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Diagnostics for InfiniBand Fabrics

:Manual section: 8
:Manual group: Open IB Diagnostics


infiniband-diags is a set of utilities designed to help configure, debug, and
maintain infiniband fabrics.  Many tools and utilities are provided.  Some with
similar functionality.

The base utilities use directed route MAD's to perform their operations.  They
may therefore work even in unconfigured subnets.  Other, higher level
utilities, require LID routed MAD's and to some extent SA/SM access.


Many of the tools in this package rely on the use of SMPs via QP0 to acquire
data directly from the SMA.  While this mode of operation is not technically in
compliance with the InfiniBand specification, practical experience has found
that this level of diagnostics is valuable when working with a fabric which is
broken or only partially configured.  For this reason many of these tools may
require the use of an MKey or operation from Virtual Machines may be restricted
for security reasons.


Most OpenIB diagnostics take some of the following common flags. The exact list
of supported flags per utility can be found in the documentation for those

Addressing Flags

The -D and -G option have two forms:

.. include:: common/opt_D.rst
.. include:: common/opt_D_with_param.rst
.. include:: common/opt_G.rst
.. include:: common/opt_G_with_param.rst

.. include:: common/opt_L.rst
.. include:: common/opt_s.rst

Port Selection flags

.. include:: common/opt_C.rst
.. include:: common/opt_P.rst
.. include:: common/sec_portselection.rst

Debugging flags

.. include:: common/opt_d.rst
.. include:: common/opt_e.rst
.. include:: common/opt_h.rst
.. include:: common/opt_v.rst
.. include:: common/opt_V.rst

Configuration flags

.. include:: common/opt_t.rst
.. include:: common/opt_o-outstanding_smps.rst
.. include:: common/opt_node_name_map.rst
.. include:: common/opt_z-config.rst


The following config files are common amongst many of the utilities.

.. include:: common/sec_config-file.rst

.. include:: common/sec_node-name-map.rst
.. include:: common/sec_topology-file.rst

Utilities list

Basic fabric conectivity

	See: ibnetdiscover, iblinkinfo

Node information

	See: ibnodes, ibswitches, ibhosts, ibrouters

Port information

	See: ibportstate, ibaddr

Switch Forwarding Table info

	See: ibtracert, ibroute, dump_lfts, dump_mfts, check_lft_balance, ibfindnodesusing

Performance counters

	See: ibqueryerrors, perfquery

Local HCA info

	See: ibstat, ibstatus

Connectivity check

	See: ibping, ibsysstat

Low level query tools

	See: smpquery, smpdump, saquery, sminfo

Fabric verification tools

        See: ibidsverify

Backwards compatibility scripts

The following scripts have been identified as redundant and/or lower performing
as compared to the above scripts.  They are provided as legacy scripts when
--enable-compat-utils is specified at build time.

ibcheckerrors, ibclearcounters, ibclearerrors, ibdatacounters
ibchecknet, ibchecknode, ibcheckport, ibcheckportstate,
ibcheckportwidth, ibcheckstate, ibcheckwidth, ibswportwatch,
ibprintca, ibprintrt, ibprintswitch, set_nodedesc.sh


Ira Weiny
        < ira.weiny@intel.com >