Blame source/vdo/base/pointerMap.h

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 * Copyright (c) 2020 Red Hat, Inc.
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 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
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 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
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 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
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 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
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 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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 * GNU General Public License for more details.
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
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 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
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 * 02110-1301, USA. 
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 * $Id: //eng/vdo-releases/aluminum/src/c++/vdo/base/pointerMap.h#1 $
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#include "common.h"
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 * PointerMap associates pointer values (void *) with the data
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 * referenced by pointer keys (void *). NULL pointer
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 * values are not supported. A NULL key value is supported when
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 * the instance's key comparator and hasher functions support it.
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 * The map is implemented as hash table, which should provide constant-time
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 * insert, query, and remove operations, although the insert may occasionally
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 * grow the table, which is linear in the number of entries in the map. The
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 * table will grow as needed to hold new entries, but will not shrink as
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 * entries are removed.
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 * The key and value pointers passed to the map are retained and used by the
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 * map, but are not owned by the map. Freeing the map does not attempt to free
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 * the pointers. The client is entirely responsible for the memory managment
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 * of the keys and values. The current interface and implementation assume
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 * that keys will be properties of the values, or that keys will not be memory
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 * managed, or that keys will not need to be freed as a result of being
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 * replaced when a key is re-mapped.
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typedef struct pointerMap PointerMap;
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 * The prototype of functions that compare the referents of two pointer keys
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 * for equality. If two keys are equal, then both keys must have the same the
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 * hash code associated with them by the hasher function defined below.
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 * @param thisKey  The first element to compare
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 * @param thatKey  The second element to compare
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 * @return true if and only if the referents of the two
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 *         key pointers are to be treated as the same key by the map
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typedef bool PointerKeyComparator(const void *thisKey, const void *thatKey);
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 * The prototype of functions that get or calculate a hash code associated
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 * with the referent of pointer key. The hash code must be uniformly
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 * distributed over all uint32_t values. The hash code associated with a given
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 * key must not change while the key is in the map. If the comparator function
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 * says two keys are equal, then this function must return the same hash code
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 * for both keys. This function may be called many times for a key while an
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 * entry is stored for it in the map.
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 * @param key  The pointer key to hash
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 * @return the hash code for the key
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typedef uint32_t PointerKeyHasher(const void *key);
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 * Allocate and initialize a PointerMap.
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 * @param [in]  initialCapacity  The number of entries the map should
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 *                               initially be capable of holding (zero tells
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 *                               the map to use its own small default)
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 * @param [in]  initialLoad      The load factor of the map, expressed as an
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 *                               integer percentage (typically in the range
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 *                               50 to 90, with zero telling the map to use
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 *                               its own default)
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 * @param [in]  comparator       The function to use to compare the referents
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 *                               of two pointer keys for equality
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 * @param [in]  hasher           The function to use obtain the hash code
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 *                               associated with each pointer key
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 * @param [out] mapPtr           A pointer to hold the new PointerMap
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 * @return UDS_SUCCESS or an error code
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int makePointerMap(size_t                 initialCapacity,
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                   unsigned int           initialLoad,
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                   PointerKeyComparator   comparator,
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                   PointerKeyHasher       hasher,
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                   PointerMap           **mapPtr)
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 * Free a PointerMap and null out the reference to it. NOTE: The map does not
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 * own the pointer keys and values stored in the map and they are not freed by
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 * this call.
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 * @param [in,out] mapPtr  The reference to the PointerMap to free
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void freePointerMap(PointerMap **mapPtr);
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 * Get the number of entries stored in a PointerMap.
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 * @param map  The PointerMap to query
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 * @return the number of entries in the map
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size_t pointerMapSize(const PointerMap *map);
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 * Retrieve the value associated with a given key from the PointerMap.
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 * @param map  The PointerMap to query
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 * @param key  The key to look up (may be NULL if the
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 *             comparator and hasher functions support it)
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 * @return the value associated with the given key, or NULL
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 *         if the key is not mapped to any value
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void *pointerMapGet(PointerMap *map, const void *key);
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 * Try to associate a value (a pointer) with an integer in a PointerMap.
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 * If the map already contains a mapping for the provided key, the old value is
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 * only replaced with the specified value if update is true. In either case
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 * the old value is returned. If the map does not already contain a value for
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 * the specified key, the new value is added regardless of the value of update.
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 * If the value stored in the map is updated, then the key stored in the map
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 * will also be updated with the key provided by this call. The old key will
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 * not be returned due to the memory managment assumptions described in the
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 * interface header comment.
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 * @param [in]  map          The PointerMap to attempt to modify
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 * @param [in]  key          The key with which to associate the new value
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 *                           (may be NULL if the comparator and
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 *                           hasher functions support it)
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 * @param [in]  newValue     The value to be associated with the key
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 * @param [in]  update       Whether to overwrite an existing value
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 * @param [out] oldValuePtr  A pointer in which to store either the old value
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 *                           (if the key was already mapped) or
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 *                           NULL if the map did not contain the
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 *                           key; NULL may be provided if the
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 *                           caller does not need to know the old value
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 * @return UDS_SUCCESS or an error code
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int pointerMapPut(PointerMap  *map,
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                  const void  *key,
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                  void        *newValue,
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                  bool         update,
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                  void       **oldValuePtr)
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 * Remove the mapping for a given key from the PointerMap.
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 * @param map  The PointerMap from which to remove the mapping
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 * @param key  The key whose mapping is to be removed (may be NULL
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 *             if the comparator and hasher functions support it)
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 * @return the value that was associated with the key, or
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 *         NULL if it was not mapped
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void *pointerMapRemove(PointerMap *map, const void *key);
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#endif /* POINTER_MAP_H */