route foo\n"); ++ + result = ip6_route_output(net, sk, &fl->u.ip6); + err = result->error; + if (err) diff --git a/test/integration/fedora-27/macro-callbacks.patch b/test/integration/fedora-27/macro-callbacks.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..569cc7c --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/fedora-27/macro-callbacks.patch @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +kpatch/livepatch callback test patch: + + vmlinux + pcspkr (mod) + joydev (mod) + +Note: update joydev's pre-patch callback to return -ENODEV to test failure path + +diff -Nupr src.old/drivers/input/joydev.c src/drivers/input/joydev.c +--- src.old/drivers/input/joydev.c 2017-09-03 16:56:17.000000000 -0400 ++++ src/drivers/input/joydev.c 2018-03-22 16:32:40.963082354 -0400 +@@ -1010,3 +1010,47 @@ static void __exit joydev_exit(void) + + module_init(joydev_init); + module_exit(joydev_exit); ++ ++#include ++#include "kpatch-macros.h" ++ ++static const char *const module_state[] = { ++ [MODULE_STATE_LIVE] = "[MODULE_STATE_LIVE] Normal state", ++ [MODULE_STATE_COMING] = "[MODULE_STATE_COMING] Full formed, running module_init", ++ [MODULE_STATE_GOING] = "[MODULE_STATE_GOING] Going away", ++ [MODULE_STATE_UNFORMED] = "[MODULE_STATE_UNFORMED] Still setting it up", ++}; ++ ++static void callback_info(const char *callback, patch_object *obj) ++{ ++ if (obj->mod) ++ pr_info("%s: %s -> %s\n", callback, obj->mod->name, ++ module_state[obj->mod->state]); ++ else ++ pr_info("%s: vmlinux\n", callback); ++} ++ ++static int pre_patch_callback(patch_object *obj) ++{ ++ callback_info(__func__, obj); ++ return 0; /* return -ENODEV; */ ++} ++KPATCH_PRE_PATCH_CALLBACK(pre_patch_callback); ++ ++static void post_patch_callback(patch_object *obj) ++{ ++ callback_info(__func__, obj); ++} ++KPATCH_POST_PATCH_CALLBACK(post_patch_callback); ++ ++static void pre_unpatch_callback(patch_object *obj) ++{ ++ callback_info(__func__, obj); ++} ++KPATCH_PRE_UNPATCH_CALLBACK(pre_unpatch_callback); ++ ++static void post_unpatch_callback(patch_object *obj) ++{ ++ callback_info(__func__, obj); ++} ++KPATCH_POST_UNPATCH_CALLBACK(post_unpatch_callback); +diff -Nupr src.old/drivers/input/misc/pcspkr.c src/drivers/input/misc/pcspkr.c +--- src.old/drivers/input/misc/pcspkr.c 2018-03-22 16:29:27.716082354 -0400 ++++ src/drivers/input/misc/pcspkr.c 2018-03-22 16:32:40.963082354 -0400 +@@ -132,3 +132,46 @@ static struct platform_driver pcspkr_pla + }; + module_platform_driver(pcspkr_platform_driver); + ++#include ++#include "kpatch-macros.h" ++ ++static const char *const module_state[] = { ++ [MODULE_STATE_LIVE] = "[MODULE_STATE_LIVE] Normal state", ++ [MODULE_STATE_COMING] = "[MODULE_STATE_COMING] Full formed, running module_init", ++ [MODULE_STATE_GOING] = "[MODULE_STATE_GOING] Going away", ++ [MODULE_STATE_UNFORMED] = "[MODULE_STATE_UNFORMED] Still setting it up", ++}; ++ ++static void callback_info(const char *callback, patch_object *obj) ++{ ++ if (obj->mod) ++ pr_info("%s: %s -> %s\n", callback, obj->mod->name, ++ module_state[obj->mod->state]); ++ else ++ pr_info("%s: vmlinux\n", callback); ++} ++ ++static int pre_patch_callback(patch_object *obj) ++{ ++ callback_info(__func__, obj); ++ return 0; ++} ++KPATCH_PRE_PATCH_CALLBACK(pre_patch_callback); ++ ++static void post_patch_callback(patch_object *obj) ++{ ++ callback_info(__func__, obj); ++} ++KPATCH_POST_PATCH_CALLBACK(post_patch_callback); ++ ++static void pre_unpatch_callback(patch_object *obj) ++{ ++ callback_info(__func__, obj); ++} ++KPATCH_PRE_UNPATCH_CALLBACK(pre_unpatch_callback); ++ ++static void post_unpatch_callback(patch_object *obj) ++{ ++ callback_info(__func__, obj); ++} ++KPATCH_POST_UNPATCH_CALLBACK(post_unpatch_callback); +diff -Nupr src.old/fs/aio.c src/fs/aio.c +--- src.old/fs/aio.c 2017-09-03 16:56:17.000000000 -0400 ++++ src/fs/aio.c 2018-03-22 16:32:40.962082354 -0400 +@@ -46,6 +46,50 @@ + + #include "internal.h" + ++#include ++#include "kpatch-macros.h" ++ ++static const char *const module_state[] = { ++ [MODULE_STATE_LIVE] = "[MODULE_STATE_LIVE] Normal state", ++ [MODULE_STATE_COMING] = "[MODULE_STATE_COMING] Full formed, running module_init", ++ [MODULE_STATE_GOING] = "[MODULE_STATE_GOING] Going away", ++ [MODULE_STATE_UNFORMED] = "[MODULE_STATE_UNFORMED] Still setting it up", ++}; ++ ++static void callback_info(const char *callback, patch_object *obj) ++{ ++ if (obj->mod) ++ pr_info("%s: %s -> %s\n", callback, obj->mod->name, ++ module_state[obj->mod->state]); ++ else ++ pr_info("%s: vmlinux\n", callback); ++} ++ ++static int pre_patch_callback(patch_object *obj) ++{ ++ callback_info(__func__, obj); ++ return 0; ++} ++KPATCH_PRE_PATCH_CALLBACK(pre_patch_callback); ++ ++static void post_patch_callback(patch_object *obj) ++{ ++ callback_info(__func__, obj); ++} ++KPATCH_POST_PATCH_CALLBACK(post_patch_callback); ++ ++static void pre_unpatch_callback(patch_object *obj) ++{ ++ callback_info(__func__, obj); ++} ++KPATCH_PRE_UNPATCH_CALLBACK(pre_unpatch_callback); ++ ++static void post_unpatch_callback(patch_object *obj) ++{ ++ callback_info(__func__, obj); ++} ++KPATCH_POST_UNPATCH_CALLBACK(post_unpatch_callback); ++ + #define AIO_RING_MAGIC 0xa10a10a1 + #define AIO_RING_COMPAT_FEATURES 1 + #define AIO_RING_INCOMPAT_FEATURES 0 diff --git a/test/integration/fedora-27/meminfo-cmdline-rebuild-SLOW-LOADED.test b/test/integration/fedora-27/meminfo-cmdline-rebuild-SLOW-LOADED.test new file mode 100755 index 0000000..e2b647d --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/fedora-27/meminfo-cmdline-rebuild-SLOW-LOADED.test @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +grep VMALLOCCHUNK /proc/meminfo && grep kpatch=1 /proc/cmdline diff --git a/test/integration/fedora-27/meminfo-cmdline-rebuild-SLOW.patch b/test/integration/fedora-27/meminfo-cmdline-rebuild-SLOW.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aae9744 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/fedora-27/meminfo-cmdline-rebuild-SLOW.patch @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/proc/cmdline.c src/fs/proc/cmdline.c +--- src.orig/fs/proc/cmdline.c 2017-11-17 15:58:41.126211972 -0500 ++++ src/fs/proc/cmdline.c 2017-11-17 15:59:19.323211972 -0500 +@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ + + static int cmdline_proc_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v) + { +- seq_printf(m, "%s\n", saved_command_line); ++ seq_printf(m, "%s kpatch=1\n", saved_command_line); + return 0; + } + +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/proc/meminfo.c src/fs/proc/meminfo.c +--- src.orig/fs/proc/meminfo.c 2017-11-17 15:58:41.113211972 -0500 ++++ src/fs/proc/meminfo.c 2017-11-17 15:59:19.323211972 -0500 +@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ static int meminfo_proc_show(struct seq_ + seq_printf(m, "VmallocTotal: %8lu kB\n", + (unsigned long)VMALLOC_TOTAL >> 10); + show_val_kb(m, "VmallocUsed: ", 0ul); +- show_val_kb(m, "VmallocChunk: ", 0ul); ++ show_val_kb(m, "VMALLOCCHUNK: ", 0ul); + + #ifdef CONFIG_MEMORY_FAILURE + seq_printf(m, "HardwareCorrupted: %5lu kB\n", +diff -Nupr src.orig/include/linux/kernel.h src/include/linux/kernel.h +--- src.orig/include/linux/kernel.h 2017-11-17 15:58:48.205211972 -0500 ++++ src/include/linux/kernel.h 2017-11-17 15:59:19.376211972 -0500 +@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ + #define _LINUX_KERNEL_H + + ++ + #include + #include + #include diff --git a/test/integration/fedora-27/module-call-external.patch b/test/integration/fedora-27/module-call-external.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5dced50 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/fedora-27/module-call-external.patch @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/nfsd/export.c src/fs/nfsd/export.c +--- src.orig/fs/nfsd/export.c 2017-11-17 15:58:26.667211972 -0500 ++++ src/fs/nfsd/export.c 2017-11-17 15:59:26.338211972 -0500 +@@ -1194,6 +1194,8 @@ static void exp_flags(struct seq_file *m + } + } + ++extern char *kpatch_string(void); ++ + static int e_show(struct seq_file *m, void *p) + { + struct cache_head *cp = p; +@@ -1203,6 +1205,7 @@ static int e_show(struct seq_file *m, vo + if (p == SEQ_START_TOKEN) { + seq_puts(m, "# Version 1.1\n"); + seq_puts(m, "# Path Client(Flags) # IPs\n"); ++ seq_puts(m, kpatch_string()); + return 0; + } + +diff -Nupr src.orig/net/netlink/af_netlink.c src/net/netlink/af_netlink.c +--- src.orig/net/netlink/af_netlink.c 2017-11-17 15:58:49.333211972 -0500 ++++ src/net/netlink/af_netlink.c 2017-11-17 15:59:26.338211972 -0500 +@@ -2739,4 +2739,9 @@ panic: + panic("netlink_init: Cannot allocate nl_table\n"); + } + ++char *kpatch_string(void) ++{ ++ return "# kpatch\n"; ++} ++ + core_initcall(netlink_proto_init); diff --git a/test/integration/fedora-27/module-shadow.patch b/test/integration/fedora-27/module-shadow.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..37c7997 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/fedora-27/module-shadow.patch @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/arch/x86/kvm/vmx.c src/arch/x86/kvm/vmx.c +--- src.orig/arch/x86/kvm/vmx.c 2017-11-17 15:58:19.369211972 -0500 ++++ src/arch/x86/kvm/vmx.c 2017-11-17 15:59:29.615211972 -0500 +@@ -11259,10 +11259,20 @@ static void vmx_leave_nested(struct kvm_ + * It should only be called before L2 actually succeeded to run, and when + * vmcs01 is current (it doesn't leave_guest_mode() or switch vmcss). + */ ++#include "kpatch.h" + static void nested_vmx_entry_failure(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, + struct vmcs12 *vmcs12, + u32 reason, unsigned long qualification) + { ++ int *kpatch; ++ ++ kpatch = kpatch_shadow_alloc(vcpu, "kpatch", sizeof(*kpatch), ++ GFP_KERNEL); ++ if (kpatch) { ++ kpatch_shadow_get(vcpu, "kpatch"); ++ kpatch_shadow_free(vcpu, "kpatch"); ++ } ++ + load_vmcs12_host_state(vcpu, vmcs12); + vmcs12->vm_exit_reason = reason | VMX_EXIT_REASONS_FAILED_VMENTRY; + vmcs12->exit_qualification = qualification; diff --git a/test/integration/fedora-27/multiple.test b/test/integration/fedora-27/multiple.test new file mode 100755 index 0000000..2d5ed9f --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/fedora-27/multiple.test @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +SCRIPTDIR="$(readlink -f $(dirname $(type -p $0)))" +ROOTDIR="$(readlink -f $SCRIPTDIR/../../..)" +KPATCH="sudo $ROOTDIR/kpatch/kpatch" + +set -o errexit + +die() { + echo "ERROR: $@" >&2 + exit 1 +} + +ko_to_test() { + tmp=${1%.ko}-LOADED.test + echo ${tmp#kpatch-} +} + +# make sure any modules added here are disjoint +declare -a modules=(kpatch-cmdline-string.ko kpatch-meminfo-string.ko) + +for mod in "${modules[@]}"; do + testprog=$(ko_to_test $mod) + $SCRIPTDIR/$testprog && die "$SCRIPTDIR/$testprog succeeded before loading any modules" +done + +for mod in "${modules[@]}"; do + $KPATCH load $mod +done + +for mod in "${modules[@]}"; do + testprog=$(ko_to_test $mod) + $SCRIPTDIR/$testprog || die "$SCRIPTDIR/$testprog failed after loading modules" +done + +for mod in "${modules[@]}"; do + $KPATCH unload $mod +done + +for mod in "${modules[@]}"; do + testprog=$(ko_to_test $mod) + $SCRIPTDIR/$testprog && die "$SCRIPTDIR/$testprog succeeded after unloading modules" +done + +exit 0 diff --git a/test/integration/fedora-27/new-function.patch b/test/integration/fedora-27/new-function.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9ba590f --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/fedora-27/new-function.patch @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/drivers/tty/n_tty.c src/drivers/tty/n_tty.c +--- src.orig/drivers/tty/n_tty.c 2017-11-17 15:58:00.462211972 -0500 ++++ src/drivers/tty/n_tty.c 2017-11-17 15:59:31.240211972 -0500 +@@ -2269,7 +2269,7 @@ static ssize_t n_tty_read(struct tty_str + * lock themselves) + */ + +-static ssize_t n_tty_write(struct tty_struct *tty, struct file *file, ++static ssize_t noinline kpatch_n_tty_write(struct tty_struct *tty, struct file *file, + const unsigned char *buf, size_t nr) + { + const unsigned char *b = buf; +@@ -2356,6 +2356,12 @@ break_out: + return (b - buf) ? b - buf : retval; + } + ++static ssize_t n_tty_write(struct tty_struct *tty, struct file *file, ++ const unsigned char *buf, size_t nr) ++{ ++ return kpatch_n_tty_write(tty, file, buf, nr); ++} ++ + /** + * n_tty_poll - poll method for N_TTY + * @tty: terminal device diff --git a/test/integration/fedora-27/new-globals.patch b/test/integration/fedora-27/new-globals.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ef638e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/fedora-27/new-globals.patch @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/proc/cmdline.c src/fs/proc/cmdline.c +--- src.orig/fs/proc/cmdline.c 2017-11-17 15:58:41.126211972 -0500 ++++ src/fs/proc/cmdline.c 2017-11-17 15:59:32.886211972 -0500 +@@ -27,3 +27,10 @@ static int __init proc_cmdline_init(void + return 0; + } + fs_initcall(proc_cmdline_init); ++ ++#include ++void kpatch_print_message(void) ++{ ++ if (!jiffies) ++ printk("hello there!\n"); ++} +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/proc/meminfo.c src/fs/proc/meminfo.c +--- src.orig/fs/proc/meminfo.c 2017-11-17 15:59:24.724211972 -0500 ++++ src/fs/proc/meminfo.c 2017-11-17 15:59:32.887211972 -0500 +@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ + #include + #include "internal.h" + ++void kpatch_print_message(void); ++ + void __attribute__((weak)) arch_report_meminfo(struct seq_file *m) + { + } +@@ -65,6 +67,7 @@ static int meminfo_proc_show(struct seq_ + + available = si_mem_available(); + ++ kpatch_print_message(); + show_val_kb(m, "MemTotal: ", i.totalram); + show_val_kb(m, "MemFree: ", i.freeram); + show_val_kb(m, "MemAvailable: ", available); diff --git a/test/integration/fedora-27/remote-setup b/test/integration/fedora-27/remote-setup new file mode 100755 index 0000000..dfcb7ae --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/fedora-27/remote-setup @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +#!/bin/bash -x + +# install rpms on a Fedora 22 system to prepare it for kpatch integration tests + +set -o errexit + +[[ $UID != 0 ]] && sudo=sudo + +warn() { + echo "ERROR: $1" >&2 +} + +die() { + warn "$@" + exit 1 +} + +install_rpms() { + # crude workaround for a weird dnf bug where it fails to download + $sudo dnf install -y $* || $sudo dnf install -y $* +} + +install_rpms gcc elfutils elfutils-devel pesign openssl numactl-devel wget patchutils + +$sudo dnf builddep -y kernel || $sudo dnf builddep -y kernel + +# install kernel debuginfo and devel RPMs for target kernel +kverrel=$(uname -r) +kverrel=${kverrel%.x86_64} +kver=${kverrel%%-*} +krel=${kverrel#*-} +install_rpms$kver/$krel/x86_64/kernel-debuginfo-$kver-$krel.x86_64.rpm$kver/$krel/x86_64/kernel-debuginfo-common-x86_64-$kver-$krel.x86_64.rpm$kver/$krel/x86_64/kernel-devel-$kver-$krel.x86_64.rpm + +# install version of gcc which was used to build the target kernel +gccver=$(gcc --version |head -n1 |cut -d' ' -f3-) +kgccver=$(readelf -p .comment /usr/lib/debug/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/vmlinux |grep GCC: | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f6-) +if [[ $gccver != $kgccver ]]; then + gver=$(echo $kgccver | awk '{print $1}') + grel=$(echo $kgccver | sed 's/.*-\(.*\))/\1/') + grel=$grel.$(rpm -q gcc |sed 's/.*\.\(.*\)\.x86_64/\1/') + install_rpms$gver/$grel/x86_64/cpp-$gver-$grel.x86_64.rpm$gver/$grel/x86_64/gcc-$gver-$grel.x86_64.rpm$gver/$grel/x86_64/libgomp-$gver-$grel.x86_64.rpm +fi + +install_rpms ccache +ccache -M 5G diff --git a/test/integration/fedora-27/shadow-newpid-LOADED.test b/test/integration/fedora-27/shadow-newpid-LOADED.test new file mode 100755 index 0000000..c07d112 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/fedora-27/shadow-newpid-LOADED.test @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +grep -q newpid: /proc/$$/status diff --git a/test/integration/fedora-27/shadow-newpid.patch b/test/integration/fedora-27/shadow-newpid.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..daa646f --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/fedora-27/shadow-newpid.patch @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/proc/array.c src/fs/proc/array.c +--- src.orig/fs/proc/array.c 2017-11-17 15:58:41.136211972 -0500 ++++ src/fs/proc/array.c 2017-11-17 15:59:36.184211972 -0500 +@@ -354,12 +354,19 @@ static inline void task_seccomp(struct s + seq_putc(m, '\n'); + } + ++#include "kpatch.h" + static inline void task_context_switch_counts(struct seq_file *m, + struct task_struct *p) + { ++ int *newpid; ++ + seq_put_decimal_ull(m, "voluntary_ctxt_switches:\t", p->nvcsw); + seq_put_decimal_ull(m, "\nnonvoluntary_ctxt_switches:\t", p->nivcsw); + seq_putc(m, '\n'); ++ ++ newpid = kpatch_shadow_get(p, "newpid"); ++ if (newpid) ++ seq_printf(m, "newpid:\t%d\n", *newpid); + } + + static void task_cpus_allowed(struct seq_file *m, struct task_struct *task) +diff -Nupr src.orig/kernel/exit.c src/kernel/exit.c +--- src.orig/kernel/exit.c 2017-11-17 15:58:51.659211972 -0500 ++++ src/kernel/exit.c 2017-11-17 15:59:36.184211972 -0500 +@@ -760,6 +760,7 @@ static void check_stack_usage(void) + static inline void check_stack_usage(void) {} + #endif + ++#include "kpatch.h" + void __noreturn do_exit(long code) + { + struct task_struct *tsk = current; +@@ -865,6 +866,8 @@ void __noreturn do_exit(long code) + exit_task_work(tsk); + exit_thread(tsk); + ++ kpatch_shadow_free(tsk, "newpid"); ++ + /* + * Flush inherited counters to the parent - before the parent + * gets woken up by child-exit notifications. +diff -Nupr src.orig/kernel/fork.c src/kernel/fork.c +--- src.orig/kernel/fork.c 2017-11-17 15:58:51.541211972 -0500 ++++ src/kernel/fork.c 2017-11-17 15:59:36.184211972 -0500 +@@ -2003,6 +2003,7 @@ struct task_struct *fork_idle(int cpu) + * It copies the process, and if successful kick-starts + * it and waits for it to finish using the VM if required. + */ ++#include "kpatch.h" + long _do_fork(unsigned long clone_flags, + unsigned long stack_start, + unsigned long stack_size, +@@ -2042,6 +2043,13 @@ long _do_fork(unsigned long clone_flags, + if (!IS_ERR(p)) { + struct completion vfork; + struct pid *pid; ++ int *newpid; ++ static int ctr = 0; ++ ++ newpid = kpatch_shadow_alloc(p, "newpid", sizeof(*newpid), ++ GFP_KERNEL); ++ if (newpid) ++ *newpid = ctr++; + + trace_sched_process_fork(current, p); + diff --git a/test/integration/fedora-27/warn-detect-FAIL.patch b/test/integration/fedora-27/warn-detect-FAIL.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b178639 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/fedora-27/warn-detect-FAIL.patch @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +diff --git a/net/core/dev.c b/net/core/dev.c +index ef0cc6ea5f8d..9a840ec54270 100644 +--- a/net/core/dev.c ++++ b/net/core/dev.c +@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ ++ + /* + * NET3 Protocol independent device support routines. + * diff --git a/test/integration/kpatch-test b/test/integration/kpatch-test new file mode 100755 index 0000000..17cb7fb --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/kpatch-test @@ -0,0 +1,330 @@ +#!/bin/bash +# +# kpatch integration test framework +# +# Copyright (C) 2014 Josh Poimboeuf +# +# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or +# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License +# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 +# of the License, or (at your option) any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +# GNU General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA, +# 02110-1301, USA. +# +# +# This is a basic integration test framework for kpatch, which tests building, +# loading, and unloading patches, as well as any other related custom tests. +# +# This script looks for test input files in the current directory. It expects +# certain file naming conventions: +# +# - foo.patch: patch that should build successfully +# +# - foo-SLOW.patch: patch that should be skipped in the quick test +# +# - bar-FAIL.patch: patch that should fail to build +# +# - foo-LOADED.test: executable which tests whether the foo.patch module is +# loaded. It will be used to test that loading/unloading the patch module +# works as expected. +# +# Any other *.test files will be executed after all the patch modules have been +# built from the *.patch files. They can be used for more custom tests above +# and beyond the simple loading and unloading tests. + +shopt -s nullglob + +SCRIPTDIR="$(readlink -f $(dirname $(type -p $0)))" +ROOTDIR="$(readlink -f $SCRIPTDIR/../..)" +# TODO: option to use system-installed binaries instead +KPATCH="sudo $ROOTDIR/kpatch/kpatch" +RMMOD="sudo rmmod" +unset CCACHE_HASHDIR +KPATCHBUILD="$ROOTDIR"/kpatch-build/kpatch-build +ERROR=0 +LOG=test.log +rm -f $LOG + +PATCHDIR="${PATCHDIR:-$PWD}" +declare -a PATCH_LIST +declare -a TEST_LIST + +usage() { + echo "usage: $0 [options] [patch1 ... patchN]" >&2 + echo " patchN Pathnames of patches to test" >&2 + echo " -h, --help Show this help message" >&2 + echo " -c, --cached Don't rebuild patch modules" >&2 + echo " -d, --directory Patch directory" >&2 + echo " -q, --quick Just combine all patches into one module for testing" >&2 +} + +options=$(getopt -o hcd:q -l "help,cached,directory,quick" -- "$@") || exit 1 + +eval set -- "$options" + +while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do + case "$1" in + -h|--help) + usage + exit 0 + ;; + -c|--cached) + SKIPBUILD=1 + ;; + -d|--directory) + PATCHDIR="$2" + shift + ;; + -q|--quick) + QUICK=1 + ;; + *) + [[ "$1" = "--" ]] && shift && continue + PATCH_LIST+=("$1") + ;; + esac + shift +done + +if [[ ${#PATCH_LIST[@]} = 0 ]]; then + PATCH_LIST=($PATCHDIR/*.patch) + TEST_LIST=($PATCHDIR/*.test) + if [[ ${#PATCH_LIST[@]} = 0 ]]; then + echo "No patches found!" + exit 1 + fi +else + for file in "${PATCH_LIST[@]}"; do + prefix=${file%%.patch} + [[ -e "$prefix-FAIL.test" ]] && TEST_LIST+=("$prefix-FAIL.test") + [[ -e "$prefix-LOADED.test" ]] && TEST_LIST+=("$prefix-LOADED.test") + [[ -e "$prefix-SLOW.test" ]] && TEST_LIST+=("$prefix-SLOW.test") + done +fi + +error() { + echo "ERROR: $@" |tee -a $LOG >&2 + ERROR=$((ERROR + 1)) +} + +log() { + echo "$@" |tee -a $LOG +} + +unload_all() { + for i in `/sbin/lsmod |egrep '^kpatch' |awk '{print $1}'`; do + if [[ $i != kpatch ]]; then + $KPATCH unload $i >> $LOG 2>&1 || error "\"kpatch unload $i\" failed" + fi + done + if /sbin/lsmod |egrep -q '^kpatch'; then + $RMMOD kpatch >> $LOG 2>&1 || error "\"rmmod kpatch\" failed" + fi +} + +build_module() { + file=$1 + prefix=$(basename ${file%%.patch}) + modname="test-$prefix" + module="${modname}.ko" + + if [[ $prefix =~ -FAIL ]]; then + shouldfail=1 + else + shouldfail=0 + fi + + if [[ $SKIPBUILD -eq 1 ]]; then + skip=0 + [[ $shouldfail -eq 1 ]] && skip=1 + [[ -e $module ]] && skip=1 + [[ $skip -eq 1 ]] && log "skipping build: $prefix" && return + fi + + log "build: $prefix" + + if ! $KPATCHBUILD -n $modname $file >> $LOG 2>&1; then + [[ $shouldfail -eq 0 ]] && error "$prefix: build failed" + else + [[ $shouldfail -eq 1 ]] && error "$prefix: build succeeded when it should have failed" + fi +} + +run_load_test() { + file=$1 + prefix=$(basename ${file%%.patch}) + modname="test-$prefix" + module="${modname}.ko" + testprog="$(dirname $1)/$prefix-LOADED.test" + + [[ $prefix =~ -FAIL ]] && return + + if [[ ! -e $module ]]; then + log "can't find $module, skipping" + return + fi + + if [[ -e $testprog ]]; then + log "load test: $prefix" + else + log "load test: $prefix (no test prog)" + fi + + + if [[ -e $testprog ]] && $testprog >> $LOG 2>&1; then + error "$prefix: $testprog succeeded before kpatch load" + return + fi + + if ! $KPATCH load $module >> $LOG 2>&1; then + error "$prefix: kpatch load failed" + return + fi + + if [[ -e $testprog ]] && ! $testprog >> $LOG 2>&1; then + error "$prefix: $testprog failed after kpatch load" + fi + + if ! $KPATCH unload $module >> $LOG 2>&1; then + error "$prefix: kpatch unload failed" + return + fi + + if [[ -e $testprog ]] && $testprog >> $LOG 2>&1; then + error "$prefix: $testprog succeeded after kpatch unload" + return + fi +} + +run_custom_test() { + testprog=$1 + prefix=$(basename ${file%%.test}) + + [[ $testprog = *-LOADED.test ]] && return + + log "custom test: $prefix" + + if ! $testprog >> $LOG 2>&1; then + error "$prefix: test failed" + fi +} + +build_combined_module() { + + if [[ $SKIPBUILD -eq 1 ]] && [[ -e test-COMBINED.ko ]]; then + log "skipping build: combined" + return + fi + + declare -a COMBINED_LIST + for file in "${PATCH_LIST[@]}"; do + [[ $file =~ -FAIL ]] && log "combine: skipping $file" && continue + [[ $file =~ -SLOW ]] && log "combine: skipping $file" && continue + COMBINED_LIST+=($file) + done + if [[ ${#COMBINED_LIST[@]} -le 1 ]]; then + log "skipping build: combined (only ${#PATCH_LIST[@]} patch(es))" + return + fi + + log "build: combined module" + + if ! $KPATCHBUILD -n test-COMBINED "${COMBINED_LIST[@]}" >> $LOG 2>&1; then + error "combined build failed" + fi +} + +run_combined_test() { + if [[ ! -e test-COMBINED.ko ]]; then + log "can't find test-COMBINED.ko, skipping" + return + fi + + log "load test: combined module" + + unload_all + + for testprog in "${TEST_LIST[@]}"; do + [[ $testprog != *-LOADED.test ]] && continue + if $testprog >> $LOG 2>&1; then + error "combined: $testprog succeeded before kpatch load" + return + fi + done + + if ! $KPATCH load test-COMBINED.ko >> $LOG 2>&1; then + error "combined: kpatch load failed" + return + fi + + for testprog in "${TEST_LIST[@]}"; do + [[ $testprog != *-LOADED.test ]] && continue + if ! $testprog >> $LOG 2>&1; then + error "combined: $testprog failed after kpatch load" + fi + done + + if ! $KPATCH unload test-COMBINED.ko >> $LOG 2>&1; then + error "combined: kpatch unload failed" + return + fi + + for testprog in "${TEST_LIST[@]}"; do + [[ $testprog != *-LOADED.test ]] && continue + if $testprog >> $LOG 2>&1; then + error "combined: $testprog succeeded after kpatch unload" + return + fi + done + +} + +echo "clearing printk buffer" +sudo dmesg -C + +if [[ $QUICK != 1 ]]; then + for file in "${PATCH_LIST[@]}"; do + build_module $file + done +fi + +build_combined_module + +unload_all + +if [[ $QUICK != 1 ]]; then + for file in "${PATCH_LIST[@]}"; do + run_load_test $file + done +fi + +run_combined_test + +if [[ $QUICK != 1 ]]; then + for testprog in "${TEST_LIST[@]}"; do + unload_all + run_custom_test $testprog + done +fi + + +unload_all + +dmesg |grep -q "Call Trace" && error "kernel error detected in printk buffer" + +if [[ $ERROR -gt 0 ]]; then + log "$ERROR errors encountered" + echo "see test.log for more information" +else + log "SUCCESS" +fi + +exit $ERROR diff --git a/test/integration/rebase-patches b/test/integration/rebase-patches new file mode 100755 index 0000000..79d220c --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/rebase-patches @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +#!/bin/bash +# +# rebase a set of patches, assumes the kernel has already been downloaded into +# the kpatch $CACHEDIR.Output patches go into ./${ID}-${VERSION_ID}/ +# +# Example: +# +# ./rebase-patches old_dir/*.patch + +CACHEDIR="${CACHEDIR:-$HOME/.kpatch}" +SRCDIR="$CACHEDIR/src" + +source /etc/os-release +OUTDIR=$(pwd)/${ID}-${VERSION_ID} +mkdir -p $OUTDIR + +echo "* Making backup copy of kernel sources" +rm -rf ${SRCDIR}.orig +cp -r $SRCDIR ${SRCDIR}.orig + + +for P in $@; do + + echo + echo "* Patch: $(basename $P)" + + echo "** dry run..." + patch -d $CACHEDIR --dry-run --quiet -p0 < $P + [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && echo "*** Skipping! ***" && continue + + echo "** patching..." + patch -d $CACHEDIR -p0 --no-backup-if-mismatch < $P + + echo "** generating new $(basename $P)..." + NEWP=$OUTDIR/$(basename $P) + awk '/^diff|^patch/{exit} {print $LF}' $P > $NEWP + cd $CACHEDIR + diff -Nupr src.orig src >> $NEWP + cd - + + echo "** reversing patch to restore tree..." + patch -d $CACHEDIR -p0 -R < $NEWP + +done + +echo "*** Removing backup copy of kernel sources" +rm -rf ${SRCDIR}.orig + +echo +echo "*** Done" diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/README b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/README new file mode 100644 index 0000000..beab02d --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/README @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +4.4.0-53-generic diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/bug-table-section.patch b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/bug-table-section.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..097a99b --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/bug-table-section.patch @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/proc/proc_sysctl.c src/fs/proc/proc_sysctl.c +--- src.orig/fs/proc/proc_sysctl.c 2016-12-15 19:55:39.084000000 +0000 ++++ src/fs/proc/proc_sysctl.c 2016-12-15 19:56:00.204000000 +0000 +@@ -301,6 +301,8 @@ void sysctl_head_put(struct ctl_table_he + + static struct ctl_table_header *sysctl_head_grab(struct ctl_table_header *head) + { ++ if (jiffies == 0) ++ printk("kpatch-test: testing __bug_table section changes\n"); + BUG_ON(!head); + spin_lock(&sysctl_lock); + if (!use_table(head)) diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/cmdline-string-LOADED.test b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/cmdline-string-LOADED.test new file mode 100755 index 0000000..a8e0a08 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/cmdline-string-LOADED.test @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +grep kpatch=1 /proc/cmdline diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/cmdline-string.patch b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/cmdline-string.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d8ca275 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/cmdline-string.patch @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/proc/cmdline.c src/fs/proc/cmdline.c +--- src.orig/fs/proc/cmdline.c 2016-12-15 19:55:39.084000000 +0000 ++++ src/fs/proc/cmdline.c 2016-12-15 19:56:12.848000000 +0000 +@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ + + static int cmdline_proc_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v) + { +- seq_printf(m, "%s\n", saved_command_line); ++ seq_printf(m, "%s kpatch=1\n", saved_command_line); + return 0; + } + diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/data-new-LOADED.test b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/data-new-LOADED.test new file mode 100755 index 0000000..598b6bb --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/data-new-LOADED.test @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +grep "kpatch: 5" /proc/meminfo diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/data-new.patch b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/data-new.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b107c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/data-new.patch @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/proc/meminfo.c src/fs/proc/meminfo.c +--- src.orig/fs/proc/meminfo.c 2016-12-15 19:55:39.084000000 +0000 ++++ src/fs/proc/meminfo.c 2016-12-15 19:56:17.076000000 +0000 +@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ void __attribute__((weak)) arch_report_m + { + } + ++static int foo = 5; ++ + static int meminfo_proc_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v) + { + struct sysinfo i; +@@ -110,6 +112,7 @@ static int meminfo_proc_show(struct seq_ + "CmaTotal: %8lu kB\n" + "CmaFree: %8lu kB\n" + #endif ++ "kpatch: %d" + , + K(i.totalram), + K(i.freeram), +@@ -169,6 +172,7 @@ static int meminfo_proc_show(struct seq_ + , K(totalcma_pages) + , K(global_page_state(NR_FREE_CMA_PAGES)) + #endif ++ ,foo + ); + + hugetlb_report_meminfo(m); diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/data-read-mostly.patch b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/data-read-mostly.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d8b1ceb --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/data-read-mostly.patch @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/net/core/dev.c src/net/core/dev.c +--- src.orig/net/core/dev.c 2016-12-15 19:55:39.848000000 +0000 ++++ src/net/core/dev.c 2016-12-15 19:56:21.344000000 +0000 +@@ -3926,6 +3926,7 @@ ncls: + case RX_HANDLER_PASS: + break; + default: ++ printk("BUG!\n"); + BUG(); + } + } diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/fixup-section.patch b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/fixup-section.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..59c5ff5 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/fixup-section.patch @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/readdir.c src/fs/readdir.c +--- src.orig/fs/readdir.c 2016-12-15 19:55:39.196000000 +0000 ++++ src/fs/readdir.c 2016-12-15 19:56:25.868000000 +0000 +@@ -173,6 +173,8 @@ static int filldir(struct dir_context *c + goto efault; + } + dirent = buf->current_dir; ++ if (dirent->d_ino == 12345678) ++ printk("kpatch-test: testing .fixup section changes\n"); + if (__put_user(d_ino, &dirent->d_ino)) + goto efault; + if (__put_user(reclen, &dirent->d_reclen)) diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/gcc-constprop.patch b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/gcc-constprop.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fbdf2e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/gcc-constprop.patch @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +ensure timekeeping_forward_now.constprop.8 and +timekeeping_forward_now.constprop.9 are correlated. + +diff -Nupr src.orig/kernel/time/timekeeping.c src/kernel/time/timekeeping.c +--- src.orig/kernel/time/timekeeping.c 2016-12-15 19:56:00.136000000 +0000 ++++ src/kernel/time/timekeeping.c 2016-12-15 19:56:30.496000000 +0000 +@@ -1148,6 +1148,9 @@ void do_gettimeofday(struct timeval *tv) + { + struct timespec64 now; + ++ if (!tv) ++ return; ++ + getnstimeofday64(&now); + tv->tv_sec = now.tv_sec; + tv->tv_usec = now.tv_nsec/1000; diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/gcc-isra.patch b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/gcc-isra.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..979fb9b --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/gcc-isra.patch @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/proc/proc_sysctl.c src/fs/proc/proc_sysctl.c +--- src.orig/fs/proc/proc_sysctl.c 2016-12-15 19:55:39.084000000 +0000 ++++ src/fs/proc/proc_sysctl.c 2016-12-15 19:56:34.800000000 +0000 +@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ void proc_sys_poll_notify(struct ctl_tab + if (!poll) + return; + ++ printk("kpatch-test: testing gcc .isra function name mangling\n"); + atomic_inc(&poll->event); + wake_up_interruptible(&poll->wait); + } diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/gcc-mangled-3.patch b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/gcc-mangled-3.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f7d7a7c --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/gcc-mangled-3.patch @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +ensure that __cmpxchg_double_slab.isra.45 and +__cmpxchg_double_slab.isra.45.part.46 aren't correlated. + +diff -Nupr src.orig/mm/slub.c src/mm/slub.c +--- src.orig/mm/slub.c 2016-12-15 19:55:38.988000000 +0000 ++++ src/mm/slub.c 2016-12-15 19:56:39.068000000 +0000 +@@ -5531,6 +5531,9 @@ void get_slabinfo(struct kmem_cache *s, + int node; + struct kmem_cache_node *n; + ++ if (!jiffies) ++ printk("slabinfo\n"); ++ + for_each_kmem_cache_node(s, node, n) { + nr_slabs += node_nr_slabs(n); + nr_objs += node_nr_objs(n); diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/gcc-static-local-var-2.patch b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/gcc-static-local-var-2.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a9ca12b --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/gcc-static-local-var-2.patch @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/mm/mmap.c src/mm/mmap.c +--- src.orig/mm/mmap.c 2016-12-15 19:55:38.992000000 +0000 ++++ src/mm/mmap.c 2016-12-15 19:56:43.684000000 +0000 +@@ -1547,6 +1548,9 @@ unsigned long mmap_region(struct file *f + struct rb_node **rb_link, *rb_parent; + unsigned long charged = 0; + ++ if (!jiffies) ++ printk("kpatch mmap foo\n"); ++ + /* Check against address space limit. */ + if (!may_expand_vm(mm, len >> PAGE_SHIFT)) { + unsigned long nr_pages; diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/gcc-static-local-var-3.patch b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/gcc-static-local-var-3.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..270e3d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/gcc-static-local-var-3.patch @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/kernel/reboot.c src/kernel/reboot.c +--- src.orig/kernel/reboot.c 2016-12-15 19:56:00.196000000 +0000 ++++ src/kernel/reboot.c 2016-12-15 19:56:48.264000000 +0000 +@@ -366,8 +366,15 @@ SYSCALL_DEFINE4(reboot, int, magic1, int + return ret; + } + ++void kpatch_bar(void) ++{ ++ if (!jiffies) ++ printk("kpatch_foo\n"); ++} ++ + static void deferred_cad(struct work_struct *dummy) + { ++ kpatch_bar(); + kernel_restart(NULL); + } + diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/gcc-static-local-var-4.patch b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/gcc-static-local-var-4.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..48fa8c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/gcc-static-local-var-4.patch @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/aio.c src/fs/aio.c +--- src.orig/fs/aio.c 2016-12-15 19:55:38.992000000 +0000 ++++ src/fs/aio.c 2016-12-15 19:56:52.588000000 +0000 +@@ -271,9 +271,16 @@ static int __init aio_setup(void) + } + __initcall(aio_setup); + ++void kpatch_aio_foo(void) ++{ ++ if (!jiffies) ++ printk("kpatch aio foo\n"); ++} ++ + static void put_aio_ring_file(struct kioctx *ctx) + { + struct file *aio_ring_file = ctx->aio_ring_file; ++ kpatch_aio_foo(); + if (aio_ring_file) { + truncate_setsize(aio_ring_file->f_inode, 0); + diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/gcc-static-local-var-4.test b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/gcc-static-local-var-4.test new file mode 100755 index 0000000..a1022ff --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/gcc-static-local-var-4.test @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +if $(nm kpatch-gcc-static-local-var-4.ko | grep -q free_ioctx); then + exit 1 +else + exit 0 +fi diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/gcc-static-local-var-5.patch b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/gcc-static-local-var-5.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2463454 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/gcc-static-local-var-5.patch @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/kernel/audit.c src/kernel/audit.c +--- src.orig/kernel/audit.c 2016-12-15 19:56:00.196000000 +0000 ++++ src/kernel/audit.c 2016-12-15 19:56:56.868000000 +0000 +@@ -213,6 +213,12 @@ void audit_panic(const char *message) + } + } + ++void kpatch_audit_foo(void) ++{ ++ if (!jiffies) ++ printk("kpatch audit foo\n"); ++} ++ + static inline int audit_rate_check(void) + { + static unsigned long last_check = 0; +@@ -223,6 +229,7 @@ static inline int audit_rate_check(void) + unsigned long elapsed; + int retval = 0; + ++ kpatch_audit_foo(); + if (!audit_rate_limit) return 1; + + spin_lock_irqsave(&lock, flags); +@@ -242,6 +249,11 @@ static inline int audit_rate_check(void) + return retval; + } + ++noinline void kpatch_audit_check(void) ++{ ++ audit_rate_check(); ++} ++ + /** + * audit_log_lost - conditionally log lost audit message event + * @message: the message stating reason for lost audit message +@@ -288,6 +300,8 @@ static int audit_log_config_change(char + struct audit_buffer *ab; + int rc = 0; + ++ kpatch_audit_check(); ++ + ab = audit_log_start(NULL, GFP_KERNEL, AUDIT_CONFIG_CHANGE); + if (unlikely(!ab)) + return rc; diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/gcc-static-local-var-6.patch b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/gcc-static-local-var-6.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..20aff19 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/gcc-static-local-var-6.patch @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +diff --git a/net/ipv6/netfilter.c b/net/ipv6/netfilter.c +index 39970e2..85e750d 100644 +--- a/net/ipv6/netfilter.c ++++ b/net/ipv6/netfilter.c +@@ -108,6 +108,8 @@ static int nf_ip6_reroute(struct net *net, struct sk_buff *skb, + return 0; + } + ++#include "kpatch-macros.h" ++ + static int nf_ip6_route(struct net *net, struct dst_entry **dst, + struct flowi *fl, bool strict) + { +@@ -121,6 +123,9 @@ static int nf_ip6_route(struct net *net, struct dst_entry **dst, + struct dst_entry *result; + int err; + ++ if (!jiffies) ++ printk("kpatch nf_ip6_route foo\n"); ++ + result = ip6_route_output(net, sk, &fl->u.ip6); + err = result->error; + if (err) diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/gcc-static-local-var.patch b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/gcc-static-local-var.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fa1ee7c --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/gcc-static-local-var.patch @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/arch/x86/kernel/ldt.c src/arch/x86/kernel/ldt.c +--- src.orig/arch/x86/kernel/ldt.c 2016-12-15 19:55:57.560000000 +0000 ++++ src/arch/x86/kernel/ldt.c 2016-12-15 19:57:01.124000000 +0000 +@@ -99,6 +99,12 @@ static void free_ldt_struct(struct ldt_s + kfree(ldt); + } + ++void hi_there(void) ++{ ++ if (!jiffies) ++ printk("hi there\n"); ++} ++ + /* + * we do not have to muck with descriptors here, that is + * done in switch_mm() as needed. +@@ -109,6 +115,8 @@ int init_new_context(struct task_struct + struct mm_struct *old_mm; + int retval = 0; + ++ hi_there(); ++ + mutex_init(&mm->context.lock); + old_mm = current->mm; + if (!old_mm) { diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/macro-hooks-LOADED.test b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/macro-hooks-LOADED.test new file mode 100755 index 0000000..135d4b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/macro-hooks-LOADED.test @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +[[ $(cat /proc/sys/fs/aio-max-nr) = 262144 ]] diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/macro-hooks.patch b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/macro-hooks.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f4fbc3 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/macro-hooks.patch @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/aio.c src/fs/aio.c +--- src.orig/fs/aio.c 2016-12-15 19:55:38.992000000 +0000 ++++ src/fs/aio.c 2016-12-15 19:57:05.396000000 +0000 +@@ -1716,6 +1716,20 @@ SYSCALL_DEFINE3(io_cancel, aio_context_t + return ret; + } + ++static int aio_max_nr_orig; ++void kpatch_load_aio_max_nr(void) ++{ ++ aio_max_nr_orig = aio_max_nr; ++ aio_max_nr = 0x40000; ++} ++void kpatch_unload_aio_max_nr(void) ++{ ++ aio_max_nr = aio_max_nr_orig; ++} ++#include "kpatch-macros.h" ++KPATCH_LOAD_HOOK(kpatch_load_aio_max_nr); ++KPATCH_UNLOAD_HOOK(kpatch_unload_aio_max_nr); ++ + /* io_getevents: + * Attempts to read at least min_nr events and up to nr events from + * the completion queue for the aio_context specified by ctx_id. If diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/macro-printk.patch b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/macro-printk.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..02b4220 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/macro-printk.patch @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/net/ipv4/fib_frontend.c src/net/ipv4/fib_frontend.c +--- src.orig/net/ipv4/fib_frontend.c 2016-12-15 19:55:39.724000000 +0000 ++++ src/net/ipv4/fib_frontend.c 2016-12-15 19:57:09.672000000 +0000 +@@ -728,6 +728,7 @@ errout: + return err; + } + ++#include "kpatch-macros.h" + static int inet_rtm_newroute(struct sk_buff *skb, struct nlmsghdr *nlh) + { + struct net *net = sock_net(skb->sk); +@@ -746,6 +747,7 @@ static int inet_rtm_newroute(struct sk_b + } + + err = fib_table_insert(tb, &cfg); ++ KPATCH_PRINTK("[inet_rtm_newroute]: err is %d\n", err); + errout: + return err; + } +diff -Nupr src.orig/net/ipv4/fib_semantics.c src/net/ipv4/fib_semantics.c +--- src.orig/net/ipv4/fib_semantics.c 2016-12-15 19:55:39.720000000 +0000 ++++ src/net/ipv4/fib_semantics.c 2016-12-15 19:57:09.672000000 +0000 +@@ -991,6 +991,7 @@ fib_convert_metrics(struct fib_info *fi, + return 0; + } + ++#include "kpatch-macros.h" + struct fib_info *fib_create_info(struct fib_config *cfg) + { + int err; +@@ -1018,6 +1019,7 @@ struct fib_info *fib_create_info(struct + #endif + + err = -ENOBUFS; ++ KPATCH_PRINTK("[fib_create_info]: create error err is %d\n",err); + if (fib_info_cnt >= fib_info_hash_size) { + unsigned int new_size = fib_info_hash_size << 1; + struct hlist_head *new_info_hash; +@@ -1038,6 +1040,7 @@ struct fib_info *fib_create_info(struct + if (!fib_info_hash_size) + goto failure; + } ++ KPATCH_PRINTK("[fib_create_info]: 2 create error err is %d\n",err); + + fi = kzalloc(sizeof(*fi)+nhs*sizeof(struct fib_nh), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!fi) +@@ -1049,6 +1052,7 @@ struct fib_info *fib_create_info(struct + goto failure; + } else + fi->fib_metrics = (u32 *) dst_default_metrics; ++ KPATCH_PRINTK("[fib_create_info]: 3 create error err is %d\n",err); + + fi->fib_net = net; + fi->fib_protocol = cfg->fc_protocol; +@@ -1065,6 +1069,7 @@ struct fib_info *fib_create_info(struct + if (!nexthop_nh->nh_pcpu_rth_output) + goto failure; + } endfor_nexthops(fi) ++ KPATCH_PRINTK("[fib_create_info]: 4 create error err is %d\n",err); + + err = fib_convert_metrics(fi, cfg); + if (err) +@@ -1117,6 +1122,8 @@ struct fib_info *fib_create_info(struct + nh->nh_weight = 1; + #endif + } ++ KPATCH_PRINTK("[fib_create_info]: 5 create error err is %d\n",err); ++ KPATCH_PRINTK("[fib_create_info]: 6 create error err is %d\n",err); + + if (fib_props[cfg->fc_type].error) { + if (cfg->fc_gw || cfg->fc_oif || cfg->fc_mp) +@@ -1134,6 +1141,7 @@ struct fib_info *fib_create_info(struct + goto err_inval; + } + } ++ KPATCH_PRINTK("[fib_create_info]: 7 create error err is %d\n",err); + + if (cfg->fc_scope > RT_SCOPE_HOST) + goto err_inval; +@@ -1162,6 +1170,7 @@ struct fib_info *fib_create_info(struct + if (linkdown == fi->fib_nhs) + fi->fib_flags |= RTNH_F_LINKDOWN; + } ++ KPATCH_PRINTK("[fib_create_info]: 8 create error err is %d\n",err); + + if (fi->fib_prefsrc && !fib_valid_prefsrc(cfg, fi->fib_prefsrc)) + goto err_inval; +@@ -1170,6 +1179,7 @@ struct fib_info *fib_create_info(struct + fib_info_update_nh_saddr(net, nexthop_nh); + fib_add_weight(fi, nexthop_nh); + } endfor_nexthops(fi) ++ KPATCH_PRINTK("[fib_create_info]: 9 create error err is %d\n",err); + + fib_rebalance(fi); + +@@ -1181,6 +1191,7 @@ link_it: + ofi->fib_treeref++; + return ofi; + } ++ KPATCH_PRINTK("[fib_create_info]: 10 create error err is %d\n",err); + + fi->fib_treeref++; + atomic_inc(&fi->fib_clntref); +@@ -1204,6 +1215,7 @@ link_it: + hlist_add_head(&nexthop_nh->nh_hash, head); + } endfor_nexthops(fi) + spin_unlock_bh(&fib_info_lock); ++ KPATCH_PRINTK("[fib_create_info]: 11 create error err is %d\n",err); + return fi; + + err_inval: +@@ -1214,6 +1226,7 @@ failure: + fi->fib_dead = 1; + free_fib_info(fi); + } ++ KPATCH_PRINTK("[fib_create_info]: 12 create error err is %d\n",err); + + return ERR_PTR(err); + } +diff -Nupr src.orig/net/ipv4/fib_trie.c src/net/ipv4/fib_trie.c +--- src.orig/net/ipv4/fib_trie.c 2016-12-15 19:55:39.720000000 +0000 ++++ src/net/ipv4/fib_trie.c 2016-12-15 19:57:09.676000000 +0000 +@@ -1078,6 +1078,7 @@ static int fib_insert_alias(struct trie + } + + /* Caller must hold RTNL. */ ++#include "kpatch-macros.h" + int fib_table_insert(struct fib_table *tb, struct fib_config *cfg) + { + struct trie *t = (struct trie *)tb->tb_data; +@@ -1101,11 +1102,14 @@ int fib_table_insert(struct fib_table *t + if ((plen < KEYLENGTH) && (key << plen)) + return -EINVAL; + ++ KPATCH_PRINTK("[fib_table_insert]: start\n"); + fi = fib_create_info(cfg); + if (IS_ERR(fi)) { + err = PTR_ERR(fi); ++ KPATCH_PRINTK("[fib_table_insert]: create error err is %d\n",err); + goto err; + } ++ KPATCH_PRINTK("[fib_table_insert]: cross\n"); + + l = fib_find_node(t, &tp, key); + fa = l ? fib_find_alias(&l->leaf, slen, tos, fi->fib_priority, diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/meminfo-cmdline-rebuild-SLOW-LOADED.test b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/meminfo-cmdline-rebuild-SLOW-LOADED.test new file mode 100755 index 0000000..e2b647d --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/meminfo-cmdline-rebuild-SLOW-LOADED.test @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +grep VMALLOCCHUNK /proc/meminfo && grep kpatch=1 /proc/cmdline diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/meminfo-cmdline-rebuild-SLOW.patch b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/meminfo-cmdline-rebuild-SLOW.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4fcf74c --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/meminfo-cmdline-rebuild-SLOW.patch @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/proc/cmdline.c src/fs/proc/cmdline.c +--- src.orig/fs/proc/cmdline.c 2016-12-15 19:55:39.084000000 +0000 ++++ src/fs/proc/cmdline.c 2016-12-15 19:57:13.988000000 +0000 +@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ + + static int cmdline_proc_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v) + { +- seq_printf(m, "%s\n", saved_command_line); ++ seq_printf(m, "%s kpatch=1\n", saved_command_line); + return 0; + } + +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/proc/meminfo.c src/fs/proc/meminfo.c +--- src.orig/fs/proc/meminfo.c 2016-12-15 19:55:39.084000000 +0000 ++++ src/fs/proc/meminfo.c 2016-12-15 19:57:13.988000000 +0000 +@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ static int meminfo_proc_show(struct seq_ + "Committed_AS: %8lu kB\n" + "VmallocTotal: %8lu kB\n" + "VmallocUsed: %8lu kB\n" +- "VmallocChunk: %8lu kB\n" ++ "VMALLOCCHUNK: %8lu kB\n" + #ifdef CONFIG_MEMORY_FAILURE + "HardwareCorrupted: %5lu kB\n" + #endif +diff -Nupr src.orig/include/linux/kernel.h src/include/linux/kernel.h +--- src.orig/include/linux/kernel.h 2016-12-15 19:55:56.996000000 +0000 ++++ src/include/linux/kernel.h 2016-12-15 19:57:13.992000000 +0000 +@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ + #define _LINUX_KERNEL_H + + ++ + #include + #include + #include diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/meminfo-init-FAIL.patch b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/meminfo-init-FAIL.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c7a2cdd --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/meminfo-init-FAIL.patch @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/proc/meminfo.c src/fs/proc/meminfo.c +--- src.orig/fs/proc/meminfo.c 2016-12-15 19:55:39.084000000 +0000 ++++ src/fs/proc/meminfo.c 2016-12-15 19:57:22.564000000 +0000 +@@ -193,6 +193,7 @@ static const struct file_operations memi + + static int __init proc_meminfo_init(void) + { ++ printk("a\n"); + proc_create("meminfo", 0, NULL, &meminfo_proc_fops); + return 0; + } diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/meminfo-init2-FAIL.patch b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/meminfo-init2-FAIL.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8763fc0 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/meminfo-init2-FAIL.patch @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/proc/meminfo.c src/fs/proc/meminfo.c +--- src.orig/fs/proc/meminfo.c 2016-12-15 19:55:39.084000000 +0000 ++++ src/fs/proc/meminfo.c 2016-12-15 19:57:18.240000000 +0000 +@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ static int meminfo_proc_show(struct seq_ + unsigned long pages[NR_LRU_LISTS]; + int lru; + ++ printk("a\n"); + /* + * display in kilobytes. + */ +@@ -193,6 +194,7 @@ static const struct file_operations memi + + static int __init proc_meminfo_init(void) + { ++ printk("a\n"); + proc_create("meminfo", 0, NULL, &meminfo_proc_fops); + return 0; + } diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/meminfo-string-LOADED.test b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/meminfo-string-LOADED.test new file mode 100755 index 0000000..10dc20b --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/meminfo-string-LOADED.test @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +grep VMALLOCCHUNK /proc/meminfo diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/meminfo-string.patch b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/meminfo-string.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3dd2731 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/meminfo-string.patch @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/proc/meminfo.c src/fs/proc/meminfo.c +--- src.orig/fs/proc/meminfo.c 2016-12-15 19:55:39.084000000 +0000 ++++ src/fs/proc/meminfo.c 2016-12-15 19:57:26.828000000 +0000 +@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ static int meminfo_proc_show(struct seq_ + "Committed_AS: %8lu kB\n" + "VmallocTotal: %8lu kB\n" + "VmallocUsed: %8lu kB\n" +- "VmallocChunk: %8lu kB\n" ++ "VMALLOCCHUNK: %8lu kB\n" + #ifdef CONFIG_MEMORY_FAILURE + "HardwareCorrupted: %5lu kB\n" + #endif diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/module-call-external.patch b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/module-call-external.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3ae162f --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/module-call-external.patch @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/nfsd/export.c src/fs/nfsd/export.c +--- src.orig/fs/nfsd/export.c 2016-12-15 19:55:39.012000000 +0000 ++++ src/fs/nfsd/export.c 2016-12-15 19:57:31.068000000 +0000 +@@ -1183,6 +1183,8 @@ static void exp_flags(struct seq_file *m + } + } + ++extern char *kpatch_string(void); ++ + static int e_show(struct seq_file *m, void *p) + { + struct cache_head *cp = p; +@@ -1192,6 +1194,7 @@ static int e_show(struct seq_file *m, vo + if (p == SEQ_START_TOKEN) { + seq_puts(m, "# Version 1.1\n"); + seq_puts(m, "# Path Client(Flags) # IPs\n"); ++ seq_puts(m, kpatch_string()); + return 0; + } + +diff -Nupr src.orig/net/netlink/af_netlink.c src/net/netlink/af_netlink.c +--- src.orig/net/netlink/af_netlink.c 2016-12-15 19:55:39.772000000 +0000 ++++ src/net/netlink/af_netlink.c 2016-12-15 19:57:31.072000000 +0000 +@@ -3353,4 +3353,9 @@ panic: + panic("netlink_init: Cannot allocate nl_table\n"); + } + ++char *kpatch_string(void) ++{ ++ return "# kpatch\n"; ++} ++ + core_initcall(netlink_proto_init); diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/module-kvm-fixup.patch b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/module-kvm-fixup.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d1130fd --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/module-kvm-fixup.patch @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/arch/x86/kvm/vmx.c src/arch/x86/kvm/vmx.c +--- src.orig/arch/x86/kvm/vmx.c 2016-12-15 19:55:57.436000000 +0000 ++++ src/arch/x86/kvm/vmx.c 2016-12-15 19:57:35.344000000 +0000 +@@ -10574,6 +10574,8 @@ static int vmx_check_intercept(struct kv + struct x86_instruction_info *info, + enum x86_intercept_stage stage) + { ++ if (!jiffies) ++ printk("kpatch vmx_check_intercept\n"); + return X86EMUL_CONTINUE; + } + diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/module-shadow.patch b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/module-shadow.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f2b2bdf --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/module-shadow.patch @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/arch/x86/kvm/vmx.c src/arch/x86/kvm/vmx.c +--- src.orig/arch/x86/kvm/vmx.c 2016-12-15 19:55:57.436000000 +0000 ++++ src/arch/x86/kvm/vmx.c 2016-12-15 19:57:39.592000000 +0000 +@@ -10558,10 +10558,20 @@ static void vmx_leave_nested(struct kvm_ + * It should only be called before L2 actually succeeded to run, and when + * vmcs01 is current (it doesn't leave_guest_mode() or switch vmcss). + */ ++#include "kpatch.h" + static void nested_vmx_entry_failure(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, + struct vmcs12 *vmcs12, + u32 reason, unsigned long qualification) + { ++ int *kpatch; ++ ++ kpatch = kpatch_shadow_alloc(vcpu, "kpatch", sizeof(*kpatch), ++ GFP_KERNEL); ++ if (kpatch) { ++ kpatch_shadow_get(vcpu, "kpatch"); ++ kpatch_shadow_free(vcpu, "kpatch"); ++ } ++ + load_vmcs12_host_state(vcpu, vmcs12); + vmcs12->vm_exit_reason = reason | VMX_EXIT_REASONS_FAILED_VMENTRY; + vmcs12->exit_qualification = qualification; diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/multiple.test b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/multiple.test new file mode 100755 index 0000000..2d5ed9f --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/multiple.test @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +SCRIPTDIR="$(readlink -f $(dirname $(type -p $0)))" +ROOTDIR="$(readlink -f $SCRIPTDIR/../../..)" +KPATCH="sudo $ROOTDIR/kpatch/kpatch" + +set -o errexit + +die() { + echo "ERROR: $@" >&2 + exit 1 +} + +ko_to_test() { + tmp=${1%.ko}-LOADED.test + echo ${tmp#kpatch-} +} + +# make sure any modules added here are disjoint +declare -a modules=(kpatch-cmdline-string.ko kpatch-meminfo-string.ko) + +for mod in "${modules[@]}"; do + testprog=$(ko_to_test $mod) + $SCRIPTDIR/$testprog && die "$SCRIPTDIR/$testprog succeeded before loading any modules" +done + +for mod in "${modules[@]}"; do + $KPATCH load $mod +done + +for mod in "${modules[@]}"; do + testprog=$(ko_to_test $mod) + $SCRIPTDIR/$testprog || die "$SCRIPTDIR/$testprog failed after loading modules" +done + +for mod in "${modules[@]}"; do + $KPATCH unload $mod +done + +for mod in "${modules[@]}"; do + testprog=$(ko_to_test $mod) + $SCRIPTDIR/$testprog && die "$SCRIPTDIR/$testprog succeeded after unloading modules" +done + +exit 0 diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/new-function.patch b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/new-function.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f36531 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/new-function.patch @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/drivers/tty/n_tty.c src/drivers/tty/n_tty.c +--- src.orig/drivers/tty/n_tty.c 2016-12-15 19:55:54.840000000 +0000 ++++ src/drivers/tty/n_tty.c 2016-12-15 19:57:43.856000000 +0000 +@@ -2328,7 +2328,7 @@ static ssize_t n_tty_read(struct tty_str + * lock themselves) + */ + +-static ssize_t n_tty_write(struct tty_struct *tty, struct file *file, ++static ssize_t noinline kpatch_n_tty_write(struct tty_struct *tty, struct file *file, + const unsigned char *buf, size_t nr) + { + const unsigned char *b = buf; +@@ -2415,6 +2415,12 @@ break_out: + return (b - buf) ? b - buf : retval; + } + ++static ssize_t n_tty_write(struct tty_struct *tty, struct file *file, ++ const unsigned char *buf, size_t nr) ++{ ++ return kpatch_n_tty_write(tty, file, buf, nr); ++} ++ + /** + * n_tty_poll - poll method for N_TTY + * @tty: terminal device diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/new-globals.patch b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/new-globals.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0beef3e --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/new-globals.patch @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/proc/cmdline.c src/fs/proc/cmdline.c +--- src.orig/fs/proc/cmdline.c 2016-12-15 19:55:39.084000000 +0000 ++++ src/fs/proc/cmdline.c 2016-12-15 19:57:48.084000000 +0000 +@@ -27,3 +27,10 @@ static int __init proc_cmdline_init(void + return 0; + } + fs_initcall(proc_cmdline_init); ++ ++#include ++void kpatch_print_message(void) ++{ ++ if (!jiffies) ++ printk("hello there!\n"); ++} +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/proc/meminfo.c src/fs/proc/meminfo.c +--- src.orig/fs/proc/meminfo.c 2016-12-15 19:55:39.084000000 +0000 ++++ src/fs/proc/meminfo.c 2016-12-15 19:57:48.084000000 +0000 +@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ + #include + #include "internal.h" + ++void kpatch_print_message(void); ++ + void __attribute__((weak)) arch_report_meminfo(struct seq_file *m) + { + } +@@ -53,6 +55,7 @@ static int meminfo_proc_show(struct seq_ + /* + * Tagged format, for easy grepping and expansion. + */ ++ kpatch_print_message(); + seq_printf(m, + "MemTotal: %8lu kB\n" + "MemFree: %8lu kB\n" diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/parainstructions-section.patch b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/parainstructions-section.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2fd39c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/parainstructions-section.patch @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/proc/generic.c src/fs/proc/generic.c +--- src.orig/fs/proc/generic.c 2016-12-15 19:55:39.076000000 +0000 ++++ src/fs/proc/generic.c 2016-12-15 19:57:52.340000000 +0000 +@@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ int proc_alloc_inum(unsigned int *inum) + unsigned int i; + int error; + ++ printk("kpatch-test: testing change to .parainstructions section\n"); + retry: + if (!ida_pre_get(&proc_inum_ida, GFP_KERNEL)) + return -ENOMEM; diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/replace-section-references.patch b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/replace-section-references.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7fc29db --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/replace-section-references.patch @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/arch/x86/kvm/x86.c src/arch/x86/kvm/x86.c +--- src.orig/arch/x86/kvm/x86.c 2016-12-15 19:55:57.436000000 +0000 ++++ src/arch/x86/kvm/x86.c 2016-12-15 19:57:56.596000000 +0000 +@@ -230,6 +230,8 @@ static void shared_msr_update(unsigned s + + void kvm_define_shared_msr(unsigned slot, u32 msr) + { ++ if (!jiffies) ++ printk("kpatch kvm define shared msr\n"); + BUG_ON(slot >= KVM_NR_SHARED_MSRS); + shared_msrs_global.msrs[slot] = msr; + if (slot >= diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/shadow-newpid-LOADED.test b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/shadow-newpid-LOADED.test new file mode 100755 index 0000000..c07d112 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/shadow-newpid-LOADED.test @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +grep -q newpid: /proc/$$/status diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/shadow-newpid.patch b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/shadow-newpid.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a532623 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/shadow-newpid.patch @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/fs/proc/array.c src/fs/proc/array.c +--- src.orig/fs/proc/array.c 2016-12-15 19:55:39.080000000 +0000 ++++ src/fs/proc/array.c 2016-12-15 19:58:00.840000000 +0000 +@@ -334,13 +334,20 @@ static inline void task_seccomp(struct s + #endif + } + ++#include "kpatch.h" + static inline void task_context_switch_counts(struct seq_file *m, + struct task_struct *p) + { ++ int *newpid; ++ + seq_printf(m, "voluntary_ctxt_switches:\t%lu\n" + "nonvoluntary_ctxt_switches:\t%lu\n", + p->nvcsw, + p->nivcsw); ++ ++ newpid = kpatch_shadow_get(p, "newpid"); ++ if (newpid) ++ seq_printf(m, "newpid:\t%d\n", *newpid); + } + + static void task_cpus_allowed(struct seq_file *m, struct task_struct *task) +diff -Nupr src.orig/kernel/exit.c src/kernel/exit.c +--- src.orig/kernel/exit.c 2016-12-15 19:56:00.184000000 +0000 ++++ src/kernel/exit.c 2016-12-15 19:58:00.840000000 +0000 +@@ -650,6 +650,7 @@ static void check_stack_usage(void) + static inline void check_stack_usage(void) {} + #endif + ++#include "kpatch.h" + void do_exit(long code) + { + struct task_struct *tsk = current; +@@ -758,6 +759,8 @@ void do_exit(long code) + + cgroup_exit(tsk); + ++ kpatch_shadow_free(tsk, "newpid"); ++ + /* + * FIXME: do that only when needed, using sched_exit tracepoint + */ +diff -Nupr src.orig/kernel/fork.c src/kernel/fork.c +--- src.orig/kernel/fork.c 2016-12-15 19:56:00.184000000 +0000 ++++ src/kernel/fork.c 2016-12-15 19:58:00.840000000 +0000 +@@ -1726,6 +1726,7 @@ struct task_struct *fork_idle(int cpu) + * It copies the process, and if successful kick-starts + * it and waits for it to finish using the VM if required. + */ ++#include "kpatch.h" + long _do_fork(unsigned long clone_flags, + unsigned long stack_start, + unsigned long stack_size, +@@ -1764,6 +1765,13 @@ long _do_fork(unsigned long clone_flags, + if (!IS_ERR(p)) { + struct completion vfork; + struct pid *pid; ++ int *newpid; ++ static int ctr = 0; ++ ++ newpid = kpatch_shadow_alloc(p, "newpid", sizeof(*newpid), ++ GFP_KERNEL); ++ if (newpid) ++ *newpid = ctr++; + + trace_sched_process_fork(current, p); + diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/smp-locks-section.patch b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/smp-locks-section.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d5a4e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/smp-locks-section.patch @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/drivers/tty/tty_buffer.c src/drivers/tty/tty_buffer.c +--- src.orig/drivers/tty/tty_buffer.c 2016-12-15 19:55:54.840000000 +0000 ++++ src/drivers/tty/tty_buffer.c 2016-12-15 19:58:05.088000000 +0000 +@@ -255,6 +255,8 @@ static int __tty_buffer_request_room(str + struct tty_buffer *b, *n; + int left, change; + ++ if (!size) ++ printk("kpatch-test: testing .smp_locks section changes\n"); + b = buf->tail; + if (b->flags & TTYB_NORMAL) + left = 2 * b->size - b->used; diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/special-static-2.patch b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/special-static-2.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fef67f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/special-static-2.patch @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/arch/x86/kvm/x86.c src/arch/x86/kvm/x86.c +--- src.orig/arch/x86/kvm/x86.c 2016-12-15 19:55:57.436000000 +0000 ++++ src/arch/x86/kvm/x86.c 2016-12-15 19:58:09.352000000 +0000 +@@ -2026,12 +2026,20 @@ static void record_steal_time(struct kvm + &vcpu->, sizeof(struct kvm_steal_time)); + } + ++void kpatch_kvm_x86_foo(void) ++{ ++ if (!jiffies) ++ printk("kpatch kvm x86 foo\n"); ++} ++ + int kvm_set_msr_common(struct kvm_vcpu *vcpu, struct msr_data *msr_info) + { + bool pr = false; + u32 msr = msr_info->index; + u64 data = msr_info->data; + ++ kpatch_kvm_x86_foo(); ++ + switch (msr) { + case MSR_AMD64_NB_CFG: + case MSR_IA32_UCODE_REV: diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/special-static.patch b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/special-static.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7d96d57 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/special-static.patch @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/kernel/fork.c src/kernel/fork.c +--- src.orig/kernel/fork.c 2016-12-15 19:56:00.184000000 +0000 ++++ src/kernel/fork.c 2016-12-15 19:58:13.588000000 +0000 +@@ -1143,10 +1143,18 @@ static void posix_cpu_timers_init_group( + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&sig->cpu_timers[2]); + } + ++void kpatch_foo(void) ++{ ++ if (!jiffies) ++ printk("kpatch copy signal\n"); ++} ++ + static int copy_signal(unsigned long clone_flags, struct task_struct *tsk) + { + struct signal_struct *sig; + ++ kpatch_foo(); ++ + if (clone_flags & CLONE_THREAD) + return 0; + diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/tracepoints-section.patch b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/tracepoints-section.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cea83e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/tracepoints-section.patch @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/kernel/time/timer.c src/kernel/time/timer.c +--- src.orig/kernel/time/timer.c 2016-01-10 23:01:32.000000000 +0000 ++++ src/kernel/time/timer.c 2016-12-15 20:27:00.368000000 +0000 +@@ -1433,6 +1433,9 @@ static void run_timer_softirq(struct sof + { + struct tvec_base *base = this_cpu_ptr(&tvec_bases); + ++ if (!base) ++ printk("kpatch-test: testing __tracepoints section changes\n"); ++ + if (time_after_eq(jiffies, base->timer_jiffies)) + __run_timers(base); + } diff --git a/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/warn-detect-FAIL.patch b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/warn-detect-FAIL.patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a78ca9d --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/ubuntu-16.04/warn-detect-FAIL.patch @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +diff -Nupr src.orig/arch/x86/kvm/x86.c src/arch/x86/kvm/x86.c +--- src.orig/arch/x86/kvm/x86.c 2016-12-15 19:55:57.436000000 +0000 ++++ src/arch/x86/kvm/x86.c 2016-12-15 19:58:17.844000000 +0000 +@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ ++ + /* + * Kernel-based Virtual Machine driver for Linux + * diff --git a/test/ b/test/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..96fa9a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/ @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +FILE=$1 + +assert_num_funcs() { + local num_funcs=$(nm $FILE | grep -i " t " | wc -l) + + if [[ $num_funcs != $1 ]]; then + echo "$FILE: assertion failed: file has $num_funcs funcs, expected $1" 1>&2 + exit 1 + fi + + return 0 +} diff --git a/test/testmod/Makefile b/test/testmod/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cd0ad35 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/testmod/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +BUILD ?= /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build + +testmod.ko: testmod_drv.c + patch < patch + KCFLAGS="-ffunction-sections -fdata-sections" $(MAKE) -C $(BUILD) M=$(PWD) testmod.ko + strip --keep-file-symbols -d testmod_drv.o + cp testmod_drv.o testmod_drv.o.patched + patch -R < patch + KCFLAGS="-ffunction-sections -fdata-sections" $(MAKE) -C $(BUILD) M=$(PWD) testmod.ko + strip --keep-file-symbols -d testmod_drv.o + cp testmod_drv.o testmod_drv.o.orig + $(MAKE) -C $(BUILD) M=$(PWD) clean + $(MAKE) -C $(BUILD) M=$(PWD) testmod.ko + +all: testmod.ko + +clean: + $(MAKE) -C $(BUILD) M=$(PWD) clean + rm *.orig *.patched + +# kbuild rules +obj-m := testmod.o +testmod-y := testmod_drv.o diff --git a/test/testmod/README b/test/testmod/README new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7317c29 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/testmod/README @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +To test, run ./ from the current directory. + +To test on a remote system, set remote system using REMOTE in +Then run ./ diff --git a/test/testmod/ b/test/testmod/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..71e14af --- /dev/null +++ b/test/testmod/ @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +#set -x + +rmmod testmod 2> /dev/null +rmmod kpatch 2> /dev/null +insmod testmod.ko || exit 1 +insmod kpatch.ko || exit 1 +if [[ "$(cat /sys/kernel/testmod/value)" != "2" ]] +then + exit 1 +fi +insmod kpatch-patch.ko +dmesg | tail +if [[ "$(cat /sys/kernel/testmod/value)" != "3" ]] +then + exit 1 +fi +echo 0 > /sys/kernel/kpatch/kpatch_patch/enabled +rmmod kpatch-patch +if [[ "$(cat /sys/kernel/testmod/value)" != "2" ]] +then + exit 1 +fi +rmmod kpatch +rmmod testmod +echo "SUCCESS" diff --git a/test/testmod/ b/test/testmod/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..9720587 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/testmod/ @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +#set -x + +# If testing on a remote machine, set it here +# Probably want to use preshared keys. + +unset REMOTE +#REMOTE="" + +cd ../../ || exit 1 +make clean || exit 1 +make || exit 1 +cd test/testmod || exit 1 +make || exit 1 +../../kpatch-build/create-diff-object testmod_drv.o.orig testmod_drv.o.patched testmod.ko output.o || exit 1 +cd ../../kmod/patch || exit 1 +make clean || exit 1 +cp ../../test/testmod/output.o . || exit 1 +md5sum output.o | awk '{printf "%s\0", $1}' > checksum.tmp || exit 1 +objcopy --add-section .kpatch.checksum=checksum.tmp --set-section-flags .kpatch.checksum=alloc,load,contents,readonly output.o || exit 1 +rm -f checksum.tmp +KBUILD_EXTRA_SYMBOLS="$(readlink -e ../../kmod/core/Module.symvers)" make || exit 1 +cd ../../test/testmod + +if [[ -z "$REMOTE" ]] +then + cp ../../kmod/core/kpatch.ko . + cp ../../kmod/patch/kpatch-patch.ko . + sudo ./ +else + scp ../../kmod/core/kpatch.ko root@$REMOTE:~/. || exit 1 + scp ../../kmod/patch/kpatch-patch.ko root@$REMOTE:~/. || exit 1 + scp testmod.ko root@$REMOTE:~/. || exit 1 + scp root@$REMOTE:~/. || exit 1 + ssh root@$REMOTE ./ +fi diff --git a/test/testmod/patch b/test/testmod/patch new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e1867f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/testmod/patch @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +--- testmod_drv.c.orig 2014-06-02 16:49:49.428509600 -0500 ++++ testmod_drv.c 2014-06-02 16:49:56.973656791 -0500 +@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ + static ssize_t value_show(struct kobject *kobj, + struct kobj_attribute *attr, char *buf) + { +- return sprintf(buf, "%d\n", value); ++ return sprintf(buf, "%d\n", value+1); + } + + static struct kobj_attribute testmod_value_attr = __ATTR_RO(value); diff --git a/test/testmod/testmod_drv.c b/test/testmod/testmod_drv.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b82a1ab --- /dev/null +++ b/test/testmod/testmod_drv.c @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +#define pr_fmt(fmt) "testmod: " fmt + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +static struct kobject *testmod_kobj; +int value = 2; + +static ssize_t value_show(struct kobject *kobj, + struct kobj_attribute *attr, char *buf) +{ + return sprintf(buf, "%d\n", value); +} + +static struct kobj_attribute testmod_value_attr = __ATTR_RO(value); + +static int testmod_init(void) +{ + int ret; + + testmod_kobj = kobject_create_and_add("testmod", kernel_kobj); + if (!testmod_kobj) + return -ENOMEM; + + ret = sysfs_create_file(testmod_kobj, &testmod_value_attr.attr); + if (ret) { + kobject_put(testmod_kobj); + return ret; + } + + return 0; +} + +static void testmod_exit(void) +{ + sysfs_remove_file(testmod_kobj, &testmod_value_attr.attr); + kobject_put(testmod_kobj); +} + +module_init(testmod_init); +module_exit(testmod_exit); +MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); diff --git a/test/unit/Makefile b/test/unit/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5d5b0db --- /dev/null +++ b/test/unit/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +ARCH = $(shell uname -m) +OBJDIR ?= objs/$(ARCH) + +.PHONY: all clean + +all: Makefile.include + cd $(shell git rev-parse --show-toplevel) && git submodule update --init --rebase + $(MAKE) -C $(OBJDIR) + +clean: Makefile.include + if [ -d $(OBJDIR) ]; then $(MAKE) -C $(OBJDIR) clean; fi diff --git a/test/unit/Makefile.include b/test/unit/Makefile.include new file mode 100644 index 0000000..75b550f --- /dev/null +++ b/test/unit/Makefile.include @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +EXT_ORIG ?= ORIG.o +EXT_PATCHED ?= PATCHED.o +EXT_FAIL ?= PATCHED.FAIL.o +EXT_TEST ?= test +EXT_OUTPUT ?= OUTPUT.o +EXT_TEST_OUTPUT ?= test.out +EXT_SYMTAB ?= symtab +EXT_SYMVERS ?= symvers +TNAME = $(@:.$(EXT_OUTPUT)=) + +ifndef VERBOSE +MUTE_PASS := >/dev/null +MUTE_FAIL := >/dev/null 2>&1 +.SILENT: $(TARGETS) $(TEST_TARGETS) +endif + +SRC_PATH ?= $(realpath ../../../../) +CDO ?= $(SRC_PATH)/kpatch-build/create-diff-object +TEST_LIBRARY ?= $(SRC_PATH)/test/ + +TEST_ENV = KPATCH_TEST_LIBRARY=$(TEST_LIBRARY) + +TARGETS = $(patsubst %.$(EXT_ORIG),%.$(EXT_OUTPUT),$(wildcard *.$(EXT_ORIG))) +TEST_TARGETS = $(patsubst %.$(EXT_TEST),%.$(EXT_TEST_OUTPUT),$(wildcard *.$(EXT_TEST))) + +SYMVERS_FILE = $(if $(wildcard $(TNAME).$(EXT_SYMVERS)),$(TNAME).$(EXT_SYMVERS),/dev/null) + +define check_stripped = + $(if $(shell readelf --debug-dump $(1)), + $(error $(1) is not properly stripped, use 'strip --strip-debug --keep-file-symbols $(1)' to fix this), + ) +endef + +define check_all = + $(call check_stripped,$(1)) +endef + + +all: $(TARGETS) $(TEST_TARGETS) + +clean: + rm -f *.$(EXT_TEST_OUTPUT) *.$(EXT_OUTPUT) + +%.$(EXT_SYMTAB): + eu-readelf -s $(patsubst %.$(EXT_SYMTAB),%.$(EXT_ORIG),$(@)) >$@ + +%.$(EXT_TEST_OUTPUT): %.$(EXT_OUTPUT) %.$(EXT_TEST) $(TEST_LIBRARY) + @echo "TEST $(@:.$(EXT_TEST_OUTPUT)=)" + $(TEST_ENV) bash $(@:.$(EXT_TEST_OUTPUT)=.$(EXT_TEST)) $< +# Don't rely on script creating this + @touch $@ + +%.$(EXT_OUTPUT): %.$(EXT_ORIG) %.$(EXT_PATCHED) %.$(EXT_SYMTAB) $(CDO) + @echo "BUILD $(TNAME)" + $(call check_all,$(TNAME).$(EXT_ORIG)) + $(call check_all,$(TNAME).$(EXT_PATCHED)) + $(CDO_ENV) $(CDO) $(TNAME).$(EXT_ORIG) $(TNAME).$(EXT_PATCHED) \ + vmlinux $(TNAME).$(EXT_SYMTAB) $(SYMVERS_FILE) \ + test_$(TNAME) $@ $(MUTE_PASS) + +%.$(EXT_OUTPUT): %.$(EXT_ORIG) %.$(EXT_FAIL) %.$(EXT_SYMTAB) $(CDO) + @echo "BUILD $(TNAME)-FAIL" + $(call check_all,$(TNAME).$(EXT_ORIG)) + $(call check_all,$(TNAME).$(EXT_FAIL)) + ! $(CDO_ENV) $(CDO) $(TNAME).$(EXT_ORIG) $(TNAME).$(EXT_FAIL) \ + vmlinux $(TNAME).$(EXT_SYMTAB) $(SYMVERS_FILE) \ + test_$(TNAME) $@ $(MUTE_FAIL) +# Expecting to fail, thus create output file manually so we won't rerun the +# test without clean + @touch $@