/* This file is generated by glib-mkenums, do not modify it. This code is licensed under the same license as the containing project. Note that it links to GLib, so must comply with the LGPL linking clauses. */ #include "ibus.h" /* enumerations from "ibusattribute.h" */ GType ibus_attr_type_get_type (void) { static GType etype = 0; if (G_UNLIKELY(etype == 0)) { static const GEnumValue values[] = { { IBUS_ATTR_TYPE_UNDERLINE, "IBUS_ATTR_TYPE_UNDERLINE", "underline" }, { IBUS_ATTR_TYPE_FOREGROUND, "IBUS_ATTR_TYPE_FOREGROUND", "foreground" }, { IBUS_ATTR_TYPE_BACKGROUND, "IBUS_ATTR_TYPE_BACKGROUND", "background" }, { 0, NULL, NULL } }; etype = g_enum_register_static (g_intern_static_string ("IBusAttrType"), values); } return etype; } GType ibus_attr_underline_get_type (void) { static GType etype = 0; if (G_UNLIKELY(etype == 0)) { static const GEnumValue values[] = { { IBUS_ATTR_UNDERLINE_NONE, "IBUS_ATTR_UNDERLINE_NONE", "none" }, { IBUS_ATTR_UNDERLINE_SINGLE, "IBUS_ATTR_UNDERLINE_SINGLE", "single" }, { IBUS_ATTR_UNDERLINE_DOUBLE, "IBUS_ATTR_UNDERLINE_DOUBLE", "double" }, { IBUS_ATTR_UNDERLINE_LOW, "IBUS_ATTR_UNDERLINE_LOW", "low" }, { IBUS_ATTR_UNDERLINE_ERROR, "IBUS_ATTR_UNDERLINE_ERROR", "error" }, { 0, NULL, NULL } }; etype = g_enum_register_static (g_intern_static_string ("IBusAttrUnderline"), values); } return etype; } /* enumerations from "ibusobject.h" */ GType ibus_object_flags_get_type (void) { static GType etype = 0; if (G_UNLIKELY(etype == 0)) { static const GFlagsValue values[] = { { IBUS_IN_DESTRUCTION, "IBUS_IN_DESTRUCTION", "in-destruction" }, { IBUS_DESTROYED, "IBUS_DESTROYED", "destroyed" }, { IBUS_RESERVED_1, "IBUS_RESERVED_1", "reserved-1" }, { IBUS_RESERVED_2, "IBUS_RESERVED_2", "reserved-2" }, { 0, NULL, NULL } }; etype = g_flags_register_static (g_intern_static_string ("IBusObjectFlags"), values); } return etype; } /* enumerations from "ibusproperty.h" */ GType ibus_prop_type_get_type (void) { static GType etype = 0; if (G_UNLIKELY(etype == 0)) { static const GEnumValue values[] = { { PROP_TYPE_NORMAL, "PROP_TYPE_NORMAL", "normal" }, { PROP_TYPE_TOGGLE, "PROP_TYPE_TOGGLE", "toggle" }, { PROP_TYPE_RADIO, "PROP_TYPE_RADIO", "radio" }, { PROP_TYPE_MENU, "PROP_TYPE_MENU", "menu" }, { PROP_TYPE_SEPARATOR, "PROP_TYPE_SEPARATOR", "separator" }, { 0, NULL, NULL } }; etype = g_enum_register_static (g_intern_static_string ("IBusPropType"), values); } return etype; } GType ibus_prop_state_get_type (void) { static GType etype = 0; if (G_UNLIKELY(etype == 0)) { static const GEnumValue values[] = { { PROP_STATE_UNCHECKED, "PROP_STATE_UNCHECKED", "unchecked" }, { PROP_STATE_CHECKED, "PROP_STATE_CHECKED", "checked" }, { PROP_STATE_INCONSISTENT, "PROP_STATE_INCONSISTENT", "inconsistent" }, { 0, NULL, NULL } }; etype = g_enum_register_static (g_intern_static_string ("IBusPropState"), values); } return etype; } /* enumerations from "ibustypes.h" */ GType ibus_modifier_type_get_type (void) { static GType etype = 0; if (G_UNLIKELY(etype == 0)) { static const GFlagsValue values[] = { { IBUS_SHIFT_MASK, "IBUS_SHIFT_MASK", "shift-mask" }, { IBUS_LOCK_MASK, "IBUS_LOCK_MASK", "lock-mask" }, { IBUS_CONTROL_MASK, "IBUS_CONTROL_MASK", "control-mask" }, { IBUS_MOD1_MASK, "IBUS_MOD1_MASK", "mod1-mask" }, { IBUS_MOD2_MASK, "IBUS_MOD2_MASK", "mod2-mask" }, { IBUS_MOD3_MASK, "IBUS_MOD3_MASK", "mod3-mask" }, { IBUS_MOD4_MASK, "IBUS_MOD4_MASK", "mod4-mask" }, { IBUS_MOD5_MASK, "IBUS_MOD5_MASK", "mod5-mask" }, { IBUS_BUTTON1_MASK, "IBUS_BUTTON1_MASK", "button1-mask" }, { IBUS_BUTTON2_MASK, "IBUS_BUTTON2_MASK", "button2-mask" }, { IBUS_BUTTON3_MASK, "IBUS_BUTTON3_MASK", "button3-mask" }, { IBUS_BUTTON4_MASK, "IBUS_BUTTON4_MASK", "button4-mask" }, { IBUS_BUTTON5_MASK, "IBUS_BUTTON5_MASK", "button5-mask" }, { IBUS_HANDLED_MASK, "IBUS_HANDLED_MASK", "handled-mask" }, { IBUS_FORWARD_MASK, "IBUS_FORWARD_MASK", "forward-mask" }, { IBUS_IGNORED_MASK, "IBUS_IGNORED_MASK", "ignored-mask" }, { IBUS_SUPER_MASK, "IBUS_SUPER_MASK", "super-mask" }, { IBUS_HYPER_MASK, "IBUS_HYPER_MASK", "hyper-mask" }, { IBUS_META_MASK, "IBUS_META_MASK", "meta-mask" }, { IBUS_RELEASE_MASK, "IBUS_RELEASE_MASK", "release-mask" }, { IBUS_MODIFIER_MASK, "IBUS_MODIFIER_MASK", "modifier-mask" }, { 0, NULL, NULL } }; etype = g_flags_register_static (g_intern_static_string ("IBusModifierType"), values); } return etype; } GType ibus_capabilite_get_type (void) { static GType etype = 0; if (G_UNLIKELY(etype == 0)) { static const GFlagsValue values[] = { { IBUS_CAP_PREEDIT_TEXT, "IBUS_CAP_PREEDIT_TEXT", "preedit-text" }, { IBUS_CAP_AUXILIARY_TEXT, "IBUS_CAP_AUXILIARY_TEXT", "auxiliary-text" }, { IBUS_CAP_LOOKUP_TABLE, "IBUS_CAP_LOOKUP_TABLE", "lookup-table" }, { IBUS_CAP_FOCUS, "IBUS_CAP_FOCUS", "focus" }, { IBUS_CAP_PROPERTY, "IBUS_CAP_PROPERTY", "property" }, { IBUS_CAP_SURROUNDING_TEXT, "IBUS_CAP_SURROUNDING_TEXT", "surrounding-text" }, { 0, NULL, NULL } }; etype = g_flags_register_static (g_intern_static_string ("IBusCapabilite"), values); } return etype; } GType ibus_preedit_focus_mode_get_type (void) { static GType etype = 0; if (G_UNLIKELY(etype == 0)) { static const GEnumValue values[] = { { IBUS_ENGINE_PREEDIT_CLEAR, "IBUS_ENGINE_PREEDIT_CLEAR", "clear" }, { IBUS_ENGINE_PREEDIT_COMMIT, "IBUS_ENGINE_PREEDIT_COMMIT", "commit" }, { 0, NULL, NULL } }; etype = g_enum_register_static (g_intern_static_string ("IBusPreeditFocusMode"), values); } return etype; } GType ibus_orientation_get_type (void) { static GType etype = 0; if (G_UNLIKELY(etype == 0)) { static const GEnumValue values[] = { { IBUS_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, "IBUS_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL", "horizontal" }, { IBUS_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, "IBUS_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL", "vertical" }, { IBUS_ORIENTATION_SYSTEM, "IBUS_ORIENTATION_SYSTEM", "system" }, { 0, NULL, NULL } }; etype = g_enum_register_static (g_intern_static_string ("IBusOrientation"), values); } return etype; } GType ibus_bus_name_flag_get_type (void) { static GType etype = 0; if (G_UNLIKELY(etype == 0)) { static const GFlagsValue values[] = { { IBUS_BUS_NAME_FLAG_ALLOW_REPLACEMENT, "IBUS_BUS_NAME_FLAG_ALLOW_REPLACEMENT", "allow-replacement" }, { IBUS_BUS_NAME_FLAG_REPLACE_EXISTING, "IBUS_BUS_NAME_FLAG_REPLACE_EXISTING", "replace-existing" }, { IBUS_BUS_NAME_FLAG_DO_NOT_QUEUE, "IBUS_BUS_NAME_FLAG_DO_NOT_QUEUE", "do-not-queue" }, { 0, NULL, NULL } }; etype = g_flags_register_static (g_intern_static_string ("IBusBusNameFlag"), values); } return etype; } GType ibus_bus_request_name_reply_get_type (void) { static GType etype = 0; if (G_UNLIKELY(etype == 0)) { static const GEnumValue values[] = { { IBUS_BUS_REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_PRIMARY_OWNER, "IBUS_BUS_REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_PRIMARY_OWNER", "primary-owner" }, { IBUS_BUS_REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_IN_QUEUE, "IBUS_BUS_REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_IN_QUEUE", "in-queue" }, { IBUS_BUS_REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_EXISTS, "IBUS_BUS_REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_EXISTS", "exists" }, { IBUS_BUS_REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_ALREADY_OWNER, "IBUS_BUS_REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_ALREADY_OWNER", "already-owner" }, { 0, NULL, NULL } }; etype = g_enum_register_static (g_intern_static_string ("IBusBusRequestNameReply"), values); } return etype; } GType ibus_bus_start_service_by_name_reply_get_type (void) { static GType etype = 0; if (G_UNLIKELY(etype == 0)) { static const GEnumValue values[] = { { IBUS_BUS_START_REPLY_SUCCESS, "IBUS_BUS_START_REPLY_SUCCESS", "success" }, { IBUS_BUS_START_REPLY_ALREADY_RUNNING, "IBUS_BUS_START_REPLY_ALREADY_RUNNING", "already-running" }, { 0, NULL, NULL } }; etype = g_enum_register_static (g_intern_static_string ("IBusBusStartServiceByNameReply"), values); } return etype; } GType ibus_error_get_type (void) { static GType etype = 0; if (G_UNLIKELY(etype == 0)) { static const GEnumValue values[] = { { IBUS_ERROR_NO_ENGINE, "IBUS_ERROR_NO_ENGINE", "no-engine" }, { IBUS_ERROR_NO_CONFIG, "IBUS_ERROR_NO_CONFIG", "no-config" }, { IBUS_ERROR_FAILED, "IBUS_ERROR_FAILED", "failed" }, { 0, NULL, NULL } }; etype = g_enum_register_static (g_intern_static_string ("IBusError"), values); } return etype; } GType ibus_input_purpose_get_type (void) { static GType etype = 0; if (G_UNLIKELY(etype == 0)) { static const GEnumValue values[] = { { IBUS_INPUT_PURPOSE_FREE_FORM, "IBUS_INPUT_PURPOSE_FREE_FORM", "free-form" }, { IBUS_INPUT_PURPOSE_ALPHA, "IBUS_INPUT_PURPOSE_ALPHA", "alpha" }, { IBUS_INPUT_PURPOSE_DIGITS, "IBUS_INPUT_PURPOSE_DIGITS", "digits" }, { IBUS_INPUT_PURPOSE_NUMBER, "IBUS_INPUT_PURPOSE_NUMBER", "number" }, { IBUS_INPUT_PURPOSE_PHONE, "IBUS_INPUT_PURPOSE_PHONE", "phone" }, { IBUS_INPUT_PURPOSE_URL, "IBUS_INPUT_PURPOSE_URL", "url" }, { IBUS_INPUT_PURPOSE_EMAIL, "IBUS_INPUT_PURPOSE_EMAIL", "email" }, { IBUS_INPUT_PURPOSE_NAME, "IBUS_INPUT_PURPOSE_NAME", "name" }, { IBUS_INPUT_PURPOSE_PASSWORD, "IBUS_INPUT_PURPOSE_PASSWORD", "password" }, { IBUS_INPUT_PURPOSE_PIN, "IBUS_INPUT_PURPOSE_PIN", "pin" }, { 0, NULL, NULL } }; etype = g_enum_register_static (g_intern_static_string ("IBusInputPurpose"), values); } return etype; } GType ibus_input_hints_get_type (void) { static GType etype = 0; if (G_UNLIKELY(etype == 0)) { static const GFlagsValue values[] = { { IBUS_INPUT_HINT_NONE, "IBUS_INPUT_HINT_NONE", "none" }, { IBUS_INPUT_HINT_SPELLCHECK, "IBUS_INPUT_HINT_SPELLCHECK", "spellcheck" }, { IBUS_INPUT_HINT_NO_SPELLCHECK, "IBUS_INPUT_HINT_NO_SPELLCHECK", "no-spellcheck" }, { IBUS_INPUT_HINT_WORD_COMPLETION, "IBUS_INPUT_HINT_WORD_COMPLETION", "word-completion" }, { IBUS_INPUT_HINT_LOWERCASE, "IBUS_INPUT_HINT_LOWERCASE", "lowercase" }, { IBUS_INPUT_HINT_UPPERCASE_CHARS, "IBUS_INPUT_HINT_UPPERCASE_CHARS", "uppercase-chars" }, { IBUS_INPUT_HINT_UPPERCASE_WORDS, "IBUS_INPUT_HINT_UPPERCASE_WORDS", "uppercase-words" }, { IBUS_INPUT_HINT_UPPERCASE_SENTENCES, "IBUS_INPUT_HINT_UPPERCASE_SENTENCES", "uppercase-sentences" }, { IBUS_INPUT_HINT_INHIBIT_OSK, "IBUS_INPUT_HINT_INHIBIT_OSK", "inhibit-osk" }, { IBUS_INPUT_HINT_VERTICAL_WRITING, "IBUS_INPUT_HINT_VERTICAL_WRITING", "vertical-writing" }, { 0, NULL, NULL } }; etype = g_flags_register_static (g_intern_static_string ("IBusInputHints"), values); } return etype; } /* enumerations from "ibusxevent.h" */ GType ibus_xevent_type_get_type (void) { static GType etype = 0; if (G_UNLIKELY(etype == 0)) { static const GEnumValue values[] = { { IBUS_X_EVENT_NOTHING, "IBUS_X_EVENT_NOTHING", "nothing" }, { IBUS_X_EVENT_KEY_PRESS, "IBUS_X_EVENT_KEY_PRESS", "key-press" }, { IBUS_X_EVENT_KEY_RELEASE, "IBUS_X_EVENT_KEY_RELEASE", "key-release" }, { IBUS_X_EVENT_OTHER, "IBUS_X_EVENT_OTHER", "other" }, { IBUS_X_EVENT_EVENT_LAST, "IBUS_X_EVENT_EVENT_LAST", "event-last" }, { 0, NULL, NULL } }; etype = g_enum_register_static (g_intern_static_string ("IBusXEventType"), values); } return etype; } /* Generated data ends here */