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kpatch: dynamic kernel patching
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kpatch is a Linux dynamic kernel patching infrastructure which allows you to
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patch a running kernel without rebooting or restarting any processes. It
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enables sysadmins to apply critical security patches to the kernel immediately,
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without having to wait for long-running tasks to complete, for users to log
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off, or for scheduled reboot windows. It gives more control over uptime
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without sacrificing security or stability.
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**WARNING: Use with caution! Kernel crashes, spontaneous reboots, and data loss
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may occur!**
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Here's a video of kpatch in action:
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[![kpatch video](https://img.youtube.com/vi/juyQ5TsJRTA/0.jpg)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juyQ5TsJRTA)
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And a few more:
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- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rN0sFjrJQfU
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- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mftc80KyjA4
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Table of contents
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- [Supported Architectures](#supported-architectures)
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- [Installation](#installation)
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- [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
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- [Fedora, RHEL, CentOS](#fedora-rhel-centos)
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- [Oracle Linux 7](#oracle-linux-7)
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- [Ubuntu](#ubuntu)
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- [Debian 9 (Stretch)](#debian-9-stretch)
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- [Debian 8 (Jessie)](#debian-8-jessie)
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- [Debian 7 (Lenny)](#debian-7-lenny)
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- [Gentoo](#gentoo)
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- [Build](#build)
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- [Install](#install)
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- [Quick start](#quick-start)
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- [Patch Author Guide](#patch-author-guide)
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- [How it works](#how-it-works)
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- [kpatch-build](#kpatch-build)
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- [Patching](#patching)
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- [Limitations](#limitations)
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- [Frequently Asked Questions](#frequently-asked-questions)
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- [Get involved](#get-involved)
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- [License](#license)
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Supported Architectures
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- [x] x86-64
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- [x] ppc64le
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- [ ] arm64
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- [ ] s390
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### Prerequisites
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Before starting, see [Supported Architectures](#supported-architectures) and check if your device's architecture is supported.
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#### Fedora, RHEL, CentOS
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*NOTE: You'll need about 15GB of free disk space for the kpatch-build cache in
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`~/.kpatch` and for ccache.*
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Install the dependencies for compiling kpatch and running kpatch-build:
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source test/integration/lib.sh
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# Will request root privileges
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#### Oracle Linux 7
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*NOTE: You'll need about 15GB of free disk space for the kpatch-build cache in
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`~/.kpatch` and for ccache.*
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Install the dependencies for compiling kpatch:
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UNAME=$(uname -r)
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sudo yum install gcc kernel-devel-${UNAME%.*} elfutils elfutils-devel
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Install the dependencies for the "kpatch-build" command:
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sudo yum install pesign yum-utils zlib-devel \
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binutils-devel newt-devel python-devel perl-ExtUtils-Embed \
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audit-libs numactl-devel pciutils-devel bison patchutils
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# enable ol7_optional_latest repo
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sudo yum-config-manager --enable ol7_optional_latest
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sudo yum-builddep kernel-${UNAME%.*}
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# manually install kernel debuginfo packages
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rpm -ivh https://oss.oracle.com/ol7/debuginfo/kernel-debuginfo-$(uname -r).rpm
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rpm -ivh https://oss.oracle.com/ol7/debuginfo/kernel-debuginfo-common-x86_64-$(uname -r).rpm
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# optional, but highly recommended - enable EPEL 7
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sudo yum install ccache
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ccache --max-size=5G
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#### Ubuntu
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*NOTE: You'll need about 15GB of free disk space for the kpatch-build cache in
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`~/.kpatch` and for ccache.*
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Install the dependencies for compiling kpatch and running kpatch-build
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source test/integration/lib.sh
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# required on ppc64le
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# e.g., on Ubuntu 18.04 for gcc-7.3
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apt-get install gcc-7-plugin-dev
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# Will request root privileges
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#### Debian 9 (Stretch)
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Since Stretch the stock kernel can be used without changes, however the
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version of kpatch in Stretch is too old so you still need to build it
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manually. Follow the instructions for Debian Jessie (next section) but skip
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building a custom kernel/rebooting.
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#### Debian 8 (Jessie)
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*NOTE: You'll need about 15GB of free disk space for the kpatch-build cache in
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`~/.kpatch` and for ccache.*
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Install the dependencies for compiling kpatch:
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apt-get install make gcc libelf-dev build-essential
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Install and prepare the kernel sources:
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apt-get install linux-source-$(uname -r)
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cd /usr/src && tar xvf linux-source-$(uname -r).tar.xz && ln -s linux-source-$(uname -r) linux && cd linux
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cp /boot/config-$(uname -r) .config
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for OPTION in CONFIG_KALLSYMS_ALL CONFIG_FUNCTION_TRACER ; do sed -i "s/# $OPTION is not set/$OPTION=y/g" .config ; done
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sed -i "s/^SUBLEVEL.*/SUBLEVEL =/" Makefile
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make -j`getconf _NPROCESSORS_CONF` deb-pkg KDEB_PKGVERSION=$(uname -r).9-1
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Install the kernel packages and reboot
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dpkg -i /usr/src/*.deb
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Install the dependencies for the "kpatch-build" command:
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apt-get install dpkg-dev
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apt-get build-dep linux
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# required on ppc64le
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# e.g., on stretch for gcc-6.3
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apt-get install gcc-6-plugin-dev
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# optional, but highly recommended
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apt-get install ccache
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ccache --max-size=5G
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#### Debian 7 (Lenny)
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*NOTE: You'll need about 15GB of free disk space for the kpatch-build cache in
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`~/.kpatch` and for ccache.*
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Add backports repositories:
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echo "deb http://http.debian.net/debian wheezy-backports main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/wheezy-backports.list
Packit Service |
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echo "deb http://packages.incloudus.com backports-incloudus main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/incloudus.list
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wget http://packages.incloudus.com/incloudus/incloudus.pub -O- | apt-key add -
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aptitude update
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Install the linux kernel, symbols and gcc 4.9:
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aptitude install -t wheezy-backports -y initramfs-tools
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aptitude install -y gcc gcc-4.9 g++-4.9 linux-image-3.14 linux-image-3.14-dbg
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Configure gcc 4.9 as the default gcc compiler:
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update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.7 20
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update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.9 50
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update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.7 20
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update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.9 50
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Install kpatch and these dependencies:
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aptitude install kpatch
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Configure ccache (installed by kpatch package):
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ccache --max-size=5G
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#### Gentoo
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*NOTE: You'll need about 15GB of free disk space for the kpatch-build cache in
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`~/.kpatch` and for ccache.*
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Install Kpatch and Kpatch dependencies:
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emerge --ask sys-kernel/kpatch
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Install ccache (optional):
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emerge --ask dev-util/ccache
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Configure ccache:
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ccache --max-size=5G
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### Build
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Compile kpatch:
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### Install
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OPTIONAL: Install kpatch to `/usr/local`:
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sudo make install
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Alternatively, the kpatch and kpatch-build scripts can be run directly from the
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git tree.
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Quick start
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> NOTE: While kpatch is designed to work with any recent Linux
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kernel on any distribution, the `kpatch-build` command has **ONLY** been tested
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and confirmed to work on Fedora 20 and later, RHEL 7, Oracle Linux 7, CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 14.04.
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First, make a source code patch against the kernel tree using diff, git, or
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As a contrived example, let's patch /proc/meminfo to show VmallocChunk in ALL
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CAPS so we can see it better:
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$ cat meminfo-string.patch
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Index: src/fs/proc/meminfo.c
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--- src.orig/fs/proc/meminfo.c
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+++ src/fs/proc/meminfo.c
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@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ static int meminfo_proc_show(struct seq_
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"Committed_AS: %8lu kB\n"
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"VmallocTotal: %8lu kB\n"
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"VmallocUsed: %8lu kB\n"
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- "VmallocChunk: %8lu kB\n"
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+ "VMALLOCCHUNK: %8lu kB\n"
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"HardwareCorrupted: %5lu kB\n"
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Build the patch module:
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$ kpatch-build -t vmlinux meminfo-string.patch
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Using cache at /home/jpoimboe/.kpatch/3.13.10-200.fc20.x86_64/src
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Testing patch file
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checking file fs/proc/meminfo.c
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Building original kernel
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Building patched kernel
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Detecting changed objects
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Rebuilding changed objects
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Extracting new and modified ELF sections
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meminfo.o: changed function: meminfo_proc_show
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Building patch module: kpatch-meminfo-string.ko
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> NOTE: The `-t vmlinux` option is used to tell `kpatch-build` to only look for
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> changes in the `vmlinux` base kernel image, which is much faster than also
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> compiling all the kernel modules. If your patch affects a kernel module, you
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> can either omit this option to build everything, and have `kpatch-build`
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> detect which modules changed, or you can specify the affected kernel build
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> targets with multiple `-t` options.
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That outputs a patch module named `kpatch-meminfo-string.ko` in the current
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directory. Now apply it to the running kernel:
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$ sudo kpatch load kpatch-meminfo-string.ko
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loading core module: /usr/local/lib/modules/3.13.10-200.fc20.x86_64/kpatch/kpatch.ko
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loading patch module: kpatch-meminfo-string.ko
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Done! The kernel is now patched.
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$ grep -i chunk /proc/meminfo
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VMALLOCCHUNK: 34359337092 kB
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Patch Author Guide
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Unfortunately, live patching isn't always as easy as the previous example, and
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can have some major pitfalls if you're not careful. To learn more about how to
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properly create live patches, see the [Patch Author
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How it works
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kpatch works at a function granularity: old functions are replaced with new
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ones. It has four main components:
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- **kpatch-build**: a collection of tools which convert a source diff patch to
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a patch module. They work by compiling the kernel both with and without
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the source patch, comparing the binaries, and generating a patch module
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which includes new binary versions of the functions to be replaced.
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- **patch module**: a kernel module (.ko file) which includes the
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replacement functions and metadata about the original functions.
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- **kpatch core module**: a kernel module (.ko file) which provides an
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interface for the patch modules to register new functions for
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replacement. It uses the kernel ftrace subsystem to hook into the original
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function's mcount call instruction, so that a call to the original function
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is redirected to the replacement function.
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- **kpatch utility:** a command-line tool which allows a user to manage a
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collection of patch modules. One or more patch modules may be
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configured to load at boot time, so that a system can remain patched
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even after a reboot into the same version of the kernel.
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### kpatch-build
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The "kpatch-build" command converts a source-level diff patch file to a kernel
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patch module. Most of its work is performed by the kpatch-build script
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which uses a utility named `create-diff-object` to compare changed objects.
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The primary steps in kpatch-build are:
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- Build the unstripped vmlinux for the kernel
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- Patch the source tree
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- Rebuild vmlinux and monitor which objects are being rebuilt.
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These are the "changed objects".
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- Recompile each changed object with `-ffunction-sections -fdata-sections`,
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resulting in the changed patched objects
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- Unpatch the source tree
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- Recompile each changed object with `-ffunction-sections -fdata-sections`,
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resulting in the changed original objects
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- For every changed object, use `create-diff-object` to do the following:
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* Analyze each original/patched object pair for patchability
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* Add `.kpatch.funcs` and `.rela.kpatch.funcs` sections to the output object.
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The kpatch core module uses this to determine the list of functions
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that need to be redirected using ftrace.
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* Add `.kpatch.dynrelas` and `.rela.kpatch.dynrelas` sections to the output object.
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This will be used to resolve references to non-included local
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and non-exported global symbols. These relocations will be resolved by the kpatch core module.
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* Generate the resulting output object containing the new and modified sections
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- Link all the output objects into a cumulative object
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- Generate the patch module
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### Patching
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The patch modules register with the core module (`kpatch.ko`).
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They provide information about original functions that need to be replaced, and
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corresponding function pointers to the replacement functions.
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The core module registers a handler function with ftrace. The
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handler function is called by ftrace immediately before the original
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function begins executing. This occurs with the help of the reserved mcount
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call at the beginning of every function, created by the gcc `-mfentry` flag.
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The ftrace handler then modifies the return instruction pointer (IP)
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address on the stack and returns to ftrace, which then restores the original
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function's arguments and stack, and "returns" to the new function.
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- Patches which modify init functions (annotated with `__init`) are not
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supported. kpatch-build will return an error if the patch attempts
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to do so.
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- Patches which modify statically allocated data are not directly supported.
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kpatch-build will detect that and return an error. This limitation can be
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overcome by using callbacks or shadow variables, as described in the
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[Patch Author Guide](doc/patch-author-guide.md).
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- Patches which change the way a function interacts with dynamically
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allocated data might be safe, or might not. It isn't possible for
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kpatch-build to verify the safety of this kind of patch. It's up to
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the user to understand what the patch does, whether the new functions
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interact with dynamically allocated data in a different way than the
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old functions did, and whether it would be safe to atomically apply
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such a patch to a running kernel.
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- Patches which modify functions in vdso are not supported. These run in
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user-space and ftrace can't hook them.
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- Patches which modify functions that are missing a `fentry` call are not
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supported. This includes any `lib-y` targets that are archived into a
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`lib.a` library for later linking (for example, `lib/string.o`).
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- Some incompatibilities currently exist between kpatch and usage of ftrace and
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kprobes. See the Frequently Asked Questions section for more details.
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Frequently Asked Questions
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**Q. What's the relationship between kpatch and the upstream Linux live kernel
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patching component (livepatch)?**
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Starting with Linux 4.0, the Linux kernel has livepatch, which is a new
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converged live kernel patching framework. Livepatch is similar in
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functionality to the kpatch core module, though it doesn't yet have all the
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features that kpatch does.
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kpatch-build already works with both livepatch and kpatch. If your kernel has
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CONFIG\_LIVEPATCH enabled, it detects that and builds a patch module in the
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livepatch format. Otherwise it builds a kpatch patch module.
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The kpatch script also supports both patch module formats.
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**Q. Isn't this just a virus/rootkit injection framework?**
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kpatch uses kernel modules to replace code. It requires the `CAP_SYS_MODULE`
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capability. If you already have that capability, then you already have the
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ability to arbitrarily modify the kernel, with or without kpatch.
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**Q. How can I detect if somebody has patched the kernel?**
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When a patch module is loaded, the `TAINT_USER` or `TAINT_LIVEPATCH` flag is
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set. (The latter flag was introduced in Linux version 4.0.) To test for
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these flags, `cat /proc/sys/kernel/tainted` and check to see if the value of
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`TAINT_USER` (64) or `TAINT_LIVEPATCH` (32768) has been OR'ed in.
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Note that the `TAINT_OOT_MODULE` flag (4096) will also be set, since the patch
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module is built outside the Linux kernel source tree.
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If your patch module is unsigned, the `TAINT_FORCED_MODULE` flag (2) will also
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be set. Starting with Linux 3.15, this will be changed to the more specific
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Linux versions starting with 4.9 also support a per-module `TAINT_LIVEPATCH`
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taint flag. This can be checked by verifying the output of
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`cat /sys/module/<kpatch module>/taint` -- a 'K' character indicates the
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presence of `TAINT_LIVEPATCH`.
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**Q. Will it destabilize my system?**
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No, as long as the patch is chosen carefully. See the Limitations section
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**Q. Why does kpatch use ftrace to jump to the replacement function instead of
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adding the jump directly?**
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ftrace owns the first "call mcount" instruction of every kernel function. In
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order to keep compatibility with ftrace, we go through ftrace rather than
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updating the instruction directly. This approach also ensures that the code
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modification path is reliable, since ftrace has been doing it successfully for
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**Q. Is kpatch compatible with \<insert kernel debugging subsystem here\>?**
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We aim to be good kernel citizens and maintain compatibility. A kpatch
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replacement function is no different than a function loaded by any other kernel
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module. Each replacement function has its own symbol name and kallsyms entry,
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so it looks like a normal function to the kernel.
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- **oops stack traces**: Yes. If the replacement function is involved in an
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oops, the stack trace will show the function and kernel module name of the
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replacement function, just like any other kernel module function. The oops
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message will also show the taint flag (see the FAQ "How can I detect if
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somebody has patched the kernel" for specifics).
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- **kdump/crash**: Yes. Replacement functions are normal functions, so crash
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will have no issues.
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- **ftrace**: Yes, but certain uses of ftrace which involve opening the
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`/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace` file or using `trace-cmd record` can result
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in a tiny window of time where a patch gets temporarily disabled. Therefore
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it's a good idea to avoid using ftrace on a patched system until this issue
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is resolved.
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- **systemtap/kprobes**: Some incompatibilities exist.
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- If you setup a kprobe module at the beginning of a function before loading
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a kpatch module, and they both affect the same function, kprobes "wins"
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until the kprobe has been unregistered. This is tracked in issue
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- Setting a kretprobe before loading a kpatch module could be unsafe. See
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issue [#67](https://github.com/dynup/kpatch/issues/67).
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- **perf**: Yes.
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- **tracepoints**: Patches to a function which uses tracepoints will result in
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the tracepoints being effectively disabled as long as the patch is applied.
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**Q. Why not use something like kexec instead?**
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If you want to avoid a hardware reboot, but are ok with restarting processes,
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kexec is a good alternative.
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**Q. If an application can't handle a reboot, it's designed wrong.**
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That's a good poi... [system reboots]
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**Q. What changes are needed in other upstream projects?**
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We hope to make the following changes to other projects:
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- kernel:
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- ftrace improvements to close any windows that would allow a patch to
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be inadvertently disabled
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**Q. Is it possible to register a function that gets called atomically with
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`stop_machine` when the patch module loads and unloads?**
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We do have plans to implement something like that.
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**Q. What kernels are supported?**
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kpatch needs gcc >= 4.8 and Linux >= 3.9.
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**Q. Is it possible to remove a patch?**
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Yes. Just run `kpatch unload` which will disable and unload the patch module
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and restore the function to its original state.
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**Q. Can you apply multiple patches?**
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Yes, but to prevent any unexpected interactions between multiple patch modules,
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it's recommended that patch upgrades are cumulative, so that each patch is a
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superset of the previous patch. This can be achieved by combining the new
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patch with the previous patch using `combinediff` before running
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**Q. Why did kpatch-build detect a changed function that wasn't touched by the
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source patch?**
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There could be a variety of reasons for this, such as:
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- The patch changed an inline function.
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- The compiler decided to inline a changed function, resulting in the outer
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function getting recompiled. This is common in the case where the inner
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function is static and is only called once.
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**Q. How do I patch a function which is always on the stack of at least one
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task, such as schedule(), sys_poll(), sys_select(), sys_read(),
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sys_nanosleep(), etc?**
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- If you're sure it would be safe for the old function and the new function to
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run simultaneously, use the `KPATCH_FORCE_UNSAFE` macro to skip the
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activeness safety check for the function. See `kmod/patch/kpatch-macros.h`
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for more details.
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**Q. Are patching of kernel modules supported?**
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- Yes.
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**Q. Can you patch out-of-tree modules?**
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Yes! There's a few requirements, and the feature is still in its infancy.
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1. You need to use the `--oot-module` flag to specify the version of the
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module that's currently running on the machine.
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2. `--sourcedir` has to be passed with a directory containing the same
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version of code as the running module, all set up and ready to build with a
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`make` command. For example, some modules need `autogen.sh` and
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`./configure` to have been run with the appropriate flags to match the
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currently-running module.
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3. If the `Module.symvers` file for the out-of-tree module doesn't appear
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in the root of the provided source directory, a symlink needs to be created
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in that directory that points to its actual location.
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4. Usually you'll need to pass the `--target` flag as well, to specify the
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proper `make` target names.
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5. This has only been tested for a single out-of-tree module per patch, and
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not for out-of-tree modules with dependencies on other out-of-tree modules
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built separately.
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***Sample invocation***
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`kpatch-build --sourcedir ~/test/ --target default --oot-module /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/extra/test.ko test.patch`
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Get involved
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If you have questions or feedback, join the #kpatch IRC channel on freenode and
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say hi. We also have a [mailing list](https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/kpatch).
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Contributions are very welcome. Feel free to open issues or PRs on github.
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For big PRs, it's a good idea to discuss them first in github issues or on the
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[mailing list](https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/kpatch) before you write
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a lot of code.
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kpatch is under the GPLv2 license.
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This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
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modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
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as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
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of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
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This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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GNU General Public License for more details.
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
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Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.