/* Copyright(C) 2016, Red Hat, Inc., Jerome Marchand This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ %{ #include "parser.h" #include #include "utils.h" #define abort(...) \ { \ fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__); \ YYABORT; \ } #define check_and_free_keyword(identifier, expected) \ { \ if (strcmp(identifier, expected)) \ abort("Wrong keyword: %s expected, %s received\n", \ expected, identifier); \ free(identifier); \ } %} %union { int i; unsigned int ui; long l; unsigned long ul; void *ptr; char *str; obj_t *obj; obj_list_head_t *list; } %token IDENTIFIER STRING SRCFILE %token
    CONSTANT %token NEWLINE %token TYPEDEF %token CONST VOLATILE %token STRUCT UNION ENUM ELLIPSIS %token VERSION_KW CU_KW FILE_KW STACK_KW SYMBOL_KW_NL %token ARROW UNKNOWN_FIELD %type type_qualifier %type typed_type base_type reference_file array_type %type type ptr_type variable_var_list func_type elt enum_elt enum_type %type union_type struct_type struct_elt %type declaration_var declaration_typedef declaration %type kabi_dw_file symbol %type asm_symbol weak_symbol %type elt_list arg_list enum_list struct_list %type
      alignment byte_size %parse-param {obj_t **root} %% kabi_dw_file: fmt_version header SYMBOL_KW_NL symbol { $$ = *root = $symbol; obj_fill_parent(*root); } ; fmt_version: VERSION_KW CONSTANT '.' CONSTANT NEWLINE { if (($2 != FILEFMT_VERSION_MAJOR) | ($4 > FILEFMT_VERSION_MINOR)) abort("Unsupported file version: %lu.%lu\n", $2, $4); } ; header: /* empty */ | header header_field ; header_field: cu_field | source_file_field | stack_field | UNKNOWN_FIELD ; cu_field: CU_KW STRING NEWLINE { free($STRING); } ; source_file_field: FILE_KW SRCFILE ':' CONSTANT NEWLINE { free($SRCFILE); } ; stack_field: STACK_KW NEWLINE stack_list ; stack_list: /* empty */ | stack_list stack_elt NEWLINE ; stack_elt: ARROW STRING { free($STRING); } ; symbol: declaration NEWLINE { $$ = $declaration; } | alignment declaration NEWLINE { $$ = $declaration; $$->alignment = $alignment; } | byte_size declaration NEWLINE { $$ = $declaration; $$->byte_size = $byte_size; } | byte_size alignment declaration NEWLINE { $$ = $declaration; $$->byte_size = $byte_size; $$->alignment = $alignment; } alignment: IDENTIFIER CONSTANT NEWLINE { check_and_free_keyword($IDENTIFIER, "Alignment"); $$ = $CONSTANT; } byte_size: IDENTIFIER IDENTIFIER CONSTANT NEWLINE { check_and_free_keyword($1, "Byte"); check_and_free_keyword($2, "size"); $$ = $CONSTANT; } /* Possible types are struct union enum func typedef and var */ declaration: struct_type | union_type | enum_type | func_type | declaration_typedef | declaration_var | weak_symbol | asm_symbol ; declaration_typedef: TYPEDEF IDENTIFIER NEWLINE type { $$ = obj_typedef_new_add($IDENTIFIER, $type); } ; declaration_var: IDENTIFIER IDENTIFIER type { check_and_free_keyword($1, "var"); $$ = obj_var_new_add($2, $type); } ; type: base_type | reference_file | struct_type | union_type | enum_type | func_type | ptr_type | array_type | typed_type ; struct_type: STRUCT IDENTIFIER '{' NEWLINE '}' { $$ = obj_struct_new($IDENTIFIER); } | STRUCT IDENTIFIER '{' NEWLINE struct_list NEWLINE '}' { $$ = obj_struct_new($IDENTIFIER); $$->member_list = $struct_list; } ; struct_list: struct_elt { $$ = obj_list_head_new($struct_elt); } | struct_list NEWLINE struct_elt { obj_list_add($1, $struct_elt); $$ = $1; } ; struct_elt: CONSTANT IDENTIFIER type { $$ = obj_struct_member_new_add($IDENTIFIER, $type); $$->offset = $CONSTANT; } /* with alignment */ | CONSTANT CONSTANT IDENTIFIER type { $$ = obj_struct_member_new_add($IDENTIFIER, $type); $$->offset = $1; $$->alignment = $2; } | CONSTANT ':' CONSTANT '-' CONSTANT IDENTIFIER type { if ($5 > UCHAR_MAX || $3 > $5) abort("Invalid offset: %lx:%lu:%lu\n", $1, $3, $5); $$ = obj_struct_member_new_add($IDENTIFIER, $type); $$->offset = $1; $$->is_bitfield = 1; $$->first_bit = $3; $$->last_bit = $5; } /* with alignment */ | CONSTANT ':' CONSTANT '-' CONSTANT CONSTANT IDENTIFIER type { if ($5 > UCHAR_MAX || $3 > $5) abort("Invalid offset: %lx:%lu:%lu\n", $1, $3, $5); $$ = obj_struct_member_new_add($IDENTIFIER, $type); $$->offset = $1; $$->is_bitfield = 1; $$->first_bit = $3; $$->last_bit = $5; $$->alignment = $6; } ; union_type: UNION IDENTIFIER '{' NEWLINE '}' { $$ = obj_union_new($IDENTIFIER); } | UNION IDENTIFIER '{' NEWLINE elt_list NEWLINE '}' { $$ = obj_union_new($IDENTIFIER); $$->member_list = $elt_list; $elt_list->object = $$; } ; enum_type: ENUM IDENTIFIER '{' NEWLINE enum_list NEWLINE '}' { $$ = obj_enum_new($IDENTIFIER); $$->member_list = $enum_list; $enum_list->object = $$; } ; enum_list: enum_elt { $$ = obj_list_head_new($enum_elt); } | enum_list NEWLINE enum_elt { obj_list_add($1, $enum_elt); $$ = $1; } ; enum_elt: IDENTIFIER '=' CONSTANT { $$ = obj_constant_new($IDENTIFIER); $$->constant = $CONSTANT; } ; func_type: IDENTIFIER IDENTIFIER '(' NEWLINE arg_list ')' NEWLINE type { check_and_free_keyword($1, "func"); $$ = obj_func_new_add($2, $type); $$->member_list = $arg_list; if ($arg_list) $arg_list->object = $$; } | IDENTIFIER reference_file /* protype define as typedef */ { check_and_free_keyword($IDENTIFIER, "func"); $$ = obj_func_new_add(NULL, $reference_file); } ; arg_list: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | elt_list NEWLINE { $$ = $elt_list; } | elt_list NEWLINE variable_var_list NEWLINE { obj_list_add($elt_list, $variable_var_list); $$ = $elt_list; } ; variable_var_list: IDENTIFIER ELLIPSIS { /* TODO: there may be a better solution */ $$ = obj_var_new_add(NULL, obj_basetype_new(strdup("..."))); } ; elt_list: elt { $$ = obj_list_head_new($elt); } | elt_list NEWLINE elt { obj_list_add($1, $elt); $$ = $1; } ; elt: IDENTIFIER type { $$ = obj_var_new_add($IDENTIFIER, $type); } ; ptr_type: '*' type { $$ = obj_ptr_new_add($type); } ; array_type: '['CONSTANT ']' type { $$ = obj_array_new_add($type); $$->index = $CONSTANT; } ; typed_type: type_qualifier type { $$ = obj_qualifier_new_add($type); $$->base_type = $type_qualifier; } ; type_qualifier: CONST { debug("Qualifier: const\n"); $$ = strdup("const"); } | VOLATILE { debug("Qualifier: volatile\n"); $$ = strdup("volatile"); } ; base_type: STRING { debug("Base type: %s\n", $STRING); $$ = obj_basetype_new($STRING); } ; reference_file: '@' STRING { $$ = obj_reffile_new(); $$->base_type = $STRING; } ; asm_symbol: IDENTIFIER IDENTIFIER { check_and_free_keyword($1, "assembly"); $$ = obj_assembly_new($2); } ; weak_symbol: IDENTIFIER IDENTIFIER ARROW IDENTIFIER { check_and_free_keyword($1, "weak"); $$ = obj_weak_new($2); $$->link = $4; } ; %% extern void usage(void); obj_t *obj_parse(FILE *file, char *fn) { obj_t *root = NULL; #ifdef DEBUG yydebug = 1; #else yydebug = 0; #endif yyin = file; yyparse(&root); if (!root) fail("No object build for file %s\n", fn); return root; } int yyerror(obj_t **root, char *s) { fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", s); return 0; }