Blame server/util_expr_parse.y

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/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
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 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
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 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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 * limitations under the License.
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/* based on ap_expr_parse.y from mod_ssl */
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/*  _________________________________________________________________
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**  Expression Parser
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**  _________________________________________________________________
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%lex-param   { void *yyscanner }
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%parse-param { ap_expr_parse_ctx_t *ctx }
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#include "util_expr_private.h"
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%union {
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    char      *cpVal;
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    ap_expr_t *exVal;
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    int        num;
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%token  T_TRUE
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%token  T_FALSE
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%token  T_EXPR_BOOL
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%token  <cpVal> T_ERROR
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%token  <cpVal> T_DIGIT
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%token  <cpVal> T_ID
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%token  <cpVal> T_STRING
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%token  <cpVal> T_REGEX
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%token  <cpVal> T_REGEX_I
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%token  <num>   T_REGEX_BACKREF
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%token  <cpVal> T_OP_UNARY
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%token  <cpVal> T_OP_BINARY
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%token  T_STR_BEGIN
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%token  T_STR_END
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%token  T_VAR_BEGIN
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%token  T_VAR_END
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%token  T_OP_EQ
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%token  T_OP_NE
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%token  T_OP_LT
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%token  T_OP_LE
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%token  T_OP_GT
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%token  T_OP_GE
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%token  T_OP_REG
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%token  T_OP_NRE
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%token  T_OP_IN
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%token  T_OP_STR_EQ
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%token  T_OP_STR_NE
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%token  T_OP_STR_LT
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%token  T_OP_STR_LE
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%token  T_OP_STR_GT
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%token  T_OP_STR_GE
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%token  T_OP_CONCAT
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%token  T_OP_OR
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%token  T_OP_AND
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%token  T_OP_NOT
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%right  T_OP_OR
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%right  T_OP_AND
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%right  T_OP_NOT
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%right  T_OP_CONCAT
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%type   <exVal>   expr
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%type   <exVal>   comparison
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%type   <exVal>   strfunccall
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%type   <exVal>   lstfunccall
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%type   <exVal>   regex
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%type   <exVal>   words
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%type   <exVal>   wordlist
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%type   <exVal>   word
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%type   <exVal>   string
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%type   <exVal>   strpart
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%type   <exVal>   var
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%type   <exVal>   backref
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#include "util_expr_private.h"
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#define yyscanner ctx->scanner
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int ap_expr_yylex(YYSTYPE *lvalp, void *scanner);
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root      : T_EXPR_BOOL   expr           { ctx->expr = $2; }
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          | T_EXPR_STRING string         { ctx->expr = $2; }
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          | T_ERROR                      { YYABORT; }
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expr      : T_TRUE                       { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_True,        NULL, NULL, ctx); }
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          | T_FALSE                      { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_False,       NULL, NULL, ctx); }
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          | T_OP_NOT expr                { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_Not,         $2,   NULL, ctx); }
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          | expr T_OP_OR expr            { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_Or,          $1,   $3,   ctx); }
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          | expr T_OP_AND expr           { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_And,         $1,   $3,   ctx); }
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          | comparison                   { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_Comp,        $1,   NULL, ctx); }
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          | T_OP_UNARY word              { $$ = ap_expr_unary_op_make(       $1,   $2,   ctx); }
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          | word T_OP_BINARY word        { $$ = ap_expr_binary_op_make($2,   $1,   $3,   ctx); }
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          | '(' expr ')'                 { $$ = $2; }
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          | T_ERROR                      { YYABORT; }
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comparison: word T_OP_EQ word            { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_EQ,      $1, $3, ctx); }
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          | word T_OP_NE word            { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_NE,      $1, $3, ctx); }
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          | word T_OP_LT word            { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_LT,      $1, $3, ctx); }
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          | word T_OP_LE word            { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_LE,      $1, $3, ctx); }
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          | word T_OP_GT word            { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_GT,      $1, $3, ctx); }
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          | word T_OP_GE word            { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_GE,      $1, $3, ctx); }
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          | word T_OP_STR_EQ word        { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_STR_EQ,  $1, $3, ctx); }
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          | word T_OP_STR_NE word        { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_STR_NE,  $1, $3, ctx); }
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          | word T_OP_STR_LT word        { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_STR_LT,  $1, $3, ctx); }
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          | word T_OP_STR_LE word        { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_STR_LE,  $1, $3, ctx); }
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          | word T_OP_STR_GT word        { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_STR_GT,  $1, $3, ctx); }
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          | word T_OP_STR_GE word        { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_STR_GE,  $1, $3, ctx); }
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          | word T_OP_IN wordlist        { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_IN,      $1, $3, ctx); }
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          | word T_OP_REG regex          { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_REG,     $1, $3, ctx); }
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          | word T_OP_NRE regex          { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_NRE,     $1, $3, ctx); }
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wordlist  : lstfunccall                  { $$ = $1; }
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          | '{' words '}'                { $$ = $2; }
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words     : word                         { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_ListElement, $1, NULL, ctx); }
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          | words ',' word               { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_ListElement, $3, $1,   ctx); }
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string    : string strpart               { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_Concat, $1, $2, ctx); }
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          | strpart                      { $$ = $1; }
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          | T_ERROR                      { YYABORT; }
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strpart   : T_STRING                     { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_String, $1, NULL, ctx); }
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          | var                          { $$ = $1; }
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          | backref                      { $$ = $1; }
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var       : T_VAR_BEGIN T_ID T_VAR_END            { $$ = ap_expr_var_make($2, ctx); }
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          | T_VAR_BEGIN T_ID ':' string T_VAR_END { $$ = ap_expr_str_func_make($2, $4, ctx); }
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word      : T_DIGIT                      { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_Digit,  $1, NULL, ctx); }
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          | word T_OP_CONCAT word        { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_Concat, $1, $3,   ctx); }
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          | var                          { $$ = $1; }
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          | backref                      { $$ = $1; }
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          | strfunccall                  { $$ = $1; }
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          | T_STR_BEGIN string T_STR_END { $$ = $2; }
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          | T_STR_BEGIN T_STR_END        { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_String, "", NULL, ctx); }
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regex     : T_REGEX {
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                ap_regex_t *regex;
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                if ((regex = ap_pregcomp(ctx->pool, $1,
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                                         AP_REG_EXTENDED|AP_REG_NOSUB)) == NULL) {
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                    ctx->error = "Failed to compile regular expression";
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                $$ = ap_expr_make(op_Regex, regex, NULL, ctx);
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          | T_REGEX_I {
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                ap_regex_t *regex;
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                if ((regex = ap_pregcomp(ctx->pool, $1,
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                                         AP_REG_EXTENDED|AP_REG_NOSUB|AP_REG_ICASE)) == NULL) {
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                    ctx->error = "Failed to compile regular expression";
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                $$ = ap_expr_make(op_Regex, regex, NULL, ctx);
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backref     : T_REGEX_BACKREF   {
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                int *n = apr_palloc(ctx->pool, sizeof(int));
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                *n = $1;
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                $$ = ap_expr_make(op_RegexBackref, n, NULL, ctx);
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lstfunccall : T_ID '(' word ')' { $$ = ap_expr_list_func_make($1, $3, ctx); }
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strfunccall : T_ID '(' word ')' { $$ = ap_expr_str_func_make($1, $3, ctx); }
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void yyerror(ap_expr_parse_ctx_t *ctx, const char *s)
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    /* s is allocated on the stack */
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    ctx->error = apr_pstrdup(ctx->ptemp, s);
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