Blame doc/samples/keepalived.conf.status_code

Packit c22fc9
! Configuration File for keepalived
Packit c22fc9
! This example demonstrates status_code, a component of LVS configuration.
Packit c22fc9
Packit c22fc9
global_defs {
Packit c22fc9
   notification_email {
Packit c22fc9
Packit c22fc9
Packit c22fc9
   notification_email_from Alexandre.Cassen@firewall.loc
Packit c22fc9
Packit c22fc9
   smtp_connect_timeout 30
Packit c22fc9
   router_id LVS_DEVEL
Packit c22fc9
Packit c22fc9
Packit c22fc9
virtual_server 443 {
Packit c22fc9
    delay_loop 6
Packit c22fc9
    lb_algo rr
Packit c22fc9
    lb_kind NAT
Packit c22fc9
    persistence_timeout 50
Packit c22fc9
    protocol TCP
Packit c22fc9
Packit c22fc9
    real_server 443 {
Packit c22fc9
        weight 1
Packit c22fc9
        SSL_GET {
Packit c22fc9
            url {
Packit c22fc9
              path /
Packit Service dfccb1
              status_code 200-299 400-499 503 505 # Can specify a HTTP status_code or a section separated by '-' or both
Packit c22fc9
Packit c22fc9
            url {
Packit c22fc9
              path /mrtg/
Packit c22fc9
              digest 9b3a0c85a887a256d6939da88aabd8cd
Packit c22fc9
              status_code 200  # Can mix digest and status_code
Packit c22fc9
Packit c22fc9
            connect_timeout 3
Packit c22fc9
            retry 3
Packit c22fc9
            delay_before_retry 3
Packit c22fc9
Packit c22fc9
Packit c22fc9