Blame description.xml

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<description xmlns="" xmlns:d=""  xmlns:xlink="">
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        You can provide more than one localized version if you like.
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        If no matching locale was found the first one will be displayed.
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        !!! Don't change the values for 'accept-by' or 'suppress-on-update' it  !!!
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        !!! might be troublesome in multi-user installations if no shared-layer !!!
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        !!! installation can be done.
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        <simple-license accept-by="admin" suppress-on-update="false" >
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            <license-text xlink:href="LICENSES-en.txt" lang="en" />
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            <license-text xlink:href="LICENCES-eo.txt" lang="eo" />
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    </registration> -->
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         It will also be used to automatically check if there are updates for this
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         extension available. Newer versions should have higher values. -->
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    <version value="1.0" />
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        In order to avoid name clashes with other extensions it should probably hold
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        your company name or your full name along with the name of the extension in a form like
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        Or  you may use the project name of your submitted extension to start with...
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        For the very same reason they should NOT start with 'org.openoffice'.
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        When choosing the identifier keep in mind that others may provide a dictionary for that
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        very same language as well and even then your identifier still needs to be unique! -->
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    <identifier value="net.ikso.literumilo.hunspell.blahus.2009" />
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        For dictionaries it should show the locales supported
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        and the purpose spell checking and/or hyphenation and/or thesaurus.
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        The display name can be localized and there should be at least one
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        entry for each language it implements and one default English entry.
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        The default entry is the one listed first. -->
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        <name lang="eo">Esperanto-literumilo de E@I</name>
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        <name lang="en">Esperanto spell checker by E@I</name>
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    <platform value="all" />
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         For dictionary extensions that will be ' 3.0' -->
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        < value="3.0" d:name=" 3.0" />
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         you do not need to have this one.
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        <src xlink:href="" />
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    </update-information> -->
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        Otherwise you may like to provide it manually.
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        <name xlink:href="" lang="en">My dictionary extension (en)</name>
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        <name xlink:href="" lang="fr">My dictionary extension (fr)</name>
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    </publisher> -->
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        <name xlink:href="" lang="eo">Marek Blahus (E@I)</name>
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         If not you may provide it manually if you like.         
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        <src xlink:href="" lang="en" />
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        <src xlink:href="" lang="fr" />
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    </release-notes> -->
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