Blame extensions/

Packit 7b22a4
This module matches at a limited rate using a token bucket filter.
Packit 7b22a4
A rule using this extension will match until this limit is reached.
Packit 7b22a4
It can be used in combination with the
Packit 7b22a4
Packit 7b22a4
target to give limited logging, for example.
Packit 7b22a4
Packit 7b22a4
xt_limit has no negation support - you will have to use \-m hashlimit !
Packit 7b22a4
\-\-hashlimit \fIrate\fP in this case whilst omitting \-\-hashlimit\-mode.
Packit 7b22a4
Packit 7b22a4
\fB\-\-limit\fP \fIrate\fP[\fB/second\fP|\fB/minute\fP|\fB/hour\fP|\fB/day\fP]
Packit 7b22a4
Maximum average matching rate: specified as a number, with an optional
Packit 7b22a4
`/second', `/minute', `/hour', or `/day' suffix; the default is
Packit 7b22a4
Packit 7b22a4
Packit 7b22a4
\fB\-\-limit\-burst\fP \fInumber\fP
Packit 7b22a4
Maximum initial number of packets to match: this number gets
Packit 7b22a4
recharged by one every time the limit specified above is not reached,
Packit 7b22a4
up to this number; the default is 5.