Creates a new #IBusEmojier. A newly allocated #IBusEmojiier. %TRUE if the emoji dict is loaded, otherwise %FALSE. Load the dictionary of #IBusUnicodeData. Set a language id for emoji annotations. #IBusEmojier will load $PKGDATADIR/dicts/emoji-@lang.dict. The default is "en". A langauge id for emoji annotations. Set emoji font on the emoji dialog font name for emoji characters Set custom emojis on the emoji dialog. @favorite_annotations can be null. If you don't assign an annotation for a specific emoji, you can pass the annotation as "", e.g. favorite_annotations = { "", "", "my annotation" }; A custom emoji list. A length of @favorites A custom annotation listfor @favorites. A length of @favorite_annotations Set partial match for emoji annotations. Enable the partial match if %TRUE. Otherwise if %FALSE. Set the partial match condition with the integer. condition id between 0 and 2. Set the minimum lenght to match partially. minimum lenght to match partially. an input context path of #IBusInputContext which is saved in ibus_emojier_run(). An #IBusEmojier an selected emoji character on the emoji dialog. An #IBusEmojier boolean if the emoji dialog is running An #IBusEmojier Move the window to the toplevel on the screen and centralize it. An #IBusEmojier A #GdkEventKey for timestamp Reset the selected string and input context path. An #IBusEmojier Runs emoji dialog to select emoji. A selected emoji character. An #IBusEmojier An input context path of #IBusInputContext of the focused application. A #GdkEventKey for timestamp