Blob Blame History Raw
3272fde Build: set AC_CONFIG_FILES for AC_OUTPUT
07d38bd Build: set JAVA_HOME before setting J path macros
d43e0d9 Wrapper: add or remove ColumnSelection return false
37ab55b HACKING: remove set_summary from table list
582547a JNI: Create jaw_table_set_summary
f04b199 Wrapper: Create setSummary in AtkTable
410ae8c HACKING: remove set_caption from table list
e6b3492 JNI: Create jaw_table_set_caption
519074f Wrapper: Create setCaption in AtkTable
f35407a Build: Address warning in
dad0250 Update copyright for jawcomponent and AtkComponent
11be3ba JNI: fix java descriptor for set_extents call
7f0e70b JNI: minor formatting in jawtable.c
20d0e86 HACKING: remove set_column_header
f3e635a JNI: Create jaw_table_set_column_header
c59ceb0 Wrapper: Create setColumnHeader in AtkTable
99171b4 HACKING: remove set_row_header
046bb83 JNI: Create jaw_table_set_row_header
542cba0 Wrapper: Create setRowHeader in AtkTable
d4d9dcc HACKING: remove set_column_description
d958b3c HACKING: remove set_row_description
4b88e3b Wrapper: Create setColumnDescription in AtkTable
f369fb1 JNI: Create jaw_table_set_column_description
0eeb57c Wrapper: Create setRowDescription in AtkTable
8c91d01 JNI: Create jaw_table_set_row_description
c907993 Add links to atk table pointers
7b982b2 JNI: fix jawtable style and formatting
9b30dd6 HACKING: remove public ATK methods from text listing
cfaa744 HACKING: format link
e901dd1 HACKING: add link to wiki page
cf9af15 HACKING: remove pointless header
addc08c HACKING: Add information on debugging
932bbe8 HACKING: update list of implemented functions
288ee82 Wrapper: Fix for window:destroy events
095603b JNI: window events use g_signal_emit_by_name
1a59e45 Build: remove gcc from AC_PROG_CXX
cebb7bc Build: fix warning
4915bdd Build: fix AC_PROG_CXX missing macro
0b4386d Build: fix missing AC_PATH_X warning
18028d3 Build: add bug report info to AC_INIT
61e0c85 revert to commit eda0e53
b191b72 Build: fix JAVA_SRC wildcard compiler warning
4078b8c Build: fix DEP_CLASSES wildcard compiler warning
eda0e53 Git: Ignore netbeans project files
a22f707 gitignore: remove comment
7ee6025 Git: Ignore intellij project files
60a1077 JAR: Add manifest
b2fccac Wrapper: add check for WINDOW to get_layer
a43cf94 Wrapper: create getDescription in AtkAction
62fd94a JNI: Create jaw_action_set_description
2167afc JNI: Create jaw_object_ref_child
ef1d041 JNI: Minor formatting improvement
fe3cbcf JNI: Create jaw_object_ref_relation_set
510067e Wrapper: Use checked operations
3c73d3a JNI: Create jaw_impl_get_object_hash_table
b6ffbf7 JNI: Fix unused warning in jaw_object_set_role
038384c JNI: fix unused variable warning in set_parent
227ec21 JNI: Fix unused variable warning in jaw_object_get_parent
2efa160 Release 0.33.1
35caeed Build: Use PLATFORM_LDFLAGS
4ed46b8 Build: tidy up root check
462d16d Build: fix unrecognised warning
75ffc2f Build: Remove unsused
b0eba07 Build: do not repeat autoreconf check
56fde82 Implement AtkTableCell interface wrapper class
73b1a69 JNI: Create jaw_object_get_object_locale
5f583c6 Build: Add darwin includes
be87bd1 JNI check g_object is not null before ref
6a9f8d6 Build: fix duplicate symbol error
a522e2e JNI: create jaw_object_set_role
014f829 JNI: create jaw_object_set_parent
d6dc33c JNI: create jaw_object_set_description
5e166eb JNI: Create jaw_object_set_name
703b05d JNI: create jaw_object_get_parent for JawObject
6ee2e71 JNI: Create jaw_object_initialize
e745cae Maintainership: update bugzilla info
d7468d5 Wrapper: Remove unnecessary java print statements
15efe67 Build: include $JDK_SRC/include/$host_os
fb1b616 Create JawTableCellIface and AtkTableCell
81d962a JNI: create jaw_table_add_column_selection
6764dbb Build: fix root build configuration
573d850 Build: fix non-root install configuration
f7746cb JNI: create jaw_table_add_row_selection
da1612d JNI: Create jaw_window_add_signal function
f15e0ad Revert to d53bd87
8733331 JNI: Fix JRE error when running java apps
b1b75e8 JNI: Create JAW_TYPE_WINDOW
dc471c4 Wrapper: fix bug in AtkWindow
85683e9 HACKING: update JawWindowIface signals info
e234b6b Create jaw_table_cell_get_position
08a8116 HACKING: update list of unimplemented functions
75a675c Create JawTableCellIface and AtkTableCell
833638c JNI: fix crash when turning orca off
7a745c7 JNI: Do not set windows signals explicitly
1583a0b Maintainership: update bugzilla info
3133c34 JNI check g_object is not null before ref
1436754 JNI: create jaw_table_add_column_selection
7453f5b JNI: create jaw_table_add_row_selection
d6345cb Wrapper: emit visible-data-changed signals
82f32ce Build: fix root build configuration
e2f3680 Wrapper: add check for WINDOW to get_layer
cca0fff JNI: Remove jawwindow.h include from jawimpl
383c469 JNI: remove need for jawwindow.h
b4353ae JNI: remove jaw_object_state_change
3cb0b94 JNI: Create jaw_object_get_object_locale
e7faa8e JNI: Init windows iface via impl & util
00ac829 JNI: remove atk-bridge include from jawobject.h
3378dd4 JNI: create jaw_object_set_role
c97520e JNI: create jaw_object_peek_parent
68e1414 JNI: Remove unused from JawObject
dbda22b JNI: create jaw_object_set_parent
d24df6e JNI: create jaw_object_set_description
54dcfc6 JNI: Create jaw_object_set_name
eaed794 JNI: Create jaw_impl_get_atk_relation_type_from_java_key
a3d1600 JNI: create jaw_object_ref_relation_set
317befb JNI: create jaw_object_ref_child
c3f1bd4 JNI: Create jaw_object_notify_state_change
77d3997 JNI: create jaw_object_get_parent for JawObject
7ec03a7 JNI: Create jaw_object_initialize
75147c0 Build: fix non-root install configuration
d7b1980 Build: fix duplicate symbol error
0b5c3e9 Build: Add darwin includes
e2d096f Build: Add JNI_INCLUDES after CHECK_JNI
23c01fa Build: remove unused
20668ec JNI: remove unneeded string.h include
c15eee6 Build: include $JDK_SRC/include/$host_os
cf4927a JNI: Create JawWindow for AtkWindow signals
d53bd87 JNI: return with G_SOURCE_REMOVE
9b54bfe JNI: Initialise variables before using
4339b8b JNI: Use gdk_threads_add_idle() instead of g_idle_add()
3b9ec7f JNI: Remove gtk thread functions
b6fd368 Remove autogenerated files
a14a35e GConf is not needed; remove it as a requirement
59a10ad Release 0.33.0
c26046a JNI: GINT_TO_POINTER cast for g_hash_table_lookup arg
5f1dfcb JNI: create NewGlobalRef for gdk threads
236b9dd JNI: fix crash on java applications
5218010 JNI: fix jawimpl type error
2a6dd6c JNI: only show warnings with JAW_DEBUG=1
62edb07 JNI: remove data message
0067a0e Call gtk threads only once
3595f83 Release 0.32.92
ebcf2ff JNI: return JNI_ERR if JNI is NULL
f65ebb7 JNI: Format jawaction
340d6a5 Wrapper: Don't set bounds in set_extents
6fce7ec JNI: Add NULL check before referencing gobjects
da3b29a JNI: Use guint type not gint
36b3a4a JNI: Make use of dispatch constants
86f5eb2 JNI: get_instance with component_removed_handler
4061ce5 JNI: get instance in window_deactivate_handler
fd00cca JNI find instance for object_state_change_handler
01abf43 HACKING: Add some convention and style info
74b7d96 JNI: organise some debug
b4f4b5e JNI: Use consistent debug messages
88ee903 JNI use IIII for method argument
5f7d020 HACKING: remove unimplemented deprecated functions
08c4311 JNI: implement DetachCurrentThread function
399eb9b JNI-Wrapper: remove get_size and get_position
0fc6221 Wrapper: remove state ARMED condition
443947d Revert "Wrapper: remove state ARMED condition"
82d3351 Wrapper: remove state ARMED condition
795a04e Wrapper: minor formatting
3b71e11 Wrapper: Minor formatting improvement
d625c15 Build: Set 1.6 as minimum java version
bca842b HACKING: describe state of object class
f4db2a6 JNI: improve formatting of jawtext
1cfd5ba JNI: format jawutil style
2d20481 JNI: fix casting warning
39a672b uncomment gtk_threads functions
372a884 Wrapper: Add documentation and formatting
50e2b59 Wrapper: Add isTopLevel static method
cbdd3d2 Release 0.32.90
e5c1782 JNI: get name before checking for COMBO BOX
5ee3b8b update copyright
67f7912 dispatch radio, push toggle button events
b4016fa AUTHORS: Add Magdalen Berns
abcd681 Release 0.32.3
1937e99 Atwrapper add debugging to signals
acfc165 AtkWrapper: warn if handler object is NULL
69d1dba Return JNI_OK for jboolean function
1702923 Add debug messages for global_ac == NULL
02cac3d use global_ac not lock in get/find instance
3bf09c9 Fix some debug inconsistencies
78f59a8 set_extents Rectangle width and height
c8e4b30 Update object roles to include missing roles
1f3387b Check minimum version of atk and spi is installed
c11a4dd use defined top level klass
f06a2dd fix implicit function warning for g_sprintf
14e24c0 Fix post initialization lock up
48a3008 Fix debug message
fbce3dd cache JVM onLoad so env attaches current thread
079f7cc return JNI_VERSION_1_6
15ed5a7 Use (GInstanceInitFunc) NULL
93ce3ec jawutil: include string header for strcmp use
5c7a112 Replace G_CONST_RETURN with const
6e7a344 AtkWrapper print exception stack traces
5bf850a FIX SIGEV fatal error
15a15ac fix jfieldID in get_extents
a3b5c20 Merge branch 'old' into amend
5258611 set x y extents for both WINDOW and SCREEN
ffed314 The set extents method only sets points x and y when AtkCoordType.SCREEN returns true. It is necessary to set them for AtkCoordType.WINDOW too.
8e0952c AtkWrapper: Remove hard-coded handler values
7da1a77 fixes for get and set extent methods
1f77888 Directly initialise accessibility
6a3f1b6 fix imcompatable pointer w in set_extents
78d0c91 fatal error when executing java programs
73d21e8 Check if g_module_supported
2969474 Add AM_SILENT_RULES([yes])
69c586f Add autoconf check to
86a937b initialise using gnome_accessibility_module_init
1e55ab4 Fix mutex and cond initialisation
70ec322 remove return from jaw_component_get_extents
71108e2 Add additional dependencies
6bdf1ec AtkWrapper: implement g_cond_wait
fa48f1b AtkWrapper: FIX hang on g_cond thread wait
c5fadf7 Fix g_mutex and g_cond update syntax
5235f35 Revert "Fix g_mutex and g_cond update syntax"
e769736 Fix g_mutex and g_cond update syntax
49d93f3 Init atk_bridge_adaptor in a standard way
31c5fa3 remove workaround for non root installs
781f1d2 Revert "remove workaround for non root installs"
3e7ce33 remove workaround for non root installs
f955ce6 LDFLAGS Use proper version info syntax
c1cc147 check if AM_PROG_AR is defined
1c7eab0 Add -rpath flag to LDFLAGS
a3d7805 Add dependency on atk-bridge-2.0
35e8780 Add AC_SUBST(JAW_LIBS)
ce57131 Don't use $JAVACFLAGS when setting JDK_SRC
8b48abf Add JDK_SRC to Build configuration
e7e1fd6 put lt version info first in LDFLAGS
96e32ab Release 0.32.2
e80a1fc Revert "make: add top_srcdir and topsrcdir/wrapper to CFLAGS"
44a7330 make: add top_srcdir and topsrcdir/wrapper to CFLAGS
a964d9d Build: set propertiesdir & java_atk_wrapperdir
347c21b jawimpl: initialise with compatible pointer type
853eac9 jawutil: tidy up style
35ae4b3 Fix symbol lookup error jaw_misc_type
d6f8257 Release 0.32.1
2a738f7 NEWS add contributors info
8f76c73 AtkKeyEvent: remove reduntant cast to string
f36a292 Component: remove return from get_extents
95495dc Component: set_extents returns gboolean
b4f4c5f Release 0.32.0
045d08d HACKING: don't list get_minimum_increment
485a055 jawvalue: use consistent style
73c6573 Component: make use of instance methods
c1e5271 AtkComponent: use consistent style
d280772 HACKING: update Component interface info
ec6e998 Component: Implement get and set extents
6c16482 jawcomponent: Remove focus_handler inits
ca0c383 jawcomponent: FIX Incompatible pointer type error
922278a jawcomponent: fix formatting
248d86e HACKING add list of deprecated functions
10f6e7f HACKING: remove listed deprecated functions
06b089f jawtoplevel: sort out formatting
1e2d6e9 jawobject: sort out formatting
d26fa5b HACKING: add detail about Windows interface
d963473 HACKING: list unimplemented methods
078b736 HACKING Update with info
dd797f7 Remove TODO file
c7b0b5c AtkWrapper: Use g_cond_init
dd3e623 AtkWrapper: use g_mutex_init
6654ea4 jawimpl.c: use g_mutex_init
c8bd727 jawtext.c: improve formatting
fb96ed7 jawtext: remove commented out code
ff5fb2a jawtext: fix formatting
3ef5c47 jaweditabletext: fix formatting
53d40c0 FIX: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
4c97514 jawimpl.c: fix formatting
46e10e7 AtkObject for add_relationship third argument
ebe7faf jaweditabletext: formating
074ab3b use atexit from stdlib
603f6bc AtkEditableText: fix formatting
c9e4655 AtkWrapper: format spaces
72d5cad Notify when object gets focus
52d9505 update to jaw_value_get_increment
e3dc525 Fix integer casting for AtkWrapper and jawimpl
e00a9b5 unlock value from pointer
e422818 remove references to atkmisc interface
fc7c2b4 use atk_object_notify_state_change
8e772e2 Use atk_value_get_value_and_text
f72b893 use g_value_set_schar #2
3ff3062 use g_value_set_schar
a2e6a89 Warn for deprecated declarations
ead5288 make atk-bridge available but do not use
2eb4049 remove g_thread_init()
c41bfb3 Remove repeated code logic
471fcac remove g_type_init
d5da1d0 make JNI Version check conditional
7e42ab0 Style: tabs for spaces
97df649 FIX incompatible implicit declaration warning
cbbbb4e Release 0.31.0
b35e4bb set wrapperdir and propertiesdir to prefix
4a6a042 Set wrapperdir and propertiesdir correctly
3f3802e use current directory
d23876a print useful build config info
c295dab Specify minimum versions for building
11716b3 Remove fileSeperator object
00ba127 Set JAW_CFLAGS includes
e17ebb4 FIX 'install-libLTLIBRARIES' failed: error
6ffafb0 Release 0.30.9
0c9436f Set JAVA_HOME properly
a367c71 fix invalid flag
d617870 Revert "Specify JAVA_HOME"
390cd63 Specify JAVA_HOME
4953364 remove repeated code
3400113 Allow writing of JavaInfo.class during distcheck
8a6aacb Remove directory cd into cwd (pointless)
6d3008f Style: replace tabs for spaces and format a bit
2c0d5b5 remove quotation marks
4e4c6e4 Change JRE_SRC back to JAVA_HOME
e4e4c89 AtkWrapper: replace tabs for spaces
0aba5b1 change tabs to spaces
5bf3e3c configure: add check-news to AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE
a288c8d ATKWrapper: fix b660968 mistake breaking build
4c33d87 jawaction: style improvements
a266328 Atktext: style improvements
b660968 fix typo
1f94187 Remove whitespace
18605ee Release 0.30.8
c8a2bdf atkwrapper: fix style and indentation
bf9919f AtkKeyEvent: Use checked operations
3273d5c fix indentation
77fdaf8 Add $(srcdir)/*.java to EXTRA_DIST
7cca5a9 less is more, tidy up
0601b23 use unary operators
23c8ddd fix indentation
63ec920 Update
78aa7ac HACKING: Update maintainer contact details
636f2d8 Release 0.30.7
833088d Makefile: add ${ACLOCAL_FLAGS} to ACLOCAL_FLAGS
3694129 Release 0.30.6
463d156 Change JAVA_HOME to JRE_SRC
85e8f03 Change JDK_HOME to JDK_SRC
6526797 Fix "unary operator expected" error
f5dddbf DOAP: Add Magdalen Berns as maintainer
ce8cd55 Release 0.30.5
3b22e56 Use -avoid-version only when target_os is cygwin
dca347d doap: Remove Ke Wang from current maintainer list
624cdcd Add JAVACFLAGS option for build
ff0d85c Adding initial .gitignore file
3645e6d Updated .doap file
33ff588 Fix Compilation errors
5b0b399 Fix bug616693: emit both the visible and showing events for combo box Signed-off-by: Leon Fan <>
f4fb386 Added Li Yuan as maintainer
0d30f00 Use AT_SPI_IOR and AT_SPI_BUS instead of GConf key to check enablement of accessibility
bbf30ec Portability fixes for libatk-wrapper
209e429 Use GTK_PATH to locate
0d4bc3e Fix bug 611256 - atk_text_get_text is not working correctly with the specified end offset
08912f6 Release 0.29.5
5dcad0c Fix critical typo - should set NO_AT_BRIDGE to 0 instead of 1 in loadAtkBridge
e7fc242 Fix tarball version
0965c28 Release 0.29.4
f78a65a Disable ATK Bridge before we load it to prevent it from being loaded by GTK laf first
6394303 Fix regression - confilct with GTK look and feel
919717d Release 0.29.3
44021c6 Add non-alphanumeric key mapping
11e2da7 Release 0.29.2
1684769 Add JAW_DEBUG - Set environment JAW_DEBUG=1 to get debug messages
e448592 Fixed bug 606402 - Attempting to run swing applications with the JAW installed frequently causes the JRE to report a fatal runtime error
201572a Release 0.29.1
d4961d7 Add D-Bus support
7a490f1 Release 0.28.0
242478a Fixed bug 595234 - The caret position will not be  changed when input text with gok composer
def8b17 Fixed bug 591792 - Java application tooltips are not accessible to orca screen reader
81d7377 Release 0.27.8
fd325d7 Fixed bug 593261 - Slider bar can not be controled by gok
4ebe072 Fixed bug 592987 - Java Combobox is not accessible
d21dd7e Replace jaw_impl_find_instance with jaw_impl_get_instance when handling active-descendant-changed signal
a16cb15 Force Java app to quit before the invocation of exit func registered by ATK bridge
dd9470a Comment out signal of visible-data-changed
9adf3bb Update version number
5e734e9 Release 0.27.7
4b7a067 Fixed bug that window events are not emitted(bug 591665,591670)
0d78630 Temporarily commentted window_state_change_handler
4aecdea Fixed d.o.o bug 10506 - java webstart applications don't run
4ab98ec Release 0.27.6
06b4fc5 Add dependency on GDK 2.0
f64c0da Solved conflict with the GTK Look And Feel
6520ebc Add missed
827fef2 Release 0.27.5
4db73b0 Added JDK_HOME auto-detection
ce7a420 Fixed GNOME bugzilla bug 588879
2a8711c Release 0.27.4
e1e0a0c Remove jni_AtkWrapper.h from
c1e1ecd Make JAVA_HOME not mandatory
9454375 Remove unused jni_AtkWrapper.h
e28b69e Remove
79fcf62 Remove functionality of JAVA_HOME auto-detection
8b4fbfe Remove unused code
cc4a4fb Fixed build problem of loop variables outside C99 mode
c45e0fe Release 0.27.3
393c280 Add to EXTRA_DIST
b879b41 Use xprop instead of gconftool-2 to check whether accessibility technology is on
88222cc remove dependency on gtk+-2.0
9994e26 add to EXTRA_DIST
a501731 Revert "Revert "Add method to auto-detect JAVA_HOME""
1ee8062 Revert "Add method to auto-detect JAVA_HOME"
6cd94a8 Add method to auto-detect JAVA_HOME
a791d03 Added code to determine whether to load 32 or 64-bit version of atk-bridge
9c146a1 Fixed a dependency problem
21c8275 Added code to get more accurate application name
5e2905b Added code to check whether accessibility technology is switched on
6a16496 Fixed conflict with GTK look and feel
32fc338 Fixed build dependency problem
b9f6ab8 Update version number
57f226d Release 0.27.2
290213a Changes for preparation of initial release
2fb5d01 Minor changes to
ac239b4 Minor changes for tarball distribution
9dafdb4 Add version argument to AC_INIT
0f14bcb Change license from LGPLv3 to LGPLv2.1
3363fd8 trivial changes to
13d1b78 Added .doap file
9e2f1dd Remove the need of empty directory "build-aux".
7590187 Initial commit.