# comment [table] key = "value - #" # " comment " lines = ''' multi lines ''' [tabel] #comment date = 1979-05-27T00:32:00.999999-07:00 #date int = 1_000 float = 6.626e-34 hex = 0xDEADBEEF oct = 0o012345 bin = 0b11010110 inf = inf # positive infinity [[more.complex."array#"]] "key" = "text" multi_line_array = [ "]", # ] commmet ] ="no key name" #not allowed [...fasd...] # INVALID [a.] # INVALID [a..b] # INVALID [.b] # INVALID [.] # INVALID [error] if you didn't catch this, your parser is broken key = # INVALID string = "after value error" like this array = [ "This might most likely happen in multiline arrays", Like here, "or here, and here" ] End of array comment, forgot the # number = 3.14 pi <--again forgot the #