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query InfiniBand subnet administration attributes

:Manual section: 8
:Manual group: Open IB Diagnostics


saquery [options] [<name> | <lid> | <guid>]


saquery issues the selected SA query. Node records are queried by default.


        get PathRecord info

        get NodeRecord info

**-D, --list**
        get NodeDescriptions of CAs only

        get ServiceRecord info

        get InformInfoRecord (subscription) info

        return the Lids of the name specified

        return the unique Lid of the name specified

        return the Guids of the name specified

        return the name for the Lid specified

        return the name for the Guid specified

        get the SA's class port info

        return the PortInfoRecords with isSM or isSMdisabled capability mask bit on

        get multicast group info

        get multicast member info.  If a group is specified, limit the output
        to the group specified and print one line containing only the GUID and
        node description for each entry. Example: saquery -m 0xc000

        get LinkRecord info

**--src-to-dst <src:dst>**
        get a PathRecord for <src:dst>
        where src and dst are either node names or LIDs

**--sgid-to-dgid <sgid:dgid>**
        get a PathRecord for **sgid** to **dgid**
        where both GIDs are in an IPv6 format acceptable to **inet_pton (3)**

**--smkey <val>**
        use SM_Key value for the query. Will be used only with "trusted"
        queries.  If non-numeric value (like 'x') is specified then saquery
	will prompt for a value.
	Default (when not specified here or in
	@IBDIAG_CONFIG_PATH@/ibdiag.conf) is to use SM_Key == 0 (or

.. include:: common/opt_K.rst

**--slid <lid>** Source LID (PathRecord)

**--dlid <lid>** Destination LID (PathRecord)

**--mlid <lid>** Multicast LID (MCMemberRecord)

**--sgid <gid>** Source GID (IPv6 format) (PathRecord)

**--dgid <gid>** Destination GID (IPv6 format) (PathRecord)

**--gid <gid>** Port GID (MCMemberRecord)

**--mgid <gid>** Multicast GID (MCMemberRecord)

**--reversible** Reversible path (PathRecord)

**--numb_path** Number of paths (PathRecord)

**--pkey** P_Key (PathRecord, MCMemberRecord). If non-numeric value (like 'x')
        is specified then saquery will prompt for a value

**--qos_class** QoS Class (PathRecord)

**--sl** Service level (PathRecord, MCMemberRecord)

**--mtu** MTU and selector (PathRecord, MCMemberRecord)

**--rate** Rate and selector (PathRecord, MCMemberRecord)

**--pkt_lifetime** Packet lifetime and selector (PathRecord, MCMemberRecord)

**--qkey** Q_Key (MCMemberRecord). If non-numeric value (like 'x') is specified
        then saquery will prompt for a value

**--tclass** Traffic Class (PathRecord, MCMemberRecord)

**--flow_label** Flow Label (PathRecord, MCMemberRecord)

**--hop_limit** Hop limit (PathRecord, MCMemberRecord)

**--scope** Scope (MCMemberRecord)

**--join_state** Join state (MCMemberRecord)

**--proxy_join** Proxy join (MCMemberRecord)

**--service_id** ServiceID (PathRecord)

Supported query names (and aliases):


        ClassPortInfo (CPI)
        NodeRecord (NR) [lid]
        PortInfoRecord (PIR) [[lid]/[port]/[options]]
        SL2VLTableRecord (SL2VL) [[lid]/[in_port]/[out_port]]
        PKeyTableRecord (PKTR) [[lid]/[port]/[block]]
        VLArbitrationTableRecord (VLAR) [[lid]/[port]/[block]]
        InformInfoRecord (IIR)
        LinkRecord (LR) [[from_lid]/[from_port]] [[to_lid]/[to_port]]
        ServiceRecord (SR)
        PathRecord (PR)
        MCMemberRecord (MCMR)
        LFTRecord (LFTR) [[lid]/[block]]
        MFTRecord (MFTR) [[mlid]/[position]/[block]]
        GUIDInfoRecord (GIR) [[lid]/[block]]
        SwitchInfoRecord (SWIR) [lid]
        SMInfoRecord (SMIR) [lid]

Port Selection flags

.. include:: common/opt_C.rst
.. include:: common/opt_P.rst
.. include:: common/sec_portselection.rst

Debugging flags

.. include:: common/opt_d.rst
.. include:: common/opt_e.rst
.. include:: common/opt_h.rst
.. include:: common/opt_v.rst
.. include:: common/opt_V.rst

Configuration flags

.. include:: common/opt_t.rst
.. include:: common/opt_o-outstanding_smps.rst
.. include:: common/opt_node_name_map.rst
.. include:: common/opt_z-config.rst


.. include:: common/sec_config-file.rst

.. include:: common/sec_node-name-map.rst


OpenSM (or other running SM/SA), libosmcomp, libibumad, libibmad


Ira Weiny
        < >

Hal Rosenstock
        < >