/* * q_taprio.c Time Aware Priority Scheduler * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Authors: Vinicius Costa Gomes * Jesus Sanchez-Palencia */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "utils.h" #include "tc_util.h" #include "list.h" struct sched_entry { struct list_head list; uint32_t index; uint32_t interval; uint32_t gatemask; uint8_t cmd; }; #define CLOCKID_INVALID (-1) static const struct static_clockid { const char *name; clockid_t clockid; } clockids_sysv[] = { { "REALTIME", CLOCK_REALTIME }, { "TAI", CLOCK_TAI }, { "BOOTTIME", CLOCK_BOOTTIME }, { "MONOTONIC", CLOCK_MONOTONIC }, { NULL } }; static void explain(void) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ... taprio clockid CLOCKID\n" " [num_tc NUMBER] [map P0 P1 ...] " " [queues COUNT@OFFSET COUNT@OFFSET COUNT@OFFSET ...] " " [ [sched-entry index cmd gate-mask interval] ... ] " " [base-time time] " "\n" "CLOCKID must be a valid SYS-V id (i.e. CLOCK_TAI)\n"); } static void explain_clockid(const char *val) { fprintf(stderr, "taprio: illegal value for \"clockid\": \"%s\".\n", val); fprintf(stderr, "It must be a valid SYS-V id (i.e. CLOCK_TAI)\n"); } static int get_clockid(__s32 *val, const char *arg) { const struct static_clockid *c; /* Drop the CLOCK_ prefix if that is being used. */ if (strcasestr(arg, "CLOCK_") != NULL) arg += sizeof("CLOCK_") - 1; for (c = clockids_sysv; c->name; c++) { if (strcasecmp(c->name, arg) == 0) { *val = c->clockid; return 0; } } return -1; } static const char* get_clock_name(clockid_t clockid) { const struct static_clockid *c; for (c = clockids_sysv; c->name; c++) { if (clockid == c->clockid) return c->name; } return "invalid"; } static const char *entry_cmd_to_str(__u8 cmd) { switch (cmd) { case TC_TAPRIO_CMD_SET_GATES: return "S"; default: return "Invalid"; } } static int str_to_entry_cmd(const char *str) { if (strcmp(str, "S") == 0) return TC_TAPRIO_CMD_SET_GATES; return -1; } static int add_sched_list(struct list_head *sched_entries, struct nlmsghdr *n) { struct sched_entry *e; list_for_each_entry(e, sched_entries, list) { struct rtattr *a; a = addattr_nest(n, 1024, TCA_TAPRIO_SCHED_ENTRY); addattr_l(n, 1024, TCA_TAPRIO_SCHED_ENTRY_CMD, &e->cmd, sizeof(e->cmd)); addattr_l(n, 1024, TCA_TAPRIO_SCHED_ENTRY_GATE_MASK, &e->gatemask, sizeof(e->gatemask)); addattr_l(n, 1024, TCA_TAPRIO_SCHED_ENTRY_INTERVAL, &e->interval, sizeof(e->interval)); addattr_nest_end(n, a); } return 0; } static void explain_sched_entry(void) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: ... taprio ... sched-entry \n"); } static struct sched_entry *create_entry(uint32_t gatemask, uint32_t interval, uint8_t cmd) { struct sched_entry *e; e = calloc(1, sizeof(*e)); if (!e) return NULL; e->gatemask = gatemask; e->interval = interval; e->cmd = cmd; return e; } static int taprio_parse_opt(struct qdisc_util *qu, int argc, char **argv, struct nlmsghdr *n, const char *dev) { __s32 clockid = CLOCKID_INVALID; struct tc_mqprio_qopt opt = { }; __s64 cycle_time_extension = 0; struct list_head sched_entries; struct rtattr *tail, *l; __s64 cycle_time = 0; __s64 base_time = 0; int err, idx; INIT_LIST_HEAD(&sched_entries); while (argc > 0) { idx = 0; if (strcmp(*argv, "num_tc") == 0) { NEXT_ARG(); if (get_u8(&opt.num_tc, *argv, 10)) { fprintf(stderr, "Illegal \"num_tc\"\n"); return -1; } } else if (strcmp(*argv, "map") == 0) { while (idx < TC_QOPT_MAX_QUEUE && NEXT_ARG_OK()) { NEXT_ARG(); if (get_u8(&opt.prio_tc_map[idx], *argv, 10)) { PREV_ARG(); break; } idx++; } for ( ; idx < TC_QOPT_MAX_QUEUE; idx++) opt.prio_tc_map[idx] = 0; } else if (strcmp(*argv, "queues") == 0) { char *tmp, *tok; while (idx < TC_QOPT_MAX_QUEUE && NEXT_ARG_OK()) { NEXT_ARG(); tmp = strdup(*argv); if (!tmp) break; tok = strtok(tmp, "@"); if (get_u16(&opt.count[idx], tok, 10)) { free(tmp); PREV_ARG(); break; } tok = strtok(NULL, "@"); if (get_u16(&opt.offset[idx], tok, 10)) { free(tmp); PREV_ARG(); break; } free(tmp); idx++; } } else if (strcmp(*argv, "sched-entry") == 0) { uint32_t mask, interval; struct sched_entry *e; uint8_t cmd; NEXT_ARG(); err = str_to_entry_cmd(*argv); if (err < 0) { explain_sched_entry(); return -1; } cmd = err; NEXT_ARG(); if (get_u32(&mask, *argv, 16)) { explain_sched_entry(); return -1; } NEXT_ARG(); if (get_u32(&interval, *argv, 0)) { explain_sched_entry(); return -1; } e = create_entry(mask, interval, cmd); if (!e) { fprintf(stderr, "taprio: not enough memory for new schedule entry\n"); return -1; } list_add_tail(&e->list, &sched_entries); } else if (strcmp(*argv, "base-time") == 0) { NEXT_ARG(); if (get_s64(&base_time, *argv, 10)) { PREV_ARG(); break; } } else if (strcmp(*argv, "cycle-time") == 0) { NEXT_ARG(); if (cycle_time) { fprintf(stderr, "taprio: duplicate \"cycle-time\" specification\n"); return -1; } if (get_s64(&cycle_time, *argv, 10)) { PREV_ARG(); break; } } else if (strcmp(*argv, "cycle-time-extension") == 0) { NEXT_ARG(); if (cycle_time_extension) { fprintf(stderr, "taprio: duplicate \"cycle-time-extension\" specification\n"); return -1; } if (get_s64(&cycle_time_extension, *argv, 10)) { PREV_ARG(); break; } } else if (strcmp(*argv, "clockid") == 0) { NEXT_ARG(); if (clockid != CLOCKID_INVALID) { fprintf(stderr, "taprio: duplicate \"clockid\" specification\n"); return -1; } if (get_clockid(&clockid, *argv)) { explain_clockid(*argv); return -1; } } else if (strcmp(*argv, "help") == 0) { explain(); return -1; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown argument\n"); return -1; } argc--; argv++; } tail = NLMSG_TAIL(n); addattr_l(n, 1024, TCA_OPTIONS, NULL, 0); if (clockid != CLOCKID_INVALID) addattr_l(n, 1024, TCA_TAPRIO_ATTR_SCHED_CLOCKID, &clockid, sizeof(clockid)); if (opt.num_tc > 0) addattr_l(n, 1024, TCA_TAPRIO_ATTR_PRIOMAP, &opt, sizeof(opt)); if (base_time) addattr_l(n, 1024, TCA_TAPRIO_ATTR_SCHED_BASE_TIME, &base_time, sizeof(base_time)); if (cycle_time) addattr_l(n, 1024, TCA_TAPRIO_ATTR_SCHED_CYCLE_TIME, &cycle_time, sizeof(cycle_time)); if (cycle_time_extension) addattr_l(n, 1024, TCA_TAPRIO_ATTR_SCHED_CYCLE_TIME_EXTENSION, &cycle_time_extension, sizeof(cycle_time_extension)); l = addattr_nest(n, 1024, TCA_TAPRIO_ATTR_SCHED_ENTRY_LIST | NLA_F_NESTED); err = add_sched_list(&sched_entries, n); if (err < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not add schedule to netlink message\n"); return -1; } addattr_nest_end(n, l); tail->rta_len = (void *) NLMSG_TAIL(n) - (void *) tail; return 0; } static int print_sched_list(FILE *f, struct rtattr *list) { struct rtattr *item; int rem; if (list == NULL) return 0; rem = RTA_PAYLOAD(list); open_json_array(PRINT_JSON, "schedule"); print_string(PRINT_FP, NULL, "%s", _SL_); for (item = RTA_DATA(list); RTA_OK(item, rem); item = RTA_NEXT(item, rem)) { struct rtattr *tb[TCA_TAPRIO_SCHED_ENTRY_MAX + 1]; __u32 index = 0, gatemask = 0, interval = 0; __u8 command = 0; parse_rtattr_nested(tb, TCA_TAPRIO_SCHED_ENTRY_MAX, item); if (tb[TCA_TAPRIO_SCHED_ENTRY_INDEX]) index = rta_getattr_u32(tb[TCA_TAPRIO_SCHED_ENTRY_INDEX]); if (tb[TCA_TAPRIO_SCHED_ENTRY_CMD]) command = rta_getattr_u8(tb[TCA_TAPRIO_SCHED_ENTRY_CMD]); if (tb[TCA_TAPRIO_SCHED_ENTRY_GATE_MASK]) gatemask = rta_getattr_u32(tb[TCA_TAPRIO_SCHED_ENTRY_GATE_MASK]); if (tb[TCA_TAPRIO_SCHED_ENTRY_INTERVAL]) interval = rta_getattr_u32(tb[TCA_TAPRIO_SCHED_ENTRY_INTERVAL]); open_json_object(NULL); print_uint(PRINT_ANY, "index", "\tindex %u", index); print_string(PRINT_ANY, "cmd", " cmd %s", entry_cmd_to_str(command)); print_0xhex(PRINT_ANY, "gatemask", " gatemask %#llx", gatemask); print_uint(PRINT_ANY, "interval", " interval %u", interval); close_json_object(); print_string(PRINT_FP, NULL, "%s", _SL_); } close_json_array(PRINT_ANY, ""); return 0; } static int print_schedule(FILE *f, struct rtattr **tb) { int64_t base_time = 0, cycle_time = 0, cycle_time_extension = 0; if (tb[TCA_TAPRIO_ATTR_SCHED_BASE_TIME]) base_time = rta_getattr_s64(tb[TCA_TAPRIO_ATTR_SCHED_BASE_TIME]); if (tb[TCA_TAPRIO_ATTR_SCHED_CYCLE_TIME]) cycle_time = rta_getattr_s64(tb[TCA_TAPRIO_ATTR_SCHED_CYCLE_TIME]); if (tb[TCA_TAPRIO_ATTR_SCHED_CYCLE_TIME_EXTENSION]) cycle_time_extension = rta_getattr_s64( tb[TCA_TAPRIO_ATTR_SCHED_CYCLE_TIME_EXTENSION]); print_lluint(PRINT_ANY, "base_time", "\tbase-time %lld", base_time); print_lluint(PRINT_ANY, "cycle_time", " cycle-time %lld", cycle_time); print_lluint(PRINT_ANY, "cycle_time_extension", " cycle-time-extension %lld", cycle_time_extension); print_sched_list(f, tb[TCA_TAPRIO_ATTR_SCHED_ENTRY_LIST]); return 0; } static int taprio_print_opt(struct qdisc_util *qu, FILE *f, struct rtattr *opt) { struct rtattr *tb[TCA_TAPRIO_ATTR_MAX + 1]; struct tc_mqprio_qopt *qopt = 0; __s32 clockid = CLOCKID_INVALID; int i; if (opt == NULL) return 0; parse_rtattr_nested(tb, TCA_TAPRIO_ATTR_MAX, opt); if (tb[TCA_TAPRIO_ATTR_PRIOMAP] == NULL) return -1; qopt = RTA_DATA(tb[TCA_TAPRIO_ATTR_PRIOMAP]); print_uint(PRINT_ANY, "tc", "tc %u ", qopt->num_tc); open_json_array(PRINT_ANY, "map"); for (i = 0; i <= TC_PRIO_MAX; i++) print_uint(PRINT_ANY, NULL, " %u", qopt->prio_tc_map[i]); close_json_array(PRINT_ANY, ""); print_string(PRINT_FP, NULL, "%s", _SL_); open_json_array(PRINT_ANY, "queues"); for (i = 0; i < qopt->num_tc; i++) { open_json_object(NULL); print_uint(PRINT_ANY, "offset", " offset %u", qopt->offset[i]); print_uint(PRINT_ANY, "count", " count %u", qopt->count[i]); close_json_object(); } close_json_array(PRINT_ANY, ""); print_string(PRINT_FP, NULL, "%s", _SL_); if (tb[TCA_TAPRIO_ATTR_SCHED_CLOCKID]) clockid = rta_getattr_s32(tb[TCA_TAPRIO_ATTR_SCHED_CLOCKID]); print_string(PRINT_ANY, "clockid", "clockid %s", get_clock_name(clockid)); print_schedule(f, tb); if (tb[TCA_TAPRIO_ATTR_ADMIN_SCHED]) { struct rtattr *t[TCA_TAPRIO_ATTR_MAX + 1]; parse_rtattr_nested(t, TCA_TAPRIO_ATTR_MAX, tb[TCA_TAPRIO_ATTR_ADMIN_SCHED]); open_json_object(NULL); print_schedule(f, t); close_json_object(); } return 0; } struct qdisc_util taprio_qdisc_util = { .id = "taprio", .parse_qopt = taprio_parse_opt, .print_qopt = taprio_print_opt, };