/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "json_print.h" #include "libnetlink.h" #include "br_common.h" #include "utils.h" static unsigned int filter_index, filter_vlan; enum vlan_show_subject { VLAN_SHOW_VLAN, VLAN_SHOW_TUNNELINFO, }; #define VLAN_ID_LEN 9 #define __stringify_1(x...) #x #define __stringify(x...) __stringify_1(x) static void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: bridge vlan { add | del } vid VLAN_ID dev DEV [ tunnel_info id TUNNEL_ID ]\n" " [ pvid ] [ untagged ]\n" " [ self ] [ master ]\n" " bridge vlan { show } [ dev DEV ] [ vid VLAN_ID ]\n" " bridge vlan { tunnelshow } [ dev DEV ] [ vid VLAN_ID ]\n"); exit(-1); } static int parse_tunnel_info(int *argcp, char ***argvp, __u32 *tun_id_start, __u32 *tun_id_end) { char **argv = *argvp; int argc = *argcp; char *t; NEXT_ARG(); if (!matches(*argv, "id")) { NEXT_ARG(); t = strchr(*argv, '-'); if (t) { *t = '\0'; if (get_u32(tun_id_start, *argv, 0) || *tun_id_start >= 1u << 24) invarg("invalid tun id", *argv); if (get_u32(tun_id_end, t + 1, 0) || *tun_id_end >= 1u << 24) invarg("invalid tun id", *argv); } else { if (get_u32(tun_id_start, *argv, 0) || *tun_id_start >= 1u << 24) invarg("invalid tun id", *argv); } } else { invarg("tunnel id expected", *argv); } *argcp = argc; *argvp = argv; return 0; } static int add_tunnel_info(struct nlmsghdr *n, int reqsize, __u16 vid, __u32 tun_id, __u16 flags) { struct rtattr *tinfo; tinfo = addattr_nest(n, reqsize, IFLA_BRIDGE_VLAN_TUNNEL_INFO); addattr32(n, reqsize, IFLA_BRIDGE_VLAN_TUNNEL_ID, tun_id); addattr16(n, reqsize, IFLA_BRIDGE_VLAN_TUNNEL_VID, vid); addattr16(n, reqsize, IFLA_BRIDGE_VLAN_TUNNEL_FLAGS, flags); addattr_nest_end(n, tinfo); return 0; } static int add_tunnel_info_range(struct nlmsghdr *n, int reqsize, __u16 vid_start, int16_t vid_end, __u32 tun_id_start, __u32 tun_id_end) { if (vid_end != -1 && (vid_end - vid_start) > 0) { add_tunnel_info(n, reqsize, vid_start, tun_id_start, BRIDGE_VLAN_INFO_RANGE_BEGIN); add_tunnel_info(n, reqsize, vid_end, tun_id_end, BRIDGE_VLAN_INFO_RANGE_END); } else { add_tunnel_info(n, reqsize, vid_start, tun_id_start, 0); } return 0; } static int add_vlan_info_range(struct nlmsghdr *n, int reqsize, __u16 vid_start, int16_t vid_end, __u16 flags) { struct bridge_vlan_info vinfo = {}; vinfo.flags = flags; vinfo.vid = vid_start; if (vid_end != -1) { /* send vlan range start */ addattr_l(n, reqsize, IFLA_BRIDGE_VLAN_INFO, &vinfo, sizeof(vinfo)); vinfo.flags &= ~BRIDGE_VLAN_INFO_RANGE_BEGIN; /* Now send the vlan range end */ vinfo.flags |= BRIDGE_VLAN_INFO_RANGE_END; vinfo.vid = vid_end; addattr_l(n, reqsize, IFLA_BRIDGE_VLAN_INFO, &vinfo, sizeof(vinfo)); } else { addattr_l(n, reqsize, IFLA_BRIDGE_VLAN_INFO, &vinfo, sizeof(vinfo)); } return 0; } static int vlan_modify(int cmd, int argc, char **argv) { struct { struct nlmsghdr n; struct ifinfomsg ifm; char buf[1024]; } req = { .n.nlmsg_len = NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(struct ifinfomsg)), .n.nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_REQUEST, .n.nlmsg_type = cmd, .ifm.ifi_family = PF_BRIDGE, }; char *d = NULL; short vid = -1; short vid_end = -1; struct rtattr *afspec; struct bridge_vlan_info vinfo = {}; bool tunnel_info_set = false; unsigned short flags = 0; __u32 tun_id_start = 0; __u32 tun_id_end = 0; while (argc > 0) { if (strcmp(*argv, "dev") == 0) { NEXT_ARG(); d = *argv; } else if (strcmp(*argv, "vid") == 0) { char *p; NEXT_ARG(); p = strchr(*argv, '-'); if (p) { *p = '\0'; p++; vid = atoi(*argv); vid_end = atoi(p); vinfo.flags |= BRIDGE_VLAN_INFO_RANGE_BEGIN; } else { vid = atoi(*argv); } } else if (strcmp(*argv, "self") == 0) { flags |= BRIDGE_FLAGS_SELF; } else if (strcmp(*argv, "master") == 0) { flags |= BRIDGE_FLAGS_MASTER; } else if (strcmp(*argv, "pvid") == 0) { vinfo.flags |= BRIDGE_VLAN_INFO_PVID; } else if (strcmp(*argv, "untagged") == 0) { vinfo.flags |= BRIDGE_VLAN_INFO_UNTAGGED; } else if (strcmp(*argv, "tunnel_info") == 0) { if (parse_tunnel_info(&argc, &argv, &tun_id_start, &tun_id_end)) return -1; tunnel_info_set = true; } else { if (matches(*argv, "help") == 0) NEXT_ARG(); } argc--; argv++; } if (d == NULL || vid == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Device and VLAN ID are required arguments.\n"); return -1; } req.ifm.ifi_index = ll_name_to_index(d); if (req.ifm.ifi_index == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find bridge device \"%s\"\n", d); return -1; } if (vid >= 4096) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid VLAN ID \"%hu\"\n", vid); return -1; } if (vinfo.flags & BRIDGE_VLAN_INFO_RANGE_BEGIN) { if (vid_end == -1 || vid_end >= 4096 || vid >= vid_end) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid VLAN range \"%hu-%hu\"\n", vid, vid_end); return -1; } if (vinfo.flags & BRIDGE_VLAN_INFO_PVID) { fprintf(stderr, "pvid cannot be configured for a vlan range\n"); return -1; } } afspec = addattr_nest(&req.n, sizeof(req), IFLA_AF_SPEC); if (flags) addattr16(&req.n, sizeof(req), IFLA_BRIDGE_FLAGS, flags); if (tunnel_info_set) add_tunnel_info_range(&req.n, sizeof(req), vid, vid_end, tun_id_start, tun_id_end); else add_vlan_info_range(&req.n, sizeof(req), vid, vid_end, vinfo.flags); addattr_nest_end(&req.n, afspec); if (rtnl_talk(&rth, &req.n, NULL) < 0) return -1; return 0; } /* In order to use this function for both filtering and non-filtering cases * we need to make it a tristate: * return -1 - if filtering we've gone over so don't continue * return 0 - skip entry and continue (applies to range start or to entries * which are less than filter_vlan) * return 1 - print the entry and continue */ static int filter_vlan_check(__u16 vid, __u16 flags) { /* if we're filtering we should stop on the first greater entry */ if (filter_vlan && vid > filter_vlan && !(flags & BRIDGE_VLAN_INFO_RANGE_END)) return -1; if ((flags & BRIDGE_VLAN_INFO_RANGE_BEGIN) || vid < filter_vlan) return 0; return 1; } static void open_vlan_port(int ifi_index, enum vlan_show_subject subject) { open_json_object(NULL); print_color_string(PRINT_ANY, COLOR_IFNAME, "ifname", "%-" __stringify(IFNAMSIZ) "s ", ll_index_to_name(ifi_index)); open_json_array(PRINT_JSON, subject == VLAN_SHOW_VLAN ? "vlans": "tunnels"); } static void close_vlan_port(void) { close_json_array(PRINT_JSON, NULL); close_json_object(); } static unsigned int print_range(const char *name, __u32 start, __u32 id) { char end[64]; int width; snprintf(end, sizeof(end), "%sEnd", name); width = print_uint(PRINT_ANY, name, "%u", start); if (start != id) width += print_uint(PRINT_ANY, end, "-%u", id); return width; } static void print_vlan_tunnel_info(struct rtattr *tb, int ifindex) { struct rtattr *i, *list = tb; int rem = RTA_PAYLOAD(list); __u16 last_vid_start = 0; __u32 last_tunid_start = 0; bool opened = false; for (i = RTA_DATA(list); RTA_OK(i, rem); i = RTA_NEXT(i, rem)) { struct rtattr *ttb[IFLA_BRIDGE_VLAN_TUNNEL_MAX+1]; __u32 tunnel_id = 0; __u16 tunnel_vid = 0; __u16 tunnel_flags = 0; unsigned int width; int vcheck_ret; if (i->rta_type != IFLA_BRIDGE_VLAN_TUNNEL_INFO) continue; parse_rtattr(ttb, IFLA_BRIDGE_VLAN_TUNNEL_MAX, RTA_DATA(i), RTA_PAYLOAD(i)); if (ttb[IFLA_BRIDGE_VLAN_TUNNEL_VID]) tunnel_vid = rta_getattr_u16(ttb[IFLA_BRIDGE_VLAN_TUNNEL_VID]); else continue; if (ttb[IFLA_BRIDGE_VLAN_TUNNEL_ID]) tunnel_id = rta_getattr_u32(ttb[IFLA_BRIDGE_VLAN_TUNNEL_ID]); if (ttb[IFLA_BRIDGE_VLAN_TUNNEL_FLAGS]) tunnel_flags = rta_getattr_u16(ttb[IFLA_BRIDGE_VLAN_TUNNEL_FLAGS]); if (!(tunnel_flags & BRIDGE_VLAN_INFO_RANGE_END)) { last_vid_start = tunnel_vid; last_tunid_start = tunnel_id; } vcheck_ret = filter_vlan_check(tunnel_vid, tunnel_flags); if (vcheck_ret == -1) break; else if (vcheck_ret == 0) continue; if (!opened) { open_vlan_port(ifindex, VLAN_SHOW_TUNNELINFO); opened = true; } else { print_string(PRINT_FP, NULL, "%-" __stringify(IFNAMSIZ) "s ", ""); } open_json_object(NULL); width = print_range("vlan", last_vid_start, tunnel_vid); if (width <= VLAN_ID_LEN) { char buf[VLAN_ID_LEN + 1]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%-*s", VLAN_ID_LEN - width, ""); print_string(PRINT_FP, NULL, "%s ", buf); } else { fprintf(stderr, "BUG: vlan range too wide, %u\n", width); } print_range("tunid", last_tunid_start, tunnel_id); close_json_object(); print_nl(); } if (opened) close_vlan_port(); } static int print_vlan(struct nlmsghdr *n, void *arg) { enum vlan_show_subject *subject = arg; struct ifinfomsg *ifm = NLMSG_DATA(n); int len = n->nlmsg_len; struct rtattr *tb[IFLA_MAX+1]; if (n->nlmsg_type != RTM_NEWLINK) { fprintf(stderr, "Not RTM_NEWLINK: %08x %08x %08x\n", n->nlmsg_len, n->nlmsg_type, n->nlmsg_flags); return 0; } len -= NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(*ifm)); if (len < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "BUG: wrong nlmsg len %d\n", len); return -1; } if (ifm->ifi_family != AF_BRIDGE) return 0; if (filter_index && filter_index != ifm->ifi_index) return 0; parse_rtattr(tb, IFLA_MAX, IFLA_RTA(ifm), len); if (!tb[IFLA_AF_SPEC]) return 0; switch (*subject) { case VLAN_SHOW_VLAN: print_vlan_info(tb[IFLA_AF_SPEC], ifm->ifi_index); break; case VLAN_SHOW_TUNNELINFO: print_vlan_tunnel_info(tb[IFLA_AF_SPEC], ifm->ifi_index); break; } return 0; } static void print_vlan_flags(__u16 flags) { if (flags == 0) return; open_json_array(PRINT_JSON, "flags"); if (flags & BRIDGE_VLAN_INFO_PVID) print_string(PRINT_ANY, NULL, " %s", "PVID"); if (flags & BRIDGE_VLAN_INFO_UNTAGGED) print_string(PRINT_ANY, NULL, " %s", "Egress Untagged"); close_json_array(PRINT_JSON, NULL); } static void print_one_vlan_stats(const struct bridge_vlan_xstats *vstats) { open_json_object(NULL); print_hu(PRINT_ANY, "vid", "%hu", vstats->vid); print_vlan_flags(vstats->flags); print_nl(); print_string(PRINT_FP, NULL, "%-" __stringify(IFNAMSIZ) "s ", ""); print_lluint(PRINT_ANY, "rx_bytes", "RX: %llu bytes", vstats->rx_bytes); print_lluint(PRINT_ANY, "rx_packets", " %llu packets\n", vstats->rx_packets); print_string(PRINT_FP, NULL, "%-" __stringify(IFNAMSIZ) "s ", ""); print_lluint(PRINT_ANY, "tx_bytes", "TX: %llu bytes", vstats->tx_bytes); print_lluint(PRINT_ANY, "tx_packets", " %llu packets\n", vstats->tx_packets); close_json_object(); } static void print_vlan_stats_attr(struct rtattr *attr, int ifindex) { struct rtattr *brtb[LINK_XSTATS_TYPE_MAX+1]; struct rtattr *i, *list; bool found_vlan = false; int rem; parse_rtattr(brtb, LINK_XSTATS_TYPE_MAX, RTA_DATA(attr), RTA_PAYLOAD(attr)); if (!brtb[LINK_XSTATS_TYPE_BRIDGE]) return; list = brtb[LINK_XSTATS_TYPE_BRIDGE]; rem = RTA_PAYLOAD(list); for (i = RTA_DATA(list); RTA_OK(i, rem); i = RTA_NEXT(i, rem)) { const struct bridge_vlan_xstats *vstats = RTA_DATA(i); if (i->rta_type != BRIDGE_XSTATS_VLAN) continue; if (filter_vlan && filter_vlan != vstats->vid) continue; /* skip pure port entries, they'll be dumped via the slave stats call */ if ((vstats->flags & BRIDGE_VLAN_INFO_MASTER) && !(vstats->flags & BRIDGE_VLAN_INFO_BRENTRY)) continue; /* found vlan stats, first time print the interface name */ if (!found_vlan) { open_vlan_port(ifindex, VLAN_SHOW_VLAN); found_vlan = true; } else { print_string(PRINT_FP, NULL, "%-" __stringify(IFNAMSIZ) "s ", ""); } print_one_vlan_stats(vstats); } /* vlan_port is opened only if there are any vlan stats */ if (found_vlan) close_vlan_port(); } static int print_vlan_stats(struct nlmsghdr *n, void *arg) { struct if_stats_msg *ifsm = NLMSG_DATA(n); struct rtattr *tb[IFLA_STATS_MAX+1]; int len = n->nlmsg_len; FILE *fp = arg; len -= NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(*ifsm)); if (len < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "BUG: wrong nlmsg len %d\n", len); return -1; } if (filter_index && filter_index != ifsm->ifindex) return 0; parse_rtattr(tb, IFLA_STATS_MAX, IFLA_STATS_RTA(ifsm), len); /* We have to check if any of the two attrs are usable */ if (tb[IFLA_STATS_LINK_XSTATS]) print_vlan_stats_attr(tb[IFLA_STATS_LINK_XSTATS], ifsm->ifindex); if (tb[IFLA_STATS_LINK_XSTATS_SLAVE]) print_vlan_stats_attr(tb[IFLA_STATS_LINK_XSTATS_SLAVE], ifsm->ifindex); fflush(fp); return 0; } static int vlan_show(int argc, char **argv, int subject) { char *filter_dev = NULL; int ret = 0; while (argc > 0) { if (strcmp(*argv, "dev") == 0) { NEXT_ARG(); if (filter_dev) duparg("dev", *argv); filter_dev = *argv; } else if (strcmp(*argv, "vid") == 0) { NEXT_ARG(); if (filter_vlan) duparg("vid", *argv); filter_vlan = atoi(*argv); } argc--; argv++; } if (filter_dev) { filter_index = ll_name_to_index(filter_dev); if (!filter_index) return nodev(filter_dev); } new_json_obj(json); if (!show_stats) { if (rtnl_linkdump_req_filter(&rth, PF_BRIDGE, (compress_vlans ? RTEXT_FILTER_BRVLAN_COMPRESSED : RTEXT_FILTER_BRVLAN)) < 0) { perror("Cannot send dump request"); exit(1); } if (!is_json_context()) { printf("%-" __stringify(IFNAMSIZ) "s %-" __stringify(VLAN_ID_LEN) "s", "port", "vlan-id"); if (subject == VLAN_SHOW_TUNNELINFO) printf(" tunnel-id"); printf("\n"); } ret = rtnl_dump_filter(&rth, print_vlan, &subject); if (ret < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Dump terminated\n"); exit(1); } } else { __u32 filt_mask; filt_mask = IFLA_STATS_FILTER_BIT(IFLA_STATS_LINK_XSTATS); if (rtnl_statsdump_req_filter(&rth, AF_UNSPEC, filt_mask) < 0) { perror("Cannot send dump request"); exit(1); } if (!is_json_context()) printf("%-" __stringify(IFNAMSIZ) "s vlan-id\n", "port"); if (rtnl_dump_filter(&rth, print_vlan_stats, stdout) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Dump terminated\n"); exit(1); } filt_mask = IFLA_STATS_FILTER_BIT(IFLA_STATS_LINK_XSTATS_SLAVE); if (rtnl_statsdump_req_filter(&rth, AF_UNSPEC, filt_mask) < 0) { perror("Cannot send slave dump request"); exit(1); } if (rtnl_dump_filter(&rth, print_vlan_stats, stdout) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Dump terminated\n"); exit(1); } } delete_json_obj(); fflush(stdout); return 0; } void print_vlan_info(struct rtattr *tb, int ifindex) { struct rtattr *i, *list = tb; int rem = RTA_PAYLOAD(list); __u16 last_vid_start = 0; bool opened = false; for (i = RTA_DATA(list); RTA_OK(i, rem); i = RTA_NEXT(i, rem)) { struct bridge_vlan_info *vinfo; int vcheck_ret; if (i->rta_type != IFLA_BRIDGE_VLAN_INFO) continue; vinfo = RTA_DATA(i); if (!(vinfo->flags & BRIDGE_VLAN_INFO_RANGE_END)) last_vid_start = vinfo->vid; vcheck_ret = filter_vlan_check(vinfo->vid, vinfo->flags); if (vcheck_ret == -1) break; else if (vcheck_ret == 0) continue; if (!opened) { open_vlan_port(ifindex, VLAN_SHOW_VLAN); opened = true; } else { print_string(PRINT_FP, NULL, "%-" __stringify(IFNAMSIZ) "s ", ""); } open_json_object(NULL); print_range("vlan", last_vid_start, vinfo->vid); print_vlan_flags(vinfo->flags); close_json_object(); print_nl(); } if (opened) close_vlan_port(); } int do_vlan(int argc, char **argv) { ll_init_map(&rth); if (argc > 0) { if (matches(*argv, "add") == 0) return vlan_modify(RTM_SETLINK, argc-1, argv+1); if (matches(*argv, "delete") == 0) return vlan_modify(RTM_DELLINK, argc-1, argv+1); if (matches(*argv, "show") == 0 || matches(*argv, "lst") == 0 || matches(*argv, "list") == 0) return vlan_show(argc-1, argv+1, VLAN_SHOW_VLAN); if (matches(*argv, "tunnelshow") == 0) { return vlan_show(argc-1, argv+1, VLAN_SHOW_TUNNELINFO); } if (matches(*argv, "help") == 0) usage(); } else { return vlan_show(0, NULL, VLAN_SHOW_VLAN); } fprintf(stderr, "Command \"%s\" is unknown, try \"bridge vlan help\".\n", *argv); exit(-1); }