/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Voltaire Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2007 Xsigo Systems Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2009 HNR Consulting. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2011 Mellanox Technologies LTD. All rights reserved. * * This software is available to you under a choice of one of two * licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file * COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the * OpenIB.org BSD license below: * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or * without modification, are permitted provided that the following * conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ibdiag_common.h" static struct ibmad_port *srcport; struct perf_count { uint32_t portselect; uint32_t counterselect; uint32_t symbolerrors; uint32_t linkrecovers; uint32_t linkdowned; uint32_t rcverrors; uint32_t rcvremotephyerrors; uint32_t rcvswrelayerrors; uint32_t xmtdiscards; uint32_t xmtconstrainterrors; uint32_t rcvconstrainterrors; uint32_t linkintegrityerrors; uint32_t excbufoverrunerrors; uint32_t qp1dropped; uint32_t vl15dropped; uint32_t xmtdata; uint32_t rcvdata; uint32_t xmtpkts; uint32_t rcvpkts; uint32_t xmtwait; }; struct perf_count_ext { uint32_t portselect; uint32_t counterselect; uint64_t portxmitdata; uint64_t portrcvdata; uint64_t portxmitpkts; uint64_t portrcvpkts; uint64_t portunicastxmitpkts; uint64_t portunicastrcvpkts; uint64_t portmulticastxmitpkits; uint64_t portmulticastrcvpkts; uint32_t counterSelect2; uint64_t symbolErrorCounter; uint64_t linkErrorRecoveryCounter; uint64_t linkDownedCounter; uint64_t portRcvErrors; uint64_t portRcvRemotePhysicalErrors; uint64_t portRcvSwitchRelayErrors; uint64_t portXmitDiscards; uint64_t portXmitConstraintErrors; uint64_t portRcvConstraintErrors; uint64_t localLinkIntegrityErrors; uint64_t excessiveBufferOverrunErrors; uint64_t VL15Dropped; uint64_t portXmitWait; uint64_t QP1Dropped; }; static uint8_t pc[1024]; static struct perf_count perf_count = {}; static struct perf_count_ext perf_count_ext = {}; #define ALL_PORTS 0xFF #define MAX_PORTS 255 /* Notes: IB semantics is to cap counters if count has exceeded limits. * Therefore we must check for overflows and cap the counters if necessary. * * mad_decode_field and mad_encode_field assume 32 bit integers passed in * for fields < 32 bits in length. */ static void aggregate_4bit(uint32_t * dest, uint32_t val) { if ((((*dest) + val) < (*dest)) || ((*dest) + val) > 0xf) (*dest) = 0xf; else (*dest) = (*dest) + val; } static void aggregate_8bit(uint32_t * dest, uint32_t val) { if ((((*dest) + val) < (*dest)) || ((*dest) + val) > 0xff) (*dest) = 0xff; else (*dest) = (*dest) + val; } static void aggregate_16bit(uint32_t * dest, uint32_t val) { if ((((*dest) + val) < (*dest)) || ((*dest) + val) > 0xffff) (*dest) = 0xffff; else (*dest) = (*dest) + val; } static void aggregate_32bit(uint32_t * dest, uint32_t val) { if (((*dest) + val) < (*dest)) (*dest) = 0xffffffff; else (*dest) = (*dest) + val; } static void aggregate_64bit(uint64_t * dest, uint64_t val) { if (((*dest) + val) < (*dest)) (*dest) = 0xffffffffffffffffULL; else (*dest) = (*dest) + val; } static void aggregate_perfcounters(void) { uint32_t val; mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_PORT_SELECT_F, &val); perf_count.portselect = val; mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_COUNTER_SELECT_F, &val); perf_count.counterselect = val; mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_ERR_SYM_F, &val); aggregate_16bit(&perf_count.symbolerrors, val); mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_LINK_RECOVERS_F, &val); aggregate_8bit(&perf_count.linkrecovers, val); mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_LINK_DOWNED_F, &val); aggregate_8bit(&perf_count.linkdowned, val); mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_ERR_RCV_F, &val); aggregate_16bit(&perf_count.rcverrors, val); mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_ERR_PHYSRCV_F, &val); aggregate_16bit(&perf_count.rcvremotephyerrors, val); mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_ERR_SWITCH_REL_F, &val); aggregate_16bit(&perf_count.rcvswrelayerrors, val); mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_XMT_DISCARDS_F, &val); aggregate_16bit(&perf_count.xmtdiscards, val); mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_ERR_XMTCONSTR_F, &val); aggregate_8bit(&perf_count.xmtconstrainterrors, val); mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_ERR_RCVCONSTR_F, &val); aggregate_8bit(&perf_count.rcvconstrainterrors, val); mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_ERR_LOCALINTEG_F, &val); aggregate_4bit(&perf_count.linkintegrityerrors, val); mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_ERR_EXCESS_OVR_F, &val); aggregate_4bit(&perf_count.excbufoverrunerrors, val); mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_QP1_DROP_F, &val); aggregate_16bit(&perf_count.qp1dropped, val); mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_VL15_DROPPED_F, &val); aggregate_16bit(&perf_count.vl15dropped, val); mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_XMT_BYTES_F, &val); aggregate_32bit(&perf_count.xmtdata, val); mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_RCV_BYTES_F, &val); aggregate_32bit(&perf_count.rcvdata, val); mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_XMT_PKTS_F, &val); aggregate_32bit(&perf_count.xmtpkts, val); mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_RCV_PKTS_F, &val); aggregate_32bit(&perf_count.rcvpkts, val); mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_XMT_WAIT_F, &val); aggregate_32bit(&perf_count.xmtwait, val); } static void output_aggregate_perfcounters(ib_portid_t * portid, __be16 cap_mask) { char buf[1024]; uint32_t val = ALL_PORTS; /* set port_select to 255 to emulate AllPortSelect */ mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_PORT_SELECT_F, &val); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_COUNTER_SELECT_F, &perf_count.counterselect); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_ERR_SYM_F, &perf_count.symbolerrors); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_LINK_RECOVERS_F, &perf_count.linkrecovers); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_LINK_DOWNED_F, &perf_count.linkdowned); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_ERR_RCV_F, &perf_count.rcverrors); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_ERR_PHYSRCV_F, &perf_count.rcvremotephyerrors); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_ERR_SWITCH_REL_F, &perf_count.rcvswrelayerrors); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_XMT_DISCARDS_F, &perf_count.xmtdiscards); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_ERR_XMTCONSTR_F, &perf_count.xmtconstrainterrors); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_ERR_RCVCONSTR_F, &perf_count.rcvconstrainterrors); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_ERR_LOCALINTEG_F, &perf_count.linkintegrityerrors); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_ERR_EXCESS_OVR_F, &perf_count.excbufoverrunerrors); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_QP1_DROP_F, &perf_count.qp1dropped); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_VL15_DROPPED_F, &perf_count.vl15dropped); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_XMT_BYTES_F, &perf_count.xmtdata); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_RCV_BYTES_F, &perf_count.rcvdata); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_XMT_PKTS_F, &perf_count.xmtpkts); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_RCV_PKTS_F, &perf_count.rcvpkts); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_XMT_WAIT_F, &perf_count.xmtwait); mad_dump_perfcounters(buf, sizeof buf, pc, sizeof pc); printf("# Port counters: %s port %d (CapMask: 0x%02X)\n%s", portid2str(portid), ALL_PORTS, ntohs(cap_mask), buf); } static void aggregate_perfcounters_ext(__be16 cap_mask, uint32_t cap_mask2) { uint32_t val; uint64_t val64; mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_PORT_SELECT_F, &val); perf_count_ext.portselect = val; mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_COUNTER_SELECT_F, &val); perf_count_ext.counterselect = val; mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_XMT_BYTES_F, &val64); aggregate_64bit(&perf_count_ext.portxmitdata, val64); mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_RCV_BYTES_F, &val64); aggregate_64bit(&perf_count_ext.portrcvdata, val64); mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_XMT_PKTS_F, &val64); aggregate_64bit(&perf_count_ext.portxmitpkts, val64); mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_RCV_PKTS_F, &val64); aggregate_64bit(&perf_count_ext.portrcvpkts, val64); if (cap_mask & IB_PM_EXT_WIDTH_SUPPORTED) { mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_XMT_UPKTS_F, &val64); aggregate_64bit(&perf_count_ext.portunicastxmitpkts, val64); mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_RCV_UPKTS_F, &val64); aggregate_64bit(&perf_count_ext.portunicastrcvpkts, val64); mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_XMT_MPKTS_F, &val64); aggregate_64bit(&perf_count_ext.portmulticastxmitpkits, val64); mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_RCV_MPKTS_F, &val64); aggregate_64bit(&perf_count_ext.portmulticastrcvpkts, val64); } if (htonl(cap_mask2) & IB_PM_IS_ADDL_PORT_CTRS_EXT_SUP) { mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_COUNTER_SELECT2_F, &val); perf_count_ext.counterSelect2 = val; mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_ERR_SYM_F, &val64); aggregate_64bit(&perf_count_ext.symbolErrorCounter, val64); mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_LINK_RECOVERS_F, &val64); aggregate_64bit(&perf_count_ext.linkErrorRecoveryCounter, val64); mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_LINK_DOWNED_F, &val64); aggregate_64bit(&perf_count_ext.linkDownedCounter, val64); mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_ERR_RCV_F, &val64); aggregate_64bit(&perf_count_ext.portRcvErrors, val64); mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_ERR_PHYSRCV_F, &val64); aggregate_64bit(&perf_count_ext.portRcvRemotePhysicalErrors, val64); mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_ERR_SWITCH_REL_F, &val64); aggregate_64bit(&perf_count_ext.portRcvSwitchRelayErrors, val64); mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_XMT_DISCARDS_F, &val64); aggregate_64bit(&perf_count_ext.portXmitDiscards, val64); mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_ERR_XMTCONSTR_F, &val64); aggregate_64bit(&perf_count_ext.portXmitConstraintErrors, val64); mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_ERR_RCVCONSTR_F, &val64); aggregate_64bit(&perf_count_ext.portRcvConstraintErrors, val64); mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_ERR_LOCALINTEG_F, &val64); aggregate_64bit(&perf_count_ext.localLinkIntegrityErrors, val64); mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_ERR_EXCESS_OVR_F, &val64); aggregate_64bit(&perf_count_ext.excessiveBufferOverrunErrors, val64); mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_VL15_DROPPED_F, &val64); aggregate_64bit(&perf_count_ext.VL15Dropped, val64); mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_XMT_WAIT_F, &val64); aggregate_64bit(&perf_count_ext.portXmitWait, val64); mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_QP1_DROP_F, &val64); aggregate_64bit(&perf_count_ext.QP1Dropped, val64); } } static void output_aggregate_perfcounters_ext(ib_portid_t * portid, __be16 cap_mask, uint32_t cap_mask2) { char buf[1536]; uint32_t val = ALL_PORTS; memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); /* set port_select to 255 to emulate AllPortSelect */ mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_PORT_SELECT_F, &val); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_COUNTER_SELECT_F, &perf_count_ext.counterselect); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_XMT_BYTES_F, &perf_count_ext.portxmitdata); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_RCV_BYTES_F, &perf_count_ext.portrcvdata); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_XMT_PKTS_F, &perf_count_ext.portxmitpkts); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_RCV_PKTS_F, &perf_count_ext.portrcvpkts); if (cap_mask & IB_PM_EXT_WIDTH_SUPPORTED) { mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_XMT_UPKTS_F, &perf_count_ext.portunicastxmitpkts); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_RCV_UPKTS_F, &perf_count_ext.portunicastrcvpkts); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_XMT_MPKTS_F, &perf_count_ext.portmulticastxmitpkits); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_RCV_MPKTS_F, &perf_count_ext.portmulticastrcvpkts); } if (htonl(cap_mask2) & IB_PM_IS_ADDL_PORT_CTRS_EXT_SUP) { mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_COUNTER_SELECT2_F, &perf_count_ext.counterSelect2); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_ERR_SYM_F, &perf_count_ext.symbolErrorCounter); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_LINK_RECOVERS_F, &perf_count_ext.linkErrorRecoveryCounter); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_LINK_DOWNED_F, &perf_count_ext.linkDownedCounter); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_ERR_RCV_F, &perf_count_ext.portRcvErrors); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_ERR_PHYSRCV_F, &perf_count_ext.portRcvRemotePhysicalErrors); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_ERR_SWITCH_REL_F, &perf_count_ext.portRcvSwitchRelayErrors); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_XMT_DISCARDS_F, &perf_count_ext.portXmitDiscards); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_ERR_XMTCONSTR_F, &perf_count_ext.portXmitConstraintErrors); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_ERR_RCVCONSTR_F, &perf_count_ext.portRcvConstraintErrors); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_ERR_LOCALINTEG_F, &perf_count_ext.localLinkIntegrityErrors); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_ERR_EXCESS_OVR_F, &perf_count_ext.excessiveBufferOverrunErrors); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_VL15_DROPPED_F, &perf_count_ext.VL15Dropped); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_XMT_WAIT_F, &perf_count_ext.portXmitWait); mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_EXT_QP1_DROP_F, &perf_count_ext.QP1Dropped); } mad_dump_perfcounters_ext(buf, sizeof buf, pc, sizeof pc); printf("# Port extended counters: %s port %d (CapMask: 0x%02X CapMask2: 0x%07X)\n%s", portid2str(portid), ALL_PORTS, ntohs(cap_mask), cap_mask2, buf); } static void dump_perfcounters(int extended, int timeout, __be16 cap_mask, uint32_t cap_mask2, ib_portid_t * portid, int port, int aggregate) { char buf[1536]; if (extended != 1) { memset(pc, 0, sizeof(pc)); if (!pma_query_via(pc, portid, port, timeout, IB_GSI_PORT_COUNTERS, srcport)) IBEXIT("perfquery"); if (!(cap_mask & IB_PM_PC_XMIT_WAIT_SUP)) { /* if PortCounters:PortXmitWait not supported clear this counter */ VERBOSE("PortXmitWait not indicated" " so ignore this counter"); perf_count.xmtwait = 0; mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_XMT_WAIT_F, &perf_count.xmtwait); } if (aggregate) aggregate_perfcounters(); else mad_dump_perfcounters(buf, sizeof buf, pc, sizeof pc); } else { /* 1.2 errata: bit 9 is extended counter support * bit 10 is extended counter NoIETF */ if (!(cap_mask & IB_PM_EXT_WIDTH_SUPPORTED) && !(cap_mask & IB_PM_EXT_WIDTH_NOIETF_SUP)) IBWARN ("PerfMgt ClassPortInfo CapMask 0x%02X; No extended counter support indicated\n", ntohs(cap_mask)); memset(pc, 0, sizeof(pc)); if (!pma_query_via(pc, portid, port, timeout, IB_GSI_PORT_COUNTERS_EXT, srcport)) IBEXIT("perfextquery"); if (aggregate) aggregate_perfcounters_ext(cap_mask, cap_mask2); else mad_dump_perfcounters_ext(buf, sizeof buf, pc, sizeof pc); } if (!aggregate) { if (extended) printf("# Port extended counters: %s port %d " "(CapMask: 0x%02X CapMask2: 0x%07X)\n%s", portid2str(portid), port, ntohs(cap_mask), cap_mask2, buf); else printf("# Port counters: %s port %d " "(CapMask: 0x%02X)\n%s", portid2str(portid), port, ntohs(cap_mask), buf); } } static void reset_counters(int extended, int timeout, int mask, ib_portid_t * portid, int port) { memset(pc, 0, sizeof(pc)); if (extended != 1) { if (!performance_reset_via(pc, portid, port, mask, timeout, IB_GSI_PORT_COUNTERS, srcport)) IBEXIT("perf reset"); } else { if (!performance_reset_via(pc, portid, port, mask, timeout, IB_GSI_PORT_COUNTERS_EXT, srcport)) IBEXIT("perf ext reset"); } } static struct { int reset, reset_only, all_ports, loop_ports, port, extended, xmt_sl, rcv_sl, xmt_disc, rcv_err, extended_speeds, smpl_ctl, oprcvcounters, flowctlcounters, vloppackets, vlopdata, vlxmitflowctlerrors, vlxmitcounters, swportvlcong, rcvcc, slrcvfecn, slrcvbecn, xmitcc, vlxmittimecc; int ports[MAX_PORTS]; int ports_count; } info; static void common_func(ib_portid_t * portid, int port_num, int mask, unsigned query, unsigned reset, const char *name, uint16_t attr, void dump_func(char *, int, void *, int)) { char buf[1536]; if (query) { memset(pc, 0, sizeof(pc)); if (!pma_query_via(pc, portid, port_num, ibd_timeout, attr, srcport)) IBEXIT("cannot query %s", name); dump_func(buf, sizeof(buf), pc, sizeof(pc)); printf("# %s counters: %s port %d\n%s", name, portid2str(portid), port_num, buf); } memset(pc, 0, sizeof(pc)); if (reset && !performance_reset_via(pc, portid, info.port, mask, ibd_timeout, attr, srcport)) IBEXIT("cannot reset %s", name); } static void xmt_sl_query(ib_portid_t * portid, int port, int mask) { common_func(portid, port, mask, !info.reset_only, (info.reset_only || info.reset), "PortXmitDataSL", IB_GSI_PORT_XMIT_DATA_SL, mad_dump_perfcounters_xmt_sl); } static void rcv_sl_query(ib_portid_t * portid, int port, int mask) { common_func(portid, port, mask, !info.reset_only, (info.reset_only || info.reset), "PortRcvDataSL", IB_GSI_PORT_RCV_DATA_SL, mad_dump_perfcounters_rcv_sl); } static void xmt_disc_query(ib_portid_t * portid, int port, int mask) { common_func(portid, port, mask, !info.reset_only, (info.reset_only || info.reset), "PortXmitDiscardDetails", IB_GSI_PORT_XMIT_DISCARD_DETAILS, mad_dump_perfcounters_xmt_disc); } static void rcv_err_query(ib_portid_t * portid, int port, int mask) { common_func(portid, port, mask, !info.reset_only, (info.reset_only || info.reset), "PortRcvErrorDetails", IB_GSI_PORT_RCV_ERROR_DETAILS, mad_dump_perfcounters_rcv_err); } static uint8_t *ext_speeds_reset_via(void *rcvbuf, ib_portid_t * dest, int port, uint64_t mask, unsigned timeout) { ib_rpc_t rpc = { 0 }; int lid = dest->lid; DEBUG("lid %u port %d mask 0x%" PRIx64, lid, port, mask); if (lid == -1) { IBWARN("only lid routed is supported"); return NULL; } if (!mask) mask = ~0; rpc.mgtclass = IB_PERFORMANCE_CLASS; rpc.method = IB_MAD_METHOD_SET; rpc.attr.id = IB_GSI_PORT_EXT_SPEEDS_COUNTERS; memset(rcvbuf, 0, IB_MAD_SIZE); mad_set_field(rcvbuf, 0, IB_PESC_PORT_SELECT_F, port); mad_set_field64(rcvbuf, 0, IB_PESC_COUNTER_SELECT_F, mask); rpc.attr.mod = 0; rpc.timeout = timeout; rpc.datasz = IB_PC_DATA_SZ; rpc.dataoffs = IB_PC_DATA_OFFS; if (!dest->qp) dest->qp = 1; if (!dest->qkey) dest->qkey = IB_DEFAULT_QP1_QKEY; return mad_rpc(srcport, &rpc, dest, rcvbuf, rcvbuf); } static uint8_t is_rsfec_mode_active(ib_portid_t * portid, int port, __be16 cap_mask) { uint8_t data[IB_SMP_DATA_SIZE] = { 0 }; uint32_t fec_mode_active = 0; uint32_t pie_capmask = 0; if (cap_mask & IS_PM_RSFEC_COUNTERS_SUP) { if (!is_port_info_extended_supported(portid, port, srcport)) { IBWARN("Port Info Extended not supported"); return 0; } if (!smp_query_via(data, portid, IB_ATTR_PORT_INFO_EXT, port, 0, srcport)) IBEXIT("smp query portinfo extended failed"); mad_decode_field(data, IB_PORT_EXT_CAPMASK_F, &pie_capmask); mad_decode_field(data, IB_PORT_EXT_FEC_MODE_ACTIVE_F, &fec_mode_active); if((pie_capmask & be32toh(IB_PORT_EXT_CAP_IS_FEC_MODE_SUPPORTED)) && ((be16toh(IB_PORT_EXT_RS_FEC_MODE_ACTIVE) == (fec_mode_active & 0xffff)) || (be16toh(IB_PORT_EXT_RS_FEC2_MODE_ACTIVE) == (fec_mode_active & 0xffff)))) return 1; } return 0; } static void extended_speeds_query(ib_portid_t * portid, int port, uint64_t ext_mask, __be16 cap_mask) { int mask = ext_mask; if (!info.reset_only) { if (is_rsfec_mode_active(portid, port, cap_mask)) common_func(portid, port, mask, 1, 0, "PortExtendedSpeedsCounters with RS-FEC Active", IB_GSI_PORT_EXT_SPEEDS_COUNTERS, mad_dump_port_ext_speeds_counters_rsfec_active); else common_func(portid, port, mask, 1, 0, "PortExtendedSpeedsCounters", IB_GSI_PORT_EXT_SPEEDS_COUNTERS, mad_dump_port_ext_speeds_counters); } if ((info.reset_only || info.reset) && !ext_speeds_reset_via(pc, portid, port, ext_mask, ibd_timeout)) IBEXIT("cannot reset PortExtendedSpeedsCounters"); } static void oprcvcounters_query(ib_portid_t * portid, int port, int mask) { common_func(portid, port, mask, !info.reset_only, (info.reset_only || info.reset), "PortOpRcvCounters", IB_GSI_PORT_PORT_OP_RCV_COUNTERS, mad_dump_perfcounters_port_op_rcv_counters); } static void flowctlcounters_query(ib_portid_t * portid, int port, int mask) { common_func(portid, port, mask, !info.reset_only, (info.reset_only || info.reset), "PortFlowCtlCounters", IB_GSI_PORT_PORT_FLOW_CTL_COUNTERS, mad_dump_perfcounters_port_flow_ctl_counters); } static void vloppackets_query(ib_portid_t * portid, int port, int mask) { common_func(portid, port, mask, !info.reset_only, (info.reset_only || info.reset), "PortVLOpPackets", IB_GSI_PORT_PORT_VL_OP_PACKETS, mad_dump_perfcounters_port_vl_op_packet); } static void vlopdata_query(ib_portid_t * portid, int port, int mask) { common_func(portid, port, mask, !info.reset_only, (info.reset_only || info.reset), "PortVLOpData", IB_GSI_PORT_PORT_VL_OP_DATA, mad_dump_perfcounters_port_vl_op_data); } static void vlxmitflowctlerrors_query(ib_portid_t * portid, int port, int mask) { common_func(portid, port, mask, !info.reset_only, (info.reset_only || info.reset), "PortVLXmitFlowCtlUpdateErrors", IB_GSI_PORT_PORT_VL_XMIT_FLOW_CTL_UPDATE_ERRORS, mad_dump_perfcounters_port_vl_xmit_flow_ctl_update_errors); } static void vlxmitcounters_query(ib_portid_t * portid, int port, int mask) { common_func(portid, port, mask, !info.reset_only, (info.reset_only || info.reset), "PortVLXmitWaitCounters", IB_GSI_PORT_PORT_VL_XMIT_WAIT_COUNTERS, mad_dump_perfcounters_port_vl_xmit_wait_counters); } static void swportvlcong_query(ib_portid_t * portid, int port, int mask) { common_func(portid, port, mask, !info.reset_only, (info.reset_only || info.reset), "SwPortVLCongestion", IB_GSI_SW_PORT_VL_CONGESTION, mad_dump_perfcounters_sw_port_vl_congestion); } static void rcvcc_query(ib_portid_t * portid, int port, int mask) { common_func(portid, port, mask, !info.reset_only, (info.reset_only || info.reset), "PortRcvConCtrl", IB_GSI_PORT_RCV_CON_CTRL, mad_dump_perfcounters_rcv_con_ctrl); } static void slrcvfecn_query(ib_portid_t * portid, int port, int mask) { common_func(portid, port, mask, !info.reset_only, (info.reset_only || info.reset), "PortSLRcvFECN", IB_GSI_PORT_SL_RCV_FECN, mad_dump_perfcounters_sl_rcv_fecn); } static void slrcvbecn_query(ib_portid_t * portid, int port, int mask) { common_func(portid, port, mask, !info.reset_only, (info.reset_only || info.reset), "PortSLRcvBECN", IB_GSI_PORT_SL_RCV_BECN, mad_dump_perfcounters_sl_rcv_becn); } static void xmitcc_query(ib_portid_t * portid, int port, int mask) { common_func(portid, port, mask, !info.reset_only, (info.reset_only || info.reset), "PortXmitConCtrl", IB_GSI_PORT_XMIT_CON_CTRL, mad_dump_perfcounters_xmit_con_ctrl); } static void vlxmittimecc_query(ib_portid_t * portid, int port, int mask) { common_func(portid, port, mask, !info.reset_only, (info.reset_only || info.reset), "PortVLXmitTimeCong", IB_GSI_PORT_VL_XMIT_TIME_CONG, mad_dump_perfcounters_vl_xmit_time_cong); } static void dump_portsamples_control(ib_portid_t *portid, int port) { char buf[1280]; memset(pc, 0, sizeof(pc)); if (!pma_query_via(pc, portid, port, ibd_timeout, IB_GSI_PORT_SAMPLES_CONTROL, srcport)) IBEXIT("sampctlquery"); mad_dump_portsamples_control(buf, sizeof buf, pc, sizeof pc); printf("# PortSamplesControl: %s port %d\n%s", portid2str(portid), port, buf); } static int process_opt(void *context, int ch) { switch (ch) { case 'x': info.extended = 1; break; case 'X': info.xmt_sl = 1; break; case 'S': info.rcv_sl = 1; break; case 'D': info.xmt_disc = 1; break; case 'E': info.rcv_err = 1; break; case 'T': info.extended_speeds = 1; break; case 'c': info.smpl_ctl = 1; break; case 1: info.oprcvcounters = 1; break; case 2: info.flowctlcounters = 1; break; case 3: info.vloppackets = 1; break; case 4: info.vlopdata = 1; break; case 5: info.vlxmitflowctlerrors = 1; break; case 6: info.vlxmitcounters = 1; break; case 7: info.swportvlcong = 1; break; case 8: info.rcvcc = 1; break; case 9: info.slrcvfecn = 1; break; case 10: info.slrcvbecn = 1; break; case 11: info.xmitcc = 1; break; case 12: info.vlxmittimecc = 1; break; case 'a': info.all_ports++; info.port = ALL_PORTS; break; case 'l': info.loop_ports++; break; case 'r': info.reset++; break; case 'R': info.reset_only++; break; default: return -1; } return 0; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int mgmt_classes[3] = { IB_SMI_CLASS, IB_SA_CLASS, IB_PERFORMANCE_CLASS }; ib_portid_t portid = { 0 }; int mask = 0xffff; uint64_t ext_mask = 0xffffffffffffffffULL; __be32 cap_mask2_be; uint32_t cap_mask2; __be16 cap_mask; int all_ports_loop = 0; int node_type, num_ports = 0; uint8_t data[IB_SMP_DATA_SIZE] = { 0 }; int start_port = 1; int enhancedport0; char *tmpstr; int i; const struct ibdiag_opt opts[] = { {"extended", 'x', 0, NULL, "show extended port counters"}, {"xmtsl", 'X', 0, NULL, "show Xmt SL port counters"}, {"rcvsl", 'S', 0, NULL, "show Rcv SL port counters"}, {"xmtdisc", 'D', 0, NULL, "show Xmt Discard Details"}, {"rcverr", 'E', 0, NULL, "show Rcv Error Details"}, {"extended_speeds", 'T', 0, NULL, "show port extended speeds counters"}, {"oprcvcounters", 1, 0, NULL, "show Rcv Counters per Op code"}, {"flowctlcounters", 2, 0, NULL, "show flow control counters"}, {"vloppackets", 3, 0, NULL, "show packets received per Op code per VL"}, {"vlopdata", 4, 0, NULL, "show data received per Op code per VL"}, {"vlxmitflowctlerrors", 5, 0, NULL, "show flow control update errors per VL"}, {"vlxmitcounters", 6, 0, NULL, "show ticks waiting to transmit counters per VL"}, {"swportvlcong", 7, 0, NULL, "show sw port VL congestion"}, {"rcvcc", 8, 0, NULL, "show Rcv congestion control counters"}, {"slrcvfecn", 9, 0, NULL, "show SL Rcv FECN counters"}, {"slrcvbecn", 10, 0, NULL, "show SL Rcv BECN counters"}, {"xmitcc", 11, 0, NULL, "show Xmit congestion control counters"}, {"vlxmittimecc", 12, 0, NULL, "show VL Xmit Time congestion control counters"}, {"smplctl", 'c', 0, NULL, "show samples control"}, {"all_ports", 'a', 0, NULL, "show aggregated counters"}, {"loop_ports", 'l', 0, NULL, "iterate through each port"}, {"reset_after_read", 'r', 0, NULL, "reset counters after read"}, {"Reset_only", 'R', 0, NULL, "only reset counters"}, {} }; char usage_args[] = " [ [[port(s)] [reset_mask]]]"; const char *usage_examples[] = { "\t\t# read local port's performance counters", "32 1\t\t# read performance counters from lid 32, port 1", "-x 32 1\t# read extended performance counters from lid 32, port 1", "-a 32\t\t# read performance counters from lid 32, all ports", "-r 32 1\t# read performance counters and reset", "-x -r 32 1\t# read extended performance counters and reset", "-R 0x20 1\t# reset performance counters of port 1 only", "-x -R 0x20 1\t# reset extended performance counters of port 1 only", "-R -a 32\t# reset performance counters of all ports", "-R 32 2 0x0fff\t# reset only error counters of port 2", "-R 32 2 0xf000\t# reset only non-error counters of port 2", "-a 32 1-10\t# read performance counters from lid 32, port 1-10, aggregate output", "-l 32 1-10\t# read performance counters from lid 32, port 1-10, output each port", "-a 32 1,4,8\t# read performance counters from lid 32, port 1, 4, and 8, aggregate output", "-l 32 1,4,8\t# read performance counters from lid 32, port 1, 4, and 8, output each port", NULL, }; ibdiag_process_opts(argc, argv, NULL, "DK", opts, process_opt, usage_args, usage_examples); argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc > 1) { if (strchr(argv[1], ',')) { tmpstr = strtok(argv[1], ","); while (tmpstr) { info.ports[info.ports_count++] = strtoul(tmpstr, NULL, 0); tmpstr = strtok(NULL, ","); } info.port = info.ports[0]; } else if ((tmpstr = strchr(argv[1], '-'))) { int pmin, pmax; *tmpstr = '\0'; tmpstr++; pmin = strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 0); pmax = strtoul(tmpstr, NULL, 0); if (pmin >= pmax) IBEXIT("max port must be greater than min port in range"); while (pmin <= pmax) info.ports[info.ports_count++] = pmin++; info.port = info.ports[0]; } else info.port = strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 0); } if (argc > 2) { ext_mask = strtoull(argv[2], NULL, 0); mask = ext_mask; } srcport = mad_rpc_open_port(ibd_ca, ibd_ca_port, mgmt_classes, 3); if (!srcport) IBEXIT("Failed to open '%s' port '%d'", ibd_ca, ibd_ca_port); smp_mkey_set(srcport, ibd_mkey); if (argc) { if (resolve_portid_str(ibd_ca, ibd_ca_port, &portid, argv[0], ibd_dest_type, ibd_sm_id, srcport) < 0) IBEXIT("can't resolve destination port %s", argv[0]); } else { if (resolve_self(ibd_ca, ibd_ca_port, &portid, &info.port, NULL) < 0) IBEXIT("can't resolve self port %s", argv[0]); } /* PerfMgt ClassPortInfo is a required attribute */ memset(pc, 0, sizeof(pc)); if (!pma_query_via(pc, &portid, info.port, ibd_timeout, CLASS_PORT_INFO, srcport)) IBEXIT("classportinfo query"); /* ClassPortInfo should be supported as part of libibmad */ memcpy(&cap_mask, pc + 2, sizeof(cap_mask)); /* CapabilityMask */ memcpy(&cap_mask2_be, pc + 4, sizeof(cap_mask2_be)); /* CapabilityMask2 */ cap_mask2 = ntohl(cap_mask2_be) >> 5; if (!(cap_mask & IB_PM_ALL_PORT_SELECT)) { /* bit 8 is AllPortSelect */ if (!info.all_ports && info.port == ALL_PORTS) IBEXIT("AllPortSelect not supported"); if (info.all_ports && info.port == ALL_PORTS) all_ports_loop = 1; } if (info.xmt_sl) { xmt_sl_query(&portid, info.port, mask); goto done; } if (info.rcv_sl) { rcv_sl_query(&portid, info.port, mask); goto done; } if (info.xmt_disc) { xmt_disc_query(&portid, info.port, mask); goto done; } if (info.rcv_err) { rcv_err_query(&portid, info.port, mask); goto done; } if (info.extended_speeds) { extended_speeds_query(&portid, info.port, ext_mask, cap_mask); goto done; } if (info.oprcvcounters) { oprcvcounters_query(&portid, info.port, mask); goto done; } if (info.flowctlcounters) { flowctlcounters_query(&portid, info.port, mask); goto done; } if (info.vloppackets) { vloppackets_query(&portid, info.port, mask); goto done; } if (info.vlopdata) { vlopdata_query(&portid, info.port, mask); goto done; } if (info.vlxmitflowctlerrors) { vlxmitflowctlerrors_query(&portid, info.port, mask); goto done; } if (info.vlxmitcounters) { vlxmitcounters_query(&portid, info.port, mask); goto done; } if (info.swportvlcong) { swportvlcong_query(&portid, info.port, mask); goto done; } if (info.rcvcc) { rcvcc_query(&portid, info.port, mask); goto done; } if (info.slrcvfecn) { slrcvfecn_query(&portid, info.port, mask); goto done; } if (info.slrcvbecn) { slrcvbecn_query(&portid, info.port, mask); goto done; } if (info.xmitcc) { xmitcc_query(&portid, info.port, mask); goto done; } if (info.vlxmittimecc) { vlxmittimecc_query(&portid, info.port, mask); goto done; } if (info.smpl_ctl) { dump_portsamples_control(&portid, info.port); goto done; } if (all_ports_loop || (info.loop_ports && (info.all_ports || info.port == ALL_PORTS))) { if (!smp_query_via(data, &portid, IB_ATTR_NODE_INFO, 0, 0, srcport)) IBEXIT("smp query nodeinfo failed"); node_type = mad_get_field(data, 0, IB_NODE_TYPE_F); mad_decode_field(data, IB_NODE_NPORTS_F, &num_ports); if (!num_ports) IBEXIT("smp query nodeinfo: num ports invalid"); if (node_type == IB_NODE_SWITCH) { if (!smp_query_via(data, &portid, IB_ATTR_SWITCH_INFO, 0, 0, srcport)) IBEXIT("smp query nodeinfo failed"); enhancedport0 = mad_get_field(data, 0, IB_SW_ENHANCED_PORT0_F); if (enhancedport0) start_port = 0; } if (all_ports_loop && !info.loop_ports) IBWARN ("Emulating AllPortSelect by iterating through all ports"); } if (info.reset_only) goto do_reset; if (all_ports_loop || (info.loop_ports && (info.all_ports || info.port == ALL_PORTS))) { for (i = start_port; i <= num_ports; i++) dump_perfcounters(info.extended, ibd_timeout, cap_mask, cap_mask2, &portid, i, (all_ports_loop && !info.loop_ports)); if (all_ports_loop && !info.loop_ports) { if (info.extended != 1) output_aggregate_perfcounters(&portid, cap_mask); else output_aggregate_perfcounters_ext(&portid, cap_mask, cap_mask2); } } else if (info.ports_count > 1) { for (i = 0; i < info.ports_count; i++) dump_perfcounters(info.extended, ibd_timeout, cap_mask, cap_mask2, &portid, info.ports[i], (info.all_ports && !info.loop_ports)); if (info.all_ports && !info.loop_ports) { if (info.extended != 1) output_aggregate_perfcounters(&portid, cap_mask); else output_aggregate_perfcounters_ext(&portid, cap_mask, cap_mask2); } } else dump_perfcounters(info.extended, ibd_timeout, cap_mask, cap_mask2, &portid, info.port, 0); if (!info.reset) goto done; do_reset: if (argc <= 2 && !info.extended) { if (cap_mask & IB_PM_PC_XMIT_WAIT_SUP) mask |= (1 << 16); /* reset portxmitwait */ if (cap_mask & IB_PM_IS_QP1_DROP_SUP) mask |= (1 << 17); /* reset qp1dropped */ } if (info.extended) { mask |= 0xfff0000; if (cap_mask & IB_PM_PC_XMIT_WAIT_SUP) mask |= (1 << 28); if (cap_mask & IB_PM_IS_QP1_DROP_SUP) mask |= (1 << 29); } if (all_ports_loop || (info.loop_ports && (info.all_ports || info.port == ALL_PORTS))) { for (i = start_port; i <= num_ports; i++) reset_counters(info.extended, ibd_timeout, mask, &portid, i); } else if (info.ports_count > 1) { for (i = 0; i < info.ports_count; i++) reset_counters(info.extended, ibd_timeout, mask, &portid, info.ports[i]); } else reset_counters(info.extended, ibd_timeout, mask, &portid, info.port); done: mad_rpc_close_port(srcport); exit(0); }