diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cfe59bc --- /dev/null +++ b/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,502 @@ + GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2.1, February 1999 + + Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + +[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also counts + as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence + the version number 2.1.] + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change +free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. + + This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some +specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the +Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it. You +can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether +this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better +strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use, +not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that +you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge +for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get +it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of +it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do +these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these +rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for +you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis +or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave +you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source +code. If you link other code with the library, you must provide +complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them +with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling +it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. + + We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the +library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal +permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library. + + To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that +there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is +modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know +that what they have is not the original version, so that the original +author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be +introduced by others. + + Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of +any free program. We wish to make sure that a company cannot +effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a +restrictive license from a patent holder. Therefore, we insist that +any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be +consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license. + + Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the +ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, the GNU Lesser +General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and +is quite different from the ordinary General Public License. We use +this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those +libraries into non-free programs. + + When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using +a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a +combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary +General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the +entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General +Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with +the library. + + We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it +does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General +Public License. It also provides other free software developers Less +of an advantage over competing non-free programs. These disadvantages +are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many +libraries. However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain +special circumstances. + + For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to +encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes +a de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free programs must be +allowed to use the library. A more frequent case is that a free +library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries. In this +case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free +software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License. + + In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free +programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of +free software. For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in +non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU +operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating +system. + + Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the +users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is +linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run +that program using a modified version of the Library. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a +"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The +former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must +be combined with the library in order to run. + + GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other +program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or +other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of +this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License"). +Each licensee is addressed as "you". + + A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data +prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs +(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables. + + The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work +which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the +Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under +copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a +portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated +straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is +included without limitation in the term "modification".) + + "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means +all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated +interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation +and installation of the library. + + Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from +such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based +on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for +writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does +and what the program that uses the Library does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's +complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that +you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an +appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact +all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any +warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the +Library. + + You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, +and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a +fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) The modified work must itself be a software library. + + b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no + charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. + + d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a + table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses + the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility + is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that, + in the event an application does not supply such function or + table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of + its purpose remains meaningful. + + (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has + a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the + application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any + application-supplied function or table used by this function must + be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square + root function must still compute square roots.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote +it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Library. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library +with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public +License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do +this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so +that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2, +instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the +ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify +that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in +these notices. + + Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for +that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all +subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy. + + This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of +the Library into a program that is not a library. + + 4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or +derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form +under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany +it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which +must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a +medium customarily used for software interchange. + + If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy +from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the +source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to +distribute the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the +Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or +linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a +work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and +therefore falls outside the scope of this License. + + However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library +creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it +contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the +library". The executable is therefore covered by this License. +Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables. + + When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file +that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a +derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not. +Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be +linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The +threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law. + + If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data +structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline +functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object +file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative +work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the +Library will still fall under Section 6.) + + Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may +distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6. +Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6, +whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself. + + 6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or +link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a +work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work +under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit +modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse +engineering for debugging such modifications. + + You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the +Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by +this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work +during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the +copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference +directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one +of these things: + + a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding + machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever + changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under + Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked + with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that + uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the + user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified + executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood + that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the + Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application + to use the modified definitions.) + + b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the + Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a + copy of the library already present on the user's computer system, + rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2) + will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if + the user installs one, as long as the modified version is + interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with. + + c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at + least three years, to give the same user the materials + specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more + than the cost of performing this distribution. + + d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy + from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above + specified materials from the same place. + + e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these + materials or that you have already sent this user a copy. + + For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the +Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for +reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception, +the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is +normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major +components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on +which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies +the executable. + + It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license +restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally +accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot +use both them and the Library together in an executable that you +distribute. + + 7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the +Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library +facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined +library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on +the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise +permitted, and provided that you do these two things: + + a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work + based on the Library, uncombined with any other library + facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the + Sections above. + + b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact + that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining + where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work. + + 8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute +the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any +attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or +distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your +rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, +or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses +terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. + + 9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the +Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Library or works based on it. + + 10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the +Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library +subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with +this License. + + 11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Library. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any +particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply, +and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add +an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, +so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus +excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if +written in the body of this License. + + 13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new +versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time. +Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, +but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and +"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and +conditions either of that version or of any later version published by +the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a +license version number, you may choose any version ever published by +the Free Software Foundation. + + 14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these, +write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is +copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free +Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our +decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status +of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing +and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 15. BECAUSE THE LIBRARY IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO +WARRANTY FOR THE LIBRARY, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. +EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR +OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE LIBRARY "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY +KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE +IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE +LIBRARY IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE LIBRARY PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME +THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 16. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN +WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY +AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE LIBRARY AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU +FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR +CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE +LIBRARY (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING +RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A +FAILURE OF THE LIBRARY TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF +SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH +DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries + + If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that +everyone can redistribute and change. You can do so by permitting +redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms of the +ordinary General Public License). + + To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library. It is +safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the +"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + + This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Lesser General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the + library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James Random Hacker. + + , 1 April 1990 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +That's all there is to it! diff --git a/Copyright b/Copyright new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d750423 --- /dev/null +++ b/Copyright @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +Aspell dictionary for Low Saxon +Copyright 2004 Heiko Evermann + Soenke Dibbern + Volker Jockheck + + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + diff --git a/README_nds.txt b/README_nds.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6964d3f --- /dev/null +++ b/README_nds.txt @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +Installatschoon vun hunspell-nds för OpenOffice: +(Wohrschau: dat geiht eerst mit OpenOffice 2.4 un later. +Bet 2.3 kannst Du de Spraak Plattdüütsch nich utwählen!!) + +De twee Lexikondateien sünd +nds.aff +nds.dic + +Disse Dateien muttst Du in den Dateiboom vun OpenOffice koperen. +Woneem dat is, hangt en beten vun Dien Installatschoon af. +* ünner Linux is dat tomehrst in + /opt/openoffice.org2.4/share/dict/ooo +* ünner Windows is dat tomehrst in + C:\Programme\OpenOffice.org 2.4\share\dict\ooo + +Dor steiht ok al en Barg annere Wöörnböker so as +de_DE.aff etc. + +Denn mutt noch de Datei +/opt/openoffice.org2.4/share/dict/ooo/dictionary.lst +(oder ünner Windows:C:\Programme\OpenOffice.org 2.4\share\dict\ooo\dictionary.lst) +anpasst warrn: +disse Reeg tofögen: +------- +DICT nds DE nds +-------- + +Un denn Open Office tomaken un nieg hoochfohrn. + +Denn kannst Du en Text in OpenOffice as Plattdüütsch markeren: +Menü Extras/Sprache/Für den gesamten Text/Mehr... +Denn geiht en Dialog op un dor muttst Du "Niederdeutsch" rutsöken. + + + + + diff --git a/nds.aff b/nds.aff new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8a39ad4 --- /dev/null +++ b/nds.aff @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +# this is the affix file of the de_DE Hunspell dictionary +# derived from the igerman98 dictionary +# +# Release date: 20080306 +# +# Copyright (C) 1998-2007 Bjoern Jacke +# +# License: GPLv2 or OASIS distribution license agreement +# There should be a copy of both of this licenses included +# with every distribution of this dictionary. Modified +# versions using the GPL may only include the GPL + +SET ISO8859-1 +TRY esijanrtolcdugmphbyfvkwqxzESIJANRTOLCDUGMPHBYFVKWQXZ-. + +###### Fre'e Prefixen: Y�� +# +# Kanditaten: ran, r�m, mit +# +# af Q +# an A +# be B +# d�r+d�rch R +# her S +# hen E +# in J +# na H +# op P +# rin N +# rop K +# rut G +# to T +# ut U +# ver V +# v�r F +# weg X +# �m � +# -s L +# -e C +# -en Z + +PFX A Y 2 +PFX A 0 an . +PFX A 0 anto . + +PFX Q Y 2 +PFX Q 0 af . +PFX Q 0 afto . + +PFX B Y 1 +PFX B 0 be . + +PFX R Y 4 +PFX R 0 d�r . +PFX R 0 d�rch . +PFX R 0 d�rto . +PFX R 0 d�rchto . + +PFX S Y 2 +PFX S 0 her . +PFX S 0 herto . + +PFX E Y 2 +PFX E 0 hen . +PFX E 0 hento . + +PFX J Y 2 +PFX J 0 in . +PFX J 0 into . + +PFX H Y 2 +PFX H 0 na . +PFX H 0 nato . + +PFX P Y 2 +PFX P 0 op . +PFX P 0 opto . + +PFX N Y 2 +PFX N 0 rin . +PFX N 0 rinto . + +PFX K Y 2 +PFX K 0 rop . +PFX K 0 ropto . + +PFX G Y 2 +PFX G 0 rut . +PFX G 0 rutto . + +PFX T Y 2 +PFX T 0 to . +PFX T 0 toto . + +PFX U Y 2 +PFX U 0 ut . +PFX U 0 utto . + +PFX V Y 1 +PFX V 0 ver . + +PFX F Y 2 +PFX F 0 v�r . +PFX F 0 v�rto . + +PFX X Y 2 +PFX X 0 weg . +PFX X 0 wegto . + +PFX � Y 2 +PFX � 0 �m . +PFX � 0 �mto . + +SFX C Y 1 +SFX C 0 e [^e] + +SFX Z Y 2 +SFX Z 0 en [^e] +SFX Z 0 n [e] + +SFX L Y 1 +SFX L 0 s . + +###### Suffixen f�r Verben +# I=ik, Ennen f�r 1.Persoon +# D=du +# W=wi +# M=Mehrtall vun't Part.Perf. ("leeste B�ker") +# O=Part.Perf.Eentall in'n Objektiv ("den fohrten Mann") +# 1. Reeg: Verben op -en (schicken, mellen) +# 2. Reeg: Verben op -rn un -ln (�nnern, sekern, hanneln, stapeln) +# 3. Reeg: Verben mit Vokaalverdubbeln, Formen warrt vun de 1.Pers. afleddt: maken, (ik) maak/DWMO; lesen, (ik) lees/WMO) +# 4. Reeg: Verben op -sen/-ten (passen, setten, st�tten)) + +SFX I Y 2 +SFX I en 0 en +SFX I n 0 [lr]n + +SFX D Y 4 +SFX D en st [^s]en +SFX D n st [lr]n +SFX D 0 st [^n] +SFX D en t sen + +SFX W Y 4 +SFX W en t [^t]en +SFX W n t [lr]n +SFX W 0 t [^n] +SFX W en 0 ten + +SFX M Y 4 +SFX M en te [^t]en +SFX M n te e[lr]n +SFX M 0 te [^n] +SFX M en e ten + +SFX O Y 4 +SFX O en ten [^t]en +SFX O n ten e[lr]n +SFX O 0 ten [^n] +SFX O en en ten diff --git a/nds.dic b/nds.dic new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fa9b4ba --- /dev/null +++ b/nds.dic @@ -0,0 +1,4213 @@ +4211 +Aap +Apen +Aapkatt/Z +Abalster +Abituur +achten/IDWMOBV +achter +achteran +achtern +achterna +achterrut +achtsom +Administrator/Z +Administratschoon +Adressaat +Adressaten +adresseren +adresseer/DWMO +Adress/Z +af +afbestellen/IDWMO +Afbild +Afbiller +Affall +Afgang +Afg�ng +Afgrenzer/L +Afhangigkeit/Z +Aflaag +Aflagen +Afsenner/L +afsluuts +Afsnitt +Afsneed +Afsnitten +afsoluut +afsolute +afsoluten +Afspeler/L +Afstand +Afst�nn +afs�nnerlich/CZ +Aftaster/L +Afteker/L +aftobestellen +aggressiv/CZ +ahn +Akademie +Akademien +akraat +akrate +akraten +akrater/CZ +akraatst/CZ +Akraatheit +Akron�m/Z +Akschoon +Akschonen +aktiv/CZ +aktiveren +aktiveer/DWMO +Aktiviteet +Aktiviteten +aktualiseren +aktualiseer/DWMO +aktuell/CZ +Akzent/Z +al +Alarm/L +Album +Alben +Alfabeet +Alfabeten +alfabeetsch/CZ +algoritmisch/CZ +Algoritmus +Algoritmen +Alias +Aliases +all +alle +allens +alleen +allgemeen +allgemene +allgemenen +alpha +also +ALT +Alt +AltGr +Ammer/L +an +analoog +analoge +analogen +Analyse +Analysen +analyseren +analyseer/DWMO +Anbeder/L +Andeel +Andelen +andockbor/CZ +Anfang +Anf�ng +Angaav +Angaven +Angang +Ang�ng +angreepsch/CZ +Angreper/L +Anhang +Anh�ng +Animatschoon +Animatschonen +animeren +animeer/DWMO +Anker/L +an'n +anner +annere +annern +annerlest +anners +annerswat +annerwarts +anon�m +anon�me +anon�men +Ansicht/Z +ansleegsch/CZ +Ansluss +Ansl�ss +ansteed +Anstoot +Anst��t +an't +antern/IDWMOBV +anti +Antwoort +Antwoorden +anwennbor/CZ +apen/CZ +Apostrof/L +Applikatschoon +Applikatschonen +arbeiden/IDWMOQBRJPTEUVFX +Arbeit +Arbeiden +Arbeitdag +Arbeitsgrupp +Arbeitsgruppen +Arbeitsorner +archiveren/X +archiveer/DWMOX +Archiv/Z +argern/IDWMOV +Argument/Z +aritmeetsch/CZ +Aritmetik/Z +Arm/L +Artikel +Artikeln +arven/IDWMOBHVF +as +As +Assen +asen +aas/DWMO +asig/CZQ +asiger/CZ +asigst/CZ +as'n +Aspekt/Z +Ass +Assembler/L +Assistent/Z +asynkroon +asynkrone +asynkronen +Atoom +Atomen +atoomsch/CZ +Attribut/Z +Audio +Auto/L +automaatsch/CZ +autom +Autoriteet +Autoriteten +Autor/Z +avends +Avend/Z +aver +Baas +Basen +backen/IDWMOAQRJPUVF +backig/CZ +Bagen/L +Balangs/Z +Balken/L +Ball +B�ll +Ballon/L +Band +B�nner +B�nn +Bank/Z +B�nk +bannig +Baptist +Baptisten +bargen/IDWMO +Barg/Z +basch/CZ +baseren +baseer/DWMO +basig/CZ +basiger/CZ +basigst/CZ +Basis +bassen/IDWMOPGT +Batterie/Z +baven +bedden/IDWMOJPNU� +beden +beed/DWMO +beden/APV +beed/WAPV +b�ddst/APV +b�ddt/APV +bood/DAPV +boden/APV +baden/APV +Bedingen +bedingt/CZ +Bedrief +Bedrieven +beed +bede +beden +beedsiets +Beer +Beren +Befehlsfinster +Befehlsfinstern +Befehlsreeg +Befehlsregen +Befehl/Z +Begeefnis +Begeefnissen +bekannt/CZ +Beleefnis +Beleefnissen +benarichten/IDWMO +Bericht/Z +Bescheed +Bescheden +beschriften/IDWMO +Besitter +Beslag +Besl��g +best/CZ +bes�nner/CZL +bet +betahlen/IDWMOQAJHTUF +Beteker/L +beten +beter/CZ +betern/IDWMOPUV +betherto +Betog +Bet��g +Beton +betten/IDWMOJP� +bewegen +beweeg/DWMO +bi +bibliograafsch/CZ +Bibliotheek +Bibliotheken +Bidrag +Bidr��g +bidregen +bidreeg/W +bidriggst +bidriggt +bidroog/D +bidrogen +bidragen +Bidreger/L +bienanner +Bilaag +Bilagen +Bild +Biller +bileggen/IDWMO +bileed/D +bileden +billen/IDQJHU� +bildt/QJHU� +bil�ttens +bi'n +bineer +binere +bineren +binnen/IDAQJTVX +bindt/AQJTVX +bunnen/IDAQJTVX +binnenlannsch/CZ +Bispeel +Bispelen +Bistand +Bist�nn +bistandsch/CZ +bist�ern/IDWMOF +bi't +Bit/L +bito +bitodregen +Bitrate/Z +bitte +blaag +blage +blagen +Blaag +Blagen +Blaas +Blasen +blang +Blatt +Bl��d +Bl�der +bleek +bleke +bleken +bleken/ARHUVF +bleek/DWMOARHUVF +blennen/DAQJPUF +blenn/AQJPUF +blendt/AQJPUF +Blick/Z +blieven/IWAQHPTUVX +bliffst/AQHPTUVX +blifft/AQHPTUVX +bleev/DAQHPTUVX +bleven/AQHPTUVX +blind +blinne +blinnen +blinken/IDWMOA +Blinker +Blix/Z +Block +Bl�ck +blockeren +blockeer/DWMO +Bloom +Blomen +Bl��m +Bloot +bloots +blucken/IDWMOP +Bl��s +Bl�sen +Bontje/L +Boog +Bogen +Book +B�ker +Bookstaav +Bookstaven +Boom +B��m +Boord +B��r +Born/L +breden/UV +breed/DWMOUV +breed/CZ +breder/CZ +breedst/CZ +Breef +Breven +Bregen/L +breken/AQPTV� +breek/WAQPTV� +brickst/AQPTV� +brickt/AQPTV� +br��k/DAQPTV� +br�ken/AQPTV� +brick +braken/AQPTV� +Breker/L +bremsen/IDWMOQJPU +brennen/IDWMOAQJUV +Brenner/L +Brett +Breed +Brill/Z +bringen/IDWAQRJPSEUVFX +brochen/IDWMOAQRJPSEUVFX +Brook +Br��k +bruken/PV +bruuk/DWMOPV +Bruker/L +bruukbor/CZ +Bruukborkeit +bruun +brune +brunen +Br�ch +Br�chen +Bucht/Z +buddeln/IDWMOQRJNGTUV� +buen/MOAQBJPTEUVF +buu/DWAQBJPTEUVF +Bug/L +Bund +Bundsland +Bundsl�nner +Bus +Bussen +buten +butendem +butenlannsch +butenwarts +buttjern/IDW +Byte/L +b�gen/QRSEJHPNKGTVFX� +b��g/DWMOQRSEJHPNKGTVFX� +boog/DQRSEJHPNKGTVFX� +bogen/QRSEJHPNKGTVFX� +bagen/QRSEJHPNKGTVFX� +B�rger/L +b�ver/CZ +b�verst/CZ +b��s +b�se +b�sen +B�lg/Z +B�lt/Z +ca +CD +Brenner +CD/L +cheemsch/CZ +Client/L +cm +Code +Copyright +CPU +Daak +daal +daalwarts +Dack/Z +Dag +Daag +Dagansicht/Z +Dank +dankbor/CZ +danken/IDWMO +dannig/CZ +danniger/CZ +dannigst/CZ +danzen/IDWMOQSEHNKGFX� +Dateityp/Z +Datei/Z +Daten +dateren/PF +dateer/DWMOPF +dat'n +Datum +de +dat +den +deaktiveren +deaktiveer/DWMO +debuggen/IDWMO +Debugger +decken/IDWMOAQBJPT +deegt/CZ +deegter/CZ +deegst/CZ +Deel +Delen +Deelnehmer/L +Deeltje/L +Deenst/Z +Deep +Depen +Deeps +Deepd/CZ +deep/CZ +deper/CZ +deepst/CZ +Deert/Z +defineren/F +defineer/DWMOF +Definitschoon +Definitschonen +degern +dehnen/IDWMOU +deinstalleren +deinstalleer/DWMO +Deklaratschoon +Deklaratschonen +deklareren +deklareer/DWMO +dekoderen +dekodeer/DWMO +Dekoratschoon +Dekoratschonen +delen/QRJPTUV +deel/DWMOQRJPTUV +Delfien +Delfinen +delgen/IDWMOUV +Dell/Z +demokraatsch/CZ +denen/ABV +deen/DWMOABV +denken/IDWBRUVFX� +dachten/IDMOBRUVFX� +denn +Detail/L +detailleert/CZ +dezimaal +dezimale +dezimalen +Diagnoos +Diagnosen +Diagramm/Z +Dia/L +Dia/L +Dialoog +Dialogen +dicht/CZ +dichter/CZ +dichtst/CZ +Dichte +dick/CZ +dicker/CZ +dickst/CZ +Dick/Z +Dickd/CZ +Diek/Z +digitaal +digitale +digitalen +Dimenschoon +Dimenschonen +Ding +Dinger +Dingen +Dingsdag +Dint/Z +direkt +direkte +direkten +direktemang +Disch +Dischen +Diskett/Z +Diskuschoon +Diskuschonen +Distributschoon +Distributschonen +dit +disse +dissen +doch +Dochter +D�chter +docken/IDWMOAQ +Dock/L +Dode +Doden +Dokmentatschoon +Dokmentatschonen +dokmenteren +dokmenteer/DWMO +Dokmenttyp/Z +Dokment/Z +Dokter/L +Dom��n +Dom�nen +Dood +doof/CZ +doon/APTVX +do/APTVX +deist/APTVX +deit/APTVX +doot/APTVX +dee/APTVX +deest/APTVX +deen/APTVX +daan/APTVX +Doos +Dosen +doot +dode +doden +dor +dorbi +dorf�r +dorhen +dormit +dorstellen/IDWMO +Dorstellentyp +dorvun +dor�m +DPI +dpi +Dr +Draht +Dr�hd +drahtloos +drahtlose +drahtlosen +dramaatsch/CZ +drapen/ABJT +draap/WABJT +dr�ppst/ABJT +dr�ppt/ABJT +droop/DABJT +dropen/ABJT +drauhen/IDWMOAB +dre'eckig/CZ +Dre'eck/L +dreegbor/CZ +dreeglich/CZ +dregen/AQBJPTSEUVFX +dreeg/WAQBJPTSEUVFX +driggst/AQBJPTSEUVFX +driggt/AQBJPTSEUVFX +droog/DAQBJPTSEUVFX +drogen/AQBJPTSEUVFX +dragen/AQBJPTSEUVFX +Dreger/L +dreihen/IDWMOAQRPTSEVX� +Dreper/L +drieven/IWQABRSEPNKGTUVX� +driffst/QABRSEPNKGTUVX� +drifft/QABRSEPNKGTUVX� +dreev/DQABRSEPNKGTUVX� +dreven/QABRSEPNKGTUVX� +Driever/L +drinken/IDWABTUFX +drunken/IDABTUFX +Droom +Dr��m +droppen/IDWMOQRNGX +Druck +Dr�ck +druckbor/CZ +drucken/IDWMOQBJPU +Drucker/L +Druus +dr�men/HNUV +dr��m/DWMOHNUV +dr��g +dr�ge +dr�gen +dr�ger/CZ +dr��gst/CZ +Dr��gde +dr�cken/IDWMOQBRJPTSEUVX +dr�ppeln/IDWMOQBREPNKGTUVX +Dr�ppen/L +dr�tt +dr�dde +dr�dden +Dschungel/L +du +di +dien +diene +dubbelklicken/IDWMO +Dubbel/L +dubbelt/CZ +Duer +duerhaftig/CZ +duern/IDWMO +duff/CZ +duken/IDWMOQREJPX +Duld +dull/CZ +Dunnersdag +duplex +Dusend +Dusterkamer +DVD/L +dwars +dwingen/IDWMOBPV +dwungen/IDBPV +D�moon +D�monen +d�r +d�rch +D�rgang +D�rg�ng +D�rloop +D�rl��p +d�r'n +D�rp/Z +D�rsatz +D�rs�tz +d�rsichtig/CZ +D�rsnitt +D�rsneed +d�rsnittlich/CZ +d�r't +d�rtig +eenund�rtig +und�rtig +d�rven/IDW +dorven/ID +D��r +D�ren +d�den/ABEU +d��d/DWMOABEU +D�ker/L +d�naamsch/CZ +d�nn/CZ +D��s +D�sen +d��ster/CZ +d��sterer/CZ +d��sterst/CZ +D��sternis +D��sternissen +Echo/L +echt/CZ +eckig/CZ +Eck/Z +Editor/Z +Eegner/L +een +twee +dree +veer +fief +s�ss +s�ben +acht +negen +teihn +�lven +tw�lf +d�rteihn +f�ffteihn +eendoont +eenfach/CZ +eenfacher/CZ +eenfachst/CZ +Eenheit/Z +eenmaal +eensoortet/CZ +eenzig/CZ +Eer +Eerd +eernst/CZ +eernster/CZ +eernsthaftig/CZ +eerst/CZ +effektiv/CZ +effektiver/CZ +effektivst/CZ +Effekt/Z +egaal +egen/CZ +Egendom +Egenschap +Egenschappen +egenst�nnig/CZ +ehr +ehrdem +ehren +ehrmaals +ehr't +eisch/CZ +elektrisch/CZ +elektroonsch/CZ +Element/Z +elk +elkeen +Ellips/Z +elliptsch/CZ +Emiraat/Z +Emulator/Z +Emulatschoon +emuleren +emuleer/DWMO +en +enanner/ARJHPTUF� +enen/V +een/DWMOV +Energie +Energien +enerwegens +enigermaten +enkel +enkelte +enkelten +Enkelheit/Z +enkeltwies +Ennbruker/L +ennen/IDBV +endt/BV +endte/BV +endten/BV +Ennpunkt +Ennp�nkt +Enn/Z +Enter +Entiteet +Entiteten +estemeren +estemeer/DWMO +eten/APTUFX +itt/DAPTUFX +eet/DAPTUFX +evalueren +evalueer/DWMO +even/CZ +Evene +Evenen +Event��r +Event�ren +expanderen +expandeer/DWMO +exploderen +explodeer/DWMO +Exploschoon +Exploschonen +Exponent/Z +exporteren +exporteer/DWMO +Export/Z +extern/CZ +extra +Extra/L +faak +faaker +faakst +faken +fakener +fakenst +Fachfru +Fach/Z +Faden/L +Faktor/Z +Fall +F�ll +fallen/IDWAQBRJPNGTEUVX +fullen/IDAQBRJPNGTEUVX +falsch/CZ +Familie +Familien +fangen/IDWAQJPV +fungen/IDAQJPV +FAQ +fardig/CZ +farven/IDWMOQRJUV� +fast/CZ +faten/ABRJPNTV� +faat/DABRJPNTV� +Fatt +F��t +Faxsysteem +Faxwarkt��ch +Fax/Z +Feend/Z +feern/CZ +fehlen/IDWMOBV +Fehler/L +fehlslaan +Feld +Feller +fett/CZ +Fett/Z +fickerig/CZ +fickeriger/CZ +fickerigst/CZ +fien/CZ +Fierdag +Fierdaag +Figuur +Figuren +Film/Z +Filter/L +filtern/IDWMORU +Finanzen +finanzeren +finanzeer/DWMO +Finger/L +finnen/IDQJPGX +findt/QJPGX +funnen/IDQJPGX +Finster +Finstern +Finstertyp/Z +Firma/L +Fisch +fix/CZ +Fixh�lp +Fixinstellen +Fixkieker +Fixstart +Fixstarter +Fixs��k +Fixwieser/L +Flaag +Fl��g +Fl��g +Flach +Flachen +flach/CZ +flackern/IDWP +flaggen/IDWMOBJU� +Flagg/Z +flechten/IDWMOARJPNKGTUVF� +flegen/AQRSEJPTUVFX� +fleeg/WAQRSEJPTUVFX� +fl�ggst/AQRSEJPTUVFX� +fl�ggt/AQRSEJPTUVFX� +fl��g/DAQRSEJPTUVFX� +fl�gen/AQRSEJPTUVFX� +flagen/AQRSEJPTUVFX� +fleten/QRJUX +fleet/QRJUX +fl�ttst/QRJUX +fl�tt/QRJUX +floot/DQRJUX +floten/QRJUX +flaten/QRJUX +flicken/IDWMOAJPNKTU +Floog +flusig/CZ +fohren/IDWMOAQBRJHPNKGSEUVFX +Fokus +fokusseren +fokusseer/DWMO +folgen/IDWMOQBV +Folg/Z +Folie/Z +foneetsch/CZ +foolden/IDWMOJTU +Foot +F��t +Form +Formen +Formaat +Formaten +formateren +formateer/DWMO +Formel +Formeln +formen/IDWMOUVF� +Formulor/Z +Foto/L +Fraag +Fragen +fragen/AQBHUFH +fraag/DWMOAQBHUF +Fraktaal +Fraktalen +free +fre'e +fre'en +Freedag +freehannig/CZ +freetsch/CZ +Frequenz/Z +freren/QARJTUV +freer/DWQARJTUV +froor/DQARJTUV +froren/QARJTUV +fresen +fr�st +freten/QARJPNGTUVX +freet/DQARJPNGTUVX +fritt/DQARJPNGTUVX +freuen/IDW +frischen/IDWMOAP +Frost +Fru +Fruuns +Frucht +Fr�cht +fr�h/CZ +fr�her/CZ +fr�hst/CZ +fr�md +fr�mme +fr�mmen +Fr�nd +Fr�nnen +fr�ndlich/CZ +Fr�ndschap +Fr�ndschappen +funkscheneren +funkscheneer/DW +Funkschoon +Funkschonen +fuurts +f�ddern/IDWMOAQJP +f�fftig +eenunf�fftig +unf�fftig +f�gen/AJTV +f��g/DWMOAJTV +f�hlen/IDWMOABREJF +f�hren/IDWMOAQRJPSEUVFX +F�hrer +f�r +f�r'n +f�r't +f�rwiss/CZ +F�er +f�llen/IDWMOABJPT�R +gaatlich/CZ +Gaav +Gaven +Gadder +gahn/AQBRJHPNGTSEUVFX� +gah/AQBRJHPNGTSEUVFX� +geihst/AQBRJHPNGTSEUVFX� +geiht/AQBRJHPNGTSEUVFX� +gaht/AQBRJHPNGSTEUVFX� +gung/AQBRJHPNGTSEUVFX� +gungst/AQBRJHPNGTSEUVFX� +g�ngen/AQBRJHPNGTSEUVFX� +Gang +G�ng +Garantie/Z +Gast +G�st +Gas/Z +gau/CZ +gauer/CZ +gauest/CZ +Gauheit +Gavel +Gaveln +Geboortsdag +Geboortsdaag +Geboortsjohr/Z +Geboortsoort +Geboorts��rd +gediegen/CZ +geel +gele +gelen +geern +Gef�hl/Z +gegen +geheem +geheme/Z +gehemer/CZ +geheemst/CZ +Geheemnis +Geheemnissen +Gelaats/Z +Geld +Geller +gellen/IDWQV +gullen/IDQV +Gemeenschap +Gemeenschappen +generaal +geograafsch/CZ +Geschicht +Geschichten +Gesett/Z +Gesicht +Gesichter +Geslecht +Geslechter +Geswister/L +geven/ABQRJPGTSEUVFX +geev/ABQRJPGTSEUVFX +giffst/ABQRJPGTSEUVFX +gifft/ABRJPGTSEUVFX +geevt/ABQRJPGTSEUVFX +geevst/ABRJPGTSEUVFX +giff +Gever/L +Glas +Gl��s +glatt +gladde +gladden +Gleem +glieden/IWQBRX +gliddst/QBRX +gliddt/QBRX +gleed/DQBRX +gleden/QBRX +glieken/IWAQBUV +glickst/AQBUV +glickt/AQBUV +gleek/DAQBUV +gleken/AQBUV +glieks +glimmern/IDW +glinstern/IDW +globaal +globale +globalen +gl�hen/IDWMOARPGUVX +gl�hnig/CZ +gl�ven/B +gl��v/DWMOB +Gl�ck +gl�cken/IDWMOB +Gold +gollen/CZ +Goos +G��s +goot +gode +goden +gor +Graad +Graden +graafsch/CZ +Graav +Gravens +graderen/P +gradeer/DWMOP +Grafik/Z +graleren/BHF +graleer/DWMOBHF +Grammatik/Z +gratis +graven/QRJPNGUVF� +graav/DWQRJPNGUVF� +groov/DQRJPNGUVF� +groven/QRJPNGUVF� +grenzen/AQBJU +grenz/WMOAQBJU +Grenz/Z +gresig/CZ +griepen/IWAQBRJPTSUVFX +grippst/AQBRJPTSUVFX +grippt/AQBRJPTSUVFX +greep/DAQBRJPTSUVFX +grepen/AQBRJPTSUVFX +Grieper/L +griepsch/CZ +gries/CZ +groff +grove/Z +groffer/CZ +groffst/CZ +groot +grote +groten +gr�tter/CZ +gr�ttst/CZ +Grund +Gr�nd +Grupp/Z +Gruus +gr�ten +gr��t/DW +Gr�tt/Z +gr��n +gr�ne +gr�nen +gr�nnen/IDB +gr�ndt/MOB +Gummi/L +G��d +G�den +g�nt +g�stern +Hai/Z +Haken/L +halen/QVUSPJHNKG +haal/DWMOQVUSPJHNKG +half +halve +halven +halvig/CZ +Hall/Z +Hals/Z +Hand +Hannen +hangen/IDWMOAQBRJPEU +hungen/IDAQBRJPEU +Hannel +H�nnel +hanneln/IDWMOQBJUV +Hannelspartners +hanteren +hanteer/DWMO +Hanterer +hapen +haap/DWMO +Hardware +hartlich/CZ +Hart/Z +he +sien +em +ehr +hebben/AF +heff/AF +hest/AF +hett/AF +hebbt/AF +harr/AF +harrst/AF +harrn/AF +hatt/AF +heel +hele +helen +heiraden/AJVX +heiraad/DWMOAJVX +Held/Z +hell/CZ +heller/CZ +hellst/CZ +hellen/IDWMOP +Helligkeit/Z +hen +Henwieser/L +her +heten +heet/DMO +heven/ARPNKGUVX +heev/DWMOARPNKGUVX +hexadezimaal +hexadezimale +hexadezimalen +hier +Hierarchie/Z +hierarch'sch/CZ +hierhen +hinnern/IDWMOBV +hitt/CZ +hitter/CZ +hittst/CZ +Hoff +H��v +holl +hollen/AQBRJPTSEUVF +hool/WAQBRJPTSEUVF +h�llst/AQBRJPTSEUVF +h�llt/AQBRJPTSEUVF +heel/DAQBRJPTSEUVF +helen/AQBRJPTSEUVF +hollt +Holler/L +Holt +H�lter +hooch +hoge +hogen +h�ger/CZ +h��chst/CZ +Hoor +Horen +Hoot +H��t +Hopen/L +Huus +H��s +Hypnoos +Hypnosen +hypnootsch/CZ +hypnotiseren +hypnotiseer/DWMO +h�den/BJV +h��d/WBJV +h�dden/IDWBJV +h�gen +h��g/DW +H�ker/L +h�lpen/IDWQBPU +hulpen/IDQBPU +H�lper/L +h�lpsch/CZ +h�ren/AFJPTSEVX +h��r/DWMOAFJPTSEVX +H��chd/CZ +h��ft +h��rbor/CZ +H��rn +H�rnen +H�lp +H�lper/L +h�ppen/IDWMORX +ID +ideaal +ideale/Z +Idee/Z +Identifikatschoon +Identifikatschonen +Identiteet +Identiteten +Ies +ignoreren +ignoreer/DWMO +ik +mi +mien/CZ +illegaal +illegale +illegalen +Imm/Z +importeren +importeer/DWMO +Import/Z +in +inaktiv/CZ +inbettbor/CZ +Index/Z +Indigo +indizeren +indizeer/DWMO +Indrag +Indr��g +Industrie +Industrien +Info/L +Informatschoon +Informatschonen +Ingaav +Ingaven +Ingang +Ing�ng +Inholt +Inholden +initialiseren +initialiseer/DWMO +Inleser/L +in'n +Insaag +Insagen +Inschrift/Z +Insel +Inseln +inst +Installatschoon +Installatschonen +installeren +installeer/DWMO +Instand +Inst�nn +instellbor/CZ +Instrukschoon +Instrukschonen +in't +Integratschoon +Integratschonen +integreren +integreer/DWMO +Integriteet +intellektuell/CZ +Interferenz/Z +internatschonaal +internatschonale +internatschonalen +intern/CZ +Internet +Interrupt/L +Intress +Intressen +intressant/CZ +intressanter/CZ +intressantest/CZ +intresseren +intresseer/DWMO +investeren +investeer/DWMO +Inwahner/L +inwarts +is +is'n +Januor +Februor +M�rz +April +Mai +Juni +Juli +August +September +Oktober +November +Dezember +ji +jibbeln/IDWBVX +jichtens +jichtenseen +jichtenswat +jichtenswo +jo +Johrdag +Johr/Z +Joystick/L +jumpen/IDWMOAQRSEJPNKGTVFX +Juud +Juden +juudsch/CZ +j�m +j�mehr +j�mmer/L +�mmer +j�st +kacheln/IDWMOJU +kaken +kaak/DWMO +kakendig +Kalenner/L +kalibreren +kalibreer/DWMO +kamen/ABRHPNKGSEUVFX +kaam/WABRHPNKGSEUVFX +keem/DABRHPNKGSEUVFX +kemen/ABRHPNKGSEUVFX +kumm/DWABRHPNKGSEUVFX +Kamera/L +Kanaal/L +Kant +Kanten +Kant�ffel/L +Kapitel/L +Kapsel +Kapseln +kapseln/IDWMOQJV +Kark/Z +Karn/L +Kassett/Z +Kasten/L +Kataloog +Katalogen +Katastroof +Katastrofen +Kategorie +Kategorien +kathoolsch/CZ +Katt/Z +Kaubontje/L +kauen/IDWMOQARGTUF +Kavel/L +kB +Keed +Keden +keen +kene +kenen +keeneen +Keerl/L +kehren/IDWMOQBJUV +keltsch/CZ +kennen/IDWMOBUV +Kernel/L +kettelig/CZ +kHz +kieken/IDWAQBRJHTSEUVX +keek/DAQBRJHTSEUVX +keken/AQBRJHTSEUVX +Kieker/L +Kiel/Z +Kimm +Kind +Kinners +kippen/IDWMOQARHNKGTUVX� +Kist/Z +Klaag +Klagen +klagen +klaag/DWMOABRJGVX +klammern/IDWMOAJTU +Klamp/Z +Klang +Kl�ng +klappen/IDWMOQJPTUX +Klapp/Z +klass'sch/CZ +Klass/Z +klattern/IDWMOBRHNKGTFX +kleden/ABJUV� +kleed/DWMOABJUV� +kleen +klene +Klemm/Z +klicken/IDWMOARJX +Klick/L +Klock/Z +klook +kloke +kloken +Kloon +Klonen +Kloot +Kl�ten +kloren/QPVF +kloor/DWMOQPVF +Klumpen +Kluut +Kl�ten +kl�nen/QBRU +kl��n/QBRU +kl��nst/QBRU +kl��nt/QBRU +kl��nte/QBRU +kl��nten/QBRU +Kl�ner/L +Kl��nsnack/L +Kl��r +Kl�ren +Kl�mp +Knief +Knieven +kniepen/IWQBRT +knippst/QBRT +knippt/QBRT +kneep/DQBRT +knepen/QBRT +Knipp +Knippen +knippen/IDWMO +knipsen/IDWMO +Knoop +Kn��p +kn�ppen/IDWMOAQJTV� +Kn�tt/Z +Kode +Koden +Kodek/L +koderen +kodeer/DWMO +Koderer/L +Koeffizient/Z +Koken +Kombinatschoon +Kombinatschonen +Komma/L +Kommentar/Z +kommenteren/RJGUX +kommenteer/DWMORJGUX +kommodig +kommood +kommode +kommoden +Kommunikatschoon +Kommunikatschonen +kommunizeren +kommunizeer/DWMO +kompakt/CZ +kompakter/CZ +kompaktst/CZ +Kompass/Z +kompatibel +kompatible +kompatibeln +Kompatibiliteet +Kompatibiliteten +kompileren/J +kompileer/DWMOJ +Kompilerer +komplett/CZ +kompletteren +kompletteer/DWMO +Komponent/Z +Kompresser/L +komprimeren +komprimeer/DWMO +Konferenz/Z +Konflikt/Z +Konsool +Konsolen +Konstante/Z +konstrueren +konstrueer/DWMO +Konstrukschoon +Konstrukschonen +kontakteren +kontakteer/DWMO +Kontakt/Z +Kontext +Kontexten +Konto/L +Kontoor +Kontoren +Kontotyp/Z +Kontrast/Z +konverteren +konverteer/DWMO +konzentersch/CZ +Kookje/L +koolt +kole/Z +k�ller/CZ +k��lst/CZ +Koop +K��p +Koort/Z +koperen/SE +kopeer/DWMOSE +Kopie +Kopien +Kopp +K�pp +Koppel/L +koppeln/IDWMOAQJTUV� +Korf +K�rv +Korn +K��rn +korrekt/CZ +Korrektuur +Korrekturen +korrigeren +korrigeer/DWMO +kort/CZ +k�rter/CZ +k�rtst/CZ +kortwielig/CZ +Kraam +Kraft +Kr�ft +kraftvull/CZ +kramen +kraam/DWMO +kriegen/IWQJPNKGEX +kriggst/QJPNKGEX +kriggt/QJPNKGEX +kreeg/DQJNKPGEX +kregen/QJPNKGEX +Krink +Krinken +krinkoortet/CZ +kritisch/CZ +kryptograafsch/CZ +Kryptografie +kr�zen/AQRJP +kr��z/WMOAQRJP +Kr��z +Kr�zen +Kugel +Kugeln +Kultuur +Kulturen +kumplett/CZ +Kunst +K�nst +kuntrulleren +kuntrulleer/DWMO +Kuntrull/Z +kursiev +kursive +kursiven +Kurs/Z +Kusenbreker/L +Kuus +Kusen +kyrillsch/CZ +k�nen/Q +kann/Q +kannst/Q +k��nt/Q +kunnen/IDWMOQ +k�pen/AQJPTVFX +k��p/WAQJPTVFX +k�ff/DWAQJPTVFX +k�ffen/AQJPTVFX +K�rbs +K�rbsen +k�rnig/CZ +k�rten/IDMOQJVX +k�sten/IDW +K�ll +K�nn +k�nnig/CZ +K�nstler/L +k�selig/CZ +K�sel/L +K�ssen/L +laadbor/CZ +Laag +Lagen +laat +late +laten +later/CZ +laatst/CZ +lachen/IDWMOABHUVX +Laden/L +laden/QBJPTUVF +laad/DWMOQBJPTUVF +Lader/L +lagern/IDWMOAQBJUV� +Lamp/Z +Land +L�nner +Lannen +Landschap +Landschappen +lang/CZ +l�nger/CZ +l�ngst/CZ +langen/IDWMOABRSETV +langs +langsam/CZ +langsamer/CZ +langsamst/CZ +lannen/IDWMO +lasten/IDWMOAQBPU +Last/Z +laten/AQBRJHTUVX +laat/AQBRJHTUVX +lettst/AQBRJHTUVX +lett/AQBRJHTUVX +leet/DAQBRJHTUVX +leten/AQBRJHTUVX +Lat�cht/Z +Layout/L +LCD +Leck/L +ledden/IDWMOAQRSJTUV� +Ledder +Leddern +leddig/CZ +leeg +lege +legen +leger/CZ +legerst/CZ +Leerteken/L +leesbor/CZ +Leesborkeit +Leesteken/L +legaal +legale +legalen +leggen/IDWMOAQBJPTSEUVFX +leed/DAQBJPTSEUVFX +leden/AQBJPTSEUVFX +lehnen/IDWMOAQSEFX +lehren/IDWMOABV +Lehrer/L +leider +leisten/IQ +leiste/Q +Lenk/Z +lesen/JQHPUVF +lees/WMOJQHPUVF +Leser/L +lest/CZ +leven/BRPUVF +leev/DWMOBRPUVF +levern/IDWMOAQBJU +Lex/Z +Licht +Lichters +licht/CZ +lichter/CZ +lichtst/CZ +lichten/IDWMOQABPNKGX +Liddmaat +Liddmaten +liedsam/CZ +liek/CZ +liekers +Liekheit +lieksterwelt +liekut +Lien +Lienen +lierl�tt/CZ +lies/CZ +lieser/CZ +liest/CZ +Liest/Z +liggen/IDWRP +leeg/DRP +legen/RP +lila +Lineaal/Z +lineaar +lineare/Z +Linguist/Z +linken/IDWMOSEJV +linkerhand +Link/L +Linkpoot +Linkpoten +links +linke +linken +Lins/Z +listen/IDWMOP +List/Z +Literatuur +Lizenz/Z +Lock +L�cker +locken/IDWMOARSENKGVX +logaritmisch/CZ +Logbook +Logb�ker +Logik +Logo/L +lokaal +lokale +lokalen +Loof +Loop +L��p +loos +lopen/AQBRJPTSEUVFX +loop/WAQBRJPTSEUVFX +l�ppst/AQBRJPTSEUVFX +l�ppt/AQBRJPTSEUVFX +leep/DAQBRJPTSEUVFX +lepen/AQBRJPTSEUVFX +luern/BP +luur/DWMOBP +Lup/Z +luustern/IDWBRHN +luut +lude +luden +luder/CZ +luutst/CZ +Luutspreker/L +L�ng/Z +L�ngd/CZ +l�schen/IDWMOUVX +l�sen/QJPU +l��s/WMOQJPU +l��sbor/CZ +L�ck/Z +l�stern/IDWMOBE +l�tt/CZ +l�tter/CZ +l�ttst/CZ +L��d +maal +Maandag +Maand/Z +Maat +Maten +Mac +Macker/L +Magenta +mahnen/IDWMOQAV +maken/AQJHPTUVFX +maak/DWMOAQJHPTUVFX +Maker/L +Makro/L +malen/QABHPNKUVFX� +maal/DWMOQABHPNKUVFX� +mall/CZ +mal�ren +mal��r/WMO +Mal��r/L +man +Manager/L +mang +Mann +Mannsl��d +Manpage/L +Marine +marken/IDWMOABPVF +markeren +markeer/DWMO +Markmaal +Markmalen +Markt/Z +Mark/Z +Marmel/L +Maschien +Maschinen +maskeren +maskeer/DWMOHV +Maskottje +Maskottjens +Mask/Z +Mass/Z +mathemaatsch/CZ +Mathematik +Matrix +Matrizen +maximaal +maximale +maximalen +maximeren +maximeer/DWMO +MB +mechaansch/CZ +Mechanismus +Mechanismen +meckern/IDWMOABU +Medium +Medien +Medizin +medizinsch/CZ +Meer +Meren +mehr +mehrsten +mehrfach/CZ +mehrstendeels +meist +mellen/IAQJV +meldst/AQJV +meldt/AQJV +meldte/AQJV +meldten/AQJV +menen/V +meen/MOV +meenst/V +meent/V +Mengde +Mengden +mennig/CZ +Men�/L +Merrn +Messier +Meta +Metall/Z +meten/QBPTUV +meet/DQBPTUV +mittst/QBPTUV +mitt/QBPTUV +Meter/L +Metood +Metoden +Metrik +Metriken +MHz +Middag +Middaag +middeln/IDWMOUV +midden +Middeweken +Miegeem +Miegemen +Mikrofoon/L +Mikrometer/L +Mikrosekunn/Z +Millimeter/L +Millisekunn/Z +Minibild +Minibiller +minimaal +minimale +minimalen +minimalistisch/CZ +minimeren +minimeer/DWMO +minn/CZ +minner/CZ +minnst/CZ +minnern/IDWMOQHV +Minsch +Minschen +minus +Minuut +Minuten +mischen/IDWMO +Mischer +mit +Mitarbeider/L +mitenanner +mitmaken +mitmaak/DWMO +mit'n +mitsamts +mitspelen +mitspeel/DWMO +mm +mobil/CZ +modeern/CZ +Modell/Z +Modem/L +Moder +M�der +modereren +modereer/DWMO +Modifikator/Z +Modifikatschoon +Modifikatschonen +modifizeren +modifizeer/DWMO +Moduul +Modulen +Moin +molekulaar +molekulare/Z +Molek��l +Molek�len +Momang +Monitor/Z +Mood +Moden +morgen +Mosaik/Z +Moss +multimedia +Multimeter/L +multinatschonaal +multinatschonale/Z +Mund +Munnen +Musik +Muster +Mustern +Muus +M��s +Muusrad +m�chtig/CZ +m�chtiger/CZ +m�chtigst/CZ +m�gen/V +mag/DV +muchen/IDWMOV +m�ten +mutt/D +m��t +muss/WMO +m�ssen +M��g +M�gen +m��glich/CZ +M��glichkeit/Z +na +Naam/L +Nacht/Z +nageln/IDWMOARJPTVF +Nakieksel/L +namiddaags +Namiddag +Namiddaag +na'n +Naricht/Z +narms +na't +natschonaal +natschonale +natschonalen +Natuur +Naturen +nat�rlich/CZ +nau/CZ +Nauigkeit/Z +Naver/L +Naverschap +Naverschappen +Navigatschoon +Navigatschoonspaneel +nedder/CZ +neddersass'sch/CZ +Nee +neeg +nege/Z +neger/CZ +neegst/CZ +Neegde +neem +Nees +Nesen +negativ/CZ +negentig +eenunnegentig +unnegentig +nehmen/IWAQJPTSEUVFX +n�hmen/IDAQJPTSEUVFX +nimm/DWAQJPTSEUVFX +nahmen/AQJPTSEUVFX +neihen/IDWMOQAHKTUX� +nerrn +nettbaseert/CZ +Nettweger/Z +Nettweg/Z +Nett/Z +neurootsch/CZ +neutraal +neutrale/Z +neutraler/CZ +neutraalst/CZ +nich +nie +nieg/CZ +nieger/CZ +niegst/CZ +nienich +nipp +nix +Nixdoon +noch +noog +noord/Z +noot +normaal +normale +normalen +normalerwies +normaliseren +normaliseer/DWMO +Notiz/Z +Nr +nu +Null +numeersch/CZ +Nummer +Nummern +nummereren +nummereer/DWMO +n�dig/CZ +n�men/� +n��m/DWMO� +n�ms +n�tten/IDWMOQU +Objekt +Objekten +oder +of +offiziell/CZ +Ohr/Z +OK +ok +ok'n +oktaal +oktale/Z +online +Oog +Ogen +Oogbro/Z +oolt +ole +olen +�ller/CZ +�llst/CZ +ooltbacksch/CZ +Oorinwahner/L +Oorsaak +Oorsaken +Oort +Oorden +��rd +oorten/WMOU +oortig/CZ +Oost/Z +op +Opbacker/L +Opdrag +Opdr��g +Opduker/L +Operator/Z +Operatschoon +Operatschonen +opfrischen/IDWMO +Opgaav +Opgaven +Opgang +Opg�ng +opgraderen +opgradeer/DWMO +op'n +Opnahm/Z +Opnehmer/L +opportuunsch/CZ +oprecht/CZ +Oproop +Opr��p +Oproper/L +opsl�teln/IDWMO +Opsteller/L +opstunns +op't +optschonaal +optschonale +optschonalen +Optschoon +Optschonen +opwarts +orange +Organisatschoon +Organisatschonen +organiseren +organiseer/DWMO +orginaal +orginale +orginalen +ornen/IDWMOAQJTX +Orner +Ornern +Ovaal +Ovalen +packen/IDWMOAQBSEJPNKGTUVFX� +Padd/Z +Paket/Z +Paneel/L +Papeer +Paperen +parallel/CZ +Parameter/L +parken/IDWMOQEJNKGTUX� +Park/L +Partei/Z +Partitschoon +Partitschonen +Partner/L +Part/Z +passen/IDWMOAQRJPTV +passeren +passeer/DWMO +passiv/CZ +PATH +Patroon +Patronen +Paus/Z +PC +pellen/IDWMOQU +per +Perfesser/L +Periood +Perioden +perioodsch/CZ +Persoon +Personen +pers��nlich/CZ +Perzent/Z +Perzesser +Perzessern +Perzess/Z +phoneetsch/CZ +Phosphor +physikaalsch/CZ +PID +pielliek/CZ +piellieks +Piel/Z +PIN +Pinbalken +Pingel/L +pingeln/IDWMOARSGF +Pinsel/L +Pixel/L +Plaan/L +Plaat +Platen +Placken/L +Plakaat +Plakaten +planen/BEJTVF� +plaan/BEJTVF� +plaanst/BEJTVF� +plaant/BEJTVF� +plaante/BEJTVF� +plaanten/BEJTVF� +Planer/L +Planet/Z +Plaster/L +Platin +platt/CZ +Platz +Pl�tz +platzeren +platzeer/DWMO +plegen/BJV +pleeg/DWMOJV +Pleger/L +plietsch/CZ +plietscherwies +Plock +Pl�ck +Plotter/L +Plugin/L +plus +pluustern/IDWMOP +Pl�seer +Pl�seren +Politik +Politiker/L +Pool +P��l +poor +Poor +Poren +Populariteet +porteerbor/CZ +porteren +porteer/DWMO +Portr�t/L +Port/Z +positiv/CZ +Positschoon +Positschonen +Post +Poster/L +praat +Praatschap +Praatschappen +praatstellen/IDWMO +prallen/IDWMOQAPX +Prefix +Prefixen +Presentatschoon +Presentatschonen +Prick/CZ +Primtall +Prioriteet +Prioriteten +privaat +private +privaten +Privaatsf��r +Privaatsf�ren +Privileeg +Privilegen +pro +proberen/AU +probeer/DWMOAU +Problem/Z +Produkschoon +Produkschonen +Produkt/Z +profeschonell/CZ +Profeschoon +Profeschonen +Profil/Z +Programmenn/Z +programmeren +programmeer/DWMO +Programmstarter +Programm/Z +Projekschoon +Projekschonen +Projekt/Z +Prompt/Z +Proov +Proven +proportschonaal/CZ +Proportschoon +Proportschonen +proppen/IDWMOABRHNGTVF +propper/CZ +proprieteer +proprietere +proprieteren +Protokoll/Z +Proxy +Proxies +Prozess/Z +pr�ven/B +pr��v/DWMOB +publiek +publike +publiken +Puffer/L +pulseren +pulseer/DW +Punkt +Punkten +P�nkt +Punktatschoon +Punktatschonen +punkteren/HU +punkteer/DWMOHU +P��ster/L +Quadraat +Quadraten +quadraatsch/CZ +quengeln/IDW +Quitten +qu�len/QRSENKG +qu��l/DWMOQRSENKG +Raat +Raden +Rad +R��d +Radel/L +raden/ABQV +raad/DWMOABQV +raderen/GUX +radeer/DWMOGUX +Radio/L +Rahmen/L +RAM +ramponeren +ramponeer/DWMO +Rand +R�nners +Rang +R�ng +rank/CZ +rantrecken/IDW +rantrocken/ID +Rate/Z +reaal +reale +realen +reageren +reageer/DWMO +Rebeet +Rebeden +recht/CZ +Rechteck/L +rechterhand +Rechtpoot +Rechtpoten +rechts +Recht/Z +redig/CZ +Reedschap +Reedschappen +Reeg +Regen +Reegenn +Reegennen +Reekner/L +reen +rene +renen +Reet +Reten +Referenz/Z +Regel +Regeln +regelmatig/CZ +Regelmatigkeit +Regen +regen +reeg/DWMOAJP +regen +regent +regeren +regeer/DWMO +Regioon +Regionen +registreren +registreer/DWMO +reguleer +regulere +reguleren +reguleren +reguleer/DWMO +reik/CZ +Reis +Reisen +reisen/IDWMOAQBRSEJTUVFX +reken/AQBEJPTUVFX� +reek/DWMOAQBEJPTUVFX� +rekursiv/CZ +relativ/CZ +Relativiteet +Relativiteten +relevant/CZ +Reparatuur +Reparaturen +reproduzeren +reproduzeer/DWMO +Republiek/Z +reserveren +reserveer/DWMO +resig/CZ +Ressource +Ressourcen +Rest/Z +Resultaat +Resultaten +retuur +Revischoon +Revischonen +revolutschoneren +revolutschoneer/DWMO +Revolutschoon +Revolutschonen +RGB +richten/IDWMOAFBJPTSEUV +richtig/CZ +Richt/Z +Ridder +Riddersl��d +rieden/IWARSEJHNKGTUFX� +riddst/ARSEJHNKGTUFX� +riddt/ARSEJHNKGTUFX� +reed/DARSEJHNKGTUFX� +reden/ARSEJHNKGTUFX� +Riek/Z +Riepde +riepen/IDWMORHU +rieten/IAQBRJPUVX +rittst/AQBRJPUVX +ritt/AQBRJPUVX +reet/DAQBRJPUVX +reten/AQBRJPUVX +rieven/WQRJPVX +riffst/QRJPVX +rifft/QRJPVX +reev/DQRJPVX +reven/QRJPVX +riffelig/CZ +Riffel/L +rin +ring/CZ +riskant/CZ +Riskanz +Riskanzen +Roboter/L +Roh +roh/CZ +ROM +romantsch/CZ +Roop +R��p +roor +rore/Z +root +rode +roden +ropen/AQBRPTU +roop/WAQBRPTU +r�ppst/AQBRPTU +r�ppt/AQBRPTU +reep/DAQBRPTU +repen/AQBRPTU +Routine +Routinen +Rubriek +Rubriken +rullen/IDWMOQJPEUX +Rull/Z +rund +runne +runnen +runnen/IDQP� +rundt/QP� +rusen/AQBUV +ruus/DWMOAQBUV +rut +Rutgever/L +ruuch/CZ +Ruum +R��m +r�gen/ABTVX +r��g/DWMOABTVX +r�hren/IDWMOABTVX +r��msch/CZ +r�cken/IDWQSEJPUVFX� +r�m +r�masen +r�maas/DWMO +r�mbuttjern +r�men/QJPUX +r��m/DWMOQJPUX +r�mspelen +r�mspeel/DWMO +Saag +Sagen +Saak +Saken +sachts +sachtens +Sack +S�ck +sammeln/IDWMOQAJHPNKGUVFX +satt/CZ +Sattheit +Satz +S�tz +schaadhaftig/CZ +Schaal/L +Schalen +Schach +Schadden/L +schaden +schaad/DWMO +schalten/IDWMOAQJPTUVFX� +Schalter/L +schapen/ABSENKGX +schaap/DWMOABSENKGX +scharp/CZ +scharper/CZ +scharpst/CZ +Scharpde +scharpen/IDWMO +Schatt/Z +Schau/Z +scheden/QEUV +scheed/DWMOQEUV +scheef +scheve +scheven +Scheer +Scheren +schelen +scheel/DWMO +Schell/Z +Schema/L +scheren/ARJU 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+schoven/AQRJPNKGTSEVFX +schaven/AQRJPNKGTSEVFX +Schuver/L +sch�len +schall/D +sch��lt +schullen/IDWMO +sch��n +sch�ne +sch�nen +Sch��t +Sch�ten +sch�ddeln/IDWMOQRGU +SCSI +se +See/Z +seggen/IDWMOAQRPTUVF +see/DAQRPTUVF +seen/AQRPTUVF +Segment/Z +sehn/AQBRJPTSEUVFX +seh/AQBRJPTSEUVFX +s�hst/AQBRJPTSEUVFX +s�ht/AQBRJPTSEUVFX +seht/AQBRJPTSEUVFX +seeg/AQBRJPTSEUVFX +seegst/AQBRJPTSEUVFX +segen/AQBRJPTSEUVFX +Sek +seker/CZ +sekrer/CZ +sekerst/CZ +Sekerheit +Sekerheitskopie +Sekerheitskopien +Sekerheitswohrschoen +sekern/IDWMOQBTV +Sektor/Z +Sekunn +Sekunnen +Selekschoon +Selekschonen +Sellschap +Sellschappen +Semikolon/L +sennen/IDQJTSEUVX +sendt/QJTSEUVX +sendte/QJTSEUVX +sendten/QJTSEUVX +Senner/L +Sensor +Sensoren +Sensortyp/Z +Serie +Serien +seriell/CZ +Server/L +setten/IDWMOAQBRJPNKGTESUVFX� +Sicht +Sichten +sichtbor/CZ +Sichtborkeit +Siet +Sieden +siet/CZ + +sieter/CZ +sietst/CZ +SietRop +Signaal +Signalen +Signatuur +Signaturen +sik +simuleren +simuleer/DWMO +Sinn +sinnig/CZ +sinnvull/CZ +sitten/IDQJUF +seet/DQJUF +seten/QJUF +Situatschoon +Situatschonen +Skala/L +skaleerbor/CZ +skaleren +skaleer/DWMO +skandinaavsch/CZ +Skript/Z +slaan/AQBREJHPTUFX +sla/AQBREJHPTUFX +sleist/AQBREJHPTUFX +sleit/AQBREJHPTUFX +slaat/AQBREJHPTUFX +sloog/DAQBREJHPTUFX +slogen/AQBREJHPTUFX +Slag +Sl��g +Slang/Z +slank/CZ +slanker/CZ +slankst/CZ +slapen/BRJTUVFX +slaap/WBRJTUVFX +sl�ppst/BRJTUVFX +sl�ppt/BRJTUVFX +sleep/DBRJTUVFX +slepen/BRJTUVFX +Slott +Sl��t +Sl�tter +sluten/AQBJPTUV +sluut/AQBJPTUV +sluttst/AQBJPTUV +slutt/AQBJPTUV +sloot/DAQBJPTUV +sloten/AQBJPTUV +slaten/AQBJPTUV +Sl�tel/L +Sl�teltyp/Z +Sl��p +Sl�pen +small/CZ +Smaragd/Z +Smartkoort/Z +Smeed +Smeden +smeren/ABJHPNKTUVFX +smeer/DWMOQABJHPNKTUVFX +smieten/IAQBJGTSEX +smittst/AQBJGTSEX +smitt/AQBJGTSEX +smeet/DAQBJGTSEX +smeten/AQBJGTSEX +smuck/CZ +smucker/CZ +smuckst/CZ +Smuckheit +sm�lten/IDWMOQRJPNGUVX� +smolten/QRJPNGUVX� +Snaak +Snaken +snaaksch/CZ +snacken/IDWMOAQBPUVF +Snackeree +Snackereen +Snacker/L +snackhaftig/CZ +Snack/L +snappen/IDWMOJHPTX +Snee +snieden/IWAQBRJPTUVX +snittst/AQBRJPTUVX +snitt/AQBRJPTUVX +sneed/DAQBRJPTUVX +sneden/AQBRJPTUVX +Snitt +Sneed +Snuut +Snuten +sn�rkelig/CZ +Sn�rkel/Z +so +Sockel/L +Socket/L +sodraad +Software +sogor +Sommer/L +so'n +sorteren/RJUFX +sorteer/DWMORJUFX +Sort/Z +soziaal +soziale/Z +Spaak +Spaa� +Speel +Spelen +spegeln/IDWMO +spelen/AQJPTUVF +speel/DWMOAQJPTUVF +Speler/L +spennen/IDWMO +Spenn/Z +spezial +spiegen/IWABREHNKGUX +spiggst/ABREHNKGUX +spiggt/ABREHNKGUX +speeg/DABREHNKGUX +spegen/MOABREHNKGUX +Spieker/L +spiekern/IDWMOQJ +spillen/IDWMOGX +spioneren/U +spioneer/DWMOU +Spioon +Spionen +Spiraal +Spiralen +spiraalsch/CZ +spitz/CZ +Spool +Spolen +Spoor +Sp��r +Sporen +sporen/AQJP +spoor/DWMOAQJP +Sport +Spraak +Spraken +spreken/QABRNRGUVF +spreek/WQABRNRGUVF +sprickst/QABRNRGUVF +sprickt/QABRNRGUVF +sprook/DQABRNRGUVF +sproken/QABRNRGUVF +spraken/MOQABRNRGUVF +springen/IDWAQRJPX +sprungen/IDAQRJPX +Sproot +Sproten +spr�hen/IDWMOABREJHPNKGTUV +Spr��k +Spr�ken +spr�tten/IDWMOQABEJHPNKGTVFX� +sp�ken +sp��k/DW +Sp�ker/L +sp�len/QARSEHGUFX +sp��l/DWMOQARSEHGUFX +sp�ren/RHPNUF +sp��r/DWMORHPNUF +Staat +Staten +staats +Stadt +St�der +Staff +St��v +stahn/AQBRJPTUVF +stah/WAQBRJPTUVF +steihst/AQBRJPTUVF +steiht/AQBRJPTUVF +staht/AQBRJPTUVF +stunnen/IDAQBRJPTUVF +Stamm +St�mm +Stand +St�nn +Standard/L +standardwies +Stapel/L +stapeln/IDWMOPEX +stark/CZ +st�rker/CZ +st�rkst/CZ +Start +starten/IDWMOQRP +Statistik/Z +Statschoon +Statschonen +Status +stdin +Steed +Steden +Steen +Stenen +Steern/L +Steert +Sterten +steken/AQBRJPTEUVX +steek/DWAQBRJPTEUVX +stickst/AQBRJPTEUVX +stickt/AQBRJPTEUVX +stick/AQBRJPTEUVX +Steker/L +stellen/IDWMOAQBRSJPTEUVFX� +Stempel/L +Steven/L +stevig/CZ +steviger/CZ +stevigst/CZ +stiegen/IWAQBRJPTUV +stiggst/AQBRJPTUV +stiggt/AQBRJPTUV +steeg/DAQBRJPTUV +stegen/AQBRJPTUV +Stift/Z +still/CZ +Stil/Z +Stimm +Stimmen +stimmen/IDWMOAQBJTV +Stoff +Stoop +Stopen +Stoot +St��t +stopen/QAK� +stoop/DWMOQAK� +stoppen/IDWMOQP +Storm +St�rm +Straat +Straten +strahlen/IDWMOQABRSEJNGTUV +Strahl/Z +Strategie +Strategien +Streek +Streken +Stremel/L +streng/CZ +strenger/CZ +strengst/CZ +STRG +Strg +strieken/IWARJUVFX +strickst/ARJUVFX +strickt/ARJUVFX +streek/DARJUVFX +streken/ARJUVFX +Striep/Z +Striet +Stroom +Str��m +Struktuur +Strukturen +stumm/CZ +Stuuv +Stuven +St�rk/Z +st�ren/P +st��r/DWMOP +st�rten/IDWMOQJ +st�ten/AQRSEPTUVX +st��t/AQRSEPTUVX +st�tt/DAQRSEPTUVX +st�tten/AQRSEPTUVX +st�vern/IDWMOR +St�ck/Z +st�ern/IDWMOARSEUVX +St�nn +St�nnen +st�tten/IDWMOAP +Subroutine +Subroutinen +Suffix +Suffixen +sugen/QARJPNKGUX +suug/WQARJPNKGUX +s�ggst/QARJPNKGUX +s�ggt/QARJPNKGUX +soog/DQARJPNKGUX +sogen/QARJPNKGUX +sagen/QARJPNKGUX +Summ +Summen +Sump +S�mp +Sundheit +super +suutje/Z +swach/CZ +swacher/CZ +swachst/CZ +swatt/CZ +swatter/CZ +swattst/CZ +sweven/AQRSEJFX� +sweev/DWMOAQRSEJFX� +swiestern/IDWMOBJT +swinnen/IDWEV +swunnen/IDWEV +swoor +swore +sworen +sworer/CZ +swoorst/CZ +Symbool +Symbolen +symboolsch/CZ +Symlink/L +Symmetrie/Z +synkroniseren +synkroniseer/DWMO +synkroon +synkrone +synkronen +Synon�m/Z +syntaktsch/CZ +Syntax +Systeem +Systemen +s�ken/QBRPUV +s��k/WQBRPUV +s�chen/IDWMOQBRPUV +S�ker/L +s�sstig +eenuns�sstig +uns�sstig +s�ven +s�ventig +eenuns�ventig +uns�ventig +s��d +S��k +S�ken +S��ktyp/Z +s��t +s�te +s�ten +S�lv +S�lven +s�lve +s�lven +s�lvig/CZ +s�lvst +S�nnavend +S�nndag +s�nner/CZ +s�nnerlich/CZ +s�nnern/IDWMOQU +S�nn/Z +s�nst +S��k +S�ken +s��k +s�ke/Z +S��r +S�ren +TAB +Tab/L +Tabtast +Tabulator/Z +Tabell/Z +tachentig +eenuntachentig +untachentig +tachuntachentig +Tahlmiddel +Tahn +T�hn +Taktik/Z +Takt/Z +Tall/Z +Tapeet +Tapeten +tarren/IDWMORSEVFX +Taschenreekner +Tastatuur +Tastaturen +tasten/IDWMOQBNKGF +Tast/Z +TB +Technik/Z +technisch/CZ +Tee +Teel +Telen +teemlich +Tegel/L +tegen +teken/AQBEJPUV +teek/DWMOAQBEJPUV +Teken/L +Tekenlosigkeit +Telefoon +Telefonen +Telg/Z +tellen/IDWMOQRPVF +Temperatuur +Temperaturen 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+untwintig +twischen +twoors +typograafsch/CZ +Typ/Z +T�rn/L +t�ven/Q +t��v/DWQ +T�veree/Z +T�verer +t�vern/IDWMOBSVX +t�ffelig/CZ +t�ffeliger/CZ +t�ffeligst/CZ +T�nn/Z +un +uneven/CZ +Unicode +Unioon +Unionen +Universiteet +Universiteten +uns +unseker/CZ +unsekert +unsichtbor/CZ +unvermodens +URI/L +URL/L +USB +Usenet +usw +ut +utbenahmen +Utdruck +Utdr�ck +uteneen +utf�hrbor/CZ +utf�hrlich/CZ +Utgaav +Utgaven +Utgang +Utg�ng +Utl�ser/L +ut'n +Utnahm/Z +Utrichter/L +Utsehn +Utwahl/Z +Utweg +Utweeg +Utwickler/L +Vagel/L +variabel +variable +variabeln +veel +vele +velen +Veeleck/L +veelfach/CZ +veer +veert/CZ +veerkantig/CZ +veertig +eenunveertig +unveertig +Vektor/Z +verantwoorden/IDWMO +verbiestern/W +Verbinnentyp/Z +Verb/Z +verdubbeln/IDWMO +vereenfachen/IDWMO +verf��gbor/CZ +Verf��gborkeit +vergeten +vergeet +vergittst +vergitt +vergeetst +vergn��glich/CZ +verleren +verleer/DW +verloor/D +verloren +Verlust/Z +verl�ven +verl��v/DWMO +Verl��f +Verl�ven +vermoden +vermood/DWMO +verniegern/IDWMO +verplichten/IDWMO +verscheden/CZ +Verscheel +Verschelen +Verschoon +Verschonen +versl�teln/IDWMO +verst�nnig/CZ +vers�ken +vers��k/DWMO +vertikaal +vertikale +vertikalen +vertrolich/CZ +vertroonsw��rdig/CZ +verwachtens +verwalten/IDWMO +verwiederbor/CZ +verwiedern/IDWMO +VGA +viddel +Video/L +vigelett/CZ +Vigelien +Vigelienen +vigeliensch/CZ +villicht +virtuell/CZ +Virus +Viren +Virussen +Visitenkoort +Visitenkorten +visuell/CZ +Volksschool +vull/CZ +Vullmacht/Z +vullst�nnig/CZ +vun +vundaag +vun'n +vun't +vunwegen +v�r +v�raf +v�ran +v�rangah +V�ranstoot +V�ranst��t +v�rbi +V�rdeel +V�rdelen +v�rdem +V�rdrift +V�rfilter/L +V�rgaav +V�rgaven +V�rgang +V�rg�ng +V�rgeschicht +V�rgrund +v�rhannen/CZ +v�rig/CZ +v�rinstellen/IDWMO +V�rlaag +V�rlagen +V�rleser/L +v�rmiddaags +V�rmiddag +V�rmiddaag +v�r'n +v�rn +V�rnaam/L +V�rslag +V�rsl��g +v�rst/CZ +V�rteken +v�rtiets +v�rut +v�rverarbeiden/IDWMO +v�rwarts +v�rweg +waagrecht/CZ +wachten/IDWMOQPTV +Wachter/L +Wagen/L +wahlwies +Wahl/Z +wahnschapen +waken/RP +waak/DWMORP +Wall +W�ll +Wand +W�nn +wannehr +wanneln/IDWMO� +warflich/CZ +warken/IDWMOBJUVF +warklich/CZ +Warkt��ch +Wark/Z +warm/CZ +warmer/CZ +warmst/CZ +Warms +warrn/IDWA +w��rn/IDA +worrn/A +warven/IDWMOAQBJ� +wassen/IDWABRSEJPTUV +wussen/IDABRSEJPTUV +wat +Water +Watt +wedder +wedderhalen +wedderhaal/DWMO +Weder +Week +Weken +week +weke/Z +weker/CZ +weekst/CZ +Weekenn/Z +weerten/IDWMOQBPUV +Weert/Z +weg +Weg +Weeg +wegen +Weggang +Wegg�ng +Wegwesen +Wekendag +welk/CZ +Welt +Welten +weltwiet +weltwiede +weltwieden +wenig/CZ +weniger +wenigst/CZ +wenn +wennen/IDAQBJPEVX +wendt/AQBJPEVX +wendte/AQBJPEVX +wendten/AQBJPEVX +wenn'n +Wennst/Z +wenn't +werken/IDWMOBV +wesen +b�n +b�st +is +s�nd +weern/ID +wees/W +wesseln/IDWMOQJUV +West +westlich/CZ +weten +weet/D +wussen/IDWMO +Wetenschap +Wetenschappen +wetenschaplich/CZ +Wett/Z +weven/OJNV +weev/DWMOJNV +wi +wichtig/CZ +wichtiger/CZ +wichtigst/CZ +Wicht/Z +wickeln/IDWMOQBJPUV� +wieder +Wied/Z +wiel +wieldes +wielt +wienroot +Wien/Z +wiesen/IDMOAQBJPTEUVFX +Wieser +wiet +Wind/Z +Winkel/L +winnen/IDV� +wunnen/IDWV� +winnt +windt/V� +Winnst/Z +Winter/L +wischen/IDWMOQHPUVFX +wischen/IDWMOQRHPGUVFX +wiss/CZ +witt/CZ +wo +woans +wodennig +wohren/IDWMOBV +wohrschienlich/CZ +wohrschoen/I +wohrschoost +wohrschoot +wokeen +woneem +Woold/Z +Woort +W��r +wor +Worm +W�rms +wor�m +woso +woveel +wrack/CZ +Wulk/Z +wunnerbor/CZ +Wunsch +W�nsch +w�hlen/IDWMOAQJUV +W�hler/L +W�rpel/L +W�rtel +W�rteln +w��st/CZ +W��st/Z +w�llen/W +will +wullen/IDWMO +XServer +Xylofoon/Z +Zeddel/L +Zell/Z +Zentimeter/L +zentraal +zentrale +zentralen +Zentrum/L +Zertifikaat +Zertifikaten +Zitaat +Zitaten +ziteren +ziteer/DWMO +zyan +Zylinner/L +�kelnaam + +�kelnaams +�llermann +�versetter/L +��l +�len +�mbreker/L +�mbrook +�mbr��k +�mgang +�mg�ng +�mgeven +�mkrink +�mreet +�mreten +�mschalter/L +�mslag +�msl��g +�nnern/IDWMOQV +�koloogsch/CZ +�konoomsch/CZ +�ven/JUV +��v/DWMOJUV +�ver +�verall +�vereen +�verkopp +�verlappen/IDWMO +�verscherig/CZ +�vrig/CZ +�m +�mkehren/IDWMO +�m'n +�msunst +�mto +�nnen +�nner +�nnerwegens + +Abchasien +abchaassch/CZ +afaarsch/CZ +Afghanistan +Afrika +afrikaansch/CZ +�gypten +Albanien +albaansch/CZ +Algerien +Amerika +amerikaansch/CZ +amhaarsch/CZ +Andorra +Angola +Antarktis +antarktsch/CZ +Antigua +un +Barbuda +Antillen +�quatoriaal +Guinea +Arabien +araabsch/CZ +Argentinien +argentiensch/CZ +Armenien +armeensch/CZ +Aserbaidschan +aserbaidschaansch/CZ +Asien +assameesch/CZ +�thiopien +�thioopsch +Avesta +Aymara +Australien +austraalsch/CZ +Bahamas +Bahrain +baltsch/CZ +Bandar +Bangladesch +Barbados +baschkiirsch/CZ +basksch/CZ +Belgien +belgsch/CZ +Belgrad +Belize +bengaalsch/CZ +Benin +Bermudas +Bihari +Bislama +Bhutan +Bokm�l +Bolivien +Bosnien +Herzegowina +bosnisch/CZ +Botswana +Brasilien +brasiliaansch/CZ +bretoonsch/CZ +britsch/CZ +Brunei +Bulgarien +bulgaarsch +Burkina +Faso +Burma +burmeesch/CZ +Burundi +Caicosinseln +Chamorro +Chichewa +China +chineesch +Chile +Costa +Rica +D�nmark +d��nsch/CZ +D��tschland +d��tsch/CZ +Dominica +Dominikaansche +Republiek +Dschibuti +Dzongkha +Ecuador +Elfenbeenk�st +El +Salvador +England +engelsch/CZ +Eritrea +Esperanto +Estland +estnsch/CZ +Europa +europ��sch/CZ +Farsi +F�r�er +f�r��sch/CZ +Fidschi +Finnland +finnsch/CZ +Frankriek +franz��sch/CZ +Freesland +freesch/CZ +Gabun +Gallegan +Galizien +galizsch/CZ +Gambia +Georgien +georgsch/CZ +Ghana +Grenada +Grekenland +greeksch/CZ +Grootbritannien +GB +Guam +Guarani +Guatemala +Gudscharati +Guinea +Guinea +Bissau +Gurmukhi +Guyana +G��lsch +Haiti +Haussa +hebr��sch/CZ +Herero +Hindi +Hiri +Holsteen +Honduras +Ido +Indien +indisch/CZ +Indonesien +indoneesch/CZ +Interlingua +Interlingue +Inuktitut +Inupiak +Irak +Iran +iraansch/CZ +Irland +irsch/CZ +Island +islannsch/CZ +Israel +hebr��sch +hebr�sche +hebr�schen +Italien +italieensch/CZ +Jamaika +Japan +japaansch/CZ +Java +javaneesch/CZ +Jemen +jemenietsch/CZ +jiddsch/CZ +Jordanien +Jugoslawien +jugoslaawsch/CZ +Kalaallisut +Kambodscha +Kamerun +Kanada +kanaadsch/CZ +Kannada +Kap +Verde +katalaansch/CZ +Kasachstan +kasachsch/CZ +Kaschmir +kaschmiirsch/CZ +Katar +Kenia +Khmer +Kikuyu +Kinyarwanda +Kirgisien +kirgiisch/CZ +Kiribati +Kolumbien +Komi +Komoren +Kongo +Korea +koreaansch/CZ +kornisch/CZ +Korsika +korssch/CZ +Kroatien +kroaatsch/CZ +Kuba +Kurdistan +kurdsch/CZ +Kuwait +Kwanjama +Laos +laootsch/CZ +Latienamerika +latienamerikaansch/CZ +latiensch/CZ +Lesotho +Lettland +lettsch/CZ +Libanon +Liberia +Libyen +Liechtensteen +limborgsch/CZ +Lingala +Litauen +litausch/CZ +Luxemborg +luxemborgsch/CZ +Madagaskar +madagass'sch +Makao +Makedonien +makedoonsch/CZ +Malawi +Malayalam +Malaysia +malaiisch/CZ +Malediven +Mali +Malta +malteesch/CZ +Manx +Maori +Marathi +Marokko +Marshallinseln +marschalleesch/CZ +Mauretanien +Mauritius +Mexiko +Mikronesien +Moldawien +moldaawsch/CZ +Monaco +Mongolei +mongoolsch/CZ +Motu +Mosambik +Myanmar +birmaanssch/CZ +Namibia +Nauru +Navajo +Ndebele +Ndonga +Nedderlannen +nedderlannsch/CZ +Nepal +nepaleesch/CZ +Nicaragua +Niegseeland +Niem�nster +Niger +Nigeria +Njandscha +Noordkorea +Norwegen +norweegsch/CZ +Nynorsk +Ogham +okzitaansch/CZ +Oman +Oosttimor +Oriya +Oromo +Ossetien +osseetsch/CZ +�sterriek +Ozeanien +Pakistan +Palau +Pali +Pal�stina +pal�stinensch/CZ +Panama +Pandschab +pandschaabsch/CZ +Papua +Niegguinea +Paraguay +paschtuunsch/CZ +persisch/CZ +Peru +Philippinen +Polen +poolsch/CZ +Polynesien +polyneesch/CZ +Portugal +portugeesch/CZ +provenzaalsch/CZ +Ketschua +Rum�nien +rum��nsch/CZ +Ruanda +Rundi +Russland +russ'sch/CZ +r�toromaansch/CZ +saamsch/CZ +Salomonen +Sambia +Samoa +samoaansch/CZ +Sango +Sanskrit +Sardinien +sardiensch/CZ +San +Marino +S�o +Tom� +un +Pr�ncipe +Saudi +Arabien +Schottland +schottsch/CZ +Senegal +Serbien +Montenegro +serbsch/CZ +serbokroaatsch/CZ +Seychellen +Shona +Sierra +Leone +Simbabwe +Sindhi +singaleesch/CZ +Singapur +slaawsch/CZ +Sleswig +Slowakei +slowaaksch/CZ +Slowenien +sloweensch/CZ +Somali +Somalia +sorbsch/CZ +Spanien +spaansch/CZ +Sotho +Sri +Lanka +St +Kitts +Nevis +Lucia +Vincent +Grenadinen +Sudan +sundaneesch/CZ +Surinam +Swahili +Swati +Swasiland +Sweden +sweedsch/CZ +Swiez +swiezerd��tsch/CZ +Swiezer/L +Syrien +syrsch/CZ +S��dafrika +S��dkorea +Tadschikistan +tadschiiksch/CZ +Tahiti +tahiitsch/CZ +Taiwan +tamielsch/CZ +Tansania +tartaarsch/CZ +Telugu +Tibet +tibeetsch/CZ +Tigrinya +T�rkei +t�rksch/CZ +Thai +Thailand +thailannsch/CZ +Togo +Tonga +Trinidad +un +Tobago +Tschad +Tschechien +tschechsch/CZ +tschetscheensch/CZ +tschuwasch/CZ +Tsonga +Tswana +Tunesien +Turkmenistan +turkmeensch/CZ +Tuvalu +Uganda +uighuursch/CZ +Ukraine +ukrainsch/CZ +Ungarn +ungaarsch/CZ +Urdu +Uruguay +US +USA +Usbekistan +usbeeksch/CZ +Vanuatu +Venda +Venezuela +Vereenigte +Araabsche +Emiraten +Vietnam +vietnameesch/CZ +Volap�k +Wales +waliessch/CZ +walloonsch/CZ +Wittrussland +Wolof +Xhosa +Yoruba +Zaire +Zentraalafrikaansche +Republiek +Zhuang +Zulu +Zypern + + +S�nke +Dibbern +Heiko +Evermann +Volker +Jockheck +Manfred +Wiese + + +Adobe +ASCII +ASpell +Bash +bashrc +BeOS +Bitmap +BMP +BSD +BTS +BZip +CSS +CUPS +DCOP +Debian +DNS +DVI +Emacs +Foomatic +FreeBSD +FTP +Ghostscript +GhostView +GIF +GNOME +GNU +GTK +GZip +HTML +HTTP +ICQ +IBM +IMAP +IO +IP +IRC +ISpell +JavaScript +JPEG +Kate +KDE +KDED +KDesktop +KDiskett +KHTML +Kicker +KMahjongg +KMail +KNode +KNotes +Konqueror/L +KOrganizer +KParts +KPilot +KSplash +KTux +KWeather +KWin +KWrited +KNotify +Konsole +Kontact +KSpell +KWrite +LaTeX +Linux +LPD +LPR +MBox +MC +MIDI +MIME +Mozilla +MPEG +Netscape +OpenGL +OpenOffice +OpenPGP +OS +PDF +Perl +PGP +PHP +png +POP +PostScript +PPC +Python +Qt +RPM +RSH +rsh +RTF +Samba +SGML +Solaris +SQL +SSH +ssh +SSL +StarOffice +SVG +TeX +TIFF +TrueType +UNIX +Unix +UTF +VIM +WAV +Windows +WML +WWW +www +XFree +XHTML +XML +XTerm +Zip +ZModem \ No newline at end of file