Text Blame History Raw

These are some addresses: http://www.gnome.org/ and https://www.gnome.org/ and git://git.gnome.org/gtksourceview and ssh://USERNAME@git.gnome.org/git/gtksourceview and gnome-list@gnome.org is the last one.


 - First ``literal`` Item
 - Second **bold** Item
   - Subitem `interpreted`
 - Third *emphasis* Item

This is a sentence with a `http-link <http://www.wikipedia.org/>`_, a `https-link <https://www.gnome.org/>`_, and a footnote [#]_.

.. image:: images/example.png
    :height: 100px
    :width: 100 px

| A line block
> A quote block


        This is a block that will be shown.

.. This is a comment and will not be shown.

.. math::

  \lambda = \lambda_{0} + \arctan \left[ \frac{x}{-y} \right]