Blame gtksourceview/gtksourcecompletioncontext.c

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/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8; coding: utf-8 -*- *
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 * gtksourcecompletioncontext.c
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 * This file is part of GtkSourceView
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 * Copyright (C) 2009 - Jesse van den Kieboom <>
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 * GtkSourceView is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
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 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
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 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
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 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
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 * GtkSourceView is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
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 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
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 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
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 * SECTION:completioncontext
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 * @title: GtkSourceCompletionContext
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 * @short_description: The context of a completion
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 * Initially, the completion window is hidden. For a completion to occur, it has
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 * to be activated. The different possible activations are listed in
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 * #GtkSourceCompletionActivation. When an activation occurs, a
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 * #GtkSourceCompletionContext object is created, and the eligible providers are
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 * asked to add proposals with gtk_source_completion_context_add_proposals().
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 * If no proposals are added, the completion window remains hidden, and the
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 * context is destroyed.
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 * On the other hand, if proposals are added, the completion window becomes
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 * visible, and the user can choose a proposal. If the user is not happy with
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 * the shown proposals, he or she can insert or delete characters, to modify the
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 * completion context and therefore hoping to see the proposal he or she wants.
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 * This means that when an insertion or deletion occurs in the #GtkTextBuffer
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 * when the completion window is visible, the eligible providers are again asked
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 * to add proposals. The #GtkSourceCompletionContext:activation remains the
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 * same in this case.
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 * When the completion window is hidden, the interactive completion is triggered
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 * only on insertion in the buffer, not on deletion. Once the completion window
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 * is visible, then on each insertion or deletion, there is a new population and
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 * the providers are asked to add proposals. If there are no more proposals, the
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 * completion window disappears. So if you want to keep the completion window
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 * visible, but there are no proposals, you can insert a dummy proposal named
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 * "No proposals". For example, the user types progressively the name of
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 * a function, and some proposals appear. The user types a bad character and
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 * there are no proposals anymore. What the user wants is to delete the last
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 * character, and see the previous proposals. If the completion window
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 * disappears, the previous proposals will not reappear on the character
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 * deletion.
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 * A #GtkTextIter is associated with the context, this is where the completion
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 * takes place. With this #GtkTextIter, you can get the associated
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 * #GtkTextBuffer with gtk_text_iter_get_buffer().
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#include <config.h>
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#include "gtksourcecompletioncontext.h"
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#include "gtksourceview-enumtypes.h"
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#include "gtksourcecompletionprovider.h"
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#include "gtksourceview-i18n.h"
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#include "gtksourcecompletion.h"
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struct _GtkSourceCompletionContextPrivate
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	GtkSourceCompletion *completion;
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	GtkTextMark *mark;
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	GtkSourceCompletionActivation activation;
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static guint context_signals[N_SIGNALS];
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G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE (GtkSourceCompletionContext, gtk_source_completion_context, G_TYPE_INITIALLY_UNOWNED)
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static void
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gtk_source_completion_context_dispose (GObject *object)
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	GtkSourceCompletionContext *context = GTK_SOURCE_COMPLETION_CONTEXT (object);
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	if (context->priv->mark != NULL)
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		GtkTextBuffer *buffer = gtk_text_mark_get_buffer (context->priv->mark);
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		if (buffer != NULL)
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			gtk_text_buffer_delete_mark (buffer, context->priv->mark);
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		g_object_unref (context->priv->mark);
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		context->priv->mark = NULL;
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	g_clear_object (&context->priv->completion);
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	G_OBJECT_CLASS (gtk_source_completion_context_parent_class)->dispose (object);
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static void
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set_iter (GtkSourceCompletionContext *context,
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	  GtkTextIter                *iter)
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	GtkTextBuffer *buffer;
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	buffer = gtk_text_iter_get_buffer (iter);
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	if (context->priv->mark != NULL)
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		GtkTextBuffer *old_buffer;
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		old_buffer = gtk_text_mark_get_buffer (context->priv->mark);
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		if (old_buffer != buffer)
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			g_object_unref (context->priv->mark);
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			context->priv->mark = NULL;
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	if (context->priv->mark == NULL)
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		context->priv->mark = gtk_text_buffer_create_mark (buffer, NULL, iter, FALSE);
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		g_object_ref (context->priv->mark);
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		gtk_text_buffer_move_mark (buffer, context->priv->mark, iter);
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	g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (context), "iter");
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static void
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gtk_source_completion_context_set_property (GObject      *object,
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                                            guint         prop_id,
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                                            const GValue *value,
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                                            GParamSpec   *pspec)
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	GtkSourceCompletionContext *context = GTK_SOURCE_COMPLETION_CONTEXT (object);
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	switch (prop_id)
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			context->priv->completion = g_value_dup_object (value);
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		case PROP_ITER:
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			set_iter (context, g_value_get_boxed (value));
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			context->priv->activation = g_value_get_flags (value);
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			G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
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static void
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gtk_source_completion_context_get_property (GObject    *object,
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                                            guint       prop_id,
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                                            GValue     *value,
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                                            GParamSpec *pspec)
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	GtkSourceCompletionContext *context = GTK_SOURCE_COMPLETION_CONTEXT (object);
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	switch (prop_id)
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			g_value_set_object (value, context->priv->completion);
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		case PROP_ITER:
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				GtkTextIter iter;
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				if (gtk_source_completion_context_get_iter (context, &iter))
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					g_value_set_boxed (value, &iter);
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			g_value_set_flags (value, context->priv->activation);
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			G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec);
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static void
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gtk_source_completion_context_class_init (GtkSourceCompletionContextClass *klass)
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	GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
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	object_class->set_property = gtk_source_completion_context_set_property;
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	object_class->get_property = gtk_source_completion_context_get_property;
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	object_class->dispose = gtk_source_completion_context_dispose;
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	 * GtkSourceCompletionContext::cancelled:
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	 * Emitted when the current population of proposals has been cancelled.
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	 * Providers adding proposals asynchronously should connect to this signal
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	 * to know when to cancel running proposal queries.
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	context_signals[CANCELLED] =
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		g_signal_new ("cancelled",
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		              G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (klass),
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		              G_STRUCT_OFFSET (GtkSourceCompletionContextClass, cancelled),
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		              NULL, NULL, NULL,
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		              G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
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	 * GtkSourceCompletionContext:completion:
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	 * The #GtkSourceCompletion associated with the context.
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	g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
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	                                 g_param_spec_object ("completion",
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	                                                      "The completion object to which the context belongs",
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	                                                      G_PARAM_READWRITE |
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	 * GtkSourceCompletionContext:iter:
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	 * The #GtkTextIter at which the completion is invoked.
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	g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
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					 g_param_spec_boxed ("iter",
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							     "The GtkTextIter at which the completion was invoked",
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							     G_PARAM_READWRITE |
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	 * GtkSourceCompletionContext:activation:
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	 * The completion activation
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	g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
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	                                 g_param_spec_flags ("activation",
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	                                                     "The type of activation",
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	                                                     G_PARAM_READWRITE |
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							     G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT |
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static void
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gtk_source_completion_context_init (GtkSourceCompletionContext *context)
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	context->priv = gtk_source_completion_context_get_instance_private (context);
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 * gtk_source_completion_context_add_proposals:
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 * @context: a #GtkSourceCompletionContext.
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 * @provider: a #GtkSourceCompletionProvider.
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 * @proposals: (nullable) (element-type GtkSource.CompletionProposal): The list of proposals to add.
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 * @finished: Whether the provider is finished adding proposals.
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 * Providers can use this function to add proposals to the completion. They
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 * can do so asynchronously by means of the @finished argument. Providers must
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 * ensure that they always call this function with @finished set to %TRUE
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 * once each population (even if no proposals need to be added).
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 * Population occurs when the gtk_source_completion_provider_populate()
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 * function is called.
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gtk_source_completion_context_add_proposals (GtkSourceCompletionContext  *context,
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                                             GtkSourceCompletionProvider *provider,
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                                             GList                       *proposals,
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                                             gboolean                     finished)
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	g_return_if_fail (GTK_SOURCE_IS_COMPLETION_CONTEXT (context));
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	g_return_if_fail (GTK_SOURCE_IS_COMPLETION_PROVIDER (provider));
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	_gtk_source_completion_add_proposals (context->priv->completion,
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 * gtk_source_completion_context_get_iter:
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 * @context: a #GtkSourceCompletionContext.
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 * @iter: (out): a #GtkTextIter.
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 * Get the iter at which the completion was invoked. Providers can use this
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 * to determine how and if to match proposals.
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 * Returns: %TRUE if @iter is correctly set, %FALSE otherwise.
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gtk_source_completion_context_get_iter (GtkSourceCompletionContext *context,
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                                        GtkTextIter                *iter)
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	GtkTextBuffer *mark_buffer;
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	GtkSourceView *view;
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	GtkTextBuffer *completion_buffer;
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	g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_SOURCE_IS_COMPLETION_CONTEXT (context), FALSE);
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	if (context->priv->mark == NULL)
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		/* This should never happen: context should be always be created
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		   providing a position iter */
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		g_warning ("Completion context without mark");
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		return FALSE;
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	mark_buffer = gtk_text_mark_get_buffer (context->priv->mark);
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	if (mark_buffer == NULL)
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		return FALSE;
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	view = gtk_source_completion_get_view (context->priv->completion);
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	if (view == NULL)
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		return FALSE;
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	completion_buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (view));
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	if (completion_buffer != mark_buffer)
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		return FALSE;
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	gtk_text_buffer_get_iter_at_mark (mark_buffer, iter, context->priv->mark);
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	return TRUE;
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 * gtk_source_completion_context_get_activation:
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 * @context: a #GtkSourceCompletionContext.
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 * Get the context activation.
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 * Returns: The context activation.
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gtk_source_completion_context_get_activation (GtkSourceCompletionContext *context)
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	g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_SOURCE_IS_COMPLETION_CONTEXT (context),
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	return context->priv->activation;
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_gtk_source_completion_context_cancel (GtkSourceCompletionContext *context)
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	g_return_if_fail (GTK_SOURCE_IS_COMPLETION_CONTEXT (context));
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	g_signal_emit (context, context_signals[CANCELLED], 0);
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GtkSourceCompletionContext *
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_gtk_source_completion_context_new (GtkSourceCompletion *completion,
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				    GtkTextIter         *position)
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	g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_SOURCE_IS_COMPLETION (completion), NULL);
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	g_return_val_if_fail (position != NULL, NULL);
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	                     "completion", completion,
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	                     "iter", position,
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