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/* ibus - The Input Bus
 * Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Peng Huang <>
 * Copyright (C) 2018 Takao Fujiwara <>
 * Copyright (C) 2008-2018 Red Hat, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301
 * USA

#if !defined (__IBUS_H_INSIDE__) && !defined (IBUS_COMPILATION)
#error "Only <ibus.h> can be included directly"


 * SECTION: ibusserializable
 * @short_description: A serializable object.
 * @stability: Stable
 * An #IBusSerializable is an IBus object which can be serialized, that is,
 * to be to and from a #GVariant.
 * This class is to be extended by other class that requires serialization.
 * An extended class should overrides following methods:
 * <itemizedlist>
 *    <listitem>
 *       <para><function>serialize(object,iter)</function>: for serialize.</para>
 *    </listitem>
 *    <listitem>
 *       <para><function>deserialize(object,iter)</function>: for deserialize.</para>
 *    </listitem>
 *    <listitem>
 *       <para><function>copy(desc,src)</function>: for copy between IBusSerializable.</para>
 *    </listitem>
 * </itemizedlist>
 * See IBusSerializableSerializeFunc(), IBusSerializableDeserializeFunc(), IBusSerializableCopyFunc()
 * for function prototype.

#include "ibusobject.h"

 * Type macros.

/* define IBusSerializable macros */
#define IBUS_TYPE_SERIALIZABLE             \
    (ibus_serializable_get_type ())
#define IBUS_SERIALIZABLE(obj)             \
#define IBUS_SERIALIZABLE_CLASS(klass)     \
    (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), IBUS_TYPE_SERIALIZABLE, IBusSerializableClass))
#define IBUS_IS_SERIALIZABLE(obj)          \

 * ibus_serializable_set_attachment:
 * @o: An IBusSerializable.
 * @k: String formatted key for indexing value.
 * @v: Value to be attached. Should be also serializable.
 * Attach a value to an IBusSerializable.
 * This macro is an convenient wrapper of ibus_serializable_set_qattachment().
#define ibus_serializable_set_attachment(o, k, v)  \
    ibus_serializable_set_qattachment (o, g_quark_from_string (k), v)

 * ibus_serializable_get_attachment:
 * @o: An #IBusSerializable.
 * @k: String formatted key for indexing value.
 * Get a value from attachment of an #IBusSerializable.
 * This macro is an convenient wrapper of ibus_serializable_get_qattachment().
#define ibus_serializable_get_attachment(o, k)  \
    ibus_serializable_get_qattachment (o, g_quark_from_string (k))

 * ibus_serializable_remove_attachment:
 * @o: An #IBusSerializable.
 * @k: String formatted key for indexing value.
 * Remove a value from attachment of an #IBusSerializable.
 * This macro is an convenient wrapper of ibus_serializable_remove_qattachment().
#define ibus_serializable_remove_attachment(o, k)  \
    ibus_serializable_remove_qattachment (o, g_quark_from_string (k))


typedef struct _IBusSerializable IBusSerializable;
typedef struct _IBusSerializableClass IBusSerializableClass;
typedef struct _IBusSerializablePrivate IBusSerializablePrivate;

 * IBusSerializable:
 * All the fields in the <structname>IBusSerializable</structname> structure are
 * private to the #IBusSerializable and should never be accessed directly.
struct _IBusSerializable {
    /*< private >*/
    IBusObject parent;
    IBusSerializablePrivate *priv;
    /* instance members */

 * IBusSerializableSerializeFunc:
 * @serializable: An #IBusSerializable.
 * @builder: A #GVariantBuilder.
 * Prototype of serialize function.
 * Serialize function convert an #IBusSerializable to #GVariantBuilder.
 * Returns a gboolean value which indicates whether the conversion is success.
 * Return %TRUE if succeed.
 * Returns: %TRUE if succeed; %FALSE otherwise.
typedef gboolean    (* IBusSerializableSerializeFunc)   (IBusSerializable       *serializable,
                                                         GVariantBuilder        *builder);

 * IBusSerializableDeserializeFunc:
 * @serializable: An #IBusSerializable.
 * @variant: A #GVariant contains a tuple.
 * Prototype of deserialize function.
 * Deserialize function convert a #GVariant to #IBusSerializable.
 * Returns an integer value which indicates how many values in
 * the variant(tuple) are consumed.
 * Returns: The number of values in the variant(tuple) are consumed.
typedef gint        (* IBusSerializableDeserializeFunc) (IBusSerializable       *serializable,
                                                         GVariant               *variant);

 * IBusSerializableCopyFunc:
 * @dest: The destination #IBusSerializable.
 * @src: A source #IBusSerializable.
 * Prototype of copy function.
 * Copy function copy from source #IBusSerializable to the destination one.
 * Returns a gboolean value which indicates whether the copying is success.
 * Returns: %TRUE if succeed; %FALSE otherwise.
typedef gboolean    (* IBusSerializableCopyFunc)        (IBusSerializable       *dest,
                                                         const IBusSerializable *src);
struct _IBusSerializableClass {
    /*< private >*/
    IBusObjectClass parent;

    /* virtual table */
    gboolean    (* serialize)   (IBusSerializable       *object,
                                 GVariantBuilder        *builder);
    gint        (* deserialize) (IBusSerializable       *object,
                                 GVariant               *variant);
    gboolean    (* copy)        (IBusSerializable       *dest,
                                 const IBusSerializable *src);
    /*< private >*/
    /* padding */
    gpointer pdummy[5];

GType                ibus_serializable_get_type         (void);

 * ibus_serializable_new:
 * Creates a new instance of an #IBusSerializable.
 * Returns: a new instance of #IBusSerializable.
IBusSerializable    *ibus_serializable_new              (void);

 * ibus_serializable_set_qattachment:
 * @serializable: An #IBusSerializable.
 * @key: String formatted key for indexing value.
 * @value: Value to be attached or %NULL to remove any prevoius value.
 * Attach a value to an #IBusSerializable. If the value is floating,
 * the serializable will take the ownership.
 * See also: ibus_serializable_set_attachment().
void                 ibus_serializable_set_qattachment  (IBusSerializable   *serializable,
                                                         GQuark              key,
                                                         GVariant           *value);

 * ibus_serializable_get_qattachment:
 * @serializable: An #IBusSerializable.
 * @key: String formatted key for indexing value.
 * Gets a value from attachment of an #IBusSerializable.
 * Returns: The attached value; or %NULL if fail to retrieve the value.
 * See also: ibus_serializable_set_attachment().
GVariant            *ibus_serializable_get_qattachment  (IBusSerializable   *serializable,
                                                         GQuark              key);

 * ibus_serializable_remove_qattachment:
 * @serializable: An #IBusSerializable.
 * @key: String formatted key for indexing value.
 * Remove a value from attachment of an #IBusSerializable.
 * See also: ibus_serializable_remove_attachment().
void                 ibus_serializable_remove_qattachment
                                                        (IBusSerializable   *serializable,
                                                         GQuark              key);

 * ibus_serializable_copy:
 * @serializable: An #IBusSerializable.
 * Clone an #IBusSerializable.
 * The copy method should be implemented in extended class.
 * Returns: (transfer none): A newly allocated clone object; or %NULL
 *     if @object is not serializable.
 * See also: IBusSerializableCopyFunc().
IBusSerializable    *ibus_serializable_copy (IBusSerializable   *serializable);

 * ibus_serializable_serialize_object:
 * @serializable: An #IBusSerializable.
 * Serialize an #IBusSerializable to a #GVariant.
 * The serialize method should be implemented in extended class.
 * Returns: A #GVariant.
 * See also: IBusSerializableCopyFunc().
GVariant            *ibus_serializable_serialize_object
                                            (IBusSerializable   *serializable);

 * ibus_serializable_deserialize_object:
 * @variant: A #GVariant.
 * Deserialize a #GVariant to an #IBusSerializable/
 * The deserialize method should be implemented in extended class.
 * Returns: (transfer none): The deserialized #IBusSerializable.
 * See also: IBusSerializableCopyFunc().
IBusSerializable    *ibus_serializable_deserialize_object
                                            (GVariant           *variant);

#define ibus_serializable_serialize ibus_serializable_serialize_object
#define ibus_serializable_deserialize ibus_serializable_deserialize_object
