#include #include #include #include #include #include "json.h" #include "json_tokener.h" #include "json_visit.h" static void test_basic_parse(void); static void test_verbose_parse(void); static void test_incremental_parse(void); int main(void) { MC_SET_DEBUG(1); static const char separator[] = "=================================="; test_basic_parse(); puts(separator); test_verbose_parse(); puts(separator); test_incremental_parse(); puts(separator); } static json_c_visit_userfunc clear_serializer; static void do_clear_serializer(json_object *jso); static void single_basic_parse(const char *test_string, int clear_serializer) { json_object *new_obj; new_obj = json_tokener_parse(test_string); if (clear_serializer) do_clear_serializer(new_obj); printf("new_obj.to_string(%s)=%s\n", test_string, json_object_to_json_string(new_obj)); json_object_put(new_obj); } static void test_basic_parse() { single_basic_parse("\"\003\"", 0); single_basic_parse("/* hello */\"foo\"", 0); single_basic_parse("// hello\n\"foo\"", 0); single_basic_parse("\"foo\"blue", 0); single_basic_parse("\"\\u0041\\u0042\\u0043\"", 0); // Test with a "short" high surrogate single_basic_parse("[9,'\\uDAD", 0); single_basic_parse("null", 0); single_basic_parse("NaN", 0); single_basic_parse("-NaN", 0); /* non-sensical, returns null */ single_basic_parse("Inf", 0); /* must use full string, returns null */ single_basic_parse("inf", 0); /* must use full string, returns null */ single_basic_parse("Infinity", 0); single_basic_parse("infinity", 0); single_basic_parse("-Infinity", 0); single_basic_parse("-infinity", 0); single_basic_parse("{ \"min\": Infinity, \"max\": -Infinity}", 0); single_basic_parse("Infinity!", 0); single_basic_parse("Infinitynull", 0); single_basic_parse("InfinityXXXX", 0); single_basic_parse("-Infinitynull", 0); single_basic_parse("-InfinityXXXX", 0); single_basic_parse("Infinoodle", 0); single_basic_parse("InfinAAA", 0); single_basic_parse("-Infinoodle", 0); single_basic_parse("-InfinAAA", 0); single_basic_parse("True", 0); single_basic_parse("False", 0); single_basic_parse("12", 0); single_basic_parse("12.3", 0); single_basic_parse("12.3.4", 0); /* non-sensical, returns null */ /* was returning (int)2015 before patch, should return null */ single_basic_parse("2015-01-15", 0); /* ...but this works. It's rather inconsistent, and a future major release * should change the behavior so it either always returns null when extra * bytes are present (preferred), or always return object created from as much * as was able to be parsed. */ single_basic_parse("12.3xxx", 0); single_basic_parse("{\"FoO\" : -12.3E512}", 0); single_basic_parse("{\"FoO\" : -12.3E51.2}", 0); /* non-sensical, returns null */ single_basic_parse("[\"\\n\"]", 0); single_basic_parse("[\"\\nabc\\n\"]", 0); single_basic_parse("[null]", 0); single_basic_parse("[]", 0); single_basic_parse("[false]", 0); single_basic_parse("[\"abc\",null,\"def\",12]", 0); single_basic_parse("{}", 0); single_basic_parse("{ \"foo\": \"bar\" }", 0); single_basic_parse("{ \"foo\": \"bar\", \"baz\": null, \"bool0\": true }", 0); single_basic_parse("{ \"foo\": [null, \"foo\"] }", 0); single_basic_parse("{ \"abc\": 12, \"foo\": \"bar\", \"bool0\": false, \"bool1\": true, \"arr\": [ 1, 2, 3, null, 5 ] }", 0); single_basic_parse("{ \"abc\": \"blue\nred\\ngreen\" }", 0); // Clear serializer for these tests so we see the actual parsed value. single_basic_parse("[0e]", 1); single_basic_parse("[0e+]", 1); single_basic_parse("[0e+-1]", 1); single_basic_parse("[18446744073709551616]", 1); } // Clear the re-serialization information that the tokener // saves to ensure that the output reflects the actual // values we parsed, rather than just the original input. static void do_clear_serializer(json_object *jso) { json_c_visit(jso, 0, clear_serializer, NULL); } static int clear_serializer(json_object *jso, int flags, json_object *parent_jso, const char *jso_key, size_t *jso_index, void *userarg) { if (jso) json_object_set_serializer(jso, NULL, NULL, NULL); return JSON_C_VISIT_RETURN_CONTINUE; } static void test_verbose_parse() { json_object *new_obj; enum json_tokener_error error = json_tokener_success; new_obj = json_tokener_parse_verbose("{ foo }", &error); assert (error == json_tokener_error_parse_object_key_name); assert (new_obj == NULL); new_obj = json_tokener_parse("{ foo }"); assert (new_obj == NULL); new_obj = json_tokener_parse("foo"); assert (new_obj == NULL); new_obj = json_tokener_parse_verbose("foo", &error); assert (new_obj == NULL); /* b/c the string starts with 'f' parsing return a boolean error */ assert (error == json_tokener_error_parse_boolean); puts("json_tokener_parse_versbose() OK"); } struct incremental_step { const char *string_to_parse; int length; int char_offset; enum json_tokener_error expected_error; int reset_tokener; } incremental_steps[] = { /* Check that full json messages can be parsed, both w/ and w/o a reset */ { "{ \"foo\": 123 }", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 0 }, { "{ \"foo\": 456 }", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 1 }, { "{ \"foo\": 789 }", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 1 }, /* Check a basic incremental parse */ { "{ \"foo", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 0 }, { "\": {\"bar", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 0 }, { "\":13}}", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 1 }, /* Check that json_tokener_reset actually resets */ { "{ \"foo", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 1 }, { ": \"bar\"}", -1, 0, json_tokener_error_parse_unexpected, 1 }, /* Check incremental parsing with trailing characters */ { "{ \"foo", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 0 }, { "\": {\"bar", -1, -1, json_tokener_continue, 0 }, { "\":13}}XXXX", 10, 6, json_tokener_success, 0 }, { "XXXX", 4, 0, json_tokener_error_parse_unexpected, 1 }, /* Check that trailing characters can change w/o a reset */ { "{\"x\": 123 }\"X\"", -1, 11, json_tokener_success, 0 }, { "\"Y\"", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 1 }, /* To stop parsing a number we need to reach a non-digit, e.g. a \0 */ { "1", 1, 1, json_tokener_continue, 0 }, /* This should parse as the number 12, since it continues the "1" */ { "2", 2, 1, json_tokener_success, 0 }, { "12{", 3, 2, json_tokener_success, 1 }, /* Similar tests for other kinds of objects: */ /* These could all return success immediately, since regardless of what follows the false/true/null token we *will* return a json object, but it currently doesn't work that way. hmm... */ { "false", 5, 5, json_tokener_continue, 1 }, { "false", 6, 5, json_tokener_success, 1 }, { "true", 4, 4, json_tokener_continue, 1 }, { "true", 5, 4, json_tokener_success, 1 }, { "null", 4, 4, json_tokener_continue, 1 }, { "null", 5, 4, json_tokener_success, 1 }, { "Infinity", 9, 8, json_tokener_success, 1 }, { "infinity", 9, 8, json_tokener_success, 1 }, { "-infinity", 10, 9, json_tokener_success, 1 }, { "infinity", 9, 0, json_tokener_error_parse_unexpected, 3 }, { "-infinity", 10, 1, json_tokener_error_parse_unexpected, 3 }, { "inf", 3, 3, json_tokener_continue, 0 }, { "inity", 6, 5, json_tokener_success, 1 }, { "-inf", 4, 4, json_tokener_continue, 0 }, { "inity", 6, 5, json_tokener_success, 1 }, { "i", 1, 1, json_tokener_continue, 0 }, { "n", 1, 1, json_tokener_continue, 0 }, { "f", 1, 1, json_tokener_continue, 0 }, { "i", 1, 1, json_tokener_continue, 0 }, { "n", 1, 1, json_tokener_continue, 0 }, { "i", 1, 1, json_tokener_continue, 0 }, { "t", 1, 1, json_tokener_continue, 0 }, { "y", 1, 1, json_tokener_continue, 0 }, { "", 1, 0, json_tokener_success, 1 }, { "-", 1, 1, json_tokener_continue, 0 }, { "inf", 3, 3, json_tokener_continue, 0 }, { "ini", 3, 3, json_tokener_continue, 0 }, { "ty", 3, 2, json_tokener_success, 1 }, { "-", 1, 1, json_tokener_continue, 0 }, { "i", 1, 1, json_tokener_continue, 0 }, { "nfini", 5, 5, json_tokener_continue, 0 }, { "ty", 3, 2, json_tokener_success, 1 }, { "-i", 2, 2, json_tokener_continue, 0 }, { "nfinity", 8, 7, json_tokener_success, 1 }, { "InfinityX", 10, 8, json_tokener_success, 0 }, { "X", 1, 0, json_tokener_error_parse_unexpected, 1 }, { "Infinity1234", 13, 8, json_tokener_success, 0 }, { "1234", 5, 4, json_tokener_success, 1 }, { "Infinity9999", 8, 8, json_tokener_continue, 0 }, /* returns the Infinity loaded up by the previous call: */ { "1234", 5, 0, json_tokener_success, 0 }, { "1234", 5, 4, json_tokener_success, 1 }, /* offset=1 because "n" is the start of "null". hmm... */ { "noodle", 7, 1, json_tokener_error_parse_null, 1 }, /* offset=2 because "na" is the start of "nan". hmm... */ { "naodle", 7, 2, json_tokener_error_parse_null, 1 }, /* offset=2 because "tr" is the start of "true". hmm... */ { "track", 6, 2, json_tokener_error_parse_boolean, 1 }, /* Although they may initially look like they should fail, the next few tests check that parsing multiple sequential json objects in the input works as expected */ { "null123", 9, 4, json_tokener_success, 0 }, { "null123" + 4, 4, 3, json_tokener_success, 1 }, { "nullx", 5, 4, json_tokener_success, 0 }, { "nullx" + 4, 2, 0, json_tokener_error_parse_unexpected, 1 }, { "{\"a\":1}{\"b\":2}",15, 7, json_tokener_success, 0 }, { "{\"a\":1}{\"b\":2}" + 7, 8, 7, json_tokener_success, 1 }, /* Some bad formatting. Check we get the correct error status */ { "2015-01-15", 10, 4, json_tokener_error_parse_number, 1 }, /* Strings have a well defined end point, so we can stop at the quote */ { "\"blue\"", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 0 }, /* Check each of the escape sequences defined by the spec */ { "\"\\\"\"", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 0 }, { "\"\\\\\"", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 0 }, { "\"\\b\"", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 0 }, { "\"\\f\"", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 0 }, { "\"\\n\"", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 0 }, { "\"\\r\"", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 0 }, { "\"\\t\"", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 0 }, { "\"\\/\"", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 0 }, // Escaping a forward slash is optional { "\"/\"", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 0 }, { "[1,2,3]", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 0 }, /* This behaviour doesn't entirely follow the json spec, but until we have a way to specify how strict to be we follow Postel's Law and be liberal in what we accept (up to a point). */ { "[1,2,3,]", -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 0 }, { "[1,2,,3,]", -1, 5, json_tokener_error_parse_unexpected, 0 }, { "[1,2,3,]", -1, 7, json_tokener_error_parse_unexpected, 3 }, { "{\"a\":1,}", -1, 7, json_tokener_error_parse_unexpected, 3 }, { NULL, -1, -1, json_tokener_success, 0 }, }; static void test_incremental_parse() { json_object *new_obj; enum json_tokener_error jerr; struct json_tokener *tok; const char *string_to_parse; int ii; int num_ok, num_error; num_ok = 0; num_error = 0; printf("Starting incremental tests.\n"); printf("Note: quotes and backslashes seen in the output here are literal values passed\n"); printf(" to the parse functions. e.g. this is 4 characters: \"\\f\"\n"); string_to_parse = "{ \"foo"; /* } */ printf("json_tokener_parse(%s) ... ", string_to_parse); new_obj = json_tokener_parse(string_to_parse); if (new_obj == NULL) puts("got error as expected"); /* test incremental parsing in various forms */ tok = json_tokener_new(); for (ii = 0; incremental_steps[ii].string_to_parse != NULL; ii++) { int this_step_ok = 0; struct incremental_step *step = &incremental_steps[ii]; int length = step->length; int expected_char_offset = step->char_offset; if (step->reset_tokener & 2) json_tokener_set_flags(tok, JSON_TOKENER_STRICT); else json_tokener_set_flags(tok, 0); if (length == -1) length = strlen(step->string_to_parse); if (expected_char_offset == -1) expected_char_offset = length; printf("json_tokener_parse_ex(tok, %-12s, %3d) ... ", step->string_to_parse, length); new_obj = json_tokener_parse_ex(tok, step->string_to_parse, length); jerr = json_tokener_get_error(tok); if (step->expected_error != json_tokener_success) { if (new_obj != NULL) printf("ERROR: invalid object returned: %s\n", json_object_to_json_string(new_obj)); else if (jerr != step->expected_error) printf("ERROR: got wrong error: %s\n", json_tokener_error_desc(jerr)); else if (tok->char_offset != expected_char_offset) printf("ERROR: wrong char_offset %d != expected %d\n", tok->char_offset, expected_char_offset); else { printf("OK: got correct error: %s\n", json_tokener_error_desc(jerr)); this_step_ok = 1; } } else { if (new_obj == NULL && !(step->length >= 4 && strncmp(step->string_to_parse, "null", 4) == 0)) printf("ERROR: expected valid object, instead: %s\n", json_tokener_error_desc(jerr)); else if (tok->char_offset != expected_char_offset) printf("ERROR: wrong char_offset %d != expected %d\n", tok->char_offset, expected_char_offset); else { printf("OK: got object of type [%s]: %s\n", json_type_to_name(json_object_get_type(new_obj)), json_object_to_json_string(new_obj)); this_step_ok = 1; } } if (new_obj) json_object_put(new_obj); if (step->reset_tokener & 1) json_tokener_reset(tok); if (this_step_ok) num_ok++; else num_error++; } json_tokener_free(tok); printf("End Incremental Tests OK=%d ERROR=%d\n", num_ok, num_error); }