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 Irssi installation instructions
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To compile irssi you need:
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- glib-2.6 or greater
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- pkg-config
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- openssl (for ssl support)
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- perl-5.6 or greater (for perl support)
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- terminfo or ncurses (for text frontend)
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For most people, this should work just fine:
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 ./     (for people who just cloned the repository)
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 ./configure      (if this script already exists, skip ./
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 make install     (not _really_ required except for perl support)
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configure options
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  Specifies the path where irssi will be installed.
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  YES, you can install irssi WITHOUT ROOT permissions
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  by using --prefix=/home/dir
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  Build the irssi proxy (see startup-HOWTO).
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  Enable Perl support
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  yes    enable builtin (default)
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  no     disable
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  module enable as module
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  Specify installation dir for Perl libraries
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  site   install in dir for site-specific modules (default)
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  vendor install in dir for vendor-specific modules
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  DIR    install in DIR
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  Build with socks library
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  Build irssi-bot
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  Build without text frontend
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If anything is in non-standard path, you can just give the paths in
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CPPFLAGS and LIBS environment variable, eg.:
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  CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/openssl/include LDFLAGS=-L/opt/openssl/lib ./configure
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 Perl problems
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Perl support generates most of the problems. There's quite a many
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things that can go wrong:
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 - Compiling fails if you compile irssi with GCC in a system that has
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   perl compiled with some other C compiler. Very common problem with
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   non-Linux/BSD systems. You'll need to edit src/perl/*/Makefile files
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   and remove the parameters that gcc doesn't like. Mostly you'll just
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   need to keep the -I and -D parameters and add -fPIC.
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 - If there's any weird crashing at startup, you might have older irssi's
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   perl libraries installed somewhere, and you should remove those.
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 - Dynamic libraries don't want to work with some systems, so if your
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   system complains about some missing symbol in file, configure
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   irssi with --with-perl-staticlib option (NOT same as --with-perl=static).
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 - If configure complains that it doesn't find some perl stuff, you're
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   probably missing or libperl.a. In debian, you'll need to do
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   apt-get install libperl-dev
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 - For unprivileged home directory installations, you probably do not want 
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   to specify --with-perl-lib=(site|vendor). Instead, you can use the 
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   default perl installation target (below the irssi prefix). If you are
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   using local::lib you can also choose to install there by specifying
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You can verify that the perl module is loaded and working with "/LOAD"
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command. It should print something like:
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Module               Type    Submodules
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perl                 static  core fe
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 System specific notes
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Getting perl scripting to work needs a few things:
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 - configure with --with-perl-staticlib
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 - libperl.dll is required in linking and running irssi, it's normally
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   located somewhere around /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/cygwin/CORE/libperl5_6_1.dll
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   copy it to eg. /usr/bin/libperl.dll
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 - -DUSEIMPORTLIB is needed to be defined while compiling src/perl directory.
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   It doesn't hurt to be defined everywhere, so configure irssi with:
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     CFLAGS='-DUSEIMPORTLIB' ./configure --with-perl-staticlib