Blame docs/text_widget.txt

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Date: Sun, 14 Sep 1997 20:17:06 -0700 (PDT)
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From: Josh MacDonald <jmacd@CS.Berkeley.EDU>
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Subject: [gtk-list] gtktext widget internal documentation
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Pete convinced me to just write up the text widget and let someone else
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finish it.  I'm pretty busy and have other commitments now.  Sorry.  I think
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I'm not the most qualified for some of the remaining work anyway, because I
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don't really know Gtk and it's event model very well.  Most of the work so 
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far was possible without knowing Gtk all that well, it was simply a data 
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structure exercise (though after reading this you might say it was a fairly
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complicated data structure exercise).  I'm happy to answer questions.
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High level description:
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There are several layers of data structure to the widget.  They are
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separated from each other as much as possible.  The first is a gapped
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text segment similar to the data structure Emacs uses for representing
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text.  Then there is a property list, which stores text properties for
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various ranges of text.  There is no direct relation between the text
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property list and the gapped text segment.  Finally there is a drawn
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line parameter cache to speed calculations when drawing and redrawing
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lines on screen.  In addition to these data structures, there are
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structures to help iterate over text in the buffer.
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The gapped text segment is quite simple.  It's parameters are (all
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parameters I mention here are in the structure GtkText):
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  guchar* text;
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  guint text_len;
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  guint gap_position;
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  guint gap_size;
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  guint text_end;
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TEXT is the buffer, TEXT_LEN is its allocated length.  TEXT_END is the
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length of the text, including the gap.  GAP_POSITION is the start of
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the gap, and GAP_SIZE is the gap's length.  Therefore, TEXT_END -
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GAP_SIZE is the length of the text in the buffer.  The macro
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TEXT_LENGTH returns this value.  To get the value of a character in
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the buffer, use the macro TEXT_INDEX(TEXT,INDEX).  This macro tests
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whether the index is less than the GAP_POSITION and returns
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TEXT[INDEX] or returns TEXT[GAP_SIZE+INDEX].  The function
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MOVE_GAP_TO_POINT positions the gap to a particular index.  The
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function MAKE_FORWARD_SPACE lengthens the gap to provide room for a
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certain number of characters.
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The property list is a doubly linked list (GList) of text property
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data for each contiguous set of characters with similar properties.
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The data field of the GList points to a TextProperty structure, which
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  TextFont* font;
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  GdkColor* back_color;
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  GdkColor* fore_color;
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  guint length;
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Currently, only font and color data are contained in the property
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list, but it can be extended by modifying the INSERT_TEXT_PROPERTY,
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TEXT_PROPERTIES_EQUAL, and a few other procedures.  The text property
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structure does not contain an absolute offset, only a length.  As a
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result, inserting a character into the buffer simply requires moving
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the gap to the correct position, making room in the buffer, and either
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inserting a new property or extending the old one.  This logic is done
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by INSERT_TEXT_PROPERTY.  A similar procedure exists to delete from
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the text property list, DELETE_TEXT_PROPERTY.  Since the property
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structure doesn't contain an offset, insertion into the list is an
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O(1) operation.  All such operations act on the insertion point, which
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is the POINT field of the GtkText structure.
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The GtkPropertyMark structure is used for keeping track of the mapping
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between absolute buffer offsets and positions in the property list.
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These will be referred to as property marks.  Generally, there are
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four property marks the system keeps track of.  Two are trivial, the
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beginning and the end of the buffer are easy to find.  The other two
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are the insertion point (POINT) and the cursor point (CURSOR_MARK).
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All operations on the text buffer are done using a property mark as a
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sort of cursor to keep track of the alignment of the property list and
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the absolute buffer offset.  The GtkPropertyMark structure contains:
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  GList* property;
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  guint offset;
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  guint index;
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PROPERTY is a pointer at the current property list element.  INDEX is
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the absolute buffer index, and OFFSET is the offset of INDEX from the
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beginning of PROPERTY.  It is essential to keep property marks valid,
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or else you will have the wrong text properties at each property mark
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transition.  An important point is that all property marks are invalid
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after a buffer modification unless care is taken to keep them
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accurate.  That is the difficulty of the insert and delete operations,
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because as the next section describes, line data is cached and by
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necessity contains text property marks.  The functions for operating
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and computing property marks are:
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 void advance_mark     (GtkPropertyMark* mark);
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 void decrement_mark   (GtkPropertyMark* mark);
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 void advance_mark_n   (GtkPropertyMark* mark, gint n);
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 void decrement_mark_n (GtkPropertyMark* mark, gint n);
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 void move_mark_n      (GtkPropertyMark* mark, gint n);
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 GtkPropertyMark find_mark      (GtkText* text, guint mark_position);
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 GtkPropertyMark find_mark_near (GtkText* text, guint mark_position,
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                                 const GtkPropertyMark* near);
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ADVANCE_MARK and DECREMENT_MARK modify the mark by plus or minus one
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buffer index.  ADVANCE_MARK_N and DECREMENT_MARK_N modify the mark by
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plus or minus N indices.  MOVE_MARK_N accepts a positive or negative
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argument.  FIND_MARK returns a mark at MARK_POSITION using a linear
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search from the nearest known property mark (the beginning, the end,
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the point, etc).  FIND_MARK_NEAR also does a linear search, but
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searches from the NEAR argument.  A number of macros exist at the top
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of the file for doing things like getting the current text property,
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or some component of the current property.  See the MARK_* macros.
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Next there is a LineParams structure which contains all the
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information necessary to draw one line of text on screen.  When I say
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"line" here, I do not mean one line of text separated by newlines,
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rather I mean one row of text on screen.  It is a matter of policy how
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visible lines are chosen and there are currently two policies,
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line-wrap and no-line-wrap.  I suspect it would not be difficult to
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implement new policies for doing such things as justification.  The
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LineParams structure includes the following fields:
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  guint font_ascent;
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  guint font_descent;
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  guint pixel_width;
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  guint displayable_chars;
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  guint wraps : 1;
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  PrevTabCont tab_cont;
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  PrevTabCont tab_cont_next;
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  GtkPropertyMark start;
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  GtkPropertyMark end;
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FONT_ASCENT and FONT_DESCENT are the maximum ascent and descent of any
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character in the line.  PIXEL_WIDTH is the number of pixels wide the
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drawn region is, though I don't think it's actually being used
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currently.  You may wish to remove this field, eventually, though I
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suspect it will come in handy implementing horizontal scrolling.
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DISPLAYABLE_CHARS is the number of characters in the line actually
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drawn.  This may be less than the number of characters in the line
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when line wrapping is off (see below).  The bitflag WRAPS tells
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whether the next line is a continuation of this line.  START and END
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are the marks at the beginning and end of the line.  Note that END is
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the actual last character, not one past it, so the smallest line
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(containing, for example, one newline) has START == END.  TAB_CONT and
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TAB_CONT_NEXT are for computation of tab positions.  I will discuss
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them later.
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A point about the end of the buffer.  You may be tempted to consider
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working with the buffer as an array of length TEXT_LENGTH(TEXT), but
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you have to be careful that the editor allows you to position your
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cursor at the last index of the buffer, one past the last character.
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The macro LAST_INDEX(TEXT, MARK) returns true if MARK is positioned at
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this index.  If you see or add a special case in the code for this
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end-of-buffer case, make sure to use LAST_INDEX if you can.  Very
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often, the last index is treated as a newline.
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[ One way the last index is special is that, although it is always
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  part of some property, it will never be part of a property of
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  length 1 unless there are no other characters in the text. That
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  is, its properties are always that of the preceding character,
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  if any.
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  There is a fair bit of special case code to maintain this condition -
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  which is needed so that user has control over the properties of
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  characters inserted at the last position. OWT 2/9/98 ]
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Tab stops are variable width.  A list of tab stops is contained in the
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GtkText structure:
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  GList *tab_stops;
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  gint default_tab_width;
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The elements of tab_stops are integers casted to gpointer.  This is a
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little bogus, but works.  For example:
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  text->default_tab_width = 4;
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  text->tab_stops = NULL;
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  text->tab_stops = g_list_prepend (text->tab_stops, (void*)8);
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  text->tab_stops = g_list_prepend (text->tab_stops, (void*)8);
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is how these fields are initialized, currently.  This means that the
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first two tabs occur at 8 and 16, and every 4 characters thereafter.
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Tab stops are used in the computation of line geometry (to fill in a
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LineParams structure), and the width of the space character in the
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current font is used.  The PrevTabCont structure, of which two are
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stored per line, is used to compute the geometry of lines which may
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have wrapped and carried part of a tab with them:
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  guint pixel_offset;
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  TabStopMark tab_start;
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PIXEL_OFFSET is the number of pixels at which the line should start,
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and tab_start is a tab stop mark, which is similar to a property mark,
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only it keeps track of the mapping between line position (column) and
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the next tab stop.  A TabStopMark contains:
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  GList* tab_stops;
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  gint to_next_tab;
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TAB_STOPS is a pointer into the TAB_STOPS field of the GtkText
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structure.  TO_NEXT_TAB is the number of characters before the next
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tab.  The functions ADVANCE_TAB_MARK and ADVANCE_TAB_MARK_N advance
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these marks.  The LineParams structure contains two PrevTabCont
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structures, which each contain a tab stop.  The first (TAB_CONT) is
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for computing the beginning pixel offset, as mentioned above.  The
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second (TAB_CONT_NEXT) is used to initialize the TAB_CONT field of the
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next line if it wraps.
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Since computing the parameters of a line are fairly complicated, I
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have one interface that should be all you ever need to figure out
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something about a line.  The function FIND_LINE_PARAMS computes the
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parameters of a single line.  The function LINE_PARAMS_ITERATE is used
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for computing the properties of some number (> 0) of sequential lines.
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line_params_iterate (GtkText* text,
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		     const GtkPropertyMark* mark0,
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		     const PrevTabCont* tab_mark0,
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		     gboolean alloc,
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		     gpointer data,
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		     LineIteratorFunction iter);
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where LineIteratorFunction is:
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typedef gint (*LineIteratorFunction) (GtkText* text,
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                                      LineParams* lp,
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                                      gpointer data);
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The arguments are a text widget (TEXT), the property mark at the
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beginning of the first line (MARK0), the tab stop mark at the
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beginning of that line (TAB_MARK0), whether to heap-allocate the
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LineParams structure (ALLOC), some client data (DATA), and a function
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to call with the parameters of each line.  TAB_MARK0 may be NULL, but
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if so MARK0 MUST BE A REAL LINE START (not a continued line start; it
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is preceded by a newline).  If TAB_MARK0 is not NULL, MARK0 may be any
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line start (continued or not).  See the code for examples.  The
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function ITER is called with each LineParams computed.  If ALLOC was
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true, LINE_PARAMS_ITERATE heap-allocates the LineParams and does not
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free them.  Otherwise, no storage is permanently allocated.  ITER
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should return TRUE when it wishes to continue no longer.
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There are currently two uses of LINE_PARAMS_ITERATE:
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* Compute the total buffer height for setting the parameters of the
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  scroll bars.  This is done in SET_VERTICAL_SCROLL each time the
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  window is resized.  When horizontal scrolling is added, depending on
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  the policy chosen, the max line width can be computed here as well.
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* Computing geometry of some pixel height worth of lines.  This is
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The GtkText structure contains a cache of the LineParams data for all
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visible lines:
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  GList *current_line;
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  GList *line_start_cache;
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  guint first_line_start_index;
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  guint first_cut_pixels;
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  guint first_onscreen_hor_pixel;
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  guint first_onscreen_ver_pixel;
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LINE_START_CACHE is a doubly linked list of LineParams.  CURRENT_LINE
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is a transient piece of data which is set in various places such as
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the mouse click code.  Generally, it is the line on which the cursor
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property mark CURSOR_MARK is on.  LINE_START_CACHE points to the first
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visible line and may contain PREV pointers if the cached data of
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offscreen lines is kept around.  I haven't come up with a policy.  The
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cache can keep more lines than are visible if desired, but the result
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is that inserts and deletes will then become slower as the entire
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cache has to be "corrected".  Right now it doesn't delete from the
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cache (it should).  As a result, scrolling through the whole buffer
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once will fill the cache with an entry for each line, and subsequent
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modifications will be slower than they should
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be. FIRST_LINE_START_INDEX is the index of the *REAL* line start of
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the first line.  That is, if the first visible line is a continued
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line, this is the index of the real line start (preceded by a
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newline).  FIRST_CUT_PIXELS is the number of pixels which are not
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drawn on the first visible line.  If FIRST_CUT_PIXELS is zero, the
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whole line is visible.  FIRST_ONSCREEN_HOR_PIXEL is not used.
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FIRST_ONSCREEN_VER_PIXEL is the absolute pixel which starts the
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visible region.  This is used for setting the vertical scroll bar.
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Other miscellaneous things in the GtkText structure:
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Gtk specific things:
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  GtkWidget widget;
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  GdkWindow *text_area;
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  GtkAdjustment *hadj;
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  GtkAdjustment *vadj;
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  GdkGC *gc;
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  GdkPixmap* line_wrap_bitmap;
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  GdkPixmap* line_arrow_bitmap;
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These are pretty self explanatory, especially if you know Gtk.
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LINE_WRAP_BITMAP and LINE_ARROW_BITMAP are two bitmaps used to
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indicate that a line wraps and is continued offscreen, respectively.
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Some flags:
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  guint has_cursor : 1;
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  guint is_editable : 1;
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  guint line_wrap : 1;
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  guint freeze : 1;
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  guint has_selection : 1;
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  guint own_selection : 1;
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HAS_CURSOR is true iff the cursor is visible.  IS_EDITABLE is true iff
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the user is allowed to modify the buffer.  If IS_EDITABLE is false,
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HAS_CURSOR is guaranteed to be false.  If IS_EDITABLE is true,
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HAS_CURSOR starts out false and is set to true the first time the user
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clicks in the window.  LINE_WRAP is where the line-wrap policy is
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set.  True means wrap lines, false means continue lines offscreen,
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The text properties list:
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  GList *text_properties;
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  GList *text_properties_end;
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A scratch area used for constructing a contiguous piece of the buffer
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which may otherwise span the gap.  It is not strictly necessary
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but simplifies the drawing code because it does not need to deal with
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the gap.
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  guchar* scratch_buffer;
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  guint   scratch_buffer_len;
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The last vertical scrollbar position.  Currently this looks the same
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as FIRST_ONSCREEN_VER_PIXEL.  I can't remember why I have two values.
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Perhaps someone should clean this up.
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  gint last_ver_value;
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The cursor:
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  gint            cursor_pos_x;
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  gint            cursor_pos_y;
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  GtkPropertyMark cursor_mark;
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  gchar           cursor_char;
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  gchar           cursor_char_offset;
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  gint            cursor_virtual_x;
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  gint            cursor_drawn_level;
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CURSOR_POS_X and CURSOR_POS_Y are the screen coordinates of the
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cursor.  CURSOR_MARK is the buffer position.  CURSOR_CHAR is
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TEXT_INDEX (TEXT, CURSOR_MARK.INDEX) if a drawable character, or 0 if
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it is whitespace, which is treated specially.  CURSOR_CHAR_OFFSET is
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the pixel offset above the base of the line at which it should be
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drawn.  Note that the base of the line is not the "baseline" in the
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traditional font metric sense.  A line (LineParams) is
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"baseline" is FONT_DESCENT below the base of the line.  I think this
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requires a drawing.
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0                      AAAAAAA
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1                      AAAAAAA
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2                     AAAAAAAAA
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3                     AAAAAAAAA
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4                    AAAAA AAAAA
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5                    AAAAA AAAAA
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6                   AAAAA   AAAAA
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7                  AAAAA     AAAAA
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8                  AAAAA     AAAAA
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9                 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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10                AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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11               AAAAA         AAAAA
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12               AAAAA         AAAAA
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13              AAAAAA         AAAAAA
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This line is 20 pixels high, has FONT_ASCENT=14, FONT_DESCENT=6.  It's
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"base" is at y=20.  Characters are drawn at y=14.  The LINE_START
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macro returns the pixel height.  The LINE_CONTAINS macro is true if
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the line contains a certain buffer index.  The LINE_STARTS_AT macro is
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true if the line starts at a certain buffer index.  The
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LINE_START_PIXEL is the pixel offset the line should be drawn at,
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according the the tab continuation of the previous line.
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Exposure and drawing:
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Exposure is handled from the EXPOSE_TEXT function.  It assumes that
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the LINE_START_CACHE and all its parameters are accurate and simply
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exposes any line which is in the exposure region.  It calls the
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CLEAR_AREA function to clear the background and/or lay down a pixmap
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background.  The text widget has a scrollable pixmap background, which
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is implemented in CLEAR_AREA.  CLEAR_AREA does the math to figure out
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how to tile the pixmap itself so that it can scroll the text with a
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copy area call.  If the CURSOR argument to EXPOSE_TEXT is true, it
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also draws the cursor.
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The function DRAW_LINE draws a single line, doing all the tab and
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color computations necessary.  The function DRAW_LINE_WRAP draws the
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line wrap bitmap at the end of the line if it wraps.  TEXT_EXPOSE will
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expand the cached line data list if it has to by calling
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and undraw the cursor.  They count the number of draws and undraws so
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that the cursor may be undrawn even if the cursor is already undrawn
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and the re-draw will not occur too early.  This is useful in handling
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Handling of the cursor is a little messed up, I should add.  It has to
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be undrawn and drawn at various places.  Something better needs to be
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done about this, because it currently doesn't do the right thing in
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certain places.  I can't remember where very well.  Look for the calls
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RECOMPUTE_GEOMETRY is called when the geometry of the window changes
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or when it is first drawn.  This is probably not done right.  My
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biggest weakness in writing this code is that I've never written a
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widget before so I got most of the event handling stuff wrong as far
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as Gtk is concerned.  Fortunately, most of the code is unrelated and
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simply an exercise in data structure manipulation.
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Scrolling is fairly straightforward.  It looks at the top line, and
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advances it pixel by pixel until the FIRST_CUT_PIXELS equals the line
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height and then advances the LINE_START_CACHE.  When it runs out of
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lines it fetches more.  The function SCROLL_INT is used to scroll from
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inside the code, it calls the appropriate functions and handles
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updating the scroll bars.  It dispatches a change event which causes
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Gtk to call the correct scroll action, which then enters SCROLL_UP or
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SCROLL_DOWN.  Careful with the cursor during these changes.
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Insertion, deletion:
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There's some confusion right now over what to do with the cursor when
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it's offscreen due to scrolling.  This is a policy decision.  I don't
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know what's best.  Spencer criticized me for forcing it to stay
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onscreen.  It shouldn't be hard to make stuff work with the cursor
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Currently I've got functions to do insertion and deletion of a single
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character.  It's fairly complicated.  In order to do efficient pasting
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into the buffer, or write code that modifies the buffer while the
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buffer is drawn, it needs to do multiple characters at at time.  This
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is the hardest part of what remains.  Currently, gtk_text_insert does
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not re-expose the modified lines.  It needs to.  Pete did this wrong at
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one point and I disabled modification completely, I don't know what
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the current state of things are.  The functions
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Here's pseudo code for insert.  Delete is quite similar.
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  insert character into the buffer
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  update the text property list
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  move the point
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  undraw the cursor
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  correct all LineParams cache entries after the insertion point
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  compute the new height of the modified line
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  compare with the old height of the modified line
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  remove the old LineParams from the cache
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  insert the new LineParams into the cache
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  if the lines are of different height, do a copy area to move the
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    area below the insertion down
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  expose the current line
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  update the cursor mark
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  redraw the cursor
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What needs to be done:
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Horizontal scrolling, robustness, testing, selection handling.  If you
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want to work in the text widget pay attention to the debugging
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facilities I've written at the end of gtktext.c.  I'm sorry I waited
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so long to try and pass this off.  I'm super busy with school and
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work, and when I have free time my highest priority is another version
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of PRCS.
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Feel free to ask me questions.