Blame src/ibusconfig.c

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/* ibus - The Input Bus
Packit 3ff832
 * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Peng Huang <>
Packit 3ff832
 * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Red Hat, Inc.
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
Packit 3ff832
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
Packit 3ff832
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
Packit 3ff832
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
Packit 3ff832
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
Packit 3ff832
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Packit 3ff832
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301
Packit 3ff832
 * USA
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
#include "ibusinternal.h"
Packit 3ff832
#include "ibusmarshalers.h"
Packit 3ff832
#include "ibusshare.h"
Packit 3ff832
#include "ibusconfig.h"
Packit 3ff832
#include "ibusbus.h"
Packit 3ff832
#include "ibuserror.h"
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
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Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
enum {
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
/* IBusConfigPriv */
Packit 3ff832
struct _IBusConfigPrivate {
Packit 3ff832
    GArray *watch_rules;
Packit 3ff832
    guint watch_config_signal_id;
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
static guint    config_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 };
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
static void      ibus_config_class_init     (IBusConfigClass    *class);
Packit 3ff832
static void      ibus_config_init           (IBusConfig         *config);
Packit 3ff832
static void      ibus_config_real_destroy   (IBusProxy          *proxy);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
static void      ibus_config_g_signal       (GDBusProxy         *proxy,
Packit 3ff832
                                             const gchar        *sender_name,
Packit 3ff832
                                             const gchar        *signal_name,
Packit 3ff832
                                             GVariant           *parameters);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
static void      initable_iface_init        (GInitableIface     *initable_iface);
Packit 3ff832
static void      async_initable_iface_init  (GAsyncInitableIface
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
static gchar    *_make_match_rule           (const gchar        *section,
Packit 3ff832
                                             const gchar        *name);
Packit 3ff832
static guint     _signal_subscribe          (GDBusProxy         *proxy);
Packit 3ff832
static void      _signal_unsubscribe        (GDBusProxy         *proxy,
Packit 3ff832
                                             guint               signal_id);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
static void      _remove_all_match_rules    (IBusConfig         *config);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
                         G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (G_TYPE_INITABLE, initable_iface_init)
Packit 3ff832
                         G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (G_TYPE_ASYNC_INITABLE, async_initable_iface_init)
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
static void
Packit 3ff832
ibus_config_class_init (IBusConfigClass *class)
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    GDBusProxyClass *dbus_proxy_class = G_DBUS_PROXY_CLASS (class);
Packit 3ff832
    IBusProxyClass *proxy_class = IBUS_PROXY_CLASS (class);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    g_type_class_add_private (class, sizeof (IBusConfigPrivate));
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    dbus_proxy_class->g_signal = ibus_config_g_signal;
Packit 3ff832
    proxy_class->destroy = ibus_config_real_destroy;
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    /* install signals */
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
     * IBusConfig::value-changed:
Packit 3ff832
     * @config: An IBusConfig.
Packit 3ff832
     * @section: Section name.
Packit 3ff832
     * @name: Name of the property.
Packit 3ff832
     * @value: Value.
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
     * Emitted when configuration value is changed.
Packit 3ff832
     * <note><para>Argument @user_data is ignored in this function.</para></note>
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    config_signals[VALUE_CHANGED] =
Packit 3ff832
        g_signal_new (I_("value-changed"),
Packit 3ff832
            G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (class),
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
            NULL, NULL,
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
static void
Packit 3ff832
ibus_config_init (IBusConfig *config)
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    config->priv = IBUS_CONFIG_GET_PRIVATE (config);
Packit 3ff832
    config->priv->watch_rules = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (gchar *));
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
static void
Packit 3ff832
ibus_config_real_destroy (IBusProxy *proxy)
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    IBusConfigPrivate *priv = IBUS_CONFIG_GET_PRIVATE (proxy);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    _signal_unsubscribe (G_DBUS_PROXY (proxy), priv->watch_config_signal_id);
Packit 3ff832
    _remove_all_match_rules (IBUS_CONFIG (proxy));
Packit 3ff832
    g_array_free (priv->watch_rules, FALSE);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    IBUS_PROXY_CLASS(ibus_config_parent_class)->destroy (proxy);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
static void
Packit 3ff832
ibus_config_g_signal (GDBusProxy  *proxy,
Packit 3ff832
                      const gchar *sender_name,
Packit 3ff832
                      const gchar *signal_name,
Packit 3ff832
                      GVariant    *parameters)
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    if (g_strcmp0 (signal_name, "ValueChanged") == 0) {
Packit 3ff832
        const gchar *section = NULL;
Packit 3ff832
        const gchar *name = NULL;
Packit 3ff832
        GVariant *value = NULL;
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
        g_variant_get (parameters, "(&s&sv)", &section, &name, &value);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
        g_signal_emit (proxy,
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
        g_variant_unref (value);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    g_return_if_reached ();
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
static void
Packit 3ff832
_connection_signal_cb (GDBusConnection *connection,
Packit 3ff832
                       const gchar     *sender_name,
Packit 3ff832
                       const gchar     *object_path,
Packit 3ff832
                       const gchar     *interface_name,
Packit 3ff832
                       const gchar     *signal_name,
Packit 3ff832
                       GVariant        *parameters,
Packit 3ff832
                       IBusConfig      *config)
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    g_return_if_fail (IBUS_IS_CONFIG (config));
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    ibus_config_g_signal (G_DBUS_PROXY (config),
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
static gchar *
Packit 3ff832
_make_match_rule (const gchar *section,
Packit 3ff832
                  const gchar *name)
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    GString *str = g_string_new ("type='signal',"
Packit 3ff832
                                 "interface='" IBUS_INTERFACE_CONFIG "',"
Packit 3ff832
                                 "path='" IBUS_PATH_CONFIG "',"
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    if (section != NULL) {
Packit 3ff832
        g_string_append_printf (str, ",arg0='%s'", section);
Packit 3ff832
        if (name != NULL)
Packit 3ff832
            g_string_append_printf (str, ",arg1='%s'", name);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    return g_string_free (str, FALSE);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
static void
Packit 3ff832
_remove_all_match_rules (IBusConfig *config)
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    gint i;
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    for (i = 0; i < config->priv->watch_rules->len; i++) {
Packit 3ff832
        IBusBus *bus = ibus_bus_new ();
Packit 3ff832
        gchar *rule = g_array_index (config->priv->watch_rules, gchar *, i);
Packit 3ff832
        ibus_bus_remove_match (bus, rule);
Packit 3ff832
        g_object_unref (bus);
Packit 3ff832
        g_free (rule);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    g_array_set_size (config->priv->watch_rules, 0);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
ibus_config_watch (IBusConfig  *config,
Packit 3ff832
                   const gchar *section,
Packit 3ff832
                   const gchar *name)
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    g_return_val_if_fail (IBUS_IS_CONFIG (config), FALSE);
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert ((section != NULL) || (section == NULL && name == NULL));
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    IBusBus *bus = ibus_bus_new ();
Packit 3ff832
    gchar *rule;
Packit 3ff832
    gboolean retval;
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    if (section == NULL && name == NULL) {
Packit 3ff832
        _remove_all_match_rules (config);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
        rule = _make_match_rule (NULL, NULL);
Packit 3ff832
        retval = ibus_bus_add_match (bus, rule);
Packit 3ff832
        g_object_unref (bus);
Packit 3ff832
        g_free (rule);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
        return retval;
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    if (config->priv->watch_rules->len == 0) {
Packit 3ff832
        rule = _make_match_rule (NULL, NULL);
Packit 3ff832
        retval = ibus_bus_remove_match (bus, rule);
Packit 3ff832
        g_free (rule);
Packit 3ff832
        if (!retval) {
Packit 3ff832
            g_object_unref (bus);
Packit 3ff832
            return FALSE;
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    rule = _make_match_rule (section, name);
Packit 3ff832
    retval = ibus_bus_add_match (bus, rule);
Packit 3ff832
    g_object_unref (bus);
Packit 3ff832
    if (!retval) {
Packit 3ff832
        g_free (rule);
Packit 3ff832
        return FALSE;
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    g_array_append_val (config->priv->watch_rules, rule);
Packit 3ff832
    return TRUE;
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
ibus_config_unwatch (IBusConfig  *config,
Packit 3ff832
                     const gchar *section,
Packit 3ff832
                     const gchar *name)
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    g_return_val_if_fail (IBUS_IS_CONFIG (config), FALSE);
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert ((section != NULL) || (section == NULL && name == NULL));
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    IBusBus *bus = ibus_bus_new ();
Packit 3ff832
    gchar *rule = _make_match_rule (section, name);
Packit 3ff832
    gboolean retval;
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    retval = ibus_bus_remove_match (bus, rule);
Packit 3ff832
    g_object_unref (bus);
Packit 3ff832
    if (retval && (section != NULL || name != NULL)) {
Packit 3ff832
        /* Remove the previously registered match rule from
Packit 3ff832
           config->priv->watch_rules. */
Packit 3ff832
        gint i;
Packit 3ff832
        for (i = 0; i < config->priv->watch_rules->len; i++) {
Packit 3ff832
            gchar *_rule = g_array_index (config->priv->watch_rules, gchar *,
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
            if (g_strcmp0 (_rule, rule) == 0) {
Packit 3ff832
                config->priv->watch_rules =
Packit 3ff832
                    g_array_remove_index_fast (config->priv->watch_rules, i);
Packit 3ff832
                g_free (_rule);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    g_free (rule);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    return TRUE;
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
IBusConfig *
Packit 3ff832
ibus_config_new (GDBusConnection  *connection,
Packit 3ff832
                 GCancellable     *cancellable,
Packit 3ff832
                 GError          **error)
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert (G_IS_DBUS_CONNECTION (connection));
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    GInitable *initable;
Packit 3ff832
    char *owner;
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
                            G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_DO_NOT_LOAD_PROPERTIES |
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    initable = g_initable_new (IBUS_TYPE_CONFIG,
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
                               "g-connection",      connection,
Packit 3ff832
                               "g-flags",           flags,
Packit 3ff832
                               "g-name",            IBUS_SERVICE_CONFIG,
Packit 3ff832
                               "g-interface-name",  IBUS_INTERFACE_CONFIG,
Packit 3ff832
                               "g-object-path",     IBUS_PATH_CONFIG,
Packit 3ff832
                               "g-default-timeout", ibus_get_timeout (),
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    if (initable == NULL)
Packit 3ff832
        return NULL;
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    owner = g_dbus_proxy_get_name_owner (G_DBUS_PROXY (initable));
Packit 3ff832
    if (owner == NULL) {
Packit 3ff832
        /* The configuration daemon, which is usually ibus-gconf, is not started yet. */
Packit 3ff832
        g_set_error (error,
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
                     "Configuration daemon is not running.");
Packit 3ff832
        g_object_unref (initable);
Packit 3ff832
        return NULL;
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    g_free (owner);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    /* clients should not destroy the config service. */
Packit 3ff832
    IBUS_PROXY (initable)->own = FALSE;
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    return IBUS_CONFIG (initable);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
ibus_config_new_async (GDBusConnection     *connection,
Packit 3ff832
                       GCancellable        *cancellable,
Packit 3ff832
                       GAsyncReadyCallback  callback,
Packit 3ff832
                       gpointer             user_data)
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert (G_IS_DBUS_CONNECTION (connection));
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert (callback != NULL);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
                            G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_DO_NOT_LOAD_PROPERTIES |
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    g_async_initable_new_async (IBUS_TYPE_CONFIG,
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
                                "g-connection",      connection,
Packit 3ff832
                                "g-flags",           flags,
Packit 3ff832
                                "g-name",            IBUS_SERVICE_CONFIG,
Packit 3ff832
                                "g-interface-name",  IBUS_INTERFACE_CONFIG,
Packit 3ff832
                                "g-object-path",     IBUS_PATH_CONFIG,
Packit 3ff832
                                "g-default-timeout", ibus_get_timeout (),
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
IBusConfig *
Packit 3ff832
ibus_config_new_async_finish (GAsyncResult  *res,
Packit 3ff832
                              GError       **error)
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert (G_IS_ASYNC_RESULT (res));
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert (error == NULL || *error == NULL);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    GObject *object = NULL;
Packit 3ff832
    GObject *source_object = NULL;
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    source_object = g_async_result_get_source_object (res);
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert (source_object != NULL);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    object = g_async_initable_new_finish (G_ASYNC_INITABLE (source_object),
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    g_object_unref (source_object);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    if (object != NULL) {
Packit 3ff832
        char *owner;
Packit 3ff832
        owner = g_dbus_proxy_get_name_owner (G_DBUS_PROXY (object));
Packit 3ff832
        if (owner == NULL) {
Packit 3ff832
            /* The configuration daemon, which is usually ibus-gconf, 
Packit 3ff832
             * is not started yet. */
Packit 3ff832
            g_set_error (error,
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
                         "Configuration daemon is not running.");
Packit 3ff832
            g_object_unref (object);
Packit 3ff832
            return NULL;
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
        g_free (owner);
Packit 3ff832
        /* clients should not destroy the config service. */
Packit 3ff832
        IBUS_PROXY (object)->own = FALSE;
Packit 3ff832
        return IBUS_CONFIG (object);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    else {
Packit 3ff832
        return NULL;
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
GVariant *
Packit 3ff832
ibus_config_get_value (IBusConfig  *config,
Packit 3ff832
                       const gchar *section,
Packit 3ff832
                       const gchar *name)
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert (IBUS_IS_CONFIG (config));
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert (section != NULL);
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert (name != NULL);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    GError *error = NULL;
Packit 3ff832
    GVariant *result;
Packit 3ff832
    result = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync ((GDBusProxy *) config,
Packit 3ff832
                                     "GetValue",                /* method_name */
Packit 3ff832
                                     g_variant_new ("(ss)",
Packit 3ff832
                                        section, name),         /* parameters */
Packit 3ff832
                                     G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE,    /* flags */
Packit 3ff832
                                     -1,                        /* timeout */
Packit 3ff832
                                     NULL,                      /* cancellable */
Packit 3ff832
                                     &error                     /* error */
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    if (result == NULL) {
Packit 3ff832
        g_warning ("%s.GetValue: %s", IBUS_INTERFACE_CONFIG, error->message);
Packit 3ff832
        g_error_free (error);
Packit 3ff832
        return NULL;
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    GVariant *value = NULL;
Packit 3ff832
    g_variant_get (result, "(v)", &value);
Packit 3ff832
    g_variant_unref (result);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    return value;
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
ibus_config_get_value_async (IBusConfig         *config,
Packit 3ff832
                             const gchar        *section,
Packit 3ff832
                             const gchar        *name,
Packit 3ff832
                             gint                timeout_ms,
Packit 3ff832
                             GCancellable       *cancellable,
Packit 3ff832
                             GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
Packit 3ff832
                             gpointer            user_data)
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert (IBUS_IS_CONFIG (config));
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert (section != NULL);
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert (name != NULL);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    g_dbus_proxy_call ((GDBusProxy *)config,
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
                       g_variant_new ("(ss)", section, name),
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
GVariant *
Packit 3ff832
ibus_config_get_value_async_finish (IBusConfig    *config,
Packit 3ff832
                                    GAsyncResult  *result,
Packit 3ff832
                                    GError       **error)
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert (IBUS_IS_CONFIG (config));
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert (G_IS_ASYNC_RESULT (result));
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert (error == NULL || *error == NULL);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    GVariant *value = NULL;
Packit 3ff832
    GVariant *retval = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish ((GDBusProxy *)config,
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    if (retval != NULL) {
Packit 3ff832
        g_variant_get (retval, "(v)", &value);
Packit 3ff832
        g_variant_unref (retval);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    return value;
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
GVariant *
Packit 3ff832
ibus_config_get_values (IBusConfig  *config,
Packit 3ff832
                        const gchar *section)
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert (IBUS_IS_CONFIG (config));
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert (section != NULL);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    GError *error = NULL;
Packit 3ff832
    GVariant *result;
Packit 3ff832
    result = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync ((GDBusProxy *) config,
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
                                     g_variant_new ("(s)", section),
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    if (result == NULL) {
Packit 3ff832
        g_warning ("%s.GetValues: %s", IBUS_INTERFACE_CONFIG, error->message);
Packit 3ff832
        g_error_free (error);
Packit 3ff832
        return NULL;
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    GVariant *value = NULL;
Packit 3ff832
    g_variant_get (result, "(@a{sv})", &value);
Packit 3ff832
    g_variant_unref (result);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    return value;
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
ibus_config_get_values_async (IBusConfig         *config,
Packit 3ff832
                              const gchar        *section,
Packit 3ff832
                              gint                timeout_ms,
Packit 3ff832
                              GCancellable       *cancellable,
Packit 3ff832
                              GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
Packit 3ff832
                              gpointer            user_data)
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert (IBUS_IS_CONFIG (config));
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert (section != NULL);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    g_dbus_proxy_call ((GDBusProxy *)config,
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
                       g_variant_new ("(s)", section),
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
GVariant *
Packit 3ff832
ibus_config_get_values_async_finish (IBusConfig    *config,
Packit 3ff832
                                     GAsyncResult  *result,
Packit 3ff832
                                     GError       **error)
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert (IBUS_IS_CONFIG (config));
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert (G_IS_ASYNC_RESULT (result));
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert (error == NULL || *error == NULL);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    GVariant *value = NULL;
Packit 3ff832
    GVariant *retval = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish ((GDBusProxy *)config,
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    if (retval != NULL) {
Packit 3ff832
        g_variant_get (retval, "(@a{sv})", &value);
Packit 3ff832
        g_variant_unref (retval);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    return value;
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
ibus_config_set_value (IBusConfig   *config,
Packit 3ff832
                       const gchar  *section,
Packit 3ff832
                       const gchar  *name,
Packit 3ff832
                       GVariant     *value)
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert (IBUS_IS_CONFIG (config));
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert (section != NULL);
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert (name != NULL);
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert (value != NULL);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    GError *error = NULL;
Packit 3ff832
    GVariant *result;
Packit 3ff832
    result = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync ((GDBusProxy *) config,
Packit 3ff832
                                     "SetValue",                /* method_name */
Packit 3ff832
                                     g_variant_new ("(ssv)",
Packit 3ff832
                                        section, name, value),  /* parameters */
Packit 3ff832
                                     G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE,    /* flags */
Packit 3ff832
                                     -1,                        /* timeout */
Packit 3ff832
                                     NULL,                      /* cancellable */
Packit 3ff832
                                     &error                     /* error */
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    if (result == NULL) {
Packit 3ff832
        g_warning ("%s.SetValue: %s", IBUS_INTERFACE_CONFIG, error->message);
Packit 3ff832
        g_error_free (error);
Packit 3ff832
        return FALSE;
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    g_variant_unref (result);
Packit 3ff832
    return TRUE;
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
ibus_config_set_value_async (IBusConfig         *config,
Packit 3ff832
                             const gchar        *section,
Packit 3ff832
                             const gchar        *name,
Packit 3ff832
                             GVariant           *value,
Packit 3ff832
                             gint                timeout_ms,
Packit 3ff832
                             GCancellable       *cancellable,
Packit 3ff832
                             GAsyncReadyCallback callback,
Packit 3ff832
                             gpointer            user_data)
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert (IBUS_IS_CONFIG (config));
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert (section != NULL);
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert (name != NULL);
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert (value != NULL);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    g_dbus_proxy_call ((GDBusProxy *) config,
Packit 3ff832
                       "SetValue",                /* method_name */
Packit 3ff832
                       g_variant_new ("(ssv)",
Packit 3ff832
                                      section, name, value),  /* parameters */
Packit 3ff832
                       G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE,    /* flags */
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
ibus_config_set_value_async_finish (IBusConfig         *config,
Packit 3ff832
                                    GAsyncResult       *result,
Packit 3ff832
                                    GError            **error)
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert (IBUS_IS_CONFIG (config));
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert (G_IS_ASYNC_RESULT (result));
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert (error == NULL || *error == NULL);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    GVariant *retval = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish ((GDBusProxy *)config,
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    if (retval != NULL) {
Packit 3ff832
        g_variant_unref (retval);
Packit 3ff832
        return TRUE;
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    return FALSE;
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
ibus_config_unset (IBusConfig   *config,
Packit 3ff832
                   const gchar  *section,
Packit 3ff832
                   const gchar  *name)
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert (IBUS_IS_CONFIG (config));
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert (section != NULL);
Packit 3ff832
    g_assert (name != NULL);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    GError *error = NULL;
Packit 3ff832
    GVariant *result;
Packit 3ff832
    result = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync ((GDBusProxy *) config,
Packit 3ff832
                                     "UnsetValue",              /* method_name */
Packit 3ff832
                                     g_variant_new ("(ss)",
Packit 3ff832
                                        section, name),         /* parameters */
Packit 3ff832
                                     G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE,    /* flags */
Packit 3ff832
                                     -1,                        /* timeout */
Packit 3ff832
                                     NULL,                      /* cancellable */
Packit 3ff832
                                     &error                     /* error */
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    if (result == NULL) {
Packit 3ff832
        g_warning ("%s.UnsetValue: %s", IBUS_INTERFACE_CONFIG, error->message);
Packit 3ff832
        g_error_free (error);
Packit 3ff832
        return FALSE;
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    g_variant_unref (result);
Packit 3ff832
    return TRUE;
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
static guint
Packit 3ff832
_signal_subscribe (GDBusProxy *proxy)
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    GDBusConnection *connection = g_dbus_proxy_get_connection (proxy);
Packit 3ff832
    return g_dbus_connection_signal_subscribe (connection,
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
                                               (GDBusSignalCallback) _connection_signal_cb,
Packit 3ff832
                                               g_object_ref (proxy),
Packit 3ff832
                                               (GDestroyNotify) g_object_unref);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
static void
Packit 3ff832
_signal_unsubscribe (GDBusProxy *proxy, guint signal_id)
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    GDBusConnection *connection = g_dbus_proxy_get_connection (proxy);
Packit 3ff832
    g_dbus_connection_signal_unsubscribe (connection, signal_id);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
static GInitableIface *initable_iface_parent = NULL;
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
static gboolean
Packit 3ff832
initable_init (GInitable     *initable,
Packit 3ff832
               GCancellable  *cancellable,
Packit 3ff832
               GError       **error)
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    if (!initable_iface_parent->init (initable, cancellable, error))
Packit 3ff832
        return FALSE;
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    IBusConfig *config = IBUS_CONFIG (initable);
Packit 3ff832
    config->priv->watch_config_signal_id =
Packit 3ff832
        _signal_subscribe (G_DBUS_PROXY (initable));
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    gboolean retval = ibus_config_watch (config, NULL, NULL);
Packit 3ff832
    if (!retval)
Packit 3ff832
        g_set_error (error,
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
                     "Cannot watch configuration change.");
Packit 3ff832
    return retval;
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
static void
Packit 3ff832
initable_iface_init (GInitableIface *initable_iface)
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    initable_iface_parent = g_type_interface_peek_parent (initable_iface);
Packit 3ff832
    initable_iface->init = initable_init;
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
static GAsyncInitableIface *async_initable_iface_parent = NULL;
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
static void
Packit 3ff832
async_initable_init_async (GAsyncInitable      *initable,
Packit 3ff832
                           gint                 io_priority,
Packit 3ff832
                           GCancellable        *cancellable,
Packit 3ff832
                           GAsyncReadyCallback  callback,
Packit 3ff832
                           gpointer             user_data)
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    async_initable_iface_parent->init_async (initable,
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
static gboolean
Packit 3ff832
async_initable_init_finish (GAsyncInitable  *initable,
Packit 3ff832
                            GAsyncResult    *res,
Packit 3ff832
                            GError         **error)
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    if (!async_initable_iface_parent->init_finish (initable, res, error))
Packit 3ff832
        return FALSE;
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    IBusConfig *config = IBUS_CONFIG (initable);
Packit 3ff832
    config->priv->watch_config_signal_id =
Packit 3ff832
        _signal_subscribe (G_DBUS_PROXY (initable));
Packit 3ff832
    return ibus_config_watch (config, NULL, NULL);
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
static void
Packit 3ff832
async_initable_iface_init (GAsyncInitableIface *async_initable_iface)
Packit 3ff832
Packit 3ff832
    async_initable_iface_parent =
Packit 3ff832
        g_type_interface_peek_parent (async_initable_iface);
Packit 3ff832
    async_initable_iface->init_async = async_initable_init_async;
Packit 3ff832
    async_initable_iface->init_finish = async_initable_init_finish;
Packit 3ff832