This is a word-list in Uzbek language written in Cyrillic script. It is a Unicode (UTF-8) encoded. It is supposed to be used as an Uzbek spell check dictionary, but can be used for anything else as well. Please send your feedback and bug report to the author and/or maintainer. Author and maintainer: Mashrab Kuvatov Files: README - this file. COPYING - a copy of GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. ChangeLog - a change log. todo.wordlist - a word-list one has to sort out. blacklist.wordlist - a list of words one has to descard. uzbek.wordlist - an Uzbek word-list. tools - a dir with some handy scripts to make a word-list. aspell - a dir with necessary files to make an Uzbek dictionary for the GNU Aspell spell checker. hunspell - a dir with necessary files to make an Uzbek dictionary for the Hunspell spell checker. Source: There are two sources I used to compile this word-list; web-sites and people who sent me all kinds of documents in Cyrillic Uzbek. Web-sites: People who contributed documents: Kuvatov Abdulla Matlabov Sodiq Soriev Sherzod