Blame json_visit.h

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#ifndef _json_c_json_visit_h_
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#define _json_c_json_visit_h_
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 * @file
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 * @brief Methods for walking a tree of objects.
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#include "json_object.h"
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typedef int (json_c_visit_userfunc)(json_object *jso, int flags,
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                                     json_object *parent_jso,                                                        const char *jso_key,
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                                     size_t *jso_index, void *userarg);
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 * Visit each object in the JSON hierarchy starting at jso.
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 * For each object, userfunc is called, passing the object and userarg.
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 * If the object has a parent (i.e. anything other than jso itself)
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 * its parent will be passed as parent_jso, and either jso_key or jso_index
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 * will be set, depending on whether the parent is an object or an array.
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 * Nodes will be visited depth first, but containers (arrays and objects)
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 * will be visited twice, the second time with JSON_C_VISIT_SECOND set in
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 * flags.
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 * userfunc must return one of the defined return values, to indicate
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 * whether and how to continue visiting nodes, or one of various ways to stop.
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 * Returns 0 if nodes were visited successfully, even if some were 
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 *  intentionally skipped due to what userfunc returned.
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 * Returns <0 if an error occurred during iteration, including if
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 *  userfunc returned JSON_C_VISIT_RETURN_ERROR.
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int json_c_visit(json_object *jso, int future_flags,
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                 json_c_visit_userfunc *userfunc, void *userarg);
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 * Passed to json_c_visit_userfunc as one of the flags values to indicate
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 * that this is the second time a container (array or object) is being
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 * called, after all of it's members have been iterated over.
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#define JSON_C_VISIT_SECOND  0x02
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 * This json_c_visit_userfunc return value indicates that iteration
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 * should proceed normally.
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 * This json_c_visit_userfunc return value indicates that iteration
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 * over the members of the current object should be skipped.
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 * If the current object isn't a container (array or object), this
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 * is no different than JSON_C_VISIT_RETURN_CONTINUE.
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 * This json_c_visit_userfunc return value indicates that iteration
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 * of the fields/elements of the containing object should stop
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 * and continue "popped up" a level of the object hierarchy.
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 * For example, returning this when handling arg will result in 
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 * arg3 and any other fields being skipped.   The next call to userfunc
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 * will be the JSON_C_VISIT_SECOND call on "foo", followed by a userfunc
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 * call on "bar".
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Packit Service def718
 * {
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 *   "foo": {
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 *     "arg1": 1,
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 *     "arg2": 2,
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 *     "arg3": 3,
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 *     ...
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 *   },
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 *   "bar": {
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 *     ...
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 *   }
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 * }
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 * This json_c_visit_userfunc return value indicates that iteration
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 * should stop immediately, and cause json_c_visit to return success.
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 * This json_c_visit_userfunc return value indicates that iteration
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 * should stop immediately, and cause json_c_visit to return an error.
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#endif /* _json_c_json_visit_h_ */