Blame src/imaevm.h

Packit c6d22b
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 * ima-evm-utils - IMA/EVM support utilities
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 * Copyright (C) 2011 Nokia Corporation
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 * Copyright (C) 2011,2012,2013 Intel Corporation
Packit c6d22b
 * Copyright (C) 2013,2014 Samsung Electronics
Packit c6d22b
Packit c6d22b
 * Authors:
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 * Dmitry Kasatkin <>
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 *                 <>
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 *                 <>
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 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
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 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
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 * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
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 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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 * GNU General Public License for more details.
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
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 * As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the
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 * code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under certain
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 * conditions as described in each individual source file and distribute
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 * linked combinations including the program with the OpenSSL library. You
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 * must comply with the GNU General Public License in all respects
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 * for all of the code used other than as permitted herein. If you modify
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 * file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your
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 * version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not
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 * wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. If you
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 * delete this exception statement from all source files in the program,
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 * then also delete it in the license file.
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 * File: imaevm.h
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 *	 IMA/EVM header file
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#ifndef _LIBIMAEVM_H
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#define _LIBIMAEVM_H
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#include <linux/fs.h>
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#include <stdint.h>
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#include <syslog.h>
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#include <stdbool.h>
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#include <errno.h>
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#include <openssl/rsa.h>
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#define do_log(level, fmt, args...)	({ if (level <= params.verbose) fprintf(stderr, fmt, ##args); })
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#define do_log_dump(level, p, len, cr)	({ if (level <= params.verbose) do_dump(stderr, p, len, cr); })
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#define do_log(level, fmt, args...)	syslog(level, fmt, ##args)
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#define do_log_dump(level, p, len, cr)
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#ifdef DEBUG
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#define log_debug(fmt, args...)		do_log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s:%d " fmt, __func__ , __LINE__ , ##args)
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#define log_debug_dump(p, len)		do_log_dump(LOG_DEBUG, p, len, true)
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#define log_debug_dump_n(p, len)	do_log_dump(LOG_DEBUG, p, len, false)
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#define log_debug(fmt, args...)
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#define log_debug_dump(p, len)
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#define log_dump(p, len)		do_log_dump(LOG_INFO, p, len, true)
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#define log_dump_n(p, len)		do_log_dump(LOG_INFO, p, len, false)
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#define log_info(fmt, args...)		do_log(LOG_INFO, fmt, ##args)
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#define log_err(fmt, args...)		do_log(LOG_ERR, fmt, ##args)
Packit c6d22b
#define log_errno(fmt, args...)		do_log(LOG_ERR, fmt ": errno: %s (%d)\n", ##args, strerror(errno), errno)
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#define	DATA_SIZE	4096
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#define SHA1_HASH_LEN   20
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#define __packed __attribute__((packed))
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enum evm_ima_xattr_type {
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struct h_misc {
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	unsigned long ino;
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	uint32_t generation;
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	uid_t uid;
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	gid_t gid;
Packit c6d22b
	unsigned short mode;
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struct h_misc_32 {
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	uint32_t ino;
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	uint32_t generation;
Packit c6d22b
	uid_t uid;
Packit c6d22b
	gid_t gid;
Packit c6d22b
	unsigned short mode;
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struct h_misc_64 {
Packit c6d22b
	uint64_t ino;
Packit c6d22b
	uint32_t generation;
Packit c6d22b
	uid_t uid;
Packit c6d22b
	gid_t gid;
Packit c6d22b
	unsigned short mode;
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Packit c6d22b
struct h_misc_digsig {
Packit c6d22b
	uid_t uid;
Packit c6d22b
	gid_t gid;
Packit c6d22b
	unsigned short mode;
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enum pubkey_algo {
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enum digest_algo {
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enum digsig_version {
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struct pubkey_hdr {
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	uint8_t version;	/* key format version */
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	uint32_t timestamp;	/* key made, always 0 for now */
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	uint8_t algo;
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	uint8_t nmpi;
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	char mpi[0];
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} __packed;
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struct signature_hdr {
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	uint8_t version;	/* signature format version */
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	uint32_t timestamp;	/* signature made */
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	uint8_t algo;
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	uint8_t hash;
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	uint8_t keyid[8];
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	uint8_t nmpi;
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	char mpi[0];
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} __packed;
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enum pkey_hash_algo {
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 * signature format v2 - for using with asymmetric keys
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struct signature_v2_hdr {
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	uint8_t version;	/* signature format version */
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	uint8_t	hash_algo;	/* Digest algorithm [enum pkey_hash_algo] */
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	uint32_t keyid;		/* IMA key identifier - not X509/PGP specific*/
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	uint16_t sig_size;	/* signature size */
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	uint8_t sig[0];		/* signature payload */
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} __packed;
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typedef int (*verify_hash_fn_t)(const char *file, const unsigned char *hash, int size, unsigned char *sig, int siglen, const char *keyfile);
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struct libevm_params {
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	int verbose;
Packit c6d22b
	int x509;
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	const char *hash_algo;
Packit c6d22b
	const char *keyfile;
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	const char *keypass;
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struct RSA_ASN1_template {
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	const uint8_t *data;
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	size_t size;
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#define	NUM_PCRS 20
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#define DEFAULT_PCR 10
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extern const struct RSA_ASN1_template RSA_ASN1_templates[PKEY_HASH__LAST];
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extern struct libevm_params params;
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void do_dump(FILE *fp, const void *ptr, int len, bool cr);
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void dump(const void *ptr, int len);
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int get_filesize(const char *filename);
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int ima_calc_hash(const char *file, uint8_t *hash);
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int get_hash_algo(const char *algo);
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RSA *read_pub_key(const char *keyfile, int x509);
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void calc_keyid_v1(uint8_t *keyid, char *str, const unsigned char *pkey, int len);
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void calc_keyid_v2(uint32_t *keyid, char *str, RSA *key);
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int key2bin(RSA *key, unsigned char *pub);
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int sign_hash(const char *algo, const unsigned char *hash, int size, const char *keyfile, const char *keypass, unsigned char *sig);
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int verify_hash(const char *file, const unsigned char *hash, int size, unsigned char *sig, int siglen);
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int ima_verify_signature(const char *file, unsigned char *sig, int siglen, unsigned char *digest, int digestlen);
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void init_public_keys(const char *keyfiles);
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