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trace InfiniBand path

:Manual section: 8
:Manual group: Open IB Diagnostics


ibtracert [options] [<lid|guid> [<startlid> [<endlid>]]]


ibtracert uses SMPs to trace the path from a source GID/LID to a
destination GID/LID. Each hop along the path is displayed until
the destination is reached or a hop does not respond. By using
the -m option, multicast path tracing can be performed between source
and destination nodes.


**-n, --no_info**
        simple format; don't show additional information

        show the multicast trace of the specified mlid

**-f, --force**
        force route to destination port

Addressing Flags

.. include:: common/opt_G.rst
.. include:: common/opt_L.rst
.. include:: common/opt_s.rst
.. include:: common/opt_ports-file.rst

Port Selection flags

.. include:: common/opt_C.rst
.. include:: common/opt_P.rst
.. include:: common/sec_portselection.rst

Debugging flags

.. include:: common/opt_d.rst
.. include:: common/opt_e.rst
.. include:: common/opt_h.rst
.. include:: common/opt_v.rst
.. include:: common/opt_V.rst

Configuration flags

.. include:: common/opt_t.rst
.. include:: common/opt_node_name_map.rst
.. include:: common/opt_y.rst
.. include:: common/opt_z-config.rst


.. include:: common/sec_config-file.rst
.. include:: common/sec_node-name-map.rst
.. include:: common/sec_ports-file.rst


Unicast examples

        ibtracert 4 16                                  # show path between lids 4 and 16
        ibtracert -n 4 16                               # same, but using simple output format
        ibtracert -G 0x8f1040396522d 0x002c9000100d051  # use guid addresses

Multicast example

        ibtracert -m 0xc000 4 16    # show multicast path of mlid 0xc000 between lids 4 and 16

ibroute (8)


Hal Rosenstock

Ira Weiny
        < ira.weiny@intel.com >