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Initial Setup
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.. image::
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    :alt: Translation status
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Initial Setup is an application that can run during the first start
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of a newly installed computer and makes it possible to configure the
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computer according to the needs of the user.
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As most of the configuration options are already present during the
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OS installation in Anaconda, Initial Setup mainly hosts options that
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need to be presented during the first start, such as displaying the
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EULA on RHEL. Initial Setup is also often used to create a user account,
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as many systems are often automatically installed with kickstart
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and the user is only expected to create their own user account once
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the newly installed machine is started for the first time.
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Still, while Initial Setup normally does not have many options
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available, if the firstboot --reconfig kickstart command is provided
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in the installation kickstart, Initial Setup will show all configuration
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options available. This is usually used for OEM OS installations,
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where an OEM installs the computer, which is then shipped to the end user
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which uses Initial Setup for the final configuration of the operating system.
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Initial Setup is basically just a thin wrapper for running spokes from Anaconda.
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Still, it has its own Hub, one spoke (the EULA spoke) and a translation domain ("initial-setup").
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As with Anaconda, Initial Setup has both a GUI and TUI version and the package is split
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into a core and GUI & TUI sub packages.
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As Initial Setup needs to run during the early boot, it is started by a systemd unit
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configured to start before the normal login screen. On RHEL7 Initial Setup is by default
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followed by the legacy Firstboot utility, which hosts the Subscription Manager plugin.
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If the given OS instance uses the Gnome 3 desktop environment, Firstboot is followed by
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the Gnome Initial Setup, which enables the user to customize their computer even more.
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On Fedora Initial Setup is followed directly by GIS, provided Gnome 3 is installed.
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* RHEL7: IS -> Firstboot -> [GIS]
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* Fedora: IS -> [GIS]
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Like Anaconda, also Initial Setup can be used to host third party addons - flexible
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yet powerful modules that can configure the system based on data in kickstart
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while presenting a nice UI to the user. Addons can have a GUI, TUI or can be
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headless, working only with data in their kickstart section or from other sources.
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For comprehensive documentation about Anaconda/Intial Setup see the
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"Anaconda Addon Development Guide" by Vratislav Podzimek:
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* Initial Setup is released under GPLv2+
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* upstream source code repository is on GitHub:
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* for patch review Initial Setup uses the Anaconda Patches mailing list:
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  (please note that you need to be subscribed to the list to send patches, due to previous issues with SPAM on the list)