Blame source/vdo/base/constants.h

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 * Copyright (c) 2020 Red Hat, Inc.
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 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
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 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
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 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
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 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
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 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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 * GNU General Public License for more details.
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
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 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
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 * 02110-1301, USA. 
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 * $Id: //eng/vdo-releases/aluminum/src/c++/vdo/base/constants.h#2 $
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#include "types.h"
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enum {
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  /** The number of entries on a block map page */
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  BLOCK_MAP_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE                       = 812,
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  /** The origin of the flat portion of the block map */
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  BLOCK_MAP_FLAT_PAGE_ORIGIN                       = 1,
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   * The height of a block map tree. Assuming a root count of 60 and 812
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   * entries per page, this is big enough to represent almost 95 PB of logical
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   * space.
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  BLOCK_MAP_TREE_HEIGHT                            = 5,
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  /** The number of trees in the arboreal block map */
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  DEFAULT_BLOCK_MAP_TREE_ROOT_COUNT                = 60,
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  /** The default size of the recovery journal, in blocks */
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  DEFAULT_RECOVERY_JOURNAL_SIZE                    = 32 * 1024,
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  /** The default size of each slab journal, in blocks */
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  DEFAULT_SLAB_JOURNAL_SIZE                        = 224,
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   * The initial size of lbnOperations and pbnOperations, which is based
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   * upon the expected maximum number of outstanding VIOs. This value was
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   * chosen to make it highly unlikely that the maps would need to be resized.
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  LOCK_MAP_CAPACITY                                = 10000,
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  /** The maximum number of logical zones */
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  MAX_LOGICAL_ZONES                                = 60,
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  /** The maximum number of physical zones */
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  MAX_PHYSICAL_ZONES                               = 16,
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  /** The base-2 logarithm of the maximum blocks in one slab */
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  MAX_SLAB_BITS                                    = 23,
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  /** The maximum number of slabs the slab depot supports */
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  MAX_SLABS                                        = 8192,
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   * The maximum number of block map pages to load simultaneously during
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   * recovery or rebuild.
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  /** The maximum number of VIOs in the system at once */
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  MAXIMUM_USER_VIOS                                = 2048,
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   * The number of in-memory recovery journal blocks is determined by:
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   * -- 311 journal entries in a 4k block
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   * -- maximum of 2048 VIOs making entries at once
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   * so we need at least 2048 / 312 = 7 journal blocks.
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  /** The number of sectors per block */
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  SECTORS_PER_BLOCK                                = 8,
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  /** The only physical block size supported by VDO */
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  VDO_BLOCK_SIZE                                   = 4096,
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  /** The size of a sector that will not be torn */
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  VDO_SECTOR_SIZE                                  = 512,
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  /** The physical block number reserved for storing the zero block */
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  ZERO_BLOCK                                       = 0,
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/** The maximum logical space is 4 petabytes, which is 1 terablock. */
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extern const BlockCount MAXIMUM_LOGICAL_BLOCKS;
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/** The maximum physical space is 256 terabytes, which is 64 gigablocks. */
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 extern const BlockCount MAXIMUM_PHYSICAL_BLOCKS;
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// unit test minimum
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extern const BlockCount MINIMUM_SLAB_JOURNAL_BLOCKS;
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#endif // CONSTANTS_H